xt7z348gj77j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348gj77j/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1898 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English London, KY: Mountain Echo, Steam Job Rooms Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Kentucky Equal Rights Association Journals of the Ninth Annual Convention Held at Guild Hall, Trinity Church, Covington, KY. October 14 and 15, 1897, and of the Tenth Annual Convention Held at Court House, Richmond, KY. December 1, 1898. text Kentucky Equal Rights Association Journals of the Ninth Annual Convention Held at Guild Hall, Trinity Church, Covington, KY. October 14 and 15, 1897, and of the Tenth Annual Convention Held at Court House, Richmond, KY. December 1, 1898. 1898 1898 2019 true xt7z348gj77j section xt7z348gj77j gmmmmgmwm'g

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g Ninth Annual Convention lg


» g October l4 and 15, 1897, g
I. g Tenth Annual Convention 3

> g December I, l898. ’g
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I ‘ PRl
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 “If ye abide in my word, " ' ' yo shfllknowthem
and the truth shall make you free."
:\ 9/- 4
Ninth Annual Convention
. October M- and IS, [897.
78 N. Broadway, Lexington.
' Lexington. -
Hick man.
FARMER, Covington.
SAWYER, London.
31 E. 12th St., Covington.

Superintendents of Departments. P,-
‘ __‘ ' Re
Bible AS'tlLdg: To set forth the true position : ’1).
MRS. ELLEN V. Gmsox, Richmond.
I’oliéioal Study: MR. E. W. BAGBV, — — Paducah.
Literature: MRS. FANNIE HAYS, - - Owensboro. 11:).
Press Work: MRS. SARAH G. HL‘MPHREYS, — Versailles. 00
National Enrollment and Peiifion I'Vor/c: Re
MRS. S. M. HUBBARD, Hickman. 11,.
Legislative Work: MRS. JOSEPHINE K. HENRY, Versailles.
Educational Opportunitiesfor lVomen:
MRS. CAROLINE A. LEECH. 1735 First St., Louisville. Pr
Industrial ’I’rainingfor lVomcn: (,0,
. MRS. L. C. OBENCHAIN, Bowling Green. 71”,
JI/jgionc and Physical Culture: , .
. lVork Among Young People:
MISS BELLE H. BENNETT, Richmond. [:1
Advancement of Woman’s Work in the School: I?”
State Organizer : MRS. EUGENIA B. FARMER, - Covington. 2:6
List of Officers of Local Assoc1at10ns. P,-
__ Vi(
Fayette County EqualRights Association. T7-
PI'es'L'dcnt—sts LAURA CLAY, - - — Lexington.
VicevP/‘esidcrLt—‘Mks. MARY CRAMER, — - Lexington.
Corresponding Secretary - MRS. NINA I'IALSEY, - Lexington. I? ‘
Recording Secretary and Treasurer, , , 7"“
‘ Kenton County Equal Rights Association. P,-
President—MRS. EUGENIA B. FARMER, - - Covington. jg:
Vice-Piesz'derLt—MRS. M. M. TRIMBLE, - - - Covington. 7’!"
Recording S(acrotar_1/—sts CATHRINE YOUNG. Covington. I“
Treasurer—MRS. ISABELLA H. SHEPARD, - ~ Covington. 1’

Madison County Equal Rights Association.

' President—MRS SARAH CLAY BENNETT — - Richmond.
Recording Secretary—MRS. K. C. WIGGINS - Richmond.
Treasurer—MRS LUCY MCCANN - - - Richmond.

‘m‘md' Cam bell Count E al 9' ht A ' t'

ducah. p y (Ill lg S ssocna l0“.

5b01.0_ President -—MRS. EMMA ROEBUCK - - Newport.
tailles Vice-president~MRs MARY MUGGERIDGE — - Newport.
' Corresponding Secretdty—MRS AMANDA STIMSON - Newport.
k Recording Secretary——MRS. HANNAH L SPRING - Newport.
{Ham Treasurer——MRS EMILY MEEKER - - Newport
Daducah Equal Rights Association.

sv‘ll .

1 e P1‘esident-—MRS DOROTHY KOGER - - - Paducah.

‘rreen Corresponding Secretary—MRS. ROWENA RIVERS - Paducah

' Treasurer—MRS ELIZA PURYEAR - - Paducah.

’port' Owensboro Equal Rights Association.

10nd. PI‘681'd6)15»—MRS. MARY SI-IIPP - - Owensboro.
Vice— P/‘wsidont—MISS ELLA JEwELL - - Owensboro.

'port. C(n'rnspmldiny Srcretarg/ —Ml\‘S FANNY HAYS - Owensboro.

g'ton. Recording Showefm-y—Mrss KATHRYN FUQUA ~ Owensboro.
Treasurer—MRS. SARAH HEAVRIN - - Owensboro

Glasgow Equal Rights Association.

;' President iMRS J. C. EVANS - - Glasgow.
Vice-Pmsident~M125. MARTHA WOOD — - Glasgow.
Recording .S'ecrez‘m:./——MISS MAUD JORDAN - Glasgow.

. Treasurer-MRS. EMMA PRITCHARI) - - Glasgow.

:2“ Bowling Green Equal Rights Association.


ton. Presdcnt —MRS. LIDA C OBENCHAIN - Bowling Green.
Treasurer—MRS CARRIE MITCHELL - Bowling Green.

Eon. . . o - .

BarbourVIlle EQual Rights Assocxation.
President—MRS. M. A TINSLEY - - Barbourville.

:on Vice-president A MRS. M. S. COSTELLO - Barbourville.

on Secretary—MISS ADA FRANKLIN - — Barbourville.

on. Treasurer—MRS J H TINSLEY - - Barbourville
0h Leader of Lessons—PROF. J P FAULKNER - Barbourville.

Louisville Equal Rights Association.
President—MRS SUSAN L. AVERY - - Louisville.
Vice—president—MRS. C.A LEECH - - Louisville.
Corresponding iSl.c/'ctm;I/—Mlss CAROLINE LEIB — Louisville
Record/ling A’ccv'ctm‘y—MRS. MARY F HIBBARI) - Louisville
Treasurer—«MRS. W. H. BRADBIIRY — - — Louisville.
Wilmore Equal Rights Association.
Presidcnf—MISS ELLA M. CARSON - - VVilmore.
Vice-presidcnt—MRs. MARY I‘IL‘GHES - — VVilmore.
Scorctarzj——Prof. J. E FORT) - - Wilmore A‘
Treasurer—MR JULIUS LABL’ERE - — Wilniore. C:
Harrison County Equal Rights Association. Mi
President—MRS. M. J IVICNHESE — - Berry.
VIch—presitlrnt—IVIRS G. H GIVENS — - Cynthiaua Pa
. Secretary—MRS. R S JAMICSOX - — Cynthiana.
Treasurer—MRS B T. RIGGS - Cynthiana yer
Hickman Equal Rights Association.
President—MRS. S \l HUBBARD - Hickman. H-
Columbus Equal Rights Association.
President—MRS E. W. AVERY — Columbus.
Vice—presidml—MRs. ANNA P. HUBBARD - Columbus.
Secretary—MISS HUI,I)A D. “7:“.KER ' — Columbus.
Treasurer—~Miss KATE B EVANS . - Columbus. Ce
. . . . Mi
Arlington Equal Rights Assocmtion. int
Prcsvidcnf—MRS. IDA STANLEY . - - Arlington. ten
Vim-Presidmf—MRS M. S. HOOKER - - Arlington.
Secretary—Mus M. B. MCCONNI<:I.I. _ Arlington. (1m?
T7'IjaS’l.67'67'—MR. C. R. PYLIC - - Arlington dex
. . . re
Fulton ECIual Rights Assocuation. 11;“
Pres17d(;77.t—MR. ED THOMAS - - Fulton by
S€(17‘(¥t(67;?/—Ml€. XV. K. HALL - - Fulton.
State Members. sup
MRS. MARY R. PATTERSON ‘ - — Lancaster. tha
1925 G Street, N. W., \Vashington. D. C. the

isville , 0
MI. Journal of Proceedings.
“““e- FIRST DAY.
tlmore, C(n'INoTON, KY., Oct 14, 1897.
11110“: The Tenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights
lmore. Association, convened in the Guild Hall of Trinity Episcopal
Church at Covington, Kentucky, October 14th, 1897, at 10 a. m.,
I]. Miss Laura Clay. President, in the chair
Berry. The President conducted the devotional exercises, reading a
hiana paragraph from the Eleventh Chapter of St. Luke.
hiana. The Recording Secretary being absent, Mrs. Sarah H. Saw-
liana yer, of London, was elected secretary protem
The following Committees were appointed:
CREI>ENTIALS~Mrs Eugenia B. Farmer and Mrs Isabella
:man. H. Shepard.
FINANCE Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard and Mary Muggeridge.
PUBLICATION—Mrs Sarah H. Sawyer, Miss Laura Clay.
11bus. COURTHSIES —Mrs. Laidlev, Mrs. Collins.
nbus. AUDITORS «Mrs Ellen Gibson. Mrs. Sallie Clay Bennett.
nbus. Mrs. McLellan Brown and Mrs. \Voodbury, of the Twentieth
Ibus. Century Club of Cincinnati, were introduced to the Convention.
Miss Josephine Woodward, of the Commercial—Tribune, was also
introduced, and on motion, the courtesies of the floor were ex-
g‘ton. tended to these ladies.
(ton. The minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, held
:tOH' during the interim of the conventions, were read. (See appen-
{ton dex). The president then read a letter from Rev. J. W. Hughes,
president of Asbury College, \Vilmore, and from Mrs Scott. of
Barbourville. commendatory of 1he work done at those places
Ito“ by Mrs. Emma Smith Devoe, National Organizer.
ton. Mrs. Trimble. vice-president of the Covington Association,
ton. was introduced to the convention.
The committee on Credentials reported twenty—three officers,
superintendents and delegates present, giving the convention
ter. that number of votes on all questions
Corresponding secretary read the names of the delegates to
'C‘ the convention, and also stated that Mrs. Caroline A Leech.

Supt. of Educational Opportunities for Women, was kept from 1
the convention by ill health. . 1
Mrs. S. M Hubbard, Supt of Petition Work, made a verbal .
report. Mrs. Sarah Gibson Humphreys, Supt. of Press Work, ,
made a verbal report. ‘
On motion, it was decided to continue the discussion on
press work at the afternoon session, and the convention ad- ,
journed to 2:30 p. m
Afternoon, 2.30 O’clock.
Convention opened with devotional exercises, conducted by
Mrs. Sarah Hardin Sawyer, Supt Bible Study. Minutes of
morning session read and approved
Mrs. Gibson, of Richmond, read the foll owing item of news,
which provoked discussion:
“A recommendation has gone before the Presbyterian Board
to the effect, that women be forbidden the use of pulpits for pub-
lic addresses to mixed audiences, and that it be considered im-
proper to give notice of such meetings from the pulpit Women, '
however, are still to be permitted to give public testimony for
the benefit of and in the presence of the privileged sex ”
—Dem0rest Magazine.
Mrs. Schrader, president of the Twentieth Century Club
‘ Cincinnati, and Mrs Drukker, president of the New Century
Club of Cincinnati, were introduced to the convention, and on
motion, the courtesies of the floor were extended to them.
The Plan of Work Committee made a partial report. The
report was considered sereatim and adopted (see arts. 1—5, of full V
report in Appendix )
The president read the bill presented by Hon. Chas. Bron-
ston, of Lexington, to the last Legislature on the “Co-guardian-
ship of Children,” and a motion,that it is the sense of the con-
vention that the bill is a judicious one, prevailed.
Mrs. Stanton, vice-president of the Ohio Woman Suffrage
Association, was introduced and addressed the con vention.
Madams. Sherwood, Ferris, Miller, Walker and Nye, of
’ Twentieth Century Club of Cincinnati. were greeted by the con-
vention, and on motion, all the members of Women Suffrage
Associations present were invited to take part in all discussions.
Discussion of press work was continued.
Mrs. Sarah Schrader of Twentieth Century Club, spoke as
follows on the best methods of circulating and presenting pe—
titions: “In circulating petitions, secure if possible the signa-

turos of the members of the County Central Committees of the
. respective political parties. In the large cities it is important,
too, to get the signatures of the city committees of the parties
as well. Get names of all prominent voters, and all active busi-
ness men possible, paste the petitions together making one con-
tinuous roll, being careful to have those which contain the
signatures of the prominent party and business men the first on
the roll Send these petitions to the one who has the work in
charge before the Legislature meets, that she may present them
to the represen‘.ative in the order which they belong ”
Mrs. Sarah Schrader, president of the Twentieth Century
Club, delivered an address, subject, “Why Women Want the

‘ The Corresponding Secretary read the sollowing message
to the convention:


: To the Equal Suffrage Association of Kentucky, and Mrs.

. Eugenia B Farmer, Cor. Sec‘y , Covington, Ky.:

: In behalf of the women of Idaho, I extend sincere thanks
for your kindly greetings and congratulations. We can all re-
joice in the magnificent victory that has been won.

Sincerely yours,
MRS M C ,ATHAY, Cor Sec’y I E. S. A.
L The president read the following letter from Miss Anthony:
ROCHESTER. N. Y , October 5th, 1897.

3 _ Miss Laura Clay,

1 Lexington, Ky.

My dear friendz—I see it announced that the Annual meet-

- ing of your Equal Rights Association is to be held on October

- 14th and 15th I just want to tell you that in spirit I shall be

' with you, and that I hope you will have a good time, and will be
made to feel that the work which the National Organization

3 Committee has done in your section 0f the country has made
some difference in the interest of the people in our good cause.

5 If it were not for the fact that I had religiously appropriated

‘ this year to studying over the history of the past, for the pur-

3 pose of having my friend, Mrs. Harper, make a record of the

- most important points, I certainly should feel like breaking
away from home and being with you in Lexington at your con-

‘ vention. But, as it is, I can only think of you and wish for you

' the best of everything that can be hoped for. So give my love

' to each and all of the people who are attendants and especially

to your own dear mother and sister Mary, reserving a good deal
for yourself.
Very affectionately yours,

P. S.:——Of course. I shall expect to visit with you in VVash-
ington at the National Convention. the week between Feb. 13th
and 20th. The Riggs House is to be our headquarters Urge ev-
erybody to be in Washington that week to help us, not only with
our annual Convention, but also, in our Celebration of our
Fiftieth Anniversary of the first Woman's Rights Convention,
held in New York State July 19th, 1848

You see we women have been wandering in the wilderness
of disenfranchisement a whole decade of years longer than the
children of Israel wandered in their wilderness I wonder if
the men of this nation are bound to compel us to wander
through three decades more before they allow us to cross over
into the Canaan of equality of rights, privileges, and immunities
with themselves. S. B. A.

On motion, the letter was ordered spread on the minutes,
and the corresponding secretary was directed to write Miss An-
thony a letter of greeting and thanks.

The president asked the convention whose duty it shall be
to send programs, leaflets and circular letters to the local Asso-
ciations A motion to adjourn prevailed before the matter was
disposed of.

(A; C/f/ u be \‘V; x
:5 ‘:f%s@\-'.

COVINGTON. KY , October 15th, 1897.
Convention met at 10 a m , the President in the chair. De-
' votional exercises were conducted by Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, of
' Hickman; Scripture lesson, 1st Tim. 5:21—23.
) The minutes were read, Corrected and approved. On motion
it was decided that the president write the circular letters to the
1 local Associations, sending them to the corresponding secretary,
_ who shall make copies of them and enclose them with programs
. and leaflets and send to the local Associations.
’ Mrs. Emma Smith Devoe, of Cllicago, was invited to take
part in the discussions.

’ The corresponding secretary made the report of the Frank-
. fort Committee which was accepted (See appendix.)

Mr. \Vood, of Covington, was introduced to the convention,
3 and declared his allegiance to the cause of the equality of the
_ sexes.
3 Superintendent of Bible Study made a verbal report.

Plan of Work Committee made additional report (See re-

Mrs James Bennett offered the following resolution, which
was adopted:

RESOLVED, that We will continue to petition Congress to
protect women equal with black men against State denial of
that old right to vote for members of Congress and Presidential
Electors, which they both exercised in New Jersey until 1807, by
a law made in pursuance of the first section of the 14th Amend- I
ment of our National Constitution, in accordance with the com—
bined Minor vs. Happersett, and Yarbrough decisions of the
Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, and that a
committee be appointed to attend to the same

Oh motion, Mrs James Bennett was appointed committee to
carry into effect resolution olTered by her.

Mrs. Emma Smith Devoe addressed the convention on
“Methods of Raising money for the Cause," and described sev-
eral entertainments which would help the cause, and at the


same time be renumerative. These entertainments are de

scribed in National Suffrage Bulletin for September, 1896, which '
can be procured from Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery, Nat. Sec’y., 119

N. 19th St. Philadelphia, Penn.

For report of Mrs. DeVoe’s organizing tour, (see appendix.)

On motion, the convention proceeded to the election of offi-
cers for the ensuing year.

Mrs. Farmer and Mrs Shepard were appointed tellers For
general officers elected see page 1.

A motion to adjourn until 2 p. m , carried.

Afternoon Session.

Convention called to order by President; devotional exer—
eises conducted by Supt Bible Study; minutes read and ap' '

Corresponding Secretary made her report, which was ac-
cepted. (See report.) Treasurer made her report, whiCh was
referred to Auditing committee. Moved and carried, that the
Treasurer’s books shall be kept Open until lst of December for
her report to the National Convention_

The call for the National Convention was read and dele-
gates elected to same as follows: Member National Ex. Com.,
Mrs. Mary B. Clay. Delegates—Mrs Mary Cramer, Lexington;
Mrs. Sallie Clay Bennett, Richmond; Mrs Mary Muggeridge,
Newport; Mrs SallieB Wolcott, Covington; Mrs. Ellen V. Gibson,
Richmond Alternates—~Mrs. Sarah Hardin Sawyer, London,
Mrs W. F. Francis, Richmond; Miss Mary E. Wood, Newport.

On motion, it was ordered that the first delegate be the al-
ternate of the member of National Executive Committee. -

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED, That in case of a vacancy in the delegation at
the National Convention, such place may be filled by election
by the delegation, of any member of the Ky. E. R. Association
present. -

Superintandent of Woman’s Work in the Public Schools
Miss Annie B. Morgan, read her report. (See report.)

Mrs Sarah Clay Bennett, member National Executive Com-
mittee, read report (See report.)

Auditors’ report that they had examined Treasurer’s report,
and had found the same correct. (for Treas. report see appendix )

Report of Free Lecture Bureau was read and adopted. (See

Miss Clay read a paper contributed by Mrs. L C. Obenchain,
of Bowlintc.r Green. E
On motion corresponding secretary was directed to write
LIrs. Obenchain a letter of thanks for the excellent papers she l
contributes to the conventions each year. I
Executive committee made nominations for superintendents I
and all were unanimously elected. See “Superintendents of
Departments,” page 2
Committee on resolutions offered report; after amendments ‘
the report was adopted. (See report.)
The president read an invitation to her as-president of Ky. E, '
R Association, from the corresponding secretary of the National
W. C T. U , inviting her to attend the National Convention.
On motion Miss Clay was requested to convey the greetings of the
I Kentucky Equal Rights Association to that convention, either
in person or by written communication.
Attention was called to VVoman’s Journal, W'oman’s Column,
VVoman’s Tribune, and other Suffrage papers, and the delegates
were urged to increase their circulation as much as possible.
Mrs. DeVoe samer a song composed by her husband: “Oh,
Sing of Wyoming.” .
On motion the convention adjourned.
At the evening seSsions the following programs were carried
out to the delight of large and appreciative audiences:
THURSDAY Ewcxmo, 7:45 o‘cLOCK.
Ouartette. . _ . ' . . . . . .. f Dr “Till Sullivan, Mrs. Laura Sullivan
~ tMrs. bydnor Hall, Mr. John A. Hanks
Address...... .,.,..,.,.,.,,,.......LauraClay
Solo...............,....,. ,. .. ..Mrs..Tohn Mornan
Address .................. ,, . ....,Mrs. Emma Smith De Voe ’
bolo V.,.........RobertGreenwoodJones
Accompanist. . . ........ ,.. Raymond Loder
Readings—Selections from the
Book Compiled by Prominent iMiSS Helen Merci Schuster
\Vomen Suffragists
Address. . . . . . . . .. ........ ........ Mrs. Emma Smith De Voe

. c
A p pe nd 1x.
Minutes of Executive Committee
Meetings. '
LEXINGTON, KY” January 12, 1897.

An Executive Committee meeting was held at the residence
of Miss Laura Clay, to consider a proposition from Mrs Marga-
ret A. Watts, of Louisville, to be sent as a fraternal delegate
from the Kentucky Equal Rights Association to the World and
National W. C. T. U. convention to be held in Canada in May of
this year. Carried.

Miss Belle Bennett was appointed as a superintendent of
“Work Among Young People.” Committee rose.

EUGENIA B FARMER, Secretary Pro-tern
LEXINGTON, KY , March 8, 1897.

The Executive Committee met at the residence of the Presi-
dent, Miss Clay, with the following members present; Miss
Laura Clay, Mrs. Mary B. Clay, Mrs Cramer and Mrs. Farmer.
Mrs. Josephine K. Henry. Superintendent of Legislative and
Petition Work, having been invited, was present It was de-
cided to attend the extra session of the Legislature The school
sufirage work was placed in the hands of Mrs. Farmer. The
House of Reform was placed in the hands of Mrs Charles and
the Frankfort Committee to assist her. On motion it was
decided that $20.00 be used for Frankfort expenses. _

Mrs. Henry, Miss Clay, Mrs. Mary B. Clay and Mrs Cramer
were appointed on the Frankfort committee, with Mrs Farmer
as chairman, as the school sufirage work was the only ques-
tion that could be presented, according to the proclamation of
the Governor for an extra session of the Legislature. Mrs Hen-
ry was requested to give one evening for a speech before the
Legislature, Committee rose.

EUGENIA B. FARMER, Sec’y Pro—tern.
COVINGTON, KY., Oct. 14, 1897.

The Executive Committee met in the parlor of Trinity

Church and the President reported that she, by a circular letter

to members of the Executive Committee, recommended and i
the committee called on the National OrganizatiOn Committee ;

for a National Organizer to do work in the state, on the terms of
raising one hundred dollars ($100) to go as far as it would go. 1
Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe, of Chicago, was employed, and has i
herself contributed liberally to the work in the State by donat- 1
ing two weeks of her time _
MRS. SARAH H SA\VYER, Sec’y Protem- ‘

COYINGTON, KY , Oct 15, 1897,

After the adjournment of the Tenth Annual Convention the ‘
committee met in the parlor of Trinity Church and on motion .
the following appropriations were made:

ForMinutes......................,.......... ....‘lu' 18 00

For Corresponding Secretary. . . . . .. . . . . . . . , . , . .. 6 00

NationalEnrollment......... 1000

Recording Secretary........................,..., 1 00

Programmes....................................... 3 00

Traveling expenses for Mrs. Clay. . . . . . . . . . . .. H 6 75

Traveling expenses for Miss Clay. . ..... .... . . . 6 75

Traveling expenses for Mrs. Cramer. . . . . . . . .. . .. 4 80

ToFrankfortCommittee 6 00

On motion, it was decided that each Association be asked
to contribute to the publication of minutes.


We recommend the following plan of work:

1. That we press the claims of mothers for the co-guardian-
ship with fathers of minor children.

' 2. That we continue to urge upon the General Assembly to
make mandatory the appointment of assistant women physi-
cians in the insane asylums ’

3. That the work for school suffrage for all the women of the
State be continued.

4. That we continue the Free Lecture Bureau

5. That the State Association provide programs and leaflets
for the local associations for their monthly meetings, and send
a circular letter quarterly to be read before the local associa-
tion, and thus cement the union between the State and local ‘

6. That the Frankfort Committee, appointed by Executive

Committee, viz: Mrs. E B. Farmer. Mrs. Henry, Miss Clay,
Mrs. Mary B. Clay and Mrs. Cramer, be continued.

7. That the work for raising age of protection be continued
under same committee. ‘

8. That we ask the Legislature to submit a constitutional
amendment relieving the women of the State from taxation
until they have the right of suffrage.

An extra session of the Kentucky Legislature was called by
i the Governor for March 13, which was Saturday; on Monday
Miss Clay, with Mrs. Farmer, preceded the committee from our
Association to Frankfort, calling upon the Governor to be cer—
tain that we had the power to ask the Legislature to grant
school suffrage to all the women of Kentucky.

Armed with the power from the Chief Executive of the
State, the following members of the committee, Miss Laura
Clay, Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. Marv 13. Clay and Mrs Cramer,
proceeded at once to the Senate to ask Senator Goebel
to draw up and introduce our school suffrage bill.

On the 18th of March the Senator introduced the bill. It
was ordered printed and on the 19th copies were placed on the
desks ofthe Senators and Representatives; it was then placed

11 the hands of the Judiciary Committee in both houses.

Then begin the labors of the committee—but the Senatorial
contest hindered us in our work -—after much lobbying our bill

I was passed by the Senate on the second of April, but someof the
Senators objected to the bill being so fixed that it Could not be
re—considered, and the time set for re-consideration was the
fifth of April, on the seventh Senator Goebel waited for the
three days allowed by the Senate rules in which a bill can be re—
considered, then he put the bill through, and asked that the
clerk of the Senate at once take the bill (,Vcr to the House,
which he did, and it was received with great applause

In the House of Representatives the bill was placed in the
hands of the Judiciarv Committee; on the 8th the bill was read
and ordered printed. From this time on to the 11th of May the
committee labored with the members of the House, urging them
to be as generous as the Senate had been, but it was all in vain.
We are very grateful to Senators Goebel, Bronston and the
many friends in the House who so fearlessly defended our bill.

No one knows the many hours of labor necessary to secure

the passage of a bill through the Legislature. Our bill was de—
feated in the House by only five votes out of 100 members The ,
committee has the names of the gentlemen who voted for and ‘
‘ against us. Respectfully submitted,
Miss CLAY, 1
MRS. MARY B. CLAY, :- Committee. ‘
MRs CRAAncR. 1
MRS. anuv. J ,
October 14th, 1897. ‘
At the close of the National Suffrage Convention. January.
1897, our State President secured a favorable opinion from each
member of the Executive Committee as to the advisability of
securing one of the National speakers as long a time as 5100
would last, to speak on suffrage in certain portions of the State,
to create, if possible, a greater degree of interest among the Lo-
cal Associations. Mrs. Emma Smith DeVoe was agreed upon
and arrangements made for her to be in Covington during the
State Convention
It has been proven that the circulation of literature does a
vast amount of good, and removes prejudices existing in the
minds of men and women. By request of a friend in Florida;
about one thousand pages of literature were sent to that State,
fifteen hundred pages were sent to a gentleman in Pine Blull',
Arkansas. asking for literature on sullirage He was to have a
debate on the subject “Should Women Vote.“ This gentleman
was to take the affirmative
While in Frankfort, Miss Clay and myself distributed two
hundred leaflets on School Suffrage. Ten members of the Local
Association of Covington have subscribed for the Political
Equality series. leallet form
A Mr. Benham, of San Francisco, California, sent for a copy
of our State minutes. The secretary enclosed leaflets.
The secretary recently sent for two hundred leaflets on
Woman Suffrage in the United States.
The executive committee voted the secretary five dollars for
pOstage, stationery. &c , the whole amount having been used for
this purpose, no money remains in her hands.
The secretary has written one hundred and fifty-six letters.
Respectfully submitted,
' ‘Wm..nnw .. .


The meetings of the E. R A. are held at the homes of the
members, at intervals of two weeks In addition to busi-
ness, an appointed leader conducts a discussion of “Cur—
rent Events,” as part of the program. This has proved inter-
esting and instructive. ‘

A committee was appointed to act with a committee from
the W. C T U.. to petition the trustees of the State College to
provide domitories for the women students as is now done for
the men. The committee met the Board of Trustees, but as yet
nothing has been done.

In March a committee was appointed to join with other As-
sociations to form a Reception Committee for the ladies of the
G. A. R.. which met in Lexington. This was done, and courte-
ous attention was shown to these visitors

At the meeting of April 20th, special prayer was made for
our beloved Mrs. Martha R Stockwell, then critically ill. Her
death occurred soon after; inflicting a severe loss upon our As-
sociation, of which she was one of the best loved and most use-
ful members,

On May 4th, methods for nominating members for the
School Board without going into primaries. were discussed. It
was unanimously resolved, that our action should be strictly
non—partisan Invitations were given to the VVoman’s Club and
the W. C. T U., to appoint each a committee of three to act with
a committee of three from the E R A., to plan for a non-parti-
san nomination, and our committee was instructed to advise a
mass-meeting. The invitations were accepted, and the joint _
committee arranged for a mass-meeting, which was successfully
held in the Opera House on June 17th. A nominating commit-
tee was elected, and instructed to nominate a non—partisan tick-
et of men and women Several meetings were also held at
school houses to excite an interest in mothers in school elections.

Our E. R. A. pledged ten dollars to the fund for employing
Mrs. DeVoe to make an organizing tour through the State.

Several Woman‘s journals and columns, and other Suf-
frage papers are taken by our members

Our Association is subject to called meetings. We have

held four since our last election of officers We have distributed
some literature —“Woman’s Columns,“ and about fifty copies of 1
‘What Ky E R. A Has Done." Many other Suffrage leaflets ‘
obtained from the W. T. P. A., have been given to friends of
the cause, but not members i
I circulated the National Suffrage Bulletin among the mem-
bers, nine in number We are behind in State dues, but will ‘
remit at once.
We hope to again circulate a petition for School Suffrage in
third class cities We sent in a very full petition to our last
Legislature. (Full petition reported in last year’s minutes.~
Sec’y ). .
We are now arranging to have Mrs. DeVoe lecture for us.
We can not send any delegates to the Convention, which I very
much regret.
Earnestly hoping and striving for a better report next year,
I remain your’s sincerely,
We have a regular place of meeting. We have distributed a
small amount of literature during the past months, and have
added to our Association a number of new members. I think
that we will soon