xt7z348gjb1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348gjb1p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1971 1971 1971-01-14 2020 true xt7z348gjb1p section xt7z348gjb1p . ’ ' ' ' xi ’ .1 _' .
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Thursday, Jan. 14, 1971 UNIVERSITY or KENTI'CKY, LEXINGTON v1.1 l.\lt. s.., m. 7.2;":
W ig'L".,'j:i"£;'3'
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S E d m 4
.' 1313 <3. 3‘3:
enate n arses an to dd 35 Students
1'“ 3". ",,' 1
_ 3BY JANE BROWN ulty senate came after lengthy interest as a deciding factor in hunt of the report. tithers said dents' business and ti it is d1. [3.3532’:'«_'.‘f:"‘;:
A3ssistant Managing Editor and sometimesheateddiscussion. the outcome. Also, as a result they ““1““ my “amp”, would students ha“: any Mancini,“ ..i ,,
l nder the watchful eyeoftwo The proposal had already been of student appeals to be allowul not be intimidated by the factors what is entailed? \ird tiriilml)l\ 'g‘. 35,"; ‘53:"
closed-circuit television cameras. discussed at a previous meeting to attend the meeting. the lth' oftelevision. students, hiring“. the most often—heard arguuaiu 3," :3 “f
the L "“T'my Si‘llilttfl at it‘ D01" and a "straw vote" had shown tion was changed to the ( 7he1nis~ call vote. ()tIt' senator added was that the senate would he N37]- ;7‘ if: _, ,1.
"mil“ meeting, “Pl’mvedtlie‘lri- that most senators were against try-l‘hysies Building where two that he thought a roll—tall vote tendered Hit‘llli 11am 1t ilresttnlrti' :,.,',="_.".~'-.'3 3'1.
l’f‘rtltc “Cl“"t- If the Board Of enlarging the present five-mem- rooms equipped forclosed-circuit was good in that it "requires Illt'lirlit'rslrit. were irzt teased §""3.'7'~"~,-r.3':§13'.,
trustees and President ()tis her student delegation. ln viewof television were open for students .1 real esercise of responsibility " l'he .ixlsm itt s_ iritiall', the " '3 3‘ ’,
333131331314:etary33subsequently approve that initial vote, many senators to view the proceedings, ’1‘)“. adopted WWW-Vii will {.._ student, present “Hum.“«igm-V. i3 ‘3933'1'33'3
‘ .cnatc s reumnnendatioii, “‘0 “Nd students WHO surprised “t Some PCTNHIS present spei'u- place the fiv e current stiuhiit arguments 1nd said that if the ~ . .-3‘-=..~‘ <
} students will become l'niversity the proportionally strong vote lated that perhaps the roll-call representatives with 40. “Hi do senate really .is interested 1.1: 3,‘ 1
5"‘l1‘3t‘”5- favoring the proposal 1the final vote for adjournment and thc creasetheiniiuln-roflatulty urein— the student \Ult e as they :.l.11111,‘,
llie recomendationtoincrease roll call vote was 99-55”. roll-call vote on the report had bcrs from about 200 to 180. lhe to be. they will increase the stn- 1
student representation in thef'ac- Some senators cited student caused some senators to vote in students will be elected l‘roineach dent representation in that lit ilv "-"-,'-"~"1'"" -
__ of the 14 colleges and the (.rad— where it would matter. '3 #31,...‘3 "_ , f"
. " v ' ',,"-'-'~7»- '* . . ' nate School. with the remainder lioiiert \edler. professornl lass 7" 1' i; l ‘3. 3' =3
N" 3 being divided according to stu- tailed it a modest piwposal .j‘ 1 .
.w (lent population in those aca- and said that it recognizes that -':."'3:‘.,;"=._,‘-
. . ' J 3 .. .3~e g. demic divisions. The \enate the teacher lklli)\\'\ a little more ‘3
. ' ~ ~ ' ' ‘“"' a. ‘w, “' (ionncil, the esecutiv e branch of but not e\erything. He said. i " 43'3- '
H W H ' the senate. would be composed learn from the students. and .“31‘,
fl {*3 of 12 faculty members and three strongly four the report " i {7.3
-- ' 3‘ .ge ‘ students. (:ttrrently tlicre are no it was stressed thatttie senate '3i'g3;3jr. "33,153.:
" . ' '- stndeiitson the council. should n't tear tit" '1:m.st':1~'w "
' ‘i’ 4* 33 . ' 'l'he 'l'ripartite lieport. if ap- dent ' they Here t‘s‘HH'd-‘if' ”.33.. d- T ’-"
«It. ”a W '- ‘ prmed. may also result in the re— student in, 11 s: iz-‘Jilhtl 's-111'E i '- 3t"!
' h” 3 ' a 1 I“ ~3- organization of the \tudcnt (Low div ers ll'lks'. ,.,. i. that " ~ . \‘32':3‘3I3;' ‘
. " ~ 3 .1 3 w ‘ ' eriimeiit .\.s.sembly. \n appendis (‘oniinued on Page If, ('01 i, 1," .‘jfgi .'.-'j'”'" ,
-3' ' it .. 3 w to the original report, prepared by \ij‘fi' ,3_' '1 '~ -
f , nine senate members, ,uitlines . ‘3 ‘ "3"
_ r" h ' ' reconniiciulations for ,1 newly '4 ' I J ‘ ' ‘ 1 "/
3 333% . ”3*?“ formed strident assembly. lt fol- Jugt 11( "(’55. 3,3,31‘3‘3-323“ 3‘. ‘3;
. 3, ' ‘ - “W ' - lowed. the it) student senators .‘3. ’l‘ 3L',~'..~.‘,'L‘:"'
.s ' y 3 3;; _ W . . '7 . - would also make up thr- student ‘()“ I rUle‘t' "it." "5.",
' ' i .1? 1% m,” l , ' senate. \1 cording to \t'aleiit ‘ " " 3"; 2 1?.
" _ ‘ . , ' (Lovernrnent l’resitlent \te\:- 1:51:34... 1". .. . H1531, ,= ” ‘.,
‘ M '-_ k ‘ “right. the ‘t"1lent (="‘.er11111e:it turntwhwlp .kd J, ~.i;1‘. . =3; 3" '53:“
_ ‘ 3 ,3 w ' s-‘Zii'if'fiigiij?j"'5'i; . would 1314111111 itselt ‘lil§ with fond” 31;: ‘31:: .‘3 V13 .3 3,. ‘3 3, 3..3‘33.‘-‘
‘ l . 3." »' ' % [)tttt'l} “HAM” “MUM“ ‘1 "‘"lll‘i Littlienial-riiai ‘1‘}.‘1' -. '1, 3'3. .4 "
".3: ' ' ' v . as a \shole .1ut lK‘ acting on Apprymrm‘, {1. =3» 7 i, 3‘, ,.; 7 3133333335 3-333' ..,,
‘ 7 4 ' . ”’0" . 1" matters antler the -l=>u1ain oi the 'I~[1;\ft~r-\ 3‘,“ 1 m. .. 'i. .1 . "3,2733
I ' "“~ " )4 - l. iiiveisitv \eirate ihis initter [5 5.11;”, i" 3."; '-.i '2
- 4‘ ' ‘ 4:12." 2% ’ . ’ . ,. . '3- 1
as; 1“ . ' _ ' is subject to action by the truste» (ms, ~-t‘i'\i~=" w." t5s’3 '3 “-,.3:'_.
1;. :W‘ ‘~‘ ' ' " i 3 ‘. View .49" ' i” ‘ ' " 'rf . v f“ ,l‘ittl luv stiiilt'l“ fulfil" "luliVlil lt“."':' ""‘- ‘t' ‘-:"'s i .1 s my" ..i "' 1‘
' Kernel Photo By Bob Brewer It‘d" . ’ , "3‘1"qu "' """"'\" "H "' "H '3' 311.3 ‘.'~3z Kg":
Till) ~NPH' ((1 't l' .9 ”‘lm‘il ”‘93 N") dim” ill" \llilli11(illtlil‘1sttiilifll’i‘lt let! the; 3333-. .3 '33; =3 3
.1 I" (I 18118. tussiou both sides ot the issue highways p.» st 11. 11M} 11. .niv'r 331,1 .3'.3fl‘3‘~s3:«\3.\5
Laura IIutcliis‘on (left), David Graham and Libby book exchange. the money earned by the workers W‘ "\"""' "8"" "i" “'3'": " "t" i" “\w“ ' "' ”W" "'3 "' "K. "‘ ' .'-' --h’v
Ferroii were among the volunteer workers who was donated to the Free 1'. The exchange is "U" "'lu't'wntdt'w“ "H" mud """""‘l “'"\""" ' ' "M‘.."' '7'" '1
lirovided services in Student Government's used located in Room 9.45 of the Student Center \m'lm't‘ “'H' ""d "W” “W "i'u “"" """dl' """ "1 1, " ' ' """"'z
.._—_——__————————————————o__.,____.___———————_____..;_..._. permitted to attend .1 . “alum” <'-.:' 1 f 3 z;
. . . . ilppwnents hail "ivy 111.1111 .\'11:~.1; A; ;;.:;-.~i i m. 3' 3 . '33733.'33I33;«333-".73 ‘1
., arguments the). lll.tllil.1li:t'~'llli.i’ n.1,; 13', ,1; :1 H, .. g, ‘ - .3! 3 '
. 3‘3 Fl, lng Dlsputes CO" tln “9 sun 1: silltlt'lll‘~ an transient ll:i'\ lildlv~31 \li;1;:. Eh .;s 4:31 i, ~:-~.'_33,33 3-3
N “.I‘ttltl out Luv p1 pa. 1‘ "zwt‘. 'E'lu g»..-.:;. .3 v.1}; " f‘f'31‘.',- ‘3 ‘.
BY JERRY WLEWIS the Student Center and cheers of the (jollege of Arts and for decisions thes might mils: \iis liesturci Bl.~."2 I ‘.:';.n 1' 3‘ 3933-"3
Assistant Managing Editor and boos ofien accompanied Sciences. who spoke at the after- ill") “""‘i""“l "I‘m“ ti‘" “"“' i“ " ii"“‘""~” “’3“ _“i' 6”“ ' :e ,3 '1 3"". . ’3
l ast semester's l’orum on differences of opinion voiced noon session of the forum, said "”“V'M 3ll‘t‘ ‘ilt'lt‘llh “Wild l‘t‘ Mrs. Bla/ci .1111: <- «.1: 11.1 33,’3*3.-:_."..33~ 33'
l’acult'; Hiring and l’iring came throughoutthe night. he was unsure about what the '"l‘rvwnw': ”“3 “\""‘l 't ““l' ”1"” “'8“ “" "1'. l‘” 1 " "' " "* ".5," ,' ,i- i
at a time when [R students 'l'hemain problemoftheforuni effects of the forum would be ‘l‘ml‘ ‘l"“““" ”will“: 1‘ \m‘ "Hh" B‘Mr‘l ”" l' .»-.?1 t" ‘2135, Y, ;'3..‘ 3 1.33s
_ were beginning to worry about arose. iiu'v‘s‘évéi, whcnadmiuisiia- i’ioy sier said he thought that WWW—.._...” .‘ k
' final exams and were iust starting tors refused to ;.~iswer any specif— "some good and some bad" came V 5‘13? -33,',' j I '
”1089 0188's projects Which had ic questions concerning the cases out of the forum, mainly because ’ i "f .
been assigned since the first 0i ofthe "fired" faculty memberson "the cards were stacked on both m 3" ["211 s
the school year. n1 the forum. sides." 3 ', f3? ' .; a}: ,V.’
' A Seminar on i’ndergraduate Unfortunately, that's what Dr. Garrett Flickingcr, t3hc / 3'. «’1
Education earlierin the semester most of the students were in- former head of the 3 Lniversity > 33 33 3 _.f3..3...' '.~
' produced disappointing results terested in and manywalked away Senate Privilegeandi enlITeLOm' .1 - ,' .' '; l
. . . when few students even attended that evening frustrated that they mittee and another member of “333," M“ - M“ 3 -. ,3 3.\3,~‘3'3 ‘
. the meetings. 3 3 could do little to change the the forum panel, voicedaconcem 3 stain? 3 13‘: v , 3 .N .
However, it was a different status of some oftheir professors. over the possibilities of future 3, » 3a.. . s:- _ 331133-3313 3.3. 31 3
story for the two-session fomm Although there was some talk fomms. a. a . ' 1 3‘3: .'.r'._, T '
which focused on the problem at the fomm concerned with or- He explained that while ad- 3 _ 33 3 3 '3 ._ , - "3~3 333,} 33
, of "publish or perish and in- ganizing another meeting or ministrators feel that they should _ . s . 3 . 33-3“, i gt 3
' Cinded SPeCChes by "flied" taking some type of action to appear at such forums," what ‘tfi, "" “r fian- “m -. -' , V33- -.
faculty and administrators who help the professors, there was happened at the last one was 33 3 W “lasts 33 2’ 3 3 3.1 _3 .31'3.33 333,
had to defend the hiring polic1es little time to organize with finals that students were attacking : 3 3‘3 N, . -» . . 3..__
of the University. only a week away. their ( the administration ) in- «3“ a '- 3 W 3 _.- . 3 3
(Thairs were pulled out to tegrity. giving very little maneu- .- J's. ' ‘ '. ' r 1 j;
seat the unexpected crowd of Now that the students are vering room." ‘fh . 3 ¢ ' .'3 ’
faculty and students which made back from vacation and the en- Looking in a somewhat dif- . W ..3 ‘s , 3,113: ' if: 33 33 3 ' .33
ed the large Grand Ballroom of tire semester liesahead,the fomm ferent perspective, Dr. Byron g; 3.: . 33 t . $13,, .3 :3y1“.
"3" may still be a topic ofdiscussion. Petrakis, an assistant professor ' f 3 3 g '- _ 3 ~ 333 33 3. 33 3 3;
m"”""’ “Afiet the forum, i thought of English who spoke at the .'. ‘ \ j ' .:
about. we“, where (i0 we 80 fomm because his contract was 1 ‘ ' ' ' '. 2 ‘ ;'
Weather from here." said Bright, UK Stu— not being renewed, said the ad- 13w ,:. 3 3' 3 . f 3 .3' .- .
dent Covemment president who ministration refused to discuss 33 . ‘ . . 1 3 -. - 33w
Forecast: Occasional rain this organized the fomm. thercnl issue- 3 y .13. .3 '
moming. rain ending and tem— i think the fomm definitely lite emotions at the tonnn 1. 3'3' 3 3 3; ~3.= » ' - . .‘
peratures dropping into the mid- showed 3the need for legitimate were inevitable. said l‘etraLis s3 , 33 . 3 3 =_
40-S this afternoon. Colder to itiident i3r3ip3ut into th3e3 h31ring33and3 He noted that the real issu3e3was 33’s,,3333333“ :‘=~' ~ . .33 3 3 I . 3
night and tomorrow with chance ”“"l‘ l’”“‘"”,,‘“ "'c L ""“m‘” the primary stress iiponpublica- r. . . _ 3 _ ..
of snow tonight and tomorrow. said Bright. 1 We“? right NOW tion as a major element in hiring 3 3 m§ 3 y '3 - 3
High today, 50; low tonight. 30; it just depends on individuals. and firing at the L niversity. but ~ .- ' ~ 3
high tomorrow, mid—30's. Precip— They can continue to at least all the administrators muld do 3 3 3 Kernel Photo by Dick Ware ‘ .‘ .
“gum probabilities 60 percent make their opinions known was discuss the rules and re .\3iiss Susan l'olev was crowned as the new ' '- 3 '
today. 40 percent tmight. 30 per- through letters to and appoint- gulations. (:(htllu queen at the Cosmopolitan Club s 1 3
cent tomorrow. merits 33with certain adminis- The English professorexplain- TI") Qlll’l’" (.hristmas dance. 3lhc (-lub w," hold ajam .
trators. ed a,“ perhaps the fomm could session Fl’ld38) night in the Grand Ball- '
W,,J,,,,,,»M- Dr. Wimberly Royster, dean Continued on P.“ 8300.3 1 room featuring the Wabash Valley Band.
. 1 ‘ ' I
‘ \

 2_T||[§ “x111 m kl-‘.R\l?l.. Thuwlm. ,lnn- “- |97| _______._————-——————————-—————————‘————
January Clearance Sale ‘
~ GUYS ‘
p- . o o o 3 '
" ATTENTION: FLAIRS, regular to $l5.00 - large selection . . . . . . . . . 1/2 price K .
g j -' l g, GUYS&GALS , SHIRTS — Dress and Sport ................ $4.59 or 3/$l2.00 '
“* TIES — Wide fashion . . . good selection . . . . . . . . . l/2 price
f; : VEST SUITS — complete stock 1/2 price
E BELLJEANS—buttonfront......................2/$ll.00
j: I A WOOLSLACKS—fullylined..........................$8.90 ...__ f
' T ” C.P.O.'s—good selection from $9.90 f.
. pf”; _ . S SWEATER SHIRTS — new selection of solids, stripes . . $10.90 ; I
‘ , ' E e SWEATERS — belted, cru neck, and u-neck . . . . . . . . . . . $6.90 i
l- SWEATERS—cruneck................................$5.00
‘ (E: WOOLSCARVES.....................................$3.00 I i
Reik e125 Suede Vests, Body Skids “
~. 2 j .. ., and many, many odds and ends , .
' .5: f. Or _ All 1‘/,2 price
-_ , R g
. v. S o o o
' .'i c H
O ALLDRESSES....................................l/2price
, '.: j. R RED EYE SEPARATES — great selection ...... . . .. 1/2 price ,
.‘ DU SUEDE VESTS and JACKETS - . . . . . . . bargains at l/2 price
a : T O BOBBIE BROOKS and PANDORA— entire stock ..... 1/3 off ’
JE Y PANTSUITS........_............................20%ott
A JUMPSUITS......_.........................,_......l/3oft
. , N .. SCARF SETS — new selection ........., ._. $4.50 and $6.50
5 SWEATERSHRINKS......................,$3.00and$3.50 ‘
. » . BLOUSES—smallselection.......... .....,......l/2price

 I ,-

__._________________~_..____,________________.1___---.__---.4 1. ”___wm. 'l ”I l\l‘ \ l'l ( K\ kl l{\l'l, ’l lnuulau, [.m. H, l‘PTl 3 H .' J C. - ’

TV -y I . l l 4 I I '

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1- Program to _ ealm «,1, momgma , lame ..~. .

lllJIIllll‘) ”((Lk \1.E ,_ ,H‘H‘H,‘ - (1‘, “g,“ M (.._;4_:_ 7 , 1.; ’ ' .1'. 1
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‘ l’.‘ 1H1 i?“ll"'1‘/H- (-L'ill‘ Barry m ii mum! in '. “- :1- iii iv :1" , it: . .i: r 3 r A [,1 , , , w J 1 ,1 _, - .' ' .-' "

l‘::uli!rgllii l‘v';.;:;:1-l =glwzziil l)(‘\('t‘ll llzi\,l"1'|2l;:'\ i‘ «\J‘HHHH‘ iii; lli l "(.1 " V- l 1- » '. ,‘. ' _. ‘ ‘V’
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SC nate EHdOI’SPS RCAOI‘III I’l‘dll ' " ' ‘ I " ' 1" " ' ‘ "
naiulfl 1: 1 ri' ,. 1. ,L' ’1‘ 7, ‘9 :‘.'..
‘ ' ¥ .. 1. I, _m ,H. ‘- _...,j;:.
(untmued from Page l the outyolm- of tiny \oh- and (.h‘mm.‘ m g)”; 511‘“ “in”: H‘LLJlm _1 .34”, ”1.: ; ; 31""; .w H, , ~ ‘ k“. ‘ I” H . a 1,: _. , 1:13 ._
slaouldnt dwumc that All stir Mildlli‘dl ll“ N‘l‘lilliill IMP“ ”W tlom lmn' to i‘rxtlriri' .1 \1 am“: ll”? ' ”I": "'" ’ l ; ianw- ? A 1 ' , 2 '7’“? 7 '1 ,
(lcnls \\'Hlil(l \‘oti- ulikr. 1"““1 1’11“” "1 1)”in ”W“ “1”!”‘41'”“"l ' ”H“ ‘l‘l '1 ”1‘. , ”A 1 .i \ ,_ " ‘-.;'r " " "
._) . ‘. ‘ _ . ,, .. . H H .1.» ii , ’ '
5““ “Hill“ Mid 11”” ”'1” llw llourrl oi lruxtt‘t‘fi \H” \( tl _l l r tn Mill .\| H' VI“ I J \th ll‘ I“; I] ”1 \\ - 5v" .5 : -' il ‘ .' '. .
.. . . ., .» 1 - ;‘ ‘t' I ‘ . 1 , i H 'm v-x“'. v "1-:
the n-ul nnportmw of this pro- meet m-xt lll('\(lil). “ he“. tln- S t it dill 1131‘s”. n tlrgdm ‘15 now! .‘mp in You“ .1 will” , I ”my: ‘ ~.\«: h L i M (t , , w; 1‘ m ., .'
' ' - ‘ r *' ' ' ‘\ U -.. ., r r 1r “ . . I

‘ PU-‘i‘l '~‘ ”'1” it “'1” 1111““ l‘" '4 rccomnwn(lution oi the senate tumte “ prorxm Al ' i ll H“'~" "‘ “‘g l ‘ “W ‘ l “ m ,. . t :., Lw . r . ,v ' , ~.

, ,. , .. . > . . 1 ) - A n- > M ,, H 1 1 , .‘1‘ ‘ ., _ .1, . .‘ 1’ I .
\Vulc range oi sturlr-nt attitude. will be brought “l’v HR.) “111“”; U "Hm.” “mm-ii “Hill-i ‘ l“ 1" Hi 4 'HIL'.‘ “M “3 W “11" 1 ,, _. , 2;: , .‘

1 ) 1 , . , ., ~- . 1 . , ex-o 1010 mom wrs 0 w )o(\‘, t "9‘ - , . ‘ 1 " . . -. -7
H" “(M‘d ”Mt I“ “d“ ”""t VOW 0“ IL liowcwr, until the” ul ) mos’tl ulmir i trm r; PM“ A ll“ K 9]»! “(l l‘n hm Mk» 1 . ~th 1.: «1- -'-: ’g z .-. ‘
pleasantly surprised (“HK'CT‘lH‘l-i l‘ebruury meeting lwcunw ,1 H an. 3 I 1‘ H“ ' H' I“ ”" ‘ ‘ :I: My m l v; r :i - \i :m-n: A. ’ '-

lhe motion was manic wril; rlw W H MUM] m H“ M 1 h ,,; 1g - ‘ ‘ ,, .‘ .
WNW"'”’J" ) f ‘l‘!‘ , tl 1 . 't' ‘ ‘l ‘i WW ‘3“: _Jy: i;;,‘i .ll.lli.,:' ~ V 1_‘,';":\‘ ,. K; I
purpose 0 IT (killing it \Uld ( lJI\.'\llL{('l1‘v\\\Vl'l in lllli‘1lillll\ i _ i V 4 'l 1 . . L Q . - . _: _-
.. n , . " ' 1 : "i-..’ ii ‘2‘ \lM. 1‘! ‘M (.5 ‘,'. ‘1': l . . i, 4.
l to u (my ti’ipilrlili' UHHIMH- H“ m,“ “K“ 11M; \\‘1\5‘u_i; n: or H , I H \ H -', ' ‘ ,_ ‘
_ — 1 - 1:1:11 i‘ 1131. an wig: ‘.. ..
i tron. it Will l)(‘ VHlNl on at tlw army,” (1“ p. mu :1“ . { .w ' ' d' i 1.: g1 ‘
. ' "i \'\ll."l§lrN Hg". '1‘ 'a‘, .‘- r " ".
next meeting. \1‘ mm d“ w in] w , 4;; , :1» , ' :1 ; . ; . ~
Rates are $1.25 for 20 words, $3.00 """"’f""fw""" ,. , , , ,‘wf _ . «- v. ' >
(or three consH-utivo insertions un' iin- SERVICE5 1h” Ill‘llll)‘ill 13‘ s”Hill” Ultllt‘ . ., n , . ‘
same 8d of 2” “'OI'dS, and $3.75 per 'O'O’O'O’OOOONONOOOO ) ’ . ‘1 I . .( . . . ) r} ‘ .-_) a 2‘ I. . .-
wcek. 20 words. PIANO TUNING w Reasonable prices. ( ”c nhldt. 1“ t!” mu” ”.1” ftpi rt 5 I . . -- L ~ _‘ v f '1 '

The deadline is 11 a. m. the day :\ii_ work guaranteed. Trained by Of the lnpurtlte L‘Oililnillt‘t‘, pro- 9 9 {1 g ; J . ‘ -‘ 1 , ,

‘ prior to publication. No advertisement St““““»‘_& 50115 m New York. V“:- - . ., i , ‘ . ' c ‘3’ ( r ' ‘ ‘ K' .' ..

t may we mm ”Mm" or national DMJCSV 2324989 eras-Mon: sentul l), tho only (lrsotntmg ‘9 y, _ b . _., f ' 1 _> _. . ‘

'1 origin as a qualification for renting w--,---~---,---,---- member, Dr. Stt'hlwn Dmclmn. C L a Q ‘ ., ’.‘ ’ : ,‘ ‘ *

,‘ room: or for m 10 me t. , ' . . . ’ ' ' 1- : ‘ ‘ >

‘ e p y n v ',’, W221? ,-,,#,, If It hurl lwcn adopted instead fr J ’5 ' _’- ~ .
“ “ ‘ . . . (, . 1.3;,
-N--.o---~--~----,-- ”Am 511nm ,,,,. tvw Wan {imam}; ofthcmujonlyrcport. unzulnmn 0 V 1' ' ' v 9‘ ‘5
FOR SALE " ‘14 {JP .rmdmlfir' all in. Tuesdm» USU f-l‘ 'l 1 ( J 1 ()f l 1. -'~ " ' L r
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iv'rldt'il to lump tho truth r .3‘i}. A!‘ . . ' . , I. . 1‘
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 'l‘iiE KENTUCKY KERNEL Karo @349.
I’Nni-iisin or KiN'ii'csv ‘H’e kenfuckj kerne/ 37 S
icS'i‘ABLiSiiIizi) 1894 THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1971
Editorials n present the opinionv of the Editors, no! of the University. ‘ Edith
___ MW- .'_ s... “ham—L— nouk,
3 Frank S. (Toots lll, [C(fifor-Iri-Cfiii'f ‘ 7 A“; ‘ bodi-
_—______—_.____._—_ /,,,,-. v by a
' . r w - - - ,- R H ° (W/Vef \ STUDENT "e.“
- lripartite Dealsion e ections 35 3/” \ BERS sens
~ .. , E’WE ~ M E" u / s:
. The University Senates recent Tripartite vote tells us a great deal /2\ "["BRS \\ % first; cabled
' 3 about the sincerity and dedication of the majority of our faculty senators; / £39 44'” (9 13/ gr /// P'Cifl‘
3 ' ' the manner in which the students respond to this gesture will tell us even , f v“ / ,~ .' o . “I / PE
- . .- more about the student body. at, Q g / ’- . ‘ 3! gonatl
' ' . . . . s . . » '- - - 2 -. is
. 3 As University Student Advisory Committee chairman John Nelson ‘3. / " ‘74 .‘ {j pzzed
3 points out, the crucial step toward student power is not the granting of \-y / \\’- / , f V “‘f Viet
. more student seats in the senate. The most important phase of the process , / / [W/ F] ' the m
. '- . will come when students rise to the challenge they have been presented. g ti // \ :3 4% 3, f
. . ‘\ \ r '
. . If students are able to supply the responsible and talented input they = / ' \\\\ fl "5 (“it / \\
, ' have promised, we will he in a better position to demand an even more \\\ / , ' t 9 ' "‘ - t \o
' - 3 nearly equal \"())C(‘ in our own government. In the meantime, in that \\ \ NW": 3 “3: 4f.) ‘ know
- 3 . 3 . threadbare old democratic tradition of patience, we must make the most \\ \ 3 \\ . ,y 060‘“. /® \ 3. 31:52:]
‘ 3 of what little we have. \\\\\ - , 3 /~ “A 3,316 ‘89 T Xavier
. 3' , Much credit must be granted USAC and the Senate Tripartite Com- \ ‘ "\ If“ . ,(2‘ fl, " weeks
. I .' , .f I n , . k ,1 1 ,1. .- , - . ' , ., - ‘ ;_.:«§§;22‘35:\. '7/ . r" J}, by our
3 3 _ mittii or raving wor t( on t]( )asic Tripartite proposals and lobbying §\ \\ 3 «é [.1 \r/ .. . b
‘ . v . . ‘ t c , __.~;;.\~“ ’ l ’ In a
3 . ‘ for its passage. Especially effective were Rona Roberts, Howell Hopson, We“ \ W‘A \\\\\\\ ‘3 . . I m Franc-
., _ ' SC president Bright and John Nelson, whose persuasion and hard work A \\\§\\\\\ § §§w “" \\\\\\\\\\R \\ Y7 Angus.
‘ ' . . 3 . s \\ . ‘\ \ ‘ ‘\ - .
,3 3 3 were the determinants of the proposal s fate. Faculty senators Stan Smith, §\\\\\\:§\\\\\“\\Ex\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\ \&\\\\\\\§\\\ ’3’ thehb
' , a r ,‘ . w . . . . \\ \\\\\\\.¢t'-;c‘ \\\\\ ‘ \\‘\‘{{\\\“\\\\\\\\\.\\x\\.\\;\‘\ v‘\*‘\\\\\ \\\\\\ S“ ' groun'l
- . - 'lom Blues, liven (Juido, Rav Smith, administrator Lewis Cochran and \\ \\\ // / ~3‘:\\“\‘"§:s‘z:t:zéses‘r;?‘gssi:2:s“s“-“‘ \s\s\\;‘:\ \ .
' 3 _ others ef‘iectively presented the students case. §\\\ '3, “/i $5353.. \\\\\\1\\/>\ \
' . 2 . , \z s off-.1. ‘ ’4 / ‘ -.;:.;.;:-:.;.-. I zaszssisaaaiiis‘ 2‘ - \
' . Izven more commendation must be granted the body of the Senate \\ (’92, ' 6 .:.::::.::::-:.f;’ \EEESEEEEEE§53S2§\ /
s. . . . - . . . . . .’ . N -'-.'.’-'-;" ¢:‘ - 3':.":~°:-'..'";;: i‘:\“$3e§=“\\a\‘;tis-‘ "
- 3 - 3 for its careful deliberation and considered action. In reiecting the usual \33:.; .-.:::::_.., v ‘ :-:-':.‘-.'-’,-T’/. f t\\ ‘\\\§ / .—
- . ., .. . . ~ . 2;;(0 -.'-‘-.'.'.'-.-.'- '=_=.-'-':‘£-Z-2-'-‘ ...-‘.-.'~:-:.'~."-'-' .~ ,:.'.' 1...:
' 3 ‘ , Staley Adams cop out— let s adjourn and forget the whole thing because \s\ .. '-;-.‘-"j"-}'."-‘f-’. 'A\S\\\§ Ll ,.-.'.‘-','.‘iiit avg 3/ “The
f '3 ~ 2 that's what we‘ve always done," the Senate exhibited a rare courage. S , ‘ ‘:\\\\§'\\\ ' ' ‘33-." dents
.3 ; V _ 1“ By ignoring the obscene tactics of \Villiain I’lucknett, the Senate raised 9""? 37'9“":5. "‘ ‘ \\\\ ' 4 i , o Securi
“ ~ 3. " itself from the below-the-belt maneuvers of the faculty politicians. Q ‘ ' 0%0 . t 2:"st
_ 3 Unfortunately, the Senates decision is not the final authority. Because 0 ‘0 O "’8 (1 new Q :3}- ‘ ‘
. 3 . of the great importance of the issue (it constitutes a change in the Uni- o O Ballgumpf ". 3
_, -- versitys Governing Regulations), the Board of Trustees will make the ”.3:
i, 7 -3' final decision. Hopefully the Board will give prompt and favorable another
, ' .3 _ «.‘r attention to the matter. 3 3 3 Kernel Soapbox critiqlql
‘ ‘ " . There is a strong temptation for one to speculate that the Senates —————————— fare “t
3. , 2 3_ d 'k" . r . f h“ ‘h‘ f 71].} . ofpape
. 33 3 (cision mar s a turning point rom t ( atmosp (re o depression w 10 1 T1 6 Gr - - k World From InSlde Nation
' V . ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ has choked UK for the past three years. Perhaps both the faculty and l e E search 1
3- '3 3 t . 3 the administration have realized that they must learn to live and work 3, K. 1). WINTHROP change. The trouble is fraternities change 0t 1%
._ ' With students and with each other. Perhaps the loud clear voice of the English Education Senior 3 bit more slowly than the real world. book 0
f ‘ . 3 majority of the Senate has announced the cure of the simplistic selfishness After noticing an ad placed by IR 3 AS 1 "303" some Of the CheriShed mem' terventi
‘ . : v which has diseased the campus. Perhaps students will inject the necessary ““0"ng th“ changing Virtues 0t th“ "“95 Of my. temp‘iral me as a local context
, - ‘ t. im ) ’t . t . UK f , } "l1 , ‘t' d d f d ‘t' 1 3 UK (Lreek world, I can’t resist a chance Creek—and in particular a tumultuous the Nix
I" '3 t( “5 0 nu“ ' O ‘1 "t3 (r S ‘m dl‘ 0 e uca lona awareness' to add my two cents worth. celebration of the death of Dr. King— foreign
.. .. 3 ~ W ‘ Perhaps. Yes—times, values, and even people I am thankful I finally chose the path Indioch
' _ 3 '_ = less travelled. The decision-making proc— essays .
_ 3. ? ess involved destroying a few myths of at Yale
‘. 3- ‘; 3 . my own. f co-direc
' I . - '. . Myth No. 1: Living in a raternitv ampdm
; .' ». ‘ 3- erne orumo e rea ers wrl 3 house is as cheap or cheaper than liv- ton 5),
. ‘3 ‘ ,3 ing in a dorm or apartment. It ain’t, cxcellen
_ ..3 , , ~ . t t le.. _.
3 i: Impeach Bright freshman and varsity basketball teams Memorial Gift :rSrtlZ‘ir’ tiltiinsglsrely amt B" 0" O 9‘ {Jodi}:
‘ ' . .' I would like to commend our illus- to stupgort “tiff“ fellow students “Edi til: To the Editor: Myth N0. 2 Fraternities are a way State in
i, : 3- trious Student Government president for 20151animflth]:tiggogfifhiiiosfhfirljhiverfsit- A $100 memorial gift will be given of bringing diverse people together. As War II.
f I - iii-111i” demonstrating iUSt how interested b eiigiformin the Athletic Board theft the outstanding student in the public long as they are reasonably wealthy, And
' a ‘ h“ really is in students at this univer- [file r fuse 5) take the floor in an reg- relations course to be taught here at dress well, can make their grades, don't Security
3' ' ‘ V Sit)“ I Wt" specifically to his handling [,3] siason home basketball gaihe to UK Spring Semester. The one-time have terminal acne and are white. I machine
.. 1. .. .r 0f the littt‘St screw it’h perpetrated "Wm which students are not admitted on award from the Blue Chapter, Public discovered the bCSt way t0 TUSh some- and to
I . ’ 3' , tht‘ student tde h)’ the Athletic Board. howin a valid ID ' Relations Society of America, is in mem-" one was by keeping him away from the Our pro
. ' -4 . ‘ Mr. Bright exchanged half 0t something S g ,. ' ' ory of Miss Helen Henry, UK alumna rest of the “brothers" — someone was entirely
. , f l' i . h l h'lf f In conclusion, I woudl suggest that Th It in d E d f« l 'f' h V r 3
‘ . ‘3 19 It“ "0 "g t to g1“. name Y a 0 Mr Bright be sub'ected a