xt7z348gfw0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z348gfw0c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1902-02-jun3. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-02-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-02-jun3. 1902 1902-02-jun3. 2011 true xt7z348gfw0c section xt7z348gfw0c 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 3rd, 1902    page 102

      June 3, 1902 - Regular Meeting. Regular meeting of
the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College, held at the Presidentts office, on the College
Grounds,, Lexington, June 3rd, 1902.  at two-thirty P.M.

Roll Call - Present  - Messrs.     Fowler,
                                   Ramsey, and

      Mr. D. F. Frazee in the chair.

      Upon motion duly seconded and carried., meeting adjourned
to Trustees Room in Gymnasium Building.

      Upon motion by Judge Barker, properly seconded and
carried, all absentees were excused.

      Mr. Frazee announced that the first business in order
was the selection of a chairman.

      By Mr. Stoll:

      Chairman selected - It is moved that Mr. D. F. Frazee
be selected as chairman of this Board for the ensuing year,
Said motion was seconded, put to the vote and carried.

      The chairman then announced that the next in order
of business was the appointment of the standing committees.
The chairman announced that he had not made up his
committees, and said he would try and do so before
the close of this meeting, and thereupon the
matter was passed.


JNTNES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 3, 1902    page 102103

     Reading Minutes   last meeting0  At this point the
Secretary read the minutes of the last regular meeting in
December last.

      Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried,
the minutes were corrected so as to show that the Report
on the conduct of certain professors was made by Mr0 Stoll,
as a member of the Coummittee, and not by the Committee
itself .

      Minutes Adppted - Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly
seconded and carried, the minutes  as e~rrected were

      Thereupon the Secretary read the minutes of the called
meeting of the Board held on April 24, 1902.

      Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and
carried, the minutes Off.the called meeting were adopted
as read.

      Upon the question being raised by Judge Kinlkead as
to whether the adoption of the minutes carried with it the
acceptance of the resignation of the members of the Building
Committee, it was moved by Judge Barker to reconsider the
motion to adopt the minutes, which motion was duly
seconded, put upon its passage arn carried.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Col.

      Expunging from Minutes of Called Meeting. - It is
moved that, that portion of the minutes of the called meeting
of the Board, with reference to the resignation of members
of the Building Committee bo expunged.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon its passage and

      Called Meeting - Minutes Approved - Upon motion of
Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried, the minutes of the
called meeting were approved as corrected.


NIJUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEE.SJune 3, 1902 - page 103

      Reading of Minutes of Ex. Comr - Thereupon the
Secretary read the minutes of the Executive Committee from
the date of the last regular meeting of the Board down to
the present.

      Whereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion.

      Reference to Comr - It is moved that the minutes of
the Executive Committee be referred to the committee on the
minutes of the Executive Committee. Said motion was duly
seconded, put upon its passage and carried.

      Oath of Office Administered0 - The oath of office as
members of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky was administered by Judge
Barker to Messrs. Clay, Kinkead and Ramsey.

      The chairman announced that the next in order of
business is the reading of the minutes of the faculty0

      Upon motion made by Judge Barker, duly seconded and
carried' the reading of the minutes of the faculty was dis-
pensed with for the present.

      The chairman announced that next in order of business
was the President's report0

      Judge Hager came into the meeting at this point.

      President Patterson then read his report, which is
as follows:



      President 's Report -*

      Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural
and Mechanical College of Kentucky.

      In submitting this my twenty-second annual report since
the reorganization of the college in 1880, I have the pleasure
of recording the most successful year, as measured by graduate
results.9 in the history of the college.

      The graduating class this year contains fifty-three
members - a greater number than the aggregate from 1881 to
1891 inclusive. The growth of the cther classes shows
equally gratifying results. In the college proper twenty
years ago the proportion of matriculates to those enrolled
in the Academy and Normal School was about 22% - today it
is 63% of the whole0

      The applicants for matriculation this year were some-
what in excess of last year but a larger number were rejected
on. entrance examination. This reduces the numbers entered
in the catalogue to 594   20 below the number reported in
the catalogue of 1901. The actual falling off was in the
Normal Department, and there principally in the female
matriculation.  This may be accounted for partly by the
partial failure of the crops of 1901, partly from the dis-
appointment felt by the young women that the College Home
for females was not completed. As a matter of fact the
shortage, twenty in number, was exclusively confined
to the Normal Department.

      Normal Dept7 This connection it may be proper to
remark that f or several yareas past the Normal Department
has not grown pari passu with some of the other Departments
in the College.  It is not pushed as dome of them are. The
Dean of the Normal Course is a man of rare ability and
fitness for his work. His services are in great demand out-
side of Kentucky for the conduct of Teachers Institutes.
He has held institutes during the summer season in States
North and East and for the coming vacation he has engagements
in Texas. While it is gratifying that his reputation pro-
cures him renumerative employment outside of the Commonwealth



it is a matter of regret that during the period when
patronage should be worked up at home his services are
altogether lost to us. It is true that his time is his own
and his services go where he is best paid0 Still it is no
less a matter of regret0  I am not, be it understood  com-
plaining of Prof. Roark's disposition of his time. ft is
nevertheless a regrettable fact0

      During the latter part of the year the college
attendance has been considerably inteferred with by the out-
break of two infectious diseases viz: measles and mumps -
For weeks many of the occupants of the dormitory were laid
up with these diseases, and others were quarantined because
of their association with them0  This is one of the many dis-
advantages connected with dormitory life0 When an infectious
disorder comes among the residents of a dormitory no possible
precaution on the part of the college authorities can prevent
its spreading, and it is all the worse because the hospitals
in the town absolutely refuse to admit patients suffering
from these causes   worse still, we have no hospital accommo-
dations whatever. I am often tempted to believe that we
should be far better off if no dormitory accommodations
existed on the College grounds0

      Women's Dormitory - The Legislature before adjournment
made as you are aware a supplementary.appropriation for a
College Home for young women0 With the amount now at our
disposal we should be able to erect a first class building
which should meet all the requirements of the Act of 1900.
To the non resident trustees who rendered valuable and
effective aid in getting this measure through the General
Assembly viz:  Messrs0 Ferguson, Bradburn, Hager, Clay,
McChord and Bell the gratitude and thanks of this Board
are due. it is a matter of much regret that appropriations
were not made for other much needed buildings viz: Mining
Engineering, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Physics
and Normal School building.


MINUTES OF T'HE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 3, 1902 -page 106

      The need for the first mentioned was especially urgent.
Weeks before the adjournment of the legislature I succeeded
in getting the House Committee to agree to a unanimous
report in its behalf, but for some unaccountable reason,
mainly I think the inactivity or apathy of our local members
it was not gotten before the house until a few days prior to
adjournment when it was too late to do anything, and yet the
general sentiment of both Houses as far as I could gather was
very favorable to an appropriation for Mining Engineering.

      Through a lack of a suitable building and equipment
we shall be placed at a great disadvantage in opening this
school for students in the Autumn. However, with the energy
of the Dean and his ability to improvise facilities and with
the modest sum of $500 for a  preliminary outfit., which he asks
and which I hope will be granted, much may be done.

      Through disappointed we are not discouraged.  The
College itself, setting out from beginning quite as small
has during those 20 years attained proportions which the most
sanguine would not have ventured to forcast.' It has triumphed
over the hostility of its enemies and the questionable
support of some of its friends,     " moored in the rifted
rock, proof to the tempest's shock " it has been consoli-
dated by the storms and nourished by the rains and the
sunshine of the years as they passed by. Let us then
take courage and work and wait for better things.

      Salaries - One of the most vexatious and constantly
recurring questions with which the Board has to deal is that
of salaries for the assistants.

      For the professors constituting the Faculty proper,
a minimum and a maximum was wisely fixed nine years ago.
A professor in charge of a department begins with a maximum,
say $1500 and increases by $100 per annum till the maximum
$2000 is reached. The salary attaches to the professorships
- the position and not to the man. When he begins he knows
what to expect and when the maximum is reached he is on
the same basis with all the rest.  Not so with the


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 3, 1902 - page 107

      Generally speaking they begin with $5O0.  By special
action of the Board individual cases are dealt with in
succeeding years generally through individual solicitation
of members of the Board by the applicant, either through
letter or in person. The more urgent and persistent are
thus advanced in salary while the more diffident and less
obtrusive may or may not receive like favor. There is no
maximum limit fixed for assistants0 Some receive more, some
less, and their increments are not always proportionate to
merit, to capacity or to length of time in the service A
minimum  and a maximum should as far as possible be fixed
and the number of years intervening between maximum and
minimum set forth and the limits as to tGime and annual in-
crement established. Moreover, as in the case of full professor-
ships the salary should attach to the position and not to
the man.

      Military Dept. - It is exceedingly desirable that the
unsatisfactory state of things growing out of the provisional
and temporary arrangements which we have been compelled to
make for the conduct of the Military Dept. should cease
during the first, second and third years of this interim
period, that is under Majors Jones and Carpenter the Military
Department was on a tolerably satisfactory footing during
the last year it has been unsatisfactory in the extreme.
The intemperate habits of the appointee for the last year
were greatly detrimental to discipline and progress. On the
8th, of April, on account of an unseemly and unfortunate
incident which was but the culumination of a series of
irregularities, I was obliged to relieve him and with the
aid of the commissioned officers make temporary arrangements
for the drill and discipline of the corps. These have worked
even better than could have been anticipated and the battalion
is now on a very good footing.  It has recovered in a large
degree what it had lost through the indiscipline and de-
moralization of the preceeding part of the term.

      I have had quite a good deal of correspondence with
Army officers on the retired list, one of whom has been
especially commended by Secretary Wilson of the Department
of Agriculture in whose judgement I have great confidence.
I believe that I should now, if authorized by the Board
be able to make a judicious selection.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 3, 1902   page 108

      With the exception of some disorders, greatly exaggar-
ated by the newspapers of Lexington, growing out of the
matters above referred to the discipline, good behavior,
gentlemanly propriety and general character of the students
in and out of the class rooms and on and off the college
grounds have been the best in the history of the college.
It was then a great mortification to all the faculty to see
the chorus of abuse, malignant, denunciation and vituperative
calumny by Which the whole male student body was assailed
by the Press of Lexington,

      City Press - On Ex parte statements of the most
prejudicial kind they were denounced as ruffians, hoodlums
and blackguards and the faculty were equally denounced as
unfit to govern and unworthy to hold their positions because
they did not join in the denunciations of the press and
punish wholesale before they had time to investigate
the alleged offenses and discover the guilty.  I am sorry
to say that the newspaper press of Lexington is not slow
to take up an evil report against the State College and to
disseminate it broadcast over the land, and this disposition
seems to be fostered instead of discouraged by persons who
should be interested in the maintenance of its good name.
Instead of aiding to build up the college which has reflected
so much credit upon the Commonwealth and the City and which
brings for distribution into this community not less than
one-quarter of a million annually, many of it's people
instigated by an unscrupolous and hostile press are disposed
to depreciate it's wor k, throw obstacles in the path of
it's advancement and impede it's efforts to realize it's
destiny.  The active principle in this hostility may be
traced to certain local elements which cared nothing for the
college while involved in a struggle for existanee. Now
that it has achieved success and stands upon a living
basis they are anxious to claim credit for services
never* rendered to control it's policy and to make it
subsevient to personal and political ends. Men who did not
lift a finger in it's behalf years ago now ask consideration
for good offices never rendered and for benevolent
intentions never manifested.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 3, 1902 - page 109

       But for the persistent influence of the city press
 this very much to be regretted incident would have created
 scarcely a ripple of excitement. It would have been investi-
 gated fully by the Faculty as it was and a verdict rendered
 in accordance with the facts as proven. Where so many young
 men are brought together, many of them thoughtless, full of
 animal spirits, mischievous perhaps, it is not to be expected
 that ebullition and effervescence will not sometimes occur
 and that sometimes channels for the overflow will be made
 use of which older men would not seek. Altogether the wonder
 is that under the conditions the things said and done were
 not more serious. An exhaustive investigation was made
 by the Faculty, the stenographic testimony of which will,
 with the report based thereon be submitted with other
 records of the Faculty for your consideration.

       Finances - If the financial situation has been embarrass-
 ing hitherto it's gravity is now increased rather than diminish-
 ed. With a constantly increasing expenditure and a revenue
 inelastic and stationary the problem is indeed a serious
 one. Two salaries amounting to $1800 were added to the list
 last year. A new appropriation is required for Mining
 Engineering, additional expenditure for Agriculture and
 Botany and an increased appropriation for the department of
 Mathematics, increased outlay for the enlargement of the
 facilities for Physics, not to speak of possible additions
 to salaries of assistants0 All these mean several thousand
 dollars in excess of current expenses heretofore with no
 money to meet them. A deficit of considerable proportions
 already exists.  I commend these disquieting facts to your
 most serious consideration with the hope that you may some-
how be able to adjust means to ends. I beg you however, not
to shut your eyes to existing conditions.

       The Board now recognized  the fact that it cannot
 anticipate the Morrill fund which is available only for
 the expenses of the current year for which it is appropriated.
 You are then shut up to the necessity of borrowing the money
 to meet the outstanding obligations of the year which
 closes June 30th, 1902. We cannot afford to risk a
 collision with the Secretary of the Interior by
 misappropriation of the Morrill fund.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 33, 1902 - page 110

      Anatomy and Physiology   The creation of a new course
of study with Anatomy and Physiology as a major, authorized
by the Board and announced in the catalogue will strengthen
the college and attract students who desire after taking
their degree to enter upon the study of medicine.  Already
the nucleus of a good class entered upon the four years
course has been formed with the prospect of considerable
addition during the ensuing year.  The expansion of the course
from two to four hours daily work besides the supervision of
the laboratory places Dr. Pryor on the footing of a full
professorship with the salary of a full professor as a neces-
sary consequence viz. $1500 the first year with the annual
increment of $100 until as in the case of the other professor-
ships the maximum is reached. The budget of expenditures has
been framed on this basis and I request formal ratification
of the increase from $1200 - as heretofore $1500 as set forth
above,  I  suggest in this connection an increase of $200
in the salary of Milford White the valuable and efficient
assistant in the Normal Dept.

      Milford White's Salary - Salaries - Muncy, Davis,
Frankel, Winston.   Milligan, Faig.

      He has served for several. years on $1000 per annum,
V. E. Muncy should be advanced from $900 to $1000. a M.
Davis from $1000 to $1100. Leon Frankel and J. E. Winston
should be advanced from $800 to $900. They are both
valuable young men and worth more money.  Mr. Milligan
the carpenter should be advanced from $600 to $700.
Mr. Faig chief assistant in Mechanical Engineering beyond
that of the first assistants in Mathematics, Classics,
Normal Department and in the Academy I am in doubt, perhaps
it would be well to leave this whole matter in the hands
of a discreet committee on the revision of salaries of
first and second assistants to collect data and report
at the December meeting.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 3, 1902 - page ill

      Salaries in Ex. Station - After consultation with
Prof. Scovell I comiend an advance in salary for the following
named persons. Assistants in the Experiment Station, viz:

      Mr.       Beatty      from   $600    to   $750
      "   J. N. Harper      it     1200     el  1500
      "  J. D. Turner              900      t'  1200
      7  W. H. Scherffius          900      !   1200
      "  T. L. Richmond     "      600      t'   750
          Geo. Roberts             600      "   750
          L. D. Averett             600     e    750
      "  R. M.. Allen              900      t   1200
      Miss Didlake                  480     it   600
      Prof. A. M. Peter            1600     of  1700

and that they with all the other assistants in the Experiment
Station be re-elected for the ensuing year. Also that Mer.
U. G. Campbell be employed at $600.

      Re-election - Various Emp. Recommended. - I also
recommend the re-election of Messrs. Sawyer, Johnson, Faig,
Milford White, Winston, Frankel, Logan, Davis and Muncy for
the collegiate year 1902-3.

      Chemistry Bldg., I commend to your consideration the
reference in the report of Dr. Kastle to a new building for
Chemistry provided for by the withdrawal of the interest
which the college has in the Experiment Station Building
which amounts to $90Q0 as determined by the committee
appointed for this purpose whose report was adopted
by the Board.

      The expansion of this Department is a matter of
legitimate pride and the additional space required by it's
growth is urgent and should be met.

      Prof. Mathews.    I think that the college should
henceforth have the exclusive control of the services of Prof.
Mathews, This would withdraw him from compensated service
in the Experiment Station and give his whole time to college
work. Prof. Mathews would, however, with the consent of
the college give voluntary service at times to the Experiment
Station in experimental work for the joint benefit of the
College and Station, and Prof. Scovell would allow an
equivalent amount of time to be given by Prof. May to
the college in lectures on Animal Husbandry.



      The withdrawal of Prof. Mathews from compensated
Station work is rendered necessary for the growing demands
upon his time for college work in Botany, Agriculture and
Horticulture. The matriculation in these latter subjects
is likely to grown in the near future. We consequently
( need ) more time dor these subjects than has been allot-
ted to them hitherto.

      I have discussed these matters with Prof. Seovell and
he consents to the arrangement proposed. This will of
course involve the payment of all of Prof. Mathews
salary by the College.

      Prof. Anderson, - In regard to the report of Prof.
Anderson recommending the creation of another full professor-
ship and appointment of another assistant, while I realize
the value of the proposed changes I feel that to comply
with his wishes would in the present condition of the
finances only involve us in deeper difficulties. So with
the other expenditures which he asks.

      Dept. Physical Culture - I desire to call the
attention of the Board to the organization of the Male
Department of Physical Culture. We have an excellent gymnas-
ium and well equipped. We have employed a physical director
at a salary of $1000 per annum. Reports come to me, the
accuracy of which I am not prepared either to affirm or
deny, but the import of which is that results commensurate
with our facilities and expenditures have not been
obtained; that instruction fas irregular and lacked
knowledge of the subject. These statements may not be
true, but they suggest the expediency of inquiry.

      Female Dept. Physical Culture - The organization of
the female Dept. of Physical Culture has been quite successful
and has fully justified the employment of Miss F. G. Offutt.
Her instruction seems to be based upon correct principles -
her knowledge of her subject complete and her enthusiasm
and energy all that could be required. I have often heard
the efficiency of her department brought into marked
contrast with the alleged looseness of organization and
instruction in physical culture under the Physical Director
who has the training of male students in charge.



      In conclusion I beg to thank the Board for the
continued evidence of confidence and support given me in
my efforts to build up the institution.

      t"By mutual confidence and mutual aid great deeds are
done and great discoveries made" is as true now as it was
2400 years ago. Great institutions grow by successive
enlargement and accretions.

      To build is the work not of a single life time but
of generations.

      That it shall grow and expand into a symmetrical whole
of continnually enlarging proportions requires care and
wisdom and forethought and harmonious cooperation on the
part of those who legislate and those who administer. I
earnestly hope that this spirit may control the management
and shape the destiny of the State College of Kentucky in
the future as it has done in the past.

                 I have the honor to be
                         Your ObVt. Servant,

                   (Signed)  Jas. K. Eoatterson.

      The President corrected the number of graduates from
53 to 51.

      President Patterson presented with his Report a
statement of estimated income and expenditures for the
coming year, which is as follows:     (See on next page).


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 3, 1902 - page 114


Pres. Patterson
Prof. White
"l  Neville
e" Patterson
   n  astle4
 "   Roark
 tl Anderson
 " lMathews
     " Miller
 "   Pence
 "'  Brooks
 "   3lMacKenzie
 "t Director

Bot any
Mathematic s
Mod. Lang.
Civ. Engo
Mech. Eng.
Mining Eng.
Mil. Dept.
Hist. & Pol,

to President's Report - Estimated






- Logan

- Johnson
- Faig
- Whit e
- Winston
- Frankel

- Dicker
- Drawing
- Fellows
- Walden



$14, 600

Fuel & Light   $3500
Insurance        900
Postage          300
Repairs & Imp. 2000
Stationery &
Print.           400
Student labor   1000
  c' Trav.Esx,  1500
Trustees         300
Water            900
Miscellaneous   2000
Contingent      1500
Athletic Assoc e 150
Alumni           200
Class Day         50
             $ 55,S


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 3, 1902 - page 115

Supplement to Presidents Report - Cont.

Business A gent
Mrs. Blackburn
Miss Hodges


Wa tchman




  9 850


$5 66M

    Estimated Income.

35 604-.30

-   8464.50
   21375 00
   MqT437 - S

      Reference pf Prese Report. - TIh following motion
was made by Mr. Stoll:

      It is moved that the President s Report be referred
to the committee which is to be appointed on the President's

      Said motion was seconded, put upon it's passage and

      Reference pf Sup. of Press Report -
motion was made by Mr. Stoll:

The following

      It is moved, that the estimate of income and expenditures
presented by President Patterson be referred to the Committee
on Appropriations,

      Said motion was seconded, put upon its passage and
earried .


MINUTES F THIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 3, 1902 - page 115-116

      Question of salaries referred to Standing Committee.

      After pretty full discussion of the question of
salaries and other expenditures, the following motion was
made by Judge Kinkead:

      It is moved that all questions of salaries be referred
to the standing committee on salaries, to be hereafter
appointed by the Chairman. Said motion was duly seconded,
put upon it's passage and carried.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Judge

       Com. on income & Expenditures Appointed.

       Be it resolved that a committee of four, consisting
of Col. Nelson, Judge Hager, Mr. Fowler and President,
Patterson be appointed by this Board to investigate and re-
port the income and expenditures of this college, and to devise
and suggest some means by which the expenditures for this
coming year shall not exceed the income.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon itts passage
and carried.

      Thereupon motion was duly seconded, the Board
adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at nine-thirty A. M. at
the same place.

      June 4, 1902 - Met pursuant to adjournment at nine
thirty A. M. June 4th, 1902 at the room of the Trustees
Gymnasium Building, Lexington, Ky.

      Present whole Board except Messrs. Lindsey and

      The Chairman announced his Committees, which are as

      Standing Committees - On Minutes of the Faculty:
Bell Chairman, Nelson and Barker.