xt7z610vs312 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vs312/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1991 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Media Guides (Women) University of Kentucky women's basketball (Lady Kats) facts book, 1990-1991 text University of Kentucky women's basketball (Lady Kats) facts book, 1990-1991 1991 1991 2014 true xt7z610vs312 section xt7z610vs312 4____ 4 __,__4_4 .-. ..,. 4- -..- 4 — V · Y ’  
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{ KA °  500/H ~ . `0 .~`  I`   _;_,} H      . :   Stacy M°'"‘Y'°» t
` ,_   1 "”    ‘;`AYf"? Kristi Cushenberry, 2
A AAA   A   A Tracye Davis,  
Head Coach: Sharon Fanning _, Q A ,.   A · pk Iamre Hvbgcnd (
(Tennessee·Chattanooga, 1975) . V ) (WA     . :3; g
268-168 overall (14 seasons); A  { )(V»)*_;;“l·A AA U   ·.  ·   Not shown:  
49-39 at Kentucky (3 seasons), I .`  .9 A ;   {  _· g _Q      ‘ - * ,J Rebekah Reasor -  
A ** 219-129 prior to UK-11 A ’ g   ..   { J `  V' _ A {
Assistant Coaches: lerry McLaughlin   ' ii , J   }\ _   r H `( all
.   ~;· ··1~V. ( ‘ ¤*r . . *
. (Flagler College, 1977) . ___ ___,   ___c.__ A   . Lé  ( A A _ A . A}
V Karen Booker (Vanderbilt, 1987) %     a. ,. `  Ago   A ;   ,  E;
·  {     .2 A y ·· \_  {H1 K ‘ (EV , r. ° I . .‘fE$?§i]]§{K0T
Graduate Assistants: Ilene Hauser ‘   * - - e V     ·~   €     y    ¤,- 3  
<•¤¤•·¤$*¤*¢»199°>·l·¤¤¤#¤¤¤·¤¤¤ —7,77 ‘*"    t.r,t . . .. . .     ,s,, -  A  .   .,r; . ssrra  
¢ (Midwestern, 1987) V V   " I ` I “     i`°V   '‘''   ```)``` I °'‘i` I   [   _` ,‘si 5   AC7, *§iZ:Vj·T» 
. V ;.   .:. y; — .,·;.; V   .:·e:,.,;*.-V , ;:. —,   ¤`.1· ·. .·..:,_=.\   
A Sports Information Contact: Gail   SOPHOMORE ~ .`   iiiri   `     . 
A A Dent (606) 257-3838 (O) A   PLAYERS A;] V - ` B  Q .  
(606) 272-5703 (H) V   .   N W I T   ja
; Rena Vicini (606) 257-3838 (O)   I--R= .   · · · ·   i
V   Z~1’,e’1 .;.(V¤-Ll "\     :
A (606) 278-7773 (H)   vaurm Lemma -   A H [ *4 P 1,, A A   Lsrr 1
`   H ( Cathy Proctor ffl     ‘ "  I )9 `° T    f H   ]
. .,,,   .. . 1989-90 Record: 23-8 overall; 3-7 V W Mh Daniel     H _   :-s» H    H.
', ‘..t*,_A,    . :1* $7;   " _ A {   —\ A   ./ ,     A
L; _,;;A   SEC (8th place finish)   Iocewn Mms   V AA  ) Am, ) * naur   vxxwmx   
AAAA    A. A,;;?{§A£Ah:_AAiA   'AA 'r,EAAAAAAA¤A)( RAF .. 4     A   . 
  Postseason tournaments:SEC-Lost to         j { .5:  all  6 V!     RAKR A 
  Florida in the first round (70-54);         AA’A_ A _  A  .—-i ( ` _     V     E. 
i _A·.A g Ajj   A—_* NWIT-Beat Maine (76-66), Miami   1-AHA     *  V   ii  H (   ‘
  ·4r. `   (80·68)¤¤¢l T¤l¢*l°(85·76) *° gi;  _ ·   -. x0    _  A     ‘   Y
  win the championship     — AA: H;   ‘   _g;;xA_  _,   g   .
·;$,E?,;  »,:¢q·K·3r=E* :_¤e;,··.¤§   H V jg g;.   gc A E;. 5  " - .. · ·      jc   ifs}?  
    H       Z     g     "            V
  Locamng l'°’000t°0’ KY'   `       (    V           HH s·‘‘’2   1
  H ‘ · - . H     ° s*i;’ ‘ `H°”  Q   i  Y  V-   H  R  ° ..   0
  Mailing Address:          ‘   .A      3 ,·-   AV   V   {
  Memorial Coliseum,    i,   5:  *  . . H    sksi 2 —— . AA  
  `-`»· ¥i#z<-exe: Room 23, . ‘     . 5 .   . ·   .V . »  
  H V   V           ‘ ‘  l` V S   .... . ....   ri  if
. A_»_A   I'°’00$*00¤ KY•• 40500'0010  l `    csi :   
·. .,¥°;:j:£€°T Viwir 7 A          ,,**2 ;        ( g x e "   
;a¤·<'*·‘.a,  V ·         .V .¢·'?»r···" ··?  Am érs     msmés      M  - ¤= ¢ . , ae.  »   : .¥~·   >·‘  "*·"  `
  SID Telephone: (606) 257-3838 H   H }   FRESHMEN ...»   0
  . . V I Y i   i V Q H   " )—eV 1*  
  F¤¤¤¢¤¤= 1865 V   H H   . HV   r.    
  · ·` V A H AH A . ; :5 ;. ;  M   H- ·»1»-—-   . »»,· = _ _..es__ ·  .   ..s     ;A   ·As. A .»_.  
  Enrollment:23,000`.(campus) ‘ I   —f · T , *50 __ . - ggg, F*0¤¢=.} V V ‘:.‘·A H  
  .‘0¤~   40»000U4 ¢¤*¤¤¤¤¤“Y ¢¤“¢8¤¤) `    ·    Q"  V H     V   `K°*¤“V'0"?¤HfH¥k 
X· .,.·Z...·¢'¤·   ' _ V .’···  (Lg J \,~· .: . _ *45*   _ A V .§:— ·   -·"·s,
A.? · AA _ A A AA _ , (   —    A A4 AVFATAA I  ..·A\·  Al A»AAA‘ V   A ~’ A.1 Ai t   LA  .··¤  
 Southeastern A   .     {A l   H'_*AA»` -A   if   B;¢;k§ItoA:v;§AAA .·A...      
=—·;:V ·*= V; eg: ` _  ~:§iE g    si · ’ V ’'°` i_¤,         T I fa-E `éf IH,   
 “ wk:.    V V H __ _ _ - \· H 1 · — ·   ‘ .,s ‘_   _ H V e   ·A yu
)l;;;;;%§§ ‘  N0:0000‘0i¤0YK*** _ . V . V_     _\ I .A  ‘   A w A; o».  ‘   Trundra_Love;j-ge?   
  `     I *   ‘* `   V .-.°     .   Iennifer GraY»zV;F`   
* iis €*’   H V `       "  ( `   .   ;, _     :;;i
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  *1?Q:T%.€*iw;i ` `. H _   . H > }€;~€%?Vri‘.—   F  *  ` C   Y   * `’‘‘‘ i *   '.H‘   * .   . V V
    A _         . € é  H1)  , 4 V H   » ‘ .(·· ‘     j ;
    A_AAAAAAi . A. . . A   ._A.     (A A H . A _· A A      A _     A -_   A _ V    A  
  ->.;    HomeCourt:   ‘:H  <    V _   { . ,    ...   r f
H_   `  H (95*) ·'»~H   VHJQQ? E       e *¥ H6.’ . “     -f.  H .  sa { 0)     2H- ·HH.      
AAAA:A;.iA._ A . H   A A. AA.; A..   AA_A.     A A _ _   A     I r _ \- . . ....,. _   I   ,    .A 
  H H `  in Q D-   P   if i   HH- --Z' ‘  __. —__ **2     ..    
  `H—V ~ ·.e: Q LH r   ‘i..'H)(   0V.`  as   ‘   `H00 ·   .H~.»HL‘·.= H     ‘HV'V    
__     —H A   .· H V  ·V ¤ HH¤H H-   iIiH~ . . lHH°     qe    0i‘t     ;i7;._;;,  if 
  V H. . ‘     ..   9   .. —\·.      
V I · ‘ Y Y1 V ll   VAVR ` "   .     2  i?  .‘ ‘HH   .H~’ ei.? Y
Vi ` . ` .0.‘ “     * : ` ` ‘   ·V  V ·. ..V.   ~. `1 H  

l I · I .
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I able 0 onrenrs  
ry:   I  
I     This 1990-91 Kentucky Lady Kats Media Guide is intended t0 answer I
l HTIY C]U€SIlOl'lS YOU might l'I€IV€ about LITE U[)COmlI'lg SGEISOII, 3HCl assist YOU In YOUT COV€I'Eig€ ofthe      
  team throughout the year. If you need additional information, special stories, pictures, or have any _ _ 4 I
I questions not answered herein, please feel free I0 contact us by writing to the UK Sports information §h"S$;"::_Fr°;"'_gt'r°::;)r t _
I L.   Office, Memorial Coliseum, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506—0019, or by calling the l;:yaH0;,a¥d'i;si:;nt gags; · A _
  I Offws ¤1I606> 257-3838- I can Dent,SID Assistant  
?~_ -_~  The best time to contact Coach Sharon Fanning (606) 257-6046 is between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Ioyce Baxter, Staff Assistant  
`     Mohdoy through Friday _ Interns: loni james, Todd Kelly, Ieff i‘
  We look forward to working with you again as we approach another exciting Lady Kats Studelgiégsistants: RH Ashley, sandy  
  Psskstbsl I seam- swiss, s..ss.. Hazzard  
_   CATS Center 30 LOUISVILLE 36 Sports mf m t_ (606) 257 3838 I
‘   ‘ 0I' il l0I’\ · -  
    I VANDFRBILTL ALABAMA! AUBURN Athletics Director - (606) 257-0000 I
    ATHLETICS ADMINISTRATION ALABAMA-BIRMI NG l‘lAI\/l 37 Lady Kats Basketball _ (606) 257,6046 ,
    ATHLETICS DIRECTORS 53 FLORIDA, SEC TOURNAMENT 39 Asst coaéh Karen Booker _ (606)  
 ‘    257·3108 I
    BASKETBALL STAFF PLAYER PROFILES 1 1/25 Lady Kats Staff Assistant - Lee
  COACH SHARON FANNING 7 DAVIS 11 I Rssdv-<606> 257-6046 ,
.   ASSISTANT COACHES 8 CUSHENBERRY 12   S") '°“" M“°*"“° ‘.(“°°’ 25“‘“"’ g
    MeI NTYRE 14   (_‘RED[1'$ `
  DAN I EL I 6   The 1990-91 University of Kentucky  
  GENERAL INFORMATION LEONARD 17   . ;¤l:§::;s”:::;*b¤'L ';*°•::= ,
  ; uce y e ,
. '``''   NWIT RECAP 2'3 MILLS l 8 I University of Kentucky Athletic I
      ‘ OUTLOOK 4-5 PROCTOR I 9 I Association, c.M. Newton, QI
 .;-5   TEAM PICTURE/ROSTER 6 CAMPBELL 20   ‘ Director. g
  _  TEAM TRAVEL HEADQUARTERS IBC EBERHART 21   _ Edif¤r= Rem Vicinir Assistant Spvrts I
 _  MEMORIAL coLIsEUM 9 GRAY 22 ?  Dm Sports ;
—v-Ls;  ·   ‘ * I
“ *5  LEXINGTON 54 IORDAN 25 I Information Assistant ?
  UK SPORTS INFORMATION 56 KILLEN 24 I Typesetting and ,),,5;,;,,, Host I
Ti  SCHEDULE BACK COVER LOVE 25   Communications, Stephanie I
·- ;_;{ I Reinhardt, Consultant with J 
  MEDIA INFORMATION 1 RECORDS 40-49 I 5;'v3fiL‘Z'¥a$:;'l  Q
4 · 1989-90 FINAL STATS at SUPERLATIVES 41 Y com Desigmppaul Blodgcu L
A OPPONENTS 32-39 SERIES vs ALL OPPONENTS 42 p,;,,t;,,g, post p,;,,,;,,g Company
s if- DUOUENSE I 32 ALL-TIME RESULTS 44-45 I T l’h¢>¥¤I;f¤PhI¢ $¤fvi¢¢s
  NEVADA-RENO 35 I _ _ '
  oQ;V,· l Wl  }_, ,   ` ,

 t .
%t  T1  11` /`TU/“E       
Y /<  cL.   < iw 
1 test Seeteehrg basketball win and an opportunity to capture their first NWIT title. 1
theme, ~WerVe get et hew Entertainment would come not only from the
etttttueietii hteveei te be eh championship game, but from Coach Fanning, the
ehhtepttete hhtese {Ot the spectators would learn, as she began to feel the rise of
Lady Kats as they Ended thett excitement with her team's anticipated matchup with A
Seeseh With A thteegeme Toledo. Calling it a gesture of gratitude to the Amarillo
Sweep et the NatjOn3t community, Fanning arrived at courtside in a blue Texas- .
Women’s Invitational Tournament in Amarillo, Texas. wh _ A Y _, W _ l
· ax ‘ Wt T r ,. V1    
Third-year coach Sharon Fanning’s squad posted a 23-  ··   i L  _,_     ~ . ui; _.
8 record, edged into the Top 25 poll and won two     _ ,    \ ,-   _ __ ti ·
tournament titles. The sc|uad’s NWlT victory put the cap On . ue       " , » 1 4 ~ Z L
  i` A. `I I     It ‘ l · _ i
. -. . . . . . N '
Fanning’s tirst winning season since coming to Kentucky, _ ,   /  
I I  I., I ft     ienfl,. —,
and also matched the victories ofthe 1982-83 Lady Kats 1  .   ii     #7 ` 1* .,,_   ‘ ~
u I ,_.#  Q it   .,
team that featured the likes ol All-American Valerie Still, '   T T  
I *1 . 1 . 1 g  ,11
Patty to Hedges and Lea Wise.   . 1 _i—i·    
— i »     v"`€1ItQ
The city of Amarillo opened its arms to the field of i i, W I .    
eight teams: No. 1 seed Kentucky, Fresno State, North
Carolina—Char|otte, Maine, Miami (Fla.), Illinois State,      
Toledo and Wyoming.   _ 1  111‘ 1*“@
(jame ()ne matched the Lady Kats against North   1.,,  
Atlantic (.`ont1erence champion Maine, which entered the abwe:           ;,_,_
"We've got a new 'Y  ‘/  .2.,,, · —-·  _, *312:::2 1
tournament seeded eighth. Kentucky's offensive attack frOtTi aitltudeh was an { 11*- `§"' ‘ .  \_      , q
appropriate phrase -’ ,.» . il I, »  i · T ~—
t guards Kristi Cushenberry and Tracye Davis, who for (jgach Fanningg   it  _. · t , it Q
_ _ _ , Lady Kats, as they  { , tt ,_ <  
contributed I8 points a piece, and Iorvvard Vanessa Foster- Wim their first NW"- t     t yy ·. t
. . mit-. • ~ "`L ~ ·
Sutton, who added tt) points, overpowered the Black Bears r .. ~ r. i —
as Kentucky went on to post its first victory, 7b-ot). right _ '11/ 1  ‘ 1 11  
locelyn Mills was an     F;
1l1lie Kats laced the University of Miami in a tough intimidating force 1 1 M i
inside. _ _        
second-rountl game. Miami and Kentucky had met earlier t Ag      _. »    ji  
 ’1t‘* `*  ·1 5   J   » 1.·1;;i ,.  ·’11  
in the season, with Kentucky winning 80-71. yVilh no love .  111i · 1 1 V 1
lost from the prior game, both teams played physical   11 ·_`’ 1 111. T   11 11 1 .
hasltethall, hut it was scoring from Eoster—Sutton (21 points)
tllttl(1tlSl1t‘t1l¤t‘l1|1\’(lil that letl the Lady Kats to an 80-G8

ra  0       A /l/\ P  U/\/b /·/ / P    
TT ` /   .,·A’ g2. * .·°`‘ Q   K_   f   ,. ‘ . ¤.   _,   r .. ‘ { ‘ . .
  T ‘ T ” `· , L T ** K ‘¥ 4T -33 at halftime. However, the Kats T
if K   ....T   ‘’ ··  ;  g M" °  4(  b€'0W= r
    K     J5 The Lady Kats had their own visions of victory. E
 _(_      QJ  r'   _ {_ . . l
  ;         ~ ,K< or _; stopped the Miami ;
    ~g .       Hurricanes for the Cushenberry recorded her best  
.’.sl L   ....   K . .  ,·l    . T-t““  ·E"‘* "   T5 d t' ' T
  , if    ~  3 L if   Q ;;;;],,_ X4"}; gag;} D€Ff0FmH¤C€ Of the tournament,  
    * V   j _   i $h°"’"· scoring 20 points, and center Lisa 5
i i?} .· . I 8 ` ay l
    { Ellis added T8 points in Kentucky’s
 ,_  >   85-76 championship win. ‘
        . The _
, rt I '
  l   in   T T"':   ch tm ` Th` · ` (
, 7,_ . é .- » ~ _ K ( prons rp was a
aw . ; ~- a&r. ,. . ` _
  ` r»•A:‘ N.   ,
K K Q" 7,;}* •   _’ ·Ts.' great finale for l
rv l »” " K r   " . H l
  At `ri ..··.• C K l
  .   T'   J,   " . T t ' Foster—Sutton, who l
.   ·    _  T · ‘f*” .e - scored in double l
t Q · ·· .    figures throughout
S { TT       M
  T " T   · K    " " ., " the tournament and l
· r _ I _·_re`  —‘ _ was named to the T
2 ¤ rt   . `   K —‘  
  r “     L e  t· K rsrwrr Arr-
    ` T- j     1 _ Q A r
{   ° r ‘T  - { ' Tournament team.
  _  r ~ _a  {    if   _   Cushenherry also T
        X ’ ga,     joined Foster—Sutton L
  r """%‘   . 2  U on the All—i\lV\/IT
. l €r·      squad, with a total of l
T    55 points in three T
ij?  games. r

KENTUCKYLADY I;f»‘“i4i-§,i`·§» Qskréx-»4Q /<;xw>.::e:·2;.~Q»;,if,4  ._»¤w~rnz~ ¢· ,9 ,· »/V , ,,44 V. M , W »» s· · V 5, Z ¢ ' `¤’~—
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stand out m her final season.     \ .,   . _
V _j— A   » {. -, = ,,»?·§ ‘   *"

After capturing the I99O National VVomen’s Invitational Tournament three position/’
and their first winning season in three years, the Lady Kats plan to forge Also returning and hoping to see more at tion will be junior jamie ·
ahead in I99I , with hopes of getting a step closer to the national respect Hobgood, who averaged I .8 points a game. I
the program enjoyed earlier in the decade. "lamie is determined to contribute at the one or txvo position," _
This is considered a year ofgreat expectations for the team, which Fanning said. "lamie has a great feel for the game and xve expert her to  
finished last season at 23-8, edged into the Top 25 basketball poll and make our perimeter positions very competitive/’  
won three tournament titles. The Lady Kats, who dominated their non- The sophomore class should provide plenty of depth xx ith the return  
conference opponents last season, look to improve in the competitive of tu-foot center locelyn tvtills, S-I I forxvard r\tia Daniel, t»-J forxvard  
Pattresa Leonard and o-O center/forward (Cathy I’roctor.  
_,   r‘_·_ j ? :°`'   _r:’‘ i  f -`_’.   r_.: 'j.V‘jYV¥_i,¥Vf?'.f ·g._ ; if ‘`.r`    QV ,`_V   Vi’'_j   Mills ended her first collegiate season iitth on the team in scoring  
,_,W   V   `gv, r V    _.`A.     .V·V‘   _»r,     VV,’V ’_r· l   ·r·: Q j. ‘lV. XV    V      ‘’i· *     ,_r’   with an mrcj-gpg or {irs points and 4.7 rebounds. r\»tills, who axreragetl Iii.7 ?
Y ‘ ‘   l’__           r·'’   ·'·°i E ti i‘l  ii  minutes per game, xvas named to the All-SEC freshman honorable mention _
 '°d   .yj‘ff§Z*`f >.·-       '_____ V r,l» Q; ’_‘. Q ``._ j _l‘· j   Vj}V§` Vi   ·VV v>·_    V_    squad and netted the Lady Kats' Rookie of the Year Award at season's end. _
  ’ y   _-_r_ .   *i__¥  Vi _i¢.   ·_’· i  iV·"j·t_·   r’r»   =·il.   Daniel, who averaged 5.% points and o7.i percent from the line, P
  ‘r_i V     ·..»,.· E   r».,.... :..1.}:.:..i1*=;L.FZ ia; ·,,’. ,2 .r..     r.:.   .-..·. z I ..r’   p,·p\,i(jp(j (jpptpV J5 (jpj Lpppmp ( Lt) ppg Lp [pp) lppj p,.p,»lp,. ( Ll pppV Lp  
rpg). V
V Southeastern Conference. "Mia can score, she can rebound and she is always making things  
"Our intensity, communication,   happen/' Fanning said. "lotelyn is the ’(IharIes I5ark|ey’ of our team. She j
focus and determination must rise to the can shoot comfortably outside and has really improved on her ability to j
next level for us to improve on last year’s *,~  drive to the bucket. Pattresa is the `Iames Worthy' of our team. She is  
performance, as well as achieve our , - il r "`  ‘ sty ; ‘ ‘   ready to shoot xvhen she crosses half court and xve are really proud other  
goals. Our confidence improved and our     hg,  “ `»r_   _.,, ’ ` ‘ i>r0$%r¢‘S5 on the (lC‘l‘€Ii$l\”£‘ j
expectations increased as this past   ,mi‘\\li.`tx‘     end and as a rebounder.  
season progressed. Improvement in every i   IU f    Cathy was definitely the if l
aspect of our program is indicative of            ’._ _ A»_\ V V most improved player on l IV , .  
what hard vvork and team work can  i i       `       last year’s team She is a §i,,,€_ V V   j
accomplish.” I V   ' i iill   ~_ V .!V__   very smart, strong     E I
The number of veterans will  gi- M i ig  _"t "~  H gy V player that gets great we  -"if•‘;i`   __ 1
‘ ·* * I   » . ·   Z ’ •' ik
outnumber the newcomers this year, as `IV      )>OSiti0n on ClC‘iL‘nSt‘.H   '     _  V
the Lady Kats return eight players and if _ E  Ti The new   `   '_g;_8'§;$·{i j
Wgjcgmg 5jX fr@ghm@j·j_ Ggrjg gre fgrwglrd ]uni0l‘ Sfafy Mflhfyfé 9l‘t[0yE‘U'J aclcliiitms to [lie wir V E;42?C?V€‘¤°~»é?'€;:%_.  
Vanessa Eoster—Sutton, center Lisa Ellis position in the Starting lineflp learn are _ ’§€°»· { A ’*‘°‘E·. {
last season, averaging 7.6 paints _- · ‘ » sys,
and guards tvialinka Salhi and Kris Miller, p€,ga,,,E_ tu-I   `   V
who combined for an average of 33 Q`:   V _’_   r ‘
4 x .~·, an--· JV, ii   -*'·*` · .. “ ·‘ ·· r
points last season. ‘·   .,., . _ xy     V · ;»_j   j
Guard Tracye Davis, the squad’s ` "  '   l, WN   V :   P` H '   j
only senior, is expected to stand out in   V l       { VV VV;     T; j
her final season. Last year, the 5-8 Davis »   /   w V·,,¤n¤n ,VVV :· V. -»_.:;VV-° , Vi
was fourth on the team in scoring with (mmm 2 center “ "‘,_,VV · I ' rf V  _. VV V
IO.I points and added 2.8 rebounds per V YP y A V , ` Christe jordan .T`_‘ V ” V. _ , -Z_V    
game. She led in scoring in six games V   5;/‘ / ' (I9 ppg, I2 rpg), S-7 , V.V,x_iVVeiCj··,;Vgaégig
and recorded a career—high 23 points  _V     g   l   guard Karen Killen IZS I F I-_'VV'Vt`,Q;;i“VVy;Vt-  
against Louisville and Georgia. She is   il ‘ f ppg, ti rpg), o-fl i,·[i`;j"A¤¤'p`;°¤¤§¤n   ” ‘ l
happen. She has excellent court sense Love t I 2 ppg, It) rpg) and walk-on Q   V i   L i 1
and really improved on defense as a Iekah Reasor t7. I, ®.‘)).   _  ri,Q‘V· ` I ‘*  _-  
. rrrrxraw /~¤i¤rKrt5ti €··5’r~rt¤·rrr wld ~)xg.rrrr, arr.- r‘r-r·trrrrr.rrr r rat rs rrar ` ¤.i_€£;`.;‘_>p1?P    . ·l
_ _ be lethal in two- nr tI1ree—p0inI _ H _ _ _:_,“‘i2;f_"}"` · ,_ ‘ {
Two starters return—5-9 junior mnga one to be taken lightly, lanrrrng said, ‘ ,-V,V,¤,V,_,°‘ _  
guard Kristi Cushenberry and S-8 junior "Two of our freshmen were players-   V ‘ .
i0t‘Ward Stacy Mclntyre. Cushenberry, who led the team in scoring as a of-the-year in their state arid played   igir V‘V, ·   V M V_ "  V
freshman,averaged ll.S points and 2,6 rebounds last season) iviclntyre on state t harnpiorislrip learns. \\“r·  ri " V `       ‘l  
Contributed 7.(¤ points and 4.7 rebounds. Mclntyre hit her career high of must be strong plrvsir ally and   V _V   » _»  }.Vi"   { E
i7 points against Eastern Kentucky and LSL). mentally. We must have depth, slrorrg    T-;.,V"'j...’,.'V(;· 1
"Kristi is one of the best shooters in the SEC and we are expe< ting play and improve orrr rjrrir ltrress to wrrr     I ` L
great things from her this season," Fanning said. "lrler strength, .,_’     v`»r I N           I e` ·`A,»   y "’1»       _»_.   `
I   ;1`   AIC    ,;1·‘1» Y   ’,1`‘  ‘    S
I .-*-   .·‘.}   =»~  ZY  ; ’r`;— f‘ If r‘»tr   I  
 .;.1 ·     .*·.   ··-·,   -,=--·   ,.:1 ·¤-, I. <.¢:»      ~ r   .I 2 =
Letter Winners Lost: 5 Newcomers: 7
"\‘IIrII»ssII IIIsI(·r-SIIIIIIII I/(f 6-0 Sr. 12.5 7.6 Christe jordan F 6-1 Fr.
"I`II.IlInlcII Sallii (I 5--1 Sr. 6.1 I.8 Karen Killen G 5-7 Fr. .
"I i~—..t lllis (` 6-6 Sr. I I.-1 7.0 jennifer Gray C 6-3 Fr.
kris .\IillI—r (I 3-4 Sr. 2.8 .8 Tedra Fberhart G/F 5-11 Fr.
I.InInII» I>·I~.~.~rlt—ll I 6-0 Fr. 2.-1 1.0 |.IIIII·1 I 5-I I So. 5..% 2.9 Rebekah Reasor
I‘III|IIII..I II~IIII.II(l (`/I 6-2 So. 2.9 2.6 Sophomores: (4) - Mia Daniel, Pattresa Leonard, jocelyn Mills, Cathy
( ,•IlII, l'IrIr Irri (Ill (I-ll $(1. Z.] 2.0 l)F(>(’l(>t
l.lIIIll‘ll1IlltIIl(I(l (I 'S-9 Ir. 1.8 .6 Freshmen (6)- Christe jordan, Karen Killen, jennifer Gray, Tedra 4-
Fberharl, Kayla Campbell, Tiundra Love  
"rlI~II(IIt~I--sIIiIlI·II~ I
l liz I ·i.* I l lI)lliI‘1     v` ¤` A A y" V V V ‘v l ' A il llCI1C l’lLlU5€I‘, l
II IIIIII IIIIIIII Y ~ lm » ' » ~ . A     Grad.Asst.;Lisa l
IHIIIIIIII *I.I.III I.II~I I ~I  " ~ Nm P_`A   ~· _‘ I I‘ V A I ‘ ' ` Bressman, Grad. l
*-,6 I I I IIIIII1 sI II I, _ ‘ »   . A IQ. ·   ? ri   Asst.; jennifer I
III IIIII   I III·III  ·   I I    I V Ie,   m II      t       It   °III~ UWC l
IIIIII IIII III I  I.,I · I `T ¢ " `  I  "    [ _ 1 ,,;·é' ‘ `   __ ’~ ·‘ YI: ’ wifi. jordan, Cathy l
~ , • . ,v . C . In s. ‘!  
I III II. I-. I.II I I » X I   t   ·_ _. V   ;,;jr_I, I I · `_ I Proctor, Tedra V
III_¤I, IIII.     ’· f   r` _   I  ‘ {    ._. I _“ {Ii- _ " A7 `lél . NI   ,`V` ° 4,.   Flverhart, Coach  
I~.I~.l,·I I~II;I1=I·Il "  »—r. _ {     I {      yl ( ·!gj·`I  "·i 2_·V,    .       I Z ‘   Sharon FG0'1ll1l-1I l
I.,III ·I III1lII·  ` _  I ` . _ I X1 I I ’ *°   . I ~” Il  Q li l   _   f,   ;_· . jocelyn Mills, I
II~·IIIIII I IIIIIIIIIII   ' ‘ — I  r I ‘ I         V I Rebekah Reasor
·‘.."·I' ` ‘ . tI  II I  " ..   ·~      ‘ * . '
;I.I,III I ;-~I ··: I II ’ ·II'I·.—·-~   i   ‘,,·ys. {   Q` 1    L  J 6;   J ·;" `trI. _I  J V; ‘f)it::1(lra Love, 1
I II I I·I I VV   gi; -   , _;   ~   —I   ; ,   __   V . F .I  I I 1 II a resa eonarc, I
`II I··I II I A ‘¥I l C I _     I —‘.       _   i ` _, ~ Karen Booker, `
‘ I"   1  `   Ii  L     ”     I"] ·%I   I   MSI-IIGIIIY
at".; :· Y 'E . V - ’’‘` . I I . I » E I l I ' · t 1 V ` i ’ A McI.aut;h|in Asst.
  I.   I   ` I—»I <`     ’;.>       I ‘   " . —  · tl   i I "' ·, .  —~  - “ ` '
      I-           ;¤-E -  if tif  F  —¤-fi  Iii?   °; '_,  .  ?" fzqgr  if   " ·e 9 I I
lr ~—r ~   :I 1;;;   V         '           

Shawn Fanning heads Am,) her . AA_» A   A A   if A A- .1 . Conference championships from
fourth season as head coach of the A· ·· 1_;r   r.rVA‘    A iA   A °   A j 1982-1986. ln 1984, the Lady Mocs
Lady Kats WAAAA Confidence that her   A .   .— A _ *0 j went 26-5 and were runners—up in the 1
rebuilding mission is complete. A T" Q A   .-A = ° A . A AA _¢‘s L ` . A NWIT. A
1 Fanning celebrated her first Q Y  7975)-   And while her teams were reaping l
a winning season at UK in 1989-90, as A ..'i. ’   .   -e,.l.     ‘ to at °    `* s···l  A A i.-s ;A     glory for the school, Coach Fanning
the Lady Kats posted a 23-8 record       A. A. A A _AA ,   AA A     [ .l_A A was receiving personal honors as well.
-· and WOAA they {Am Natmnaj Women; _ .   ·           She was named Southern Conference
Invitational Tournament title. Both     A'‘A   AAL     A A     _ 1.A »lA`n- A   Coach ofthe Year in 1984 and 1985
A coach and team realized their goals,   5           _ ; A   and was nominated for |