xt7z610vr372 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z610vr372/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1926-01-jan13-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-01-jan13-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-01-jan13-ec. 1926 1926-01-jan13-ec. 2011 true xt7z610vr372 section xt7z610vr372 

     Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee
of the University of Kentucky for Wednesday, January 13. 1926.

     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met
in regular monthly session at the President's Office of the
University at 11 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, January 13, 1926.
The following members were present:   Judge Richard C. Stoll,
Senator H. M. Froman and Superintendent MoHenry Rhoads.    Pres-
ident McVey and Wellington Patrick were also present.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee for
November 11, 1925 were approved as published.

     1. Bond of Treasurer.   The Business Agent reported to
the Executive Committee that John Skain, Treasurer of the Uni-
versity, had executed bond in the sum of $25,000 with the Fi-
delity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland.
The bond was examined by the members of the Executive Com-
rrittee and on motion duly seconded, was approved.

     2. Report of the Business Agent.    The report of the
Business Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the min-
utos.   The report was as follows:

                                       January 13, 1926

   President Frank L. MoVey
   University of Kentucky

   Dear Doctor McVey:

   I at.: submitting Statement of Income and ExpanditureB
   for-the Month of December, 1925.    I am also submitting
   bond of Mr. Skain as treasurer.

   Kindly advise ma what disposition to make of the bond.

   Very truly,

   D. H. Peak
   Business Agent



Statement of Income and ExpenditureE
      Month of December 1925

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation       42,750.00
  Snecial Agricul. Appro.     13,423.63
  State Tax                   89,732.80
  Int. on Endowment Bonds      4,322.25
  Int. on Liberty Bonds          850.00
  Chem. Bldg1. Fund (Bingham
    Tax Int. Cers.)           99,575.08
  Chem. Bldg. Fund (Bingham
    Tax Int.)                  2,405.53
  Student Fees                44,482.06
    ft     "t - Vet. Bureau      189.20
              - Summer School 24,468.21
    "      " - Univ. High      1,750.00
    ft    "t - Univ. Ext.      6,698.45
  Misc. Receipts               5,748.96
  Rentals                      3,379.20
       Total                 339, 975 - 37
  Instruction                207,702.42
  Adm. E ;pense               79,967.93
  Additions & Betterments     60,224.05
       Total                 347,894.40

Excess of Income over Exp.
Girls' Halls Inocme
Room Rent - Summer School
  Additions i Betterments
  Exocess of Exp. over Income
General Fund Income
Genleral Funa Expenditures
Excess of General Fund In-
    comed over Expenditures

M o nth



   To Iate -

33  17,089.96
97 173,894.77


    (7. 96) 44,474.10
   75.00    1,825.00
4,775 .62  11,674.07
   653.65    6,402.61
      ___ __ _  3,379.20
93,324.61  433,299.98

6.521. 71

(7.919.03) 18,961.69

25,741 .10
27,211 .10
( ,3950.79)



  7,837.90   28,875.096
  7,837.90   31,098.21
  8,951.41   34,692.51
    475 00    1.945.00
  9.426. 41  36.667. 51
  k1,588.51) -5,539.30)
101,162.51  464,398.19
83,789.33 458,894.83

(11,869.82) 17,373.18

Excess of Receipts over Exp.
  for General Ledger Acots. 98,226.23
1924-25 Aocts. Payable liqui-
  dat-d during Cureent Year(48,532.45)
Excess of Receipts over Ex1.
  for fiscal year to date -
  General Fund              37,823. 96
Excess of Rec. over Exp.


480.04  98,706.27

       ( 48.532.45)

17,853.22  55,677.18

  for fiscal yr. to date - General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - General Fund
Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1925 - General Fund

65 295.72)
(9 !618 . 54)




Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fund
Student Notes Paid
       Total Receipts

  Expense                        129,00
  Student Notes                2,063.00
       Total                   2,192.00
  Excess of Rec. over Exp.     1,470.14
  Excess of Rec. over Exp. for
    fiscal yr. to date - Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1925   Trust Fun

, 8890q62
4 4,345. 08

2 .946.00
3 ,201. 33


(268e 8^1 }


xer iment Stat ion. Income
Hatch   Federal 4ppro.       7,500.00
Milk & Butter - Cash Rec.    6,154.01
Beef Cattle Sales              433.07
Dairy Cattle Sales             165.00
Sheep Sales                    364.50
Swine Sales                  1,703.12
Poultry Sales                1,380.78
Farm Produce Sales           1,360.85
Hiorticultural Sales         1,071.95
nSeed Test                      65.00
'rentals                       634.42
Miscellaneous                   69.73
Fertilizer - Fees            8,515.00
PubliA Service - St. Appro.  6,000.00
  ?ul'i'c Service - Misc.         79.33
  Fe&ing Stuffs - Fees        18,958.84
  Ad'ares - Federal Appro.     7,500.00
  Serum- Sales                 2,921.84
        - Virus Sales            145.40
    i  - Supply Sales             58.40
    t  - Miscellaneous             3.20
  State Appropriation         26,292.30
  Creamery - License Fees      1,611.50
           - Testers Licenses    846.00
           - Glassware Tested    247.26
           -, Miscellaneous        1.29
  Robinson - St. Appro,        7,253.16
  W. Ky. - St. Appro.         10,418.96
  Purnell - Federal Appro,    10,000.00
       Total                 121,754.91
  Expense                    118,493.82
  Additions & Betterments     14,020.46
       Total                 132,514.28
  Excess of Exp. over Inc.    10, 759.37)
  Petty Cash Returned            300.00
  Excess of Exp. ovier Rec.   10 !    745.3)


L,039.46    7,193.47
1,252.61    1,,685.,68,
114.50      279.50
519.17      883.67
  241.14    1,944.26
  305.24    ' ,686.02
  546.95    1,907.80
  131.60    1,203.55
  280.66      915.08
  51.20      120.93
  10.00    8,525.00
1,500.00    7,500.00
    8.63       87.96,
35,01.74   22,860.58
  263.63    3,185.47
  13.95      159.35
  10.40 e        BE),
    3.80        7.
6,687.74   32,980.04
   36.00    1,647.50
   48.00      894.00
   112.05      359.31
2,172.77    9,425.93
1,088.24   11,507.20
           10, 000.00
)0,339.48  142,094.39

25,515 .17
   219. 21
25 734 . 38
5, 394.90 )

5 394. 90)

(16,154 27 )
    300- 00
}   7,8 4 21)

1,409.52       45 94
2,252.62      637.00
3,662.14      682.94




Excess of Exp. over Rec. for
  fiscal yr. to date - Experiment Station
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Exp. Station
  Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1925 - Exp. Station
Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever         76,120.65
  Federal Supplementary       22,550.46
  State Smith-Lever           49,701.79   1
  County and Other             1,338.91
       Total                 149.711.81   1:
  Expense                    137,455.21   2

1, 547.11


Excess of Exp. over Inc.    12 256.60  (15.614.28)
                               ..2 25. 0   1
Excess of Exp. over Inc. for
  fiscal yr. to date - Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Extsnsion Division
Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1925 - Extension Division




  1. .321.99

  General Fund Income
  Trust Fund Income
  Experiment Station Income
  Experiment Station Income
  General Fund Expenditures
  Trust Fund Expenditures
  Experiment Station Exp.
  Extension Division Exp.
  Excess of Exp. over Inc.
  Excess of Reop. over Exp.


  for General Ledger Acots. 98,226.23
Student Loan Fund              189.62
1924-26 AcctsPayable Liqui-
  dated'during Current Yr. (48,532.45) _

Excess of Receiptt over Exp.
  for fiscal yr. to date -
  Cofdbined Fund            40,791.33
Excess of Rea. over Exp. 'or
  fiscal yr. to date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1925 -
  Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand Dec, 31, 1925 -
  Combined Fund

 137 303.85

161.808. 92

480.04   98,706.27




(3,424.77) 37 ,366. 56


            ( 34.498.13)




     Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expcn--
ditures as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General
Lea.cer Accounts ,3:8' S,706.27.i"

                                      Debit       Credit

        Accounts Receivable                         7,421.10
        Insurance Paid in Advance     7,413.44
        Sunciry A.- C ount s                         A,7 98. 45
        Notes Paya;ule                              .0,000.00
        Surplus                           3. 84
                                      7,5T1.28    10b,21i.55
                                                     c8 8,706.27

     3. Lezislative Program.   President McVey reported that a
detailed statement of the lezislative requests of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky for the corning Legislature hod been submitted
to tne Budaet Commission on December 15, 1925.   He stated
that the bici;t Coimmission had maid a visit to the University
for the rlrnose of inaking an inspection, especially of the land
w.ich the University proposed to buy.   He indicated that so
m--r as he oolala tell the Ynemnbers of the Budget Comnra.ission were
inclined to be favorable to the req iests of the University rro-
vided funds can be rrocured.

     4. Oontazious Diseases hosnital.   The following cortmuni-
cation fror- or. C. N. Mannina, President of the Security Trust
Comrany, and a resort from Dr. J. E. Rush, was read and ordered
incornorated in the minutes:

                    SECRT.T ITY TPTJST COMPANY
                      Lexington, Kentucky
                                            January 9, 1926

   Dr. F. L, M;cVey, President
   University of Kentucky
   Lexinton, Kentucky

   Dear Doctor IHcVey:

   Dr. W. 0. Bullock, President of the Lexington Board of
   health, has recently asked me to obtain an option on some
   arouna belonging to an estate managed by the Security
   Trust Coiampany and adjoining the girls' dormitory of the
   University, to be used, in the event of its purchase, as
   a site for a hos'-ital for the treatment of contagious dis-
   e~ases.  My first reaction to this request was that it
   right be objectionable and detrimental to the University
   of Kentucky to have such a hospital erected so near to the
   zirls' dormitory, but Dr. Bullock assured me that there
   would be absolutely no danger, and so far as he could see



ought to be no objection on the part of the University
authorities, to such use of the ground.   Dr. Bullock
suggests, in case there is any doubt in your mind on this
point, that you confer with Dr. Rush on the subject.

I am unwilling to take any Steps towards obtaining the
prorerty for the use desired until I know what would be
the attitude of yourself and the other officers of the
University towards the project; blut I am sincerely de-
sirous of doing anything I properly can do to assist in
securing a satisfactory site for such A desirable facility
as the pronosed hospital, and of otherwise aiding Dr.
Bullock in the splendid work he is doing for the banef it of
the entire community.   May I not ask, therefore, that you
will zive this matter prompt consideration and let me hear
from you, a ither by lctter or in person, as early next
week as may be convenient?

With best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

C. N. Manning

                                         January 13, 1926

President Frank L. McVey
University of Kentucky

Dear President McVey:

I have been over the ground between the Good Samaritan
Hospital atnd Patterson Hall and have talked with Dr. Bul-
lock relative to the proposed new hospital.    Going south
on Limestorne from the Good Samaritan Hospital we have first
the Nurses' Home which I would judge has a frontage of
about sixty feet.   Next we have a house at 334 Limestone
which I should judge has about the same frontage.    Next
to that is 342 Limestone which I should judge has a front-
age of about one hundred feet, and then Patterson Hall.
On Harrison Avenue there are some dwellings erected on the
rear of the lot which runs through from 342 Limestone and
it is between these houses and the house that faces on
Limestone No. 342 on which it is proposed to locate the
hosrital.   As I understand it, the lot in rear of the 334
Limestone is now owned by the Good Sarmaritan Hospital.

It-would seem, therefore, that I was wrong this afternoon
when I thought that there would be a lot intervening ba-
tween the proposed hospitel and Patterson Hall, for such
is apparently not the case.



  Even though all types of cases of communicable diseases
  were to be treated in the hospital, I do not believe that
  we could find any scientific evidence which would show
  that such conditions might be a menace to the inhabitants
  at Patterson Hall.   There may be, however, conditions
  other than those from the point of view of preventive
  medicine to be considered, but so far as the medical as-
  pect is concerned I do not believe that we could sustain
  any objection to this proposition.

  Very respectfully yours,

  J. E. Rush, M. D.

     The matter was discussed at considerable length and a reso-
lution was offered and passed stating that it was the opinion
of the Executive Committee that it would be unfortunate and un-
wise to have this hospital placed so close to the University

     5. Storm Water Sewer Across University Property in Holly-
wood Addition.   The following communication from Mr. WI. C.
Wilson, Commissioner of Public Works, was read and ordered in-
corporated in the minutes:

                                      January 12, 1926

   President Frank L. MoVey
   University of Kentucky
   Lexington, Kentucky

   My dear President McVey:

   Recently the city let a contract for the construction of
   a storm water sewer from the branhoh at Alford Avenue run-
   ning south t'o the-end of that street, which abuts the Uni-
   versity Experiment Station farm.

   Request is hereby made for permission to go thru the corner
   of the farm to Hollywood addition,   This is essential in
   order that we may make proper disposition of the storm water
   which has been allowed to run off to the Hol22iywood addi-
   tion and the Experiment Station farm.

   Trusting that this permission may be granted within a short
   time, I am

   Yours truly,

   W. C. Wilson
   Commissioner, Public Works



    After discussion the matter wts referred to Dean Thomas P.
Cooper for recommendation.

    6. Claim of The Dayton Structural Steel Company on Gymnas-
ium.  The following communications from the Dayton Structural
Steel Company of Dayton, Ohio, together with President McVey's
reply were read and ordered incorporated in the minutes:

                        Dayton, Ohio
                                           Decnember 29, 1924

   IMr. Frank L . MoVey, President
   The University of Kentucky
   Lexingt on, Kentucky

   Dear Sir:

   About a year ago we entered into a contract trith The
   Blanchard-Crocker Company to furnish certain structural
   steel required in the gymnasium which has teen built on
   the campus of the University.

   For some reason these contractors did not meet with much
   success on this work and although our material was fur-
   nished in an acceptable manner in every respect, there
   still remains unpaid a balance of $5,000.

   VWe did not care to embarrass the University by filing a
   lien and, therefore, refrained from doing so, thinking
   that this matter would be properly straightened out in due
   time .

   It now appears that oome others who furnished material for
   this building did file liens and are pushing their claims.
   We are without legal recourse, but our claim, which is a
   considerable sum, is just as valid as any other from a
   fair business point of view.

   We rxealize that the University and its officers are in no
   way responsible for the situation which has arisen, but
   we would appeal to you to give us whatever assistance you
   can in connection with getting the account settled.    We
   would be pleased to wait a considerable time for our money
   if some arrangement could be made whereby the account
   would be paid off over a long period of time.

   Thanking you for any assistance you may be in a position
   to render us, we are,

   Yours very truly,

   The Dayton Structural Steel Company
   F.  C. W.


                     Dayton, Ohio
                                         January 5, 1926

Mr. Frank L. McVey, President
The University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Sir:

On December 29, 1924 we wrote you a letter regarding steel
work which Xie furnished for a gymnasium for the University.
A copy of our original letter is enclosed.

You very kindly acknowledged receipt of our letter but we
have had no further communication from you and are wonder-
ing if you cannot give us some information as to the dis-
position of this matter.

We dislike to bother you with this but our directors meets-
ing is approaching at which time the writer will be expect-
ved to report on the status of this account.

If you can give us any word of any kind it will be greatly

Yours very truly,
The Dayton Structural Steel Company
F. C. Worbs, Manager

                                    January 13, 1926

Mr. F. C. Worbs
Dayton Structural Steel Company
Dayton, Ohio

My dear Mr. Worbs:

The matter of the Gymnasium and the suit against the
Croaker Company for payment to subcontractors has not yet
been settled in the courts.    As soon as I receive the re-
port of the attorney of the University regarding the situa-
!ion I shall be glad to let you know what the court has
done about it.   The matter has been before the master in
chancery for nearly a year.    Some of the claimants are
raising some legal points regarding the situation.     This
is the reason why the matter has not been concluded.

Very truly yours,

Frank L. McVey



     7. Faculty Club.   President McVey stated that he had re-
ceived a report from the Faculty Committee making recomrnmenda-
tions for a Faculty Club.   He stated the Committee proposed
to organize a club and raise $15,000 by selling stock.    They
also proposed to borrow $25,000 and lend the entire sum to the
University with the request that the University build a Club
on the University property and provide for maintenance.    The
Executive Committee received the report and expressed sympathy
with the proposed idea but instructed the President to make
inquiry of the Committee for further information regarding fi-
nancing the proposition.

     8. Closing of Smith Hall.   President McVey reported that
there were thirteen girls rooming in Smith Hall and that there
was room for these girls in the new dormitory for girls.    He,
therefore, recommended that Smith Hall be closed for the sec-
ond semester,   On motion duly made and seconded the recommen-
dation was approved.

     9. Exhibit of Experiment Station Stock.    The following
report from Dean Thonas P. Cooper with respect to the record of
the University in experiments in exhibits of Experiment Station
stock for the past summer end fall was read and ordered in-
corporated in the minutes:

                                       January 7, 1926

   Dr. F. I. McVey
   President, University of Kentucky

   Dear President MoVey:

   I am enclosing a statement of the winnings of the Experi-
   ment Station stock exhibited during the summer and fall,
   whioh I am sure will be of interest to you and to the
   merbers of the Board of Trustees.

   Very truly yours,

   Thomas P. Cooper
   Dean and Director


                        BLUE GRASS FAIR

   Beef Cattle      Awards:   2 Firsts; 2 Seconds; 1 Third
                     Cash prizes ......................... $95
   Sheep            Awards:   1 Champion; 9 Firsts; 3 Sec-
                              onds; 3 Thirds; 1 Fourth
                     Cash vprizes.                          148
                     Two trophies



                    KENTUCKY STATE FAIR

  Beef Cattle     Aivarde:  6 Firsts; 3 Seconds; 2 Thirds;
                            1 Fourth; 1 Champion
                   Cash prizes ......................... 371
  Berkshire Boar  Awards:   1 First; senior Champion;
                            Grand Champion
                   Cash prizes .20
  She-p           Awards:   11 Firsts; 8 Seconds; 1 Fourth
                            3 Champions
                   Cash prizes .201


  Beef Cattle(Steer) Awards: 1 Fifth
       -c-arCcass)         *1 First; 1 Fifth
  Hogs            Awards:   Reserve Champion; 1 First; 1 Third
  S he e p        Awards:   1 Champion; 1 Reserve Champion;
                             2 Firsts; 3 Seconds; 2 Thirds;
                             5 Fourths; 2 Fifths; 2 Sixths
                   Cash prizes ................ 213
                        Total Cash prizes ....           $1048

   *The carcass of the Angus steer winning first prize sold
   for 80 cents a pound.

     10. Fire in Stock Judping Pavilion.   President McVey re-
ported that on Friday evening, January 1, 1926, the stock judg-
ing pavilion was completely destroyed by fire.     He stated the
building was insured for $14,000 straight insurance and the
cost of the building was approximately $16,000 in 1920.     He
stated that the insurance was in process of adjustment ond that
plans were being drawn for rebuilding.     The fire was supposed
to have originated in a defective flue.

     11. Repairing of Old Chemistry Building.     President MoVey
reported to the Executive Committee that the old chemistry build-
ing had been vacated by the Chemistry Department and that it was
n;cessary to repair it for the College of Law.     On motion,
dulor made and seconded it was directed that the necessary re-
pairs be mrade as provided in the regular budget of the Univer-

     12. Leave of Absence for Professor W. H. Stephenson.
Leave of absence for one year without pay beginning September
1926 was granted to Professor W. H. Stephenson for the purpose
of study.

     13. Changes in Salaries at Exporiment Station.    The fol-
lowing changes of salaries at the Experiment Station recommended


12 .

by Dean Thomas P. Cooper were approved, effective January 1,

bMiss Isabell Story, field agent in H. E.
Mt iss aEdith Lacy, field agent in H. E.
J. E. humnnhrey, field agent in poultry
E. J. Kilpatrick, assistant state agent
Miss Elizabeth Guyn, clerk
KMrs. Marietta MJeeks, clerk
Miss Hazel Moores, clerk
Mary Lou Guyn, clerk, dept. of H. E.
Iriss Lucille Graves, clerk, dent. of V.
   (effective February 1, 1926.)



Re omrnmended
  2 300

     14. Change  in Salaries of Coaches.  The Athletic Council
recormmended that the salary of Mr. Ray Ekiund be increased to
 3000, effective December 1 1925 and Mr. Frank Mann's salary
be increased from $2500 to 'A2700, the $200 extra to be paid $100
per month during July and August 1926.  On motion duly seconded
the recommendation of the Athletic Council was arrroved.

     15. Arrointrments.  Upon recommendation of President McVey
Mr. I. C. Graddy was ar-pointed Assistant State Agent in theExten-
sion Dijv  for the period January 1 to December 31, 1926, at a
salary of $:275 per month. Mr, Graddy was transferred from
county agent in Todd County.

     Miss Alice Latham, clerk in the office of MTr . T. R. Bryant,
was appointed at a salary of $80 per month, effective December
21, 1925.

     Upon motion the Committee adjourned.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Well ington Patr ick
                                  Secretary, Board of Trustees