xt7z610vrj3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vrj3w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1941-01-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January  7, 1941 text The Kentucky Kernel, January  7, 1941 1941 1941-01-07 2013 true xt7z610vrj3w section xt7z610vrj3w The ECentuocy Kernel

100 Pet. Studcut
Owned & Operated






Flu-Riddl- ed





Wildcats Beaten
Smiling Irish Eyelash

White, Huber Lead
Kentucky Scoring
In Close Game

War Crisis For U.S. By June
Predicted By Vandeiibosch

battling Wildcats,
feeling the ravages of the same
kind of flu epidemic that laid low a
promising combination
a 7 decision to the "luck
of the Irish" Saturday night in
Jefferson county Armory at Louisville as they closed a vigorous holiday session of games that saw them
lose four games and win two.
Irish eyes weren't smiling Saturday night when the final gun
sounded amid the roar of 5,000 hilarious fans, and the scoreboard
showed the count deadlocked at
but later they were leaping
joyous abandon when the official
scorer announced that the scoreboard was wrong and Notre Dame
possessed a
Huber Leads Attack
Only thirty seconds remained in
encounter, when
the thrill-packLee Huber, who had risen from a
sick-be- d
to play his heart out for
the Cats, tipped the ball into the
hoop and paved the way for the huge
that followed the
heartbreaking announce-

That the United States must make
a definite decision by June, 1941,
whether to remain
or to cast her lot with Great Britain against Germany, was the ominous, though not startling prophe-e-



forecast yesterday by Dr. Amry
Vandenbisch, head of the political
science department.
The- - situation is similar to that
which ended with thei
United States' entry into the war.
During the past few weeks. Hitler,
his invasion against Britain bogged
down, has been centering his attack against the British merchant
marine, whose shipping losses have
been upped steeply.
Tannage Slashed
Using submarines, surface raiders,
and airplanes, heavy Inroads have
been slashed into the Empire's shipping tonnage. Coupled with this fact.
Dr. Vandeiibosch said, is the national
squall for increased aid to Britain.
It's not a question of production, but
one of transportation of military material to the islands, he pointed out.
England has requested the use of
Trailing by 9 at halftime. the the American navy to convoy sup
wearers of the blue were magnifiplies in American ships to Britain,
cent in the surge down the last- - but so far, he stated, we have been
half stretch that carried them from
proposal. However,
to any
deficit with fifteen u fcritam fails to recoup her current
a seven teen-poiminutes to go to within a lone point and futUre sea losses, it possibly will
I me xnsn wnen ui game maea. fall to us to
tne material to Eng.
It was Lee Huber and lanky Mel land even under the guns of the
Brewer who sparked the Cats dur- navy, the professor declared. Any
ing the comeback, but it was Waller such act would invite retaliation
White who dropped the ball through j from tne Nazis
the draperies tor most oi tne points
America's position as a possible
that closed the gap. He garnered active ally to Britain foreshadowed
fifteen markers for the nights' high any other single forecast by Dr.
scoring honors.
Vandenboschfl However, peering In- The teams battled on even terms to the shiny crystal brougtt forth
throughout the first 10 minutes of more about 1941.
the first half and the score stood N. Great Change Seen
in Kentucky's favor when
France will remain under the Nazi
Huber had to leave the game for a thumb. Success of German domina- few minutes rest. Without their
of the Petaln regime will con-captain the Cats went to pieces and tion unless Hitler makes some "im- I
allowed the South Benders to run possible
demand" on France.
up a big lead before Huber had reThe British will continue their
gained enough energy to re --enter
North Africa rout of the Italians.
the fray.
Renewed British victories in AfIrish Blast NrU
as hot as rica, coupled with the German de- Opening the last half
firecrackers, the Irish blasted the ma ids on France and failure of
against England,
hoops for four field goals and a the blitzkreig
lead before the Cats scarcely! might induce France again to take
had a chance to get their hands on up the sword against Hitler.
the ball. At this point, however, Greeks Can't Win
The German army will move
the Wildcats marshalled their forces
and went after the Irish tooth and through Bulgaria to save the Ital
nail, and with nine minutes left ian army in Albania. The Greek
they had cut Notre Dame's lead to army cannot win.
points, but Lee Huber had to leave
The Chinese will continue their
the game for a rest at that point, resistance to the Japanese invasion.
However, the rest of the Kentucky The Japanese will not move against
boys had plenty of fight left and the East Indies unless Britain is dethey held the Hoosiers in check until feated.
Huber had rested and could re- If Britain loses (again that "if"),
sume nis ouues as sparep.ug ui w.c , the Enelish colonies of Australia.
t""1- Canada, etc.. will make the best
If the Ruppmen had been a little
HUler tn
more accurate from the free
On the national scene he foresaw
no startling developments, except
doubt about the outcome of the
game. They hit only 11 of 21 gratis for increased mobilization and aid
tosses while the Irish were dropping to Britain.
In other words, his entire forecast
in 16 out of 20.
cats proved that they were not beaten is based on a single question how
long Britain can stand off Ger- -j
(Continued on Page Four
many. The Battle of Britain will
solve and create a lot of problems.
1916-191- 7,

47-4- 7,








11-- 10











...I ttMiwL









Limbach Named



UK Takes Greeks' Word For It
Into Restaurant Business



carl. c.

Cafeteria Manager,



Hoard To Direct

Exercises Slated
For February 3







Extensiv e Program Plami ed
For Farm, Home Convention

Now managed by Miss Alberta
Limbach. manager of the women's
residence halls, and directed by a
ccmnrittee of faculty members, the
cafeteria and grill now called Commons cafeteria and grill have retained most of the equipment,
prices and general system
used by the College Catering company, previous manager.
S?1330.31 Paid
by the University
was assured during the Christmas
comholiday! when a
mittee of the Board of Trustees,
meeting with acting President Cooper vo'ed to purchase at $23.330 21
the cafeteria equipment in the
committeemen. Prof. Le
Kirkpatr:ck. Parts, and R. P. Hob-se- n,
Louisville, approved President
Cooper's recommendation that the
money be obtained a follows:
$13 330 21 from surplus in the general fund:
$5,000 from the reserve fund of
The Kernel:
$5 000 from the reserve fund of
the Student Union building.
The two $5,000 items are treated
as advances. President Cooper explained recently, and will be repaid bv unexpended sums in the
general fund surplus each year. To
insure complete repayment, he added, an item will be set up in cafe-tia budget to cover that part of the
debts not liquidated by the general-fund
C'.mmittee Named
A committee for the direction and
management of the cafeteria a.iu
srill. appointed by the Boartl of
Trustees, is composed of Dean Sarah
G. Blanding. Dr. Statie Erickson and
Dr. J. W. Martin.
In addition to managing the
Union establishments. Miss Limbach
will continue as manager of the
women's residence halls.
During the holidays, the grill was
in a maroon and blue
scheme and a new fountain ice
cream bar was installed.
The cafeteria will be open from
7 a. m. to 10 p. m. each week day
and from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m on Sundays. The cafeteria will serve three
meals a day, breakfast from 7 to
9:15 a. m., luncheon from 11:30 a. m.
to 1:15 p. m.. and dinner from 5:30
to 7 p. m.
The grill and cafeteria have a
potential patronage including stuBy CELIA BfcDEKMAN
dents, faculty, and campus workers,
Freshmen of today are out to in4.00 persons, a service staff of
crease the size of the footsteps in of
five in the
14 in
which their grandchildren are to grill, the kitchen and as waiters.
with students used
follow, according to recent studies
male by Dr. Wilbur Heinz, associ- te proiessor oi nygiene.
Kentucky freshmen today
found by Doctor Heinz to be both
Dr. B. P. Ramsey, of the physics
taller and heavier than the aver- age first year student of eleven department, has been elected a
member of the recently organized
years ago.
Beta chapter of Phi Beta Kappa,
The statistics compiled by
honorary, at
tor Heinz are in keeping with re- - national scholastic
college. Spartanburg. S. C. it
ports from colleges in other parts
of the country, in which the trend was announced
was found to be the same,
According to the figures compiled,
tne ean height of men students
has Increased from 68 4 inches in
1929 to 69.5 inches in 1940.
their mean weight correspondingly
has increased from 1389 pounds to
ms.i pounds during the same pert- per-s;nn-


Cnf-eteri- a

Annual Meet
To Be Held Here





Sponsor of Unit

Will Be Presented


Editor Sam

Needs YOU





4-- H

Recordings Slated




1940 Was UK's Year Of 1000 Scandals:?

In Height, Weight


That year which just slipped by student legislature asked basketball
expected "undue interest" in a Court of
. . . Students
was no ordinary year. It will probnot to boo . . . Growl the worst, were disappointed, when peals case which might have
ably go down in University history
two stirred up, over Hell an "O'Bannon Rally" in Union end- - ing on their salaries . . . This charge
as The Year cf a Thousand Scan- Week this time . . . Ten fraternities ed peacefully . . . Into a troubled was also proved unfounded
agreed to "take the hell out of Hell campus, the Kentuckian came out Maury Crutcher, superintendent of
It was a year which saw its share Week" . . . The student legislature . . . Fuss No. 6 of the year broke buildings and grounds, died
of the ordinary: some girls were requested optional class attendance whenreathitt county students pro- - 'Cats rated in top ranks nationally
elected queens of something-or-othe- r,
for juniors and seniors with 2.2 tested articles about their county, on the gridiron by mathematical
lots of folks got pinned, standings or better.
which appeared in a Lexington pa-- 1 determinations .
. And then the
basketball and football teams won March
per . . . And book snatching was University found itself In a huff
some games and lost some,
The Wildcats pulled a Horatio Al- - blasted by new book store rules . . . again . . . This time over the book
tapped hundreds of proud ger to charge to the top In the Dogs had their day at the Kernel store, with charges of "monopoly!"
students; there were some dances, Southeastern conference
tourna- - dog show
To their Southeastern hurled in this direction from State
plays and convocations.
ment . . . Guignolers were receiving conference basketball title and state Auditor Logan . . . Draft machinery
But there was something else, pats on the back for a record-smas- h
swimming halo. Wildcat athletes
and students and faculty
Perhaps 1940 will be remembered ing performance of "Our Town'
The over 21 stepped up and signed on
added the state golf title
for its many Great Stinks, for The first "Kentucky Carnal" rolled Kernel senior edition astounded the dotted line for military service
someone was always suspecting off the Wildcat press . . . Kernel readers with announcement of Hoi-- ! . . . Herman Kendall was doing a
someone of something not exactly staffers patted themselves on the ly wood glamor girl as new president yes. no. act concerning his student
Littell Book,
' on the
and 'investigations back for a
Spring Style of University . . . U. S. Army offi-- !
as the Student Stand- 1814
were held so frequently that Kernel issue . . . Two University students cials came to campus to study
ards committee began an investi- PUNCH AND
headline writers lost weight trying
caught selling tickets to the pet iments of Chemistry Student gation . . . Grant Whitehouse. chem- Is
to find synonyms for the word.
1939 state basketball tournament to Dave Scott, dealing with the oil lu- - istry student, was elected national
Through the year, through the 1940 customers . . . The student leg- - brhcation . . . Two employees of president of Lenshawks. photogra- "Festoons of Fancy", by William! SHOW PLANNED
ordinary routine events, there kept islature played with a bill to abolish University radio studio died when a phy honorary . . . Acting President
Littell. originally published in 1814,!
bobbing up the unusual and. the un- Hell Week . . . Someone finally car overturned on Richmond road Cooper and Mrs. were introduced to mi
was recently reprinted as the first
expected. And so. as 1941 begins for brought back the machine gun sight j . . . Students and faculty paid tribute student body at a confused and con- in a scries of reprints of rare Ken-- ;
the University, The Kernel brings leaf stolen at the Military Ball in to Dr. and Mrs. F. L. MvVey. as the gested Union reception
he Ker- To
tucklana. These reprints are partly j
Kentucky coeds have also shown
this review of the news of 1940.
president prepared to retire from nel charged out with
subsidized by the James B. Haggin
appreciable increase in height and
Punch and Judy, traditional pup- January
Homecoming edition.
trust fund, under the direction of
weight measurements. Dr. Heinz ob- pet slapstickers, and other student-mad- e
Fraternity candidates swept the June, July, August
Pubthe University Committee on
served. The average first year woman
will strut across galloped about Alumni gym on don-- 1 Union board elections . . .
Well Just skip that.
"29 was 63 6 inches tall, and
Kentucky wrecked Techs "Ram- of 1940 football squad left September
Club basin the ODK-Only 300 copies of "Festoons of a miniature stage in the YM-Ybling Wrecks." and students return - weighed 115 pounds, as compared
Fancy" have been printed by the lounge Friday afternoon for bene- ketball game . . . For the first time spectators breathless as Mullin and Students returned to find new Bi- ed from trip nervous wrecks . . . Stu- to her present-da- y
counterpart who
Allen galloped and passed up and ological
Princeton University press. Accord- fit of the Art department, Frances in Guignol history a three-aSciences and Home Econo- dent loan bill failed to pass legisla- stand 64.7 inches hiih and tips the
play was presented. down the field . . .
stuasso- Pollock, president of the Art club, t-written
ing to Dr. Thomas D. Clark,
scales at 120.1 pounds.
mics buildings and a new president. ture, which voted
sal"Lonesome Tune," by Ruth Lewis . . dents made unsuccessful plans for Thomas P. Cooper . . .
ciate professor of history; these 300 announced yesterday.
Scientists attribute the height and
First advice ary to president . . . The College Cacount-- 1 a musical comedy . . . Jim Caldwell
program, begin - Engineering students began
collector's Items will be the only
from new prexy was to carry on tering company announced that it weight increases to curtailment of
ning at 4. p. m., will consist of ing every light bulb on the campus was elected editor of Kernel and school work in normal manner" de - was giving up its lease on the Union immigration since the World War,
books printed from the type.
Mr. Clark wrote the introduction several performances of marionettes to find out where the University's president of Kentucky Intercolleg- f pite conscription furor . . . Regis- - cafeteria . . . Kendall refunded improvement of conditions such as
A Kernel iate Press Association all In same
to Uie book, and P. J. Conkwright, made and managed by Oscar Pat- electricity was going
tration dropped below previous en- dues to 8 students . . . UK's undernutrition and disease among
former University student, designed terson, arts and sciences junior. survey showed a majority of stu- week . . . Campus politicos tore their rollment, with war talk blamed . . . athletic glamor girls the hockey descendents of later immigrants.
the format and executed the typog- Proceeds from the show will be used dents in favor of subsidation of hair as the fraternity party's can- A wrong number in the
ght :nded
an undefeated, untied and mingling 01 racial types due to
to purchase draperies for the draw- football players, adoption of formal didates for student body president
hundreds of phone calls to season . . . Basket-tossiWildcats intermarriage.
affairs all failed to pass the qualifying
dance "sets,"
This picturization of Kentucky ing rooms of the art department.
A great deal of discussion is goMiss Margaret Lester, new womens, started practice
in the collegiate press, and were test . . . Over 180 students took halls
"consisting of compo
frontier life,
Tickets are now on sale at the
director, whose private phone shiny as the new gym floor.
ing 011 in scientific circles as to
for, 49
driving tests, dented three fenders
almost evenly divided (51
sitions amatory, sentimental, and Union information desk and in the
was given as the Patterson hall
whether the increase in size porcompulsory in Union
against) concerning
campaign . . . number . . . One man cheering sec- - December
humorous in verse and prose," as is office of the art department.
men trembled as University tends an increase in intelligence.
ROTC . . . The YWCA survey on Independents Allen, Albert, and tion
indicated on the title page, was
A conclusion one way or the other
from Baldwin Wallace com-- ;
Patterson, who made the four
first published by William Farqu- - string dolls and twelve hand puppets cheating aroused comment and Constitutionalist Trent came out on peted with entire audience to women ran wild over the campus- has not yet been reached
during "leap week" . .
top of heap in mixed up election.
Jim Mcbrought the year's first gasps.
har in
brighten first football game . . . Oraw was chosen "ideal desert is- which will appear in the show, is February
Books by Dr. Huntley Dupre.
Women swamped Guignol in record
working his way through college by
W ill Speak
Scandal-sniffer- s
blood tests for syphilis
their numbers as 300 packed theater for' land mate" . . . Two Boyd hall girls Mc
of history, and Dr. William means of his puppet performances.
were doled a little "enforced lei
disnoses into the wind as the O'Banwere given at the University
F. Galloway, associate professor of
"The Women" tryouts.
Dr. Frank L McVey will speak
Patterson spent last year on tour pensary . .
sure" for greasing hall
"Cabaret" dances non controversy raged on the camEnglish, have already been printed
training was assured by at the remaining semester's meetEngineers and Lawyers October
through use of the income from the with a road troupe and working in swung into the limelight . . . James pus . .
visual education with the Texas O'Mar. engineering
student, was squared off for battle of quips, as
Current events were reflected in University Senate's approval of pro- -; ings of the Pitkin club
Haggin fund.
department of Health. He has given gtabbed and killed by a Negro near the shysters, driven from their curricula as enrollments in French posal . . . Board of Trustees de-- ! at noon this Wednesday at the MaxMembers of the Committee on
Presbyterian church when he
building .by foul odors, claimed classes slumped and that of Span-- ; cided for the University to take over well
Publications are Dr. Frank L. Mc- performances through the Middle Stoll field
Happened in
ROTC-praisiWest and East.
lsh courses skyrocketed . . . The control of the Union cafeteria . . will discuss "What
there was a dead engineer in the
battle was raging between
Vey, former president of the Uni1940."
scandal-hounhowled again as' A new student loan bill was intro
basement . . . Engineers dunked
Several performances of the PatArthur Sanders and
versity; Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. dean
Dr. John K. Johnson has been
writers . . . "Mickey" Rouse ODK President John Morgan in the charges of nepotism were hurled atj duced to legislature and tyro poli- of the graduate school, Dr. Edward terson marionettes have been given
faculty members, later proved un- ticians began dashing about campus chesen as speaker for next semes college, on the campus previously, before was elected basketball captain to fishpool for remarks during
Wii:;t. dean of the commerce
Georije Sprains is
f ' tor's meetings.
ceremony . . The Kernel founded . . . And again as other fa- - with b'nnk Det!t!ons for
and Mr. E. F Fiiiuhar, professor the Faculty club and on College replace "Goody" Goodman, knock- or


bear-numb- er


hon-orari- es


Ramsey Elected
To Honorary

Doc-roar- ed



When the first plate cf spaghetti
and meatballs slid across the cafeteria counter and the first coca-cowas squirted together in the Union
grill, yesterday morning, the University officially entered into the
cafeteria business.

Dr. Raymond A. Kent, president
of the University of Louisville, will
deliver the commencement address
graduation exervises
at mid-yej Monday,
February 3. it was learned
Dr. Kent, who has been president
Ruth McQuown, Harry Williams
of the University of Louisville since
and James Collier, political science
1929, has in that time done seven
students, have been chosen by the
D FXM t.. .
test. i A.
On .c.
of the eight things he set out to do
McVgy .
prepare a
department to
post. They are.
and Home Convention which when he took that
paper on "The Next Decade of
Will speak at annual
the revision and improvement of the
American Foreign Policy" to submit meets on UK Campus January Zs law school; the establishment of a
to tne college or William ana Mary
school of music; the building of a
gymnasium; the addition of a school
This prediction, due March 1. is
for negroes in the University; the
to take Into account the economic,
development of a unified adminis.Ixutineil i liiiirmiin.tlii j uf
political, geographic and other factration for the University; the adop- -i
Committee nl hr"iinin'
tion of a retirement plan for fa- -'
tors Involved.
culty members and the inclusion of of new year.
The Institute for Ntaional Policy!
a fine arts department in the liberal
of the College reserves publication j
rights to all papers submitted, and
States at the present will be the arts college.
plans to publish those It deems most
discussion of national defense and
H I1 1111 VIAL
The eighth ta.sk Jotted down by
interesting at an undesignated date.
Dr. Kent, the erection of a separate
its relation to farm and business.
28-3- 1
Three first prizes of $450 eaclfj
administration building to free the
Speakers Listed
will be awarded by three Judges of '
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president present structure for a library, will
national reputation in the field.' Discussions, varying from woman's emeritus of the University, will be realized when the projected admiministration-student
union buildNine other groups of three judges part in national defense to the
speak at the general assembly on
ffirh will nmrH ninp rpainnnl provement of fruit growing, will Friday In the Stock Judging pavil- ing Is built.
compose the program for the 29th
prizes of $150 each. In the latter
Before becoming president of the
ion. Also on the convention procompetition, Kentucky will oppose annual Farm and Home convention gram will be Dr. Thomas P. Coop- University of Louisville Dr. Kent
31 at the agri- Rifles,
Mississippi, January 28 through
8S dean of the liberal arts college
er, acting president of the Univer
culture college.
will open the 1941 dance season
Arkansas, and Louisiana.
sity: Dr. Allen Stockdale of the of Northwestern University from 1923 on
the campus with its annual PR
"Understanding the World in National Association of Manufac- to 1929. He began his educational
Which We Live" will be the general turers; Dr. Carl Taylor. Depart- administrative work In 1904. when formal from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturtheme of the women's sessions which ment of Agriculture; Dr. C. F. Huff- he was named principal of graded day in the Bluegrass room of the
'Union building.
will be held in Memorial Hall. To man, Michigan
State college; R. H. schools in Fountain. Minn.
During the dance. Pegxy Shumate.
aid in reaching this "understandA graduate of Cornell college. Mt.
Representatives of the followReed, University of Illinois; Dr. E.
Delta Delta Delta, will be intro- ing" there will be discussions of
ing organizations are requested
L. Vernon, la.. In 1903. Dr. Kent re- C. Young, Purdue university;
cms ears sponsor oi me
to see Sam Ewing, editor of the the prevention of peasantry in A". Wheeler, Department of Agri- ceived his Master's degree from champion drill unit.
democracy, and the relation of farm
Howard, Columbia University in 1910, his
Kentuckian, immediately about
culture; Mrs.
Musc will be fui nished by the
D. in 1917 and his L. L. D. from
information to be included 'n families to world conditions.
Washington, D. C; Miss Myrtle Ph.
State Intercollegiates.
Bucknell university in 1934. He is Kentucky
Style Show Planned
the 1941 yearbook:
Weldon, agriculture college; and t MAnW.
r TV. i t
..J rr!rrH rrrVinuti-- frnm If pnfiuVv
One entire afternoon will be de- -: various professors of the agriculture
Interfraternity council. Wophi
honorary educa- - State Industrial college of Frankfort.
voted to the problem of food con- - college and county agents.
men's Athletic association, Home
The band, which stars four vocalton fraternity.
servation and health in a national
Economics club, Shelby house.
The author of several arithmetic ists, is noted for its "sweet swing."
emergency. The use to which cotton
Dairy club
Lieutenants Oscar Sellars and
text and other books on education.
jmay be put will be shown with a 'Boogie-Woogi- e'
Dance club. Alpha Lambda DelChester Brown are in charee of arDr. Kent is a member of the Nationstyle show of cotton clothing and
ta, Sigma Gamma Epsilon.
al Association of Education, the Ken- rangements for the formal. Admisdemonstrations' in cotton mattress
Beta Gamma Sigma, Block
tucky State Liquor Control Board. sion will be $1. couple or stag, "ne
reA program of "boogie-woogianl Bridle, Lenshawks, Agriculttle Survey committee of the Met-- ; kets may be obtained from Persh-hoditure council. Phi Mu Alpha, and
On the men's side of the program cordings will be played at the "Hot
church and the National com- - ir.g riflemen or candidates for the
on poultry Music" session at 3:30 pjn. today mittee for Federal Emergency Aid. drill unit.
j will be found roundtables
the Photography club.
of fraternities, raising, dairying, livestock porduc- - in the music room of the Union for Education. In 1934 he served as
Besides Sellars and Brown offi.
sororities, and other organiza-- .
tion, soils and crops, and the rural
Records by Glenn Miller, Tommy
ftf rrw hnnnrarv rnmnanv a r
tions are requested to report at community. In keeping with the Dorsey, Woody Herman, and Will Kentucky Colleges and Universities
Bob Cloud, captain, and Joe Webb.
once to check their lists.
trend of thought in the United Bradley will be featured.
and of Urban Universities.
fsecond lieutenant.

Williams, Collier,
McQuown Chosen








7. 19






Student's Puppets
Perform Friday

rrf rin









Theta Sigma Phi and Cub club
meet at 5 p.m.. Thursday, in


Room 51 of McVey hall. Laura.
Lyons, president, announced.
There will be a compulsory meeting of the Kentuckian editoriaf
and business staff at 4 p.m. today
in Room 54 of McVey hall. Sam
Ewing. editor, announced.







non-camp- us




pro-less- or








7 p.m.. Y lounge.
Sophomore commission. 7 p.m..
Room 204.
YWCA cubinet meetinjj. 8 p.m..
Room 205.
Junr-Senio- r
YWCA members.
7 p m.. Room 206.
Cwens. 5 p m.. Room 2ut.
Carnegie Listening hours.
m.. Music room

Freshman club.


SuKy. 6 p.m.. Room 'JtM.
Carnegie Listening hours.
p.m.. Music room.
Dance committee. 5 p.m.. Kevin


Bridge lessons. 7 15 p.m.
Carnegie Listening hours,
m.. Music room.

anti-ROT- C














� ucoi uupy





Enlrrrd at th Post Office at Lln(rton. Kentucky, as
m- - itiirt
class matter under the Art of March 3, I!i79.







r.u,jr. krrrumimi.v.
a.... . lo. ...... s..







Circulation Manager
Assistant News Editor
Assistant Managing Editor
Assoc. Editors





One Tear

$S 00





tial jxisitions than his arc thinking and talking along the same general lines. Except they are
not tiiite v) careful lo qualify their thoughts
wilh a "would be Utter than defeat
as docs Mr. Brooks.
W'e reler sjiei iliiallv to those individuals who
are saving (we have heard them with our own
ears) "aid to Britain is. after all, irrelevant;
what we roalK should Ih- doing is making ourselves a strong military power so that we can
make a deal wilh Hitler in case he licks Great
Britain." It is hardly coint idenee' that the great
majoritv of those orsons, when asked to subdone, avow
mit a plan as to how this should
lust that the social gains of the past few years
should Ik- surrendered, and "all opjiositioii
jailed." Pressed even further they tiller blueprints whith sound to the naked ear something
like a blond of It Can't Hnjeti Here, The Wave
iij tin: iutuvr, and a hook" entitled The Coming
Inn iiiiui Insri.wi. by a gentleman named Law-iintDennis. Anil the frightening thing is that
these advocates are practically all niemlcrs of
that group known rather wistfully as "pillars of
our society."
Personally we don't see that there would be
am mote virtue in an "America for Americans"
based on military xwer and "freedom for those
who agree with us" than there would be in an
"I 'user Amerika." And we don't believe we
would get anv more
oul of saying "Hail
the Chief!" instead of "gtodbye" than we would
out of shouting "Heil Hitler!" in lieu of "an!
That is why we greeted wilh such enthusiasm
President Roosevelt's lxild warning of Sunday
nook against having to "convert ourselves
wcr on the basis
into a militaristic
of war economy." He certainly must have had
Mr. Dennis and Company in mind when he
palmed that revolting but apparently

we of the campus were al home indulging ourselves ill the jovous excesses l If Fruit
of things hapCake and Egg Xiig Season, a
W hilt- -



example, i he British lift idetl lo ship
iheir Lord Halifax lo Washington and lo fill
ilu- thus vataied Foreign Ministry with one
Anthonv Eden, who had hrld the job previous-- l
daxs. Captain Eden, who
has lon I urn one of the homos of ourjgcneia-lion- .
should stop i Filmland's war t llort considerably. Which undoubtedly moans tliat wo in
Ami i ii. i a ro going to lo asked to plav an oven
tidier role in (ho lestixiiios.
Hon Hitler siidtlonlv prot laimod hinisoll the
world's Number One Champion oi the Masses
(A subject which Mein kaniif lioaiiiilullv
brushed iivci'l. anil Franklin Rexiscveli couuicr-ewith the guttiosl steceli on foreign x:ity
ever made by an American President.
I hi so things, obviously,
are Ixiund to make
our to!leeiie tin u us at least a trille more
than thev already are.
However, the most significant happening, in
out opinion, tame in the hum of a tolle