xt7xwd3pzw12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pzw12/data/mets.xml California California Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects Palos Verdes Library and Art Gallery, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. 1940 41 leaves, 42-43 pages.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14: C128/5 books  English Los Angeles, Calif.: Southern California Historical records survey project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- California Palos Verdes Ranch, California Inventory of the Bixby Collection in the Palos Verdes Library and Art Gallery, 1940 text Inventory of the Bixby Collection in the Palos Verdes Library and Art Gallery, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7xwd3pzw12 section xt7xwd3pzw12 :4
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Of the
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1 j in
j The Palos Verdes Library and Art Gallery
Prepared by
The Southern California Historical Records Survey Project
- Division of Professional and Service Projects
Work Projects Administration
Loo Angoles, California
The Southern California Historical Records Survey Project
October 1940

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{E The Historical Records Survey Program


}: Sargent B. Child, Director

@' David M. Maynard, Regional Supervisor ‘
jg Edgar L. McRae, State Supervisor




s “1




3; Division of Professional and Service Projects




sf 3

;} Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner

,4 ,ps . , . 7 . ‘ .

Mg June Owens, Chiei Regional SuperVisor

gs Elizabeth Connolly, Director




.r 9';







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;%< E. C. Harrington, Commissioner

g3 H. E. Smith, Regional Director

it H. C. Le Administrator

7;; ‘4 " ’



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* P R E F A C E
i% This inventory of the Bixby Records Collection, located in the Palos
hi Verdcs Public Library and Art Gallery at 2400 Via Campensina, City of Palos
I? Verdes Estates, is the second of a series of such inventories in preparation
g€ by the manuscript division of the Southern California Historical Records
fl Survey Project, Work Projects Administration. The first inventory of the
ti manuscript series was the List of the Letters and kanuscripts of Musicians
E; in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (University of California at
33 Los Angeles), published April 1940.
if The Bixby Records trace the exchange and transfer of interest in the
T3 Rancho Palos Verdes, which was one of Southern California's most outstanding
31 land grants and originally part of California's first rancho, the Rancho
{E San Pedro. The many documents included within this collection give, in
1 addition to legal history, insight into the lives of the various owners of
;; the Rancho Palos Verdes. _
Sf The records of the Palos Verdes land litigation from 1840 to 1885 tell
3 of the deaths of the original grantees, and the disputes between the heirs
and other claimants, During this period over seventy lawsuits were insti-
‘ tuted against the property, All the heirs and their successors held undi—
__ vided interest in a portion of the rancho, and six partitions were filed
7 before final settlement was made. There were innumerable suits instituted
j to eject squatters, and several divorces, due largely to property disputes,
“ took place within the Sepulveda family.
The history of Rancho Palos Verdes commences in 1784, when a soldier
of Spain, Juan Jose Dominguez, founded Rancho San Pedro, which extended
from what is now Redondo Beach southeast to the Los Angeles River, and from
' Point Firmin inland to the Dominguez Hills and Compton. Upon the death of
. Juan Jose Dominguez in 1809, the rancho went to his sole heir, a nephew,
, Cristobal Dominguez. Kanuel Gutierrez, to whom the elder Dominguez had given
Q" a life estate in the rancho, was named executor.
;, In 1821, Jose Dolores Sepulveda, a former officer in the Spanish army,
_‘ received permission from Gutierrez to keep horses and cattle on a portion of
- the Rancho San Pedro. In 1822, the first of many disputes arose between the
1 Sepulveda and Dominguez families regarding the property, and the disputes
,jf did not cease until the Rancho Palos Verdes was separated from what
‘ Dominguez had thought to be his exclusive domain.
3 Jose Dolores Sepulveda was killed in an Indian uprising in 1824.
- He left a widow, and five small children——Jose Loroto, Juan, anacio, Jose
.= Diego, and Maria Teresa. In the same year the widow married his associate,
H Antonio Machado. Enrique Sepulveda, a relative, was named guardian of the
‘:fi children. In 1827, the Rancho Palos Verdes was provisionally granted by
.gfi Mexican authority to the Sepulvedas. In 1846, Pie Pico, Governor of Alta 1
gfi California, gave a full grant to Jose Loroto and Juan Sepulveda, and issued
7J§ a deed of trust making each child of Jose Dolores Sepulveda an equal sharor
{id in the rancho. The Rancho Palos Verdes comprised some 51,000 acres, includ—
5:; ing the present city of San Pedro and the Palos Verdes Estates° Its name
E derived from that of a nearby canyon, Canada do Palos Verdes——canyon of the
ffi green trees. United States patent grantihérdfifirEniiinfiffft§~dose Loreto and
31%. Juan Sepulveda was issued by President Hayes on June 32, 1880,
:11" '
I 1

 3.1 ' > '
, 43
— i 1'. —
*i Preface
- Between 1844 and 1882, however, considerable confusion existed concern—
ing the ownership of the Rancho Palos Verdes. Inter—family sales, exchanges
of interests, the transfer of certain portions by persons having question—
able title, and the gradual purchases by various businessmen led to the
_ partition of the rancho by the United States District Court in 1882.

‘ In 1844, Jose Diego Sepulveda, a younger brother, exchanged his right
and interest in the Rancho Palos Verdes for Santiago Johnson's right and
interest in Rancho Yucaipa in San Bernardino County. Jose Diego‘s older

' brothers, Jose Loreto and Juan, refused to recognize Johnson's right to any
part of the rancho. Johnson thereupon sold Jose Diego's erstwhile interest
in the Rancho'Yucaipa; upon Johnson's death in 1847, his interest in the
Rancho Palos VerdeS'was listed as an asset of his estate.

In 1866, Llewellyn Bixby and his cousins, the Flints, purchased the

‘ Rancho Los Cerritos, adjoining Rancho San Pedro, and Jotham Bixby, brother
of Llewellyn, soon bought in with them. Jotham Bixby‘s partner, McDonald,

" acquired a small part of the Rancho Los Palos Verdes in 1866. In 1874,

Bixby and McDonald bought up the quandam Johnson interest in the rancho
from the various heirs. Bixby also acquired several holdings from the
estate of Juan Sepulveda. Suit for partition was brought in 1874 and, after
being in the courts for eight years, the partition finally was made. Even
though the Johnson claims ware disallowed, over half the estate was conveyed

. to Jotham Bixby, the remainder being distributed among a dozen or more
owners. The Sepulveda family salvaged little for themselves. The Bixby
family retained ownership of their 16,000 acres until 1913, when they were
deeded to Frank A. Vanderlip and Jay Lower of New'York.

Research on this inventory was done by Frederick Milford, under the

, direction of Dorothea A. Towns, manuscripts unit supervisor. Editorial work
was carried on by Hilda Breger until her resignation from the staff for
private employment, at which time Sallie Cutler assumed the editorial duties
A complete recheck of the manuscripts to assure accuracy in presentation

' ' was made under the direction of Sallie Cutler, assisted by Ruth Jurow.
Fannie Kellett prepared all stencils, while proofreading was under the
direction of May Westbrook, assisted by Ernest Long. Edward Gering and
Thomas Stricker checked the index and essay material for accuracy and com—
pleteness. The inventory has been compiled in accordance with instructions
and suggestions drawn up in the Washington offiCe for these publications by
Margaret S. Eliot, editor in charge of manuscript inventories. Mr. Sargent

' B. Child has been National Director of Historical Records Survey Projects
since March 1, 1940.

Unless otherwise stated, the size of all documents is 55 cm. x 21.5 cmq
the place of recording is Los Argeles County; the indication of a seal also
appears on each document and, therefore, this information has not been in—
cluded in each entry. Entries for copies of signed documents contain the
information as to signatures as a part of the description of the contents,

_ in paragraph 2 of the entry° Persons requesting the recording of the

' documents are not shown if they were a party in the case.

, .
. 3

 3/ } , ' '
f — iii —
_ Preface
Appreciation is expressed for the cooperation and assistance given to
members of the field staff by Agnes Isabel Nachillan, librarian of the
Palos Verdes Library.
State Supervisor
' Los Angeles Southern California
_ September 28, 19é0 Historical Records Survey Project
‘ ,
[ :
f / . . - - . 7.“... -., ... > . ., , , . . .. ‘

 V i
. July 18 Ignacio SEPULVEDA.
Release from contract gives consent to Ignacio Sepulveda
to sell his right in ”Palos Verdes Rancho" to his sister,
Teresa. _
Copy. 1 p. [I]

1840 Felipe LUGO. To The Owners Of The "Rancho Palos Verdes."

July 28 Certification of release from contract given to Ignacio
Sepulveda by his brothers, allowing him to sell his portion
of the ”Palos Verdes Rancho” to his sister, Teresa; signed by
the brothers, Juan, Diego, and Jose. __

Copy, 1 p. [g/

1840 Ignacio SEPULVEDA. To Miguel PRIOR.

JUlY 29 Deed of conveyance of Sepulveda's right, title, and
interest in his father's, Dolores Sepulveda's estate consist—
ing offipart of "Rancho Palos Verdes" to his brother—in-law,
[Eryor/; signed by Sepulveda. Recorded in "Deed Book,"

126, p. 84. __
Translated from Spanish. 6 pp. [Q/

1844 Deed of exchange between Jozsfe Diego SEPULVEDA and

Mar. 15 Santiago JOHNSON of their rights and interests in the ranchos
"Yucaipa" and "Palos Verdes”; the portion of "Palos Verdes”
belonging to Sepulveda remains in favor of Johnson; Johnson's
portion of "Yucaipa" conveyed to_§epulveda; signed by each;
witnessed by Louis Jordan, Franzcisfco J. Alvarado,

Narcisso Botello. Recorded February 24, 1864, in "Deed Book,"
6, p. 5615 ;_
Copy. 5 pp, [g/

1846 Patent grant issued by Pio Pico, Constitutional Governor

June 3 of the Californias to Jose Loreto and Juan Sepulveda for the
tract of land known as "Los Palos Verdes" under four restrict-
ing conditions regarding rights of way, proper landmarks, and
remeasurement of the land; affidavit giving juridical posses—

. sion on June 11, 1846, signed by Leonarda Cota and witnessed
by Ignacio Coronal and Bacilio'valdez; affidavits of notifi—
cation to owner of neighboring lands of remeasuremont of
"Palos Verdes” and of the appointment of line bearers, signed

' by Gate and witnessed by Coronal and Valdez: affidavits of
measurement and of giving juridical possession in the name 0?
the nexican nation, signed by Cota; order of certificate to

' be given to parties, signed by Cota and witnessed by Valdez;
affidavit of Charles E. Carr, clerk of the United States

i District Court, August 2, 1856, certifying that the foregoing

I z ,

 I ,d I
f — 2 ~
\ 1846 is a correct copy of pages 25—27, Minutes of Proceedings
Juno 5 District Court, nos Angeles County; signed by Carr. Recorded
(cont'd.) September 17, 1856, at request of 1. F. Stephens. __
Cagg. 6 pp. [5
1850 Minutes of Proceedings in Probate Court Case 721%,
May 15 Los Angeles County iCalifornia7, in case of estate of
to Nathaniel M. Pryor, May 15, 1850, presentation of will;
1855 May 16, order appointing executors; June 12, renunciation of
Sep. 21 executionship of above; February 5, Thomas Forster appointed
administrator; March 6, appraiser appointed; January 4, 1855,
_ request for order to sell real estate; February 11, objecti:n
filed by Paula Romero Pryor, et a1.; July 9, order of sale
entered; September 21, sale coniirmed to Jonathan R. Scott of
one—fifth interest in ”Rancho Palos Verdes"; Paula Romero
Pryor obtains north part of vineyard on same rancho. _
Copy. 9 pp. [57
1850 Ignacio del VALIE. To whom it may concern. V
Aug. 50 Certifies that, on request of Louis Jordan and Francisco
J. Alvarado, the sicnaturo of Jigse7 Diego [Sepulvedg/ on a
deed or conveyance was sworn to inmhis presence. Recorded
February 24, 1864, at request of J. E. Lander. _—H
Copy. 2 pp. 1?]
1852 Jose smurf/5571 and Juan earnijvfipfli. To Diego
' Nov. 9 aneurysm and the 553117.; of Teresa entry-EDA.

Declaration of trust agreeing that Diego and the heirs
of Teresa Sepulveda shall share equally and have equal rights
in property named "Rancho Palos Verdes"; signed by both and
witnessed by Augustin Olvera; declaration of conformity to
the declaration of trust, signed by Jose Diego Sepulveda and

, David I.,;X render, guardian of Pablo Pryor, heir of Teresa.
' Recorded June 22, 1866, in "Book of Miscellaneous Records,”
' ‘ 1, p. 565.
Copy. 2 pp. 7?;
1855 Tho/EEJT/‘s room? To Jonathan scorr.
Sep. 26 Dead 5i conveyanCe of the entire estate of Nathaniel
M. Pryor, consisting of onewfifth part of ”Palos Verdes
Rancho”; signed by Forstas. Recorded July 26, 1866, at
request of A. B. Chapman, in EtT)~:-2.ed Book," G, p. 154. _1.
COPY- ppo 59/
1855 Jonathan R. SCOTT and.Mary A. SCOTT. To Paul BRYCE.
, Sep. 27 Desi of quitclaim of one—fifth part of "Rancho Palos
'Verdes" for the consideration of $520; signed by anathan
R. Scott and Mary 1. Scott. Recorded July 26, 1866, at
request of A. B. Chapman, in "Deed Book,“ 8, p. 156.
Copy. 2 pp. /Al~U7
. 1855 Francisco JOHNSON and Juana Silves JOHNSON. To Francis
Oct. 29 MELLUS.
Deed of conveyance oi the Johnsons' interest in the
- "Rancho Palos Vordos" for the consideration of $1,250; signed
, .3519.
i ,9
, 1 .

 j/ _. ' '

‘ _ z,


: 1855 by Johnson and his wife‘s "X” mark. Recorded October 51,
Oct. 29 1853, at revuest of J. R. Scott, in "Deed Book,” 1, p. 409;.
(COI?~.1'3'd.) Copy. 2 pp. _/l__:L
1855 Minutes of Proceedings in District Court Case 101,

Nov. 22 Los Angoles County /California/, in case based on deed or
encharge or March 15; 184% /3ée entry 47} Jose Sepulveda
held possession of land in TYRancho PaJEr Verdes" and forcibly
ejected plaintiffs therefrom; Francisco Johnson conveyed his
interest to Francis Mellus; rancho we: comrunity property,
one-half descended to Draccisco Johnson's widow and remainder
drsconds to his childron; judgment entered for plaintiffs an

I .Anrust 11. ___w

Copy. 2 pp. [13/
1851 notice or action in District Court, 1st Judicial Dis~
Jan. 51 trict, Case 101, Los Angeles County /Calirornia7, for pos~
* session of one—fifth of "Bales Verde?” land held in unlawful
possession by Jose Diego benulveda; case to establish legali~
ty of claims of Santiago Johnronls heirs to the land. Recorded I
January 31, 185%, in ”Notices of Action,” 1, p. 5. ...W
Copy. 1 p. ido/
1.855 .l‘uz'n ._.‘J%‘f>'ulVfll-A and 11.1119. ,I’E'i'imis‘f ”1.1mm. To
May 11 Henry 19.. Nu; m "-
hortgage on one undivided fifth part of ”Rancho Poles
Verdes” to secure a note of $2,962.86. Recorded May 11, lBLj
in ”Rook of Mortgag:s," 5, p. 36. m__'
Copy. 8 pp. /14/
' 1855 liwrt’s of Proceedings in D strict Court Case 271,
Aug. ll Les Angolan County /Cnliforniu7, in case of Paul Pryor Vs.
to Jose L., Jose Diogomhnd Juan Eepulvoda, the heirs of rciéha
1855 Poggi, quitting title to the "Honcho Palos Verdes”; plaintiff
Doc. 6 allegedly is owner of twowfifths of the land and the defen~
dents are ir possession of tho wholv of said rancho; on
December 6, the conclusions in law were in favor of the
plaintiff and a judgment was entered for him. Recorded in
”Book of Judgments," B, y. 293. Los Angolan County.
Copy. 8 pp. /l57
1855 Notice of action in District Court, 1st Judicial District
Aug. 14 libs Angulos County California7, by John foster, guardian or
Paul Pryor, a minor, against Jose L. Scpulvcda, Jose Diego
oepulvofia and Juan Sepulvoda, to recover the undivided two—
. fifths part of the “Rancho Puloa Vordos" belonging to Fryer.
Roourded August 11, 1355, in ”NitiCOs of fiction," 1, p. 5.
COPY: :3 r1). /TC~7
' 1856 Juan 53111171111171131 and 111.1..11311 .z'alfinis sn1;-t1‘;11:. Th:
11:31:. ‘90 Jo {11131111. 1‘1. Inlvij‘LFJL.
. Deed of conveyance of Sopulvedas' interest in one—fifth
Part of “Rancho Palos Verdun” for the consideration of $5,00ti
signed by Juan and Folipa's ”X” tart. Recorded January 19,
- 1857, at request of J. H. Lander, in “Deed Book," a, y. 54%.
Copy. 3 pp. /Tfl‘
. . ,9
. .
. ,

 :r is ' '
t 1856 Joseoh S. A. LAMALFA. To Juan SIEUIVEDA.
. May 19 Mortgage on one undivided fifth part of "Rancho Palos
‘ Verdes" to secure a note of $6,000; signed by Lamalfa.
’ Recorded April 4, 1857, at request of E. Brown, in "Book of
Mortgages," 5, p. 535.
Copy. 2313p. 118/
1856 Joseph S. A. LAMALFA. To Henry R. M3155.
May 19 Mortgage on one undivided fifth part of "Rancho Palos
Verdes" to secure a note of $3,000; signed by Lamalfa.
Recorded January 19, 1857, at request of Jas. Lender, in
, "Book of Mortgages," 5, p. 307.
Cdpy. 2 pp. [1:37~
1857 Einutes of Proceedings in District Court Case 41%,
Ear. 21 Los Angeles County /Califcrnia7, in the case o"a Henry R. Mylo:
to _vs. Joseph S. A. Laihlfa in foreclosure of a mortgage Securinfi
” 1857 a note of $3,000; Atwuct 14, order of sale riled; Septenber
Sep. 14 14, order of sale raturrod; September 1i, judgment satisfied
by sale of property of cze~fifth or ”Ranch; Paloa Tories" to
Diego SepuIVoda for t592.i3.
Copy. 3 pp. ZE07
1857 Minutes of Proceedings in District Court Case 419,
Apr. i Los Anjelss County fCalifornia7l in the case of Juan SepulveCs
to jg. Joseph S. A. Lamelfu for ioreclosuie of mortgage;
1858 August 5, 1857, decrac of foreclosure entered; March 12, 1835,
Apr. 28 order of sale issued; April 28, 1858, order of sale filed and
satisfaction entrrcd on Sale of one—fifth part of “Rancho
Pulos'Ferdes" to Jinan7 Sepulveda for $2,600. ___
Copy. J pp. 121,
[1801] Joseph S. A. IANAIER. To Augustus W. TIMMS and
Apr. 25 Juan F. C. JOHNSON.

Sheriff's deed. Recitals: recovery oi judgment in
district court on April 1, 1857 in favor of Henry R. Myles
against Joseph S. A. Lamulfa for sale of premises described
in said actions; sale of same premises to Diego Sopulvcdu for

‘ $5,250, Soptonber 18, ISLE, who assigned said certificate of
sale to Augustus W. Timms and Juan F. C. Johnson, entitling
them to one—fifth of the "Rancho Palos Verdes"; signed by
E. Bettie, Sheriff. Recorded April 25, 1879, at request of

. McLollan, in "Deed Book," 67, p. 400.

Copy. 2 pp. [€27

1857 :rfiswnf s. A. I.£‘.I.TA'L13‘A.. To Augustfii‘fl w. Trims.
Dec. 24 Deed of quitclaim of Lamalia‘s interest in an undivided

' fifth.part of ”Palos Verdes Rancho" for the consideration of
$200.10; signed by Lamalfa. Recorded December 24, 1857, in
"Deed Book," 4, p. 9. :

qu. Spp. fifi7

, 1858 Jigs/Jpn] s. A. Lzu-smt'ssn. To Animist/£217 1's. Trims.

' Jan. 2 Deed of conveyance of Lamalfa's interest in an undividec


: ...,.1_”
”m1 ,
x .
1 :

 if :i' I ’ '
~ £ l858 fifth part of ”Rancho Palos Vordes" for tho consideration of
. . ? Ian. 2 #200; Signed by Lamalfa. Recorded January 2, 1858, in ”Deco
. (cont'd.) Pook," 4, p. 11. w W
3 Copy- 2 pp . _/_:-:§};»_/
1858 Joso L. SEPULVEDA and Jose Diego SEPULVEDA. To Juan
{fan . 26 SEPULVEDIL .
- Deed of quitclaim of part of ”Honcho Palos Verdes" for
a homosite for a consideration of $l.; signed by Jose L. and
Jose Diego. Recorded January 28, 1858, in "Deed Book,“
4, p. 53. '“__
> Copy. 2 pp. igfi/
1858 Jose L. SEPULVEDA. To Cesaria SEPULVEDA.
Kay 24 Dead of conveyance of an undivided fifth part of
"Palos Vordoo” to Ccoariu for the consifieration of $l.; Sign-7i
by Jose. accorded May 25, 1858, in ”Deed Book," 1, p. 126. _
' Copy. 2 pp. [EEK
l858 C TVTii Pantoja SEEUZVEDA.
. Juno 1 Deposition of separate propoytv COLtalfliDg a list of her
separate property including one uhéiviicd fifth part of
"Poloo Vcrdos,” and other groporty; 35: ”X" mark; witnecsod
by W. G. Dryden, county juice. chavuad Juno 7, 1858, at
request of Dolores Scyulveda, in ”Ec~* v1 Separate Property,"
1, p. 3?.
Copy. 2 pp. _£§E7
1858 Jose Diego SEPULVEDA. To Jose Dolores SEEULVEDA.
Juno l9 Deed of trust and conveyance of coo—fifth part of
"Rancho Palos Verdos"; in trust to enter and take possession
of property in Phineas Banning's possoocio; who: he shall
cease to be entitled to possession theroof, and tc toko poo—
seflsion of rest of property immoiiatoly, with various con—
ditions as to survivorship rights in tho trust; signed by both.
Hocordofl June 19, 185?, in ”Deed Book,” 4, p. 147. '_¢N
Copy. 5 p3. [fig]
1858 Joso Loreto SEPULVEDA anl Cosaria Pautcja SEPULVEDA.
> June 19 To lose Diego SEPULVEDA.
hood of convoyonoc of one—fifth part of "Rancho Palos
‘Verdes" and other sunory personal property under a certain
; indenture of lease oxccuteo by him on December 3, 1357, and
renewablo at the option of Phineas Banning; for a second year;
‘. Signed by both /Eor I mnrfif. Recorded Juno 19, 1858, at
requost oi Josofiboloros BEbulvedn, in ”Dood Book," 1, p. li§.m.
’ Copy. 2 pp. [@fiy’
1859 Nitfl*xi of Proceedings in District Court 0380 542,
’ July 14 Loo Angcles County /Eolifornio7, in casc of Augustus W. Timms, v
30 an insolvent dobtof? who on account of business looses bccame
-‘ 1858 in debt, for which John Gaddor, James Thompson, and
Nov. 50 Francis J. Carpenter become suretios; in consideration whnrun;
11111.. J
I l

 f; ‘ ‘
33% - 6 _
'5 1858
3 July 14 he sold his property to them; annexed to fictition are
‘ to schedules of liabilities and assets, the letter stating on
3 1858 undivided fifth port of “Honcho Poles Veries"; order to
‘ NOV- 30 sell entered September 35th and discharged November 50th.
‘ (cont'd.) Copy. 2 pp. /§C7
1858 Joseph s. A. LANALFA. To Jose Diego SEPULVEDA.
Oct. 9 Deed confirming the judgment of foreclosure on
Joseph S. A. analfa, transferring said judgment to
lose Diego Sepulvcda as well as granting nim one-fifth
port of "Rancho Palos Verdes" for consideration of $2,600;
* signed by James C. Welsh, Coroner; witnessed by
James H. Lander. Recorded October ll, l858, in "Deed
Book," &, p. 343. _‘>H
Copy. 5 pp. [Cl/
._ lPoB .uu: lorcto SEEMINEDA, Ccssria P. SEPULVEDA and
Dec. 27 Jose Dolores SEPCLVEDA. To Augustus W. TIMMS.
Deed of agreement to a franchise for use of roadway
and the sale of two warehouses to Augustus W. Tumming
[Timms/ for the consideration of $2,000; signed by
Jose lbreto for Ceseria and Jose Tolores. Recorded
August 10, 1859, in "Deed Book," E, p. 487.
Copy. 4 pp.
Attached to deed is a receipt for 32,000, for sale or
. the two varchouses, two lighters, one wharf and fixturesh_
and one old chain. [EE/
1359 _. Minutes of Proceedings in Probate Court Case 133,
Feb. 5 [ins Angelos County Culifornio7, in the case of the estate
t0 oi Santiago Johnson, deceased? petition filed by his wife
1859 /Cermenf asking for administration papers in the estate,
her. l 3% papers formerly issued were lost; February 15, order
entered, letters issued, and Solomon Lenard, Phineas
Banning, and Ignacio Garcia appointed as agpreisers;
March 1, inventory filed; his wife /Carmcn/ and his
children /§iancisco P., Santiago, Azits, Zdelaide, and
Margarits7 represented as heirs. - U
Coyyl 3 pp. :92;
1869 Augustus w. minus. To John coLLER.
Aug. 9 Bond of conveyance of Tixms’ property consisting of
* two warehouses, and a roadway franchiSc for consideration
of $2,000; sifned by Timms. Recorded August 10, 1859, at
' request of D. Manren, in "Deed Book," e, p. 486. >
_ Cosy. 3 pp. [fig
‘ 1859 John GOLIER. To Rufus S. EELLS and A. E. W. BALL.
Aug. 24 Deed of duitcluim in right of sneement upon and over
. lends situated on the Bay of San Pedro, and to occupancy
" of two warehouses for considereti : of $E,COO; signed by
‘ ‘ Geller. Recorded August 89, 1859, in "Deed Book," e,
f p. 506.
_g Copy. 2 yp. Zgiy?
“'" ' .!
\ ,
I l

 ‘3/ Li ' '
111'; " I "
'§ 1853 John GOLLER; To Rufus S; EELIS and A: M. No BALL.

:3 Aug. 24 Deed of quitclaim of one—half of an undivided fifth part

5 of "Rancho Palos Verdes" for consideration of $2,000; signau

; by Goller. Recorded August 29, 1859, at request of Norton

g and Brown, in "Deed Book,” 4, p. 503.

- Copy. 2 pp. LEE?

, l859 Henry HANCOCK;
Sepu Plat of the "Rancho Palos Verdos" surveyed under in~ '
structions from_the U. S. Surveyor General; map contains
51,539 45/100 acres with a scale of 40 ch1Ein7s to l inch;

, variation 150 20‘ east“

' D. s l p. so cm. x 47.5 om. 1377

- 1860 Paul PRIOR“ To John FOSTERD

Ear: 7 Particular power of attorney to John Foster to deal with
lands arc leaSes of Paul Pryor in Los Angelos County; signed

* by Pryoro Recorded March 8, 1860, in ”Book of Powers of
Attorney," 2, p» 75,

» Copvo 2 pp. ZEEI: I

1860 Minutes of Proceedings in District Court Case 756,
Sep. 25 Los Angules County /Célifornis7, in case of Francis Mellus,
to insolrn:t fiohtor, fiEC his creditors; September 25, 1850,
lBSl petition for discharge of debts, annexed to which are

Jan: 9 schedules of liabilities and assets; October 3, additional

- schedule of assets filed containing an interest in the estatr
of Santiago Johnson; January 9, 1961, petition of assignec,
A. F. Hincnman, filed and sale of estate asked; January 9,
sale ordered. ____

> Copy, 4 pp. [59/
l860 Francis KEILUS. To Augustus F9 HINCHMAN.
NOV- 37 Assignment of estate in bankruptcy to assignae of
creditors [Einchman7fi signed by Mellusa Recorded
January b,m185l, :E "Book of Miscellaneous Records," 1, pa 3;.
Gym: 3pp. 1%?
1863 Rufus 8‘ E3315. To John M. GRIFFITH.

. hove 21 Bond of quitcloim to right of oasement over land known
as Timms’ Landing where two warehouses stand, the privilege
or occupying land on which said warehouSes stand, and tho

.. right to the road immediutcly in front for Consideration 0f
$2,00fi; sifuod by Eells; witneSSUd by hoary Height“ Recorded
November 26, 1868, in "Deed Book," 6, ya 45. . _.

0029.71- 2 p‘Q- 1 F471;,"
185? Rufus S" EELLSE To John M. GRIFFITH:
Nov. El Deed of quitclsim of an undivided half of an undivided
‘ fifth part of "Rflncho halos Verdes" for the cousidorstiin of »
' ‘ $200; signed by Fells; witnessei by floor] I igit. Recorded
‘{ November 26, l 53, in ”Dood 30):," 5, o. 44: .__
g; G‘yy; ? po. /4?;
W‘ .1
\ .
y 2

 7/ I
’ 8 ‘
'f? 1863 Paul PRYOR. To Phineas BANNING.
3 Feb. 27 Deed of conveyance or one undivided fifth part of
1 "Rancho Palos Verdes" for the consideration of $3,000; signed
’ by John Foster, attorney in fact for Pryor. Recorded
-1 December 7, 1863, in "Deed Book," 6, p. 501. .
‘, Copy. 2 pp- [423,
1865 Opinion of the U. S. Supreme Court in the case of
‘5 ,Dec. Jose Loreto Sepulveda et_al., denying jurisdiction and remedy '
, to be sought at the General Land Office upon the patent issue;
Printed. 2 pp. [44/
" 1864 Certification of the U. S. Supreme Court opinion de—

May 28 livered by Justice Field in the case of the United States vs,
Jose Loreto Sepulveda et al., N6. 114 of the December term,
1863, [entry 44/“; signed $.71). 77. Middleton, clerk of the
Supreme Court.w ~__

= D. S. 5 pp. Seal of the U. S. Supreme Court. 145/

1864 Phineas BANNING. To Gabriel ALLEN.

June 27 Deed of quitclaim to one undivided tenth part of the
"Rancho Palos Verdes“ for the consideration of $1,500; signed
by Banning; witnessed by Horac