xt7z348ggv58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348ggv58/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals kaes_circulars_293_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 293 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 293 1939 1939 2014 true xt7z348ggv58 section xt7z348ggv58 ;· 
Circular No. 293 (Revised) Lexington, February, 1939
I Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on by co~¤»p~·&r-
ation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Department
oi Agriculture, and distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the act oi
' Congress of May 8, 1914.
For effective control of curculio, sprays should be supple-
mented by _jarring the adult curculio from the trees, both as a
means of control and as an indication of when and where to
spray, and by picking up and destroying dropped fruit.
Jarring for the Curculio, This should be done frequently
during the 3 or 4 week period following petal fall. Spread a
full-size bed sheet under a peach tree or limb and strike the
trunk or limb 2 or 3 moderately sharp blows with a padded
mallet. Destroy the curculios that fall on the sheet. They are
small, grayish-black snout beetles with rough humps and
white spots on the wings.
Jarring is most effective between daylight and 9 A. M.
Start jarring on the edge of the orchard near the hibernation
lluarters of the adult curculios, and at intervals thruout the
orchard. Jarring may be used as an indication of when and
where to spray, if trees scattered thruout the orchard are
_ .larred several times each week.
Curculio usually appear in large numbers on plum trees
before they do on peach trees. They should be jarred from
plum trees and destroyed more thoroly and frequently than
from peach trees. Plum trees may serve as a. trap if jarring
_ lS done regularly. Wild plum and neglected plum trees should
he destroyed in peach-growing areas.
Kill the adults in hibernation. The beetles hibernate in
wish, weeds, and debris in old fence rows, around Sll1‘lll>l>0l`§` _
and plum thickets, in the edge of woodlands and similar situa-
tions, Cleaning up or burning such areas will kill many of the
nsec s.

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» Peach and P/um Spray Sr/zcrliulc 3
NOTES. Starred (*) sprays may be used as a fixed sched-
ule where jarring is not practiced. Use pure "chemical" hy-
drated lime. Zinc sulfate should be included when lead arsenate
is used. Run a few gallons of water into the tank, add the zinc
sulfate and continue filling the tank while adding the lime,
_ previously made into a paste, thru the strainer. Add the
‘§ · wettable sulfur, if required, and when the tank is nearly full,
Q add the lead arsenate. Wettable sulfur is sold in Kentucky un-- `
Qi der various trade names.
  CAUTION, Lime-sulfur and bordeaux mixture should not
be used as a summer spray for peaches. Apply lead arsenate
Q only when the trees and foliage are dry and do not apply sprays
  when the temperature is above 90 degrees F. Otherwise, there
i Q is danger of burning.
wg Oriental peach moth. Oil dusts give fairly satisfactory
control when applied 3 or 4 times, at 5-day intervals, beginning
, about 20 days before harvest. Commercial dust may be used
E or a dust can be prepared in a regular dust—mixing machine.
E Dusts prepared by merely stirring or by mixing in the duster
2 are unsatisfactory. Oil dust should contain 35 pounds of sul-
@3 i fur, 12% pounds of hydrated lime and 2% pounds of spray oil.
4* Y
  Fruits that drop because of curculio injury should be picked
* ' up twice a week and destroyed. Curculios cause drops during
Eperiods; the first drop results from punctures made by over-
. “'l¤t€1‘€d beetles, The stung fruits usually grow to l//Q inch O1`
more in diameter and have a bead of gum over the injury.
llost of them fall soon after the "June drop." The second drop
l is caused by second generation curculio worms which cause
  the fruit to ripen prematurely and fall just before harvest.
2 _ stung Déaches that do not drop should be picked off while
  thllmlng- The curculio grub may be killed by submerging the
E drops in water for several days. Picking up and destroying
  the first drops is important, and if thoroly done assures nearly 4
S   “`01`1n—free crop, As brown rot follows curculio stings, this
2 IS an lmD01‘tant means of controlling that disease. Destruction
  of “'Ol`mY fruit just before and during harvest reduces the

·l ]\'('}lIIl!`]»'}‘ EX/(’}lXl!))l C1°n·u/ur N0. 293
number of beetles that hibernate. Their destruction is iniper-
i tant in protecting the crop of the following year.
V USE LUBRICATING OIL, viscosity 125 to 200 seconds.
Saybolt, at 100° F.; volatility less than 2 percent. This oil
is sold at bulk stations under such names as “21gl`lCLllilll`2li
spray oil," "orchard spray oil," "scale oil," at about 20 cents
. l a gallon.
For Hand Pumps For Power Pumps
Oil ...,.................................... 1 gal. Oil .............................,........ 2 gals.
· Calcium caseinate ,......... 5 ozs. Calcium caseinate .......... 6 ozs.
Hydrated lime .,................ 3 lbs. Hydrated lime ......,........... 6 lbs.
Bluestone .......................... 3 lbs. Bluestone ....................,..... 6 lbs.
Water to make .......... 50 gals. Vi/l3lZ€1` to make .......... 100 gals.
1. Mix the calcium caseinate in a bucket with   pint of :
water, making a thick paste. Gradually dilute until the bucket
is full. This step is important.
2. Put calcium caseinate mixture into spray tank and add
just enough water to operate the pump.
3. Start pumping and allow discharge from the open spray
rod to flow back into tank under full pressure.
4. Add the oil, continuing agitation, and pump for a few
minutes; then till the tank two-thirds full with water and V
while pumping add the hydrated lime, previously mixed in an T
bucket of water. Then add the bluestone previously clissolwd · 
in a separate bucket of water. Fill tank with water. Aullll .  
spray immediately.  
Power spray pumps are more satisfactory than hand-punil>> 1
for making tank-mixed oil bordeaux_ The procedure is llic
same but less calcium caseinate is needed. .