xt7z08638449 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z08638449/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1979 1979 1979-02-14 2020 true xt7z08638449 section xt7z08638449 \vol. [XXL No. I05 Ker e] l niiersit) of Kentucky
Wednesday. February l4. "79 an independent student newspaper luington. Kentucky
—_-_ “
ro essrona group g ...- .
to advise Law Colle e ‘ ‘ * ' ll ' s
g \ 'l 3. ram , A‘ . .. as. .: '- . .
I . .. M,“ u m I III . in! III ( 3* I, I.
BY BARBARA WARD til-J.“ mum: - {to . I . fig \‘Q -- 2 ' "
W” “Hm m .l " ' t‘ . .. . .\' ' § * W‘ -
lhe \ isiting (‘omnttttee ol the College ol law. with It) attotnets ‘ A 2 .2 - .. c - . .II ' ‘; {I g jI i.“
hating di\erse experience iii the legal prolession. has becrt establtslted _ ' III. 2 m t A ' .I§=5II2 . ‘-' I ..I. A 2
to obtain practicing law)ers‘ insights lor the I aw School. accordtrtg to ‘ 2 are; 2‘ '. I ." A ‘ w e te- Q ..
- UK Law School Dean lhomas l’. lewis. I I . v , ' . if I " .i; § 0 . I
.lohn (iarseIs. l K law prolessor and member ot the Alumni {t3 . l?» ‘ ~ I! I A. it .I » i . ” a l - I ..
Relatiorts committee. said thmisitingcomrnittee members will.among “s. V b t . I 1'". " s * ' C ‘ x 5
other things. “see how the regular operations ot the law School go. ’ -‘ g/ ‘ i ' fl ) , w _ i
1 meet with students. sit in ones. talk to lacult} committees arid look at ‘ II ' * 1 ,~ - X ' y
the law library facilities." 3 n» ‘v’ . e." I , ‘
l he members ol the board are lrom “diset'se backgrounds" arid are a . . I I 2:: ' I. . I i .I’ _
- ”national group ol people." said Carroll Stes'ens. secretar) ol the l .i\\ i _ ( _5: I; l '35. V I
Alumni Association arid art assistant dean at [K law School. 2 ’ - .e. . i... *5?" l '
"It‘s a good idea lor the school to keep in touch with the real world." . I i -. \ .13.. S. t . I g 2 .
(iarte) said. I y; . _.II as, , , I_~.
Ste\ ens said the committee w ill "look at the l aw Seltool curt iculuni . 1 -'=-...- ’ S . w II. I
as outsiders to help us see things to work on internally" He hopes it will ’ ' ~~ “ {3‘ If I
introduce innosations iii legal education techniques. stimulate ’ - 1‘35; I ,
discussion among l‘acultIt and students and protide knowledge about it"). ..II M B “I“ \ II I _
the areas ol expertise held b_\ the members. I he committee could also a; . I “ 10R “' Mm" 8“"
serte a) “emissaries 0‘2 the Law School in the pttblic at large." lie said. , 15?... . l- \It‘l'IHllll‘ wants to get inIontheaet. lIlit-se Rock) llorIroIr characters. \lan) parade to the front of the theater.
. John I). McCann. Lexington attorne). a I968 l'K law School Bi lint “tutu kt’int’l Stall e-uttists don costumes in the fashion of ”It moties almost read) to take the stage.
graduate and member ol'the Board ol' Directorsol thel‘K | aw .-\ltrrrtni
Aissociation. said the l‘nitersity and the law School hate had I
dil't’iculties communicating outside the llnl\t.‘l‘.sllI\ community lhe MOVle causes a weekly downtown ROCky Horror
committee could serse as a "public relations detiee." he said.
Mcfann said he hopes the committee will increase the awareness ot I
law students to the needs of society. B} J,\\\li R()(.l RS 'ilt‘\l~. t has lteeott e lltt basis ot a looting ill the tint are tlte iiiatd til ithttlll llts‘ illltlls'm‘s‘
lhe lawIiers on the committee are “still out there." ttnlike prolessors. “-1" “ W's! gt 2 iii trig t ill lit sortie e mes. lllklllkll"IL' \l .ig. rrta the but let Kit!» R alt. \lélt‘i WWW!“ ~th (ilk!) -'A*Hs‘\- BUN .
noted (iarte). and are more aware of recent deselopments lhe) can t 'll‘. twain l‘lt' min was ittii eteii t oltint'nia. l Mn and a host oi llali residet. .. are regulars tnthe Rocks ,
pnuldc insights in“) areas that faculty “CFC nut-r acquaimcd “llll. llt‘ ll‘S lll\l helttla lYiwlllig'l' r’i l rttla. 1H. l. .‘iil lt" lfit‘ {lrtSl llllt“; \L'aYs tittlkclllttttlc't'“ illtl'l l '.lll\\i\itlll.t llml‘” ‘lULllVllW littilt l1.t\C “I.” lht‘
said. and etttjitliiag. is i. iato _‘t\ ..z t ‘irttl it has run to t‘aslwl hit-N‘s \iiitieiiee l‘itlhe'lpdlittll tsa large part ”WW‘ “til ls‘d‘l WW” “”1”" .i '
Student Bar Association President Shirle) ('urtntnghant said "atter s'\s‘s‘t‘? At stow rtls‘t‘szt l “W ll ‘t‘.o\ . ”..‘Jtli it isi‘t ltlsl piatett at the Rim. ie‘s artisan,” “mp”! It“. "tine time." Simmons said. "a group ‘.
being here awhile. professors are awa} lrom the changing occurrences \lt‘ltliN‘ “H l ii“- ‘sl-t-t‘: \tts'x‘ iii. ‘~ W l AM!" H .i: i‘t‘fi It tetuttied :egi'lais iii the .italtettee know tlte ”1 U‘ lills'tl UP ”WC “0'” "0‘“ “l Ill"
in the legal profession." Cunningham said he hoped the committee conclude that tlietit. has nets; tittatltti trite-rtiittteiitls it lit‘ii .itttl to“ ..s .. dialogue l‘t‘i heart and new; tail i.i trim theater " -\lthottgh .lones sometimes
would proiide original improtements“extrinsiclromthe law School " l Width their are now tt's ..i p. l‘ H: tint-alt: mire lts popular |!I\ tost :i ltiii .iie .: irritiidetstoirti seene. tiiei cums“ ”190““!th Simmons WU) lls‘ hi“ .
“l'K has a good law school already but there are alwaIss areas tor “illl Pointed laces. t'itltll’, hia. s that tasr tea; was shown about Itttiiite-s ozaitthsh ware- piSItll\ and ny\\\p;tt\\-p\ “.i little more tact than that "
intprosement.“ Cunningham said. No specilic student concerns hate l'AlW‘l Aim kilo“ illltl .attiia; st. innate lint at g thi East I:'ll; weekends. 's‘ til? to miss thet: lie-atlsima; :airtattael. \t Mmm‘m‘ TH“ “Tim‘s [HIGHWIM l”
- been recognized liorthe Visiting (’ommitteetodealwith.becausesueh a bags ot tiee .oast. note: ruling . .i i “Magi tip... at comm itw mm t. I] i. , ‘Li‘tllt_ltt"‘e' [HIM “INN“. the picture .ittet he saw preileits in the
committee is a "new experience for students at the Law School." pistols and rt-u'ssrxtts'rs itiaat: t:ow.is Iatgse enough to iaa: fl ill.3.lll's throws huts: a; my mu.“ theater w hen asked wlw he cums the
. It is not _set certain how. or what. conclusions ot the Visiting It‘s not an ill‘ietS“w7: no: if] {He \1‘ll mt: the 3 out. s._.ii toning. thee l\ tit eaitisetoi theweddtttuseeiie move. he said “1 tertbods iitst gets
Committee will influence the curriculum. Steiens said possiblt the lllllil.l'\ sens; .~' ie;i~ Iii. 1.- It.“ Lit“: ta 5;,tttt‘t_i[|t_\ (omit. [mm era/s. and we ptteh lll " '
members ot‘the committee willmeetwithSingletar}.lewtsandtaeults. the people are at: ;a:t of Hit \‘stta: ..ee. t. is art 1:.. ptipittanii se'."l]‘g' i: . 3,;1. upwind“ lied \litls. It.ntti.' karei. iiittiihs was one \ll , .
or present a written report. Ii’mkt .I/t’lll‘ttl l’itttm _\/,«,a it ,. Rocks li.iti..i ‘ Mortals): not 1hr; pm iiiaitaggi or it“ Kentucky .Imt the those who went to see the mosie's .
2 Committee members will meet at UK about once a _\ear tor a couple shown .iliriost eierIi lrzida; and lit: iiioi . :.s ahotat the 'aetxeiitiiit-s“ i-i .iittltc'llet‘ li’t its St‘t'tllu the inotte like a dlt'slts‘tts's‘ "I wouldn‘t .L’U back ll
oldais. I_ewts said. with the first meeting probahlIt earl} next l'all. lhe Fittttittlat night at the kcntsteki lllt'.'.lt' it'l t‘tigaee'tl eiiiiple. ltiad anti .iaiiit g. rite lltr‘s\ iiiatit trittcs can \ou seett' soiitebodt paid no writ." she said.
agenda is being planned by the Alumni Relations (‘ommittee w litelt on \lain Street \\ltt‘ ..i.~ s‘:.tt1tle‘tl l'l Iltt' lltl"lt’ llraia trips. “in: “rim two. “Wt. {rim MC}. ‘\nd Keith l lston. l'lllC \rls . '
consists of law School faculty and students. lhat‘s right tlti .' ~ pat? o: slit ‘s l to,» t_ it ,MLNL... iI...,I :qv. toe-2e I” mummy he \Imi (mm. sophomore. had nothing good to saI\ ' '
(‘ontinued 0" page “l more. Rod». lli‘l .s i tlfti rat-t it .. . t til‘-~ it .v. “iii-.2. at; ..i “Hm.“ Jim“: it“. mm (‘ontinued on page 4 '1
~ - at . res » ‘As 2 r - ’ exmgton plans '
’3 . = : 2 a \‘ N‘é‘ 39' i'
. e "if? . 3:2»: - . i“ its "* 91" - '
" as _ . ”Asa new?“ ' f for expa ns '0 n 4
.- - 6.5 "its?” -' ." °t ‘°"f" “a“ ‘ 2 1" . ii ._ . e . ~ . ‘
.; "'7; ' . “:s ‘r ..s" 33.. in 'll'Rl.S.\ torso .
I_.. :5 . I“. "‘ fuck-fit AV“ ,... '\ :' iiAgfifiIIII' “ i AI Stall \\ tilLl . I
.II .I _ .. I . Population growth. urban e\panstort arid the ‘
I I t_\ pc ot ttr ban deselopment or redetelopment plans
i 4.“ . . ' -' to ltaitdle these increases are the mom issues the
' . _ ’ s a. ~ ":."--' Masor's \dt tsoi_\ lask l-oree on (irowth l‘lanntng ‘
- saggiafiaaa *;"I.\ . At.” I,, hate lelt to tackle. accordin g to the group‘s leader.
.. mm... "’i..:;j;2..;;{ ' s... ' " ' . ( hatt‘rnan Michael \des said the task lor‘ce will
a... _3; i I _ trtake tee‘orttrrtentlat:otts to the I that) (‘otimt '
, -- As: f i t' ”s. .' II III..-:5:‘ ' . ' " . (‘ounctl‘s l‘lanntng (‘otnnttttee about these \ital .
I ‘1 i . issues in l e\tngton‘s lllltll'L‘
i - . "\‘l e ltlte task lorcel are proieeting somewhere in j . .
. “ . the neighborhood ol 335.000 people tn the l'aIt'ettc f~ . .
“wag ' _..._.. (‘ountt area bI\ the Itear 2000." \des said at .t
g Wm”. . \esteidas's l ntted (‘ampus Mtnistrs‘s luncheon at 2 ’ -
‘* %—. I the l\'oinonta llotise With that antotittt ot growth i i
3: “I; ' “ I III possible. he said the task lorce rnttst recommend a '._ I
II as: § I «w: policy to ltaridletlte growth rate in the urban count} } - I
_f. -~, *1 I area. '.' ‘ -
t 1’ I g“ u- a- - .‘tI as“: * v\de.s said growth management can be I
H stfiefismN 1' WLQ'A». ..s. . approached lroIm two directions ()ne waIs is to .
- Ni... . \Wfls‘w ”WM“? WW establish an optimum si/e tor the community 50-75 ‘, .
“ n WVW W tgw" ' \ears ltom now and then limit the area‘s growth to ‘i ' I ‘ i
e», I III M I “'35. I that mark. lhe other course. \des said. is to let . .
~ " - ~ sssv-s-ss..ess.:.fiN::a_.;;:Wm.e .. " what happens. happen" to make initial plans bttt I .
' W r -- H " i~ ‘ allow an) interested industry or population tntothe
By BILL B“ l t'k'ernel Staff area.
sun spot People and cars are not the only ones stifled by bad winter weather. '1 his flock A“ imml'lll ttU‘drlt'r‘ '0 meat!" 'alttttm'"s Ummfinfl “3“" 3‘ ”‘9 "W9" ““er (‘ontinued 0" page '0
of ducks have hiid their tail feathers clipped h} the ice that's limited their tIn lake Shore l‘nise.
' s
—————toda —~~—-—-——-«~-———~-—~—————-———————————~—~———————————-——~ -
state ..,.‘,;!;Ti.‘.'2?.’.‘.}l'..“ll".‘ilfft‘.’l.‘.i'.ii‘f,i*.‘...‘i!.'."..‘.-'.'lit: iillé'i".2“It“:“:[ilt‘flz'i‘”a'Spill'i‘f.til) at: {this -
_ - . . ' I ‘“ ‘ ‘ . ' I " ‘ \tlll'tl unanttttoitstt against the contract awatded( t‘tll l)ll'tll. II I" d ‘rs lhe news a} er also said tnsttr tents ri ed .I. I .
. , . . ‘ , “FTP" ( km N” litigation that m" 8““ l‘ ‘ “' ““m "“' \il\I'lt' pa\ment is e\cessi\e .irtdthat the contract is not religiousIIta ‘ . . .p p I . I L PP . *
- e THE JEFFERSON (OUNTY TSCHOOL BOARD is I( heslct. a member ol the platittills lead it-tttist': ‘.Il"llli‘llk'C. ‘1“.de “1”".le being hard 85” an hm” “I deter mini-whether ”is tmb ”"0” the l 5 (“ll‘u'dl‘ 'n ”hr" I I ' ‘
1 sending ll..Is. District Judge James F. (iordon a plan calling said he is worried that the pttblteiititl sortie ot ‘i-:s e lit-tits t-.i\e the mm. Wm“ muhmn ”5 mm” I,” ”h. h“. h, it.“ anipbtll ”W ”PM“ “‘“ld "“‘I “9 A“"'””“I“l “C“: m”: 'l ““‘- "“I’l .
. ;; lorIthe busrng of first graders in the I980-Rl school year. gotten the wrong impression trom last week‘s $1 nilllitt‘t tslit. (.IIIIII“ gm“, III“ signal that the new goieiInmenIi still lacks total toritroIlIlt has _ . .
2 Superintendent EC Gm)lson said the proposal. appros'ed ol-cotirt settlement with the eltib tna tiers the Rithatd l he ”I,“ .‘ Inwmpmun ”mum, considerable repeatedh called I0" ll'hlldm lhmli‘n‘ "0‘ 1" WWIl “T “He'll ' . .. 2
{I b." the board Monday. should be on Gordon's desk by March SCh'llmR ldm'l.‘ wrongdoing on the part ol the club ow nets and the state l'llt‘ m ”if wake I)! \tetor) ”0?“ch no new reporisotoiolent; '
» , I. (tordonthen must deCIdc tithe plan IS acceptabletnlight of lhe Schilling taiiiili owttedtlie stititligate. Ks _sttppet club “Mum; (“hm hm llts‘ “m (M ”m mm”, In“ mmmmam t" «'IWN‘ ““0“ng ‘lmc'lsfln‘ '" “A” ‘\ WNW" "l “t h . . I I
{A . a federal appellate court ruling last fall. where I65 persons died in a tire in \lai ls)?” ' ‘ ‘ l 5 Mam“ “3" ”‘P‘W‘Cd ‘l-mdlntll‘.‘ ””hs‘ “(MIC ""md‘m - -
E The 6th US. Circuit Court of Appeals. in that ruling. said “lhe settlement with the Seliilltngs is last the beginning." ”W .-\tlantic ”1 “”9 “3'1"“ guarding W l 5 l‘ml‘d“) , " I
g the school system's first-grade classes. thch hate about ('hesle) said “lt represents tllll\ II \i't'itlll segment ol possible world not‘tlt‘tl resinloreement Sis helicopters that could be used to ,I .
* I |0.000 students. must be dcscgrcgatcd by next fall. First- settlements or ittdgements .igattist .tpptostmateli It‘ll etactiate threatened \merteatis we re stdndlntl l“ l“ “d" .
. graders alwa)’s have been cIxcmpt from the court-ordered additional delendants all ol whom are still deterwl-ints." hs‘ h i i i ‘
i ' i built?! ghaaill‘iaihtcogrcisfifgft‘\igslz7r5esolution stattn that the saldi IRAV‘S “HID” TIONAR‘ [EMWRS H RN”) m weat er 1 ‘ i V i
' . board does not endorse busrng first-graders. lhe bgard said A LEGISLATIVE PkNH HSTFRILH t' p, , iiiKtlile'it“i:i\t‘titrtrr‘i"tiltitrlnbiiigotllieuiiiii: lbiu-{iliitlolliilirltntizhlt‘irlllili “08"" ('I.()l'D\ EODAY A“) ")NIGHT “lih a . i
‘ .I that the proposalwas approved becauscit had been advised by approve a 8200.000 contract with i l min 'tott ittiilrrw til Khometiti's Islamic republic But lsiichings were reported iii '6“ areas 0' light dill/.8 I‘m]: sunny and warmer lhursdaItI . " . ‘
school attorneys to take some action or face a desegregation rcvrew the state's .nicsitgaiitin oi the “at. IS‘T H‘t‘\t‘rl\Ll-l|lls the prminees and m\sterioiis gunmen tired on the lehtan H'gh‘ Md") mm: ‘hc Iupper 40"” the '0“ 0‘ I‘m‘mmg t , .1 . .
. plan 'mPOSCd by federal COUH- Supper (‘lub l-tte otttets ot the new prune minister ”am the mm “0‘ '0 around 40 ' x . .
. . t - .
E ’ '
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I . . .. . . . .., .pr‘F.W, a... .. ..._ H ..I- val. .Ziias..ui:je..t.t§::£$;._m:: b ::t- . s .. 2i x ..t, in . . . ..H :.,. .IA . i . . a _I .~ A . . . I. .. "I~-—HA.-vfinnpn.a.~ .I AmoKi-ostu. I . .
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1|. Steve Batting" Thomas ( lull Ruth \lltrmll) “altar Innis Jamie Vaught Ton Moran
blur-r m ( hie! ItIironu/ It/r/m Debbie “thunk! it“ Irlrlur Sports Editor Dirft'ltll til Pholographi‘
I» Jenai 'Iate .
l‘ e 8 (iron HeIds Jack Wainwright (In Wm“
Richard McDonald Jeanne “chives (urn Mum “Hm" ”I him" John (‘lay Linda Campball .,
' Managing hlrror 4\\tlil(l/t rill/on III-n flicked Photo Manager s3
' e di t .als & CW5 ',4\.mlanl Spom Miran ~
_ fl _- ~“'___-~ __ ____V . l
I I I 4‘ ‘y
\ Yesterday 3 editorial flawed .._ -
I 4!" _ , ' v‘ , t‘. .
.~a " 5' '
‘ » v9
b I ' I d " "
US puzz e remains ["180 V9 ti . e.
l l] \\ y", 3 1
\esterday‘s editorial suggestion of an alternative enough roorti to make those turns. g ' . f l I ,3" .
bus route that would continue service to Eventually. such conflicts conic down to F7“ «Wm \ch' N v . l a
, t‘oriiriionmxrlth \illage brought quick response decisions on diminishing returns Is it worsetowalk l ’, -- ”I" 1 l.‘ -:’
from I riryersrty ottieials. two blocks to catch a bits or how an extra stoplight Ill ,' ‘ \j‘ I h, i
Ihe t'oriinioriwealth Village stop was eliminated on Nicholasyille Road‘.’ Is it worth tlte trotrble to ‘95; I h“ a! 9 \ \ put.
because left turnscould not be madeagainstthe new eliminate some street parking spaces and widen {’5’ 7‘3; ¥ (‘y’fl _____ ' 3‘99 :
three-lane tr.illrc plan on \icholasyille Road. Ihe turns‘.’ These are points on which [K and the city fit‘re l f N \ If
route suggested in the editorial called for buses to disagree. but over which the city has iurisdictiori. *‘l U l v &\ l i
make .i right turn onto \‘rcholasyille after making Don‘t give up. however. It‘s possibletlirittliei‘e's a . I. l (l y w .W - ' ‘ .
siops .it \ltawtieetown. and them passing solution lurkitiginthe street mapsiust waitirigto be ' '5 l" ’ V . ,,
cortitrionwedizti \rllage on the way to campus. unveiled. If so. Commonwealth Village residents. | ta ‘3. a", |
llte proposed scheme wouldn't work. said Jack Mssrs. Blanton and Padgett and we would certainly l , ‘> .‘tflj l ’l \//_fi__
Hlanton. Ute president of business affairs. and like to hear ll. While you‘re considering the {11 . fl) ‘ i \ ‘3‘ {/‘A T .
i’ublie \trtety lhrector lom Padgett. because it challenge. here are some proposalsthtrt didn‘t work iii \ I“? J ‘4; li j.
w ottld require students to cross si.\ lanes of out: ii" ‘ 7 i l I, , r;-
\icholasy ille Road trafficto get tothe new bus stop. RequireallCommonwealth \"rllage students to ' Ii“ ‘lzi ’ / ll :2 1
\ot only is that difficult. they pointed out. it‘s take only correspondence courses. by mail. lurnctl H32) ~_ “M- _-~'r'~js 7 7 «e p .. ififi" £33;
.irso against the hi“ to :aywalk. For pedestrians.the down by protest. t ‘1‘ h ’ -y ' ,5,‘3,/;,_,4= §iiiéjl , '9‘. 'i’ v l l
nearest intersection with a traffic light is at Cooper Construction of a powerful catapult In the ' “’JW .\. lo 2 {ll/IA g i
l)Tt\C. which is already the location of the nearest apartment comples‘s parking lot. Reiected for lack -e‘Lt-z‘J-‘gfézii‘fi '5‘ I ’J
bus stop of suitable landing space _ .; _ 3:172:13:- ---\I'Lf){’-‘-"l;‘ ('g."'."'mirl""” g i
lhere are other possible routes. but they were Installation of a matter-energy trnasniitter'. " ‘ - 1 P ‘ i‘ l
'urned down because of tight road space and the Dismissed because of high estimated research and ”nu-4M ‘
restrictions and additional expense they would development costs. Slur 'l'rc/e may ow it the patents .‘g
cause in reaching other parts of South Campus. anyway. first. /, ' I
One such alternative would have buses turn right Have only Architecture students. who spend ,’ “EVE: . // f
from \tcltoldst ille to forest Park. one block away all their time in studio and don't go home anyway. ‘ . I W ' / YES? i
from ('oinntonwealtli Village. and then turn onto live in Commonwealth Village Reiected there I m - “'~ -.. , g i '
‘ \Valler \tctttre front ~\udubon or Elizabeth Street. are too many large windows in Commonwealth ' ‘e‘- l ‘ ' ‘\_ l ‘1;
That wouldn‘t work because there apparently isn‘t Village that would be inyiting snowball targets. 1: g": ' t «\Qg ‘ ’ i
I, ‘ p ’ \. . p e 5
i ,1, l . H '; f if ' \¢ ‘ . . I, .«W I 1;, '
Letters 0 the ed/tor .- ‘ ~ ' '7' y . ' l ‘6‘
.a , , _ ,..,,...,,_. ,...____——f_._.__w____,_.___ ,,,a.,,-_.v_,..._ ‘ __,._.,,v ” "” _”— "W ‘ .7, i i M j / II ’ \ ‘ _ ‘ 2:5; I”; ‘
. has JOInCd about 320 colleges and tarnished. Compensation for 9’ ‘ T: “i ' l4) __ t‘sfw ’ '.
correctlons universities in an alliance aimed at graduates will fall. faculty and \fl . E ‘ t ‘ A— ] ///,\‘/ . , / ‘ :
fighting federal proposals to require students who strive tor excellence will “\A‘i . $h' . \ / ' ’ \ i J / ' '
Your “l‘dlltirk \ote" in reponse to equal spending among the sexes in be attracted elsewhere. probably out 2‘ "it?" ‘ i t F \ I “
(iaye Durham‘s letter ol Wednesday. intercollegiate sports. ofstate. hence a "brain drain"ol sorts ' I i . . W0 ., . 7.
Jan 3; eoncerrirg the Joe B. Hall lt ,nticipation of a Department of akin to that suffered by the state lllllll \ /; - ”mm/waft ‘ / ,. I . 37
“Meat lodge contained several Health. Education and Welfare tour the mid sixites I'trtur'e Kentucky l f \ f” i\\ ,, aw ,l. . , 1/ K ’ f
incorrect staten‘rertts . , (pogrom). the l'niyeristy has set students will be deprived of the .. it: ‘ x \ ‘ . x \ g;
It lhc \Mldcfi lodge. hutlI Vvlth quotas for hiring minorities and opportunity. no. ”W” ”till“ I“ ”a“ i ”if" ‘ cV/' ' 1 i . . :‘5
pr:y.rte tunds. was gnctt to the female faculty members. lhis ,is which we are. until now have taken ‘ ; I if . x . ' ’ ,5 ' / ,W J \‘I ;'9w-6tbucna
\thletrcs \ssociatiott and not the affirmative action. the new more or less for granted s\re not our 1 :1: ‘ q; ' ///’ //“' ' "W‘m‘m .,
Athletics '\\st‘rClttI1tll‘l and not the controversial catchword synonymotrs parents the primary means of this .
l nocrstty with reverse discrimination: the [Inl‘f‘mlfih SUPI‘U”? " ’
3; lhe \tltletics \ssocratiori is a essence of the [33ka case: the It is necessary for l K to "sutctu minimal illtf ldllCllltle rebut tiilbert (‘hen‘s argument about The purpose of the (‘SA‘s wall »
non-profit corporation. incorporated emptiness of the federal mind as demonstrate arthual cortimitnierit to story” c- llcc'illlllg abortion is the (‘8sz protest against President posters is mainly to arouse the ' ~
seperutely 'rotn the l'niversity. and repudiated by recent local and “an; education. lhe question is. are you appropriate. -\s iriailsat‘re. t‘ieobieet Carter‘s policy toward Taiwan attention of our American friends. ..
lct’CHL‘s no tax dollars for the court decisions, The result or administrator. faculty. strident truly istomstatrcu. tight mmoire-nutum-c (kernel. l‘eb. 8). civic leaders and Congressmwen to g
maintenance or the l odge. affirmative action is hiring onthe basis committed to 1K"? Are you concerned well—worn and healed. ertiotioriul Most of the [SK Chinese students demonstration has caused any insult 33
It lheathleticscholarships received of skin color and sex. Why'.’ Because enough to resist this federal issue ! hrouJi hurizor. liowetei are from the Republic of China to the American people. It is obvious f:-
b\ the prayers do not come from the the HEW malfuctionaries believethat encroachment? By taking action trttr'cltnt‘tl. pcopic may be forced to t Iaiw'an). ()ttr parents. relatives and that Chen istrying not only to slander IV
- l niyersrty. but rrom the Athletics these trivial subjective factors are appropriate to your position‘Send a yiew such it'ratlcr's tiorti a new friends are living securely and the CSA. but also to stir up bad :.
.\ssoc;ation funds. generated from? more important that objective factors. postcard or letter to Messc‘rs perspectit e. peacefully on that island. It is feelings between Chinese and ' i
Ilkis‘l *«1'1‘Hmd i‘ll‘is'rls'létls‘d Alhls‘llCSI c.g.. merit. Singletary or Anderson and tell them ‘.s tor tlt‘tt.‘l‘l;ti7ll‘ly of his columns, undeniable that abrogating the Sino- American students. ’
'sztitu‘n zis‘tti itts‘s Mid. mthcwse Now UK is one of the few southern how you feel. not thing's littlsi he comma-red, i no. t'..\‘ Mutual Defense Treaty and the Chen also tries to confuse the ‘
it? a. brskerball player. (‘oach Hall state universities which has a Jeffery (I Atkisson satire t. or; or the ”its“ d ftp-iii: settle legislation to assure Taiwan‘s It'erne/‘s readers by saying that native . . "
triakes the decision on scholarship reputation for academic excellencc Economics senior nrudw .vr '.‘s!r[ll1g' It requires security andtokcepscllingweaponsto Taiwanesearesufferingfromthe“one- "
tI\\dl\l\ Taken in the context of southern considerable pl‘atllc‘t‘ l‘tt‘l‘, -\i't Iaiwan after the defense treaty is party regime"controlofKuomintang. .; {
Larry \y, It) institutions of higher learning. L‘K isa Low threshold Buchwald himselt would attest to that SCH‘R‘d- WC d0 not 596 how this The "U”! i5. in Taiwan. we have “V0 i '
Assistant \thletics Director/Finance prestigious educational experience fact secondly. lields‘articlestnenot limiting tor stopping) the sale of political parties other than 1 .
indeed. Many elements taken together This is iii response to Bernadette aimed at Ill'c intelligentsia or weapons to Taiwan. which are part of Kuomintang and other non-partisans a.
Necessary? make a fine school. One of the main DuPont‘s diatribe in the letters to the httut‘geosrc of the community. but at the conditions of Carter‘s recognition serve as a fourth party. At least 50 ’ ‘
ingredients isaquality faculty,()nthis editor section on lhrirsdziy. l'eb. x the diverse student body, ofthe Chinese Communists. willcause percent of the CSA‘s members are 4 '
'\r"llCl’1titY‘.s and particularly point UK now shines. And rightfully Her sardonic remarks about (iregg Mid concerning the choice of serious damage to the security and native Taiwanese. They. like most of g '
Kentue‘vr ins are reputed to strive hard so. for students at UK are exposed to Fields‘artieles weredisconcerting. for minors. I sincerely hope DuPont does interest of our people. the other native Taiwanese in this ‘ I
for ideas. pltnc.g"|es. and institutions many of the nation‘s first class minds. they‘displaycrther: Ilasenseoflimired not change hers to diplomatic We cannot neglect thetruth thatthe country. love the Chinese government i I.
whichart‘1mptirlttnllolhem. Recently Obviously such was not achieved by perspective. or 2) a low threshold of relations (‘hincse (‘ommunists have killed more in Taiwan and support the CSA‘s .
the l myersrty of Kentucky took an accident. tolerance. Mae Shores than 60 million mainland people since move. We would like to point outthat I
admirable stand against one in what If the University begins to hire on Fields‘ articles. w hrle they Political Science junior their regime was established in I949. Chen's attempt to deludethe Kernel's
seems to be an endless series of the basis of quotas and such like. admittedly lack the polish of many We have also learned the bloody and readers as well as to disrupt the ‘ -
irrational mandates which the federal recruitment of quality faculty will syndicated columnists. do display CSA rebutta' crucl nature 0f the Communists from solidarity 0f UK.S Chinese students. I l
bureaucracy delights in imposing suffer. The quality of the UK great creativity. That in itself is i the historical lessons of the Korean. ‘ . 5
upon its masters without their experience will suffer. IlK‘s quality even the latter could afford As niembersofthe Chinese Student Vietnamese and Cambodian wars. We ”PT"! Y." ,
consent lhat is to say. the l‘niversity respectable reputation will be more of. lhelact that he has written a Association. we feel it is necessary to hope not to see the same massacre Wald“ Chen; . l -
. _ . happen to our patriots. Graduate .students '
~ , , .
‘ 7 ~ ,, ' ' l a a l .
Q? m , , Iranian revolution IS
. w w a ' 5W” 7%, ‘ -
/ 0 ’ / l l l
- ; i : old crrsrs exploding
I. I
v m . 'r grit; . n
, ., 2 Y In modern times
it: i": . k . _ ‘, 'u , ‘s\ . ' By ROBERT W. OLSON revolutionaries paved the way for the -
. i : --—.. l't/II “we/y j, , D I subsequent incorporation of all of
131 " f I' ’ /' i 1 ’ The current revolution in Iran is the East Africa from Cairo to Capetown 4
‘ . 1’ . . 3 "4,, , /’ . greatest movement in the Middle into the British Empire. It is
l ' :r .‘ "' i _" , ’, 1.; a '7" u/V' Eastern portion of the Islamic world reasonable to think that supporters of
_ 7/; 1 . J 't z "A," since the creation of the Safavid the revoltion in Iran do not want to
, ‘ 9”} Iii 5/ 16/), '/ ’4. Empirein ISOI which Iaidthe bases for suffer thesame fate as the-followers of
‘ ' , i ///,‘ "2 g; M . ' thestateoflran.Inrcccnthistoryonly theMahdr..Thtsrsthc basrcreason for
5:. v =2, \ , ‘2 the non-Islamic Zionist movement of the revolution. . . >
I ’9 r i: . , ' l. the Mahdi. in the Sudan in the 1880‘s The national interests of lran.that is .
‘2 t u / X l ; _. was of similar proportions. Weshould the economtcyvellbetng.soctalwelfarc
. m ‘0‘ a, 31 / ,‘ H j recall that in the latter instance, the and cultural integrity of the nation,
. A ,. / . g , '1/‘1/m _ _ 5“ I defeat of the Mahdi‘s Islamic Comhl'cdonpueJ . ' »- i]
. Tit 41‘s.;
“4,, ‘ ~
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. Amcman global. gurpnlnual in ”is “Hm. put-c as H “M m ”is 1mm; “NM. pmnnml "I .III . .: J u. ... . I
T'. I and “WWII” 'CLIUI'V'I‘L’M‘ ”'- luxnx In Insure than IIx theIII1lt-IIIIIIII\IIllxInt-II.IIIm- “' ‘ I
I" ntleastmrcccncd rcqnn‘crncnts I'IICIL'\I\ \IL'IL' \cctncd. IIII- In llnx mnIuI KIIUIII\'IIII‘\ ' “ i , , , [LIN K A '
In the area ()I Ihl‘ Muldlu I'mI I Inn-d 3m“ vuth thcxuppm’l win-11‘ m, WWI [Iii Am] I ' . I HPIATE I
I. and Wcstcrn "5“" h”- I‘I‘N'm III IlIIlIxh Scum!) .Igcnh. lllL‘plI‘III IIIIIIIk II.III.II III;\III.-II " >‘ _l' WEI/Il/ I
'j “h'Ch arc dIII-ICUII I" uplmn. .IIIIIIILm-Il \lLI thc (IA III hm quII lIIIn IInnIt-Im- [unity-c ’ > I“ " '
is: the shah ‘IC‘IUWWC‘I '” “’Id ‘H IIprIIICI.‘ Ihc lnll‘lIIINII'HIIII'I among Inx t'nIIIIIIIn‘It-n I " ' ‘ . » Yuri“) ‘ Off I
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‘, I Objecmu. H‘ prnhnhl} ‘hd 'l \III‘mIItIIIIh \IIIII Ihc Inonnlcln IIII' I'I-MIIIIIIIIII I‘I’\IIII' i'I'iIlIIIIIl\ "' 3‘ I“ _ Q" r r I
” L n - - - l‘ I - I ~ I‘4 v. I‘ > ‘ “
', Ior “450”” 0’ pnuu. I’IL‘I'H mun In m-IIIIIII- IIII'tntIIIIul In the Incl th.” [I‘Ik' VIIIII ~ I" '= ' '~ )3“ I
i ‘ ‘IIOU‘I‘ I” "WI-'“II'I'IIIIW "i .I \laIlziIIvaItl RC/d IIIIHIL'I'III/AIIUII gunman; ' 'mwai.‘eas*:~' mmmnmu--------‘
“510115 ()I cxpunsmn IIIIll \I.II‘ “his.” “ llI' ‘.‘I‘IIHICII Ihmc pl‘nmutul “(immik ._..,,M‘,i ~ I» > . ~. . '.., m. “M... .W,w._
I I ' portlons ol [hc (”m "I‘mm IIII‘ I "IN llillII IIIIIIIIIH. i9“) \IIIIIL' Ignnnny cIIInpchI‘II III; " "I" ‘
i. There “I.“ 0th” “MN" I” .‘I lhc IllIIII'IIIIII‘C'sCIMIUIUIlI’ CIIIIL‘III JII'L'HN III \IKIIII :InIl " “" "
3 - the revolutmn In Iran uhnh l ml dumm‘ “i Ihc II'dlIIlIlI pUIlIICIII dcwlupIIIt-nt I?“ IlwwI - . . . . 52.49” L?“ -. .-
‘ ,' ’ . , , I: I - ~ ,A,‘ I > , ’.
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cultural. IIIIII'F Imlxtnl In UPI‘IMIIIIII tn IIIK’ IL'I\.IIII~ \III; lmnnlllm IlI' ' i
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II ”It ““1““ I’U'l“L [W I“ I11» III I IIIHIH\ ~5II nnI III h} W I‘» Iluc IIK'I;L'IIIII‘L'L‘ w‘ :l'; “' " -~' ‘ ’1‘" ’fik‘n’fi'a.
, IhClI' rchgmux IL'IIKIL‘I‘IIIIK IIIII Itl llVIIEII'IIluII [\Inm It‘ III‘INIVC pIIPllILIIl‘HI I‘lell‘nfll .lx “HIM“ T I, 1' 1 - i a l
A? mlllluhld s; ”Ming“: ‘1} IIII' I; ghlI clllt‘ hlnc III IIIL’ Claw INIII II'AIL‘IIL'LI pclhIIp NI ~ ' i _ 2 ' I"
% Il-WOIUIWH AIL’II'H“ "3“ \‘IIIIIIn. IIIK' HIII‘I IIIIIWII II PUNK”! '\\ Ik"-I‘II'II""I“‘~ ‘ . , - " -~ ' I ' 4385
w" tmpcrIIIIIst mew III van ,_ .. , .~ . I. ,.,. 1 II ‘ ' , , ,‘ _ , -
.- B 't" . l I~ . . II. , , a I . . I . .1 I I . I. ~ shim , ASHLAND AVE.
. {I am dnt lIlnLL .ll ,. , i 1 ., 1 i “I I ili \I. I I, . .
. ‘ IIIIme an NIH. xIIIpIIIAIILt mum“ I\ IN- Hv \II- II“ ~ [1- ' " ‘3" 4, I CHEVY CHASE
‘ IXXOS, lh" "H‘U'Mi‘m 113:,I‘IAIIW'IIIIIW ’I‘IIka'l