xt7z610vr62s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vr62s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1999 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 4, Winter 1999 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 4, Winter 1999 1999 1999 2012 true xt7z610vr62s section xt7z610vr62s Tr . , » U   lx.   _v _ ,-‘ Y
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{A   9 ,: ,,_   ifs? the Class Of ‘39 as they celebrate their Diamond Reunion.
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  ly      . the Class of ‘49 as they celebrate their Golden Reunion.
    ‘l   · ’ pg if ‘ All graduates from the 50’s are invited to come home to help us honor
  ja     1.   4  I ” `   ® the Class of ‘59 as they celebrate their Ruby Reunion.  
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F1 he apart of Reumorz 99, please return this form, or call Beth at 60625 7-1499, ;~d»
or 800—269—AL UM to hey) as prepare for this eventf mm
Name Class of College of  
, , Alum
Address City State Zip publ:
Daytime phone Evening phone Fax  
Yes! lwant to be there! Please put me on your mailing list.  
Yes! l’d like to help! Give me information on helping with the Reunion Committee  
To make this event really special, I’d like to see my old fr1end/ professor  
. . I U
l’d be interested in (check all that apply) iiiiml
. . POS]
TOUY of CLIYHQLIS S€I1'11I’13,I‘S OH h1S[OI'Y, HIT, Oth€I' C/um
Tour of Williain T. Young Library Meet with classmates 5c faculty from my College  
Reunion Reception 8c Dinner Other gf';
Tickets to Keeneland ASW

 1/C R ‘ 4
  7 '"'74
  *   ‘ i
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    .Av·       · .A      _ V    
COVER: 1998-99 OFFICERS   ;   AA , N vv<¤ · A A   - __ = A      
In celebrating its         I  R , T` `A E,   v___r' ` `AA_  `A  · ~  ‘·V`  
75th Anniversary, PRESIDENT   ` ?    v ` _  ’ _ `  -¤e· -  -» R  R? 'v’=· *     °*'`>’v· ~ `  VS    5**7  •
the cgirege of R¤berre1¤ickm1*57, ·61 A  »~ ’ _ 6   em    `otpourn 16
Education Brentwood, Tenn.
included a salute
to teachers. PRESIDENT ELECT
Coach Hrbby Robert E. Miller
Smith was tlze Winchester F 
spokesperson. TREASURER
M ‘t M“ddl S diB 'Ptt ’68 • •
scihgilreazrref pZ{"TZR"Zf§€ a "S°" College 0f Educatwn Amuversary Salute: 10
Marian Sims ·
6,,0,,,,,,E SECRETARY Teachers Make a D1ff€f€HC€
classroom Stan Key ’72
experience with Lexington
/1er students •
  ASSOCIATIONSTAFF B¤Sk¤§§¤1¤NIg¤1S¢r¤¤· R an 12
Haggerman, YO I- am
Darien Sanders, DIRECTOR In C to C ty
Jordan Voss and Stan Key '72
Yravis Harrison. Lexington
Sims is also a
and Alumni Matt Lucas '86  
Association board Lexington
Vol.67 No.4 EDITOR   B€at• 4
lSNO732-6297. Liz Howard Demoran ’68, ’76 '
The Kmm, A C0mpend1um 0f Campus News
published Kay Johnson ’86 P _d ti l P t_ 6
q“”"""`hV by the I'€Sl €H 3 €I°S €C IV€Z
KentuclqvAlumni PROGRAMS The Next Level
Association, Beth Haendrges
Kentucky for STAFF
its dues—paying Brenda Bain        
members. Linda Brurnjield · ·
Opinions Nancy Coomer Alum Scrvlcc   I 6
expressed are John Hoagland ’89 , · v
not necessarily Charles Livingston Patt€I‘HS• Barbara Landrum Rice   1 8
those ofthe Mandy Long `
University of Carolyn Rhorer   Calendar 1 9
Kentucky nor of Sarah Seideman
the UK Alumni Darlene Simpson
Association. Lee A. Zuhars Class Ngtgs  
Change Service , , , ,
m,RmrrA sm: Almmnm ASSOCIHUOH Dnrectory 28
to The Kentucky
UK Alumni

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A Scholar’s Scholar .
, , · The director of UK’s Appalachian
I i K       Center, Ron Eller, has been named the
third John D. Whisman Scholar by the
UK researchers are helping South Africans tight their country’s Aple{§i1i§l,lr;aeFh5i;(;;iI;a;/OcnzfgrrgElilgpnnlill
growing HIV and AIDS epidemic with an educational model created be eendnenng englnnl research nnd
for an Eastern K€ntuckY t0W“· providing scholarly expertise to the ARC
Professors Holly Riffe of the College of Social Work; Vincent en eeenenne development issues
Gallicchio, associate dean of allied health, and Rolf Becker of the gffgctlng the l3-slale Appalachian
l University of the North in South Africa, are training students at three Region Ah guthgrs gchglgrs reaehe; and
South African universities using a HIV/AH)S awareness and education eighth-generation descendent of families
model similar to one created for students in the UK master of social from Appalachia, he was selected for the
work program offered through Prestonsburg Community College in position for his in-depth knowledge of the
Floyd County. The regions, and thus the programs, are similar due to f€gi0¤ and hiS pHSSi0¤ f0f it
similar social situations and resource availability. John Whisman WHS H lvngtime ¤id€ to
Riff says that one of the major similarities is that "students in Kentucky GOV- Bnii Cninbs- H6 is Widniy
Prestonsburg and in South Africa lack access to educational resources. Cisdiind fm nnnigizing Presidwt innn E
The College of Social Work has been responsive to the Prestonsburg Ksnnndyis vision ni n rceienei nPPi9nCn
area by providing a master of social work program in the area. People ip compat Chroma ppvaiiy ip Appalachia-
in South Africa are just as capable as people in the United States. What New Names
makes the difference in the two countries’ infection rates is what has _ _ ,
not been able to happen in South Africa that has happened in TWO buildings OH UK S Campus have
Prestonsburg and the rest of the United States. Without all the re- been renamed te hener lengelme
sources the United States has, our rate (of HIV infection and AIDS Supporters of beth ele university and the
,, College of Engineering.
eases) would not be as low as they ere' The Civil Engineering/'liansportation
Classes are being offered at the University of the North, Rand Building, which nnnsss the Dennnment `
Afrikaans University and the University of Pretoria. Eyentually the ef cnn Engineering and the Kentucky
university program will move out into the towns and villages of South Trnnsnennnen Centen is new named nn
Africa, Riffe said. The program has a 10-year plan Oliver H_ Reylnends e 1954 gnndnene_
"We will be training the professionals within the villages and RaymOnd’S eeneel has been Spent in the
working with the traditional healers," she said. "We want to train them eensnpenen lndustry
so they can begin training others in their communities to prevent this The Kentucky Tyaaspoylaooh C€[]t€I‘s
disease. Because it is such a large problem, we have to enable the ioeated at the oomey of Sguth Limestone
professionals and community and Colfax, across from the main gate to
leaders to build the prevention UK, is now named in honor of S.J.
f V programs they need." "Sam" Whalen, an internationally known
* metallurgical engineering graduate of
UK. A 1949 graduate of UK, Whalen and
! A his wife live in Naples, Florida.
T Z Tutoring Program Gets Boost
`s ` _ The Student Government Association and Residence Life have found a way to provide
~   more UK students with free tutoring in many subjects.
' · .   The SGA used to offer students one-on—one tutoring, but the high demand made that
g » 1 service close to impossible. Residence Life had programs at the residence halls offering free
s V ` __ i tutoring to incoming freshmen, who are the majority of the students living in residence halls.
  ° Since neither program had the budget to provide enough tutoring to meet demand, Jason
i Hicks. tutor coordinator for the SGA, approached Melanie Tyner-\Mlson, assistant director
of Residence Life. "Now. all our bases are covered and we’ve filled the demand rather than
oftering the same classes."
Residence Lite uses graduate students. SGA sponsors peer—tutoring.
The two groups schedule sessions Sunday through Friday evenings at the dorms.
4 KliN'l`UCKY Atumnus 4

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The People We Touch
Jes and Clementine Schlaikjer lived in Prescott, Arizona. She died in “PaSS_ThI·u" is Dedicated
December 1995, and he died in September 1996. They bequeathed most of _
— their estate to UK for endowments to support equine infectious disease _A Sculpture eleeled by Rlellald Hum, an
research. The endowments will create chairs and professorships in the alllel Wlleee Welles me exlllblled lll the All
Department of Veterinary Science and support other equine research pro- lllslllule ef Clllee$°· new Stands ell the llellh
grams and mitiativw lawn of the   Singletary Center for the Arts,
The Schlaikjers spent 40 years together traveling the world riding and leelllg leuelld Avenue dlleelly eelees flelll
training their horses — mostly Saddlebreds and Morgans. Horses had given Memellal Celleeum The October dedleellell ef
them so much pleasure that they committed their life’s worth to equine the l2`feel’ eeeilpeulld Stamlcss Steel Welk
research. While in their veterinarian’s office in Arizona in 1991, they saw one leelllehed Phe eel annual eellfel-enee el lhs
of the UK Equine Research Foundation newsletters. They called the founda- MldAmellee College A¤ASS<>¤1¤¤<>¤ at UK
tion asking for more information and within six months rewrote their will to `
include UK. Even though they never visited UK and never met personally
with university officials, the Schlaikjers, who insisted on anonymity until <
after their deaths, left their estate in the amount of more than $7 million to J
UK to fund research for cures for equine infectious diseases. A J {
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A New School for UK   $5-* gl! ‘
For many years, the UK College of Medicine has been enrolling l ’ —  
students in a master’s of public health degree program. Now all the i
pieces involved in that program have been brought together to form » _ _
the UK School of Public Health that will award a degree titled the V yi
master’s of public health. The first students in the School of j A   J
Public Health’s MPH program will begin classes this fall. _ _ —·’ , f     y
Kentucky students, particularly non-traditional   j' ‘ A  
y students who work in health departments, have a difficult     .· if
l time obtaining a public health degree. The new school T 4 , ·
brings together faculty from throughout the university to 1 / ‘
focus on teaching, research and service in public health. if
Trends in health care, including the growth of managed . ,__ -- `
care, new information technology in health care, and a renewed · ·
emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention, point to the need for '
such a school.
The designation of this comprehensive School of Public Health results in
the Chandler Medical Center becoming one of a few academic health
centers composed of all six schools of the health professions.
Kewruckv Atuivinus 5

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_ Presudentral Perspectrve  ““   _
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· Graduate student David Koh conducts S ” _  ‘    S 1
l research in Dr: Myron Jacobsons lab at t .-__ _        
S UK is Advanced Science and Technology S 3*   1
I Commercialization Center; known as _   S  
i AS RCC. Jacobsons basic research in _,\ V _       S 
1 ADPR transkr reactions is leading to gj;w,__%  "     _ _»ii i  t
1 new drug designs for patient use. Photo: ““»§;j~§·  C   I I     .;.’-‘     ‘ 
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   The Next Level
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`   In sports it’s common to hear that so-and-so has taken his   V
  »_,._   ’t or her game "to the next level." It generally means that the  
 =a»   tt—t j quality Of mt, performance has tmpthvhd tha that they the C’~"’e T W€t’ti~g~m» ft
K ¥` excelling in their sport. The term is often applied to those
who achieve more than what is expected of them.
We heard these kinds of references as our men’s basket- improve every area of this university. We are seizing this
  ball team, not generally considered one of the top four in the opportunity to launch a longer—range, fund—raising capital
. country last year, made it to the Final Four and then brought campaign that will begin to position the University of
home the NCAA Basketball championship trophy. We heard Kentucky as one of the very best institutions of higher
pv   it as the UK football team, under the direction of Hal learning in the nation.
  Mumme, played competitively with top teams in perhaps the Our first goal is clear. We intend to use every resource that
  toughest league in the nation this season and earned their the state is making available to us to move toward becoming
  way to the Outback Bowl. a top 20 public university by the year 2020. This university
  That is the kind of excitement and expectations for which has identified targets of opportunity —— areas of research and
   `P we strive in academics at the University of Kentucky. study at UK that already are, or have the potential to be, truly
  ti`'  I Becoming one of the very best academic institutions in excellent. Recently, one of this state’s leading corporations,
_ ] the country has long been one of the university’s goals. Now Ashland, Inc., and an alumnus who has retired as a success-
  we are begimring to see others reaching out to help us ful businessman in this state, Oliver Raymond, have stepped
   q F achieve those goals. forward with significant gifts that are first steps in allowing t
  V  The Kentucky legislature has provided us a tremendous us to meet our targets. We pledge to build on their generosity
 s opportunity in launching the Research Challenge Trust Fund. I know that you care as much as I do about continually
 ·_; For those of you who are not familiar with this effort, the improving the quality of your alma mater. I believe we have ~
  j state General Assembly earlier this year authorized matching an obligation to future generations of students to make UK L
  funds of up to $66.7 million for research at UK. For every the best it can be. i
J .   dollar that is raised in private funding at UK to endow We are seeking your financial support; but just as impor-
  research chairs, professorships, fellowships and research tant we are seeking your vocal support. The UK Alumni
_  `A   initiatives, the state will offer a matching amount —— up to Association Board of Directors will be joining the UK
  $67 million. Development Council and others in helping UK reach these
 V    ig  UK is now engaged in a major effort to accept the state’s important goals. Wth your backing, we can indeed see that
   -   challenge and orchestrate a campaign that will touch and UK takes the academic excellence we have come to expect
°    and appreciate "to the next level."
.4  gr

 The Next Leve1 _
1 Academic Highlights I 998 to chance happenings —— from the treatment of diabetes ·
I to expediting brain surgery recovery. Here is just a taste
* U 111VO1s1tY ef KO11tuO1