xt7z08636n3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z08636n3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1982 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Ohio State University, December 2, 1982 text University of Kentucky vs. Ohio State University, December 2, 1982 1982 1982 2014 true xt7z08636n3z section xt7z08636n3z ! . ·..w·.:;m¤·-:;;:6,, I
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 I i@§2-83 SCHEDULE  
l Nov. I9 Chinese National Team {Exhib.l Home 7:30 I
M Nov. 27 Cincinnati Home 2:00 I
Dec. 2 Ohio State Home 7:30 i
Dec. 5 Miami University Home 2:00
Dec. 8 Indiana Away 7:30
Dec. ll East Tennessee State Home 5:00 i_
Dec. I9 University of Charleston Home 2:00
Dec. 2l Florida Home 7:30
Jan. 3 Memphis State Away 7:30 A
Jon. 6 Middle Tennessee Home 7:30
Jan. I0 Tennessee Tech Home 7:30
Jan. I4-I5 Lady Kat Invitational (Arkansas vs. Georgia State) Home 7:00 & 9:00
(Kentucky vs. South Florida)
Jan. l8 Alabama Away 7:00
, Jan. 20 Louisville Away 7:30
Jan. 23 Vanderbilt Away 3:00 CST
Jan. 26 DePaul Away 5:00
Jan. 30 Georgia Home 2:00
Feb. 2 South Carolina Home 7:30
Feb. 5 Old Dominion Home 7:30
Feb. 9 Tennessee Home 7:30
Feb, l2 Vanderbilt Home 7:30
Feb, l6 Rutgers Away 5:45
Feb. T8 Auburn Home 7:30
Feb, 20 Georgia Away 2:30
Feb. 22 Florida Away 7:30
Feb. 27 Tennessee Away 3:30
Mar. 3-6 SEC Championships at Tennessee Away
Coach Terry Hall ........................................................................ 1
Basketball Staff ......................................................................... 2
Team Picture and Roster .................................................................. 3
President Dr. Otis Singletary ............................................................... 4
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan .............................................................. 5
University Information ...... Q ............................................................ 6 3
Features .............................................................................. 7
Scorecard ........................................................................... 8-9 A
Opponent's Picture and Roster ............................................................ 10
Players, Managers, Trainer ............................................................. 11-13
Records ........................................................................... 14-15
Cheerleaders, Terry Hall Show ............................................................ 16

 University Archives
Margaret l. King Library · North
TERRY HALL University of Kentucky   __ _
After two outstanding seasons at Ken- Lexjnggorll Kentucky 40506   .
tucky and possessing a career winning _- »  
percentage of .657 in eight years as a ‘ V _
collegiate coach, Terry Hall is now regard- -  "  
ed as one of the top coaches in the women`s   ·t —     _,`;
_ collegiate ranks. C 0 ¤ C h  Q  i'l'" V ggm · Q
- Hall guided the l98l-82 edition of the  ` if   ‘ _
Lady Kats to their finest season ever, a 24-8 "~;~_    
campaign that ended in the Midwest Reg- .     Ar "
A ional championship, where Kentucky fell to   X       ' ,
No. l-ranked and eventual National Cham- r   ` ” ·  
pion Louisiana Tech on the Lady Techsters` ,__       _ l _ _ '
home floor.    fil _' `°§’ V
By the end of the season, the Lady Kats H ¤ I I   .      
were playing so well that Hall proclaimed, i cg  _ i ~ r ·`'i s  F _
"lf we had been in any other region, we     _ ` · · ·
would have been in the Final Four."     -  S `  
That Kentucky performed so well is large-     .
ly credited to Hall, who at the start of the   *
season was faced with the task of rebuild-  
ing a team that lost two starters off the front
line while adding only one p|ayer—a
guard—to the roster. But somehow Ken-
tucky improved. The Midwest Regional final Before coming to Kentucky, Hall coached A native of Salem, Ind., Hall attended In-
was one step farther than the Lady Kats had for five seasons at Louisville, where her diana State University, where she starred in
gdygnggd me previous yggrl in l-lollg roolrle teams compiled a 79-54 record. In her final basketball, field hockey and volleyball
season at Kentucky. That year UK finished Se¤SOl'1 at U of L, she guided the Lady Card- before graduating in l966_ She was
with a 25-6 record after losing at Maryland inals to their first Metro Conference title as honored with the "I" Woman Award in .
in the AlAW`s round of l6 finalists. Follow- they defeated G tough Memphis State team l965, and received the prestigious Hillman
lng fhgf gggggn, l—loll Wes honored os rhe in the tournament finale. Hall also coached Award in T966 as the most outstanding fe-
Kentucky Women`s lntercollegiate Confer- tennis and softball while at U of L. male athlete at ISU.
ence Coach of the Year. HalI`s initial coaching job was a one-year Also an outstanding softball player, Hall
Hall now has a 49-l4 record at UK for a assignment at Eastern Kentucky University, enioys competing in a fast-pitch league in
Wlrmlrrg percerrroge of _777_ l-ler eoreer where the Lady Colonels produced a l4-6 Louisville. She has been named to several
record is l42-74 over 8 years. The highlight record and a KWIC title for the rookie softball all-star teams and is an exceptional
gf her Coreer or Kemoelry Come roword rhe coach. Her experience up to that point had pitcher.
gnd gf losr gggggnl when llqe Lgdy Kols been in the high school ranks, where she Hall earned a degree in Health and RE. S
defeated favored Tennessee 80-74 to cap- coached Louisville Butler to a 69-33 record from ISU in l966, and received a Masters
ture the Southeastern Conference cham- and two Jefferson County titles in five Degree in P.E. from Eastern Kentucky Uni-
pionship on their home floor. seasons. versity in l974.
   i·»..~— #·   . :r -    if  t
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THE HALL MARKS         li·t —     ‘ L _   ..---  
-.—JA* Ksntuck . r   ’     s     J    
g l98l-82 ............................. 24-8 _ ~ —     -,_,      rr 4  P 
l980—8l ............................. 25-6 i    ·_·    i‘`     ’,Q1£,Qi°   ‘ if- n  · Li 
UK Totals .......................... 49-l4 .777 ~ _S~``  gs. .-         ` _,   I ·_
V · 5  `_—\ gg 47.*   -wiéé-,      V `   Y
Z At Louisville ' . A `  . ’=— Q ; ¢       i’” . ¥~  
l979-80 ...................,......... l7—l7 ._ ;_•»__`      _,‘»    _   -  ji _, A    
1978-79 ............................. 17-10   _ gg  I        A    
  ...,..................,,....    ~ :6..;   _   i rs  " ,,5,;  ,_      4       `· rr  
l976-77 ...........,................. l5-7     -      __,,     _·       »   "   _
l975-76 ............................. l2-ll   i     _ ·l "  ''`_   __   T .._     ‘ _   _  
U of LTota|s ...................... 79-54 .594 A    r ei),  an   \   g         J V'    `  
At E¤¤t¤r¤  1‘t   > ’   .   "     . .···   `  *    r~-»
l974-75 ............................. 1-1-6 ‘t‘7 7        [   ' ` ’  
  -l-OfGlS ........ M ..... . . ..··..·· l 4'6             i f  V
Career Totals ..................... l42-74 .657   t 1   , _ "` e` . V  

 . A J   ,_=`_   .   L     i
Th te fseek c s    .#§·s t s 
B   fi V  ’    ._,`   . ' , L `; L.    
  *   ` nbgrf   .2% _ I . .,  \ g .    _; W_\ex~»;\ . -
Suppon     2  5  sfpr s .   . if
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.               \;;        _ »·`  ,   .   ·
Assistant Coach   ii  ..  .  i  
"Dottie" Berry came to Kentucky as an assistant in l98O from College    
Park High School in Georgia, where she was serving as head basketball    
coach. A native of Atlanta, Berry graduated from Russell High School in      
East Point, GA, before attending Georgia Southern College, where she      
earned a Bachelor of Science in T974. ln· l976, she earned a Master of       A_.  ; 
Education from Georgia State University. Berry has extensive experience  s i ;}    '  
working summer basketball camps and has served on the staffs of such       r _.
widely-recognized camps as B/C Invitation Camps, Atlanta Superstars   g *1 .
Basketball Camp and Hubie Brown`s Basketball Camp. ` r ts      
LYNN NORENBERG ._wyy.___. g
Graduate Assistant   ``iii    
Lynn joined the Lady Kats staff in August of l98l after earning a      
Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Education at William and Mary Col- i,.  
lege. She started four consecutive seasons in basketball, and also com-    
peted in track and intramural softball. An excellent student, Lynn earned       .
Academic All—American honors at William and Mary while earning a        
3.97 grade point average over four years. She was also a member of the     .  
Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. A native of St. Petersburg, FL, Lynn has   sssi   at Y
spent several summers working basketball camps, including the B/C All-      
Stars Basketball Camp, the Manatee Junior College Basketball Camp, and     `J i f
the Lady Kat Basketball Camp. As a player at William and Mary, Lynn
is ranked No. l on the school`s all—time scoring list with l,504 career _
points. She averaged l8.3 points over four seasons with a 56.2 field goal
IOAN FRY ,__..·  
Secretary   ’_    V
Joan ioined the Lady Kats program in August of l98l. Her primary `___ L at  C   .
responsibility is handling all correspondence for the coaching staff and ~ `i`' ly ',_y  
acting as a receptionist for the department. A native of Burnet, TX, she     l `   `
attended Southwest Texas State University, where she maiored in soci—       y
ology. She is married to Jason Fry, also a native of Burnet who attends L   s    
Asbury Theological Seminary.      
r , _/

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1982-83 LADY KATS
Front row, left to right: Diane Stephens, Donna Martin, Patty Jo Hedges, Lea Wise, Audre Andrew, Lynnette
Lewis. Back row, left to right: Terri Naiser, Valerie Still, Jody Runge, Sally Loughton, Karen Mosley, Leslie
Nichols, Lisa Collins.
3 Patricia Mazzoni G SO 5-6 Louisville, Ky.
4 Diane Stephens G SO 5-9 Louisville, Ky.
10 Lisa Collins F JR 5-10 Corbin, Ky.
11 Leslie Nichols F FR 6-0 Lexington, Ky.
12 Valerie Still C/F SR 6-1 Kansas City, Mo. _
* 13 Patty Jo Hedges G SR 5-7 Louisville, Ky.
14 Lea Wise G SR 5-7 Lexington, Ky.
22 Andre Andrew G FR 5-6 Bedford, Ky.
·* 24 Donna Martin G JR 5-7 Lexington, Ky.
25 Jody Runge C JR 6-2 Waukon, Iowa
32 Sally Loughton C FR 6-4 Stafford, England
33 Terri Naiser F SR 5-9 Louisville, Ky.
40 Lynnette Lewis F JR 5-9 Loyall, Ky.
44 Karen Mosley C FR 6-3 Toledo, Oh.
Head Coach: Terry Hall
Assistant Coach: Dottie Berry
Graduate Assistant: Lynn Norenberg
Trainer: Sue Stanley
Managers: Michele Oberst, Heather Longton, Mie Nishigori

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President, University of Kentucky ~- -,2 ;;;  g   ,.. . .  
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Dr. Otis A. Singletary, the eighth presi- Great strides toward academic excel-   J         V
dent of the University of Kentucky, as- Ience have been made during Dr. Single-   c   ·  Q , ·;
sumed that office in August l969. He tary`s presidency at UK. Two professional   »¤=»¢    
had previously served as chancellor of schoo|s—dentistry and pharmacy—have _        
the University of North Carolina at been ranked among the best in the   `'  {       ·i``   °
Greensboro, executive vice chancellor nation. Departments such as political
for academic affairs in the University of science, history and mathematics have
i Texas System and director of the Job gained national attention. The UK Li- vice president gf the American Council
Corps for the Office of Economic Op- brary now ranks among the best in the an Educatian and vice chairman of the
portunity. Southeast, and a large portion of the Sauthern Regional Education Board,
Dr. Singletory, a native of Gulfport, world-wide research related to tobacco Arnang his many awards and honors,
Miss., holds degrees from Millsaps Col- and health is now done at UK. he mast recently received the Depart.
lege and Louisiana State University. Under Dr. Singletaryis guidance, strong rnent at Army`s Outstanding Service
As president of the principal institu— efforts have been made to meet the tv\edal_
tion of higher learning in the Common- needs of minority groups including the t—|e entered higher education in l954
wealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly con- establishment of an office of vice presi- as a member of the history faculty at
cerned with the Universityis role as a dent for minority affairs. the University of Texas and twice was
land-grant institution, a ·ip€Or>ie‘s uni- Recognition of his service to the Uni- awarded the University Student Associa-
versity" accessible to all who can profit versity was evidenced by the UK Alumni tian`s Teaching Excellence Award,
from education. Association which presented to Dr. Dr_ Singletary is the author of two
ln the T2 years he has been president, Singletary its Alumni Service Award- bggkg and several monographs. l-le is
the University has grown to where there an honor rarely bestowed upon ci non- a member of Phi Beta Kappa Senate,
are now more than 23,400 students on alumnus of the University. A Navy veteran of World War Il and
the Lexington campus and about 2l,OOO Dr. Singletary has been actively in- the Karean (jantlict, he is a commander
students in UlT:;%;_,,T,;   V V, -   oa; og
' lnvrtational Tournament, the wrestling and ;’·__T.',°*;,*,g6r  ,,,, T ., " Y" ér
' ' rifle teams winning SEC titles and the base- *    V M-;    r Q_ "T`l¤*v_’
Athlehcs Dlrector ball team winning the SEC Eastern Division.   i      ·r   T“·
The wrestling team repeated as confer- [ii,- , §i;t.s§¢  "__   Sli;
The TTTTTH OT: new TOOTTDGTT TTT CT ,_ ence champion the following year, the   _ `_ _ _     ·  
9 . °°°° ‘*“Y °' basketball team trnrstiod with o 2o-4 record c A V`    -  ‘~··r·"` ,,~~ »·"eéi;A;>€· tt
borne and presentation ofarecord budget of d The TOOTb¤T| Team Won Seven OT TT _ .   _{,·   Tfgg go _
to $6,397,685 to the UK Athletics Association Cm I d CT T T d N TT     _    
Board or Directors oro two more recent do- gggu ‘?' S?°‘°" g°"““ °" 9 EC 9 °"     V    
. . arolina inthe Peach Bowl. lt was the best UK ·—r· ~ nt ·,:;·-2:::;;;:.. {
velopments in the career of Cliff Hagan, now T . . tz .. QA j;.;:E§§§§§5j;;gg, ,_,__
, . . . . . ootball record tn 23 years and the Wildcats . { ·,·.·.·¤;.--ss:»:.;;::::¤;
in his eighth year as Wildcat athletics direc- T. T T- - Th 1952   ;'o j;·§gI;;:;1i§E=iyiégggjgggg
s` tor and llth year with the Athletics Depart- gs DOS SGOSOH Oppeomnce Since E   Y ,;IS1:2;$;;Z:Qi;§§Sfffgjff?gi
m€nTT lotion Bowl. The next year, the football team Tg} j _;;:;:§:;;;;;:;;:E;:iggggégsjyi; ,
A . H . b d T T finished lO—l (6-O in the Southeastern Confer-     _:;:§:E;;‘T ·Z;:;;§§§§E§;§§§;E
ccompanying agans u ge repor was ., __ , .,,_·_,_ xg; _,____ { .;;_;_
o statement is, ur prssrrrsmi or oirs A. sro. ml srd tls ¤¤$t€tb¤" tm Won the NCAA     .:;=:s:¤¤· o¤::¤=¤=:sszssso
gletary stressing the need for a first-rate Championship
Swimming roomy ond G holdhooso, Wmch Wllll b9ll'l the t¤¤tb¤ll Gllcl l¤>¤5k€tb¤ll scareda UK record otbl points against lem-
teams playing to sellout crowds and drawing le in t954_
were long-range goals for the department. . . D
to other related toys, ttogon said the unt. ¤ be ¤¤·t'rA·r¤¤d *¤"¤W·¤gr *t¤g¤¤ he mt no vos o member or sromo Nu rrotsrmtr.
versity is free to televise all its December been Comenk _bUl hos mode Wlldccl gcmes Student Government, Baptist Student Union,
boskotbott gomos on o tivo bosts ond thor tho ?V€“ mma €“_lOY“bl9 by F’€“O"°llY dQS'$?"` Fellowship of Christian Athletes and twice
possibility exists to televise UK`s road con- lng Gnd Selecting me Wlldccl MOSCOK which WGS selected ¤l'llO'l9 tht? lOP ten $lUd€'ll$ ln
ference football games provided the tele. hm ¤¤r>t¤r¤d llté l¤“CY_ Ol UK l¤l'l§ 6*/Eryr tho Coriooo or Edooohoo
casts don`t do "appreciable damage"` to Where' Amd   grumwlg pemllsslon hr After graduating from UK tn l954, Hagan
other games within a l25-mile limit. lwbllccllon gf The Cgls _PCUS€’ O ~nn~<·> served two years at Andrews Air Force Base,
Continued growth in practically all phases Weekly lublmd de`/Oled Smclll lo UK srnrtéi Washington, D. C., as a commissioned of
of UK athletics has been a hallmark of PllY$lCOl ll“P"OV€lll9lll$ dullllg Hcgcm S ficer. He led the base to two World Wide Arr
l'lOQClll.S S€\/QU-year reign as V\/ilrjcat oth. l'€gllT`l€ GS athletics dll’€ClOl lnClUCl€ O   Force championship; and won All-Service
letics director, with fine attendance at foot- yard Astro-Turf football practice field, honors both Yoon,
ball and basketball games, increased attend- modern €€lUlPm€Vll in bOlll the $h·v€lv SPO'l$ During ten years with the St. Louis Hawks,
ance at Lady Kat basketball and mens base- C€Vll€V Gnd M€lllOVl¤l COl'$€‘Ul'll W€‘l9lll he ranked high among ll players on the '
ball, and a steady upgrading of facilities. V00m$r 0D€l'l·l>’P€ lockers, G ll€‘W F-l'€'$$bO" league scoring charts with l2,433 points tn
Recent physical improvements include a Gnd NEW dwgouts at the baseball ll9l€lr and G 672 games for an l8_5 mark and was selected
new baseball grandstand behind home plate, revamped tennis complex with additional to oioy ,,, two gosiswosi Atrgto, gomos ond
a new office area for the academic advisory seating and modernized offices. He has also was named to the NBA second All-League
staff, new locker rooms in the football dress- Gdded G strength coach to work with all team tv,rice_ He hit over _79O from the free
ing rooms and construction of a new equip- SDOVTS Gnd lUVld$ for the popular Parcovrse throw line seven years in a ravv and held the
ment shed for track. Fitness Trail. NBA record for most field goals scored in a
On the institutional side of the ledger, the Offices in Memorial Colrsewm have been Single qugrtgr (tgt
University was host to both the men`5 and modernized and Hagan is looking forward to rho Howto Won ti-to Wostom D,V,5,o,, STX .
womens Southeastern Conference baske-t— lbf? d¤Y Wll9l'l he CCU PUl Oll llle dT¤WlllQ times during Hagans playing career there
ball tournaments earlier this year and will board an Olympic $Wll'TlmlllQ pool, and PlUll$ and defeated the Boston Celtics in l95B for
host the NCAA Championship Finals tn l985, lOl llt€ €‘>€'€‘ll Ofl Gilt/OCOl€ at O He received his M_ S_ in education from
improvements in all phases ofthe UK athletics strong scholanathlete program, feeling Ha Washington University rn t958_
program since returning to his alma mater as genuine commitment to provide all the In l965, a Herbert Hoover Boys Club of
assistant athletics director in l972, has under academic SUDDOW Glld €Vl€OUi¤Q€Vll€lll W9 America was organized in Owensboro and
his command a total of 20 sports ranging can to help our athletes leave avr Cantrws narnedthe ctitt t-logon Boys Club of Arnericcp
from football and mens basketball in Level l, with 0 college adwcatian Gllil 0 d€Ql€€~i He then tained the Dallas Chapparals as
to wornen`5 basketball in Level ll, and a Oil lll€ personal side, l`lUQUll l€C€ll/Ed Oll€ playencoach and was selected as the lf?58
bakeris dozen sports in Level IIl_ of his lllQll€$l lVlCllVlCl\JOl llOllOl$ lll ll?78 Wllell Texas Professional Coach of the Yeah Vt/hen
A few ofthe recent improvements that sig- he became the first University of Kentucky he left Dallas, he was only 92 points shy ol a
nify the continuing progress of UK athletics basketball player ta be lll$lUll€€l lll lll€‘ regulanseason career totalrot l5,000 potnts_
rl under Flagan include: l\l¤l5mlth M€‘lllOTlOl l\lOl'Oll(-ll B¤$l‘€‘lbOll l_lGll ln l974, he was named to the Hall ot Fame
• Expansion of the football training room of l:¤m9 ttl SPVll'lQll€ldr MU$$- Magazines All-America second-team for the
and addition ofa beautiful playersi laonge at The road to that honor began at Owens i95i.i973 period, to the oririndo (rrr,) son.
Shively Sports Center. boro, Kentucky, where he established a then ttnel Star s All-Time Southeastern Conference
.; • New food service equipment