xt7z08637395 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z08637395/data/mets.xml Florida Florida Historical Records Survey 1940 Other creators: United States Commissioners for ascertaining claims to lands in East Florida; Commissioners for Ascertaining Claims to Lands in West Florida (U.S.); Florida. State Library Board.; United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. Reproduced from type-written copy. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14:F 663/5. journals  English Tallahassee, Fl. : State Library Board This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Florida Works Progress Administration Publications Spanish Land Grants in Florida: Briefed Translations from the Archives of the Board of Commissioners for Ascertaining Claims and Titles to Land in the Territory of Florida- Vol. 1: Unconfirmed Claims, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration, August 1940 text Spanish Land Grants in Florida: Briefed Translations from the Archives of the Board of Commissioners for Ascertaining Claims and Titles to Land in the Territory of Florida- Vol. 1: Unconfirmed Claims, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration, August 1940 1940 1940 2015 true xt7z08637395 section xt7z08637395 I · FJ?  I .
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LLi@$ k Tue d1SbOTlC3l hecor s Survey program ooerates as a series oi
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,@$§,, , state—mide projects in tho several states under the Research and Records
R%§%@ El Section, Division or Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects
“»‘` tar e , - . . _ _. o _ _ . _- . , V. .
lsigg _ .Aumtnistration. Toe program was organirec in !lor-aa in 1956 under
"%g§§ » the national direction of Dr. Luther i. Evans. On March 1, 1940, Dr.
*1 ;—' ‘>6‘?€ ` ·n · J, ¤ a w· · w V · » q » ·
FT §% nvans left to become Director oi tne negislasive Rsierence Section of
vgieg { the Library of Congress, and was succeeded by Sargent B. Child.
~· r . . . .
Kg hg T The survey progrsn includes an inventory of state, county, munici-
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5g ks pal and churcn arcnives, of American inprints and oi manuscript deposi-
lé *¥ j tories and collections. ln keeping wish its object to make hitherto
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*3 og K inaccessible source material availaole to stuocnts, the survey program
i it 1 in Florida undertook the project of translating and transcribing the
,§_é§ Y , archives in Florida known as the Spanish Land Grants, which requirzd
lung? , p — practically three years to corplcto. The work was edited and the Intro-
Q?Y%§   duction written in our office by Dr. Louise Eiles Hill, Manuscripts
=;»t_ g Q , . _, J nh, , . , _+, 0,. _,
QE · 4; nditor. Final retislon Win made in tue national oiiice by Marnaret
-s%` w . __ _ i . I , . . . _ .‘ ,
g,,; 1 Sherburne Ellot, Assistant Archivist in charqe of ncnuscri t inventories
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;%y§i J rhe Unconfirm>d Claims appear in Volume I, the Confirmed Claims in the t
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§jj§% ‘ Our atireciotion is due to the honorable Nnthwn Mayo, Commissioner
_§{W§g of Agriculture, through whose courtosv our translators were given desk
p§fuh$ room in the Field Note Division, Tallahassee, durinc the time in which
im-   4, . , , ,, , . 1, " .
yghlhs they were onggned in tie tas; o; translating the Sp nish land rrants.
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E HM; Publications of the Florian Historical Records Surve". ; list of
5 Hun u·,— P- r - — , r C -s ii _1 , " q 7.
géqwu wiicn uill be zouro it the end or this volunw, are issued for tree nis-
§_jl@{ tribution to rublic and institutional librorits. Requests for informa-
§@tu, tion concerning the gublications or thx work of the Survey in Floridt
$§§i[j* should bu addressed to tho State Supervisor, Historical Records Survey,
Y§%’W* 49 West Duval St., Jacksonville, Florida.
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Mgd§; . The Unconfirmed Claims which form Volume I Spanish Land Grants
Evigs . in Florida are the records of those claims which after the cessicn
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tggqs , of Florida, the United States authorities found invalid. Confirrec »
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in ?§ »· Claims make up the remaining volumes oi the series.
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Qgigl The work of translation and transcription of the Spanish land
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, g Q, Q grants was done under the supervision of Professor E. V. Gage, former
nerd; ‘ t head of the Department of Modern Lanauases at Florida State Colleee for
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  ,:}Y?·¥2` F , _
ldtq£; { Women who was assisted bf two workers of Spanish descent.
ai S ·. 7 ·
VL t ‘ "  
;wb~& The orininal documents of foolsca size comprise a linear footage
.7»   it L ‘ ‘ —
  LY; ` U
~* *4 . . . , . .
¥@&§hg oi eleven feet and five inches. The work of translation and transcrip-
‘   ;;  
§Y§%Q , tion required about three years. Every scrap of writing was examined
iw a'? 
eff; }" :é . . . .
t5,$@g- and included and every name mentioned--whether governor, grantee, at-
riéf _F,.,,i .
e~W“s~ . . .
@$5y,, v·¢  torney, witness, register, notary, surveyor, or chain bearer. The spell-
3 itil; 
E?§¤¥!‘¤¥" . . . . . , A . , . .
.,.§#§ ing in the original manuscripts has been preserved. The iorm in which
g;fUfQ the claims appear in the present volume is that adopted by the transla-
;%§£mé tor and follows somewhat closely the form in which the manuscripts are
  . . .
;%gMQ; now filed. Each separate document is numbered and is followed by S or
ii F it-  
%?rwi E to indicate whether the language is Spanish or Enqlish. Notations of
;- >£·F,_¤·.
  `~n` . . .
gégtti governors, registers, and notaries on margins are indicated, and the do-
qi fly?  
,- "il " i ~· · ,., . . _ . 1
yyp,i~ crees of the Lnited states Boards of Coxmussioners who examined and
.@Z,'}' I   `
igxgi passed upon the validity of the claims are included mienever the decrees
-1 ;‘ 3 4
5/N} I;"
rgégw { were found in the original documents. Missing decrees may he found in
,;$,g .
  V I
E Li: 4.
  T; T
IJ}!   .
‘ ·i
2 .f
  . ‘
V {W   ~’ xr ·
;ys k
. fas
_` kl
L; ;  
' A

 ·   · ·v .;  
gg *_. •_ r
V     *_  .
    Aa? *  
i }‘·»\~§}   ;·-v._
    ‘*— •
1 1     ll
;;?é&= rz:. =
Agam§‘ }
· V" , .·;_ v
, . ,, . - i . . . . ·, inf? ·i ‘ .
Lrwricwr otnueitjhmch lU“llC limos, references to which tre given in ;g§é§;
~ ——-- --— —· · -—-· ;· ·» 1— -·——·•~- --·— »~—· ——· - bg, ;,
. 1  :3%; l
ell but e very few lDSC?HCCS. r%T?; .
xi nj .5*5 .
l/.V.ile prec ticully every cle, im appears in some form in the above     ‘
nwutionwd pwolic tion, the greet majority ere shown ee mere ebstrecte vg wg l,
$1.} ` i·¤y§ ,
IU tnlwler form, wittout the suprortinv evidence which gives to the lg pq
gre ent vwluxc its ihteiest end velue. For example, James Derley §_F§ L
11   i
. . . . . . sl +..3 l
wpgliex for n lend wF8Ht, rroriswhy to import 50 slaves from Azricu. FHl%_ 2 l
i` ·`E¢§.   . i
we semis u FUHCUHOT end sioop for them. The sloop is caught in e storr §§,§_ I
ig; .i> 1 i
  ‘   A : i E
off ·M; comet of Eioto Dowihno, the slaves revolt, murder some of the jljgl V
, . , . , . . . ,r·;:~;~_?:-,; *
wrew and flee imno the ihterier. Derley is under the hecessitv of go- ihykq .
f       “
. . . . . . b$&m*
nhv oft r then, r~trievinp his property, end proving it before the q;yg§
· courts, which requires two years. Such stories appear in DTlDf for M?»w§
. . . , . .  
tum firut time in Luis series. »$‘Vw
.5; ·-,1 ··.\ .
MQ? _' .7
., .. . . , . . . . . . ilggzliéxlg
whe¤»v r o iull txenscription oi c cleii is given in Ameriggg_ éqwwk
3*~v~ i~p»rs, the trehslnter has mace that cleir COTT©SEODdlD§lY brief, Q Wl§
" W"' ‘ ""” ` ` {ii ;;.·¥=%;>z
l . ,.. . . _ . . w@§L$@
¤ wt tu rv nw_ be nv HUGH; r petition. .%% hl
i   my
i . . . . , q . . >¢i »  " ilI§Pi¥` ' '°
lh~ vulw» el th~ trehrletion oi the spanish lend grents end their ;q]‘m·
»,· f y aj
nwzworeinv d¤UHm!UL? is wlso euh;hced bv the inclusion of aeogrephiczl .?{%M Y
" ' `; {J§·¥.·l’
M t~, much ws the names and locitioh of creeks roads end Indian trails §%`M£
7 ) 5   ;   ,.
. . ....  
*u w~l! ~¤ l~sic iwformotiwu on tk; sive, locctioh and bisie of each — &é§fWP
  r . . . .  i A
i ~!¤iw, ell oj WHWCP, it ir nored, will he found to he irporteht socizl yyiy
=‘. if `
---—e;.r....-...,-.. Z., lf. 2
% l. ln thos~ c~o~¤ which do not eyrowr in Awjricun State Ferore $@l- [
Q YP- wl·inm ~ r· swl·¥wwii:tsd nzithzr hy docwmarts nor hy with?ss s. §Q{ I
P r¤   vie. 1~   vm.   Fil?-V
glib? l _
-, !}§:j1° ` .
E Eli
1 »·*  [ {   ‘
?? $3   ,¤- `, .
l ‘ · ' '· I 4 `
¤ ll   ‘
Q .. i?

   x _ Av    
  itk ·  
3.7*%, jh`. ui
.¥iiiA`   ‘*—». g _ _ _
iw; ¤· #5. i H 1 1
$g@& ‘? . ~
A—>{`»;*·¥· . ·, . . ., -1 . — .--
§%j§g a end ©COHOHlC uetu on both the Enplish occupation ei rlorioe (l7oo—83)
`=    ¥ ,, . . .
l§§@§ ind the second ooznish cccucetion (l78$—l?2l).
{ >x_»i_§.·. ` `
¥§T§§ . For convoniencw the Gales % Seaton end the Dui? irecn edition? oi
v TQ 6*5 , `
{@i¥§ V Americeu Stetc Pupers, Public Lands, arc indicated ty the initials ¤&S
.-1-4 ii  i .
in `W »· and DG resocctivclw. A list of the vovernore of lest and "est Florida
Wg   V ’ — l
  Mi '
  ~;..= ' ss J, — _ ,_ i · _· G
§i§”l i from l7om to l92l and the names of the survevors and tngir dcnutics ior
5:2 ,‘< .
iA§ Q tne same perioc are included.
A A 5
»£L& L v», »,v v , U V G
V? gr · i . Tim SrnnISn nRCxlVE¤
·:: ..,‘_ ,
Gsx% J '
  lit l . . ., ,.,A . .
gijg; l Archives in Teileuessee consist of dossier: contsiniir tre papers
gif, * . l;
    ’ ”   . T . . -, A . fw ` . .
,y4$i ‘ filec in eviuence be ore the United oteteo boards of Coniiesioners;
Lg; $5   » `
N ` 
4 ‘.A 4 ' ¤ -— · · · »» -v— · .
.y$wQ i cooks of recorc containing the minutes oi the ecards; transcripts oi
’g,p¤g , originel pupers and trunsletions of some of the trcnscriptsg regs, plgts,
§¥,$$¥  and surveys; and c large file of untranslated Spanish Gccurents of ¢ ris-
"* ‘‘·i A . . . . » . rw. . i. Q
1§ll@· cellaneous character, laocled "Sgrnish Protocols, lPoe—l9", consiseinf oA
  _\M_v qi ,
5%#;:§§;é%i . . . . . . ,, .
ggyii wills deeds titles teetinonv eil bills or sele. many cocurents for
    M > * * ~
§5§l§ claims in West Florida tre uniccountebly missinz. The trersletor ofter
,\·· gf lr,.} ,
iéilg: lima A
J" ‘·'i , . . . . , 7 _ .,,. V, ,
_§§ wi, mound dossiers whicn contsireu only e survey cnn 2 certiyicete rrom tmc
  · '°
Jbyww Tillubessee land office for e getent.
    T. , . . .i . . l i .
gywyni leon separate lane cl in, wgtn its surpnrtptr qacurenrs, is enve¤=l
. E U ]‘:~
  . i i . , i G , . , - .
@§ym;y in e nenillc gucxct on the outriue or ·.·_ inich eiye r the nn~e or the cirir—
§¥&;lV_ ent, his number within the letter or tt; elnhxt t in which his no *AA. e Fe~
§?Q} lorvs, the nunler of acres clsirzo, digrosition of the claif, sn? o;ce
·|}’ T- , ` "
=i 1% i
  lg  ; : " ~ A — »' . T" .(.. T. . l  
£ih_ { reierence to Mnericwn store ;upe4¤.
§$Y": l 2 _
tdi ---------
§jm , _ 5. This System .1 Q
*1 1. 11*%,. ’- t J.
. 1. ·- _ »`j·l». ,
F, 1·I -1. `· VL ». 1 ¤ -
,1 11.,- 1 fw., “ Cr ., 4 .
}l1:, -. 4 '-’} ..    
‘ 1} Hr V’~1"» _ VUT1. F   GF   .
1   V V /V V, ){_ `VVVF1 Ti `   Of C V V- I K; Q   V`  > 1`1_
M `_ . U! A ~ >r CWM 1g,)uV@ --~gG t V3    j;_   
· '1 ViY - *1*+ ‘ 4Ht 3 3,. * Rf? 1:,;% 1  *1
1 .. V' ’ ` 1- 1.1- ’ D' ~ S 1 _ Q F;   {ir;. 1 1.- 
  1. rf ~ gw "}]=,. ·—»1p1 1 zh ··4e ¤.·
  1 15- .. -1.. 1 ##9+ ¤-¤· - ~.f 3 4;-> 1,..:1* . 
‘ 1 C1] "    n   mc, '” OM T ` “ I { ' S EF? *533 1
V VW] _ V V FZ., V}V’ Erq A- 4VV©,·. V     1£;:T V *
-1.   1 1 P- » _L` ·11__   -*.*1-) TW OlP_ .;.5   `
1111.1. Wa , We-.. -l1 pr J-OT; in .:1;   1** »
1 F-.,     ._ 11 121f`» *1 ]1._ ` #(1: .§$¥{i‘1,;1¢&  
_ Y ` 14 ;4,,éM V. ·· 1'>>)_(` V -1Tg, C ~1`TghdQ 3 1` > 30 +%   E
1'1 .. "~'1 . m - 3111 . *1 1;, Me "11 11'4·.i·1 ‘
·i1 1 { HKVV . 13 D 2 ,l1' *i¤1'.
1 ..] 1.] A _ 1 lp . *51.. ,.;..4-; gu;}.
V:1` V {.5,r, \r)) ._ V ` (7\ **13 C @i.g§§A`;p¤f°aY 1
1   I 9   *1 · 4 J?   IF,.) .1. l 3 Oulhb   'Z \_
. 1J,. .i»— ¢ pw vw. ‘ ;14=_1=
] 1   ` `Y z V , ·t1v_-rl; V f_;A1;EY>` ` I A , OVQT be  _  
l ‘-'1{-yr; it "JT ar"   Q V 1";OI,'C V Ulgn    
we ,l   1 ”’¥; (4) ·- 11%,   0;~d¤_ ’ OT     1
`1` . ‘ V?.· ,, ‘. *1 L V‘—~I·   V
_ 4 11 11, Y   U _ Q Ca] 0f Hr fg? in   l
. 1 » _ ~ · q ,, J ·· . 1 j} Y1 1 _: »__g;g_¤‘·. 1
7‘ V1.`1 11 11 .. “t1’= V‘1b@y ‘·1iV0;~   ..r;F¤ 1
` 11- . 11 11. . 1 (n1 L“3at¤ S Op · .11%.1%
"1   .   1 1   r·.- VJ 0+* ` tha   EL,-5 1
1 y·; ,_ "11`11 ,1, 'VV"4‘ gk, VVVQIVLE F VV S?;m,. V {Emi. 111;   V
"1     11     E "1'11 1»     ..0 “1°¤ 1-. `   111 1@ 1
. `  1-1 `-1-; -_ ~ -. `g 11,;. =‘1·
1· , V 11.. M ’ 11·1 V1VV’·1€;Y·, VVVV3I'I1q HV Vw. ‘ V11V?§·   V· V
‘ 1111 - **11111 11 P 1 Li]. "*l` "* 1.1:1. (EM i
-;j D _\(:i. 11077,   , bv {11311 hh
J 1 ] *1 r` ‘   : ( _ N V V -1  rx] "     ,-1   Q ·   ¢···   1
, ~- 11:11-.. .· — ‘· W *1 ¤. ‘- ln   .~—i;
1 -. —» . r- »i· —·¤d --.1Ep -. 1
we W 1» *1»t.».,_ E., · 5 ~n»¤_ ,1 4 1 1
`VV`1 1.1   `“‘11-1;..1,, ""1 01- M   [1..   VV? TYNIO W VV "   ig.; 1.
V. 4. A   *7.* _ »1q€ * Vg , V 1 `L _ ‘ _*1   {
1111-. 1·. . VVVV VVV.11...~ . V VVVV¤ je- VVVOVTQYM DV; F1-OI-; , qrldis      
1 ._ V111.»» `   .. ‘ En V "*1" 6-11 1% ’     1
1 111 'V   _ "l` C; 11'1:··l. S;) Or t1, #$2   {
’111111=1 . ““‘1141· — V1  .     P “°T€c1~I., 11G {1".1i1»“1:1 1
. -11· 4.1 , ·m.1_ 10   Jah 1 .11 O.   -   1 1
11- · 1·.   -1 #~¤ 15 (1 .1- .- ns .
yl — .-1,.. T 1,0,, _ · nts { » thm Of Un   {_ ;_ ,:1 1,
V 1VV1‘¢,· V 111j V 1"s1,., VH E3. J Ettpn S 1.$»§{i$€ 11
  -1 1   1 1*+1 1.   . 1-1 17* -¤1¤ 0..  
` 1*1- VV V1 11    1.1 . V-11 Yr- V*OFi@.. 1 111..   1
V ` V V'   14   111,- _,   Emp. d 1*11:18 O_ VM; (171 V    
r . _ `1 '· 1,, (_ " -1 1.- ‘ —-’¥ , I 1 ext 1j%§; ‘1;,~Q1 kg ~
~   nhl V`V _  pi VPVV-iq.? Tl        
‘ V I 111   V 111--1· 1 V VVVV111i .-1 V V?*?91·q O1 CMC   { V
  .. ` -?   10   ‘ *.1 ..   »—S . -· ,   1 SB 1
; 1  .., ”1"···.   315* j. °T' r~ UVVUHJM YiI ~*Q'lV  
1,1 _ 1V 11i \ .1+ lv -;,l¤_ ¤gI,T__i _,   .j][ `.
.· .. W .v _ . 1·€ ._ 11; · ‘·. q,___ ·¤,».fg1, .
1 W 4. ,1] *1 ‘ [V - Ln; A   C *~;lO3    
1 *‘·% 1 1  . 1`1 1.. X11   ur. My  §1'11.¥‘ 1
I ' V  V1   · 1 V VV` VE Z ,1 K V V V 11 _ V VL A     · X VV ,        
1 V 1 Y` · 11 111- 11. VV   11~1~. V VV W — VV VVV`?-pt Et'tF°¤1 V+V7 %§1V11V?V‘
1 1   I, I . rw;   —· ·; ,_ ll · J ins`] ~ 1 wg b 1U;} bv  I
1 "1 1., *11111 1   1 41.-11-   Nia 1 4.* 21.1111
1 · 1-1 . ~ - L 1- *1   1—·¢> 11 :; :;·
V1` · . _ V1 15 1,: ` VV11/.. 1 IV1`c-,,_, ' OV1>1.,_ VV d11;·_ §ii i';.§1!§12%
1 mi 1 ivy; 1   "f C , ‘ 11QI- g$ ··1f`~ ·;11~
VQ 11 `V’   Y` ·~ V VV ‘<"` 1 .1 QT {nv. . FRG + ’¢ _ S 1  
1 _`-•__   1.11 1 111.1 4.1_;,\ 1 E •_,.;_·_’ ·`;:·1,
1   . 1..,   ‘1 #1,1 V 11“ ¤;~ Q “‘10y_    
‘ 1 .1 1- »., V " 1- · "1 111 ` `·'-1111. 1- `J.1-1-.-  $1‘1‘111§F».-
{  1 ‘- -;7—-__ ¤11;~,i ` iv G 1·~=D1141 _ ` *7. (_ 1,  {111111.-
  TV»·· ‘- '·.. ` -—   V1· VP ,· V V V :1;;; V     if by  
1 1 4 .,. 1 -1-,..   _ 1141:. , 1>; 1.1 ‘1 131-1111 ‘ 1*
, V V`f1 1l ¤. _ 7 I`-. ‘»(`1 , ‘¥— ,gVV_?1'V1
  · 1.,), _  1:;1   ‘_1·1..Cl t Tux ;,_ V tgg    1
V V VVV· 11 V   V` 1} LV ll . — ¤·`    1
  1.1. 11111.-4. 1`11¤~1— llld ° fl  VV'1V:V
‘ 1`T ». ll - 17 1..,_ 1~   .a‘ ,2*
  , ’ lt. ,_   Q V  
1 1 . 1 -..__ .,0,, .·*;fi 1‘{€~·
1V ` ,   -¢ 1 L? -‘ ¥$Y·’1111€.1?1
V ‘ C: . _V` 1 Sh , Ll me 1.   #*1111
1%,31., ·>¤1_.i,v 1` 1,;;;.,1.45.. lj  
1 11.1 .1 , 151] _,_   .1 11 111
V" Wi ».VVVC’ cx'.,   :1]  V
‘   $·j1f11'1·|1
`1 li .~~ *11*11 F5- 1111i
’ @131 w -13   15  1 1
  11-~#" 1=?1§ 1V
V M  N xs (1, 1
1»\JQ 1v1 :.1-V
°‘  ,1111  1,
. , {HV. 1
. {..§1
,:3% ..
11111- 111
J.`, , _
:V~ Vix 1
  111 11
` `1·1H1?‘ 111
.   V -
Q . * 1- :;;1

 .-——   i" ' " i ”`vv'“ tau M i   M  ¥ ii >A.· A i it iiii  
F·· - *1 ,
rf ‘.  é ’ V
  lj; C, 
  is: Fi g  iv
  ‘- i- 
    i ‘~ • T
r: -. ".;I, , ¤
{.5 nf`- ‘
sm ,,,i     ·
ggdgg ; leesed one day for so mrny snillinge e yetr and eolé to tne sére party
Q@$?i [ N _ _
@§n@f j the YOLIOWJHQ new for so many pounds SC€TllH& "nnd one peryeroorn wnen
Y§V§£ ; le elli demanied"· l3 instructions to noteries at 2 distence for tek-
., ~,.. ,,x.·e. t 7 »
=?:¢@ l ine testimony of witnesses; l4 effioavit of charicter and tenure:
:    j- _ ,
    F " 1 » -y'4*» " l-— ·· · -» `·— -·-~ · Q -·»·· ¤+·~ ~*
l- '*§,_ \ . .. *3 Q U · és ·. in v` M; .U ex UD o J L/uf -f!_.4../) U A Cn. U un kk-
  (1o)oo~o¤ of ¤3l@, _]_ 1,¤’ mi lg, w (j_3_—=*f" lg 'M ·pV—¤ (]_) inf — ri
'*?$ ,".i ‘ · _,> ~ . , · · 7 »` : Q .—'.—»~. T ~ .i»
. @ Lq auctions oi lano; (l?) formal application to the Un_ted oietee ooeirs
Ms~“Q ~
€.t‘ ¥ of Conmissioner; for recoynition of the cloir and the decree of the
;| QE? z
'; l»._S‘: ¥ _
§_&i, = commissioners or ,rooee5ii¤s of Uniteo State? courts; (iQ) trans-
tgx,   O ¤ . ,
5§QW? i lotions ani Cowles of Joounents from Spanish archives in the United
  * ;· mw l
#§]*$ ll Q
jjyig ‘i States or in Cuba.
  ¥}¤‘i   ·
fi?}.    U _ h I _ I `
g;@%g i American court gamers within o oogsier are boopo toggtnjr with tipg,
:3.     . . . . . · »—. - ~ ·
’};q%§ ’ e clip, narrow ribbon, or wine. The pieces in 2 large zrenish ooesier ere
¤§‘*% . . . . . . r j
irh ·_ usuallv etitckqo with line; tbre@o· in tho smaller ones tnev are n=¢teo
*0 .* ' J ’ ' t
  i ~
»\,-’  I; v` _ _, 7
q.Lw§ together or ettached oy eeale.
X-if  {1 !',.‘
at  JW
QRQWE, The docurente iesoribed ere filed in st al cebinets in the vault
  yy nig -
ljé  12 ¤:;,»
&%&Mw of the Field Note Division of the Florida Denartnewt of Ayriculture in
I-:1 · ¤.* » ,* A
2;; : MF-
$£ ki the capitol at Tollihneene whore tniv are veil protvctco Trof Just,
¥;   limi? · *
i%u&f` Vurmim ond fire. TZey have not elvepe been so nrotzcted. Dre to zh~
it · -j| |` :2,
M:   M $ =
gigyyi ravages of verrin, highly ncid ink, ouch haniliug end unieeirrll; r;tr— V
ggiypi ods of filing in the peat, toov nre excezoinglv fr gilo ono ¤on~ are
  HW ‘ -
 *2:;:;% A
§§E?_§j,]’   uudeariolxembl ; .
  *“ l
%$QQ The peth of the Spunigh lend grant archive; ix rece in; z
 l` if ·
ig s 1*
  L   ·
éij `IV [ ""€‘i··‘if·*··:·—·····  
·;WiQ 5 0. sea Uwe. A W, ;ol. I. _
  HP: _
if , ,
"iV' fl _
ii; V A `
f¢'»,·;E• I
1 {gpg, .
i   g
  ,» \. .
  ». 5%

 r . ' ` V V -
w {   /·
Z?-%.?¤" 4 : l
  ;I·`*a . .€·
MSA ¤=»_ 1f  q
  ._€   $4*. ? M
,   }·.¤.:&¤· 4 *
Tl »it‘   ‘
.6%; .;@=¢:.{ ~.
  , L . .:‘Y#'·*~·;§~}; ·
I"/Y¤·—¤Yi·¢Tw }'1O;Ty3 lp julw .3,,,1   ,.r __ V _ $2 ,Y~_.¤2 .
  *"·     · #¤¤ M d¤vw~.s me. mf SQPOM »&»¢:‘ 
;.y.g :,.1, , . Ti    
» M M 4 ., U   4LY·,.,~4.. ,   f. ,- __ , `;;~;¢`;.,: 4:; y
V U ’J *1 ‘€>u”?u2JT" '%· `nwc , », · —- . 2 $.4*1,4:- ,
J 4, L ‘»·A ·J¤ l~T’J*/1¤l  f<> 1* tue   ’
    4, .. .   -. .   l
'`‘' VV   "’ · "i· J ' -»Y“ldz Z0 1;‘~¤· www +P 1 ¤ L, .. . . .,   aw   L
· 44 4.., ,., ,·, wt·;s sequmrcn thm; 51,; "&:— ;?;§4§‘ v
V " ` V     '
wr *r I :·   »»» ~».~\ 4- ,4 , — 4 ·     V
’" · ~‘/ ·‘ ¤~¤   V 12 li.? :_' 5 rw " w » » A . H- ,§*`Y¤’€ V
-T-L,T,.-_] ¤O thc pI‘a>y>&icti.* ani SOV-   gi; A
{-1.*.}   ¤ »» V . 4 . . , _ VV',V§    
` ‘ ’. - z W, ;,4,T"?· 1* · · WA, ,_,. -   `H
" 1  "~ C 1** M 1=¤Ss€ss1w O4; Oemmals ·.§§   ··
.   .. """ " ·}V;§»¥i?¤§& {
(°*   *4¥**»•*71 YI.} ,.V_ ; W-44)    .. _. _  Sus W9} *
I ‘ ·· ~ ; ",x .; VL `)_QJf' to     my E fiillillguki S,m_i'l€   ·     5
._.   .. _ ‘  Tg yi
M *"* V L ¤*'1·T‘%li> H `l.:;i· vw ·¤·. ¤~   ,`.»· _ · , V     Y.
V V V  MJ " S mn YECOTUS W€¥ V
Q` 2,4;**}} `Q; V- , f·y._ if  V {
V. . "V " QV V'-?     "f;""¢`1`r‘r· C ;, .' .1,. ._ . 4 »   il" ll'? {
·4 K ,4 ».. ,4 » ».-PXVL:.