xt7z348ggb02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348ggb02/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-11-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1945 1945 1945-11-16 2013 true xt7z348ggb02 section xt7z348ggb02 oesi uopy Avanaoie

23 UK


In Who's Who






Veterans Sponsor;
Itapp Will Play

Tickets are now on sale at the
Campus bookstore and at a booth in
the Union building for the informal
dance sponsored by the Veterans'
rlub, which will be held Saturday
from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the Union. Barney Rapp
and his New Englandcrs mill furnish music for the dance.
Further ticket sales will be made
tomorrow at the Marquette game
and at the door tomorrow night.
Stag ticket will sell at $1.00 each,
while couple tickets are priced at
11.75 per couple.
Featured with Barney Rapp will
be Rosemary Moore, vocalist, Joe
Fisfce. drummer, and Clarence Loos,
bass. Rapp has made a coast-to- coast uso tour, has played for coi- lege parties at Columbia. NYU and
Pordham. and has been featured at
spots as Roseland
ballroom, the Paramount theater,
the Hotel New Yorker and the
Astnr Roof, all in New York: the
hotel in Boston; and
the Nrtherland Plaza hotel, Cin- -


Revelin' Rapp

Biff-Tim- er



Lai) rqUipniCnt



From Henderson ...









Billy Will Have

His Pennant





Math Club Elects
Hayes President



Kernel Gives Thanks




By Joann Gorham

t ....








to have their
biographies Included in "Who's Who
in American Colleges and Universities." an announcement by Dean
T. T. Jones and Dean Sarah B.

Bob Feiring, A&S, freshman: The
male mind.
Miggie McDowell, A&S, sophomore: The above, uncensored.
Bud Byerle, Agriculture,
Funnies in technicolor.
Ruby Bartlett, Commerce, senior
Some good jokes.
Joe Ward, A AS, senior: More
features showing student reactions
to world affairs.
Eugenia Donahue,
junior: Why not a feature on how
to meet the veterans here on the
Jack May, Commerce, sophomore:
More news about school life through
a new scandal column.
Polly Tuttle, A AS, junior: We
need a "My Day" by a UK Eleanor.
William Campbell, AftS, senior:
How about a column on the rumors
that get started around here, and
their origin?
Marie Kemper, Engineering, junior: Definitely, more gosslpl







Most signs placed previously In
buildings have been destroyed
and had to be replaced, Farris



They Don't See Elvira

Who lists approximately 5.000 persons from schools throughout the
United States.
Chosen to represent the Univerissue were Betty
sity in the 1945-Ann Braaer. president of Mortar
Board; Jean Shirley Crabb. business
manager of the Kentucklan: Elizabeth Tebbs Crapster. Student Union


d i:




Inter-fait- h

president of women's residence halls:
Betty Lee Fleishman, president of
the YWCA: Alice Freeman, president of Phi Upsilon Omlcron; Clau-dlTurner Gibson,
of the YWCA; Betty Ann Ginocchio.
president of Phi Beta; Emily Collins
Jones, president of the Student
Union Board: Nancy Lee Lockery.
president of Home Economics Club;
Mildred Louisa Long, editor of Tho
Kernel; Rebecca Carolyn Lowe,
president of women's residence halls;

burgh Playhouse. During the year
he has been In Lexington, he has
appeared in every Guignol production presented. Many win remember him in the roles he created in
"Junior Miss," "Angel Street," "Kiss
and Tell," and the summer musical,
"Out of the Blue."
vetMary Lyons, an eleven-pla- y
eran of Guignol from Lexington, becomes Madame Arcati in the new
production. Miss Lyons' former successes include "When Ladies Meet
"Oedipus Rex," "Taming of the
Shrew," "Invitation to a Murder,"
"First Lady," "Susan and God."
"Arms and the Man." "Old Acquaintance."
"The Admirable
Creichton," "The Thirteenth Chair
and "Lady Windermere's Fan."
Cockney Maid
No doubt that one of the best
characterized parts in "Out. of the
Blue," the summer musical, was the
part of Rose, the colored maid,
which .was portrayed by Margaret
McCorkle, University student from
Glasgow. Shifting from the darky
dialect to the cockney. Miss McCorkle takes on the part of Edith,
the maid, which she is bound to do
with great zest and zeaL
William Campbell, University student from Kansas City. Mo., will
portray Dr. Bradman. Although Mr.
Campbell has not played in previous Guignol productions, he has
had a number of years of experience at radio announcing.
Sales Begin Wednesday
The doctor's wife. Mrs. Bradman.
is played by .'ean Pax ton. University student from Bowling Green.
Miss Paxton. has worked backstage
on a number of Guignol productions, but this is her first appearance
on the stage.
The theater box office opens next
Wednesday, and tickets for the production may be purchased at that
time. All seats are reserved. Student tickets are sixty cents, and
adult tickets are one dollar.

Club Begins

the maintenance department.

to honor outstudents. Who's



"No Smoking" signs forbidding
smoking in class rooms and halls
of University buildings are being
placed this week by the maintenance department in accordance with the Kentucky department of fire prevention and
rates which governs the insurance rates on all state property.
This ruling has always been in
effect but students have usually
failed to observe it, according to
E. B. Farris, chief engineer of


standing college

By Hugh Collett
Noel Cowards "Blythe Spirit,"
which opens for a week's run at
the Guignol theater on November
26, tells the hilarious story of
Charles Condemine and his second
wife Ruth. Charles, a writer, is
planning to write a book on spir
itualism and, in order "to learn the
tricks of her trade." as Charles so
rashly states it, he invites Madame
Arcati, the. local medium, to his
house for dinner. Madame Arcati
holds a seance, and, inadvertantly,
she calls back the spirit of Elvira,
I Charles'
first wife who has been
dead for seven years. Since Elvira
is visible and audible only to
Charles, the household is quite
Do you know - your parliamentary procedure?
Hilarious Situation
Don't forget the conference
How Madame Arcati, Ruth, and
on this subject at 2 p.m., SunCharles attempt to dematerialize
day, November 18 in the Music ' Elvira and to bring peace and sta''
room 'of tha Union building.
bility back to their lives and home
makes a hilarious situation.
Mr. Briggs, director of the production, has selected a well founded
cast for his opening play of the season. The cast consists of five veteran Guignol players and two newcomers.
sia have?" is tne question inai
Sue Hinkle, who plays the spirit
should be giving us a headache of Charles' first wife, Elvira,
right now, warned Dr. Webb. Hid- is a Lexingtonian. She has five
den in the vast, unexplored regions other Ouignol plays to her credit:
of Russia may be quantities of "The Women," "Candlelight," "Arms
uranium essential in the produc and the Man," "The Male Animal."
tion of tne atomic bomb, the pro and "The Man who Came to Dinfessor explained. On the other hand, ner."
the United States does not have an
Veteran Players
unlimited supply of this element.
Minna Bloomfield. also of LexingThe discovery of atomic energy ton, portrays Ruth Condomlne.
has made armies and navies rela Charles' second wife. She has pretively unimportant, he remarked. viously appeared in "When Ladies
Peace will rest on human integrity Meet," "March Hares," "Petticoat
and character.
Fever." "Stage Door," "R. U. R."
200,000.000 Volts!
"Old Acquaintance,"
and "Dark
Dr. Webb strongly opposes gov- Eyes."
regulation and control of
Charles Condomine. the bewild
experimentation with atomic energy. ered writer, is played by Ed Mills,
A scientist will continue to think who recently moved to Lexington
and experiment no matter what from Pittsburgh. Pa., where he was
laws are passed by politicians, he an outstanding player in the Pitts- asserted.
The terrific power of atomic energy is illustrated by the fact that 1450
the chemical change of any atom
may produce from .6 to 2.5 electron
volts of energy while the fission of
The 1450 club, a new University
an atom of uranium produces
radio presentation to replace the
electron volts, he stated.
former Breakfast club, will be
broadcast every Saturday morning
from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. beginning
tomorrow at the Colonial Bowling
This show will be built
around Buster Cornett's "Rhythm
SuKy will hold a pep rally af.
6:45 p.m. today behind
the Cats" orchestra with Betty Braimon
as vocalist and will feature personUnion building. All students
alities and students on campus.
are urged to attend.
Anyone who can sing, dance, or just
talk is urged to drop in and be a

No Smoking, Please


Holmes revealed today.

Guignol's Fall Production
jtaM, to
To Begin November 26
that Mortar

SuKy Will Hold
Pep Rally Tonight


have been chosen


Admits Canterbury

Air Series Tomorrow


Photo b Harold tritUt
President Donovan and Joe Covington, president of Phalanx fraternity, plant the first tree of Phalanx Row, which will extend from the Administration building to the library, at the dedication services
held Tuesday afternoon. Members of the fraternity watch as the tree is being planted.

Cutrtcif LeiiRffo

gun an atomic bomb race with Russia by keeping secret pur informa
tion about atomic power." he de
clared. By continuing to play power
politics and by building' up national
armaments . we .may , bungle ' into
another war, he added! 'j
; "secret" .' of the
' definitely
atomic bomb has been
overrated, Dr. Webb believes. Already much of the information has
been published and the rest cal
probably be obtained with little difficulty by any foreign nation without additional help from us, be
Maybe USSR Knows
Russia may have already hit upon
the process we are concealing so
carefully and perhaps discover an
improved method. Even small nations can become powerful armed
with the atomic bomb, he explained.
"How much uranium does Rus- -

'so rm




Reveal A- Bonib Secret;.. Webb
The atomic bomb "secret" should
be turned over to the Security
Council of great powers for the use
of all nations, stated Dr. William S.
Webb, head of the physics department, at an interview Monday.
The nations should promise first
not to use the information in warfare. Authority should be given this
international organization to police the world, he suggested. A nation will hesitate to strike in aggression if she knows she will have to
fight all the other nations of the
Race Under Way
"Our statesman have already be- -

University Deans
Name Candidates
For 46 Publication








miM-''ii- "

Procedure Meeting

far-caste- ra



Outstanding Students
For ColWe Who's Who

games was de"mums" before
nied; it was decided
Board could exercise their franchise
for the remained of the football season.
Enforcement of a rule requiring
organizations having parties fn the
Union building to buy refreshments
from the Union cafeteria was discussed. It has been the policy in
the past to keep this rule, but since
groups with low budgets cannot pay
for cafeteria refreshments they
are forced to have social functions
In the residence halls. No definite
nmrriiiiy was derided unon bv the


inrriiii i


A campaign
against the
smoking in the Bluegrass
room was instituted at a meeting of
the "Student Union board Monday.
President Emily Jones stressed the
importance of enforcement of a
faculty-SUrule forbidding smoking
in the ballroom.
A proposal to keep the Union Grill
open after 7 p.m. on nights when
dances are not being held was approved by the group. No date for beginning of the new hours was set,
but it was understood that the
change would take place soon.
formal dance,
scheduled for December 15 was postponed until the winter quarter because of difficulties involved in
having a formal after the Kentucky- Tennessee basketball game, which
will be played that night.
Use of the Union building by student organizations for commercial
purposes will be prohibited after this
Mortar Board,
senior women's honorary, had been
the only organization permitted to
have a concession in the building.
had 801,1 "mums" for the foot- -



7 P.M.


Twenty-Fiv- e







Donovan Accepts First Phalanx Trees




The University will receive a
stantial portion of the technical and
physical equipment of the Ohio
River ordnance works at Henderson.
Ky.. UK officials learned last
Capt. A. O. HoLstein, commanding
officer of the installation, announc- clnnali.
Open To All
ed at Henderson that much of the
The danr. although sponsored by laboratory
would be
the vete.ans" group, is open to all transferred to the University under
rtudents and the club extends a present plans for use in research
special invitation to
on the campus.
Welcome EquipmentThe ballroom will be decorated
School officials had not been notiwith insignia of various armed serv- fied that they were in line- to get
ices, with parachutes and with a the equipment, but both President
crystal ball hanging in the center of H. L. Donovan and Dr. William S.
the room.
Webb, head of the physics depart- A meeting of all Veterans' club ment. said they would welcome any
committees connected with arrange- thy could get.
ments for the dance will be held
Dr. Donovan said he
tonight at the Union building, and completely by surprise by the. news
U those
responsible are urged to that 'the University might receive
ti nrocArtt
the equipment.
to me," he stated.
"It is brand-ne"We have had a committee on- - the
road for the past four or five days
inspecting equipment in different
Is all I
Last week's plea has been an- ordnance plants, and that.
swered. Billy will receive his KenDr. Webb, member of a University
tucky pennant. Mrs. Mays of the
to tour- - several
bookstore reports that a great num- committee chosen
University students have war plants in the interest of obtainber of
reacted to the stirring plea of last ing surplus equipment, said It had
week's Kernel. She stated that a not been determined how much or
pennant has been mailed to little what kind of equipment the school
Billy Turley of Bes- would get
Equipment Will Fit
semer. Ala., who, is suffering from
However, he said the type of
brain hemorrhages.
Billy has a collection ' of state laboratory equipment used at the
pennants and wanted a pennant ordnance plant would fit well in the
representing Kentucky.
No time University physics, engineering and
was wasted in satisfying his desire. chemistry departments.
He added that while these de
partments were equipped modernly
at present, the school has been unable to buy equipment for about four
years and that many more people
will be studying science and engi- Carolyn Hayes, senior math major, noering than ever before.- - ' ' ' '
was elected president of the White
Captain Holstein's announcement
mathematics club at a
followed a conference with Dr.
tion meeting November 1. in McVey Webb, Dr.- - U R. Dawson, head of
hall. The club has been inactive for the University's chemistry .depart-th- e
past five years.
ment. and Fred Mangelsen and J.
Officers elected for the 1945-4- 6
R, Boyd, also of the University staff.
season, also include: vice president,
Bonnie Hamilton; secretary, Deanne
H. O'Donnell; chairman of the pro-cm committee, Howard Wiles. Dr.
There will be no Kernel pubD. E. South is faculty adviser.
lished next week because of the
Thursday Dr. Sally W. Pence spoke
Thanksgiving holiday.
on the "Pythagorean Theory."

Board Approves
Keeping Grill Open

Zadel Skolovsky. pianist, will be
the soloist on the Sunday afternoon
musicale program at 4 p.m. Sunday
In Memorial hall.
Though born in Vancouver, B. C,
Canada; of Russian parents. Skolovsky considers Los Angeles his
home" town, and he grew up and
received his first musical training
in that city.
Mr. Skolovsky cniered the Curtis
institute as the pupil of Madame j
I sa belle Vongerova at the age of 11. j
He also studied wltn Fritz Reiner
during his last two years before
graduation from Curtis. Leopold
Distinguished Professor'
Godowsky awarded Mr. Skolovsky a
scholarship In his master classes
find took great personal interest
in him.
Winning the famous Naumburg
ward. Zadel Skolovsky made his
professional New York debut at
Town hall, December 5, 1939. In
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
subsequent years,
such as prizes from the National the University's political science de
Federation of Music clubs, the Na partment. Saturday was named the
tional Music league and the Robin "most distinguished professor" of
Hood Dell Young American artists ;thc year by
associates m tne
award were bestowed upon him.
College of Arts and Sciences.
Appearance as soloist with symLeave Granted 7
phony orchestras, on radio pro- -'
grams, and in recitals gained for
The reward carried with it a leave
him an increasing reputation. Dur- ing the season of 1944-4he won of absence from the University lor
unanimbus acclaim from the press one quarter during which time Dr.
and audiences everywhere while on Vandenbosch may do research in his
concert tour. He ap- chosen field. Grant C. Knight, proa nation-wid- e
peared with the New York Philhar- fessor of English, was recipient of
monic, under.. Rodzinski. on. a the award last year.
Sunday., afternoon., broadcast, pro
The selection was made by a com
Kram, substituting for Josef Hof mittee composed of ' Edward New
mann, who was taken ill. He was bury, J. E. Reeves, Dr. j. R. Meadow
by the orchestra for this and Mrs. r Alberta Wilson Server,
coming season.
A leading critic has said of Mr.
Skolovsky, "He has all the
Here Since 1926
fleetness, accuracy, and power to
Dr. Vandenbosch has been a mem- take him into the inner circle of ber of the political science depart-th- e
great piano virtuosos."
ment since 1926 and ha been head
The program will be: Two Organ of the department since 1934. Dr.
comes the vandenbosch was a member of the
Choral Preludes "Now
Saviour," and "Rejoice,
Beloved Christians,"
rTancisco eonicrence, ana during ine
Sonata No. 2 in C Sharp Minor. ' r WM ft coordinator of informa-Op27 (Moonlight Sonata), Bee- - Uon m washineton. Later he was
with the organization' of the Office
The Barcarolle. Opus 60. and the of str,tegic services and was direc- Polonalse in A Flat Major, Opus tor of the West European section,
53, Chopin.
division of research and analysis.
Jeux d'eau. Ravel; Clair de Lune,
Debussy; Feux d'artifice, Debussy. ' He is a specialist hi
Etude in D Flat Major, Liszt; affairs and the. author of numerous
March Milltalre, Schubcrt-Tausibooks on the subject.

UK Honors




To Enforce

Will Play



Are We Suffering
From Atomic Ache?


SUB Plans

Piano Soloist
For Musicalc
Highlights Weekend Zadel Skolorsky





The first meeting of the year of
council was held
the Inter-fait- h
Saturday following a luncheon in
the "Y" lounge. Joan Scott presided over the group, which is comprised of representatives of the various denominations, chosen through
those churches attended by students,
and of the several religious organizations on the campus.
A petition from the newly organized Episcopalian group, the Canterbury club, for representation on the
council, was granted. Thus Christ
Mr. Truman Morris and Oscar Episcopal church will appoint two
Huff will be masters of ceremonies permanent members to the council,
for this hour of interviews, discus- plus one "floating member" for each
sions, music, fun, and anything that meeting, and an adult adviser.
comes along. Prizes will be given for
A committee consisting of Bart
quizzes, best stunts, etc. The main Peak. Joan Scott, Shirley Meister.
idea of the program is to find and and Gene Whicker has been appresent talents of various students. pointed to make a study of chapels
The program will be strictly ad lib to be found on other campuses
and anyone welcome.
throughout the country, in order
to supply the University board of
trustees, who are considering erectPledges
ing such a building here, with pertinent data.
Seven Men
Other officers of the council are
Mattie Evelyn DougThe following men have been
pledged to Phalanx fraternity: Juan las; secretary. Mary Bennett
Jose Balzola, Harold Friedly Jr.,
and treasurer. Helen Hutch-craf- t.
Thomas Parry, Robert Wilson, Joe
Elizabeth McNeil of Calvary
Mainous, Graden Walter and Deward Baptist church was elected adviser
of the group.



Florence Elizabeth McNeal. president of Chi Delta Phi; Gwendolyn
Dorsey Pace. Student Union Board;
Martha Jane Ringo. Student Union
Board; Doris Talbott Smith. 8tudrnt
Union Board: Frances Woodruff
Street, president of Women's
Council; Betty Jean Tevis.
news editor of The Kernel; Edward
Albert Barry, president of YMCA:
Reginald Stephens Bowen, Student
Union Board: Cleon Kilmer Combs,
former chairman of SGA Judiciary
committee: Joseph Clinton Covington, president of Veterans Club and
of Phalanx; Albarado Erwin Funk,
editor of the Kentucky Law Journal
and president of Phi Delta Phi: John
. of
James Hopkins,
Pitkin Club and former SGA mem
ber, and William Richard LeGrand,
president of the Independents.

American Airlines
To Conduct Interview
For girls desiring petitions 83
stewardesses, the American Airlines will conduct interviews
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday. November 28. In the
Henry Clay hotel at Louisville.
Dean Sarah B. Holmes announced today.

Koffee club . . . will meet at 2 p m.
Friday in the Union music room.
Pe rally . . . will be held today a4
6:45 p.m. in the Alumni gym.
Nurses Aides' meeting . . . will b4
held today at 4 pm. in the "Y"
room of the Union.
Hillel study group . . . will meet at
7:30 pjn. Thursday in room 205 of
the Union.
Hillel youth group . . . will meet at
8 p.m. Sunday at the Adath Israel
elub . . . will meet at 7.30 pm.
Monday in the student pjom of the
Agriculture building.
4-- H

Beta Psi of Alpha DeiU F1 . . . wiU
meet from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday at
the chapter house to give a tea honoring Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta
Zeta, and Tau Alpha Pi.
German club . . . will meet at 4 P m.
Wednesday in room 302 of Miller
University for life program . . . will
have a supper meeting from 8 to
7:30 pjn. Sunday at Central Cliris-tia- n

church. Short and Walnut

Alpha Chi of ZeU Tau Alpha . . .
will hold open house following tha
Tennessee game.


will meet
Dance committee
Tuesday at 4 p.m. in room 204 of
the Union building.
to see Mrs. Alma
Nurses aides
Good at 4 pjn. today in "Y" room
in the Union.


� oesi isopy Avanaoie

The Kernel Editorial Page



'.'.M anaiini Editor
News Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Editor
Assistant M anaiini Editor
Assistant Newt Editor
Society Editor
Feature Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager



Dick Lowe
Rntrrrd at Mm Poet Offlet (t Lexington, Kentucky, M
rls matter under the Act of March S. 1179.



Marilyn Mitchell

Kentucky Intarcollrglate Press Association
LfxtactOD Board of Commera
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Araoclatlon


Jane Hammerslet






Ring In a Peaceful Thanksgiving

Reinschreiber, Mim Cohfn... Advertising Solicitors


HFMMTti aoa


Cetlett rUUkm



- LM


.M One Quarter


YoaK. N. Y.


The question of American and
British foreign policy in regard to
Palestine was given a severe Jolt
this week when a thousand Jewish
leaders and rabbis marched on the
capitol in Washington

articles ant column ere to be considered the
earn loaf o the wrtleri themtelvet, and do not necetsarll)
the, opiates o The Kernel.


5. One Tear

for immediate immigration to Palestine for all Jews who were made
homeless by the struggle in Europe.
They asked that the 100,000 displaced persons in Europe be given
a haven in the Holy Land and that
Palestine be set aside as a Jewish'
state. Palestine has been for many
years, a bone of contention between
the Arabs and the Jews, and has
been a very touchy situation for
both Great Britain and the United

Are We Suffering
From Atomic Ache?
No wonder thai in all the painting of the
I'ilgiiut Fa i hers ihose hardy individuals are long-fa- t
d and serious. For them day to day existence
vas haul; finding enough focxl for their families

in i lie freezing winter of a strange new country
vas their concern. What the next week or year
vould hi ing i hey could only guess. It must have
looked like a bleak and dreary world in November of 1(521.
Bin i hey didn't have to worry about atomic
bombs or international friction, lalor strikes,
inflation, or war desolated countries or minority
gioups. Novemlier 1915. No longer a question
of simple living but seemingly of keeping a complex vx iciy from falling to pieces. Weren't the
difficulties of the settlers at Plymouth Rock as
ieat to ihem as those of today are to the leaders in Washington? Isn't an Indian arrow just
as fatal, on a smaller scale, as atomic disintegration? Those same solemn first Americans had
nioiili faith in themselves and in their God to



.h3nlc.mv.no- - fnr th


"things they

had received. And with tenacity and
courage ihey kept on plugging along until sum- jiht came. In 1945 there must be the same appreciation of the many blessings that each per- ,on has, and optimism about the future. Maybe
...... Jll.i.iAnm.ni i . (I
IIUIl: IS lll'.ic u:l...lw..iiii.iit aim mst-f- ctenti.
also the ability to sense the folly oj
jriMii but





.llll ll

IIHMIC til liww


The world has been going to ruin ever since
Lisiory began. Statesmen have been quoted over
the tars as sa)ing afTairs could not be more
chaotic. And then 100 or 200 years later, man
still muddles through. Every generation accuses
the xounuer Generation of going to the dogs,
Automobiles were first hailed as a menace to
public safety. Ixmis Pasteur and Madame Curie
f scorn. Apparently any
wi re at fust objects
of drasiic change is one filled with doubts
pot ixl
and misgivings.
I. ver since the year one there has lieen love
and human kindness, jiersonal sacrifice and
f.iiili. The store hasn't run out yet. We'll probably Ik- struggling along another thousand years
fiom now, whether we're living under a rock
or in a palace made by DuPont. With a little
f. iitli in man's ability to patch things up and
ni:ike something good out of atomic bombs,

we'll get by.

On Thanksgiving Day give thanks for the
that is in man, for that big fat turkey, and
tlie ability to laugh. A cheerful countenance
and outlook is so muih better than stern pessi-

g. KKl

mism. Americans may have as many worries as
ilicir Pilgrim Fathers but they don't look like it.

Talk Turkey With Us
What has happened lo the Thanksgiving
holiday? Are we gradually forgetting an American custom on this campus by cutting short the
I Day vacation?
Many students would like to
sliate a wishbone with the kid brother but because of time allowance ihey are unable to do so.
They would like a few festive days lo attend the
game, sleep it off just do anything
but go to school.
Time was, when the Kentucky-Tennesse- e
football game was played in Knoxville, the holi-!a- v
started after classes on Wednesday and
ended at 8 a.m. Monday. That was really a
football weekend. The years the game was
plaed in Lexington, Thursday was the only day
off. Bui with the end of the Knoxville Thanksgiving Day games in 939 the holiday lime was
pet nianently curtailed.
Official opinion does not favor students
lcm'ng the campus for a four-daholiday with
Chi istmas only a month away. That's one reason
only one clay is allowed. Also, a minimum ntim-Ik- t
of days are scheduled in advance for the
scIhk.I term, and this year again, ihere is jro-isii.- n
for only Thursday free. The school schedule fur next year might well provide for the
l iiday following Thanksgiving off
loo. Most
students had rather start school 24 hours early
and ge t more
News of a short Yuleiide vacation wouldn't


sound so had to t lie siudent ixnly (and jiossibly
(counting the
the family) if they had a four-daweekend) rest period before I he three final
weeks of the fall quarter and examinations.
How alMHit ii?
M. J. I).
Talk turkey with us.

When the First World War ended
and the League of Nations began

The only jxissible means of circulating the
regular issues of The Kernel to the students oft
and on the campus is through the University
postal system. Each week, 584 copies of The
Kernel are sent to the women's residence halls
to be placed in 205 lxixes in Pan, 191 in Boyd,
157 in Jewell and 37 in the Sigma Nu house.
.na every wee, aoour.. iimn. epics die p.ii n.
By AdeIe DenroalI
lxixes in the post office in MeAcy hall.
Siill there are complaints that on Fridays wTuci, ei.7... have Zn required
it is hard to lieg, borrow or steal a kernel. 1 he to read The Octopus, an inspir- ece
is the men and women living in town lng,
er ln 1000 Bc;, 1108 mueston .or
e. .
mcu ...a., intellectual achievement with its
or in naicrni.y or M,M,.y ...n.cs
from the city postman and don't bother to come anesthetic charm, was 'written by
to their University boxes. Of the 2.620 persons
""unTverse! wnTex?
listed as enrolled there are 415 who have not ceptlon of the planet Saturn. The
been assigned lxx numbers. A large percentage title itseir sounaea so inspiring mai


what do we need mosti a $25.000
director of pigskin activity or five
more professors like Knight, Vanden- Wgbb
rmMuiaKrt 8Ild
mean a whining team? Rupp seems
like a aood man. and he came from
high school.
(with apologies to everybody)
For many years the Arabian pop-ulation of Palestine far exceeded
Dish: out a million.
that of the Jews. For centuries
Spend on the team.
both peoples had claimed the land
Chase out the coach
sev"l tudents fully expected to
improve their courting1 techniques
Buy; us a dream.
from oy reading It.
The sports writers rage.



of these are town dwellers.
If the student does not take the paper
his box one week, the next Friday he is not given
the late issue of The Kernel. Because of the
shortage of newsprint it has been necessary to
print only the minimum number of papers each
week. Under these circumstances pajx-r- are not
on those who don't read the campus news,
Included in the registration fee for all regu- lar students is a $1.50 subscription to The Ker- nel for a year. It seems rather a waste of monev
.. .
not io uoiikt i pun. up uie kiikiv pill, mai
has already
paid for.
Postoffire boxes are absolutely free. Every
enrollee in the University is entitled to one. Men
in the dorms j,ei all of their mail in the
postoffice, just as the women residents get their
mail in ihe individual dorm lxixes. They get
their Kernels. Those men and women who live
in town or for any reason do not have postoffice
lxixes, should ask for ihem right awav. Every- one should make certain he receives The Kernel

discovej. now
when they went to get their
riage licenses. She readily found a
couple standing outside the office
walttng t0 buy one. She interviewed
them authoritatively, but as she
turned to leave she saw them enter
the door with a sign over it saying.
mar-wast- ed



in last week's Kernel the follow- ing headline appeared. SO A ASKS
rlJ" IUU1U
ATOmto ENERGY. With"
RusSja and SG A making so many
demands of poor little Truman, I




And Now
that Baseball Oimmissioner Happy Chandler
has shown his interest in the athletic se,-uat
s onlv
Ihe UniversilV.- were all haimv. I i
one suggestion lo be made. Bo McMillan is a
wonderful coac