xt7xwd3pzz63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pzz63/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1991 1991 1991-10-21 2020 true xt7xwd3pzz63 section xt7xwd3pzz63  


Vol. XClV, No. 203

Kentucky Kernel

Estaoiished 1894

Young donates
$5 million for
new UK library

Contributing Writer

Lexington businessman William
T. Young announced Friday he
would contribute $5 million to the
UK Library Campaign, the largest
gift ever given to the University by
an alumnus.

The announcement, which re»
ceived a standing ovation from the
500 guests in attendance, was made
during the statewide fund-raising
kickoff luncheon at Heritage Hall in

UK launched a $20 million cant
paign to raise private funding for a
new library to be built on the Les-
ingtor. Campus.

“It is my sincere hope that this
gift will become a catalyst for other
private giving so that this project
will become a reality," said Young.
a 1939 mechanical engineering

“The entire university appreciates
Mr. Young's generosity in helping
get the library campaign started.
and I am sure that his gift will be
the spark to bring in many other
significant gifts as the campaign un»
folds on a statewide basis," said UK
President Charles Wethington. co-
chairrnan of the fund—raiser.

In attendance at the luncheon

were former governors Martha
Layne Collins and Ben T. Combs
and UK Athletics Director C.M.
Newton, chairman of the humani-
ties book endowment drive.

"It gives the incentive that every-
one needs," said Collins, a graduate
of the home economics college,
now the College of Human Envi-
ronmental Sciences. “I know the
impact the library will have not
only on this campus, but all over
the state of Kentucky."

Plans are to raise $20 million for
the new central and life sciences li<
brary in which 812 million will be
committed for the actual building of
the library. And $3 million will be
part of an endowment fund to buy
humanities literature and publica-

The endowment, part of a chal-
lenge grant from the National En-
dowment for the Humanities, is
now in its second year. This year,
the endowment will receive a Si
million donation from Toyota Mo-
tor Manufacturing. USA, Inc. and
$750,000 from the National Endow-
ment for the Humanities Challenge

Officials plan to increase the en-
dowment by $5 million. The cam-

See LIBRARY, Page 10

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday, October 21, 1991





LSU‘s Todd Kinchen (left) ran from UK‘s Neal Clark (center) on a punt return in the first half of im Wilder: 2 '7 : '7 'rv
Saturday at Commonwealth Stadium. Kinchen returned a punt 74 yards for a touchdown in the icon-"- marten Story Page 3


Months of dispute at KSU end with Wolfe resignation

Associated Press

The stormy tenure of John T.
Wolfe Jr. as president of Kentucky
State University came to a negotiat-
ed end.

Wolfe, who said several times he
would not resign, on Friday accept-

ed a settlement from the Board of

Regents. It will force him off the
campus. but keep him on the uni-
versity payroll as a consultant

through July.

The board also replaced two
more of Wolfe‘s vice presidents.
but apparently failed to resolve the
issue ofan interim president.

The board convened Friday
morning for a hearing on adminis-
trative charges against Wolfe. but
the only apparent activity was nego-
tiation of a settlement. The board
spent nearly its entire meeting in a
closed session. Attonieys shuttled
back and forth from the regents to




UK guard Junior Braddy drove for a layup against Wildcat
freshman Aminu Timberlake at Big Blue Madness

GREG EANSKernol $a"




Wolfe was charged by the board
chairman. former Gov. iouie B.
.\‘unn, with incompetence. immoral-
ity and neglect of duty Those
charges were dropped in exchange
for Wolfe's resignations as presi-
dent and as a tenured professor.

The board, in tum. agreed to a
consulting contract that will pay
Wolfe the balance of his salary -—
$73,228 , through July ‘sl. plus
$9,000 for moving and related ex‘


Wolfe, without e irrirnerit. left the
hearing room ;II the sL’JlL‘ Capitol
Annex shortly after Yam .1:
nounced the settlement

A si/able crowd a: KSI.‘ tactilty.
employees and students was on
hand for what had been scheduled
as a two-day hearing Ihere were
some gasps of apparent virprise
when a settlement w .I\ announced,

See WOLFE. Page 10


Associated Press

FRANKFORT. Ky. ~~— ()n the
surface it was a power struggle
with a Simple issue: The regents
of Kentucky State University
thought John T. Wolfe lr. did a


Problems remain at university


poor iob as prrsnient oi the in»
sersiiy, and they win'ed hrn

Fee KSU ”age 7


Hiring freeze for staff positions imposed

Assocrate Editor

UK has announced a hiring free/e
for staff positions alter Gov. Wal<
lace Wilkinson ordered a $31.6 mil-
lion budget LUl for the eight state-
supported universiues Tuesday.

LJK President Charles Wethington
announced the freeze in a tiiemoran~
dum last week. The freeze, to last
through Nov. 4, is “a quick way to
start generating some money to
meet a budget cut," he said yester»


‘illltl the
”Iikc‘l} ‘

will be
tied beyond ;
No», 4. when
the state ('otin-
crl on Higher
Iidtrctitiori will

decide how to

split the 8 il b WETHINGTON
million cut
among the eight universities.

But because of LIK's sue, a com-
plete tree/e is not practical beyond

.\o\ L \\e‘.hitieton said.

\tter the t‘ii’i iticetint‘. . r A
"deterrnrric what kind of flex.» .i.-.
‘.\tlli.\i lv; 5 sen tr .e :1 rig: ;.:
{ICC/fl i. ' sttrti

‘i . t 2 s'
f!t\l\ltll! r.

i ?\ \‘rck‘
":'.‘fil.tl.tllitir.1;1t"iI.tI\.tf‘.c'f >
cits .i.i yr-..i1..tt‘s I'Li'. .t‘
IK‘st‘IIlc' \pcn lit-truer;

f‘Kc‘IltPlL‘.‘ are 2.2. n.1y
and positions in areas .vt the 't lll'ui
\II) that are sell supporting, s..th .i»
I it Z'JIMI‘ILtl auxiliaries. \



Court hears arguments on UK records

SeniOr Staff Writer

The two—year dispute between
UK and three state newspapers
Oyer access to NCAA investigation
documents is now in the hands of
the state Supreme Court.

The court heard oral arguments
Friday in the case regarding public
access to the eight-volume. 4,000-
page report UK sent the NCAA at
the end of its investigation into the
men's basketball program in 198‘).

UK‘s response, and the NCAA‘s
own investigation. eventually led to
the basketball program being
placed on probation for three years.
It also was suspended from the
postseason tournament for two
years and banned from television
appearances for one year.

The \tlll was brought by Ihc
Courier-Journal. 'lhe Kentucky
Post and the I,e.\ingtori Herald
Leader against t'K when the school
refused to grant their request to see
the report.

A decision on the ..ise isn‘t ex
pected on the

The case hinges on whether the
court will determine if the Us re
port was a preliminary document
that went into making a final deer
sion on the basketball program I 'n-
der Kentucky 's open records law, if
the court finds it to be .i titi.il prod
net of the rnxestrgation then it Illtlsl
be made accessible to the prihh.

This was the llrsl ttisr' tht Sll'
preme Court has heard lll\ \‘txrrig
the open records law

Jon I.. Herschaker, who repre-

c.isc for scycral

\Clllt‘tl iilt‘ h‘l'lli'lti .
ease, .irgried that its
rial and thus should ‘~
the public
Illt‘le' .t\ I.» 1 ,y_i

this \tl\\' under the suit.
thakcr said 'llne dint.» sr
title that what ls
means soriicthing other
litlttl. The t'hnersth ‘,\: shit I
ha] report to .in outside bod.
\t‘AAi that had no ltrtther wt. to
l‘t‘ titltlc‘.

“The open
means anything, means the pi. ":t
has the right. not onb to hilt \ .
decision made, but how .1 *».ts
made We have a right to know M. as
our gmernntent works "

It‘tl‘ltl\ lass

I‘orn \liller.representing1:11 tier
.iId-I.e.idcr. said I'K‘s responsv to
the investigation llfltl the subse-









UK’s volleyball team split with Southeastern
Conference foes LSU and Ole Miss.

Stories, Page 4.

Today is the last day to withdraw from a
course. It also is the midterm of the fall se-


UK professor in
residence Kewal

Singh died Friday.

Obituary, Page 7.




class Veda








2 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 21. 1991





m - us Calendar



ln‘or'natior‘ on this calendar of events -5 collected "om the Student Activities
on the Calendar a Campus Calendar Form must be filled out at



Monday 10/21

- SAB Move 'Amadeus‘. free Cente'
Theme. .7 30pm: call 7-8867

- Cot‘ee Concert: 'Shells'. Lynn Scneu
tree Headley-Whitney Museum.

‘0 393m ca‘ 2255-6653

- Exr‘ibit Terr'e Hancock. ‘Magnet.
Stlt-gned The Galbreath Gallery. thru

, n
:01. “3

Wednesday 10/23

- SAB Movie 'The Rocketeer': $2 00
Worsnam “eater ‘ 30 are ‘0 0007"
.Wec . Sat

Thursday 1024

- SAB Mowe 'The Rooketeer'. $2.03
Worsha'“ Tneater ‘ 30 and ‘0 000m
i\Ver Sat 1

- Performance: 'PVT Wars. $5. Stone'
Auditorium 80m caal 679-8502 ext. 236
- Per‘orn‘ance UK Symphony O'ct‘est'a.
"ee SCFA Concert Ha 80'“. La ‘


Friday 10. 25

- SAB Moi/re ‘Tne Racketeer" 52 OC-
Worsha'“ T"eate' " 33 and ‘3 000""
:Wed - Sat-

- Festiva Cayene County Chorai Fest val;
t'ee SCFA Sewer? Hat. ”or", ca: 7.

- Penarmance Kronos Quartet SB‘or
students and $12 ‘or general oub‘ic. Me-
:“3' a Hail. 8m“; ca 78867

Saturday 10.26

- SAB Movie ‘The Rocketeer'. S2 30.
Worsham Theater. 7‘30 and 10 000m
:Weo » Sa:

Sunday 1027

- SAB Move 'The Racketeer" S2 00.
Worsham Theater, 40m

- Exhibit ‘0? Mauntains and Music. Frank
W Lang free UK Art Museum lthru ‘2

- Lecture Frank W. Long. free: SCFA
PreSidents Room; call 7-4929

- Festival Mozart Bicentennial Festival.
"ee: SCFA Concert Hal‘ 30m. ca. 7-

- Lecture Mozart Bicentennial Festive
"ee SCFA Concert Hall 2pm ca




Monday 1021

- Meeting Habitat for Humanity free St.
Center Roorr 205 80""

- Lecture Purification and Characteriza-
tion of an Extracellular Phosphoglycan
"om Leishmania Donovani' tree: Room
MCC‘BO 9am




Maria Dallerba-Riccl

" The Place Which Is Other"


Monday, 1 :00pm, 209 Ponce Hall

Tuesday 1022

- Lecture 'Invotvement of Protein Kinases

in tre Insdlin-stimulatec Reguiaion of Orr.
e became” ase anNA T'Jt' s r1"'7’

‘ree Room MN563. 40h“

- Lecture 'Shiiner‘s Hospitai for Crapper;

Ctiilcren', tree. St Center. Room 230 7

Sam, call 7-83‘4

Wednesday 10/23

- Lecture 'Writing a Results Section How
to Present Statistical Analysrs Ciea'iy. by
Dr Monica Harris, dept of psycnoiogy
free; Classroom Bldg, Room 209. 3 5pm
call 7-44‘ 5

- Meeting N E A Student Program meet
ing. tree, T EB Room 122. 7.30mi. ca»

- Meeting RHA Association. tree, Patter
so.n Hail. 90m

Thursday 10/24
- Meet'ng SGA Senate meeting St Cen
ter Room 206 7' 30;)"

- Lecture ‘3 Medium; Photography, Pam:-

ing and Sea otu'eQ "ore St Center, Room
233. 3 5:)" ”at f 3731

- Lecture. The United Nations as a Media-
to” by k. i'e" Mrngcrf and ot‘ie'a "ee 3‘.
Center, floor“ 228, 7 3&001,(.d.r 7 1655

Friday 1025

- LQClu’e 'Tne Transcdnum Elements.
Lessons Learned Abou‘ the ConseQuence
0' Alpsa and Beta Decay in the 8qu
Phase Solid State' Free; Chem Phys Rm
137 TI 3Com .re‘resnmentsi and 4pm



Monday 10/21

-Midterm of Fall Semester

Last Day to Withdraw From Course

- Sale. Trent Graphics Poster Sale. Stu
dent Center Rm 245; 10am-4pm.

- Worksuuu Essentials of Successtu
Boards'. 5‘»). Volunteer Center training,
room. 79 J’uurrt. call 276-3388

- Volunteer UK Student Votunteer Cente'.
1"y ulna." i' 'w. .wrti rtrv w far

81‘8510fndiiut now yOu can help

Thursday 10/24

- Workshop 'Are you 'down' ‘or the 2‘ '
Century7 by 0: Art Thomas. ‘rrze. Sf Cen
ter room 23'". 3 SD":-

- Event ‘l’t'ee Point i’ ay for Won‘t)"

b tSKelDai 33-. by Rick P 1:"0 and few on
(TOW 01/ Ar‘ ta ly‘larzrter: 5‘0. Radis'so" Pa
za Hotel. 6 30 8 330'“ (1:1259-11‘3

Board Room 203204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The Information is pub
the Student Activities Office. Submission of photographs or graphics is enoouragedl




Friday 10/25
- Gathering: KY Catholic Student Coali-

tion Gathering: Newman Center, thru 10.





Saturday 10/26
- Conference: The TOOLS 01 Leadership:
free; Carnahan House (RSVP to St. Or-
ganizations Center); 9am—5pm; call 7-1099
- Party: Halloween Party; $3; Alumni
House Basement; 9pm: call 257-8811
- Competition: the 1991 Halloween Clog
Competition; cost varies with event: Memo-
rial Hall; 9am-5pm. call 231-7207

Sunday 10/27

Standard Time Begins













- SAB Movie: ‘Amadeus'

-Mldterm of Fall Semester
Last Day to Withdraw From Course

~ Deadline: Campus Rec. Racquetball

. Campus Rec. Squash Tournament

~ Campus Rec; Intramural Volleyball Tour-

W E L) N E 3 DAY
. SAB Movre: 'The Rocketeer
. UK Soccer Kentucky vs Wright State

T H U R S » r'. '/
. SAB Movre: 'The Rocketeer‘
- Performance: 'PVT Wars
- Performance: Kronos Quartet:
- Event: 'Three Point Play for Women'


- SAB Movie: ‘The Rocketeer

. Festival: Fayette County Choral Festival

- Perlormance: Kronos Ouarte

- Golf: Chi Omega Golf Classic

- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Auburn
- Hockey: CoolCats vs Washington

. Gathering: KY Catholic Student Coalition

- SAB Movie: ‘The Rocketeer
~ UK Football: Kentucky vs Georgia
~ Hockey: CoolCats vs Washington
- SAB Indoor Rec: Billiards
- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Morehead
‘ Racquetball: Racquetball tournament

S U N D A“?
o SAB Movie: 'The Racketeer
' UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Florida
- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Univ. of
- Racquetball: Racquetball tournament
Standard Time Begins










lished as supplied by the encampus sponsor. For Student Organization: or University Department; to make entries
DEADLINE: Entries must reach the Student Aca'vr’u'os all“ no later but a not prior b mum!


Monday 10/21

- Weekly meetings: Water Ski Team &
Club; Free; Rm 106 St. Center; 9pm; call

- Weekly meetings: SAB Cinema Comm;
Free; Rm 228 St. Center; 5pm; call 7-

Tuesday 10/22

- Weekly meetings: SAB Concert Commit-
tee; Free; Rm. 228 New St. Center; 3pm;
call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: SAB Indoor Rec.
Comm; Free; Rm 115 St. Center;
6:15pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee:
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm: call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; Free;
Rm 111 St. Center; 4-10pm; call 887-

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Open Student Meeting: Free;
Newman Center, Apt. 8; 11am; call 255-

Weekly meetings: UK Ballroom Dance
Society; 55 per semester; Barker Hall.
dance studio: 7-9pm; call 277-0664

Wednesday 10/23

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship. Holy Communion; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 5:30pm; call 254-3726

- Weekly meetings: Encounter; Free; Rm
205. New St. Center; 7pm; call 276-2362
- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting;
Free; Rm 309, Old St. Center; 7pm

Thursday 10/24

- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
Comm; Free; Rm 204 Old St. Center.
5pm: call 7-8867

. Weekly meetings: SAB Performing Arts
Collective Meeting; Free; St. Center
Room 202; 4pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K, Ultimate Frisbee.
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7:30pm: call 254-3726
. Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Night; Newman Center: 7:30-
8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings Thursday Night Live;
Free; 502 Columbia Av.; 7:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings: UK Clogging Club:
tree; Seaton Center Rm 123: 7-9pm; call
231 -7207

Saturday 10/26

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday
Mass; Free; Newman Center: 6pm; call

Sunday 10/27

- Weekly meetings. U,K. Ultimate Frisbee.
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686
-Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship, Holy Communion: Free: St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 10:30am and 5:30pm. call

' Weekly meetings Catholic Sunday
Mass: Free; Newman Center. 9 and
11:30am. 5 and 8:30pm: call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner. All-
U-Can-Eat; $2: Newman Center: 6pm:
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Universny Praise Ser-
Vice: Free: 502 Columbia Av.- UK. 11am
call 233-0313


Tuesday 10/22

- Deadline: Campus Rec. Racquetball
Sign-up; Seaton Center Rm 145; 4pm; call

- Campus Rec; Squash Tournament; Sea-
ton Center

- Campus Rec: Intramural Volleyball Teur-
nament. manager's meeting; $20 per team;
Old St Center Theater; 5pm

Wednesday 10/23
. UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Wright State,

Dayton, Ohio; 3pm

Thursday 10/24
- SAB Indoor Rec: Billiards; $1: St. Center
Gameroom. 6:30-10pm. call 7-8867

Friday 10/25

- Golf. Chi Omega Golf ClaSSic; Cabin Golf
Course; 1pm

- UK Volleyball. Kentucky vs Auburn. at
Auburn; 7:30pm

- Hockey; CooICats vs Washington, Lex-
ington lce Center. 11:30pm

Saturday 10/26

~ UK Football: Kentucky vs Georgia, at
Georgia; 1pm

- Hockey: CooICats vs Washington: Lex-
ington lce Center; 11:30pm

- SAB Indoor Rec: Billiards, $1. St Center
Gameroom; 12-6pm, call 7-8867

- UK Soccer; Kentucky vs Morehead, Sea-
ton Center Cage. 3pm

- Racquetball: Racquetball tournament.
Seaton Center racquetball courts. 93m
call 7-6584

Sunday 10/27

- UK Volleyball Kentucky vs Florida. at
Florida; 7pm

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Uan of Missou-
ri-Rolla; Seaton Center Cage. 3pm

- Racquetball. Racquetball tournament.
Seaton Center racquetball courts; 9am.
call 7-6584









Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 21, 1991 - 3



UK commits 5 turnovers as LSU wins 29-26

I l§  "'



GREG FAN“.~ .. .4 ’-.-

UK linebacker Reggie Smith tackles an LSU ball carrier ll’l the first halt Saturday Sarah and UV. nose quard Joey Corral: led all tafikler' war»
to LSU handed UK its third Southeastern Conference loss this season UK, tr, last in 'he SEC

Luck leaves Wildcats in Tigers” Victory

Assrstant Sports Editor

[.t't’Vt the [own er'l [IL It". wmt'
rtmr" "
— Tt,.m Petty

It the Wildcats had won Satur-
day ‘s game against [outstana State.
despite committing live turnovers
and one costly special learn boo-
boo they would have been lucky

[St was the loothall team cling
me to a ‘l‘ourilcal clover. though.
Thus. the Tigers deleated l'K 20
In at (’ommonw‘calth Stadium

But the play of (K lreshtnan tail-
back Danton Hood and quarterback
Pookie Jones had nothing to do
with luck: It was a demonstration of


Hood and Jones proved. at t'mes,
they are everything L'K tans
thought they would be The}
proved that \klll ts more .‘oriststent
than luck

Hood rushed for a season high ts”
yards Saturday. lnk‘illtllllfl a {hard
blast tip the middle lor six points
['nltke most earnes lltl‘» wasort
llood showed signs ot‘ heme :he
type of runner who can ptek up ‘ to
6 yards a carry on sheer wtll

As for Jones, he looked as though
he could scramble tor .it least llt
yards anytime he wanted He
rushed for X7 yards on 1* ttirrtes
including a l-yard touchdown l’ll't
But running wasn't only

Jones completed In at “l passes


tor a :areer httth i“" lard». and one
totichdow" lones‘ . yard ranch-
down pas- .Jllll;‘ late in the ezond
quarter the" l‘.‘ ftotvkel it't
Kurt the s tut't” i-‘l‘tl :.,-:t

Rt" 2‘"


1k i'lt

raw! tn.oo."..ir.' Iattttr 7‘

-:n .ll‘:l .t "cut the itn‘lfl

to lead ' K
The (.ll\ k'lwil‘d ‘t't 'l‘t‘ t
das Vr‘ak ftllfo“. " - 're ihe atilx
thine t.«"~'.‘1‘lllt' them
~W: willitl 'ffl'
couple ll 'tme. 'ri
’lsrtt we made trittak
l . i'K \

"' . ire .t't'tnt:

ih‘llorr'rirtte .s' :‘a-.

tour Ii
“'1 :tax ltrt
«Model! a
'orte. -.:itd
litte satire futurist;
il it»t\ll‘.\ .t\ liltttltii‘
around. \.u
[VK deletiden .s 2 ‘r .1;‘;tt'ttl to .tav‘
an east .'tlcr.1'{‘ll- ~ mi. me.
time the on“. the "not! .l iont'
gain to the opposing 'eattt tut not

tit K"~

trio ‘ “\t'lttlefi the."

:r‘ .ttrlt..:tne ‘.'.lll?s".lt;.‘l.7. Iv

:lt“lt. ‘ "it“ ’w 'l‘ iii

It 3 'n'lena‘

mt tst.‘

'grn hell
,‘I' quarterback
.: ? rm 9.1.0 down

tlkt‘ .1

tram} ‘.t.'l~ !'


.Hng l powlt‘d

"t 't 2"th


'l. . . .. , .
r- rt at lt.k on,
‘ill‘ t ‘ - :~ out ? tr

1 |

1.?tert' i

.'ll\ illl't‘tk

‘3 i'lti‘w
.'.i.l ‘srtttstetd
' :‘ilt‘l‘g.‘;‘ll"'r .1


\rtt; sleat‘i

~‘~ ir.‘


', 3,7,3 .

Cats play well early
but sputter in fourth
to suffer fourth loss


".' t'lltl /t'l"' 'tt
Senior Stat? Whit" ‘ '

.orv: ;, l“
5' set. ml
The UK lootbait Learn s dusty er; r are» i"... . .t‘
gtne began to explodt lll pcrlect sL'r
quertce iii the \k'LUllkl .tuarter Sater
day. Hitting ever. time, the eas
flowed st’tttiothl‘. llwllr flay to pits.

The spark tar... llitx rd n.
mark. The ettrlvatrt ..ng clrugetzr-
and spitting arit‘.
trig was gone ill
with pla l!"

[is tolictl lot

No lklllkllti.r.\l“

fililfi .tl.tl l‘ in

fit ,. 'l ,.

it [do ttlttsflctt

‘C tittv's F‘ n

t . . ,
‘icllrku llt\i to
l l
. ..ll'v.t

.' 3“.»

“it an s I

i‘r- '. ‘Hir‘ .
31 )Jltix '.t£t_,‘.'
sc teen pa» \

L ‘\ delgtrs
i 97'
piC't. iitrtm
for 1‘! and

l'\ AIR"

,tif‘rt's l

\x'r'tll‘t‘ (:Yl _l ll "* .t'11l.l'

.at‘. ‘t

.al stt'izittot‘s'
‘dtssttie .~ '

taint "‘tT'T‘

ihrrm the ti.

'ten‘~- liar‘ds

stage: l.

eat ls t “rat: 1

:fit‘ tuttrth

10,000 ‘mad’ UK fans usher in 1991—92 basketba season

8131“ Writer

Two roving spotlights wandered
the confines of a dark Memorial
Coliseum Saturday night. The eerie
synthesized hunt. a la the Chicago
Bulls traditional opening. hushed
nearly 10,000 restless UK faithl‘uls.

The three giant color monitors
went blank tor a few seconds And
ltnally. the awaited words came
over the strained Coliseum sound

“And now tor your Kentucky

Silence gave way to Pandemonr
um and Big Blue Madness was un-
der way.

One by one, the 1991—92 UK has
kctball players l‘ornially were intro-
duced to the Commonwealth. Be»
ginning with the freshmen and
ending With the final senior, each
player had a moment in the spot-
light and the crowd offered a deal1
ening welcome for every one.

But no welcome was as resound-
ing as the one reserved for third-
year UK coach Rick Piuno.

Front the lust glimpse of his mug
on the Jumbo monitors, all hell
broke loose. The Coliseum walls
shook. Fans stomped their leet.
clapped their hands and used what
ever means they could to muster

The only time the place qmcted
was when Pittno picked up a micro

“let‘s let them hear it in ane
apolis." l’ttino said in his opening
remarks. rclerring to the site ol the
N92 lit'ial l-our And so it went

l‘titno worked the crowd iti his
usual lashion. He and his learn




staged a showcase ol basketball atid
he threw in a little rhetoric to keep
the crowd rowdy
Prtor to the event Pittno told the
crowd, he was interviewed by
someone lrotii the British lltoid
casting ('oinpany (BBC). wlto was
on hand to record the event
"Someone lrotn BBC |tl\l asked
me what Big Blue Madness was,"
Pitino said. ”I described it .is when
our basketball team gets together
with the best tans iii the linitcd
“One maga/ine picked two other
universities as having the best tans
over us." l’ittno said lll reletcnce to
an article in [he .Vt'll Hatter/trill
I’H'LH'H rating the most \lllllt tilt
college basketball arenas lot teams
to visit ”I told the publisher ol that
inaga/Ine that tt‘dloti\\ gets you no
Wilt‘lt‘ H

worked the crowd all

And when some lans who voited




thetr displeasure at l‘itino . otistgint
l\ asking them to stand, tie lashed

"You've had all summer to \ll
down." hc said "l titil we
\lttincapolts. \oit stay standing,"

tlt‘l ’tt‘

lhe crowd responded as cooled
and the hoops began. Pittno started
the night oll hx orchestrating the
trowd on the new theers tor "-‘l

While sophomore l'.l\ls lord
and lteshtnan ('hris Harrison put on
a the throw shooting Llllllk. l’ittno
instrttc ed the crowd on the thett
tlies would use during lree throw \

l tenbodv put your tight hand
tint \l'lil llt‘dtl H l’llllltt \Jltl llak.
tout lelt hand and \r\‘\\ \oitr ltn
>It'ls and put tn Ii \tiut lelt pot Lt
\onr It'll hand will he lll.l\lll_t1 and
your hand is going to do
wlttktsh when it goes through that


tit“. .kllllt‘ the learn warmed tip
.tttl. .t short lamp drill. the math


't‘hl ‘v‘tf l‘nsti 'li-e,
witness the lust dunk ml t’ie “\‘Alal‘l!
\luch to the delight ,7 the tarts. .lte
Tavnp drill ewlxed ‘ sto .-. tteeelor
all dam dunk --now..ise with even-
ane taking part.

l:\en l-ord. rt ‘-loot«" l tiard. gave
it a try With r’itino t lteertng mm on.
‘.lCl ttp.‘ t’ttttio


".iet up Travis

c c...” .t.trtt ‘.l'>k

tlie tans a taste til .ts ta-t paced t t
.ttetrte nreepxunt
nittttt' wt‘t.h i‘tttrro tnodt»
ht'k‘l vlk‘

tctisi‘ve 1nd 1
llt‘tl lht‘
:iated at ' K

The .ltcc: 't'lllttuts .ii.
. t'ttt lti.it
pointer. he ~M‘lliti an 'H;

lhretce otter

«Milk ‘

ll.\s\‘\l it'll

tt'iiir'A'tlrt‘ .l \\
{not} ..t
titil shill.

lhe :tna: . reet re ttt «mad was

st‘llltllllllt' 'tcw 'o i is titoeetnet.

‘xllt. F.\

“aid at t it 'antthat

hut sic ilc

'~\illli .oattiuie Hill are


North 1 .l 'nttai lk'i.‘il\l.\'

tn i k :atne "new unit} at

tlln .i . lent ‘l\\l 'Ist

loud to . ltaltt,

“Lil i\ .l Vll'h-ll Tit

lli i' it‘ll\k‘ :‘l l’ -c‘llst
lc‘ilst‘ i


tlu Tilt.it iliiJ‘


“As I ‘liil
attrat: ll‘e blitt
tea'urett ' h \ t‘rt‘hable startne. line
up .taid Hittite hunter

s.ttt-. .oiwmd iobit l’t‘iphtex


t. ltlliiild‘Lk'

‘. t \'r
‘L‘ \..t.| \Vtkiis
that \lashlititn ind mph


.ne _ tit. ktlillc'i \latlitte/

:\ .lrtt .l\ it‘diul lilt‘

\\ \ ‘\~\i\ ‘t'ti lllt

Allilc lt‘tili.

\\\‘llllt' with

\xtllllllltlfit_ .ii. “ta‘.

ital the niad‘it'ss *nt'ul

'.t K s s. axon began

Jun! ANS ‘u u .u


‘ow ha. tint-Ht; «waitl‘tttp torts it"


treshnian Armor; ‘. rnoertam- ta"
lore scrimmage at :saltrrtlav wort: K Wu; “lltn'


 4 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday. October 21. 1991

UK volleyball defeats Ole Miss, falls to LSU

Design Editbr

The eighth«ranked LSU volley-
ball team hun UK's feelings Friday
night by snapping the (‘ats' seyen~
game wmning streak 111 three games
at Memorial Coliseum.

Yesterday. l'ls' hurt the t'iiiy'ersi-
ty of Mississippi‘s leelings. Just as
LSU took the Wildcats out ol their
game plan Friday night. l'ls' used a
stubbom dL‘ic‘nsc‘ \t‘sti‘tti.“ lt‘ ilt‘
feat Ole Miss handily l‘li. 1‘4.
l5-l0 betore a \leiiiiirial Coliseum
crowd ol Zfitl

“LSL hurt our feelings Friday
night." l'ls' coach Kathy Delioer
Sdld “\Vt‘ llk‘k‘tlk'sl [ills llklfly, l
wasn't really too sure how we were
going to respond. but aye handled
LhL‘l‘l well

The Wildcats Il—l‘h oyerall. 4 l
in the Southeastern L‘oiilerentel
llCltl lhc‘ Rc‘lk‘i\ I‘llll overall. :4
SUV to .l negatiye ill“! attack per

"Cathy Deliuono. .-\riii Hall and
Yvette \loorehead yy ere deteiiiimed

not to let the lull hi' th.~ lloor," ll;


Boer said. "It
really took (Ole
Missl out of
their game."

Ole Miss
coach John
Blair credited
[ht‘ [K‘s lt‘ttlll
defense but


players. I was
pleased with
them," DeBoer
said. “I thought
our experience
players were
not playing up
to par."


thought his team
played iii .1 lack-
luster manner. HALL

“We played very tentauyely it»
day Blair said. “We did not do the
things that we had to do to beat a
team like Kentucky. We did not
show enough oftense ttxiay,"

DeBoer agreed but said one ot
the reasons was the Cats' serving
as which accumulated tiye aces
and strong net play,

“We served them real yyell and
really Mock the hall good." she

Some ot L'K's younger players
says action in game three. Delioer
said she was pleased \\tlll their et

“The reayori I called tiiiieoiit lll
that txiihe yyas not because all the

said the team

DEBUONO did not respond
as \\ ell Ill the third game as it had
done til the lirst [w o.

"\‘Ie played excellent in the first
tyyo games." she said. “In game
three. yy e stacked of! and made
some stupid ritistakes."

hit the match. UK sophomore
Eunice l'homas' free-swinging
“and buried lll kills while hitting a
.425 lor the match.

“She is Just a sophomore, but she
is emerging as a real force," De-
Boer said. “l-Iuiiice can play with
some ol the best ol middle blockers
in the country."

llall also contributed Ill kills and




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Tigers beat
Cats in 3
to lead
SEC race

Assistant Sports Editor

Too much punch coming from
too many places enabled the eighth-
ranked Louisia-
na State Lady
Tigers volley-
ball tcam to de-
feat UK 15-6,
17-15, 15-11,
and end the
WildeaLs‘ sev-
en-match win-
ning streak Fri-
day night at
Memorial Coli-

Five. LS U players recorded eight
or more kills, with the majority go»
ing to senior Nyla Shepherd. who
finished with 15.

“They have a real good setter,"
said UK coach Kathy DeBoer. re-
ferring to LSU Brazilian import Da-
niela Reis. Reis exposed the holes
in the Cats' blocking scheme, at-




lowing the Tigers‘ big guns to rack
tip the kills.

The winner of this match has
gone on to win the last five South

UK outSIde h:tter Eunice Thomas battled at the net yesterday in the
Wildcats‘ match with Ole Miss UK is now 12-6






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eastem Conference Championships.
The Wildcats won in ’87 and ‘88.
LSU won in '86. ’89 and '90.

UK. (12-6 overall. 3-1 SEC) en-
tered the LSU match leading the

Before the match. UK looked
cool, confident and loose enjoy-
ing a pre-game jam dance with one
0! 1,051 fans in attendance. But
perhaps UK was a bit too loose,

The experienced LSli team USA
I. 3-l I. who last year made it to the
NCAA Final Four. delivered the
tirst blow taking the first game east
l). IS-(i.

But the (‘ats stiffened in the sec-
ond game taking a l-I~ ll) lead when
senior middle blocker Kathy [)eRu-
ono took a slide pass and ripped
into it for the point.