xt7z348gj90j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348gj90j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1950 Vol.21 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1950 Vol.21 No.10 1950 1950 2019 true xt7z348gj90j section xt7z348gj90j ii“

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‘ Published in the Interest of Community journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers ‘ }
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VOLUME TWENTY-ONE N f '4' my 3 -
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Publication Office: ’I "4 - “t i

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Officml Publication Kentucky P’ress Assocmtwn . ;

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1 1 1111 111111113 ’39 &\ I 1. 1 § marmwtt‘mwh, 1 ‘ 111-

.1 " 1““ -‘ 151‘ 1C1 1 . ‘ .' . mrwgv'tgca”sf-15%;;3121551111131;1:33;};sz .2112: 11 ~

1 ”1111 11 1111‘l‘l ‘ o) \R;‘ -\ i. Q“ t?2§$t§%seawrs°£°m° 1%
1 1. ‘ 1111;; 11:11:11. E ’I A ’ t‘ fififi‘iiamwmmmliwm cmptl

‘ I ‘ 1' 1 112:1 ’ 0 A F“ {mywagmmmemfigf

“ ‘ ‘111‘1 "‘ ‘Peoifleo .

1 . .1111.’ i 1 1 1‘1 1 1 ' Namer8*wwamam:atam0£m 223.153- ” “'0‘
1 ‘ 1 ‘1 1 1‘ NAS Boo rd Authorizes Wableimm‘m’mimmmaméso 1 1‘ 1 tir
11.1 11111 1.1 111-1111 : $25,000 019' . mag-1mm“thisfiirzhmmwwdmmm 1 usual
1 1‘ 1’1511 1 111-1 1 - ‘ ' - 1 working “medimenofeflfflgmstsupmmricm

1 111111 1.11 111.1111 - - ..t needs [or additiona umthaafi‘yfifii‘mibwmagmas-ham!” such <

1 11111 1121111 I” m“ - 11---m.~. of Newspaper 2X31asmwmmmfilmwwm .-

1- 1111:1111 2111111111: «11111211- 1116 “M ' . 1 ma ramwthtitmw“ ““5 ‘

‘1 1'1“ 1531111 111 1.1mm...»- Service. int, has .11.. i... . sit-mt: 1 mtkv
. ‘ 1 1 :1 1‘. 1 111 1 . " 1 a ‘ .1 . - - 1 ~ newz;1.;ég1;51:;1:;=;;:‘.j::1;"i‘:;:s:;j;:.;---:;11-;1.:;;1.. ‘
'1 111“ 1 111 wt 000 in capital 101”“ “Calm-‘5’ 2 1’“ ft”: ”mamam’ ”11‘1“
1‘1 1 1 1» :11? 1 1" , ,, -. 11 1. sinking" Ium ‘ . .1
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1 - 1:11 1 1-1 ." . ~ 1 :sur\‘ )1 1- 1 11
.‘ 111-111 -, ‘ 1111:1‘1 "WC-“ted m U' 5‘ [rel / - .. 1 five or 1
1‘ 1311 ‘3 "‘ 1-1111 The io'ins are m be oi thrcc " i by the
‘ 11-1111? 1 11511111 1.16-1.11“ duration1and .1..- mung-111111 on u s
.1 1 1 ‘ ‘ 11 ‘ 1 mo ‘ ‘ ’ 1 1 , - . 11- ; , 15133111315;.-;;:§;
i1 1 E1111‘ ‘1 11111111 1 been set up to retire all indebtedness ii iirsr-anfox‘imm’ 1116 (t0
1 :11. :11 11 ‘, ias “ 1 . ‘ - )1. . ' '; ;: chgjmn 22-: 1
1" ‘ 11111 1 'ilij‘iliill ti c end oi five years. ll1C “1‘5”"“5 mm A 3 Nacim’mwpapwrfik: mlmlc
1 1 . .. . 1 _1 ,1» 1 1 1 . . - , 7 ‘ »! . 11:12:; .1315? E:‘.,§.1.§-.:3-:=.:’='.Z'i 1111:1111 . .
1 31111 1 ‘ 1111121? . . , p iiews'pil per associations 1““ 1‘ Zhi'ysw’afl‘s'h’-:.I..II-;.,:.:.-E» I “1‘
11 11111 1111": (ii three std c 1 . 1, 1).... \ss'nt'i'il' aflmv“°’31“ ‘ji'1-»::‘““:ii; 7:119; :::}Z‘Iz‘%1.=- . .
1 1, 11 1 1.2.1 1 :11 1 In Press Aw )ciation1 iona ics. - ~ :1211'1'131: :3; :1; 5111111211
‘ 1 3: ‘ ' 11911. I"? " ‘ “ . . 1 .- ‘ —
11 1 111 I 1' '13E11i1 7 1 \I‘mmsota 1L<1itorial Association laturc.
-1 1 i1 1‘ 1 1‘11“ 110“ 3”“ 1 I 'i - «i .- -1 under -
1 11111 1 i111:1 l \c m-ide 'idvances oi 52.000 cam W‘Z?91-2;"=I‘-"'1‘,I~:.Zti'é . Burlin
11 . 111 ; [11.1121 ” 1 ‘ - . ,1‘ [he as 11.1 ..
1 1 1 1 1111 .1 ” > , , 5 b r authOrlt) ‘ §5332EEEEEEEEE'éEiEEEEEiEzEEZEEi:ESE}?:I‘i5Eij1575521215311???E'EfifIE‘EEEEEEiE:53:13:;2511-»:-E‘;E§;5,Z.:;..11111-55521?3:125:2-3322';ii1.1§.{::-,;’-,E:i':::I».-:fii§:§i}i§§133g‘{;-::.,:.».;::=-;;==;55‘1»11.11:,11:11.1:;,'§;,2‘.Z;,;:-*:v-: ;:.. ;;_:_1 :5: undei
‘1 11:11 1 11'111511 “the FIDO“ 8‘14““[66‘ 1. 11 1. " ' ‘ ' ‘ . 1
1 11 1 1 11.1 1-31 1 oci'ition boards. I‘C-‘il’ecnve 1' , . " ‘ this 1”
1‘1 1 11‘31 3 111 '1 I 5 i - 1 er Advertising Service. Inc.1 has . . U for Newspaper Week the (it
‘1 ‘ {iil 1‘ I”? ‘ “CWSPAP A 1‘ it present in demand Mot of thls free to yo i a“
. 1 1 . 1111?- . - st:iii( 111‘" 1 ‘ . . ' 6 es
1 1| :1 111111111111 1510-200 (‘im re being converted to time Wrrte COnhGlm, L05 Ang tional
1 1 1 1 notes. 1 1656 11 . . 1 - - 1- ‘ 161‘ - -
1| 1. ' 1 111.1 11111 t(s three to five 01- more \‘CIII‘S 1“ duration- m ”V 1‘”
“‘ 1 ‘- 11- ‘11.: no ' , .- -- ' - - - C 5 " 1 1 '3 n ‘ '1' ‘
1 11 1 112111111 1 “ill be retired on the same basis as ne“ their accompanying news 5‘0““ . :1 cent of its total retail advertising bl“ g1 {1r (““5“),
11 1 ‘ .111“. 1. 1‘1‘ 11 ant ’ . - ' .1 ‘tin ' 1 1 . . - . : r( 1 .
11 I 1 11111521111 '11 ”it'll 10"“5 gmwd ”“ng u common heML ”1761 1:; the iiewsixiper advertising. setting “ rem (ltd Edmr
11 1 1111111111111. c'. . ‘ ‘ . ' - i ' - ' ‘ i ‘ 1 1 i‘ ' ‘
111 1 1 111111111 IThe growth of NAS as a national rep” 11rr0W iii the story to dire(t datum)“ 1- [our successive years in the amount expell L opinioi
11- 1“ 11-11‘11-1- _ .. ‘ . -. -. ; moste- ‘ . - - )eas‘
‘11 i 1‘ 1111111111 [ltiVC for weekly IICWSPHPCB has beenf picture and selecting Plume” [hit the management is not doing 5" to Li I.“ press as
1111. sen? ., - ‘ ’ 1 .1 ‘ ‘ -. - ‘iu .
11 1 1‘ 113 11‘1111 1 -] NAS 110W reprCSCntfi ‘1 [Otdl 0 1' Ctin ' iiiuSerle the 5(01)‘ .- , CI‘ editors and Pubhshcn‘ Unlted
1‘. 1 .1111 1 11,;“131 Phenomelld - , d to 9801 C y 4 1 1 1 [hi‘ the citv desk “6“1‘i’di’ , . , ding results.
1 1 1"1 11:11.1 1 1- L 1 id 1 newspaper51 as (onlpdre _ “If [he Incture (1065” L ( 0 M '1 - 16g 'ITC hard boiled 111 delndn . L()‘.v(
1111 “ 1121114112111 9954 wee ‘7 1 .1 ~i-iti0n NAS . , . 1i)h well up in the sun . . . .. - the amount 01 1 .
l1 1 1“ 111911111 In the American Press Assoc . . f I should 1115611 a i’dmgr‘I lained and the steadv increase in b (h 1-01. 1 iniif.,_
1. 1 1,‘:11.,-‘1-‘ ' ‘ . 1 ~ ; ‘ ' . .. 11 . _), , i 1 1.. 1.. ‘ ‘. .
1“ 1 1 ii" 1111 cvxsp'l[)(‘rs receive savmgs '" form 0 copy [0 “e m the Pldure‘ ht C‘qi t )i' (loll'irs being used by Sears. Roe '1 re to 1116 C"
1 .11‘ .i .11 Il"1"‘ ’ . -' ' ‘WS‘ “ -- '- ' u
.1 ‘ ‘11" ( 11 1‘11 1 i 1‘ er serviCC fee of 10 per cent. 1:111mruting on the selection oi the l t liewsp'lPCY advertising is a high tri) 11ml} take leg
‘1 1 1-1- “ o 1‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . . _ ..‘ 100 ‘- ‘ ‘ ' V1 -
1“1 1111I 1 1 "1 ‘ ——————.—_*'—_* several pictures. .Stiobel said thel P f is the effective and economical medium th iee frOi
1 1‘1 1 1‘1 ’ ‘ A - - ‘ -1 'uc we 0 HS 1 , vilers. l '
11 1111. 1 .- . 1 best oinectnc 1i 1. , , (f r .111 retd .. .. 1
‘1: . ‘ 1 .1 ’ . i. not [16 . , ,. . Me to 0 e .. “(154 )
11“ 1 1‘ 1’1? 11 ‘ Pictures Are Best. . mpher s [- pe 'udg‘es bv technical con- newspapers 11 )resident in chargL .1
111 i i ii 1‘11 1 TO Combat Telev1$ion own work. 0 ten ~l . ing T- V‘ Holisei‘. ”Le-I -L '[h its earlv Jesse
1‘ ‘ ..1 i. :1111 . , - . j- . - “Be innlng WI ‘ .‘ - b'is‘cd (
11 ; 11 1511-1111 _ 1 . . -- of Sideratimls (”1 )- -. . .. 1crchandl$1ng~ g 1, ‘ 1 “
.1111 11 ‘ 1 ‘1 111K Newspapers can answer the chalicngc l5e (“iptions should tell what [110 PmuulC5 (“(11.1 (1'in 86'!“ has placed great faith. in 1 license
1 ‘ 1: : 1.1 ‘ . . . , renter 11' *‘ ‘ _ 1 >1 , - )0 F6 1” ‘ “ ‘ ' - v i$ll1f”- 1
111 1 5 11 1-111 11 television (“’mimumm be“ bl) [lhelgg —\ngeies show Cinphim'led Strobei. Ihe) should the pulling power of newspaper achertts (ii on the
1 1:: .1 , ‘ 1 e. 101' 1 ‘ ' ‘ , . 1- - - )1‘8 w"- - 1 )un .‘
111 11 1 11-11151 of pictures. Richard H- 1:110)- t (1 Press de- honest since readers “Iii have m< t \\’e h'ivtf always used generous on:i so in iinconsl
1‘ 1 1 111 ‘ ' ‘ 1- A— ssoclu C _ . , ' 1 are ilCCUl‘u 6- ‘ . ' ‘ t0 0 "
1111 1 1 111.1111 “CW5 Plum) editor 10 I ('Nl’-\ Editors' fidence ”1 the Paper If the; event" he white space and are Umunllltlg doubt bl” In 21]
111 .111: 1 , . 19th gmnllil 1 ‘ _. . _ . .. 1 ~reate( 2111 1 _ - . ' 1615110
. 1 1 .. . ( e .. 1 IC( _ n, 161
.11 ‘1 1 111111111 (larcd it {h 11 Wu huc , 1 ii‘raid m “V1 m “1 our retail promotion“ I‘i newspaper “(1 the Jan
‘. 11"111 . _ ii 1 til- . . ..
111‘ 1 1 111;. 1 1 1 conference. . . 1 vision " he pointed out. (lont )6 .‘ i on what the eiiectiveness oi our em in _ of unco
‘1‘ 111 1 '1111‘1 1131' 1- ss in competing With te e - 1 _’ ~ It'g o-oing to catch UP “1“ 1V . . 1 . 1 important €161“ " .
1 1 ‘ 1 1 Slime-1 . ,dcm m the caption. - n i 1 vertism" has been 1“ . {“111- United
.1 1 1-.1 _ 1, . n emng red - 1 . . 11-5 have seen UL ‘ h .. rilers. 1' 1
1- 11. 1. .11 de )end 0 E -- smnc red( C - ()tiiCl‘ r61“l
“ 111! .1 1 ‘ 1 1““(1' “I I 1 h. bits *8 '1 picture ii vou donl - 1 1 mice coin our retail gl‘OWlh- ‘ it was :1
11'1!‘ ‘ "1 .11 . . ~ . a .1 11‘ ‘ ’ . to 11' ‘
1111 i111 1 1. 1‘1 nlulnlaln 1118” reading H the be“ medium happening and Mt houm note pavmen
1. 1 111"_11' ~ ‘- _1() er ’ ' . . ' I ':
:11 111,1 1 ‘1 1 11 man I think Plume” Purrscms‘. he (Olltlll‘lcd- ———° .idc fnml CISion.
11‘ 11 111 1 5111 . ‘ 1 " ‘ ' )Cr ml
111“ I1. .1 1 1-1 for (10mg this. . . ., ., 1 . ._ __._o——— 1 . 1. -- ;1)ers first We“ 1"” 1 In ti?
1‘11 11 1 1'“ ‘1 1 1 ful selection oi negatives. .i( H . - F 1'1 m )ui)lished the fin“ “CW?" 3‘9“”) i . ..
111.} 11.1 next to (are 0111 importunl ihomasA- 1‘ m 1 . wood 1,1,1}; 11] 186/-
: 1 1111' 1 1. 3‘ 1 cordill" t“ Strobei. the “1.3 ‘ 1 )a )61‘ CVCT printed on a train.
1-1111L 5' i“.; fi " . dis )1“. is [ymg them W”1 i i
111‘1 111‘ 1 ‘11”: as men oi )icture -
1’ 1 . ‘ 1 1111
' I] . 1 1 1:1“!“11'11‘1b
‘ “1" “11‘1”“1’1 i~
11‘! 1E 1 ‘ 1
111111 11‘? 111‘ '
, 1 - 1 H 1.‘ 1‘

 . . .-::t:.1:-::‘-e:“1'~" ”t 7," .’ " 'v ' it" WA H i t i i 4 ' '3 I I J ‘ r i “it: it ’1 I
August, l950 The Kentucky Press Page One . 5 ‘
‘ J _
‘1 N - L - AMA To Advertise 3 5 i J
J ewspapers Question icen se Taxes ,n A” Newspapem . ~
AS Threat To Constitutional Rights The American Medical Association, by , J
J J unanimous action of its Board of "lrustees
J In answer to questions about the new itorial headed “\Ve May Go to Jail:”“This and Campaign Coordinating Committee, has J‘
.‘3 Kentucky state law which gives local gov» threat of going to jail . . . may well prove of given the hhttl ”go ahead" signal for a nation- J l J
J ernments unlimited powers to assess taxes tremendous importance to you as well as to wide advertising program “'hhh Wth include -3 J
and impose licenses, the Kentucky Attorney us." the readers were told in the editorial. three principal media —newspapers, mag— v
5‘ General issued an opinion holding that cities “Because it involves our rights to print the azines and “mm—‘15 a new phase 0f its na- J
J and towns of the state have a legal right to news as it happens. without control, direct ttthhh education campaign h‘ behalf 0t “’1' J. J J
levy peddler and privilege licenses on news- or indirect, by officials.” untary health insurance ”htt against SOChJI' J J
I papers. There seem to be two important phases ized medicine. J
J In his opinion, the Attorney General said: of this [arreaching question of the right to Clem \Vhitaker and Leone Baxter, di' J
“There is no constitutional or statutory ex- license a newspaper; first, the oft repeated ”(mt-5' 0t the A-M'AJS national education : J J
emption specially granted to the business of political theory that the “right to license is campaign, stated that the ad campaign will j J .
l publishing or distributing a newspaper and the right (direct or implied) to control”, he launched in October. J‘ J
it would hardly be contended that the pub- surely is a direct attack upon the rights A total advertising budget 0t $t’110’000 J l J
A lication of newspapers is not subject to the guaranteed under the “freedom of speech" ht” been approved by the A‘M'A' Board at
J' usual government fiscal exactions or that clauseiof the constitution. Secondly, on the TthStCC-‘i “'tth 335602000 allocated to news» 7
3JJ such exactions are violative of the due pro- other hand, the newspaper office, especially papers, $300,000 t” radio ”.h‘t $250000 t" Jig J
cess clause of the press. There is no Ken- if it maintains a commercial printing plant national magazines. ‘JJJJ J
l Lucky law prohibiting cities from licensing (and most community weeklies and small The newspaper advertising schedule calls JJJ J
trades and occupations, including news- dailies do), is surely a manufacturing unit to“ blanket-coverage 0t every bona fide thth)’ ' .
J papers.” and should not claim immunity from such hhtt “‘66th newspaper in the United States— JJJ .
« This ruling is directly opposite from that a license tax. “PPIT’XhhMEIY 11:000, in tOtht — hhd the COPY JJJ '
J by the Georgia Attorney General who ruled The question then is whether the license is SCht‘dthd to run during the week ”t ()cto- JJJJ‘ i
on a similar case in June. His ruling barred is directed against the newspaper (sic) with ber 8. Newspapers in the territories 0t _JJ '3
J the collection of newspaper license taxes by the implied control. or simply against the Hawaii ”hd Alaska Wth be included in the ‘J J ,i
municipalities. ‘ printing office, which produces the news- schedule. The space reservation Wth approx— JJJ J '
Two California publishers are fighting a paper, as a manufacturing unit, imate 70 inches (Probably a 5 X 14) h‘ "h /J J
similar license tax passed by the last legis- lt may be necessary, before the licensing papers. JJJJ J
lature. George McQueen, publisher of the question has been thoroughly determined, “This is UOt an institutional 21(1"€1‘ti5i11g ,J‘JJJ/ ‘
,3 Burlingame Advance, paid his 1950 license that the present setup of most of our smaller program”, said the Whitaker & Baxter an— JJ'
“under protest and request that a record of newspapers will have to be changed to two nouncement. JJJ‘JJ J
J this protest be made on the official books of separate organizations, one, the newspaper “The American MCdiCHI ASSOCthiOH is em- JJJ J
the city of Burlingame.” as a medium of distribution of news (includ- barking on H nationwide advertising pTO- ‘JJJJ
“It is our opinion that it is unconstitu- ing the news of advertising). and the other gram [01‘ two reasons. First, it is determined J.
rates 85 per tional and improper use of licensing author- the manufacturing plant for the production [0 11in in increasing the availability 0f good J 'J;
g budget in J itleor a mumctpality of any political sub- of printing. Illedlflll care to the American people throngh JJ3;
record {0]. J division to license a newspaper,” stated Another problem in such connection has th medium 0f voluntarthJealth insurance. JJgr JJ
.t expended. Editor McQueen. “Such a license, in our been brought tip in the question that has ln Jtllzlt l't‘sl’et'ty the advertismg FOPY W1“ be JJJ .J
0 to please J opinion, is a Violation of the freedom of been asked, "Should advertistng, sold to designed L0 make the Ptmericzm pEOplc J3JJ J
ers. Chain press as set forth in the Bill of Rights of the wholesalers and retailers, be considered as a ‘heillth “15111111le CONSCIOUS “Dd t0 CHCOUT- JJJJJ/ J
ling results. United States of America.” sales commodity or a service?" If decided as age “10 CJXECHSIOH ide (levelopment 0f PFC-J JJJ‘ J
amount of Lowell E. jessen, publisher of the ’I‘urlock, a commodity, then can it be implied that paid medical and hospital care as a means 01 JJJJ‘J
oebuck 1-0,. J CalJif., Journal, refused to pay his license fee. the advertising portion of the newspaper {Jilklllg the CLJ‘OHOUIIC slrockJ out Of JIHDCSS- 55 J
tribute to J The city council ordered the city attorney to would be subject to the license tax? SCCOIIdJ American medicme ‘5 determined WJ ‘ J‘/
iium wliit'll / take legal steps to collect this business license The Press awaits with interest the antici~ alert the American JJpcopIe to the danger of 3 J J
ilers. Quot- J fee from the Journal on the posttion that it pared decrsron of the United States Supreme SOCIHIIZCd medicme. , _ J J J J JJJ J
t in chargc J was a business establishment and not exempt. Court. The Lockwood-Shackleford Advertising .3‘_ J' ‘
ith its early JCS-Sens opposition to paying the tax is ‘ Company “’JhJ handle newspaper and mag-
J2” faith in 3 based on his conviction that the attempt to .—__.___.._ azineJadvertiSing, with Homer J- Buckley & JJ.‘
advertising: J license ‘Jt newspaper constitutes a restriction If you do not have shelf room for the Associates: Inc., athliated With them. _ J3JJJJ
amounts of ‘ on the freedom "t the press. I‘heretore. It 15 storage of newspaper advertising mats, here lxentucky newspapers— the IIIdJOI‘lty—Wlll J t
to do so in “hthttthtiOhat according to JIessen. is a suggestion: Rather than paw through receive the” insertion orders from NAS‘KPA JJJJ 1
:) doubt but In a front-page news story on the situation, drawers full of half cut mats, cut each advertising servrces. J J J
vspaper ad- the Journal pointed out that his contention month‘s mat supply into pieces that will go fi.‘ J
element in i 0f unconstitutionality is being carried to the into ordinary letter filing cases. Each folder The Virginia Press association has in- '; J
lers, kindly United States supreme court by the CNPA. should contain only the pieces bearing a stituted a 20 per cent increase in member- 3J
‘ It was added that the Journal is withholding certain mat number. Then, illustrations can ship dues. Weekly members under 1,000 cir— JJJ: J‘I
__ payment of the license fees pending a de- be located merely by pulling out the right culation will pay $34.20 a year; over 5,000 JJ
made from cision. file folder. Mats, after use, can easily be circulation, $96. Daily members pay $7.20 to J J
‘/ In the same issue Jessen carried an ed- refiled. $38.40 a month, depending on circulation.
fl 1. J. / ._
’ 'J J.
/ ,il
3 l
‘ O l i] ,

 I 1950
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_ . I II-IEIIj’IIIrII . Cannot )8 ' Iezll‘ 1. A1C .) strial and C ,nd fluoresC I E
I III III , , 1., nzlture‘ I[- ,nc Week In ‘l-I 'le 1cntS “1 ”1d“: guide-“Cm d ‘- :2:
I ‘I’III‘ISI II I‘II, TWO I' their ‘C ) "11103 01 ( I-fed. It 15. _ 11 '1 L11C 111 d 9 [UV 4 1:7;
‘II I 5{III I: .III II I! Page 0 [1'11 obserh g is grin“ ‘ Phasucs both ” [ (“Ides (“1 q f E
I III I I :It, III , . 1 anu < 1e Pres I ., l‘lI cm I: . in" 21' oinl 0 I -E
II IIFII I. II IIIIIIIII , (u rhich t1 . .CCHL only field“ r mm o , Standp =
I I II; I I_IIIIIIII.;II . . '11 II . , k )IOJ ,I not I 7, .c IOU . 1 the ~ york :_=_
II III III'IIIIIIIIIII? P C9 Of leerty “sodium" durl fi'l)’ every “lee c; to Prestl‘lfl CHIC» II 2‘ “M )Checkcd m?” for large 3111'“ ‘5
1‘ ‘: ‘- :IIII ; 1 ‘II l ) ess ; - . I try ‘ ’, I- ‘i an 1) . been - .IIIoIl - div] ¢ ' E
II ‘ 'I‘I‘ IIII II The r 'lte 1r . GI ‘1 U r “g '11 [he 10‘ CHI . mil“ r 1“ —"
II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII sier St‘ ’llflPlOn Iced I0 but A . “II :1 P 111 _..II 11111 . I [mg [0 blV' =
IIIII’IIIIII‘II the H00 ent CII‘ . IIcs- [he I . ress— . Ildc!‘ SI (1- gene“ -,)(1 1152, 1 I, I f r assem , =-
: I‘l II: II:’_II .- .C I hem first (I . free P . cl‘b- u I I‘Slél“ (I) I ,cull/«L . HS 0 I =
, I .III II: . 511“ ‘1 a \C , [I16 . I . _— L1 _ 5 MP un( C . 9) ( , IS .str I uatL -=
, . I, I I - c1 that . the one [116“ l ,Ioul I“ I \cs (— mum adeq .=
IJIIII II 'kaI III _ been 5“ . 1 “(II . . r115 111 . {one 1 511 ,~ Il ) I 101115 SP‘K' I I (out _ , (4) .: =
.I JI'I'III 'I IIIIIIL I has . W35 08 ‘ , .ndIvldl ‘ . t "111 b(. ( _ ((3. DH {-2 . we I; L“ . 16$, (5) A1‘Zonns‘ , rtmenth- I =
III'I‘I ‘II’III‘II’III‘? . )reSSI 1t 101 51" I he re‘en “ l‘ viell‘m - u M I11“ much” In] 0PL .III deP“ . ‘ 5..
IIIIIIIIII: ’ :,5III IIII Iree I mile at I .~ I '1111 0 D cIInlna-I . s)CCU( - . .md ‘ 1‘ I00” I:
l 33"1'I I E‘II:II II‘II - t0 thcl I 4,1 event 13 )11011 g“ _ 6:11 111 ‘ . 1(I “LI ~ ‘ ”INC ‘ her 0 =
I “III II 'I I’I‘IIIII ' n pllL '1 rm -- cone I I . I t the r 'Ihel‘~ ‘” - ‘ n 1‘“ ) “um qu- =
II III III I .I:III. II.» no . on then , ‘1 en‘ 1110 0 “mm _ natxo , [he . the w =
I I III. IIIIIIHII I , erb . Ccrll II n 1 1 o -, nil 11111111 kllo“ .I d at , =
I IIIIII IIIII; IIII \Iewspdl) 11d c011 )ress. I . Indhl 1 you ~u~nlshe . work I =
I III III 'I;IIIIIII I - n 51101 I. the l Ioubt 111C ._-—_ ‘I Do > I Iing‘ It . . e m .. I :E
I I I7» I ‘II,II3I'II!III yentIO I 111 O ,II)Ie ( , I. . 'rht )c . «11111 , l- I ,=
II _ II I III » n\ n ~ee( 0 qom _ I, . I 11L, .k 111‘ , l (11 I—-
III I (III I II II II‘IIII (O h , rea‘ . . . “(L ————— “C5 0 ‘ , C165 3 1' r (11]( =
I :‘II II I I II ‘II term (1 Any Ilgll" (211K I ulch I he ( ‘1) .=
II 1IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII .II of the (l beyon . {611131 V I . f . 1 0| 0 rs ()1 I =
I f I I IQIIIIII III I )rove . .I, [S 6 due . 0. chc . . nt hou =
I ‘I I.'I='I 1‘ IIIIIIII IIII . “we” I . I“ llbel I «zsLS the a ' 1n” < ~ (Ixflere ,. r3 - I :10 'E
I :IIEIII MEIIIE I'II ‘1 r169 0 . , CL“ 1C‘ . (11 IO] ‘ 16 Y“ ‘ I WI“ ’ E
I I IIII‘I‘ IIII2IIIIII:;I hat the P neWsP‘lP -. I'oIIIIIHCC' _ - es Irrivleys' . be“ $0115 “I d .red these I E
II IIIIIII; I IIIII II’IIII I" , t upon . . [111$ ‘ lb be” 0t . Is ()11 ‘I D , , - IrElII 5L“ (01111”l 3 . E
I I III I ‘ISII'III-I’I and {M I m'lihtilln1n% 1c [0111‘ “1cm ncan- Irmk Your 1‘1“. Iepmol' socks ic(I) Hm‘e you [01. such work 1d floors OI I 'g
I IIIILI. I III 2 III 0 ‘ _ 0‘ . 1 ,I ) ‘ . - ‘ Ho : . I_- . . . m I =
I III I I I I den 1 be . ,1 the XI)“ II In (mm 5 Ilngs- ther .=
III _ {EIzIIII I III I‘ III ‘II bur . , n 11011 "“011 ( 11rd UT [6(- , -s- I stlln I C61 I Ct Ta =
I a: II I III IIIIII 7‘ 111“ (l . (1651“ ’Id 116‘ ’1' Ce yO .I o-al‘tcl . CIJLcL I wéll s. refs I -—
x IEIII‘I‘I IIIIiI :IIIIE \I\ It I. Ihelr . hC)’ 11‘ . 1 <1 ' , Parlb o -k' C , Int” -, Is to =
I‘ II'IIII' I ‘III‘II: me . 35 I . the b\ ~()(. .5. l A1C ) 11511 ¢ -—_—-
. I IIIIII IIII III‘III Lhe Panel $1 In of the pre )1] edlmr 01 Ics Held HI) 5" 1319; Be“ (,1 I. (olor and {II a ‘t of Cer‘ E
I I ‘II‘IIII = 3 II’I:II - '- (0 . 18‘ I ‘ u I '36 1' ‘ , -~ wS~ - 21 . ‘ 1t- r1 5 ‘ =
; I II IIIIII I IIIIIIIIIII 1.11%" ()1 “(1361) GI‘OVC I’dtie Ct sixty 11]”; the You 1‘18 c” with A110 Such Ibqorb the 11g idcl‘Cd [he nlel Ines and E
II III . II :II III I ~ ) )’ " I , II urS I, . z 1 2 . - 115 mil . _ =
II : IIIII I ‘I‘I‘I’II‘II II dehnuo BIan. A1131?” freedom 0 eW“ you woke I") ilh Ingelwlll I “‘51) H’lVe you a; Iishes on “1.10.1Ig1mng I g
‘ I IIiIIII I IIIIIIIEI 10 - . ~fiec t ‘ to 11 ‘ Lime ‘V .I 11(1‘CI ("1 ‘ Id 1 « )roV“ D E
I I, I III 'I‘IIIIIIIEII'. Tole‘ ’ . sngnl . «Inted 1 7 ~11 [11C - e the (‘1 ‘ 101‘s I“ I of 11111 I =_
I III I‘III IIE‘IIIII I;II= tour I . - ~c ng . )alle IL . ,g 101 I l , - g0 Cans I .—
I II v.1? III I: IN or the )rlvxleg . of the I 'te sew “(All - tam .II 21 m . _ II'ngs I ——_
I II'IIII III“ III III ];1[ , 21 l Iberb . 215 ‘he W1 . . d I\ - cnt “ . Is:‘ 1 (.61 l .-
. I II ,- “I (ms men 11355 "I (-k ‘11] 1111““ lden 1, am =
I III‘ III II IIIIIII I'II )1‘6SS me 1161' [W0 I" the P - I Buterl eq Iill"~ ;1cC -§ Wal 5’ - In rC- ‘5
II III '11; I III I III I . The 0‘ . [0111 0 10 but- Wlt 1 I olzIIUm’ 1 redw‘ a - r fixture" 'Ixm‘u =
IIIIHI-I IIIIIIII-:II Jere d Iree‘ I )COP ’ - \Iell“ - «111‘ urhtlnfa - Iure m‘ .=
II III III, I Imp: III InlI Iefine [0 [11C 1 . 1Cd “1111] I . ., l‘CttC‘s’ , \1‘6 110 to 1115 . I? E
III IIII III IIIIIII IJIII _ I '[l I ( _ [ed r I Iedrl , rub l I ClOl‘ . _ D- I luv I: use( _—
II I III I,,.. I II . “cc 3 . t Ian I 11M , . \oU . rfie ( O Ions, ucqllcl I , _ . rren =-_
II' I III IIIIIIII I e0 , .1 rngh g -. I the) - Ms Iheste ~ < DUI1 .(I 11 . ‘(_ (11 =
I , L Lte( IL I , kc C 1' 1m 4 ,IEIIIIL led“ ,—
III IIIIIII. I :II :IIII I 11611111159 A - - adm‘ re “Illen 51110 ,1, pzu 5 I berscth (. »‘ . the e _
‘I: iI'I . LIIIIIIISIII‘ I estlollmg’ g bef" ded. Blue J‘I .111 R“) In [1‘01“ =‘
I III- I III - ";I;-II_I.I >11 (1“ I0 (13)“ . I quell chzlr , [11 III tul o~—_—_ - =—
t I :I II fIIIIIIH‘r. UP‘ Only I“ . Ilmfi ‘ -, r I ur Ice _ smtIC _— ~
I I III I; I IIIIIE II Ihe ansWer [a meeung the) .ndivIduIIISI I“ Brush IO r “IGIU'OIL __.__1 To Elimmate-diculous I —=__
I II III: I ‘IIIIIIII I explained A f six mature l 1113 unawarel I EEISLman Y?“ your Skm‘ . S 1 IVIethOd [736‘ 1C that ”its r1115 been I ‘=
I ‘ I-III: IIIIIIII I . . o‘rOUP O . 11i"C“Ce’ ‘ . utiml“ Yol )1I\.e_lz€ “IIIIIzlmI Silnl) e _ sinll) . )fore" h l __—*
III III I III!” II If a I; 'n mle e COnstlt d palnfi . c and . [110d 50 f It be flatbee E
ILI II'II IIIIIIIIII II . . 1~1ge 1 I' the . Tent An . ('IlleLt . -k111~ .\ 111c rht O . on a —
a 1': I: III -e me ‘I - r 0 Ithe g - _ IIIth ’ , Iolll * A thoue - ~statlc E
1 III I I‘IIIII II IIIJO‘ leanme . ch 0 . 7111K ‘ Iow ) ) one _ - “11g =
I III I II I -I ‘ :11 II -cX we . . c011 VI I) 1 [0 11 at 11‘ . mmfl , =
I III II I gIIIIIIIII of the IreS VVImt can be Diver Pause mh of YOU 1)“)th ummer th .0~ested [or (:11 er PubIISher _
‘II I II III I a ‘ f I . [€er 110 huI‘C - [116 5 . ___ sugn ‘ yarn ’ f )ul‘ ‘—_
, I I I III .IIII 1:113“ )le W the t _ . I. m .Ich W- ‘ r11 < —
I‘ I I III IIIII-IIIII II g1 , le Peal end . mdfi _ BVDS , ,Our C) . 5-5. H. _ wet d =
I I III 11'1III‘II" I .. OI t1 , att Ielr 111 “real I- 111 ) ')U Ine- . from . IS t0 ked —
I. III .II I ma may . . k t1 . I, ,I 11111'6 . Iks \( ‘ I) syn. I 3011 =
,I ‘ II ‘I’I I‘ “1 they . sped mg» 11 I\ 1 ()1 (I5 I 1110 I I 1’1.) ‘ . bruS 1 I _—
II I I I IIII _ why - may . nee“ Id I)1 n )110 . (Ok ‘ . mt —
I I III I I r they 1 x11 1 I AI 0 (1:11 I ‘ealy . '11)“ =
‘II - I I IIII I II SIde me why --enlb C , may , t 301“ ~, - [he (I .k with ‘ , =
I I III I IIIIIIIIII ' (21101C ' 'Iy 2‘55 '1 the) And )6 IIertl-‘e‘ “I - stOc CW” E
I' I I- III II I the” , he m‘ it, “I “/ 1 . . ,- t0 3“ *—— I ~ ()I the ‘ . , the 11 =_
II : II I IIIIIIIIIII II free”, wh> ‘ 11mm: perm “€58 AND “I: If It PW ' .——-— edge“ I) of IIIzIteI- 150 Sheet5 01f” Warner E
1- III. I If'! I ' '()Ve . l‘e( . . en ___-“ ‘ n . ,1 ('ll )0 t0 . 'lC .~ , E
I III I IIIIIIIII I . 10“: ll 8 t9 fol Ovemm _— IAsS In I ,(‘k ]( he stz . d lII)‘ =
I I II gIEIIII. I: wltl cour‘ . Of g , [g .. 16 An ~ fl ~Il‘1 bd- . 7' on t ,mte =
I I II ‘ IIII=IIIIIIII o the «I lrec . “uh- Beed“ It 21d 1 I" - IS “I“ n P‘1 n =
II I I :I-‘IIgII I, ,sort [ (I I)r€5- fiVC D onkey 1)“)le I1 ile 1t . are the ugh 0 =_
II II IIIIIEIIII I- r0 haVe I C the five A D TCZII 1d a 'nt II 1 dges ts e110 . . =
I: I I:II-'I“II‘ ‘, J: nIéIY ge ar t the How ~ 1e 3 g . “'0” I)r1 “The 6 Ver ge‘ 111113 —‘—_
II I I I- the) _ Tho dme“ .~ . t0 .1 tln “VI/11M . 115. me me , hmpe ~_
J II ‘IIIIIII II - . “011' 1111611 - .“I'Ince 13011 ‘ ke Is: xpl‘“ r. O .1 of (‘ -, I0 I =
II I I I III II‘ I; I! 11114 first ‘ . Vlg’l ‘ . Ice 11 . [on ) . I: . e- - I wate -. . fraIC I 1.8 I =
II x! I.” (Ion . 16 _ I ant . Y .1 01 ()I ( ‘ Irllc) _ “II 13 a . (o I =
I I I.1 |IIIIIIII 8““th 1n [11 require wml libcrties “hid Iressed a herd [gr '1 3‘1“” JOlIIIrCc bagS 01 erg“), ‘t time as he The thlng todtel‘ and I —‘_
‘ I ‘II‘ ‘ . hicl . five ries, ( ~‘ ire ‘ . d 7 firs ch. . 1e W’ , I —‘
II I II II I ' mes w the - count l'equ ‘ 1W ‘1" [he 0 mu I ‘ ' 1n [1 ‘ ’ the E
II I ‘ VII: i - I llbcr 1 086 are Irtllln '1‘0 donkfiy I g 0t 1‘ I .11 )el' [0 I C hllL Ii )Illg —
.II ‘ 1 II I I 76 T1 iron CL 16“" . blind 9* . but the ["1 h to [1 - 1011i “ I —:
‘ I I III II I reser‘ ' . - the . ,znt t1 . I “SIX ‘ d. )rICCI _ r115 wlt1 I, =._
II I II EII‘IIIIIIIl II 30 not exlst In P16 nllght ‘I‘re is “”511“: 1 [65" they Fell)”: like a bur, [Imey and 1 dIP the it the edge: the cuP- d be thus =
II I :II‘. . I )60 16 ‘ (a I (et1 . I~ 101 m1 . 0' ll . =
II I II III . I III '18 the I 1.1 ”)6“ l ,1 )pene 't 501111 3.(Ll)5 . I three [hell 1 he 11]) k 5110L . , [65 =
II I II IIIIIIII much ‘ ., not “I - has 1‘1 , “T114 1' Iou fl . . .w :mt cross I 16 me . Iimmd =
II _I III I IXI‘ it (All 1'26 1[ g the . 16 0' ) 4- ()I. h‘ 1 [15h a . 0f t1 1115 C I L;
II I II :j‘IIIII II I I , that ) re?! 1 unles‘ . . .a Ior 0‘ . Ildlcfi f. " br (1 63 , - 65- T I =
II I I jIIIIIIIIII 5a)- king when “III hapPe” he? aning 0‘ 11"“ )t give 81X 1’” 411 go for 109m gs [of A11 f0“; in: emPhdSthas found' 5 bC- 2—"
II” II‘: II ‘ , 1 ' II 21 m'< ., 111“ l Iho \4 V011 \ X I21 he ' ute =
I I . I; II III II I thll and VI f the r0 (,(| . [CS- ‘N 0116 ‘ ‘ 'ln' . 'lted’ , Cent, 15 mln .II I _—
I‘III I‘F IIIIII‘IIII I IlseVVhere . med 0 . Is of d“ ‘ 1 forth' . f diltes' ‘ tre‘ - 100 P61 - abOI-lt er “’1 I h:
I I 1 I I I‘ 'IIII'IIIII I C ‘ . Infor n bag . ll St00( v bag‘5 0 [ °'- Statlc 1 [1113 he pap ' =
I I I pm I I are burde )1d (1 I No “C mg, the . LO (0 hat t (1 es I =
II I I I‘IIIIIIII Peep C . the Bell! I , I am . .md 0 -. best find t he e g =
I I III .»I I. ms. _. )tmg thC . of hd) l hay ( (1 to “It 1.5 but I et t I =
I I II IIIIIII 2‘ e treedo duel g-Ive - I IndieS lleS O IIWCC - ‘me, 'f 0“ w {66‘ h:
I I I IIIIItIII thcs ers, by - ‘ance> *‘ . ng )1 e bum nkey “0 _ ress t1 en 1 Y . the =
II I. I‘IInI )wsIfiI’ vlg' ‘ - «I laSL ‘ [01‘ thre red (1" Iore P u 11 eV - r 1t 0“ '11 be —*
-I II I I‘IguIII I Can 1“ -b)"day - Indlfln‘ . chef . Iong“ea . - It thro g IrOWmI’ , 1 W‘ E
I IIIIIzzII . - day ,- 1 1n ars 0 ~Illy . ~. ace r181 f re t1 sudl Y 0 =
III III III-VIII, . unulng )IchO’ . .my Ye , cspee“ I hay- .1 (11ng g0 . 1 be 0 u here u 1,10 I —
I III I IIIIiIiII I of (,On -mary C t 111 m‘ n 0'“ Iumdle 0 . 11 art ‘ ' Ie - edlate y 'd T - ' Our - ‘ =—_
II [II I III IIIII 1‘ The I)“ .. H. No I, rl‘ied 0 « 0116 ) t' ‘ T110 , not 11‘ Inlln rner 5211 ' , tath “1 beet5 I ‘
II I III I IIII‘III‘II day? d they ("I li'ln‘l (d l 6 go 101‘ Prophe ' I U ('Zlnst d 1 d " W21 5 wlth S e are S I ~=
II I I IIIIIIIIII roVe . of 1m ( not: H -ke the I” T10 11qu an - boar , sheet . ed theS -Stuf€ I I:
‘I‘ I III’I‘IIII’II month P . erb (-onVI Spd I an <1 ~ 1 of I , dozen nvlnc mm _~
I I I 1;: spilp . t0 . rote (1 ant build C 1mfit 'llf d n1 Co d get =
II I IIIIIIIIII . the new ., palgn , - n to ‘ thy her one , md P h‘ but I a t an =‘
II‘ I“ . I: III I have ‘litflnt (rim 1 Obllgatlo . 1 Off [0 days on jollrne) ‘ r655 run, ruflle On St 11 : I
II I I I2IIIEIIII h a “11 . t 2111‘ . Its pa“ : r three nke the I P . d'd not . the re. ' E'
I I I III suC 1r du Y rebl‘ n 10 . nder . . 10‘ (II 1 - ung =
.I I I IIII‘IIsI l of the ' n The - lany a -1 less 1| ' 1115 101 h whll re Pam I "mm"
III I 3 II IIII I )eop e . electIO ‘ .(1 m ‘1 muc1 Imgfllfé’ 1e we We “—- I 577“
‘2‘ I 1 III-II I I 21W 0rdC -. , )athY II" 355 1‘ L {1 when 0
I II ' 'IIW I ' the pnm te rec blle “1 hereb}I - 1 the ’ to £6 - 3
'cI I IIIJII‘I I In ‘ 5|; V0 I n pl! t u C )11€( vlnted —_ eraser '
II I. I I I heavle I W16 k I. e r I . I W‘ Ad"
I I I IIIIIII‘I - the . I came - )ea ' Tr“ ’ ‘1)11t . Press
I I I ‘IIIIIIII’I I 111 And thd 215 at 1'25 1 00 ’ ShaIrley . Iuttcl‘s