xt7z08635n7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z08635n7s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1875-06-jun10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1875-06-jun10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1875-06-jun10. 1875 1875-06-jun10. 2011 true xt7z08635n7s section xt7z08635n7s 

in the Bible

Session of
June 10, 1875

read &

From Dr. S. F.


     Kentucky University, Lexington' Ky., June 9th,1875.

& Instruction rooms of the Bible College buildings with gra-
tuitous instruction to Bible Students in the other Colleges of
the University provided they complete the Endowment Fund of said
College the right being guaranteed to the Christian Brotherhood
of Kentun'-Co. Ky. said fund. to appoint such professors and in
such way as they may choose for said Bible College.

     Moved by Curator Allen and adopted that no member of this
Board be permitted to speak more than once and ten minutes at a
time until all who wish to speak are heard_

     Moved by Curator Steele that the Treasurer be authorized
to execute a note to Prest. Patterson for $925 balance due him-

     The following communications was read from Prof. Everest.
                                 Kentucky University
                                 College of the Bible
To the Board of Curators June 9th 1875
                   Kentucky University
          The following students of this college having com-
pleted their respective courses of study are hereby recommen-
ded for Graduation In the Classical Course- Hanson Larkin Geeslie
of Decator, Ohio
                   In the English Course
Thomas Benton Scovill of Mamouth Oregon
Charles Henry Straws of New Cumberland Ohio
                                       H. W. Everest

June l0th, 1875

     Board met pursuant to adjournment - Chm. Bishop in the
Chair a quorum being present- Session opened by Prayer by
Curator Sloan_
     The minutes were read and approved -
     Curator Z. F. Smith presented the following communication
from Dr. W. F. Miller-
     To the Board of Curators of Kentucky University
                             Dwex. Ky- June 10th 1875



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 10th, 1875


Prof .
to confer
degree s

Report on

Bible Col.
being Curat
Sloan# s sul
tute for hi
amendmen ts
of yesterde

         I am here this morning at the request of a Telegram
from Regent Bowman pursuant to a late correspondence with him
asking to be released from the last half of my donation of
$500 to the Kentucky University-
     I made said donation of *500. to Ky. University - when in
prosperity and have paid $250- I do not now feel able to pay the
balance and very respectfully submit the matter to you with the
following statements.
1. I made said subscription while assisting Regent Bowman in
canvassing the city of Louisville on condition of ability to pay
at the time it was due.
2. My present financial embarrassment and the claims of a large
and dependent family render me wholly unqualified to meet your
demand. Feeling confident that you will deal kindly with me and
under the pressure of hard circumstances release me- I remain
     Re spec tfully
                 W. F. Miller.
     On motion the release is granted-
     On motion of Curator Ricketts- Prof. Pickett was appointed
to confer degrees upon the Students of the Bible College in place
of Prest. Milligan Deceased-
Curator J. B. Tarbitt Chairman of the finance Committee reported
upon that portion of the Regents report in relation to the finan-
ces of the University which on motion was received and adppted-

            Curator Sloan presented the following - he asked to have sub-
       stituted for his amendment in relation to the Bible College.
            Whereas it is of the highest importance that the Bible College
bof    be enlarged into means and sphere of usefulness and
)sti-       Whereas its present endowment even including the aid which it
       is possible to be furnished from other funds of the University are
       inadequate- Therefore Resolved -That measures be immediately in-
Ly     augurated and vigorously presented for the complete endowment of
       said College and that in concession to the wishes of the Christian
       Brotherhood of Kentucky we proffer to them the privilege of nom-
       inating through the educational Society of Kentucky the professors
       who shall fill the several chairs in said College and
            Ther we hereby pledge ourselves to said Brotherhood to fill
       the said Chairs in said Bible College with such persons as they
/330/  shall duly name to us or that shall hereafter be indicated and
       we pledge ourselves to adequately sustain said professors outof
       the general funds of the University until an adequate endowment
       can be obtained.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 10th, 1875

Substi tute

on reorgani-
aation of
the Col.

Wilkes   /331/

Resi gnation
of Prof's
not received

lost & reports

Report on

     Be it further
     Resolved that the Executive Committee be and they are
hereby instructed to appoint for the coming year not less than
two professors in the Bible College as shall be nominated by
the Kentucky educational society and provide for their support-
     When the question of the adoption was put Curator Benj. Gratz
and Joseph Wasson were excused from voting_. as the resolution
was a peace offering from the majority to the minority and a
very liberal concession to the demands of the Brotherhood of the
Christian Church in Kentucky it was accepted by the Board and
adopted by
     Ayes 26 - Nays 1
   Bishop- Allen- Steele- Goodloe- Elley- Woolfolk- A. H. Bowman,
Dr. Smith. Dr. Givens- Herndon- Ricketts- Groom- Shackelford- Z.
F. Smith- Tarbitt- Sloan_ Withers- Campbell- Shirley- Miller-
Rogers - Kinnaird- Crutcher- Barnes- Lee- Price.
     Excused Curator. Gratz. & Joseph Wasson Nay. C.T.Worthington.
Curator Z. F. Smith asked leave for the Committee on the reorgani-
zation of the College to retire to consider their report.

     Curator Allen offered the following motion Resolved that Cura-
tor Wilkes be excused from more attendance at the present session
of the Board on account of important engagements at home.
     Curator Z. F. Smith on the return of the Committee offered
the following report.
     The Standing Committees on the College of Arts and the A. &
M. College having confered recommend- That the tender of resigna-
tion of Professorships in these two colleges be declined and that
the Professors continue the duties of their respective Chairs-
                          ( Z. F. Smith Chmi.
                          ( Andrew Steele Chm.
          Joint Comtee.  ( A. H. Bowman
                          ( Enos Campbell
                          C Jos. Woolfolk

     Curator Allen moved to amend- If the funds of the institution
justify the expense - Lost-
     The report of the Joint Committee was then adopted-
     Curator D. S. Goodloe offered a report in relation to the
Commercial College
     Your Committee on Con. College Ky. University reported that
after full consultation they decline to accept the resignation of
Prof. Perrin



( D. S. Goodloe
( J. P. Tarbitt
( H. Miller



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Debc. 10, 1875

Curator Elle
ruled out of

Curator Wor-
thington res
olution inde
initely post


Ieport of
Ex. Coi.

Curator Wing

Prof. Reuben

Payne, Cole-
man & Tibbs

Presi dent

commi ttee


f -


     Curator Elley offered a resolution in regard to Amending
Charter. Point of order was made that the resolution was out
of order - and sustained by the Chair.
     Curator Wortaington then called uD his resolution of yes-

     Curator Sloan moved its indefinite postponement- carried.

     Curator Sloan then offered the following resolution.
     Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to inform Messrs
Hargish E. Whitaker and J. B3. Briney that their communication
was duly read and that the Board confidently expect such ter-
mination of existing difficulties as shall be satisfactory
                                  Unanimously carried-

     Curator Kinnaird asked and was granted permission to record
his vote in favor of Curator Sloans resolution in regard to the
Bible College_

     Curator Tarbitt called up the report of the Extive Committee.

     Curator Withers asked for an explanation of certain items-
     The report was then
                        Adop ted-

     Curator Jos. Smith offered the resignation of Curator Wing.
Accep ted.

           Curator Z. F. Smith presented a Communication from Prof.
     Ruebens asking for a, professorship-
/333/      Refered to appropriate Comtee.
           Curator Shirley from the Nominating Comtee. reported the
      following nominations
           For Curators to fill 3 vacancies
           E. D. Sayre- W. T. Tibbs, John F. Payne.
           Curator Steele from same Comtee. reported the following
      names to fill vacancies
           John F. Payne - H. A. lEeadley.
           Upon balloting the following received the largest number
      of votes and were declered duly elected -- John F. Payne of
      Scott Co. Ky. S. Coleman_ Fayette Co. Ky,  W. L. Tibbs-
      Montgomery Co_ Ky.
           For President of the Board
           B. M. Bishop-       Ohio & was elected.

           For Extive Committee-
           The following real the longest number of votes & declared



K entucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1875

Joseph Smith M. D. Lexington, Ky.
W. T. Withers-P Lexington, Ky".
Benj. Gratz      Do       "
Jos. S. Woolfolk Do


in Commercial


Salary of
the Treasurer

Report of
Con. on

Minute s
read &
approved   /335/

    Jos. Woolfolk was elected to fill the position of Secretary
of this Board.

     Committee on Commercial College on recommendation of Prof.
Perin Present for graduation in the Bookkeeping course, the
following young Gentlemen
     Cornelius Collins
     David D. Dugan          Sherman Texas
     Levi F. Rubble
     John E. Miller
     Harvy Wm. Shepherd
     Degrees were ordered confered

On motion the Secretary was instructed to furnish for publication
the Resolution of Curator Sloan passed this morning in reference
to the Bible College.
     The question of the Treasurer's salary being under consider-
ation was on motion left to be fixed by him and the Extive Committee.

     Whereas in the Providence of Almighty God our Heavenly Father
Col. W. R. Estill a member of this Board has been taken by death
from among us-
     Therefore- Resolved - That we the Board of Curators of Ky.
University while bowing submissivly to the will of him whose ways
are perfect do recognize that in his death we have lost a  prudent
& just counsellor & co-worker, that the Church of Christ has lost
a devoted & useful member of the State a good citizen- humanity a
friend_ To his family his loss is irreparable-
     Faithfully discharging the various obligations imposed upon
him, he was a true man & illustrated in his life the highest virtues-
2. That we deeply lament his loss & tender our heartfult sympathy
to his bereaved family.
3. That these resolutions be recorded in the minutes of this Board
a copy of them be sent to Family of Deceased & also to city papers
for publication

Comte e.

:. T. Worthington
A. M. Barnes
( J. G. Kinnaird

    The minutes were read over and approved and after Benediction
the Board adjourned.
    Jos. L. Woolfolk                   A,. m. Bishop Prest
              Secretary                   Board Curators