xt7z610vr527 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vr527/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1958 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 29, 1958 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 29, 1958 1958 1958 2012 true xt7z610vr527 section xt7z610vr527 l
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A lLUM N U S  ~ l
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Better to [ight one candle -—--- ll
This issue ofthe Kentucky Alumnus offers lt is to each of them that their institutions  
its readers a thirty-two page exposition on turn for understanding, for leadership and for  
American Higher Education—l958, prepared financial support. They are responsible part- |
by a group of the outstanding alumni mag- ners in the greatest effort ever fostered by the  
ezine editors in the United States. free world——that of producing, supporting I
lt is the story of higher education today—its and nurturing men of strong moral fibre, great '
challenges and opportunities, its needs, its imagination and inspiring vision—in short, l
hopes and its dreams—and the story of the educated men.
men and women who have dedicated their This report is designed to point up to each l
lives to making these hopes and dreams come of you the responsibilities which are yours as l
true—the teachers of America. alumni of a great educational institution. lt is I
Even more, it is the story of the alumni of a challenge to your loyalties and a tribute to
these institutions of higher learning, a group your devotion. lt is an invitation to contribute l
at men and women who recognize the prob- your counsel and your material support to the
lems facing higher education today and who end that YOUR University may reach the l
have the understanding and the power to solve heights.  
these problems. l
Alumni of our various institutions of higher Remember—"Better to light one candle  
education are partners in a great enterprise, than to curse the darkness." l
Mc 4% Qi l
.   '
l l
l Volume XXIX May, l958 Number 2   ·'
l l, l
l T '

 II ,
  N Nc
—   _  lllll()ll Day
  The Kentucky Alumnus ‘°Y‘I,"`.‘IZs°l
  1*2 .
  Published quarterly by the University of (CC  
iii Kentucky on the campus of the University, R€I)l(-5Cl
ii at Lexington. Subscriptions to non-members.   *
  $5.00. Membership (Type A) in the Alumni   Summon ll
I Association includes subscription to the I 1¤rC€l \
‘l Alumnus U 0 4
  Member of National Editorial Association. \I.III2.I_ III
  Kentucky Press Association, American "# I
5 Alumni Council. II ]2;f(
?   I ‘ ,
  Entered as Swmd Class Matter at the Pm ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NEWS ................................,........,,_ _ _______ I IIIIIIIIIII IIII
Q; Office at Lexington, Ky., May 1, 1952, under II SIC ROI
I the act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited bv the Alum- · ll H
g ni Association. ()llS€
I __._},.».} ABOUT THE ALUMNI ...................__.____,,_,_,_,______________________________ I l***I H
I Betty Bowen Wiggs .............,... Editor hlllll
‘ Helen G. King ........... Managing Editor IIIWYC il P
  M“*g“"*·l° M°L"‘“El‘l"‘ ···· ASS"““"‘* Edlm AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION, 1958 ___,,__,_______________________ I l¤**1E*l`_$
,2 Ken Kuhn .......,............ Sports Editor ‘ IIIII PICIIIC
· Z,   .
· I I Y lllfil llIllC I
I 1 gi l95”l·'5“ EXECUTWE COlVll"ll"·"l`EE_ UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS ..................................................,,,, _ gg 11¤¤1l)‘ 0
1 l ; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, President, Hillen- ' '‘''‘‘''‘‘‘ ‘ I S· _
  meyer Nurseries, Lexington lllllt · lllli
_ If Ricl·Iar;:l{ E. Cooper, Vice President, Somer- IIIIIII IIIIIHI
· I se, y. _
Ii Heien G_ King, Director of Alumni Affairs,     ..... . ......................................................... . ......... , ,_______   []1$Il€(l 2lll(
I -` 522 Sayre Ave., Lexington I
I i   B. A. Shively, Treasurer, Department of Ath- llll llll ml
V », I I   letics, University of Kentucky IImC(II,I
5 · * 1 EQ Herndon -1- Evans. 1-¤>=inz1¤¤ H¢1¤l<1·L<·¤>¤¤g· UNIVERSITY STAFF NEWS ...........................................,,, .19 H '
`· I E ton (Term Expires 1960) H ''‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   — IIUIIIIII mg
' J T. H. Hardwick, Kentuckian otel, Lexing- . .
I _ Iii ton {Term expires 1960) d Wm Will
‘ I IP J. Carlisle Myers, Jr., 1211 Richmond Roa , ,, . , ,
,   Lexington (Term expires 1960)K P1   ....................................... . ............................... . .,.,..,_,,,,____ _ ,____   llhuhq (il
 » I Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, Old E911 BCC, H IguIIII)]] C;
I   Lexington re. F1‘¤¤kf¤1t- KY- (LEE memben gather ll1€S€ items f1`011l L€XIl1gi011 and I1€Igl1h01`l11g 11€WS]>i1])€1‘$· t1I1;IIjI,II 0
A I I ` I nr. George Wilson, 200 N. Upper st., Lex- Because of the larger size of this issue of the KENTUCKY ALUIIXUS. IIIIIIIII IIIC
` i , - ‘ ‘ b , h _ ·V . . . . .
I I _ I 1*1*3*0** ‘l—·ll° mcm °l °“°““"’ bnths and weddings have been omitted. They will bc publislicil 111 the III IIIIII.I,II
I · `f APPOINTIVE MEMBERS lixu ust jSSu€_ A. ` `
I _ James B. Allen, Box 112, Winchester, Ky. g _-lllt l9O·
_ I I _ _ I-Iomer L. Baker, Louisville Cement C0., 501 IH111; I
I , . uiie
I . S. Second, Louisville II
_ I, William P. Curlin, Fravxiilkfort, Igykt Th ~llIl(li1y in
B .tt' M. D Lo g, 52 oodl n , . omas, · • · ~ . I
» I   E “ " Jumes A. Beazley Resngns Alumm Fund Directorlob  ‘*'*I**I*l1¤
Mrs. Elmer T. Gilb, Paris Pike, Lexington _ _ _ im IIC li
· Da,,Id BV G,,,I,I,,,,_ _I,_I o,I,,I,,,,_ K, james A. Bcznzlcv of Danville and quarters in Lcxmgten ¤111II l1?1S YC- Willi llC11(l(IlI2Il`lCl`S H1 New )i)¥l~- l"` V III. IIIII8 I
I I Executive Conimittee meets second Nfgndny *l§llC‘l llls I"l$lll0¥·I 05 0I hist l:Cl>1‘1l211‘}‘ il l)OOlLl{€CI)ll]g systtgni to small l>I*‘lI ·IIIIm`II  
hight 0f €¤¢h m°hlh~ $€Pl°1hh°1‘ through llllh I0 Q1) ll1l0 I11`l\‘ilEC business. messes in :1 ],Il`[(ECf]’-(`()LlllI,\` :111*:1 11) illll I . `
_` May, 6:30 p.m., Colonial Room. Lafayette _ , I . , _ i ·|l|lI\’Qrg;II—
Hotel, Lexington M1. liezulcy will have h1s head- ucar Lexiiigiou.
I L V  
il   lHE
' I
ii ~ .
JL · -

 . ii- ,.
Alumni will Celebrate May 24 as Reunion Day · ’ 
ll ——————— L I  
8 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND ly i i ;i A . » I   yvyy yy i i i I I l
AND iiUN|0N ACTIVITIES       IyTAI { yIAII‘ Distinguished Men 9 ii
The time to remember—i-\lumni Re- L   .  ‘ ,    ai,   To GIVE LECTLITGS I   i
  » nin,] Day-is fast approaching. Four-   ’‘’/     V // , i I i _ ··
I nniqlgtsses will be returning to UK to i       Alumnn °f_ th€ University of Ken- 3 _
iiiibnin i I in      :1/;.  in  V . ;    tucky are invited to return to the earn- i i
Representatives of your Alumni As-     j  ____     pus for a three and °nS`h“1f day Sem" l
iiiiinjoii will be present at registration   V;‘_ 5         yr  narithe last weelc-end tn july to hairy i i i
ii, nm you and serve refreshments     lvvf y       A ai Stimulating series of lectures by dis-   ¤
1958 imm in Mn in nnnn on binni.iiin,’   ..,; L          in tmguished alurnni and faculty rnein- I
nin. Q4, in the Student Unrcm,     »  "   ..   ’ b€I‘S rind. tO think about and. discuss
it ]2;3() p.m. on Saturday the re.   f i i i j [   Yh€$€ t0]>l5S with stich outstanding men i ,
,...,,, 3 inning alumni will adjourn from the   *23  _4 _   __A·  ii-;  is ]€S;€ EN .1Tapp, 20, chairrnani of the ii
Music Room of the Union to Carna-   .,__ — g _V_, V   ____;    _ ·=  ir \°*‘“ 0 ti; Bankwnf ·‘\m€¤€3» E- V- i I i
him House, the handsome new Alumni-   ` ··‘’ —  ,r,     * _   iIurl)hr€€· —0, Pr€5Ifl€n¥ of E$S0_R€· i ii j
.,,,___ 5 nniin, Home on inc Ncwinnn pike   search and iormer chief of the Gurcled   i ii i
where rt picnic lunch will be served. ~   MISSIICS l’ml€‘?[_? DT- ·"\· D- I»¤rw¤¤, 26, i I   i
. iiiinnn icnninn Cinsscs held n gCn_   nroiessor of history; l)r. Herman 13,     ii -
...,.,, ; miinmic in Cninnnnn Hnnsei but ni   in   Spney, dean of the Graduate School {
ttm time the house was not furnished   I   ‘,_. j ii i·   and DL AmYY V?md€n_bf’$€h» pmlnr I
  39 amlimn Ouiiiiom niciiines were Mini-     .»   i gurshed Professor of Political Science. I
‘‘‘‘ nin Since that [Une the house has Dr. Thomas A. Spragens, ’38, presi- "lhe purpose of the Seminar is to i
been completely and elaborately fur- dent of Centre College, Danville, give alumni an opportunity to return  
________ 40 [lished and it will be an opportunity KY- and former ])l"€Sid€Ill of Stephens to the campus for a few days and to  
in ini? (nn.(,[.m“»n nlunjni [0 see in College, Columbia, Mo., will be the resume the role ol a student engaged i` t
immcdinien, iniinwing inc nicnic inc speaker at the annual alumni ban- m the pursuit ol knowledge for the  
_ ___'___ ig mimi mciiiing ni the Aiinnni Assnciin quet to be held Saturday evening, sake ol gaining a better understanding ~i
im win be held, nnd nil niinnniy Llziy 24, at srx p.m. C.D.T., in the of- the world in which we live. There  
in ttlitztlier or not they are members ol Biiiliggm gh th; Smd°m_uUT(i" ‘i'1l lic “°_€P"%€   Ulilsfnlllufr and il
‘‘‘‘‘‘tt · ¤~i¤ i ·>ii       2 liit I med the aint A‘ium‘L‘}"‘i£‘;u;21m ‘1§’;$ {.Z,ii,,Y§§T‘1OZilii“t‘3t‘2i;`La1?§.§12‘it?i‘i; I
mattcnd. _ _ _ ·   I ` ·
Pics dent and Mrs. Dickey will enter» acuvmcs at UK' Ou Caml°u$·  
lain alumni, seniors, >arents, faculty   I
intl friends at a receiition from 3:3t) . ,    
to 5:f`II p.m. at Maxwell Place. The             L  
Alumni Banquet will be held at 6 p.m.    
lillll€|)2IllTO(v)lII of tl1€iStl1(l€lI[ UI1i0l1~ The executive committee of the Trustees is chairman ol the Alllllllll ii i
i I0 lciiiii   ;XSSO('§la;3(?n j;lCSl)(?C`izll?i Ul]?\Y(?1_Sil§i   I iicplucky f\lUIT`liIl .'\$‘ Fil(`lll[}'i ,‘\\\'1II`(lS Ci(IlI]]]`ll[[FC_ Lind ll]}dQ]` l i
inning in giiiliiciii igglziifxic Collicir 1(;iul‘_'bl ·i· $0(`Iiil10U   llllllllllllgiil plan thls year hisicharrmanshrp a selection committee  
ii miiiicis iiihi Inn-( [ici S miikcii giiuiiilesisielr   to recognize outstanding research con- ol taculty has been chosen which repre- ;
kv. Only ihc bmiliugt )l·0IUl-gun iluiluiic l§i€5   iI'lli)li[l()lI5 (Il lII€lIIl)€I`S ol [IIC laII1\'CY`SllI” SCIIIS ll (`I`()SS·SC(`[lUll ol [hill. gI`UUl). 1  
uns Us in lmiimiiin Oilmuoiilm il.   i I iii- JCU   ii _ Y I i _ Thei ;\lumni Association i has made    
I. . _ _( MSL? dm P1? A (mm"*m€€ of I¤<¤·I¤> dud Mmmm these lacultv awards one ol IIS malor   I
IUMNUX iiiiittiiitiiipligzstunonials oil itppitpcia- has. been selected to choose the re- i,rojet»ts tor 1958~5SI. It is hoped l` i
cd in inc niiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii IJNBK nw UC‘ um il'il;'Lii:;im‘;iii; lint   il€n",%III¢C<§i'·Ii and expected that alunmt will ma-    
Tha 1908 Cinss `vill receive i.cCn(,ni_ C6 u` H CXCIUSCS on ‘ dl i€I`I11ll\' <‘¢1Iltl`1lJUtc· to this proiiect this  
mmm the Conrnucucclncnl cxcliciscslon · no   him bcou V HO it t I I i I yCilI` S()i [hill [IIC 1l\\’2lI`(lS illlllyi I)C(`()lII(J V i
—··"· iiomiin mimnnd Mm, 06 in in nm i\i‘·i—· _ i\    i_   _(·i W ’}i tile larger in amount and wider in scope i  
 Wim [iw Piesidziii i ii U _} ii_ i i tmni . ssotia ion ior   ptnposcq in nic i.i,in.S ninn i i
rlob ami [im Pi _l F IC nI\Q1s1t? and will bc gn en to lotnilaculty mem- The CX€i.niii,n Unniniiicn ni inc   i
nd has pur- minion “v$T(`€lIE(I tlteiyrtlutnnr .—\si hers, in the amount ol !>;>Il() each, who Alumni i_\SSni_iini(m is inning ihis  
ll Simlmd ·>hIicc1·tss ·l (gui]; 61 on -°"‘tll liliuibm mic dccmcd by thc]? Uillcugucs U) llmic nwethotl of cutouraging writing and l i I
Oigiliiiliiiinn (Jilin; id I   (D1Ii_IlllJ·llCC (.Cl tllI(il[C. 1II{l(lC V [IIC III()S[ SlglIllI(`2llI[ (`()lIlI`ll)ll— l_CScni_(_h` li   nlm) thc ixliiiiiiii i‘sn()i.iii_ i  
\·m_iii inicil amino; ll;) ( ling lyegllltglls this yiear tions in their respective Held; iiimk wil`. Oi Cx nicsniuoi ii i niciiiiiliim I   `
t small bust ii0·m~il iilijlitill, l-, l.)il8, l92§.i 29, il)r. Ralphn]. Angieluccr. a imembcr `     `il _.   n i` lil   i I I   I
in.i.n in itntl il `nii; i- MS2); CFl€l)I`illlllg its Silver ol the alumni (;‘X(f(`u[]\'Ci(`()]]]]]]1[|_cQ imd to lllC Llll\Cl5Il} ldilllly [U1 lllell (011- i 4 | E
‘m““*·*I)’$ l9‘l/, 48, '=l9 and ’50. an alumnus member ol the Board ol tributions to the Universitys prestige. | l ‘
-/  £—· I · »
. I I
i I t

 E * ’  
HELD AT UK JULY 30-AUG. 2       its API
.   . STATE BC
A seminar, under the sponsorship of leave, UK Agricultural Administration    .
the Alumni Association and with the Dr. \Villiam S_ \=\lebb, ’O3, Distin- ·     “‘   ,.._ .. it lac K.
cooperation of the faculty of the Uni- guished Professor of Physics, University  ,   =-.»   . ·‘ , F 4 lll., citrus
versity, will be held this summer for of Kentucky g      ..,,_,_  ‘_   lliliointetl
the lirst time at UK and you are in- Dr. Forrest Pogue, ’32, military his- .,_    A`''`  l lol which
vited-urged-to attend. The idea for torian, Director of the Marshall Foun- ,     lit state u
the seminar originated with Miss Helen dation. I     j`  - lslllls is
King; President Dickey gave it his Together with this faculty, the Q   _ "   Polmttl by
hearty endorsement; the oflicers of the alumni who return for the Seminar ‘ ‘‘·-     :,_   lllllcmigi
Alumni Association are enthusi2lStiC will study the American Political _   `‘`·   ````' mmlllm oi
about it_ A committee of alumni of- Tradition—the institutions, ideas, and i ,   Hm lsl
{icers and faculty members has worked ideals which have been combined to `  Clmléhpl
out the plan. form the American way of political life { _ Wloml l
Early in june you will r€€€iV€ H and which express the American poll- I `~ llmlc Cl
leailet giving the detailed program of tical genius. During the course of the t lt. Russell] In
tho Seminar and a registration form t0 seminar we will be seeking answers to   ` ML pim
be used {or formal enrollment. For important questions. Do we agree on llolldn Ch
tho present we are only asking you t0 what we mean by the American Poli- Jesse `V· T¥*l>P dom Club
road this article describing the general tical Tradition? Is it a static, unchang-
i plan of the Seminar, and then to re- ing thing? How is it affected by the _
solve to set aside the days from ]lllY 30 revolutionary changes that have been l ` lll‘ll_|‘|'|ES
to August 2 for a return visit to the and are taking place in the world ___  J ___,_,     ATTEND
cainpus of the University of K€1ltU€l€Y about us? Can we adjust our political    __<· ‘ ' ‘  
j in Lexington. institutions, ideals, and ideas to make   l>  ‘·-   Flank AA
l . l Several purposes lie behind the them fit new times and new conditions,   #__jyQ  lllll mmm
i Seminar, \/Ve intend lor it [0 be a and yet retain the time-honored values     celebrate [
l stimulating experience for wth alum we have been taught to cherish? VVhat   Q _   __l__ llllg dm
_ ' this who attends, XVe think it will l`€‘ has been the impact upon them of the  ¤;  :__  ,    ‘·‘°```' `     `;°   _.-=‘     lm Ol lm
. acquaint the returning alumni With rapid industrialization Silico World _rs,.   Inll     ··»· [lon at CC
I some of the University activities they War II—oE the changing relationships ` *`-:  CT I       llll. 26 W
Want to know about. The seminar is between the urban and rural elements     Unll.€lsl[l,_
_ l also a part of a compreh€n5iV€ ·Pl”0‘ of our society—of the Striking SCientiliC   `‘``   i  ._ii   il·_ i iilltonfer
" . gram being set up by the Alumni {lr achievements of the past few years—of   · `   tititli ml
gociation for the purpose of brmglllg America’s rise to world leadership? `   ;____ _ _,_._   j. Wllllcs l_
- the alumni into P1 closer and Corltlmr The planning committee thinks that   ·.=»-· ‘ the Soulhl
‘ ing relationship with the total Ulll· these are important questions. VVe do   Camplmvl
i-· A l versity. not expect, nor do we desire that the X l ·___l_ l   `_._; lllm nllér
A truly distinguished f2tCt1lty, 50mC Seminar reach a consensus in discuss-   i     ,»,   Pmldem ll
t alumni and some University of K€l'l· ing them. But they are problems   llonwllhs
_ ` tucky professors, will deliver the l€€· which afrect the lives of all University   lll mlmls
_ l tures and lead the discussion groups- of Kentucky alumni, no matter what   iiillltmml
l l We think it will be a rare pr1V1l€g€ [O their occupations or ways of life may I A     I I lllmlll ar
hear the speakers listed. be. \/Vould you like to join with the E. V. Mm.Pln.Cc llcmdl
, l pvc also thlnlt you will find the dis- faculty of the Seminar and with your lllll \l'll_u
cuggion groups most stimulating. They fellow alumni in discussing and think- lllnljlldg
· will be conducted by SOn1€ of the lec- lng about tl1€s€ PrOl)l€m$ during 21 at the Student Union calcleriil util D
turers, and by: three day actlrlcmlc retreat? nearby restaurants. ()n the nights nl
DL   Merton England professor Of Who 1S eligible to attend? All Uni- Tlititstltlyl july gl, mill ]Tl~itllll·__\l1glIS[ A Ham, D
History, University of Kentucky versity ofjKel;1tugky alumni and their l, there will be banquets in tlitlgllt lll Fel). l
DI,. `Nllllam H. Townsend, »l2l L€X_ l*;l;§;n0;h;?$€Rll $· Tll€Y€ will be H0 dent lllnion Ball Room lflllllllt   Show. HC]
i ington attorney and Lincoln authority A gf _ dents ¤¤¤¤7l‘4~,` {   · _ 1 A
hililtlllill an J {Imc or 0 amlm Z   A · .V:., 1         large silver tray 0n the occasion. , 1
Electric C0·· P§S;lC‘;[ _9[$H“1'f fgld  A   'i”’         Lewis began his career in air condi-   1
Ru5g3l],.lIlC. an fic 615 _—11l>P Y 0-   A  ¢ ; g i ,j§§*·’§‘;;j,;,;_§;g,;g  .·=.   tioning in 1909 when he joined the I ‘ —
rift. Pierce and Past President of the             subsidiary of Buffalo Forge after teach- I   I
, i1»¤1¤<¤1¤1> and   Belt Touch- 1 ~     ing at or for     following gm- A
»   :==‘¤*   ‘·    ve;  1  ·.·‘—v   - . . . ~
1101111 Cl“b· I     uation. Soon he was chief application 1
, A A , ..1.;,- A,·,, s  ,_    ,·tA .   engineer. In 191:2 Lewis with six other
 -» men forme l Cr ` ' '
11111*1*55 CHMRMAN WM EdD¤¤‘0¤h ,.. 1990 ri., 1;§giLE‘1§i;‘§°;L‘;%,$,‘;i1" A
T _< ' c Y 1
ATTEND 50TH REUNION grew 1nto Carrier’s engineering train- U
_ in_ ro_ ram. `
Frank M. Wilkes, Sllfcveport, LH., Danforth Elected T0 Lgvisgwcis secretarv and director of i
 I111*°‘*““l‘°5i)h§’ ¤~¤i2¤S_M¤r ifrje Sports Holl Of Fume   from isis tol’36 when he was ,
  filcbme [Ri/_lk[l anflllflsfl O ls elected vice president. In 1940 he was  
  A 1908 class. 1 es ant a otier mem- Ed Danforth, '14, for 16 years sports president of the American Society of I
    hr; of the class will receive reC0gn1— editor of The Atlanta journal before Refrigerating Engineers. I
A- —   nn gt COI`[1ITl€l'lC€ll1€I`l[· exercises on retiring in ’57, has been elected to the Lewis and his wife live at 753 james I
;_:.. · llay-6· when the presidents of the sports \\'I`l[€1`Sl Hall of Fame of the street, Syracuse, N.Y. He and Mrs.
i   University and the Alumni Association Helms Athletic Foundation. Lewis have three married daughters
will tonfera Golden jubilee certificate Dnnfortll received an award and and ten grandchildren. I
X! °¤t¤<>h¤1€mb€r Of [hc ClaSS· had his name engraved upon the . `,
  Wilkes is chairman of the board of Helms Athletic Foundatirin. __  ‘‘ ‘    I
  the Southwestern Gas and Iflectrlc dation maintains a sports shrine in     `"i'  
  frompzmy. 1-leiwas elected to this posi- Los Angeles to prescrvc Athlctic trO. _..AA       `
_;¤__   11011 after retiring as the com nan *’s >hies from all over the wor A    
.   =._   _ l an . _.:. r   :.,;.     ,
  .»»_   {resident in 19:::4. Prior [O·lllS HSSOC121- recognize achievements of athletes as     iA,i" I
  l1011 with Southwestern, \1V1ll> uri an r ansas. sports editor ol both The Atlanta Con—         A ..—. ¥i€ZiiA  I
fe \lle and his wife have one daughter, stitution and the old Atlanta Georgian,     lll   I   _   .    
~l1>~ llargaret `Vlll(€S Dodson, and He went to the Georgian from his   ;  :‘‘ ,     I
{mm Owl 11‘tgn¤dc1n1dren. native Kentucky in 1919.     .  oA.—t·t   ‘‘1’`‘      
lic inglits til * * *   1*, *   A .  AAAA -     I
l.id;r\A_ _.\iigi1;t H Melbourne Mills, 26, recently fomned    i  »‘·‘°‘»·    r \»V__   A  ,··~ ’ ° A A
5 in the Sur  lh 1111}* Dean‘ Stanton appeared on a new partnership, lVatkins and Mills,   il iiilliil   _ · — I
[Or [hg "au· me °b· 22 Gu11$1110l<€" [€l€V1$10l'l Architects and Engineers, to function  
;€mimi·_ Ou   He has ¤PP€·'¤F€fl 111 several TV "witl1in the [ramework" of the   Ste. ` A V · _ ‘
ri Msorisrion Lmucfons and 1€€€11tly finished H phen \\/atkins Consulting Engineers _   __ “   Q   · ~ ·‘ I
rollwgiig the uddh The P1`011cl Rebel," with Alan organization, Lexington. l\’[ills is secrc. Tg; ::,3   ·     ` _ _`___ , ry
$_r1lpl[Qar11· cup ?*”11l011 appeared in several [Z`ll`}’·l1`€2lSlll`€I` of the Kentucky Board ‘1’ »’’`   ; ·.A_, _. _·   '``ii     __.V`_g   II I
;(j]lllIlill`~ mm UK m 194649- A1`€l1ll€ClS· Logan Lewis ` I I
·" ln KEN T I '
I ‘ 1

.51 ~ .
V   , e v » ·— V »       Dyche Elected  
      ·   ».v_  ¤ z j KPA President S   `\ 
  T VV   _   9 V _V Martin Dyche, ’37, editor and pub-   _ _»»_   V ·`  
Q  @5,5:   . _   ’ _V_ · ·V _- lisher ol thc London Sentinel-Echo, _  Q 4`»_-   yl 
  "   _<__ V  V __»_V     _ was electetl president of the Kentucky · ‘   K- V V A ,  
§ — _   .     Press Association at its 89th annual    V»i   V  _  
a   l ~; ;§?\  _     `i‘‘     ° 1Y1€€tlng. He had previously served as * .     _A:=_ t ‘   , .  
  V   `\`  V .-=  V  SV  V Q  .— vice president and chairman ol the   ,     _   `“     “ 
fj *1 55. S 5; _, i1 :::  E `si— ;  »E‘=@   ¤  p »r—te <>K¤¤¤¤~‘¢ ¤<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤- ‘ s ‘;`    »-i   t».;t.     h    és i
  ~       V _   The London paper has been in the ' R V     » 
9   r   `’s’    t    fi Dabs lsmllr lm 78 rem- Maw       i
 l · ~ ’V   »‘··‘‘‘  , ,;·¤=VV;V  started with the paper under his ·~ ‘ ‘ ''`’  
  ,     [a[her`s supervision and fillgd all posi. V 9 ll¢· ' V ¢ _ = §l§§§Yl .
  V     _, —-   V·   tions—frorn delivery boy on up to pub- Eg;
V   —     Vi` lisher today. His lather, Russell Dyche,  jg}  ___
  V    t     WHS KPA president in 1941, -:»    —
  `   ‘’`‘`‘ ' ~ V V»__ V r _ Dyche rs married and has two , , V
" l“` I °  ; `    scc » a v lt  ~ ‘l*‘“gl“° ¤`S·   _  ,  
l r " Pierson Appointed To “  ‘ "  ‘—··
9   Marlin DY€h€ · Robert B. Daven wort, ’32 wa .
E   *5 Post In Puerto RICO elected president bf the Nbrthsclgillilllll
l       C()L_ N|C|(ER$QN PRESENTED Roscoe M. Pierson, ’50, has accepted DalYY Products A$S0€l¤ll0¥1· HC is gen-
i V il ,MAN OF YEAR, AWARD gn appointment as visiting professor in eral manager of the Loiigmmow
~   uerto Rico for the 1958-59 school Falllls Wlllcll ollemlcs llvc d¤l¤'Yl>l¤iils.
  Col. john Nickerson, ’37, the missiles f€ilT· lil€.Wlll.l)€ 0I1'SValJbatical leave H6 is 3 [WSI d1l‘€Cl0r ol the Diiiham
V a §_ expert Counmmtiaied [0,- leaking dc. lrom his librarian position at The Col- NQ-, Sales E?<€€¤UV€S Club, Regional
[ · e l ij. lense secrets, has been presented by l€g€ Ol lh? Blbl€» L€K¤¤gi0¤- D“lllY C°“}l?ll alld Past l>Y€5¤¢l€¤l of
*     radio and television station WHAS He will teach at The Evangelical  
~ j   and XVI-IAS-TV of Louisville its 10th Seminary at Rio Piedras which edu- Tm"`;
· l   annual "man of the year"' award. cates virtually all the Protestant min- Brooke IS Named T0
' 3,1 The citation praised the Paris, Ky., istcrs [or Puerto Rico and has supplied I
 j   officer for his "strengtlr of character many of the ministers for Cuba, Do- S€nGl`OI' S  
'. .   and courage in alerting the nation to minican Republic, Venezuela and Co- _ I _ _
 V l ,l   conllicts in the development of our lombia. 9 llllsll BillV0llll’.llll` lllllllcll lfcxlllllllll
E { :3 missile program." Pierson is a member of the executive ;€ll,bmlll%{ll5_lOlllcg lllc llllll lll l` l`
· `l   In PFM YCHYS [llc VVHAS ?l“’ll“l had committee of the American Theo- Cgllllll llllblllll .' llmlllll .
·   V     g()]]€ to [h€ l2l[€ SCI]. rAll)€H   BZll`kl€y lqgirjgil L   l) ]· gi {   (g S _>\Ss0Cia[iOu and I i cul Nlol lljlll hlllll tlllll llllolllllll
V { E   and '$€¤· _l<>li¤ Slwrmim C00P€Y Ol president of the Lexington Librarians llllllllllfg l’l“l lellllllllls llllll lcglllllllll
- l   _ l   il lienwcky and S€“· Homer Cllllellllll lll Association. He earned the Hrst Master lclcllll lj _, _ _ ,
*   V l   l¤ [rom the [ree press without which our , ,_ , ,1] V1, PV.[__ I V ll‘lllllll°l° ·“l‘€lll”'llS lgcllll lllllll llll
, V   libcmcs would be IOSLVV accompanrct uy ns wi c ant daughter. ;,l,p,,,mmCm by SCH M,,,.mV,,_ V
V 1 . Nickerson’s trial stemmed from llmllllc lllls "lllllgs lll llVll”lllll$lllll
5 V 4 - charges that he sent newsrnen and Steele ACCGPES New Tlltllllll llllllle llllllllsllllllll llllllll°l`llll
l l other persons a document arguing ll"'l'· /
T i ` I against limitation ol the r\rmy’s role llllsurunce Posll   of (;(;l.BiIl,TEyi  iq.
  in the ballistic missile field, The army Ernest (1. Steele, *18, ol Montgomery, ceived both bachelor and 1na>lti’ll€·
rjr charged that the document contained ,»\la., has been named to an executive grees in mathematics lroin l`li;i11d ‘
ll SCCl`Cl11\2\[Cfl2ll. V POSI. by r\l1lCTl(i1l\l l11\‘Q$LO1`$ C()l`l)Ol`(rl· laiiglil ;il his alma l]lillCl` lllllllllllllli
V; tlonvicted ol lailing to safe-guard tion. sci·i·ir—c with ilic air Iortc in l\"··¤l*l
  such secrets, Nickerson was transferred Steele resigned as vice president ol \r\’ar Il.
    lrom the rlrnry Ballistiti Missile slgcncy Guaranty Savings Liic Insurance Com. [ii 1956 Sioclc was elcciCfVzijilob as inspec- pany to accept tlrcltéxecgulive virgo prosi. (·xoi;iiiii·C miiiiryil oi rlic Sriiiiliiliwll
  y (lim'!] ZOUJII L Img Atl ities ill llC ;llCl`1t,}V olltlie .\lll?1”l(2lll Investment Lilo _-lssociaiioii ul _\c1uar1cs. l·l<* l* lllll
V “ ‘ ' l’lll‘llll»° (·"“ll’·lll§'· ried and has two sons.
— I  
  E -_,,.-X 

 I · I I  
xs II I
` I I
    I I I I
I  I I I
Al\/IERI AN    
I   I I I
WHS recently I  
. He isgen- I I
Iongmeadow I  I
dairy plants.    
he Durhnm,   I
Ib, Iicgionil 1 9 5 8 I
president 0I   I
To   I
I Brooke is  
id legislative _ I
` Q
  HIS is a special report. It is published because the I I I
III II IIIIIIIII time has come for colleges amd universities—and I
tire with a their alumni—to recognize and act upon some ex-   I
MY IIIIIII IIII traordinary challenges and opportunities.   I
’I`II_I_IIIIIIIIIIIIII Item: Three million, sixty-eight thousand young men and  
IIIIII III RIII. women are enrolled in America’s colleges and universities I I »
this year—45 per cent more than were enrolled six years