xt7z0863834r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z0863834r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1971 1971 1971-11-30 2020 true xt7z0863834r section xt7z0863834r O . ’ . . ,
, Was preSIdent, football coach, dean of students ‘ ,
«Ea—h . ' I r I
Death 010 'ms UK’ Alb t K' i "
Dr. Albert Dennis Kirwan, whose faculty. He was appointed interim so that he might devote tull time to [WW-GNU,“ (,1 \hmk I” my (1mm Hf . ' '
33ryear career at UK covered everything president in 1968, after the resignation 0f teaching. l’rcsitlent Kirwan were still Crilllllli' Hi this , ‘ .
from a football coaching job to the Pres. John W. Oswald, while a search By 1960. he was back llllt) afternoon. An OHM“! hamlmfm V”. l . r
University’s presidency,died this morning committee met to choose a permanent administration as Dean of lht‘ (irudllult‘ issued by the l'mversity this morning " i . I
en route to the Medical Center. He was head for UK. 5mm)!- Th“ P05! W35 ”Sign“ 1” 19“" “lhe 'ott‘icial tamily ot the l'niveisitx . .'
66. When the new president Dr. ()tig A_ for a tour as a Fulbright Lecturer at the ot Kk‘lllll\h\ acknowledges with (RUNS; -. . -
Kirwan had suffered from a heart Singletary -was selected, Kirwan returned University of Vienna. Austria. \‘l here he 50”.,“ 11“» death (,1 Dr. .\ l). Kll\\;tll.l :' g -i
ailment in recent months. He was stricken to his favorite post, that of professor of taught classes in American civilization. ~- I he hum“. H, ”h. l'niversitv Um ”h. '~. .
by a major heart attack while on a trip history. He remained there until his In July. l‘)68.after ()swald resigned for m, can.” that matches Dr. Kirwan‘s m I. i, ‘
this summer. death. 11 l“)St 1” ”W University 0f (‘Uhl‘mlht service. dedication and breadth of impact ~ '11. .
UK’s seventh president was rushed to While a senior at UK, Kirwan had been Kirwan was named interim president. He That Impact hi15 hm.” a continuing “a” r . '.
the Medical Center early this morning captain of the Wildcat football team, accepted the return to administrative Me in the daily life (,1 the institutionftor the ;'
after being awakened With breathing foreshadowing a return to school later as with some trepidation. Pdfil 33 Wu” As (,1 ”m morning a WM 7'1," 5 .
problems. He was pronounced dead on head football coach. “I regard this as a summons to duty ”NS whh-h 15 ”h by ”III“ the “dummy . ' '- a",
arrival at 6:30 am. by Fayette County The University presidency was only the that I cannot disregard,” he said then. read. ' .
Deputy Coroner William P' MCCamey at tOP Of a steady rise by Kirwan through a ‘:2355".‘::'..':iif:333523523223;3:323:51*‘zfgfjiggats':':'_:.i:ij_'fj .' ' : A native of Louisville, Kirwan was born I M ‘
if: Itfs‘I-B- Chandler MCdlcal Center Patchwork of administrative and All University offices and dam” will be ”1' lI‘)0f1 and graduatidnfroiii [:rIitIiIisville It” is
O p d. academic posts. closed from 10 a m until; T} d . Mile High School in 1)... He received a . -.'
Death was attributed to a heart attack. A 1926 graduate of UK with an AB for the funeral oj‘br A 0102?,WIZUT7}. master‘s degree from the University of ‘5.“ fr".
At 12:30 pm. today, Vice President degree, he had.he.ld teaching and coaching body will lie in state iii rlft’riir)rial flail, 01:; Louisville in 1044 and was awarded the 5““. 1‘ it:
for Administration Alvin Morris JObS at .Lomsv‘lle Male and DuPont campus from 10a.m.imti111am dodomt“ by ”MW Umvcrsny in 1947.
. . Manual high schools before returnin t ' He holds an LLB de ree fr m the .
announced that all UniverSity classes and UK I . . g 0 .-..;;.v 5:22, ~ . g 0 _ . . -.
offices will be closed from 10 am. to ,to coach football II“ 1938- .r . . _ . Jefferson School of Law. . i .
noon Thursday out of respect for Six seasons later, With a 24-28—4 record Many great Programs have been initiated Kirwan was tlieIauthor ot several books ‘iI _. '. L.’
President Kirwan. as head coach, Kirwan left the gridiron by the Oswald administration and ItIS 0h U-S- hlSIOFY. including ”10th Jordan ~ I! 1' ‘ . - .- I.
M rris was acting for President Otis A. permanently to teach at the Department very important that we do not let this (rittenden and the Struggle for the
_ i) h t . t UK of History, In 1947, he was named Dean gain be frittered away. Union." “The South Since Appomattox." 3‘- .’. . - k -‘
Sing etary, W 0 was re timing 0 of Men, and in 1950 he was appointed “I’ll do everything I can to hold the and “The Confederacy." He was a . ‘. f: =7
from an east coast meeting. Singletary Dean of Students fort and keep the ship on a stead' I bi f h' . . A. ., 3’ I. .‘
was unavailable for comment today. ' . . ., ‘ 3 mcm U 0 P ‘ Beta Kappa. letlon . , , II '
Four years later, Kirwan made the first COWSC~ Delta Kappa, the American Historical .. .- -. I .
A longtime scholar and athlete, “Ab” of several switches back to his old love, Kirwan spent a harried year as Association and the Organization of
Kirwan had become almost an institution history, In 1954, the Board of Trustees president. presiding over an “acting American Historians. He joined Sigma Nu -. . i
. among University administrators and relieved him of the Dean of Studentsiob administration” made Up largely of fraternity while a student at UK. '. 5 '
. interim administrators appointed by He is survived by his wife. the former
was Kirwan himself. When he left the post in Elizabeth Lewis Heil. and two children. . g ' ' " "
_ 1969. Kirwan said he thought the Dr. Albert r). Kirwan. Jr. and Dr. William “ -.
University had given him “splendid E, Kirwan ll. ‘ I;
I "H e ' cooperation” during the Year. The funeral will be at l 1 am. Thursday
" . - ‘A E for“ “I owe the University 3 10Ln he said. I in Memorial Hall. on campus. The body ~ "
.. _, i 193%“? was glad to serve it in any way I will lie in state iii Memorial Hall from 10 .j 'i
$8 . a? gig COUld - . - bUt l have enjoyed it and I am am. until 1] am. Thursday morning. ‘ '
...... . X ready to leave it." The body will be at the w. R. Milward i» -'
4? 3*? .. , _ _ ’“ ,f Kirwan left for his old history post Funeral Home. 159 North Broadway.
a A . 39%”. 5“ after being officially named UK’s seventh from 2 pm. until 0 pm. Wednesday. ~» 2'.
(F; . 94W.» president. Burial will be in Lexington Cemetery. 5 ”II
\i ' f: ' It,
  . , enluc g
: .. . ' LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKY ill-”rho ,
3” . 1‘l1(‘5(l3',“ N”‘- Ill), “’7' \‘lil. l.\lll. \ti. til ll ‘v . 1’
,. a ’33s . r . . s . , *‘ .
I exa'é'i"-flig‘fi’f-“irrmy. waist-fin. .I r I, . ,- I .
Dr. A.D. Kirwan, shown here during his interim presidency, began his I) l I" f ' ‘
administrative career at UK as head football coach in 1938, but teaching over 10 Ogy Courses _‘ .I
history was always his first love. .‘ I
Assistant Managing Editor F 7 l‘._
0 An eight year old controversy surrounding the .
Frlends and Calleagues recall administrative responsibilities concerning biological . I
science courses was moved toward extinction yesterday ’
by the University Senate. . _ .
6 9 0 9 The controversy basrctilly concerns the authority held .
Ab Klrwan S calorful Career by the Thomas Hunt Morgan School of Biological ,
Sciences in the coordination and initiation of all courses . ' .‘
, _ .. . related to the biological sciences throughout the ‘ ‘
The colorful career of Dr. A. D. “Ab" Mosley. now Athletic Director at Virgina Universitv,
Kirwan ended With his death this morning, Polytechnical Institute. saidIIKirwan had a A policy statement written by former UK President ‘f '-
although the memory of UK s seventh tremendous reputation as a real aggresswe, Dr. John W. Oswald in 1967 concerning the organization A'
preSident “.11“ continue. . , tough athlete. . of biological sciences in the University stated the Hunt 4 .
. A long time friend and admirer of Kirwan Kirwan lettered in football and track at Morgan School would have responsibility for all program .' j
is former Governor A. B. “Happy” Chandler UK and was captain of the football Wildcats , . ‘ , . , . , , , ‘ -
. . . ’ . . _ planning. budget recommendations and other _
who said he has known Kirwan smce he was his senior year. He returned to UK after . -. , . I . I. . . I . g . I .,
. . . , . administrative actiVitits for all biological stitnce related
a student at UK in 1925. Chandler, who coaching in Lomsvdle for 12 years to take courses in the University.
played a hart‘ in naming Kirwan as PreSident the helm of the Wildcats as the first UK Until the Senate‘s action yesterday. the Hunt Morgan . . -
of UK’ .Sald. I had the deepest affection for graduate to how the Iposrtion. School technically was responsible for initiating biologv - '
him. This distresses our entire family.” James Pence, a high school classmate of . . . I . ' .
. , . . . , related courses outside of the (olltge of Arts and
KirwanIs aSSistant football coach in the Kirwan s and“ member of the Board of Sciences. This was done through the school‘s curriculum ~ I I
late 19305, Frank Mosley, said Kirwan was Trustee, said Ab Kirwan was the same old committee which had representatives from the (‘olleges .-
an aggresswe coach who liked to wm, guy every one knew and loved. He was the of Agriculture and Medicine. . I" 3
although he was more demanding in the same great fellow all those years. I can’t 0 h d - 3
players’ academic achievements. imagine him having anything except I It "5 resente process . ‘ ,
“We used to have a lot of fun with him. friends." According to Vice Presrdent for Academic Affairs Dr. - '. '
He always worea hat during the games and Pence said Kirwan spent most of the Lewrs W. Cochran, 0th" @1133 have held some ' f
when he became upset, he would kick that summers in his early years on the river or as resentment toward the course initiation process. .
hat up and down the field," Mosley said. a life guard. ‘ Continued on Page 5. Col. 1 . l ' . l ' .

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. Nov. 30. 1971 _—____________________.__—————-——-—————
By DANNY WILLIAMS freshmen born in 1 95 2. priority group is called. The first said the eiilistee may then take a through co'lllleglfe 2151“ [Ltd 1:31;;
. Kernel Staff Writer Sophomores born in 1952 may group is a pool of all draftable related field. ”813:2? ()chomb'tkdguty unless
- - x x \I s ‘ x \ ~ ~ .\ ‘ "1 V “1‘ a
The national draft system is keep their dtlcrnirnts. men not holding determents. O.C.S. good! the student is a specialist of
‘ undergoing a massive overhaul The local board also advised 195055afe Elliot said a college student or some type such as a lawyer. /
. under the new draft law. The men born in 1951 and holding The men born in 1950 and a COHEEC graduate “"115“an 1” After the combat duty, he may a
, duota system Will be dropped in lottery numbers higher than 135 holding number 155 or higher theIIarmy should try to get into request a branch transfer to a t
tavor ot a uniform national call to drop their deferments. After are also advised by the local ()tticer s Candidate School . field of his choice Elliot said. i
‘ and student determents will not Jan. 1. men who have dropped board to drop their deferment. (OSC). . . . 1 _ 1
be granted. their deferments will be placed The cut-off number is decided 1f the candidate for OCS Elliot warned against ZIUOng
, . ' The Lexington local board in a second priority group. by the highest number reached passes a review board and ii oneself to be drafted. The ‘
. said student deferments will not The second priority group will in the year of their lottery battery of tests, he IS in eight draftee serves two years of active 9
, 1 1 - be given to any incoming not be drafted until all the first drawing. weeks basic training, 33 Wۤk5 dUtY In the army, then he 15 m l.
1 , . Sergeant Elliot of the OCS, and two years obligation two years of active duty as a '~
'- 1 - Lexington Army Recruiting afterward, the sergeant said. reserVist followed by a two year ‘
’ Office said a man in college is Men, Elliot said, who g0 stand-by 1“ the reserve.
1 i _ better off to enlist than to allow 1
- , I , himself to be drafted.
1 . 1 , 5‘“ GENE —————- An enlistce. Elliot said, may m
‘ I I1“ :t‘I MEATYARD _ choose the field ot specialization 81‘) r ‘
~I . .' " ,I M I.:;>" ' , fflfyflHTQflflL'd/IfEKI/S fit he will go into in the service. If
- -. .- . he passes the test for the field of
’ 1 . , I ' interest he will qualify. the l '
.. @Y@G L ASSESS W W. 0 0m p ex
1 . _ ' - The only thing that would m re C
, g . I . " 1 of Kentucky, lnC. hold him up if he qualified for _ 1 , ‘ .1 .
1 . - . ' ‘ the field would be if the school Th“ new 10““ Of the state “halve. sew“? director
-," , I 'mpcrial P1010 Showing Center for that field was closed. Elliot C 0115510“ ”0‘15 ”M e “I 0 r WI“ approve. H. he can t find one
' . ' .l 1 *_I_I:‘3;.W.«~ Waller Avenue Lexington, Ky. applications is mUCh longer—30 {he qerdm‘ W1“ try 10 hnd one
1 . RESERVE questions compared toI tlic tor him.
. 5 1. Remember to ask Gene about the SPECIAL CONSIDERATION given Y _ ' C u rr~c “1 form of 10 Ill If “N State djrCCtor fails to
II . . ' to all UK. STUDENTS OUI Sprmg ql¥:ti0n:‘t‘nd flnnlmtfrrl‘ ious find the CO :1 job he will be
~ , - _' .- “—— Teiephone 255.5506 __—_ TEthOOkS NOW! Servitc 123;;3111‘; (211:1.13iou‘5 placed in a lower priority group
. - .' ‘ . 1’ d'ft- '
1_ .. , I HOURS: 8:30-5:30 Mon-Fri _. Sat. 8:30-12 p.m. WALLACE'S Book Store Objectors (NISBCO). said m a 2132:?fna‘1'211negenirf‘ ““th m
‘ . letter to Curtis Tarr. Selective "
. I . . ‘ I» » ._4_.______..________________._-,,..,v____.._...__-__.-,-__,..-~_..-._......-...r.._. ‘—‘* Service Director, the new form The CO is assigned a job in the
. .. I I~ ' 1 ~ assumes a high degree of “national health. safety or
', -' ', ,. Ii v education and sophisticated interest.“
. 1 .1 . . . 1 l understanding on the part of the The old rule that the job must
1 . ' . 1 ; applicant. be at least 50 miles from the
: " '. 1‘I ' 1 Henry N. Williams, deputy man’s home is being waived,
. I' . ' 1‘ 1 counsel for the Selective Service, because Williams said many men
- , -. 1 . - - said the new system will speed were denied jobs because they
-_ _ 1 ; up the processing of C05. lived 49 miles from the job. The
. I . I 1 Cl '6 e I E The new system gives the rule is supposed to prevent the
I . ~ _I I' 1 5 conscientious objector 60 days CO from commuting to his job
, - 1 . - - to find a suitable civilian job his from home.
, ‘ - l 5
~ ' 1. 1 Look for us in the Campbell House Inn, 3 TODAY ‘
i , » ‘ 1 : TOMORROW
, . I. 1 at 1375 Harrodsburg Road : ASgMz‘éETEEExggeygfi‘Tfigigfi FACULTY RECITAL: Gordon
" l’ ‘. _ 1 fl . . . ‘ COUNCIL co-meeting 7:30 p.m. Kinney. viola de gIamba. 8:15 p.m.
.. :1 _- 1 Delta Air Lines announces the opening of a : gfeidal’c 110v. 30. Room 111. wg‘fMgg‘lflfifigag‘m 0F
_.' , 1 . n. . . u en ener. .
.I , _ . ' } tlcket ()llice 1n the lobby of the Campbell House , UNITY GROUP FORMING to $333,833,311;merger:
i .. .' , , . ,..,. ' study “Lessons in Truth” if . ‘ . '
- 1 1 i 15 V . . . . 1 1 » - _ ‘ through Dec. 5, in the Guignol
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II I . _ .1 RIEIS()n_HeZI(1leVy R021(1. I v E N E R E A L D I s E A s E reservations Iphone 268-2680 from
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~ . . . ,I 1 e 18 open 1 ()11( d) t 110ng I11( d) . lid Hours: 4‘3 311:1)“ toeguspII; weekdays engmeefing honormIsponsoma turn
., . 1‘ 1 -. 1 there s plenty of free parking available. With and 9am” "°°“ 0“ Samdm series M“ ““95““ 3‘ “°°“ "‘
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. , « ~ vations and fast answers to all your travel . ABORTION COUNSELING- Dee. 2. .Reom 148~ Chemistry
1 . 1 n 1 L , , , “,1 1 1 1 t Women's Center. Call: 252-9358 frkvsxcs Emig13g' All undsrgradaate;
..; . ~ ‘. s R‘ O n , C a 171 c f 7 _m. t 9 p. . M d mg C emis ty are urge 0 a (an
, 1 . I I . I BBC S imousine SE51 VILE’ 1% d\ dl d ) e )8 ween 1:32;“ fiednesdgy and ’3“ SuZZaZ’; to air viIews on content and teachmg
._ . . ‘I : .=I_ . 1 the alrport and Inn. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. If emergency during 0f Chemistry courses.
. 1 1 I. . 1 w. . other hours. cal] Patti or Laurie at CIVILIZATION FILM. “The Light.
1 , 3 So look for us in the lobby of the Campbell 253'2284' gregxpgfienggggquém- gigs-$33,:
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. . . The Pertwnllab Pa ers b Don R ' mu
. 1 _ . Y P Y 050 and Ron Weinberg prevent forest fires.
.- l f . _ , : ; 00 m» ‘msz z A/t'CE 24/4/70” 7‘, COULD owe I Dali/T Fffl JOSEPH/ME I HEARD WW5 E ——-———-——l
. 1 ' _-, " Pecan/42.43;" (SOUL/.1 STAR PUP/z- HAVE /5 SAFE M/ 7/15 DoRM PEeru/LLAB)’ WAS '7‘ "C "G
' . ’ ‘.'. 1 ’31 , :1 {35 A 4/4/fo I27 [7555/pr 05.7 dfl/XMORE, I HEARD BoR/V //1/ Easy/AV 1% 11“ ("ka 'MI
, I .' r .- 1‘ Li 1 1 SOMEBOD/ 5A7 Tfl/S . 05 s33; “éfifiifiy’fifli’m‘gfi‘ ”321;!
1‘. I 1 . . . E 1': {again 36‘. x7 ‘ my BE; ON 75/9 OF PERTW/BBALE/Q Gor’s 0” [[07 I ‘ g 1333“; ”flue“ “5°6- 5°°°n¥i Ch”
. 1.1 . 1 . . 1‘ 5‘: II 2;; f who; [W- :35 A (Ii /T Au HE M/Gflf #4115 A MEMBER OF SOME HEARD HE'S A “ ”if“? 33‘: 11“,},929’325fify'dfififigcgé
‘4 5' ‘ L m " , ' , - . s .
1 ', .. . r, if . cos 7_;w/1ME 4L A GRA/t/f FRO/‘7 A VIE/RD SEX ( 1%.va . (41 HOST/Lg AA/EA/ Egggidsyzarfdefigecgtdhlfrlilggyshzngflflfig
" s . » a '5 f, ‘e r x” W 1 ,' ~ 1 , -.. ~ "-
,' . . . . I414 ._ ,1 em ir/v II {36/4 L)’ , 1;.aI F/V/M U/WVERS/T)’. I1 11 11, ;. '\\‘* I 1.5- ‘ _ FRO/‘1 (JR/WU; 17 £ Published by the Board of Student
1 , I . I 2‘ 1 I1 3 '1’; I! (01:1 151'? (W ”7/ . W I "Y. 1 11111. I, . 111"“ N‘ , :7 / \ m Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986.
I. - . _ 'i . . _‘ », , ,_ “-t _, _j~I I” l f 1 1 m lly‘ it «1 1E} '1 prawn «1141., I1 Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
. I I I ,1 I I 59-," I, III M 1 ‘1... II:,’III__.I_,I_:1iI‘ 1 1111 rfi, ‘1‘ . I _ J ,‘ I‘ “1%" 1" V $225395 continuously as the Kernel
. . ‘ ' ,; 1 f 1.2-! . ' . “a a, £3 a! g — :‘JG/"fij - 1’! I! 1 t f : ‘\ a. fl“ "‘ %’ Advertise: published herein is m-
1 . . , A, 1 1I I. '-§ *1.” ’9’ » I1I (71 11 g: H 1“! I I , 9 \§ ,1 h \ I1 1; : tended to help the reader bu . An
. , .1. V r it , W Q: ., . .0 F , \ A g , 1 1 F y y
. . I I -. )I 3 I r1| I? I. I, .3,.-..---- . §\~ 1:.//I_I 1);, '- I @1653 , . ‘4‘ 1 .‘ "5‘ , . 1 4-; .1 'n.. {V _\1 {)alse or misleading advertising should
- - u, r- s, / ~ 1 s. e»: x « , ac , s s - «we c M.» c: ° - I . e ”We" ‘° m “M".
.- . 1’) ii 111 2‘ . ’91, . .1. . g i ‘11:]; ‘2 « , l .1 ./ ' *9 j ;\\, .5" N/V/mg’t11.g\» 1 1.111 , 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES
- . r — : x .1 I x ‘ 1 1,; \) . / kv 11" \ ,/ I! \ i! 7 , -;’ ‘ . o b ‘i '. ’ l K) YCBTIY. by mail —— $10.50
. 1 I , i s 1 (n ,1 I 1 ~ I»! 1 \-_f, L.) ., t\\ \n 1 /' I l ;\ that“! it /I:ol:11’ N, ”‘1 u, “5.1 _ ‘4; ’1 1; V Per copy from tiles — $10
' ' , lg in T v\ I?) (It \ a“ I“, , 41-“ 1 $1 / / r ' 3'1“ itfgas.é§\\11,i\ ‘YJ $33“ '1 g‘ anNni. TELEPHONE'S
, . -i v; 1 4 .' ', , 1' /“ .1 1 I 7, . “ I "‘ -" ‘ y b", , ,»-1‘--‘.'." - ' \ Editor. M i E -
' 8, ‘9 .K ti? if 1' o‘ ( ~ ‘ i /1 / 3/:3) ': l I 1 I1 Lies J (@‘lfi‘ifi?’ 1; '“EI; 514:5; m Editorial :22: "gaitgrifor ”7 ”55
a 3* s; 1 331,4 5 . . 1 1 an 1, ,1 . w l, a” ‘1 ‘) l" 3%, w Axié’fillli: ”:11?" SW“ .. "7'17“
. u n , a 1 ‘ I. "w .t / i (.3 1,. tin llaml’g’tlk Jasmin ' sail 12% Th-g‘i‘hew

 THE kENTl'(ZK\' KERNEL. Tuesday Nov. fit), l97l — ft ‘, ' '
' ' 111' h ' f ' '
Commlttee trylng t0 esta lS 1n ormatlon center . - -.
'C I . I .
38 By DAN RHEA is the lack of response to a department in the intormation membership. details on researeh the amount ot time 't would , ‘ . '
ss Kernel Staff Writer recently distributed information center. she said. proieets and speeial skills or take to ansWer it. ' :'
of Th , U - 3 't , St d , t questionnaire. Harvey said she I interests. whether the individual “One person Went so ?::r as to 3 I I -
gr, Ad ,L ”(innit)“ 331:2) had received only 40 responses USAC sponsoring responding would he Willing to carefully eut out th: itlii",“\\ [in . .
Visory ommi I“ ( . ' to a roximatel 2.500 Harvey said USA(‘ is presently s p o n so r a s t u d e nt in the questionnaire and wturn it I . "
W . d M Cl H t “p y .
a (tin ,S,'t,’§111. {mic}, areI ryinfi questionnaires sent out to sponsoring the proposed independent study. and tor unsigned eomplainnw ..lvout not ' ,' :
~0f\ {St-d lift d fttnvrli faculty, administration and information center but she suggestions on setting up the haying time to do his ‘esearth I ’.
I}: ”m," if"; ”:5“ er .0,r f n student organizations. hoped the Vice President for center. heeause of haung it) SHIN“ er - ‘.
1g ”div,” 5‘“ ld [:3pltjrp9M (:1 3? The p u rp use of the Institutional Planning. Dr. AD. Attaehed to the questionnaire questtonnaires.” she said n.3-
” 3L1?" (IrIIonu F319 fog”, “if“! questionnaire, Harvey said. was Albright. would eventually take are signed eoniinents hi ' '
ve d ttksfdtul mm“; :m ..SPL:M. ‘0 obtain a “St 0f areas Of over. President ()tis A. Singletar} . , l'
m in] in} .St - m: H , um”, usI. interest and research ”10 Ha rv e y said she will praising the proposed eenter and HAVE YOU -
a d 1:11.133?“ Int” unnecessary University Community is redistribute the information e n er‘iuragingY eieiyone to , ° ° ' . '
ar ”l 1” ion. participating in. After this questionnaire to everyone who rs‘bt‘mtd‘ Reserved Your 'ii‘ ~
T he main p r o b l e m information is received, it will he did not answer it the first time, ”it“ e) :tlltiltltled the luck mt Spring Textbooks at I' I' '.
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. ' ., . . . hi3! \\ p" / n Senate i 1' ‘ 5 {21...} fit?)
I ‘ i i} \J‘lllr \’ +53~a,x ,_ [1171‘ ~ . fl; l white?“
‘ ' ‘ \. I .5 Mm“. Vi" ‘ ”‘ ‘“ ‘ 5.71}, ..L&'/);,irg_€£§!’:ia’
5 ' 5 5 ’ ,5 A; \ r1552; ““1“”.5 All: II it yaw,
'1' i . “ A skull session at the Student Senate T
' V .‘ imp
" , - ° . has
v .- tu ent enate inaction on an ers ever one
5 . . ' . - Tigi
' , . ' V - . . .. 5 - , eco:
' '5 , The University of Kentucky of l 7 elected people wrtlr that some effort has been made on powu. although too little. The T
' -' ' Student Senate. by the admission apparently no desire to discuss some fronts. Board CXPCClS the Student Senate visi
. : " 7 J. of at least one of its members. is campus issues or even to meet at What we are disturbed about is to live up to that responSIbility or (:5:
,5 -‘ , ‘ 5 “making no progress whatsoever.” all. the apparent abdication of face havrrrgit taken away. 5 and
' This has been obvious to Let’s be clear. We are not responsibility by the Student We support changes in the not
I I 5 students for some time. We have accusing Wendelsdorf of being a Senate. Their action. or rather their current make-up of the Student
i -. ' $0011 so far this year student dictator. For the most part we inaction. leaves the door Wide open Senate to broaden it to more fairly E1
'i ' i — ' government become nothing more support the actions he has initiated for a student government president represent the entire student body.
, 7 . '. 7 than Student Government President this year. A quick review of his to become a dictator. completely We feel that with some new faces
3 f ' Scott WCndCISdOFf. We have 8 body campaign pledges last spring shows oblivious to the wishes of the on the Board of Trustees, students
7 ‘ student body. have a fairly good chance of getting
' In all fairness, it must be the original Tripartite plan or some
> . i 5 . remembered that most students are acceptable substitute adopted.
' ' " = I h H I k H I unhappy with the current makeup But we are also certain that if the
- - :5 x, » G G“ U‘ 9 er“: of the Student Senate. a result ofa current inaction by the Student
‘ ‘_ -‘ 7- ” V , compromise on the Tripartite plan Senate continues. chances for a
' , . 5- ’ - ‘ I'NiViziisi’ir or l\l-‘..\'Tl'(IKY . l h f 5 5 l 'llf .1
5 . . ,5 ESTABLISHED 1894 LEXINGTON. KY. Wit 1 t C Board 0 Trustees. bLttLl‘ p an W1 81 .
l - ' __““‘———_—“—‘_“————r———————-———— ' « ~ \ ' ' 1 fl is
_ ,' .5 ' ‘ 'f 5 lidrtorialr rr'prrwnt t/u’ opinionr of the Editor‘s, not of the (inii'i’rstty. By aHOWIng 5 each LOHEge’ WIN?“ a new Tnpartlte p a
, ‘ . - —”————~—————-—~———~—————~——————— regardless of its srze. equal submitted to the Board one
. 5 '5 5~ ' 5 } Mike “'ines, Editor-in—Chief t t. . tl S d 5 t. id . its defeat
' -. , 5 '- Jane Brown, Managing Editor Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor represen a 101] m5 le tu ent (lugs Ion COU Insure '
~5. ’. - - 5 5 Dmitl A. King, Business Manager John Gray, Editorial Page Editor Senate. the Board Violated the spirit What have you done? If the
' i . '.'5 5. (.rcg Haitrnarrri. Rachael Kainuf. Lincoln R. [.cwis |r.. Dale \latthews, \Vcridy \Vright. Of one-man OHC-VOtC. question was 88k€d tomorrow, the
5f _' . 5 ‘i ' 1 ‘ [\riir \iaiiiii. and Tim Ballard. .inr‘slarrt .\Iarragini‘r l':di(()7'\ l h b d b
- _;. Mike Tierney. Sports Editor Don Rosa, Cartoonist Rona Roberts. Arts Editor The Board also gave StUdentS 3 answer WOU d ave to e um
'5 4‘ 5 I 5 Kerr \VcaH-r. Photography Ifditor' measure Of responsibility and SllenCC.
I ' "~ 5 ' ‘7» A» S” ‘ -_ h l .. ‘ ’ . 5 - .. ‘ N
.5 5 _ _ . . r :A:35£5iii;E;E.1;E;E;3;I;E;I;;g§fiigi;I5.5:5;5E5532EjE;Eg;5.3233;_5,555.5l5l_'5-5:5:::::$;55 O .5555555555555555555555,555:555:555,5:53.3555,.-.,_...5:,5,:5:.‘,55.:515,.5‘ ME
_- . - . ,_~ Kernel F o'rum. the readers wrl te W555 5.5.5
A 4 '- > ' 7 Th . . I. CONSUUCUON- ThC need for 3 new Phi/51031 competent architectural firms Vin the Consider the statement in the Kernel M
. . a P mm stm rum 5 . b ll . . d b 'ld' . -5 5 5 5 5 5
" ' . - , " \ H. . fl , tl ‘ 5“ .55 5 'ff 5. 1 plant W {00‘ 355 ‘5 ObVIOUS 3“ “1 ing nation. Finch-Hecry W85 SClCCTCd inf Its editorial that “for every atomic warhead P3:
.,5 5 55 5 K555551515 13:25 )n555r:5nc;55ir;r5ri5t5rd :t5a o 555i re a new lootball field may spur rather than experience and excellencg that falls on Ameri