xt7z348gj75c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348gj75c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1996 text GLSO News, March 1996 1996 1996-03 2019 true xt7z348gj75c section xt7z348gj75c of GAY& 1
”'1‘“ MARCH 1996
contributed by Michael Taylor OUT AND JUST SAY NO Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
I left Kentucky when I was 22 years old Kentucky Rep. Danny Ford, a Republican Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
and traveled to Hingharn, Mass. to join the (surprise!) from Mount Vernon hasfiled afloor Tammy: sappho@mis.net
rrovitiate class of the Maryknoll Fathers and amendment to replace the hill with a measure W
Brothers, I was idealistic, naive, vulnerable, that would overturn a 1992 state Supreme Court FIGHT THE RIGHT
and inexperienced in the harder lessons of the decision by giving the legislature the right to re— A few months ago we ran an article
world. Iwas in search of identity, hope, love, criminalize sodomy, even between consenting listing local businesses who advertise in the
family, and a way to find my own gifts so I adults of different sexes. “I think an anti- right—wing Kentucky Chm/22171 News, We
could give them to others. sodomy amendment would be far more received a letter from Tim Banks telling us how
The next seven years as a seminarian, in acceptable to the people than one aimed at he has started sending letters to the businesses
what thankfully turned out to be a progressive destroying the two—party system in this state," who were in the News.
Catholic missionary order, gave me real Ford said. T he amendment has been offered to Dear Owner or Manager:
experience of brotherhood (old terminology) be attached to 118 219 (the redistricting bill I was troubled to see you advertisement
and community. During my overseas stint in sponsored byGreg Stunrbo). There has been no recently in the Kentucky Clans/fan Neus. A
Korea, culture chock knocked me on my ass as vote yet on whether to accept this amendment. copy was in the public lounge area of Jeff‘s Car
1 was challenged to learn a new language, eat If it is accepted, it will gut HB 219 and change Wash.
strange food (spicy!) and experience being a if from a redistricting bill to one to recrimi—
foreigner and minority person for the first nalize sodomy After reading the publication, I feel that your
time. I thought I would surely go crazy at Asimilar Ford measure in 1994 killed 21 advertisement supports a tabloid that attacls
times but the Korean people took me in, House amendment that would have allowed the wonderful diversity in our community,
protected me, and taught me. I came back to legislative committees to cancel certain state promotes intolerance and prejudice, and
the States with adeeper sense ofself, adifferent contracts between legislative sessions. House inflames readers to behave in a non—Christian
view of the world, and an adventurous and less Democratic leaders killed the bill to avoid a manner.
fearful spirit. (In case you‘re wondering vote on the sodomy issue, which was being
comrades, while in Korea I fell in love with a pressed by social conservatives. New House The right to express personal opinions and the
classmate from Pennsylvania, had a brief rules make Ford‘s latest measure clearly out obligation to promote particular viewpoints is
“first time affair" and found a wonderful new of order, but he said he will make a motion a great treasure. However, advertising your
energy inside that sustained me the next 2 1/2 to force a vote on the issue. public business in a judgmental and dogmatic
years in Asia). According to David Williams, editor of .
_ . . . continued on page 12
My desire for community today rs rust as The Letter, two more preces of antr—gay
real and important to me here in Iexington as legislation have been introduced in the
it was in Hingham or Korea. I think often House. The first is an amendment to SB 68
about where we are in building our gay, which would provide that: “lfany residentof GLSO Sponsors 0f the Month
lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered this state marries in another state, the Tammy 81 Elizabeth
community. I think of how we can become marriage shall be valid if valid in the state . .
continued on page 13 continued on page 2 _

 / from the front page sodomy” and who isn’t. Paul Patton refused to
' . . . back a sodomy amendment during the gubema—
, 0‘0 GAY& , where solemnized, provrded however, that in tori al election an d so Frank Simon labeled him
~ ' ' [AN no case shall a marriage between persons of H sod ,j d De
, LESB the same gender be recognized as valid.” Rpmbl' orny 1 an. worse. Any {9091.213 or
RVICE The 2nd bill (HB 500) provides that “A epu ican W10 15 seen [0 VOTE ggm Foor
SE . Amendment One Will be considered “pro
' 6 marriage between members of the same sex _ .
0R . . . . . . . sodomy" and you can bet the Republrcanswrlluse
k)! which occurs in another )UI‘lSdlCllOi] shall be _ . , _
KW”: . . ,, . this against them m the fall elections.
gtofl vord in Kentucky, and further provrdes that y , A , ,
. Lexi" A! [mm tzme [be legrslalron um stzll
any mam‘age between members of the same sex 1 ad [a , d ‘
performed in or out of Kentucky “shall be ungL ' P MSW??? and 1;” (mm;
void." The Fairness Campaign is asking that to!) your e l “WW
GLSO News people call the above 800 number with a g ~~,.,:;:s
Published Monthly by the message for their House representative that they '
L _ G L b' “oppose House Bill 500." The sponsors of the
exrngt on ay/ es ran two anti—marriage bills introduced today are
SerViceS Organization Kathy Hogancarnp (House floor amendment 1 ‘
PO. Box 11471 to Senate Bill 68) and Sheldon Baugh (HB ;
Lexington, KY 40575 500)- t
We at the 6150 News urge you to call your 1,
Editor representatives, you can call 1 800 372-7181 with “c ‘
P T | a message for your House representative telling
eter ay or them that you oppose the Ford amendment to
House Bill 219, House floor amendment 1 to {on “
Layout Editor/Co-Editor: Senate Bill 68, and House Bill 500. People can also ’ 3
Tammy D. Strong fax a message to the legislature at 502 5646543.
Advisor: Phone calls against the amendment are I
. . . . 0 I l
El' b th A. G‘ll' coming in and are apparently being heard! Linda . .
Ila e 1 ram says that the calls are working, so keep things up. licensed psychologist t
It seems to me that, for the time being, the l
Cilso Annual Dues and gay and lesbian community can breathe more
Newsletter: $ 1 5 easin as it appears there will not be a vote on this l
Dues and Newsletter for matter until sometime late next week at the ::;;:77 2;;
earliest. This doesn’t mean we should let our A ct 0 r ’ s G u i l d
Couples. $20 guard down; continued pressure through phone
' __ . calls, letters, and email is nwded. And this Play cancelled
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO breathing space will definitely give the religious
News are those of the authors and don't necessarily right time to rally their troops and inun d ate
tth fth GLSOBO rd fD‘ t . ’ ' '
[EPMSSbmlgssleOgS ill: welcom: :ll sllljfnlgons Frankfort With messages supp 011ng Floor The ACtorS GUI-1d play before it
become the property of GLSO and must indicate Amendment One to House Bill 219' Soweneedto hits home has been canceHEd'
full name and address of the authop The Staff keepup the fight. on the other hand,Iunderstzmd The Complete Works Of William
meet publishing requirements, aswell as the right everything to see that it gets passed and is not h -
to few anysubmissiom Mb h dm chosen as t e replacement. It IS
- gu ysuc amen ent.
Placement of advertising in GLSO News Finally, Danny Ford says that he wants to scheduled to run the first three
denotes neither a person 5 sexual orientation nor a force avote on the issue anyway. Why? 80th at the weeks in March.
busrness’ customer preference. . . . a
Republicans can get on record ]ust who is pro
GLSO News Page 2

 :o I
1. ‘1‘, r "it. 4.2 q a g .2"? = r 1. ”'1' \ .1 ,3, “ T .43
. Cfrn «m r 1 t\‘MVV
9e UNDERWAY A University of Kentucky class in family The GLSO Board elections will be held in
On February 12th, 18women and men of our studies has come up with a project to collect old June at the Pride Picnic. We have a committee
7! Community gatheredatthenewMCC Church space family photos for an exhibition called that is looking for people interested in being on
re on Short Street and began planning for Pride “Generations of Families.” The Urban County the board. In the next few weeks we will be
be Month 96. ll 0f 25 known community organiza- Government issponsoring this project which will formulating an explanation of the joys and
tions sent repnsentatives to form Pride Committee be curated by TWyla Martins of the Lexington Art responsibilities of being a GLSO board
96. 6more groups indicate theywill be involved in League. They are asking civic organizations, member. If you might be interested, give us a
thisplanning process. Those who did not showwill social services agencies, businesses and other call! We are: Mary (266-5904) and Michael
becontactedagainbyPrideCommittee Chairperson groups to collect interesting family photos from (225—1828).v
Mike Taylor. Fuller community participation and members of their group, exchange stories about GLOBE SCHOLARSHIPS
representation is still needed for Pride Month to be :1 them, and select some of the best to send into the GLOBE, Gays and lesbians organized for
SUCCESS in 1996. City. There Will then be exhibits in several Better Education, is a national non—profit
Atthe lekOll planning meeting 0“ the 12th: locations around Iexington including the April organization dedicated to awarding academic
an auditory and visual stimulation exercise assisted 19 Gallery Hop. They are seeking all types of scholarships to gay, lesbian, and bisexual
the participantsinfleshing out themes of pride and pictures, multi generational, humorous, students. They have sent GLSO a number of
celebration. Achievements in our community for ethnically diverse, etc. applications for the 1996—1997 academic year.
1995 and 1996 were reviewed as a precursor to I think this is a city wide project that Completed applications are due by April lst. If
knowing what we have to celebrate now and this lesbigay citizens should participate in. One of the you would like an application, please give
coming June. Some of three were: GISO‘S steps stated goals of this project is to increase Mary a call and she will mail you one (266-
toward financial security for the Newsletter, the acceptance and appreciation of differences. I 5904).v
resiliency and heart of the Men’s Chorus during a would love to send in a collection of photos LEXINGTON MEN'S CHORUS,
challenging time Of transition; the start Up of a entitled “Growing up Gay and Lesbian” or FUNDRAISER
woman‘s chorus in Iexington; our ccmmunityfs “Iesbigay Community Family Photos.” The contributed by Bill Loggins
active participation in the recent gubernatorial deadlineisMarch l7thsoif you can have a photo We Need Your Support. On Saturday,
elections; Fairne$‘ growth infinancial support and you would like to share, send it to: Mary Crone, March 9th at 8pm at the Kentucky Horse
effective political advocacy and UK Iambda’s plan 1650 AShWOOd Road, Lexington, KY 4050?“ Center———note: NOT Horse Park—on Paris
to hold a state wide gay youth conference this year Include your name and phone number for my Pike, the Lexington Men‘s Chorus is presenting
With a recently received grant award use, “01 to be passed 0” We can make a display a night of song and cabaret. Entitled “Steppin
The nuts and bolts of the planning proces to for ourselves to be used during Pride Month. We Out In Style" the concert will feature selections
I beundertaken by Pride Committee96was reviewed. can also send some 0f the bmt to the city. Please sung by the chorus as well as solos, duets, and
Pride Picnic and Volunteer of the Year Awards include a short description of the picture and ensemble. A “soiree” will follow with food,
t comrnitterswerefonned andwill beginmeeting in indicate if you do not wish it to be one of the music, dancing and a cash bar. ALL of this for
the “6X1 few weels. pictures [0 be sent to the Cityv just $25. Tickets can be purchased from any of
I The Pride Committee would like to challenge P-FLAG NOTES the chorus members or at the Singletary Center
l MW WWW organization to send a reprmen- P'FLAG Will him a program 0“ for the Arts. The tickets price may seem steep
1 tativetc thenextmeding on March 4' THEPRIDE gay/ lesbian marriages on “195d” March 5th but this is our main fundraiser for the year.
5 COMMITFEE WANTS TO ”AN WITH THE at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church at 7100 pm. This is also the first concert under the direction
3 COMMUNITY AND NOT FOR THE COMMUNITY! Ruth Fiscella Will speak at Centre (3011989 of Steve Johnson so it is “rally round the fag I
Please follow developments in G130 NEWS and/or on March 16th at 8:00 pm at a convocation mean flag time!!"v
contart Mike Taylor 31 2291823 See YOU March 4 including homosexualityv
at MCC Church at 7:00 pm.v .
_ GLSO News Page 3

 NATE rest/r L NEWS
" t; L . ' l a. L ‘ ‘ L L/
LESBIAN APPEALS CHILD’S The Wards married in 1983 shortly after said that in his estimation the measure is unconsti—
CUSTODY T0 CONVICTED the husband was released from prison where tutional and hasdirectedtheJustice Department not
MURDERER he served time for murdering his first wife, todefenditincourt Thearnendmentwas attached
TALLAHASSEE — The father is a Judy, in 1974. Ward pleaded guilty to second- by California Republican Representative and very
convicted murderer but the mother is a degree murder for shooting his first wife in the vocal homophobe, Bob Doman.
lesbian, so a judge decided that the couple‘s parking lot of a Pensacola restaurant after ”The speaker is making a big mistake if he
11—year—old girl should live with dad, “This they argued over custody of their children. thinkshecan gooneononewith MagicJohnsonon
child should be given the opportunity and the Ward was questioned about the slaying during this issue,” said Daniel Zingale, the Human Rights
option to live in a nonlesbian world," wrote the custody hearing, ”I done my time for it, Coalition’s political director “Clearly it is Speaker
Circuit Judge Joseph Tarbuck of Pensacola in and it was something that shouldn’t have ever Gingrich who does not understand the realities of
his ruling awarding primary custody to the happened," he said. ”It was stupidity, jealousy the US. military Service members whotrstpcsitive
father and giving the mother, Mary Ward and anger.” for the AIDS virus are not engaging in warfare or
(with whom their daughter has lived since Tarbuck made his ruling in August in an spending time in military field hospitals —
1992) only standard visitation rights. The order modifying the final divorce judgment, contrary to Gingrich‘s statements.”
judge cited Mary Ward’s relationship with a giving the father primary custody and the Service members with the virus that causes
woman, another relationship between two mother standard visitation rights. He did not AIDS currently are allowed to serve their country as
other women around the house and the comment on the killing when he ruled on the long as they can perform their duties, but they are
showing of R-rated movies there. ”I don‘t custody question but said Ward would give his not deployed overseas. The same policy is applied to
condemn the mother of this child for living daughter “decent living accommodations" service members who have other chronic medical
the way she does” Tarbuck said. "But 1 don’t and that nothing derogatory had been said conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease
think that this child ought to be led into that about his new wife, Ritav or cancer
relationship before she has a full opportunity GINGRICH SHOWS SHOCKING The Pentagon has said that about half the
to know that she can live another lifestyle if IGNORANCE ON HIV HIV—positive service members are married, and on
she wants to." MILITARY poucy average, have served for a decade. Nearly 20 percent
Ms Ward, has asked the lst District Court House Speaker Newt Gingrich , at a recent of them are officers. The Pentagon said Thursday it
of Appeal to reverse Tarbuck’s ruling. Lawyers appearanceinGeorgiacommentingon aletter that hopes to reverse the provision. Department
for the 46—year-old Pensacola woman say the he received from “MagicJohnson” lastweekstated spokesman Ken Bacon said the Pentagon has
case marks Florida’s first chance for a ruling that Johnson doesn't understand “the nature of “several lines of defense" on the matter, the most
on whether sexual orientation can be a beinginthe military, the danger of beingincombat desirable being legislative action by Congress.
deciding factor in child custody cases. “We and what happens in a field hospital if you have Bacon said Sens. Sam Nunn, DGeorgia Barbara
think this case is very important,” Charlene people blmding, people wounded and you don't Boxer, D—Califomia, and Ted Kennedy, D—
Carres, a Tallahassee lawyer representing have any idea who has HIV. He went on to call the Massachusetts, have all suggested they may take
Mary Ward, ”We feel sexual orientation is not President “totally inesmnsible" for his stance on action in Congress to overturn the provision. A
relevant to someone‘s ability to raise children the amendment repeal bill was introdumd in the House on Feb. lby
well.” Johnson wrote to ask Gingrich and Senate Rots PetIirToddkbert R—MszaneHarman, DCalif,
Supreme courts in eight other states Majority leader Bob Dole to help pa$ legislation to Connie Morella, R—Md, and Ron Delluns DCalif. It is
have said a homosexual parent should not repealthemeasure to discharge allservice members expected to be introduced in the Senate by Sens.
automatically be denied custody. Five others with the virus that causes AIDS. The measure was William Cohen, R—Maine and Edward Kennedy, 1)
have ruled the opposite. The US. Supreme part of thedefense authorization bill signed into law Mas. Currently, the bill has 90 cosponsors in the
Court has never dealt with the question. by President Clinton last week Clinton himself has House and 36 in the Senatev
continued on page 12
GLSO News Page 4

,7 ,, \.
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We .. , ,
01' 1/“,1/‘2 ../”"//
\\ \\
ses 1‘: 4 \ ”/77 x
‘35 \,//j; \ / A
are We have nothing to sell, but we would like/t9 use this
[to space to try and guilt allff our/friends into Sup/[farting the
cal GLSO Newsletter. (It’s c , eapwltlsméasy. /(Unlike us - but
ase . . 1’1 4/ {I
we dld It anyway}. 0 4
,/”/ W\ \W
the If you cany/afford to buy afiientiré‘“month\ you can get a
:3 subscriotion -/if/fii1 don’\t have one -‘or send one to a
a j r’ i a «\ \1 ,
i: We would also like to prevail upon the Community to keep
2 x \ ; ‘» z ;
informfied about what the Kentucky legislature is doing, via
(H a a \ \ 5' 5 / /
as. the Lei‘gington Fairness. This session, we’re being attacked
3m in new and ir‘ngrovedvays, and’6nly as a united front do
11’; we have‘aihanc‘ewto—stay out of the dark ages.
A Get involved.“\Stayminform/e/d. Support your local
a? community. And our: single friends (no names mentioned,
[13; J.S.!) want us to say ‘that they'reipeau‘gfulflzin need, and
m hanging out at Joe’s and Clubflléli—E every weekend.
D L y, "a
[he Tammy and Elizabeth Gilliam-Strong:
Riv/M» j GLSO News Page 5

 March 1996 1am ALI-1A] If};
H S P t ' k' D
appy t. arm 5 ay ‘. g.‘
. " I ' . " ‘-
Wednesday Thursday Saturday ~ 3’4”";
1 2 ’ I . . ~ _ .
7330 PM Gayflébian AA 9:00 AM Frontrunners '
8:30 PM Lomsvxlle Youth
G’°“"‘“"““S°’“°) R E s T A u R A N T
* 8:00-PM "Before'lt Hits Home” Actors Guild 5 5 7 S L
. 1m esto n e
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lexi n ton KY
1 1 $01313: Metropolitan Community Rainbow Wind Mtg. F1; WPM GLAA fiat/11:13! Eggfligpwd M) gig?) 13:4 LIKES; 5:23:03? 7; 30 pM Gay/Lesbian 30:13:]: Sum CSrSOCICty Mtg, g I
200 PM "Before It Hits Home" 7100 PM GUESS (EKU) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian A1- 700 PM Ebony Male Mtg, Student Cm) AA ' , - , 25 3-001 4
(Actors Guild) _ 730 pM Pride Ctr. Anon 7:00 PM Morehead St. Student Grp. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS SPPt- GrP-
4:00 PM TSGRA Mtg. (Fishnet) - - 7-00 PM MCC :. .(KY Hm” Ct") , ' , ,
700 PM D' . Taskforce 8245 PM Rambow Bowling ' . n . n . .
; Ignaty (JO 1 d Lan 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbran AA I 8:00 PM Before’It Hlts Home Actors Gufld
7-°° PM Wm” M y an 68) —

10 11 - 12 13 I4 15 16 Renowned Weekend Brunch:
figflfififigifig’COme 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 30mm“ . ADDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 3:) 13:4 fiMLZmbC-gznfiiifl $365331 (gzyflfifi 9:00 AM Frontnmners . h f
Chmh 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon 6-00 PM FrontmnnerS Student Cut) 1 i . 10:00 AM Men's Network ferVIng U8 erry U C W 6‘0

12:30 PM Interweave Dinner 7:30 PM P-FLAG (Chapel H111 (Woodland Park) 3:00 PM HIV/ AIDS SPPL 61p} 8.30 PM Lounsvdle Youth
' 2:00 PM "Before It Hi1: Home" ~ “55"” , 4 I d 7:00 PM MCC Grow “w?“ Ofc) , . , d ' f la]
7: 05.3512: $3" 8.4;): )Rambow Bow1mg( oylan 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ' 8:00 PM ”Before It Hlts Home" Actors Gulld pancake}, eggs bene I ( (If/70 I
17 18 19 2 0 21 22 23 span/5h ome/eh‘es,
m Rainbow Wind Mtg. EmM GL AA an). gb gins 7:23 PM grey??? Bldg“, (at 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 900 AM Frontrunners
‘ W5 .3. . . . n l ' e

11:3o.ampo:11itm Slain-1m Chwvh 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 7:30 PM Gay/Esme“ AL 6"PM Fronfiunggri'ONoodland Park) 710° Fax-Mejia“: “hm AA 0/70, m U (/7 ”70,9. . .
2:00 PM Lesbian Pouuck 7.30 PM Famess Meet- Anon 7200 PM Morehead St, smdem Grp. 7:30 PM UK Lambda (Rm. 231
223 :3 23%;“ M ing (Alfalfa‘s) 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling 7300 FM MCC Student Cu.)

' (Joyland Lanes) 3:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 3100 PM HIV/AIDS SPPI- (31P-


24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Wednesday 15
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 133% GLAA AIDS/HIV SpptGrp. Iggy”: Chow 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners International Night

1 1 :30 AM Metropolltan 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- 6-00 PM WWW“ 7:30 PM UK Lambda (Rm. AA

Commumty Church Anon (WWd‘md Park) 231 Student Ctr.)
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling 7100 PM MCC 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Grp.
(Joyland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 PM COLTS Mtg. Breads and desserts
31 Pebmaiy Apn'l ' '11 our kitchen
Palm Sunday 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
11:30 AM Metropolitan Com- {1 ii i? ii i3 i2 i3 ii i? ii 13 i; i3 i3
munity Church
2:00 PM GLSO News Folding i: Q: :2 i; if, 23 2‘ j; :3 i3 2" 25 26 27 FREE EVENING PARKING .
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA V

// ~ame _____.__
stGAYZ“ “die“ —-——-———-—
LRVICE $15 Membership and Newsletter
SE6 $20 Couple Membership and Newsletter
/R "ky I do not wish for my name to be added
, , , tofl 1(6an to the Community Mailing list used
. Lexlng " exclusively by and for Kentucky
Gay/ lesbian organizations.
Please become a member: help support and build our community and
receive your newsletter by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter, P.0. Box 11471,
lexington, KY 40575
Are you being disaiminated against
Laura 5- Kaplan in Kentucky due to your sexual
Licensed Clinical Social Worker orientation?
HIV/AlDSIPersonalGrowih Report it Now
Relationships I Women's Issues
1 ‘ Call the GLSO Discrimination Project and help
1 u u ur i ' in i n h o
A 606.254.1690IPager:232.0873 S " ‘° 5921-538; 6 b °ks
GLSO News Page 7

 « %® The GLSO Board decided
%“\l that in order to achieve true
financial stability, it would seek a sponsor
‘3‘ for the costs of the newsletter for one month,
Kw \\ and use its other advertising income for a number of
other ongoing projects.
I For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.
The GLSO News is proud to announce our
supporters so far for, 1996: V E
Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist .......................255-4964 3_
Scorsone and Rahsdell, Attorneys at Law.......................255-5766 l
Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity l
Tri-—State Gay Rodeo Association l
Terry......'........255—5469 l
‘ Paul ...............278—8023 l
Lexington Men‘s Chorus 231-0900 i
Front Runners 2546b30 i
Russell Beam Bookkeeping 8v Tax Services .....................266-2903 l
Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road ......223~l448 l
see/sing a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 1 0:45
Metropolitan Christian Church 271-1407
. Elizabeth 81 Tammy Gilliam-Strong
Pegasus Travel................................................................268—4337 ,
Pegasus Travel donates l % of your ticket costs to GLSO

 E m at I I 7 W. [W
' s
. r
. a .
fig”,— 1 l
u WED&THU 12-7
FRI 81 SAT 1 2 - 1 2
Featuring Gay Pride items, I
1 Jewelry, T-Shirts, cards, }
« Gifts, Rainbow This and '
Rainbow That, and of
1 course, Leather!

 134%1/‘4‘1’fl’3 F5‘1‘1’W4‘4 4 .«4 ",1, "‘42: .1449 11156411‘4‘44» 144.1 44
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- GLSO News Page I I

 Managing Director, “Camp’s work for The Texas frOm from page
NA ‘ .. ' MS Triangle has no bearing on hls competency. 10b publication alieiiates a portion of present and
performance ShOUId be based solely on l0b potential customers I'm certainly less
from Page 4 related criteria. This transfer shows the crucial . . . . ' . .
, _ inclined to Visit or recommend your busmess if
SAME- SEX MARRIAGE BAN OK'D need for workplace protections for lesbians and your advertising signifies support of the
OLYMPIA — Saying there is “a gta); mep], 63mg”), 5:;ch Texas 15 one 13?“: skewed rhetoric in We Kentucky News
compelling state interest" in recognizing that 5 €165 W ere ‘5 rans gay men can HE
. . . Without recourse. . . .
marriage is intended between men and This evidentl art of AFA’s am ai t AS a ChrIStlaD, 1 have a vested interest and
women, for procreation and for development driv the Texas “LE le 0 t f be ‘p gn 10 concern in the damaging messages found in
of children, the Washington state House voted Dec: be th th atg eduad) nusrnessf [In this paper. Jesus Christ saved mysoul,forgives,
on Saturday to prohibit same-sex marriages. weeklm J rah dl:serei:1inati rlle fie? 0 18 and offers unconditional love to all people on
Several lawmakers said thelanguagesounded t l :lp pe h] an dbroa dcaZt‘o “1:: “:26 Earth. Wye Kentucky News and its agenda
much like Catholic Church doctrine knownas 0 0C p reac 6.18 . mg 1 1 n es saddens me.
the “Baltimore Catechism” _ the primary on a local radio station advocating a boycott.
instruction given by the church to all EZStag-Tgeifigfisafiiufily beenf 3mg? I appreciate your attention and ask that you
Catholics. The intenselyemotional debate left g-y g _ .epas 0 0 e g consider the consequences carefully when
. . . domestic partnership benefits to same gender d . . . h . .
some Democrats sobbing quietly in the back em 10 66 and for bein on of the le adin a vertismg in suc anegativetablOid.
of the House chamber after the 60—36 vote for p rsy in Texas to su gort e a ri his 1%
House Bill 2262, which could be presented to Sfiens us to hear thatp: grylikeg the Star Sincerely
all state voters this fall. The bill contains a , P396, -
. . . Telegram, which has had a good track record .
clause sending it to a public vote. , , Tim Banks & F amrly
“Does love between a man and a man With the gay community, has buckled to the
. pressure of the Radical Right," said Chuck . .
hurt us more than hate against a man and a _ , , Please take some time to write to the
,, . . Donaldson, Interim Chair of the GlAADsDallas .
man? said Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, D— .. , , busrnesses and let them know that by
H . . chapter, By cavrng in to theAFA, the Fort Worth . . . . .
Seattle. This voteisavote between love and advertismg in this trash they are losrng
,, Star—Telegram has opened a Pandora’s Box to .
hate between courage and fear. , , , valuable busrness from a large part of the
State law currently does not recognize future transfers and/or firings. If you dont community.
same-sex marriages romptin House think this wrll affect the rights of reporters to
Minority leader MarlinpAppelwicl: to say cover stories on the AFA and other extreme right
1 i - ~ - - H - .
“This is addressing a problem that doesn‘t orggnéiiitions, [giggling agéin. VP
exist. lt’safightwe should notbepicking." v 00L L 0 S M OLICY
Newspapen’s DISCRIMINATION MERRIMACK' N'H' “ ”‘gh “ho“ E
AGAINST GAY EDITOR principal Timothy Mayes has censored two
According to The Gay & Lesbian Alliance letters to the school newspaper, citing concerns
Against Defamation (GIAAD), Todd Camp, the that they violate the district’s policy restricting W A N T
openly gay graphics editor of the Fort Worth discussion of homosexuality.
Star—Telegram’s children’s section, who also The letters are critical 0f the policy, WhiCh
worked for a gay community newspaper, The bans anything that has the ”purpose or effect 0
Texas Triangle, was removed from his original 0f encouraging or supporting homosexuality
post after the paper’s Executive Editor, received as a positive lifestyle alternative.” A group of o
aletter from from the FortWonh chapter of the local, concerned parents have filed a 511“ to A S A VOLUNTEER
American Family Association (AFA). overturn the policy which has led to drastic ‘
“This is ashocking example Ofdiscrimi_ curriculum modificat