xt7z08635n66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7z08635n66/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963-01-jan18-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-01-jan18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-01-jan18-ec. 1963 1963-01-jan18-ec. 2011 true xt7z08635n66 section xt7z08635n66 

    Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, January 18, 1963.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in the Presndent's Office on the campus of the University at 1:30 p.m.
EST, Friday, January 18, 1963, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph
J. Angelucci, Chairman: Robert H. Hillenmeyer and Judge James H. Sutherland.
Absent were Dr. H. B. Murray., who was out of the State, and Smith D. Broadbent,
who was unable to attend because of attending the funeral of a dear one in his
family. Dr. Frank G, Dickey, President of the University, and Dr. Frank D.
Peterson, Secretary of the Board, were present, Dr. Neil Plummer and members
of the Press attended.

    A. Minutes Approved as Fublished.

    Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. the Minutes of the meeting
of the Executive Committee of November 16, 1962, were approved as published,

    B. Financial Report.

    The Financial Report, which had been prepared and mailed to members of
the Committee ten days prior to the meeting, was presented, and upon motion,
to the effect that this had been done and no questions had been noted, seconded
and carried, the Repert was ordered received and filed,

    C. Approval of RequisItions and Purchases,

    Mr. Peterson read the following letter:

                                                 January 7, 1963

   President Frank ion Dickey
     Univuersitty of Kentucky

     Dear President Dickey.

   From October 1, i962 through December 31, 1962, the following requi-
   sitions and orders were processed for the purchase of merchandise,
   supplies, materials and other items for the use and benefit of the Uni-
   ,versity of Kentucky;

            SD, Orders r,, , ,,,.,,,,1.        Inclusive 568-1, 114
            State Requr.slt-ions     .     .     Inclusive 1, 343-2, 034


Emergencies, State
Special Orders
Job Order Vouchers  ,   .
Stores Vbuchers
Vouchers   _o . .......
Order by Letters  ..
Athletic Orders          ........
Emergency Purchase Orders   ......
Stores Material. Requisitions
Food Storage Orders   ...      .
Requests for Quotations ......
Stores Material Requisitions, Medi-
   cal. Center
Packages Received and Distributed
   Medical Center R-eceiving . O...


491-1, 100
9, 109-10, 299; 1-244
17, 640-18, 123
4, 378-5, 000; 1-571
1-8; 396
43 -60
1 -2,099
42, 849-47,466

Inclusive 1-697

Inclusive 1-10, 260

The requisitions, emergency requisitions, special. orders, vouchers and
other documents are made a part of this letter and are available to the
Board of Trustees for inspection, All purchases have been made in ac-
cordance with approved policy of the Board of Trustees, and I respectfully
request confirmation and approval of the purchases as listed conforming
to the Statutes requiring action by the Board of Trustees.

                                             Very truly yours,


Frank D, Peterson
Vice President
Business Administration

     Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion dul.y made, seconded
and carried, the documents listed in the letter designating requisitions, etc.,
were ratified, authorized and approved.

     D. Purchase of 162 Colfax Street and 444 Clifton Avenue Approved.

     Mr. Peterson read the following letter:

                                                   January 7, 1963

     President Frank G. Dickey
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Dickey:

     Two pieces of property, located in the immediate vicinity of the
     campus, have become available for purchase since the last meeting




       of the Execiut-re Cornrni-ttee  1 would I ke to submit these to the
       Execut- ve Ccrnmittee at -.ts meeting on J-anuary 18 and recommend
       that these properties be a71thor zed purchased at the price indicated
       aggregating 119, 100..

       162 Colfax Street -ffered for sale by Harry and Elizabeth Rosen-
       berg,.  The one-story frame residence is located on a 30 feet by
       100 feet lot and may be purchased fcr $2, 100l

       444 Clifton Avenue  offered for sale by Citizens Union National
       Bank and Trust Cornpany, Admi-nistrator of the Estate, P. B. Evans,
       deceased,  The one and one-ha.;.f story brick and frame residence is
       located on a lct 255 feet by 52. 5 feet by 262 feet by 52. 5 feet and may
       be purchased fzr $17. 000,

       These two pieces of prcperty would be retained for the future use of the
       Univer sity,

                                                  Very truly yours,

                               ,.Signed)          Frank D Peterson
                                                  Vice President
                                                  Business Administration

       Members cf the Ccmrn-ttee referred to the pia.t cf the Clifton Heights Sub-
division and. being advi.sed, upon mot:-on dul'y made, seconded and carried, au-
thorized the purchase cf L62 Ccifa.x Street and 444 Clifton Avenue, at prices
recommended, and directed that same be paid for from the Haggin Fund and
amortized frcm rentals in so far as possible,

       E 0 Dis s. a cf Surplus Prope rty.

       Mr. Pet.frson presented the following commur, ica.tion:

                                                  January 7, 1963

       President Frank G1 Dickey
       Administraticn Build. ng
       University cf Kentuckv

       Dear President Dickey:

       I transmit herewith a me.morandum .st..ng certain property which has become
       surplus to the needs of the Univers-tv.  This listing contains 25 items
       including furnishings and farm equw-x ment,



These various items have been checkedas tothe.x pGssible use and
Mr. H. D, Pratt, Director, Division of Purchases, indicates that
no further use can be made of these items by the UnIversity.  If
you concur, 1: recommend that this listing be presented to the Execu-
tive Committee at its meeting on January 18. 1963 for its approval
and authorization to advertise and sell by means of seaied bids by
the Inventory & Insurance Office of the University.

                                             Very truly yours,

                         (S.i gned)          Frank D, Peterson
                                             Vice President
                                             Business Administration

                                             Ncvember 30, 1962


TO:     Office of Vice President-
         Business Administratt'on

FROM:    William M- Nulton, In:
          Supervisor of Inve ntory & .nsurance

ATTN:    Mr. IenryDurham
         Administrative Assistant

         RE: University of Kentucky Surplus Equipment

Attached is a list of items which are surplus to the needs of the Uni-
versity. Please submit this list with the iecommendations shown
below to the Executv'!.ve Committee of the Board of Trustees with the
request that the items be declared surplus to the needs of the Uni-
versity and disposed of in the manner recommended.


      Group I Furni Fhing-is - Iterms #280 thru #283

          It is recommended that Item #280 be sold to Professor
      John Barkmnan in the amount of $5OO. Thi.s desk is obsolete
      and in poor condition. We are requesting that this desk be
      sold outright to Professor Barkman instead of including it in
      the next auction since we under---and that he has a sentimental
      feeling toward it, Items #281 through #283 are located in the
      Nelson County Extension Office, Since they have no resale
      value, they should be destroyed by the County Agent,



Group II Farm Equipment - Items #284 through #304

   It is recommended that these items be advertised and sold
by means of sealed bids by the Inventory & Insurance Office
of the University,

      APPROVED BY (Signed) H. D. Pratt   DATE 12/3/62
                           Director of Purchases

     University of Kentucky Surplus Equipment
               November 30, 1962

GROUP I FURNISHINGS (Items #280 thru 283)

Item #         Description of Item

280      De sk, wood
281      Chair, oak, exec., straight, w/arms
282      Desk, typewriter 43" x 54"
283      De sk cherry

Group II Farm Equipment (Items #284 thru 304)

Item #        Description of Item

284      Wagons, twin draulic (3)
285      Manure Spreader, John Deere
286      Drill, pasture dream
287      Tobacco setter, John Deere, rubber disc type
288      Hoist, hog
289      Corn Planters John Deere
290      Trailer, farm, two wheel
291      Harrow, clodbuster rotating
292      Conditioner, Hay
293      Set of Cultivators for A. C. Tractor
294      Tractor, Ford, 1952
295      Hay rake, Ferguson
296      Disc Harrow, McCormick, 7 ft. 34F36
297      Disc Harrow, 6 ft.
298      Mowers, John Deere, tractor (2)
299      Disc Harrow, case
300      Manure spreader, New Idea
301      Spreader, fertilizer, Gandy
302      Hammer mill, Gehl
303      Manure loader, International Harvester
304      Welder, electric

Property Number

   ille gible

Property Number




                                                  January 14, 1963


    TO:      Office of Vice President
              Business Administration

    FROM: ,. William M. Nulton, III
             Supervisor of Inventory & Insurance

    ATTN:    Mr. Henry Durham
              Administrative Assistant

              RE: University of Kentucky Surplus Equipment

    Listed below are items which are surplus to the needs of the University.
    If these items meet with your approval, please submit them with the
    recommendations shown to the Executive Committee of the Board of
    Trustees with the request that the items be declared surplus to the needs
    of the University and disposed of in the manner recommended.


             Group I Equipment Item #305

             Vandercook Makeup Gauge

             It is recommended that this item be sold by sealed bids by the
    Inventory & insurance Office of the University.

             Group II Vehicle - Item #40

             UK# 132 Truck, express Dodge, 1951, w/Motor #T-306-39669.

             It is recommended that this item be sold through the State
    Division of Purchases according to state regulations.

             Approved by (Signed) H. D, Pratt     Date 1/14/63
                          Director of Purchases

    Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the surplus property herein
listed was authorized disposed of by taking sealed bids or holding an auction,
whichever seems appropriate,



    F. Deed to Right ,f..Wav across the Coldstream Farm for 1-64 Highway

    Mr. Peterson reiated that the State Department of Highways had plans and
specifications for an Interstate Highway acrcss part of the Coldstream Farm
used by the University of Kentucky for experimental purposes. He reported
that the land value and damages had been appraised by appraisers employed
by the Highway Department and that the University had negotiated with Mr.
G. L. Cave and Mr. W. P. Snyder. real. estate representatives of the State
Department of Highways.

    Mr, Peterson further stated that he, Dr, William Seay, Dean and Director
of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Mr. Jesse Brooks and Mr. Henry
Duriam had conferred and; after holding three or four conferences, desired
to recommend that the University grant deed to 30. 98 acres of land across the
Coldstream Farm, They recognize that the University is damaged by removal
of five stock sheds; by remova.l of the stone fence for a distance of 1, 240 feet
to the extent of $9, 300, 00; and by removal of the plank fence and water line.

    It is recognized that the University benefits by installation of an 8" water
line in a 15" encasement under the interstate highway and by construction of
an underpass which will enable it to make maximum use of the two divided
sections of that portion of the experimental farm,  It 's further recognized
that the frontal roads making possible the use of the underpass are of value
to the University.

    A recommendation was made that the deed be granted for a negotiated
adjusted sum of $63, 475, 00 from the State Department of Highways to com-
pensate for loss of acreage and other damages sustained.

    Members of the Executive Committee discussed at some length the value
placed on the acreage taken and other damages sustained and, being advised,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carr-ied, approved the recommendation,
accepted the consideration of $63, 4750 00 and authorized execution of the deed.

    G, Ajprova.l of Contract for Social. and Cultural Profile Study.

President Dickey read. the following letter:



                                               January 10, i963

President Frank G. Dickey
University of Kentucky

                             RE: Proposed CONTRACT FOR SOCIAL
                                  AND CULTURAL PROFILE STUDY
                                  to be pe rforme  by
                                  College of Arts and Sciences
                                  Social Research Service
Dear President Dickey:

Dean M. M. White of the College of Arts and Sciences has forwarded
the enclosed proposed contract for approval, The City-County Planning
Commission of Lexington is proposing to pay the University $8, 875
for the successful completion of a specific study requirement.

These requirements included but are not limited to the analyzing of
certain data in the 1960 census tracts, City of Lexington, unincorporated
portion of Fayette Covnty, and the Lexington metropolitan area, This
analysis is to include the occurren ce of deviant behavior and social
pathology in the planning area inc].uding but not limited to:

       1. Crime, by offense, sex, race, age, place of residence,
         and place of arrest,

       2. Juvenile delinquency, by offense, sex, race, age, place of
          residence, and place of arrest.

       3. Other deviant behavicral or social pathological occurrences,
          such as illness, drunkenness, relief cases, unemployment,
          non-payment of bills, and illiteracy.

Dr. A. Lee Coleman, Director of Social Research Service, has nego-
tiated this contract with the City-County Planning Commission and has
been advised by our legal counsel that the contract is very carefully
drawn to assure that the C-.ty-Couity Planning Commission can exercise
complete and detailed ccntic.l of the work tobe performed. Dr. Coleman
has indicated that he feels the Soc-;al Research Service can properly
and adequately perform these services to the satisfaction of all concerned
and that the cost to the Un-versity will not exceed the maximum payment
to be made under the contract,

Dr. Coleman has further indicated that this contract will be useful to
his department in providing research data that can be further analyzed v
and published in research journals and that it will provide employment
and training for students, It should be clearly understood that, in the
event the maximum payment to be made under the contract does not
cover the expenditure necessary to complete the contractual arrangement,



       the additional expenditure must be forthcoming from the department

       The contract document is properly drawn as to form and legality and
       upon the recommendation of Dr. Coleman and Dean White, I would
       recommend, with your concurrence, that this proposed document be
       presented to the Executive Committee at their meeting January 18,
       1963, for approval and authorization to execute.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson
                                            Vice President
                                            Business Administration

     President Dickey recommended that the contract be approved. Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was concurred
in and the contract authorized executed.

     H. Injuries.

     Mr. Peterson read the following communication:

                                            January 15, 1963

     President Frank G. Dickey
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Dickey-

     I attach hereto a report of accidents resulting in injuries to
     University personnel.  You will note that there is a total of thirty
     injuries distributed as follows.

             Experiment Station - 2
             University Cafeterias - 3
             Maintenance and Operations - 7
             Medical Center - 18

     I am distressed that our list of injured personnel is fast accelerating.
     Likewise, the cost of treatment cver that previously paid when we
     were operating in thee "Health Service Building" has tripled.



The charges for all of these cases except two have been made by
the University Hospital, The charges include doctors' service
cost, a cost for the emergency room, medicine and supplies. I
have on several occasions expressed rny opinion that we should not
enter a cost for the doctors time since their salaries are appropriat-
ed and paid for by the state. I likewise question the wisdom of
charging the University for the use of the emergency room. I am,
however, willing to handle these cases in any fashion that the President
of the University and the Executive Committee decide they should be
handled, In the absence of any directive other than precedent, I
recommend that this list of claims for injuries to personnel be presented
to the Executive Committee at its meeting on January 18 for approval
of payment of expenses incurred as indicated.

                                        Very truly yours,

                         kSlgned)     Frank D. Peterson
                                         Vice President
                                         Business Administration

                                                January 14, 1963

Mr. Frank D, PeterscOn
Vice President, Biusiness Adm:.n.stration
University of Kentucky

Dear Mr. Peterson:

The following accident cases have been referred to this office by the
departments concerned with the recommendation that they be considered
by the Executive Ccn-mittee of the Board of Trustees and that the
expenses involved hlc approved for payment,  The cases are as follows:

GROUP I   General

1.   O'Bannion, WIllie - Ag, Exp. Station, Farm Laborer
     Date of accident September 28, 1962,
     While setting posts on Eden Shale Farm, a post fell against his head.
         Dr. Maurice Bowling, Owenton, Kentucky                 $12. 00

2.   Wellinghurst, Gary No  Med. Center M&O, Engineering Aide
     Date of accident Novermber 3, 1962.
     Piece of steel bec:ame imbedded in eye from grinding machine.
         Dr, Clau-de Trapp, Lexington, Kentucky                 $10. 00


1 1

GROUP II - Accident cases which have received treatment in the
Outpatient Clinic, University Hcspital  charges as indicated below
being made:

1.   Woods, Mabel . Hospital, Housekeeping (Maid)
      Date of accident August iO, 1962.
      Burned right arm on light while cleaning.                 $ 4. 25

 2.   Gardner, Carole - Hospital, Registered Nurse
      Date of accident September 24, 1962.
      Laceration of finger on right hand, caused by jamming
      of ice machine.                                           $21.00

 3.   Taylor, Henrietta - Ag. Exp. Station, Laboratory Assistant
      Date of accident September 26, 1962.
      Cleaning glassware and flask broke in hand.               $15. 00

 4.   Davis; Donnie  Student Union Commons, Dishwasher
      Date of accident October 5, 1962.
      Stung by wasp at cafeteria,                                $ 7, 50

 5.   Cook, William E. -- Hospital, Dietetics (Porter)
      Date of accident October 15, 1962.
      Stuck object in finger while washing pots and pans.     $10. 00

 6.   Tudor, Cheryl - Hospital, Dietetics (Line Girl)
      Date of accident October 15, 1962.
      Burned foot from hot water she was carrying in a pan.   $ 7. 50

 7.   Chandler, Gertrude - Hospital., Housekeeping (Maid)
      Date of accident October 16, 1962.
      Emptying trash and stuck discarded needle in right thigh.  $ 9. 25

 8.   Watson, Sue?.la P. - Hospital, Nursing Services (Unit Clerk)
      Date of accident, October 17, 1962.
      Broke off lead of pencil into palm of right hand.       $ 7. 50

9,   Boone, Charlotte A.  Hospital, Medical Records Clerk
      Date of accident October 20, 1962.
      Stabbed pencil in palm of right hand.                      $ 7. 50

10.   Washington, Williarn P, - Hospital, Dietetics (Dishwasher)
      Date of accident October 21, 1962.
      Twisted foot when elevator moved while boarding it,     $17. 50

11,   Bradley, Henry - M & 0, Paint Shop (Painter)
      Date of accident October 23, 1962.
      Ladder slipped. Sprained wrist and right arm muscles.   $42. 00



12.   Steele, Mrs. Cather:ne - Hospital, Nurse Aide
       Date of accident October 24. 1962-                       $ 9.2,5
       Cut thumb on object while pushing trash bag down into container.

130   Fritts, Mossie  Student Union Commons, Counter Girl
       Date of accident October 30, 1962.
       Fell. on wet floor. Strained back, legs, neck, also
       injured head,                                             $60. 00

140   Reese, Guy P. - M & 0, Supervrisor
       Date of accident October 31, 1962.
       Dropped box of ti'e on fc't, breaking toe.               $ 8. 00

15.   Turner, Cora. - Hcspita.3, Nurse Aide
       Date of acc-dent No'vember 1. 1962.
       Detaching needlee from syringe, stuck needle in flinger.  $ 9. 25

160   Lamb, Nancy Sane   H ospita'., Registered Nurse
       Da-te of acc;:dent Ncvember 7, 1962,
       Laceration of left thumb on instrument.                   $ 9. 25

17,   Parker, Hugh   Hosp-tal. Nursing Aide
      Date cf accident November 14, 1962.
      After ifting patient, experienced acute and continual pain
      in back.                                                  $24. 50

180   Harris, Avery   M & 0, Auto Shop (Mechanic)
      Date of acci.dent. November 16, i962.
      Strained shoulder ].ifting booster battery from truck bed,  $ 7. 50

19.   Fritts, Mcssie L. - Student Union Ccmmons, Counter Girl
      Date of accident. November 18, 1962.
      Struck on forehead above left eve by door,                $ 7. 50

20.   Turner, Miltcn - M & 0, Jianitcrial
      Date of accident Nove-mber 20, i9620
      Cut left index finger cn bucket.                          $12. 75

21.   Byrd, Mary   HcspitaT, Housekeeping (Maid)
      Date of a-c-cident Ncovember 27, 1962.
      Slipped while carrying bucket of water, hitting head on door
      frame,                                                    $ 7L50

22,   Lieberman, Donald - Hosp,+-tal., Medical Aide
      Date cf accd:lent November 30, 1962,
      Cut head on conveyor tray corner,                          $11. 00

23,   Toy, E, D,  M & 0. Janitorial
      Date of accident December 3, IQ62,
      Whi1e dusting ficcr, foreign object got in left eye.    $ 7. 50



       24.  Clay, Dona-ld Wilson - M & 0, Janitorial
             Date of accident December 4, i962,
             Slipped and fell at loose railing in Library, bruising
             shoulder.                                                 $ 7. 50

       25.  Doneghv, John Lewis - Hospitai, Housekeeping (Janitor)
             Date of accident December 4, 1962.
             Punctured left leg with sharp instrument while removing
             trash,                                                    $ 9. 25

       26.  Aubrey, Bruce - M & 0, Central Heating Plant (Operator)
            Date of accident December 10, 1962.
            Wind blew cinder from ashes in boiler into eye.        $ 7. 50

       27.  DuInigan, James T. - Med. Center, Central Duplicating
             (Machine Operator)
             Date pf accident December 12, 1962.
             Splashed deletion fluid in left eye.                      $ 7. 50

       28.  Beasley, John - Hospital, Housekeeping (Janitor)
            Date of accident December 15, 19620
            Punctured right leg with sharp instrument while carrying
            trash,                                                    $ 9.25

       Unless vou have further questions, please present this information for
       consideration by the Executive Committee, My recommendation is that
       approval be given to pay the respective charges made for services rendered
       in these cases, on the usual stipulation that the University assumes no
       responsibility for these accidents and that the approval for payment of the
       charges will establish no precedent.

                                                   Sincerely yours,
                                (Signed)           Geo. R. Kavanaugh
                                                   George R. Kavanaugh

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the claims herein listed
were authorized paid, with the expressed understanding that the University does
not admit negligence nor liability, neither does it set a precedent by action taken
herein. The Executive Committee further directed that the Medical Center and
others involved be alerted to the rapid increase in injuries sustained by employees
of the University, and urged them to greater effort on safety programs.



       I. Patterson Fund Report.

       Mr. Peterson reported on receipts from the Trustee under the will of James
K. Patterson. After other obligations stipulated in the will are taken care of from
income, the University, for the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International
Commerce, received a check for $15, 944. 92. Mr. Peterson also reported that
the Trustee records indicate a market value of notes, bonds and stocks amounting
to $957, 207. 00.

       J. H. H. F. A. Loan Agreement Authorized Executed.

       Mr. Peterson related that the Board of Trustees, at its meeting on April
3, 1962, authorized application to the H.-.H.F.A., Federal Government, for a
loan of $630, 000. 00 to construct four small dormitories (three fraternity houses,
one sorority house). Mr. Peterson requested authorization and approval to
execute the Loan Agreement on behalf of the University of Kentucky.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the President
was given authorization to sign the Loan Agreement on Project No. CH-Ky-70 (D).

       K. Law College Plans Reviewed.

       Mr. Peterson stated that Dean W. L. Matthews, of the College of Law, the
architect. Lawrence Cammack, and the firm of consulting architects, Voorhees,
Walker, Smith, Smith and Haines, -of New York, represented by Mr. Wehler and
Mr. DeMasi, were present and requested the Committee to review the progress
made,  Schematic drawings and site plat were presented, together with perspective
rendering of the proposed College of Law. A general discussion ensued. The
Committee was advised that the faculty of the College of Law, the State engineers
and the University engineers and administrative officials were in accord with the
plans developed,

      Dean Matthews thanked the Committee reviewing the plans for their helpful



       L. Deartrment -i C:..ass cs Offi-.a.1'y Named.

       Dean M. M. Whi.te, of the Co.f.lege of Arts and Sciences, recommended,
through President Di ckey. that t.he Department cf Ancient Languages and Litera*-
tures be changed to the `Department of Classic.*" for the following reasons:

       (1) Most departments that offer Greek and Latin are given some type
          of name similar to that recommended;

       (2) The professional associations in the field most often have the name
          of "Classics" or "Class-ical" in t.he title  

       (3) The name is more clearly descriptive of the offerings; and

       (4) The name is shorter.

       He therefore suggested that the name `-e changed to the "Department of
Classics". President Dickev c-oncurred in the recommendation.

       Upon motion duly made. seconded and carried, the recommendation was
concurred in and the name changed, effective Immediately.

       M. Consultatv.itrc Se rv-c ces Apynroved.

       President Dickey submitted a recommendation from Dean Shaver, College
of Engineering, that perniiss-,on be granted to Dr. Norman C. Small to act as
consultant to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation's Bettis Atomic Power
Laboratcry in Pittsburgh, Pa. He stated that Dr. Small. had special knowledge
in the fie..ld of engineering mechanic- and that (.ontact wIth this laboratory would
be of benefit to the Univcersity.  The work would not interfere with performance
of Dr. Small. s regular d1:i.e!c  

      President Dickey presented a recoommendation from Dean William R.
Willard that Mr. Robert Johnson. D.!ectior of State and Local Services, serve
as key member of a team tco study health services in Oklahoma City as a con-
sultant who. wouid be empl ved by the Institute of Community Studies in New York
City.  He advi sed that. Mr. j.tchnscaL' s background was such as to give him par-
ticular ability in th s field and that. his serving as a consultant would not interfere
with the performing of h-,.s regular duties. His honorarium would be $100. 00 a
day when serving.



       President Dickey submitted a recommendation from Dean C. C. Carpenter
that Dr. Virgil L. Ghri.stian perform statistical. consulting services for the
Governor's Office, He stated that the consulting work would not interfere with
Professor Christi.an's performance of his regular duties, He further called
attention that Professor Christian has been inactive in the College of Commerce
on assignment for the Highway Department.

       President Dickey concurred in the requests and recommended approval,

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendations
for Dr. Norman C, Small, Mr. Robert Johnson and Dr. Virgil L. Christian to
do outside consultative work were approved and ordered put to record.

       N, Institute of Environmental Toxicol ogy Established,

       President Di.ckey subm-itted a recommendation from Dean Earl P. Slone,
College of Pharmac:y, to establ.K sh an Institute of Environmental. Toxicology. He
stated that, in additlcn te the public service rendered, it would be a welcome
adjunct to teaching and research. It has service features for other departments
of the University as well as its public servi:e aspects. It has to do with industri.-
al hazards, including those in agriculture, and would be of assistance to the
College of Agriculture and the Ccolege of Engineering.

       Dean. Slone also repozrted that the University has been designated as an
air- sampling station by the UnLted States Publ.ic Health Service and that some
equipment and instruments would be received, at no cost to the College of Pharmacy.
The work of the Insi:.tute: of Env.ronrnental Toxicology and the air-sampling station
would not conflict :;n any way w t~h the activities of any other group on the campus,
and, in some wayF. th: s would be an informal activity of the Department of Materna

       President D:).(-.key reccmmended that the request be granted and, upon
motion duly mad: sec. nded and carried, the Institute of Environmental Toxicology
was established

       0. Budget Adulut~ments,

       President Dik k