xt7z348gj74s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348gj74s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2000 text GLSO News, July 2000 2000 2000-07 2019 true xt7z348gj74s section xt7z348gj74s “fig—.4
ACT—OUT Presents C ”at. i , Lexins’ron's MCC
Gay and Lesbian themed Plays 010 Lon, 9 IMAHS Pastor
"ng dt/iwulé 9m in t5:

This weekend you will have one 2. 2 . r' , . ,r " . ,
more opportunity to see two great gaulm Cfg/OOJWCWLM jbi On Sunday, July 2.3’ Lexrngtonis
plays by ACT-OUT. Audiences Every year, around this time, the Metropolitan Community Church will
enjoyed both of these plays last members of the imperial Court install Reverend Mel (Melody) Bailey
weekend and your support will choose their new leaders. The as lPastor. The WOiSh'p servrce
encourage the continuation of local Empress and Emperor are elected begins at 10:30 am. at 385 W8”?
productions of plays with LBGT and reign for approximately one Avenue and the church IS wheelchair
themes. year. This year's monarchs, Eden friendly. The installation servrce Will

On Friday, June 30, A Late Towers and Kevin Fillips, will be be part Oi the ’egU'aT'y SChedU'ed
m will start at 7:30 The author is "turning over the keys" to the new worship servrce and w“ be followed
Jane Chambers, the author of List monarchs on the night of Coronation, by a church fellowship.

Summer at Bluefish Cove. A group of Sunday July 9- The show Wiii be held . The Reverend Judy Dale,
five women become unexpectedly at the Grand Ballroom, of the District Coordinator of the . Great
snowbound in a cabin in the woods Radisson Hotel Lakes D'StnCt Of the Universal
and are confronted with secret pasts, Coronation 19 promises to be a Fellowship Of Miiropd'ia”
long lost lovers, and present desires. star studded evening of entertain- Community. Churches, WI” Ofiic'ate

On Saturday, July 1, don‘t miss ment. Famous queens from across the installation servrce. All are wel-
Bed & Breakfast, a hilarious two act the USA and Canada will be coming come to attend. For more informa-
comedy set in Provincetown. Danny, to Lexington for the National imperial tion, please call 2554016 _ _
the owner of the B & B Cock and Bull, Court Council Meeting to be held in Mel Bailey was born in. Paris,
is turning 36. Joining him on his conjunction with our Coronation. Kentucky and grew up in the
birthday weekend is his widowed This insures quality entertainment Lexmton .area' She 3”er
mother and a house full of outra- from the 4 corners of North America. Lafayette High School before movrno
geous characters. Some other special guests have also to Florida Continued 000899 70

Both shows will be at 7:30 at the been lined up as surprises.

Public Library in downtown Other events have been

Lexington. Tickets will be available planned around Coronation.

at the door. ($8 for one, $14 for both) Saturday, July 8 a very special show
takes place at the Radisson Spirits
Night Club. Jose Sarria, the ground
breaking founder of the Imperial
Court system will be performing live
with Empress Panzi of New York
C'ty' “"5 ...continued on page 2

 M AMIND PROJECT New Warrior-Training Will be dis-
W. . . . . cussed including how to Sign up for
. MM~-~~MWWWWW The LeXihQTOh community amh‘
" . . . the next one offered by the
ated With the ManKmd PVOJect . . .
- . .9 . Project, October 13-15, 2000.
gay cOmmunIty to a speCIal evening Join us for what romises to be
for men, Wednesday, August 9, 7:00 . p-
. . an exceptional evening for men
-s, pm at the Metropolitan Community -
speaking truth to power. For more
”Me... W Church, 385 Waller Ave. . . .
mitten . . . information, contact Michael Fogler
:5me The ManKmd Proiect is an
. . . . . at 299-3074.
. International, non-profit organization __.._..____________
dedicated to the healing and Cownatro' n continued from page 1
empowerment 0‘ men, men Of all show is one of the only times Jose
stripes, races. beliefs, and sexual will be a featured entertainer in the
The GLSO News orientations. The Proiect has cen- entire USA. This is a "cocktail show,
ters throughout the US along With a and it starts at 5:30. Corncrdentaiiy,
“)le Issue 7 few cities in Canada as well as th' d t f it th
, ts ae as on e one year
“hum“! month“ by London, England and now growing anniversary of the signing of the fair-
throughout Europe and in South ness ordinance.
- Africa. The nearest ManKind Project Wednesday night, July 5’ is Miss
The Lexington Gay center to Lexington iS in Louisville. Big Bone Lick .. a prehistoric themed
Lesbzan Servzce A.key feeture 0’ the work 0f the pageant named after the state park in
. . ManKind Proiect is a powerful week- Northern Ky This pageant is a joint
organization end experience‘ The New Warrior pageant with Cincinnati and Louisviiie_
Training Adventure weekend. "'8 3 its a fun showi and promises to be an
321 Second S“ dynamic, intense men's training in entertaining kick off for coronation
which participants take a hard look week.
at what’s working in their lives and On Friday, Ju|y 7 there will be a
Editors: what isn't. Many men claim it to be State Dinner at the Radisson Plaza
Mary Crone the. most pewerful experience of Hotel. Honored guests include Jose
the" hVeS- "5 "Oi easy, the Friday Sarria, Coco Lachine, Nicole the
Peter Taylor night through Sunday afternoon is Great, Empress Milo, and others.
full of risk, Challenge. breaking Following the dinner, an ln-Town
through fear, and incredible reward. Show will be held at Club 141 fea_
GLSO Annual Dues The weekend is a journey from head turing entertainment from the
and Newsletter: $15 to heart and becomes a rite of pas- Imperial Court of Ky. An imperial
Dues and Newsletter for sage into a worldwide community of Strippers Show is also planned, loca-
Couples: 320 men who value integrity, account- tion to be announced.
ability, and boldly living with purpose On Saturday, Juiy 8 don't miss
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are m the world. There '3 ongorng work The B'aCk Cat Show at Spirits
those of the authors and don’t necessarily and support after the Weekend: Lounge, Radisson Hotel, featuring
represent those of the GLSO Board. The evening 0" AUQUSt 9 W'" he world-famous Jose Sarrla, founder of
Submissions are welcome and become the a chance for gay men to have a dla' the court system, and the lustrous
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves logue With gay and straight men Empress Panzi of New York City. Ah
the right to edit submissions and advertise- from the ManKind Project, to come Out-of-Town Show will be held at
"‘9'"? ”we” as the “9mm ”’19“ any SUb' together and speak With depth and Club 141, featuring entertainment
"”35“” O’ad‘ehlsemems- honesty about our lives as men in from across the US and Canada.
this world. More detail about The .
GLSO Page 2

 d AVOL in New Locum”, ‘ ed as we' prepare'tohost 'a'tourrna:tainedbylnherrttheWInd
e Greetings to all from AIDS ment this October at Southland This classic play about the right
n Volunteers, lnc. AVOL has moved Bowling Lanes. If anyone is inter- of people to think freely is based on
9 our office! Please drop in and visit ested in being involved with the the Scope's Monkey Trial. It's great
~r us or join us for our open house on committee, donating raffle prizes, or to watch a good play under the
' Friday, July 14, 3pm _ 6pm. We are advertising their business or organi- stars! We will have a sign, just look
_ now located at 263 North zation please contact TITl at the for us in the middle section. Last
Limestone St. (next door to Atomic locations listed below. year, many people made this their
a Cafe.) Please RSVP to 225_3000 The Rainbow League will have first Social Concepts outing. Bring
a or to AIDS Volunteers@aol.com. an organizational meeting and free your children, friends and family!
l. We're excited to be downtown bowling on August 22nd. For more It‘s for everyone. Try to get there
,’ in a location that we feel will make into email LexRainbow@ao|.com or early as the hillside fills up quickly.
r us more accessible to the entire igbosmf@earthlink.net.
'- community. AVOL's new phone . , , biscussionGroquohg 5"“?
number is (859) 2253000 Lesbian Writer 5 Group The Discussion/Support Group
3 New fax: (859) 2259244, I'd like to geta bunch of women is still going strong in spite of not
1 Email: AIDS Volunteers@aol.com together who are interested in writ- being able to use the Pride Center
1 Website: www. AIDS Volunteersorg ing. (I'm not sure how many women as a regular meeting place. Our
,t We like it here, hope to see you on equals a bunch) Whether for fun or thanks go to the Lexington Public
,_ the 14th! loftier goals, let's be committed to Library who have provided us with
1 the idea of pen/pencil on paper. accessible space for the last two
1 THOPOUGHBPED BOWLING I'm thinking of meeting once a months. We will continue to meet at
The Thoroughbred Invitational month - it could be an evening or various places. Signs will be posted
a Tournament Inc committee (TlTI) Sunday Brunch thing. I'm willing to at the Pride Center with each
a will have a hotdog and soda trailer offer the space if you‘re willing to week's location. To be sure call
3 at the Lexington 4th of July Festival paint pictures with words, to show Jane at 389-7698. Everyone is wel-
a in front of 141 W Vine St (between and give up telling - to stretch. I'm come. Come join us for good talk,
_ Limestone & Upper). The trailer will hoping for short fiction writers, a support, and laughs.
I have doughnuts and coffee in the couple oh my allegorist, fiction writ- If anyone knows of a conve-
_ morning and hot dogs, chips, Pepsi ers, a speech writer, essayist, play- nient, accessible meeting space for
3 products and bottled water the rest wright, and a poet. (I think there's a 10 to 15 people please call Jane at
l of the day. story here). If you're interested, 389-7698.
_ The TlTl committee is a please respond to Eileen at
gay/lesbian organization that peri- Iekapl0@pop.uky.edu. Unitarian News
5 odically sponsors gay/lesbian bowl- Over the next few months, Ftev.
; ing tournaments in Lexington which Social Concepts Cynthia Cain will focus her sermons
l are attended by participants from all Will "Inherit the Wind" on universal values and ethics as
f over the United States and Canada. Social Concepts will have its they are reflected in world religions
; It is a member of the International second annual Shakespeare in the and especially within the Unitarian
, Gay Bowling Organization and is Park event Saturday July 15, 6PM Universalist tradition. On July 2,
t supported by the Lexington at'the Ul< Arboretum oft Alumni Worship Associate Davina Warner
t Rainbow Bowling League. Your Drive. Bring blankets, food, and will be joining her in exploring
patronage and support is appreciat- drinks (there are food and drink ven- Independence, which is perhaps our
dors) and be prepared to be enter- ...Communlfy News continued page 4

 gut-:9; :: Harbut. We were thrilled with the
Commahitq/Vvvsemttnuad turnout for the Ky Theater concert. BLACK LESBIAN COLLECTWE
denominations greatest strength and The participating organizations StStahS 'n the Life t5 a newly
greatest challenge Services start at loved meeting our audience and formed and growmg SOClal/support
10:45 at 3564 Clays Mill Rd. were excited at your interest. collective for Lesbians of African
On JUiY 9, Kathy Stein Wt" be So far, the CD is selling well, Descent. We plan to meet biweekly.
our guest speaker for the service. and getting lots of attention from all A" black women ages 19 and older
Her t°pi° may be religious freedom; kinds of places. You can get it on- are welcome to join. The major
we’re given her some We to deCIde line via our website or amazon.com objective is to identify a community
bl.“ whatever her focus It '8 sure to be and in Lexington at CD Central, The of black women and bring us to the
stimulatihgstzn duly 13:5 Worrrs‘hlp Bookworm, 0' at Joseph-Beth. Ifle same space at the same time.
ssomae J lc y amme se on - . _ , _
will be on “The Virgin Birth", its Mmgsttreqtyerg't; songlscifiuxfirggithe FartICIpants wlll determinethehdlrec-
mythological historical antecedents Stations do what is called ion of the collective beyond at.
and its effect on our cultural view of "reporting." They make their play The next meeting M" be on
sexuality. lists available nationally to other Wednesday—July 5 at 7 pm, same
On July 23, Marilyn Dishman will stations. Everyone looks at what location as In June. It you are not
be speaking on “Bi-racial Children, everyone else is playing. And that is sure where that is, give Letonia or
adoption, and cultural considera- howa band starts to get real atten- Joan a call. We understand that
"one" (' d0 "Otknow" “Wt" Depart tion in other markets across the there are degrees of "outness" so
Of her discug's’io'?’ PM it is interesting country. Our best bets for airplay we strive to provide a safe, confi-
to me that bl-raCIal infants are among are the public radio stations that dential and welcoming atmosphere.
those children more likely to be have folk, womenis or acoustic Don't sleep Sistahs. We've
offers: to LBUGTtindividuaLls to ardorlttet ShOWS- Call the stations YOU listen been expressing a need for this for
e m arlan nlve sa . _ ,
Church is a welcoming Congregation szxdfliizygy tic-)lerrférlesstlezto: Years. Now is the-time! For lnfor-
and believes in actively supporting in the Central KY area: matron, call LeTonla 233-3751, or
diversity within our community as WUKY (Lexington) 257-9600 Joan 252‘2557-
well as within our church.
Q’SZQ’EVMffjfijgggdr $35323 'THlS out is FOR THE FAT GlRtS'
““9 Alliance 2001 WFPK (Louisville) 502431443500 Augnt'on 8" women .Of 3'29“
There is a new Gay Lesbian Dates and places you can see Chrysalis House, a non-profit halfway
organization called Pride Alliance of Wishing Chair in July: house for women "1 substance abuse
Central Kentucky (PACK)' PACK 1 Harvest Festival, Phoenix Park, recovery, needs clothing. If you have
will serve as an advocacy, educa— Lex. KY, 130 pm. duo pfeV'OUS'Y worn C'Oth'”9__(eSPeC'a"y
tional, social, and support group for 4 Benefit for Donnie, downtown Slze .12 up) m good condition please
GLBT individuals, and their friends, Lox” 4 pm, attar parade, tut, band oonSider donating it to thoChtysatiS
family, and supporters in the greater 11 Alfalfa's, Lex. 8-9 pm. duo H0U39-_ Clients are always '” need 9‘
Danville/Boyle County community. 13, 14 and 15 Cheapside,10-1 pm. professional and casual clothing in
Call Gary (859-236-4547), or Shane (13 duo, 14_15 full band, cover) larger3lzes. Call the Chrysalis House
(859-854-0596), or email prideai- 20 Cheapside Lex.10-1pm due at (859) 2550500 to arrange _a date
liance@yahoo.com. ’ ’ and time to drop off your donation.
Wisfii Cfiair - " I' 7
it has beerylguite the eventful gwmmmgfiaumgti’iflg it}
spring for Terrakin Records. We are '.
still riding high from the release of if: flfloua‘yaujfimlaif
GLSO Page 4

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