xt7z08638513 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z08638513/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1985 1985 1985-02-08 2020 true xt7z08638513 section xt7z08638513 W

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New cafeteria menu improves finan . l h It]!

StifsfMWWriterA MALEMPA'I'I :fchniduversuig mgr“ 91.234 director mace Slat: 8mm“ mdfihhmlin: faculty and staff members would more nutritious, but it meets the cellar of student affairs. has a per- '
. “The operation has suhstantially “The menu m is set more “I less still prIerelg'uthe hptetégodlmlghl. How- lslIIeEdsIgf the students much better," sonal preference for the “old cafete- ,
‘ Mummem changes madein tin-nedaround,”hesald. themeevuyday."memansaid. 3195' for thee? who “Jilin :33; 58' ‘ ““‘y'e ‘°°": ‘ ““‘F “"91”” - 2 '

the Student Center cafeteria may Rim said the number of people “renew menu does not require as havecafeteria food ”hesaid Ca l' H ll be ”We? “mm“ a? “t“‘m- he ' ‘

’ not satisfy everyone, they have pro- eatlng at the cafeteria since the large a kitchen staff to prepare food ' ' mung? . ° 9-" sagas" lellewm‘ 53“" b‘". I have Wk“ “9' a ram" - '
vided ample financial leftovers. changes were made has increased. as before. Some of the staff mem- “We have a nicer variety of food food is "13:3 “Exams “I liked :2: able reaction from most S! ts'" - '. V- '
A net profit of room during' No- percenwe Wdropt 3323'; hathoughve a the fifimtug ‘° flu ”fiswdm "3“" Mm” “"1 K’m Mcc‘ll' a “9‘ ‘°°d- “1513 nice but you can get A general observation made by ” . '- -

. - I . 0 ca oncampus, sai . microbiology sophomore. The this all over campus," she said. students was that the lines seem to ‘ ' -
vember and December was totaled faculty and staff may not like it as sandWiches are ve 00d and the -- ' - - 4 ' ‘
as of last year — a great im- well, there are more students being According to Rieman, students tacosalads are great)?"8 ’ foigq'lmt end up eating more Junk Zelnt‘hch mi” "other" tatgafor- I ‘ 3

, provement over a $47,000Iloss during served now than before.“ have expressed an overall positive ' it takesgzo 10:28:; maltreathe sail]:- ' v I '
" ' the same two-month period in 1983. The regular cafeteria line was response toward the new menu, but The new menu is “not exactly Robert Zumwinkle, vice chan- wiches,"McCoy said. ‘ ' .‘ -'
o - -' ' '
5 Award gives honor v, . \ - , ._ »   . .,
511;? it. i: a. 1 41;; . , ' ‘ ’1 4"». . i .
o4.- :é.' ‘. - - ‘ " ~. 4 4 ‘ «a 4 =4 _ 2 4 . .
to excellent teachers e 4...... 1 2 -
fi ‘0‘” . II *9. " ‘1'“va .1. :“‘“-W “ 1....- - "Me: 53.» v E 'y .
. o “439?; ..-.,..- drag...» 1 , X141", .l;,-,_I as $94.9; W19 i, . . II . I I
Up to Six professors recognized yearly .2 .1. , .- . . We“ & mgr-«é - I 2 . _ . .
for gomg beyond call of academic duty - Ga " 11 . ' 'i. " ’7 . 1.11% .45., ~; ' n . '- 2
’4': .,,.._.1»- ., Ii .. .- V‘- ., 11-“: 2.1L»..— . 1‘ MM 1‘. .. . I 1” 1.- “) l ' ' I
By nMJouNSON of the UK faculty for the past three ' ””11 i"? ' W “F0. " eff} fl 3 if, 4 2-1-1, , ' - - -‘
Senior StaffWriter years.accordingtoHardin. . .t w ” J ‘- 2 ‘- £ ' ‘ if. i - -‘ . e J ' .. ' -
The nomination process is a . .. .. . ;..I Is- We ~ ‘4; - ~’ WWW? M “ T: , '3 we“ - '.

Because “there are certain traits lengthy one, Edelstein said. Applica- , .1 l I; 3 I e " m . ,1 “" '. A .1 ‘- m t 0' ' 1 1 . .
that distinguish a really good teach- tion forms are sent to all presidents , l “f 3 ' $3.122“ " ' ”’1‘: ’ ‘ -’ ‘ ' 4.. is I}; ‘ ”W ‘ " - ‘ $9 > 4 '
er from an ordinary instructor," the of fratemitias, sororities, and orga- “ll ‘-“-. 2 . . ’ 0-“: W" _‘ - ’.: Z): l K 2 I”... "‘“W’M‘Q‘i- " . 4 ' " 5' ;

Great Teacher Awartk are pre- nizations. They then are sent to ei- a_ ".2: 2.; f $25 1; 1.. 1 ' ' - g - ' ‘ “ s3“ ..,,44s:.‘ ' “3“ “g LL? ‘ “ . this" ‘ ‘
sented to honor these few, said Ruby ther Edelstein or Allen Shewmalter, 9-1.“? ‘ it s, i: . $.31!» ' , ' l ‘5 - . tee W’fi . .1 - ‘ ’ - '

Hardin, staff assistant to Jay Brum- Mortar Board president. .‘I " 3’ MW” ‘1; . g - - ”'1‘ g 1 ' 4 4: W1 - 4 '
field,directorofA]umniAffaii-s. “We then split up the applications ‘ f . 3e .- -,;,,.I;-I.-4_,»"‘* ' ' § 55 g W 31-3" ' *W " W ..,‘ ' - o " ' , l -

Each year, Alumni Affairs, Omi- and give half to ODK's Great Teach~ "24,3; ‘5' ' fifty, ii " - fl '- sfiw _, 1 ‘ ' ’
cron Delta Kappa and Mortar Board er Award committee and half to . .- -_ .. _‘ " . ‘- ; = If“ ‘2’: .4. . 11.1»- - g ’ ’ '
Sponsor the Great Teacher Awards MW 303"“ committee," said . . i :4 9‘4 2 ‘ ifietw- '- ’ . , .411. V .
to honor up to six outstanding teach- Edelstein. “All the applications are I1 ' of; 1: 1,, I W I..1- '7 *- , 2 .2 2- ‘ y .1: so» I1, «1» 31:4 - s I ‘ -
ersintheUKsystem. screened twice and we come up with ‘I :"13; .°’ 9 -. 2 “K 1 *- 43 .1 $21.2} 2 " ' " .' ”1". 'I

“We look for three major aspects and rank the top 10 or 15 teachers." .3 4- ’I '. f '- “Z ;:,I .Io<-“- . ,;..-.4— .I ' 1:;o.4:14,II1 '
in the teachers," Hardin said. The list is then given to the Great { I. . I'f.‘ £4 I‘ ‘I -___ ' 1.1»; . . - .I .. 4 f1-4.2.s'*1s3>' - I .

“First, a knowledge of the subject Teacher Awards Committee, which 2 M,,..—_‘fi‘. “21.4.... 3:55;; e, ' ‘ 1.1%. ‘

matter; second, the effectiveness of is composed of members of the ' ’ ”-4 - - .e i 2 - / it“? ‘
their presentation, and finally, a Board of Directors of the UK Na- 41 ‘ y ‘ "4“ " , , :55”- or ,4... ' 1...; . -;
demonstrated interest in the stu- tional Alumni Association. This com- ; 2: .11.?" ._ “343243: -

dent.“ mittee, made up of eight people. se- ~ .- l tfi‘ . _:.;-'I .3}; ‘ “Z”: *

“This award has grown in prestige lects the winners, of which one has :' ‘ awe" -I- 2 ; '1 f‘égg‘l .- '4. a - ,
and into one of the top University to be a representative from one of § ‘ . 4 3'1 1 s " ’ -
awards given out," said Steve UK's community colleges. {g 4 b . , "- I‘ '21-?“ g - L ‘
Edelstein, president of ODK. “1 “Awards such as those are very " ' ' ’ ""“ "" ‘ ' ' “,(“Mfmu “W1, .
think it gives a feeling to the profits important to UK and is a great way Exhibition iCkS '
sor that he has succeeded at his goal to recognize top instructors at both p - -
ggfiflgggeamfiugtgagag; :3“ aamcmmmumtyufiguggefis Thomas Duncan, a senior in social work. chooses a punt dav Curtis Bayer, the owner of Creative Art Company. said .

. jobwell done.“ committee chacmirnia‘alnm.l.McClanahan, from the Creative Art show at the Student Center yeser- that he travels to campuses throughout the country-

“It (award) was the most exciting a trust real estate officer for Central ___—___.” . '
thing that's happened to me since Trust Bank in Cincinnati, has served 0 o . . . ' . 1
I've been here," said Daniel Fulks, on the committee for three years Ph SlClSt d t
one of last year‘swinners and asso- and on the Board Of Directors for , e l or 0 Journa 168 a
ciate professor in the accounting de- five years. ’ ‘
partment. “That's what we are here . . ' ° ' - - 4 , -

MI W. ,0 mach me ha, you 11: wigners lreceIveIIIaIIIIIIchasIhs 5; Former electrical engmeermg professor received first UK physzcs doctorate
can. But when something like this :carliwaaithath: i:ifi‘iun‘h‘er‘s name and . . . .
happens. that’s payday.“ placed in the hall of Alumni Affairs. $1330; HENDRICKS r‘onhug at {llmols and UIK he wrote until Ithree Iyears ago, contained degree from Transylvania College in 4 . / '

Joseph Fink. assistant dean and The Awards am and ban uet n r p dessmg amdfi- did research technical articles, book reVlews, sci- 1927. In 1931, he received a master's ' -

“550'. of rmac administra- I Frog! q I an serv as a consultant for stu- entiflc meeting announcements and degree from UK and became '

g; n also waspo'hae of “it year's win~ will be held at the Hyatt Regency IForrest IFenton Cleveland, a physr- dents and faculty. general news of interest to scientists first person in UK‘s history to eat: I ' l 4 ' I
ners. ”I view this award as the most will”? 0“ AEHJIIIB- t‘ t $9; ‘Itvlf mtematlm hol'ecogrutlon, th‘D‘L Cleveland was well Iknown in in molecular physits and electrical adoctorate degree in physics. , '

. ifi nt of m a demic r. though pp lca ions Iare sen I ednesday a me in Lex- e field of molecular phy5lcs, sald engineering. The newsletter was . . . , . ,
5‘3" C“ Y “C cam onl tothe dents of dirre nt - ton n 79 - - - - He 1 ed b -

. . . y I prasi re or mg . ewas . EarIl Steele, a professor of electrical written in Interlingua, a language , 5 WWW y his Wife. Mar- , .
It serves to verify a decrsron I made t t d t rr In 1971 Cl eland ed .1 . . uerite -
12 years ago to 80 into teaching. I gamza ions, any 5 u en can no u- d‘ , ev was nIam an engineering. It was a pleasureIIto understood by scientists throughout g Se .' . '
orginally went into teaching just for nate a teacher, Edelstem said. One a Junct professor of electrical engi- work wrth him andlwul miss him. the world. t odaw‘ces “’1“ be_ held at 11 am. -‘
one year but I enjoyed ‘it so much I of the Irolos of ODK and Mortar neenng after retiring from the Illi- ClerelIand published a newsletter Cleveland was an honorary mem- 3’ at the 119’“!!ng Cemetery. . ' . ‘- .
stayed. - Board 15 to encourage students to nors institute of Technology in Chl— at rumors and ”‘3‘ called “Spectros— ber of the Society of Applied Spec- Kg" 3'3“” “mm ”mm ‘5 l“ , ' ' .'

The nominated teacher must hold An $33313;er hIcerentsaaIs a lica- “fl: specialized in molecular ph ‘ 23pm mogul; Salt: was print- troscopy, a p Of scientists With C r890 arrangements. I ' .’ 4 ’
the rank of at least assistant profes- (it): form at Alufnni gfairsPlgead- es and spent most of his careerysalt otheix'lcountrielsl. an m 35 mil-lea fii‘vyzsmzmrib:Itisv‘:0rei(’iwll’de(hdleton C1332??? b.1195? (31(1):?) a: ' ‘. 1 . K‘
sor and mint have been a member line for applications is Feb. 22. theIllinois school from 1939-71. The newsletter, which he wrote County and received his bachelor‘s ThwlogicalSehhnary. ng ' ' » '
Summer camp work among jobs program helps students find " ' ' " '
By TRINA JACKSON IAccordirIlg to STEPS director Lil- er face to faceI with any questions STEPS was started by Downing in program united with the student em- career related, she said. “We’re ' - ' .
Reporter lian Downing, the one-day eventhdl theymay have. January 1900 as an employment ploymIentI servrI cIe, thus aiding stu- saving both the student and the em- ' ,-

smne who need a job for the mills“? mom's: sn‘f‘eéléfit‘iflalftfirufiei fifiiflflfiféfii‘fimy m" m "‘ “m“ ””5 °" 3"" ““8” “3"" 5““ ““5 “m “‘3‘” ”m“ ‘1'“ ' -

ncommu- . c‘e hatth, ‘ - '. "-
summer may want to go to camp — from across the nation who will be interviewed later by camp represen- nity, which saves UK hiring money. “filthwgh most of the jobs are tem— dlent.w really?y fihttlcultfiflydgf Shh - - 4
notascampers,butas counselors. offering summer jobs, many of tatives, she said. No exact figure Last year, STEPS saved the Univer- porary, and may last up until one temporary job that serves as a good 4 V I'

To help students get jobs as a whicharecareer related. was available as to how many actIu- alty $110,000, Dowmng said; STEPS year, Dowmng said that it is not un- training ground is better than than a - . '~ 2
counsElors, the Stugletmt arld Tempo- . I . I ally took Ijobwtaffers from the fair, establisihos the pay rate for employ- tsualIfor jobs to become permanent bad permanent job, she said. ' - '
:ry malloyment AIrirlcefiIaS'l‘EPIS ), ‘This .3 an opportunity for stu- whichoriglnl N302: ago. ul fies an Ipays the salaries, and the part-time jobs. Temporary Jobs be- In the past six months, more than ' .
. 008 WI . Kim was W239. dents to look for summer employ- WIN!“ 3" moses! l Effilty reunbursesthesemce. comepIermanent afterone year. 300 students have been placed in off- '
am; 13 f l i :3 a" ment mm‘ ”mm“ the [mm 1?“ W“ mgr)! Wham lo camp Jobs are not the only Applications are referred by campus yobs, earning a total of ap- . ‘

. - . rom P-m- ters and resumes. Downing said. MEWS) W l come 4 mp yment Opportunities STEPS STEPS to employers who need tem- proxxmatelyszao,ooo,Downingsaid. .
mMStudentCenter. “It's a chance tolook at the employ— ”Id- Md“ for students. I" 1933- the P011"? help. Many 01' the jobs are See-lOIS.Pue4 . ’ .

o k ' . '

Sales“ 95 A A] h l ff t b d -'

. (mm; Jaw co 0 a cos 0 y, --
local audience W v we B l. C CHUS k '
I .I ‘ ' 'f . 3,31 41:13.
1 g :5 43' By CARDLYN EDWARDS ing its acidity. “Most people feel a use ”5% N ;
By TIM JOHNSON — w_ K. £5 a? Staff Writer waIrmness in the stomach,“ Hall psalms. Dorm.“ ‘5‘; 2 .
SeniorStaffWriter l ijjk’)’ . I said. “Some flunk that feels good, use!“ __ WKi-gg-
? {: j\\=: *5 [kinking alcohol harms you physi- but it is really irritation. m w ' . gee
Faculty. students, staff, senior cit- W \ \z cally, from your head down to your Alcohol has no value nutritionally; l I FUI 'fiw&§ 11:
iaens and members of the commu- - —. \1‘ J toes, according to Dr. Thomas M. it is just empty calories, Hall said. . -- s4
,. is ' Hall. It dra' the b - - ' "' "' "' “W was
mwcannowlearn.expeneneeand . n! "‘3 my. ymh‘b‘ml" moo-mam: ‘1
“travel" to Switzerland. Hong KOBE. a 5}! I I . 3W0" 0‘ nutrients and 830°th m 3. ‘ 1“. :.-' 4.2431“
‘ ‘ ’ " . w 0'. Hall, lull“ professor d mmwmuI . .4. ~ asuanm’jI‘
and Egypt flu-mull a World Travel _2,, / 1 . . . . <14
5616. J 7/ w“. W m M d m M ***”*‘a . II «7W1?»-

The series coordinatedby SW ; ‘ depaidence treatment program at When the alcohol reaches the W ‘ I“ visits-sh?
Brunn chairman of the WW . I” the Veteran's Administration Hospi- small bowel, it is almost totally ab- “ ' n.7mx . 1,.»
W‘ and Dawn RIM! di- a», to], spoke yesterday at a BACCHUS sorbed. The speed of absorption. de- “ W W ' .. t1. .
new 0‘ WWW mum' m (Boosting Alcohol Cot-clam tel-mining the blood alcohol level, “Ell-44 “37*
clad. full color motion W 'DN' 40“» 1‘: Cartooning the Health of University depuirh on the amount of food in the 44- ;;;;:2:1g1‘

”In" mud by world-famous rmo-nu/xmnlonomci Snidentl) meeting in the Student stall-ch. the quantity of alcohol, Y? ' ' I we. ’
travelexparta. shovel/tourism advisory commit- sel'luthel'eandljmtwantedtou-y Gaiterootherhyrloloocolupectr andthetimelttooktodrinklheal- ' ” 1

“We want to hold these .911. in toe for community education for andgetonexgtedhan." daleoholanddrinking. W-
wmmmmmm. aboutayearboforewestartedput- Ramsey ovullipllilocatlom mv. “we effects Wn' “Gm ”a“ more
iceunnallitythatu-avolbamea- ungthhaa-lastogethc,"namuy acrosthoeuntryhavotheul'lu hm‘hwflhmflfltflp Hall: foodyouhuzveinthes‘toumiihuie - 1...
tional and interesting " Bruno said. said. “We are initiating thh pro andallarenowvu-ypopular. said It MW acts like .' local slower the 1W will be ._1.:..:-.i;., 4:33“ -

“It's aha one u the eheapaot forms gram his fall and are m for- anesthetic in the mouth and irritates said. The W the alcohol. “’1‘: 33$ 3-3:“‘3
of containment for a Saturhy ward to about It!) people in atten- The (immigrant was holds-hr the m of the w as it curbed. the lower the blood alcohol M g.
night" danoebythalaotfflm.1'hsnwewlll day, Ni. 3, despite bad weather. alldudowntothestomaehjecaue ”‘1'...”wa g» I.

Ramsey said expat narrator-a on hawthscorofwnastmter." "'niat was the day when UK of m irritation, mm drinker-s Notall MW affects of ... 1. «gum. ii‘. _: . *-

tluparttedaroantrluwmm "I came from w State canceled all cl... and people unmmmgfm alcohol are limited to W I-v‘iedle .

and «plan "w, allure! (Mushy) shalt for: and a half W the run was too," mdmeRMI Malcolm! h tofu m 1*. II _ H -

antimwalham. years ago," Brim sold. "11in had Dunn said. ' ally had a owls m m attach the m . wad can cal-e . “fatty liva'.” - .

mummwm .m‘mmmu'd Sunni mmammw Sumn‘ '-‘,..~”"i”..‘?225§£?‘i_.4....'~‘ ‘
' l

 LIMYKMM ml, 1‘
Cats hold off Commodores ,
'n h f nf n I d it“
. gal S are 0 CO ere ce ea 93,9- 1 I . .
x . . . ,
3 ANDY puma]: Three Vanderbilt players — Steve back fouls by Clem and Scott Mc- c to . . ,. .
sgortsEditor Reece. Glen Clem. and Byron Ball Gabe put Walker on the line for two < , K t _
— each picked up three fouls in the one-andoone situations. Walker sank . 5 I). ,
NASHVILLE. Tenn. — Behind secondhalt‘tofoulout. all four at them to put the Cats up \ H)
Kenn Walker's 31 points. the Ken- “They are a scrappy, tough bunch 64-58. . .
tuckyyWildcats captured a 68-62 vico and they play hard" Coach Joe B. The Cats went to the line for three \,\ I] A I. . .
tory over the Vanderbilt Commo Hall said. “We just scratched it out more bonus situations and Int four- . \I’j Pp Icahons and Intervmws mu be
doreslastnight. and it was a very important win for of-fivefreethrows. I . I granted Tuesday, February 11m ho,“
The victory. only the third road usontheroad.” “It was a super win for us." Hall I “‘ “ “VI 90.m. to 5p.m. in the pummmn Ba“
winthis season.movedtheCats into Kentucky was up 30-26atthestart said, “I knew we would have our "'U EO'U" or room. Use mallentrance on vino 9,00,.
I a four-way tie for first place in the of the second half. And although handsfull."_ 141 Wow \, .mo ‘0 'i It} "‘ the Hyatt Regency is 0 Equal Opportuni
SoutheasternConference. there were no lead changes or ties. Also playing well for the Cats was 233 1511 (mu-v $1 5! .y EmpIOyer.
The Cats, now tied with Florida, the outmanned Vanderbilt team freshman Ed Davender. who hit
Mississippi State and Georgia, wouldn’t give up. eightofeight free throws and four
upped their conference record to 7.4 With 6:51 left in the game, UK’s jump shots for 16 pomts In only 22
‘ ' and 12~8 overall as they won the Troy McKinley hit a lG—footer from minutes of play. Semor Bret Bearup,
‘ game at the free-throw line in the the left side to put the Cats up by 11’ who was also Meet from the line CH RCH
second half. 56-45. on four atteanpts. 13‘s two-forging I I u—-——-——-—————-\.
Th 1 Va derbilt team was After the Vanderbilt timeout, their from the he] or e t paints
forceed 1:25;] mill“ early going at second of the game, the Commo- pulled down 10 rebounds, second com. W°f3blp With U‘
. the second half. sending Kentucky to dons came back and over a period onlytoWaIker‘s game-highof 15. E l ORY I ‘—_‘——————‘ '
. . the line 23 times For the game. of three minutes and cut the Ken- “I hesitate to talk about Kenny,
Kentucky connected on “(-34 free tucky lead to two, 5&56. Walker hit a he’s just sensational," Hall said.
. - throws for 75.5 percent. jumper from the free-throw line to “Tonight, we were just moving the
“It did get pretty physical on the puttheCats up by four,60-56. ball well and Kenny was domg a BAP‘flST
. inside," said Walker, who was 13.0f. Vandy’s Phil Cox battled back, goodjob(cutt1ng into thelanei.” . \ ~ Lookl For! IF lends?
' 15 from the line. ”There was a lot of connecting on a jumper from the left Kentucky takes on M1ss1ssxppi to- ,5 . : .\ ind “9 ' ." "
. ' pushing and a lot of shoving in corner to cut the lead to two. In the morrow night at 7:30 in Rupp Arena, ’ ( _ I than “£205.... Bible Study
" ' II- teamthe beat I‘ 57-45. ~. : nun.
there. last minute of the game. bac to- a y earner - f Ch.” Chose he?!“ Church
. u ». 2W Colony Blvd. 266-260l
I M hall tom ht° . ,. W...
a y a S p ay ars g , ‘ .44 0nly5minutas from campus
" ' ' w'th EKU ' 1 mm:—
sw1m teams have meet I Parsavmuan Newman Cantor
. ' Staff reports Sandy Harding is handing out over versity. The men are 5-2 and the RC" 320%.» Lam 255-8566
six assists a game. women are 4—3 this season. The meet CHAPEL “ngmfizdu CHI! 5“ ”1“ "M' “wgo'xm? 65“?”
The UK Lady Kats take on Mar- Marshall (15-6 overall) is led by beginsatSpm. l.xi"9'°n'xym 606272.23" "6°“ °'"'" lgf'm'i’ ' " " p“ ' p'm'
shall University at 7:30 tonight at Karen Pelphrey with a 25.8-point av- 9:451"...me n;oo°.m..w°“mp 9" P. M.“
' Memorial Coliseum. The Kats (157 erage. Karla May and Tammy Wig- 0,094" Nursery Weekdays 942 am. This wooitondtor lotront
overall) are coming off of a 87-75 gins each are averaging over 12 .
win over Tennessee Tech Wednes- pointsagame m ASSEMBLIES OF GOD
' ht. . . .
dam 22 gamfi this season. ju- UK’s women’s tennis team plays its CHRISTIAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP FIRST ASSEMBLY ()l' (.0!) CHURCH
nior forward Leslie Nichols leads . first spring and Southeastern Con- ColumbioatWoodlandAve. 92m8l0:wo.m. MSundoywSchzol
the Kats with 18.5—point and 9.3-re- ference match with Alabama tom“. l0:45¢.m.-Worshlp 6:m-Dinner_ msgfloa-m» --~-»~--~-~~--~---o-------Efgzzngzhgg
bound averages Karen Mosley and row night at 6pm. at the Lexington w...£‘.a.."¢;..‘.'.;n‘.;gi':::::::::::::::::::..............7p...
The men's and women‘s swim teams Tenms Club. The women finished 9-0 Mom" Jacob,” , Assam“. Min“,er 275.453
Diane Stephens are both averaging travel to Richmond tonight for .8 IF the fall and were ranked 25th na- $4 “"11“; CHRISTIAN CHuICI-l Roam-w 27cc Clays Mill Road
.... .. rooms and oooooooooo ooooo m... .. E... W m1” l: sonoooosoem M- —m_
e ., .75.?” Chapel Service 8:45
Generals open QB spot for Flutle 10 'I- It. "NM-omm'mwm'cm
. , 1 "i "lily" Moran" Wong“, 1 ‘2“ ISI East Maxwell St. 25447“
. . _ 1 to 7 ' '_ __ fi‘i'“ Broadcast WTKC lmAM 82m p.m. Monday Night Worship
JACKSONVILLE. Fla. (AP) — The League in 1984 after spending 12 Sipe jomed the Generals as a free 1’35 .51 - -5"- azoo p.m. Thursday Night Bible Study
. New Jersey Generals, who signed years with the Cleveland Browns of agent after they obtained his rights Call for information or rides to any activities
, Doug Flutie two days earlier, the National Football League. from the Los Angeles Express. He
. cleared the way for the Heisman The Bulls said they would assume finished fourth on the USFL passing
Trophy-winner to take over as their Sipe’s contract, which has two more
No. 1 quarterback Wednesday night
by trading veteran Brian Sipe to the years to run, pluaanBtapfion year. In chart last season with 192 comple- The Brothers 0f
Jacksonville Bulls. return for Sipe, e 5 gave up a tiom in 325 attempts for 2,540 yards ' BBS. I . ‘
, Sipe. 35, was signed by the Gener- high draft pick and other consider- and 17 touchdowns and was inter- samt 1' S S.Ch00l. ; . ." ‘ * o,
sis of the United States Football ations. cepted 15 times preached against Vice, 1‘ ', . . . _‘ l
- ——A lust and disrespect . ' '.- s '-' o .
CInEmR Mom HEMUCHV A... a. w. rumonos . . or . g l- ; .1 -
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K m m MIN
9 — —._. n ' m.”
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11 1. v_.
m "'9'" 5’0“ Lexington nat' k
sfame, fortune on comic circu 't 2
w‘} *2. III III I . ‘I II I Staff Writer $2.61“. a
‘39". Thinking-tom? 2 ‘ " ' ' ' ' Shfibmm ."Wnted by Tom , . '
it“? Hm“ 215‘” wwgwm'~m' ‘ """ ’° iorvinnna 1'. we 8° m ”e a m“ ”e" ‘ ' ; dies 1' 8 mm “em WM “8"" ' V
fightbfisf ’1“. ”if, h: j_:.2.;.-222;~.-2_.; 24;..._1..I;.. :' . pemgm £03123; lots «attutshs,uim- 1. t wagmorfigzgncs. saw Cool 2
I”. II I .- 1 .1 ,. 1, .,..,...,,I_M:;I;r 2 .- «KIM-2421.... .. I , m an 'GI mUSical a t t
1:213:12“ . _ I I” I m . 3*? mfg't‘" (as not '9' When we so to see a musician, we i ~ 5 a “C“ W and suggested Cool in; - " ‘
_.:i~‘s1“.“. '2 '. 22‘“; 11 " ”'2" fifiii‘fi: “WW.“ "1' g? ' ' ‘ j UPML " '
'. . i. 1 -am£v. ' , 2*   . - . ‘ 2 2 . -
2;. " 1 Himuwwgilm “fr, M M W and m- n s a rare 81" ‘0 combine both in ‘2 " “é?” 5; O°°'1°°"d°"‘°d “‘5 funny ”“5 "“0 ‘ t '
'11“ b 5 fl 2 i ' "V ‘ - I I Ol‘gshorha 2 . : 7'7" r 2 fiih‘ 1 fi’" "n" F?! j ? ”minute set and W arranged I ‘ ' I ‘
1 2 _ 1. z" . 1 t t’s what local - _ 2' ' ”.152 “ or the spot on La . ' =
I ‘I I I d—‘fim I . . comm y" , . egg? I .I I_ . ugh haLk. COO] - - ' ,
*2 forums!“ MW Mod. Wand tomorrow, musician Tom C001 is doing. With , .2223 ”mu“ ‘0 8° by his stase name of - r ‘ 2 2 -
. 2 2 his aqpearance in the Library ' , ' ‘ sari” " 2 Ti”; C°°' “the" "mm-‘2 real name 2 - r
3...... » a "flue' 2‘ 3‘“ Jew". v.3... anon; uno- (aw «m ); — 05§Sil§éufiir1§a§§liviemmlh¥ 1; " . ' “"3 .22 ti f01£geftzosp$l$ird§f§am "“5 a . 2 1' . ,
“I” _ .. . ”‘0‘ M M‘ 9:1) pm. to I gfi‘te: "hitsmshow’s ooomree-I IIaInd-me- 3?"; 1,. ‘ geir‘e’f': ' His performance seemed to go 2. . -,
_. . , 1 I . ' I — “DOM I'I I “ =1;.;-_ 'L: :fiI :. f" Over well With th . . . - ' ' .I‘
1, _ himself lnto the rofoss'onal _ ., .I 1 I W . 1. _;I 1.2 . e audience, so Cool , 2 . _ _
3"”? -- a was M. W, my. 1 u... a," , ”In ,0 ' om. circuit. He hm $0 makle 13%;: .. .- 1- £1. 33%” 1- I . ! $113: ItITIogIIeItdbookmeed at other comedy .' . - .
Iw*“"' ""H" M“ on Na. to I can. goth nigh... ”.50 a stepping stone to fame and for. , 2:. ""5 £3“ .2 i have an book' region. He doesn‘t 1 ' - I ‘ i
,1 1 tune. _, — r 2. .2 l y "‘85 yet, b"! feels he 1 - '
’ : ~2-miiii“ ...-.-...-.-...~-,...,,,..1--- It wouldn‘t be the first time a 2i . 2 2!,- .g' . ' i ch“"it"‘d‘ethehteotacomic .V' 1'
wa.-.... .1... 22 2222 2 traéiigiztmm...hh:. -' . ~ 222 ~ .12.... 2222222 2222222 ‘ ' '
I. », - II . . . . , . II t I’suf - '2 14’,;I‘I',.,‘..31‘. ‘ § it's 'ust ou the “ ‘ 1 '
. . I a, 6 III I II «1.» .‘.V',,' . '23... I LIVE fame was bom in [fixinglton . 9-3.,“ 2.3.1,“... ‘zy, ,2. 73’2“ l J y up re. C001 sald, I ..
_ . .. ’ 2 . . . z 3 “There's nobod l t tak ' ' '
'ihfi— , " ’ ‘ , c . . And Jlm Varn ’3‘ '. “it“; " - -’“ y 9582 o e up the ' ‘ ‘ '
“WWW-dem .m to post-like ooibaeiyi' Wm plays .‘he 2.; '2 2 2",. "3W 1 I "mans ahd groans With you. But it's ~ ’ '1 ‘ 2 -.
‘11:"? m i ’ . :T."‘~'"Z2e‘?i‘?22132‘2~”2 2 '1 p . Food Martgcommercligls ConvemeIm . f." ' a real challenge though. The best ‘ ‘ ' . -
391-5.... ,. _ \ - I’ H V V 2 fromtheBluegrass ' also halls stag?“ . ”a J :3; uthgeet :Iilnyone on your Slde is to . ' - 1
Ix- :1; III I IIIII II a. _,2- feta . I I ,, II II , . IMII I . 2 ," ‘. ,‘ . .II. ,2 _ ,-’ . e .. 1 I i .
W -- ill-no H.- nst'd. MM (1 in mm . I dont know what kind of mark ‘1. ’ t m augh' ‘ ' ‘ I
.Mmi‘Msblm . . . op ), w. I 1] leave here W my comedy ,, 2‘. '. :3... k . - 1 .- 1 ' ‘2 . .
2e" . 2 2 2 'h m. - .. (:ool said during a recent intervic. i” ~. ' ~ 3 i 1 If y°" ‘1‘?“ ‘0 be the next Lex- I " .~
. 3 1 _ 1 . “But it I can do something a little \ 2 ' ‘ "Aim" °°m'°‘ Smba' may 0”" a " ' l 2?
“I "“_”W~I “I.“ different than the next guy I'd like . .1 . I I ? nce. He reVlews audio cassettes ' , ' . , -,
In rods). Wad‘m, 9 """‘°‘ “"4 (mm to leave the im ' ' ’2 I?" 2 1 rom C°mlc hopefuls and sa 5 22 . ~ 1 . 2'
M-b‘OJICovorFflday presswnthatmabei y" Be
1 1"" " v k" W Nit-rm wow. he W. 7 to numb. ”‘ Wasabitunique." y “MM . .2" . -. ‘ fore -"°“ 89‘ any good. you have to i .. '
u“"°mfi'h¢U.K.vm0lomumM 9“" w" '- Cool's brand of humor is laid back hhg—L‘A “‘22 ""222" “ - .. , .._M_II . be. bad. I. never know when I'm . I - 1
. ' and sometimes off the - , Local comedian Tom Cool ' ' - - ‘ going to fin-d an amateur Who can ’ I '
h’ . 1 . wall. But lt 5 break '5 1°°km3 f0r hls blg comic tum PrOttESIOnal " ‘
2 22.33:? “h...“ 222" "22 ‘ ' " '
, 3...,- .. .. . more n your average He the - . . Sh ‘ 1 1 I h I
"‘1', 3*: comic named Joe. monwealtlh 3::ggtyvigflugzhgomd :stlengunty Line. The band mem- clevgfagnsgldwn‘t’ylofnkjwmIorlgtglal . - I g 1
r... ~- ~‘ . .. on rs ' 2 . ' na. - 1"
, . 2 2 ! WEEKEND .If hes “0t Spllcmg humorous ly- f". tw° years as an art major but adtll'tiorlltogtriazy antics Onstage m ”59"“? and creativity "é...“ . . .
. . 1 ”99"“? Shanda” p09 songs. he's 9‘!" ‘0 Pursue his love of music. He "85' “me is "‘9“ valuable to a comics? ' 2 2
E . In c'NEMA Eggmfi-m ms mm Duck voice or famed a prominent band called “It was a steady r r ' '2 Shaman"! said. B?" If YOU can't {ind‘a '2 "
. _ IIIIIIcIlI'lgIIln%IIethteBI Joys of a Journey crop); Flighé, whlch opened for such Cool said “I evolved {15)ng 0:5 {hung mg. bepatient ,
uegrass in a song 8N“. as teel Mill, h ' - l ‘ '-
. called. "Please Come to Lexington,“ Singer was an unknown“? $1313: hgnfig‘iééii‘g the 5h” bUSi- Your break may come soon. 3}... Y 1
IW—MahwWMMdW'ew in. Nominotgd figlakeoff of the Dave begins hit. Showman named Bruce Springsteen. awhile. you plav in bmaleldsBut after he” challenges the UK Student Activ-
16:45 ")M' m ”'1" M W PG- (Wheat: 2:20. 5-10 3200 ease come“) mum". Touring ofte the“ You think ‘éee what nonglIong, {11% Board to find the fu’m‘w 99" 2 I
~ . - - ' ' ' ' ' Born in Fairfax v . n 300 days in a ‘ ‘ ‘ 5°.“ °" campus If they do. Shobal ' 2 ’
”W W ._ flu W m '° "NW," about 0 gm raised in the Washihgtgn‘ $1311? :33} wore ' heavy on COOL Be cool broke from Rockcastje last w‘u put thatperson 0“ Laugh Track. ’
W m ”d“ m w tho Hike who Wad t... Hls interest in music beg, I he . 0 bexxngton when a friend summer because the two th I
"till I. and I. W t I‘I 3:45. 5:45, 7:45. 9:45 AI” m WI took piano Imam . an w nIhe boughI ta farm here 10 years ago and members didn’t want t bec 0 er Cool has some advice for everyone 2 .
_ w-“.&N.m. "I.” . , 2:10, grade After playing trtllrr‘nbtihnee m Jumped lntotheband scene again. comedy act “It‘s rum“; t0mete f, who wa;lts to be funny “You can al- .
. I I .. . 1 = as wa 1 .
w In tor a, 1 "I" ' a " '9‘“ “’"h ° ht”. whom .h‘gh ““001 band. he got caught Hi y°“’ head against the microphone th: ""hd amusing thmgs any‘
man ' when magi-d. and a. (Noni-pork. 2.25 sis mo in the rock bandcraze "9 1 s “’5‘ 59°C“ 85 comm/mush than just be a good guitar 1 22 e' 8 Sam The km way m i 2
I... . ":35. Also at w: 2:45, 5:”. 1:5. 0-50 "I“; ' . .limioG' - Clan came with a group called Rock- Cool said P ayer, fitkngself is go out and find it and
H . . . . 3 ' el unny.“ -
.,............._.................,.,,........ . . ,. Japan proves \T - .7--- c - - '
"9"! mmwm.mwehwmtton $1.: ' 6 9 ’ 5 2/ 4‘ Q' lmel ’ I
1, “Y M ("Id ion.“ 'w- m“). and I. (spool snail 9.. Its metal on i 7 i 2 lg eatures ‘ I
.‘1ww.aw°m a’awwmw 2 =20 ‘ 7 ' ‘ '
.I...m.........._..-,._WW,W Loudness LP . student wr' ' '
Wurst. '“"""°"‘t (I'm-Ash. 2:15. 4:45. 1:15. 92‘s.»... “ .1 1" ‘ 1 er CaSt ' '
mm'?g’£.mulmon ' Ruderinme Emmm / I By BENGLFSS , I 1 I
2 — aim. - co/Atlantic Reco 2 u , , .
WM M0 «MWWWMM‘. Thaww'z-‘g :02: Made in Japan. rds / \ Reporter mgeltod) coglsmanvh and Jlm Sta“ and '
.. «mnemonmnma ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' How m