xt7z348ggn3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348ggn3s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-10-14 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 14, 1983, no. 416 text The Green Bean, October 14, 1983, no. 416 1983 1983-10-14 2014 true xt7z348ggn3s section xt7z348ggn3s . {/I jk.!
. V J Lao} / 9-
. 10-14-83 No. 416
  Oct. 14, 21, & 28 Gallery Series y
. Oct. 16 Dictionary Day (Noah Webster" s Birthday) A
  ‘ Oct. 16-22 National Business Women’s Week ;
National Forest Products Week ~
3 National Handicapped Awareness Week ·
j Oct. 17 ACTS Meeting (see GB #415) ·
1 Oct. 18 BI Workshop at University of Cincinnati. (sae   #4-lfi) J
I Oct. 19-22 1/bdical Library Assoc. 's Southern Chapter I?ie·:t:§ng V y
j Oct. 21 Kentucky Acadetnic Computer User's Group Nesting e
. Oct. 22 Jean Grolier Day . C ‘
W0rld's End Day
‘ Oct. 23 TV Talk Show Host Day A
Oct. 23-29 National Clean Air Week
Oct. 24 Online Literature Searching Workshop, D.z;e2.  
October 28 The l"l.1sic of Brahms, I _  
Recital of selected songs and the cl.ais;.·i;1e2 e,‘, ‘€¥g??.LZ'::.‘L?.»,   $
` 120, no. l ; performd by meniners of   §j1..;;=r,;;::··E. ,—<:i·i‘ lénsic  
faculty: Ron Monsen, clarinet;   lie-;e:=:>1e:~ ·¤s.;i=;i<;e,;  
and Carolyn Rankin, piano. i
’ i
Seminars for Librarians: Serials /Nicroforms/ Government Docxmrsafzs  
Meckler Com11unications' Seminars for Librarians will       the pHya;§;1·:.; ’€*a;g;gen;&y  
in Crystal City, Virginia, November 3-4, 1983. Pre-—conierenc¤-2  ii tr:i$:t=   T
include visits to the Library of Cmigress's Goverment Publ;i_cat n.s  J?.-:i.n. fine:  
Documents Expediting Proj ect, and The Serials Record Dirvisicrz. <_;4a,».;r,..@_;e>: rg.  

 i——~`i?L,"TT`f`."T".T"""’i"i7ij’i_i,_ _,’___ ___;,,;j___i_j_, _   rrrrr j rrrr rin or _ 7 I;   · A A ~ V
  Roundtable discussions and papers by librarians, vendors, and library
I patrons will address standards in the areas of automation, public service,
  staff performance, and the development of new technologies. ·
·g Fees: $105 (one day); $165 (full conference) for each conference (Serials,
E Microfonus, and/ or Government Documents).
  For details, see Rob  
  Library Management Skills Institutes
  The Office of Maoacenent Studies of the ARL is offerin a basic institute in
  Miami March l.3~2l, 198i+, and an advanced institute m San Diego February l2-
  17 , 1984. '
Yi Basic institutes cover pro`t»l.em·»solving, staff motivation, decisIiI¢;n=···;;zsfv;i;ng,
3Q effective group use, superr>iIIsory leadership, performance appraisal ,I and
  commnication, The fee of $300 includes all neterials.
1% Advanced institutes cover planning and goabsetting, management team building,
{Q budgeting and financial plannhig, organizational. diagnosis and change, and
  executive leadership. The fee is SQOO.
  Contact Maxine Sitts, Office of Management Studies, A.ssociatiIon of  
ll Libraries, 152/ Newllarnpshi1‘·e Avenue, N.W,, Washingttm, D.Cn 20036,
  . (Phone: 202/232·-865o)
n' I
Ii Medical Library Association
I The Medical Library Associatiorfs Southern Chapter will meet   Birrcingimix,
I 3 Alabama ,_ October l9—2I2I. Cmtact Richard Bc Fredericksen, Lister Hill Library
  , of the health Sciences, University of Alabama in Birmingham, Univarsi.t5r Station,
  Birmingham, Alabama 352%, for details,
I Online Literature Searching
  Drexel University‘“ s School of Library and linformation Science is ¢Z?T'fiZl&?C\7I`l2l.Y‘l?Q a
;_ workshop, "Online Literature Sea;cching," on October 2i+. The Fee is iE£¢i.lOI.
I Contact the Office of Contiru  Professional Education, Drexel iJrsI·?;=rei;.s;?..2;.y,
I ;, ·· ¤ · ·: •: :¤ ¤ ··; »-·-
; 32nd and Chestnut ot., EhiladeipI;uIa, l?’ennsylvaniIa 19l%, for  
Q ‘ Kentucky Acadecuic Conrmter User°s Group
i The annual meeting of the Kentucky Academic Computer User°s ¤  eeiijc i he `h·:;;l.d
at the University <» Kentuclcy Student Center on October 21, 9   tr: 4* li} o.:;2Ia.
I The program includes three concurrent presentations focusing cn kit?. ·,.··l·,·‘ {YE-T=£¥iJ'L1"€."E¤ll`S ,
, 11'1 the classroom., ln addition, there will be an opportunity   5,/‘:2.?.L.S   c·¤.i.`%‘;er