xt7xwd3pzv23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pzv23/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1995 Vol.66 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 1995 Vol.66 No.1 1995 1995 2019 true xt7xwd3pzv23 section xt7xwd3pzv23 . r i I}! - r ' v
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f p ‘ The official publication of a ,3; 92 53 ,
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‘ - > ” . l 2». "f: ’ Circulation art of the a er, butitis," Abemathv
4,, t . P P P .
- = - ’13,,x'” I“, i}; v . has been pushed , “ft, \ said. "Without circulation, advertisers
- 1. 5 f 0°“ ‘ , f {‘35 ,. '7' on the backburner . = 3 don't want to advertise in the paper."
- :1" ' "19 Z” 1’ '4‘ “‘ ? xf‘ for long enough, ’ ' 3: The biggest component to re—es-
' - ' g; La? _ "i incoming Ken- 3 Q I; tablishingtheCirculation Divisionwill '
= .....M... .. '- «r — ,l .1 tucky Press Asso- -\ 3 be for KPA to conduct at least one I,
“ - 3:“ ‘ ‘r . ciation President . w, , ‘ seminar peryearto educatecirculation ,/
j 1 g - - _ t. ‘V ' . ,e’ ‘ ,1. D o r o t h y people at KPA—member papers about .
' 1 _ = -111... VA" A; __ ,3» A y. Abernathy said. “‘11; ‘ . recent trends and regulations regard-
- W“ ‘ i 9* " ,Efi‘g‘ ' Abe rna thy , """‘--'- '7“ ing circulation, she said. l
" l - , a“; \ publisher of The “’9'"th "Our circulation people, unless
« ' N. ' Q 7 _ Oldham Era in LaGrange and the they'refromalargedaily,someor’them _
.. = r“ . ‘ r;, . . Trimble Banner-Democratin Bedford, don't know what postal regulations ‘
_ ‘- -. ”’ ,fi - ‘ ’ said re-establishing KPA'S Circulation are," she said. "We've got Max Heath, ~
_ 1 ;‘* , , 1 ' Division will be one of her riorities who's known ever here, but Ken-
, . 7 it P W
, . . ' .. 4 (5i “y ‘ when she takes office at the end of tucky doesn't utilize him."
‘ . . k A i ’ ' . KPA's Winter Convention, Jan. 26-27. Circulation executives across the '
' ' ' -..:- “im’n ' 2-, - - I . _ Q» .. . "We've kind of pushed circulation state need training in zoning _
» ' » ,. e 1 . ; ‘ ' “ k I" . to the back as not being an important Continued on Page 16
. l . ~ . _ JP 1‘ I {39351,
\‘ ._ l ‘ . >. ‘ I 's- . I
' "l' 0‘“ ' How IIIUCII '5 too
“1‘2: “4‘ ‘ 0 g ." ; I 7
MWMHIMmWMp-umum mUCh to Charge I
‘ a! g; m o
. .. ' . I
Newspaper celebrates KPA membe' “ewspopersvo'y ‘ '
z 5»; _ . on newsstand, subscription costs . , ~
3“. ...“I-Y'. may W'th Open house Look in the top right-hand corner newspapers to give papers an idea of - q
33%;: ofanynewspaperyou pick up.Chances where they stand in regard to other . 1 -
“(k j ‘ , are you'll see the newsstand price. papers for what they charge to mail a ‘ ‘
1} '53.. The“! W held ‘ “My mm: ‘1” Wk Put in the “55"" If you live in Kentucky, chances one-year subscription in-county, and - _
33"“: . 0P" m f“ a“ mm” 0" ties. are thatpricewillbefrom25centst050 what they charge for single copies. ' ~ ’ ' fl
:- 1"; m9, Ibefocalpointfortheopmhouse cents--and that doesn't depend on if KPA broke the data down into cat- ‘, , a .
1 35 MCMZMWJCIVG- was ‘ mm tree mum with the paper is weekly or daily. egories, so newspapers with similar ' , g
‘7'.“ 91". “the“ 8!!de mandaueefldrtmadefmm Andaccordin todata rovided to circulations would be com ared. The i .‘ .
m. ~ on tuned board to Carl 3 P P
mass». M m Wkiumofm “Recon!- KPA b its member news a ers, the datawas atheredb the KPSCli in -— ,
‘* ' in were one in 0pm house cl celeb ted y P P g y pp g ‘ -
—.‘.r.' of i ' """fi II “M The ’0 ra cost to subscribe to a weekly newspa- Department, and any data they could .' . '
6332, m M“ “MtMWMNWP-Pfi" per ranges froma low of $6.95 per year not find was taken from the Advertis- : .
3'26?“ mdfimflflmm W him to a high of $2750. ing Department's Rateand Data Sheets. .. e: .
hing; ,__ : KPA studies circulation data from Continued on Pa ; e 16 ‘3 '
: .v‘tg', 5- .. . 1 5 1:__._ . , ‘ _
F‘é?”“"‘1 . ' , .
“3‘3?" KPS Ad De artrnent It could cost you NOT . Legislature narrowly 1 «
"3,; sells $2 milfi 'on in 1994 to attend KPA's Winter ‘ votes to keep caucuses ' . ~
“1 > 1 Convention _ closed it
:‘;:“:";1’-.' ......O....... &e Page 3 ......C....... See Page 6 0.00.0000... See Page 13 E
. . " »- - ' ‘ . v. V “iv .“ '-;-'.;~e'.’;’-"T7.li>‘ttf‘51343.131:”, 1;.‘34. If: '. ' . ‘ .. f - ‘
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Page 2, The Kentucky Press. January 1995 ' i
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Louise B. Hatmaker, edi— The new owners of lnter— Liray said he is pleased
tor and publisher of The mountain are Iames F. Nolan with the .ioiiiisition.
IANI IARY Beatt} \‘illeEnterpriseand The Jr, lF. Nolan lll and Glenn ‘.7\~ publisher, I want to
Jackson Times for almost 30 Gray, also a member of the continue the fine tradition
years and a member of the KPA Board of Directors. Cray Loiiiseantl her statfhax'e built
Kentucky Press Association is publisher of the group's six (wt-r the years, and I look it”.
BoardofDirectors,announced newspapers owned by ward to meeting people and
in late November that she had Manchester Enterprises lnc. serving both counties,” Gray
26-27 ICPA WINTER sold all the stock in her com- "lt'sinterestingtonotethat said.
CONVENTION pany, lntermountain Publish- when I received my firstnews— Hatmakersaid she \x'illstill
H tb H ’t 1 ing Co. Inc. to a Manchester paper experience atThe Haz- be around to help with the
“rs ourne 0 e I group thatowns and operates ard Herald, it was owned by papers. ,
Loulsvflle a central printing plant for six James Nolan's uncle, the late "We have no employment '
newspapers ofits ownand five Pearl Nolan, and his wife, contract,justahandshake,"she
, _ others east of Kentucky. Martha," Hatmaker said. said.
29—Feb. 3 American Press Institute, 1,
Editing the Weekly ~ _ 7 7:-
Newspaper Seminar, —— ‘9' . ‘ , - ’ . 5
‘: .45 ‘ 4 » v ! ) 1? ' 0‘
Reston Va. l! ~ t ’3... 7 ‘. I, 7'
’ v I ‘ 7/47 3
. “- ' .4. .
~12“ '
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AD IDEAS JANUARY , ’ A" " ' , «‘ ’ ’
. 7 . . , . ‘ ‘v, ' “a:
. Check With your local weight loss clinic. One of - 3 y . . y . I
the most popular New Year's Resolutions is to '1‘. a, , ' ‘ ,flr
lose weight, so why not design an idea for your , UQ/ 7,; f
local center With this in mind. 43 r 7‘ _ .
BRIDAL ADS should be big now. Any prospec- . ”" 2’ " . . . .
t. b 'd . h l . . There 3 nothing like a good temple massage after looking at too many negatives and prints.
1V8 1:1 es In your area)" .0 are? arming spring Just ask Bill Luster, one of the instructors in the Western Kentucky Mountain Workshop, who l
weddings should be planning blg time now, SO received one from Courier-Journal photographer Mary Ann Lyons. For more on the Mountain i
don't forget bridal shops, florists and formal wear W°'k5h°Py see Pages 8'9- i
stores! .
.. ianuaryisaperfectmonthforCLEARANCE . Kentucky Dress Assoeiation, Inc, .
SALES. Any leftover Christmas merchandise has ______________—______ ‘ :
t0 80 now! 1994 KPA Officers and Board of Directors 1
President on ‘ (4 District l4
Why not plan someCOUPON DAYS ads? You mm [way any}: Ponmann Sum, WW"
. can have these anytlme you want. coupons are I?” Kd’mméi‘ Standard Frank/m Favorite lfill/ruin \lVrrL'
7 - - rcsi ent- . ect D',t ' " istricl SA
one of the most effective forms of advertismg, so 00mm Mammy ”giraffe! M, “M,”
get your ideas-and your merchants--together! the 01de Em m News-Enlrrprise 1,.”an "mid Irwin ‘
Past President District 6 District 15B
Jerry Lyles Merv Auhespin Guy Hatfield
Near month's end, plan ahead for VALENTINE'S Benton Tribune Courier The (‘ounrrJnurmzl (‘mzm err <9 Timrr .
' 7 . . . Vice President District 7 State At-l,arge l
DAY by checking With local restaurants, florists John new“, Ed Mm“ Rm RM." l
and jewelry Stores to see if they want to go to- The Daily Independent Owenlon News-Herald Axhlamllhulv Imiepmilrnl i
. . . Treasurer District 3.9 Associates Division
, gether on a Sig page. Restaurants might be inter- am mat,“ Ken Mm Sandra um watt".
. ' ' ‘ ['1‘ Recorder News-papers B (h C N t_ I) ,1 k Westvaco
QSted In a speClal DINING 0 page. Board of Directors D?s(fi¢:‘1’;)?llt“f " on Advcnising Division
' District 1 Many Backus Sharon Tumunski
’ William Mitchell Appalachian News,E‘p,-(_m- lechmIer Yuri
. \ Fulton [zadtr District 12 News-Editorial Division
' District 2 Louise Hatmzkcr John Nclson
' - I‘d Dillingham Jackson Times/BraIm-illr Enterpnxr P'd‘m" W'd‘
. . ' . Dawson Spring: Progress District 13
I ~ 3‘) ”std“ 3 Glenn Gray
A . . { TCI'CJI RCVIC" Manrhntrr Enlerprur
' _ V. ? \ - McLean County News
_ Jr .{ .
. , y , 4'? .’l\. , ' .
, ‘ I , l‘ 'v \‘C Executive Dindor Clipping Service Director Mail/News Release Service
,7; l j y 3 c' DIVId T. Thompson Rachel Md‘any Nancy Pty’mn
_ ~ ' , i . - ”K 'P, Bushes: Manager Bookkeeping Assistant (Slipping Assist-ms
' .7 "4-. J‘ ' ' Bonnie “OWII'd Buffy Johnson Linda Slcinp. (‘arol l’a)1on. lloll)
' )fl‘ -) ' .V v . Advertising Dlnctor Advcnising Assistant Stigers
. i ‘ ' . 3 f ' . - . ’1‘ \ L "< (“0m Dans Rcha Lew” m Km...“ hunts“ mm mm u
4 . . "' " News some mmw Smfl-ry writ: tram.fr“;::;::;:.‘:.‘:;f: :: 2:“:
t s E ii, i ' Becky L MCIdOWS Sue (‘ammack war Pmlmancr Vnddnnp of ndvtrrum Dr
I _ . HAPPY NEW YEAR Krnlutkv he“ in] (‘iinumrrl arr Inuit w
‘ V ." ' ’ ° Kv wont 15031221 mm
l. '. wit”.
(7-. hi ‘ a. r. ‘u— t“
7;“. y. {7.5% ___.__ . . . -. . ,. ._.'.....,,._., _.,.,.-,-,.--.,_.,.. .. . . .. x , !
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m~i7€~777777 “,7; x .; n. L a v: r . .-». ‘ ' ' .7 » ., ~
”’7” 7.13.1731“. 7.7 “~‘ ', v - .r ‘ . . « * 7 ‘ 7 ~ » t

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, The Kentucky Press, January 1995, Page 3
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6 11C tOpS ere. CWS HQ 1
But some member newspapers last out on revenue from list of ads that did not run
For thefirsttimeinitshe Kentucky with 1993 beingtheonlyyeartheorga— Prior to 1994, the Sththltl mark had shv of $1 5 million '
Press Advertising Placement Service nizatiori did not hit 5] million. In that been reachedonlytvvice,t>ctotwr1991 ' KI‘S would ha\e reached the $3 .7 ‘ .
sold more than $2 million in ads for year, KPS fell slitllt‘i short. and October 1992. million mark on record, except far (/1
member newspapers across the state Ofthe$2 million sold in lel,about - Uf the seven highest ad sales $11,995 sold in advertising that news-
in 1994. $1.8 million was paid to neWspapers months in Kl‘S history, five were in papers did not run as scheduled. !
Actually, the final record for 199-1 for advertisements they ran that were 1904. " There werezwaac that the m.“ c. ‘
shows $1.99 million because $1 1,995 in sold by KPS. papers left out, misplaced or did not \ M /'
advertising sold was left outofnews— To recount advertising sales for "Of course, 1995 (HUM dlw bt’ d receiveon time,’ Davis said. \‘\\«
papers, said KPS Advertising Director 199-1: banner year for the KPS Advertising ’f\\
Gloria Davis. 0 KPS had nine straight mttnths" Office,‘ said Kl’A/KPS Executive [)i— Nmycpdper,thatcwihmrhm-tqpft \
The previous record year for ad— March through November—«if more rector David T. Thompson. 'lt'sa state- out an ad scheduled to run should call '
vertising sold by KPS was 1991, with than $1tlt),tltltl sold in adv ertising \vide election year, and the last time KI‘S imn‘iediatelv. Sometimes ads can /
$1.49 million Five of the last six years 0 Five of those monthse-lune there were statevvide elections (1991), be rescheduled to run in another issue,
KPShas surpassed the $1 million mark, through 0ctoberusiirpassed iltttulttt. KPS' total advertising placed was iust Davis added
9 GI Cl I 5 survey 0 e NretiseO
Since 1987, the Kentucky Press takes place in 19%. Though the 19‘); siirvev has fevver in- ./
Association, through The Preston Early in the year, lhe Preston terviews and questions, doing the sur- 1995 brings with it a new policy
Group of Lexington, has done exten- ('lroiipfliwarded thecontractafter bids rev ewrv vear will give nevv spapers concerning advertising placed 3
5i“: retail marketing habit surveys on were submitted by eight companies, more current information about their through theKentuckyPress Service.
an everonther-year basis. ivillcompletettotlinterviews statewide. readers and their shopping habits. In past years, KPS has used na-
‘ Although statewide survey infor— Each surveyvvill It‘t\‘t\l\’t‘dl’tt)llt33'qut‘s— The results of the bet; siirvev vvill tional and local open rates to accom- —
' mationofthe magnitudedonebyKPA {inns()ndch't’rlislng smurc’efv,shopping be presented during the KPA Spring modate the needsofadvertisersBut
hasa shelf-life of about24 months, the habits and demographic information. AdVertismg Seminar, scheduled for when clients asked about discount .
I KPA Board ofDirectors recently voted PrevioLis siirvev s involved 2,(ltt(l April 27‘3"4 M lht‘ Marriott Hotel In or eamed rates, KPS' response W65, ‘
I toconductannualsun'eys.Thecliange interviews With about 70 questions l-Ulli-‘W'lllv- "We 0‘“th that-H '
, At the Fall Board of Directors
l l I retreat, the Board approved a new
ex 5 e - e I n o rm a io n in
I count or volume earned rates along
E with national and local open rates.
‘ ' ' , ' . , c v , 3‘ ,'
| , KPS getting ready to go full-speea—ahead With database WM who sewer MW”
, also offer its convenient service at
. . . . ) al nl iarn )l lit 1 1t rat fir
It you havent received a request want with it novv that our diret torv is lt‘\\l~ said ltie same papei also did k c i a L t t‘ lfiu m _ b l
. . . _ , , . , , , retail accounts, A five percent com—
for information forthe Kentut k} I re“ finished, lo\\ ls said ”at 1.4 :ie rat k wipe [a up , ode missi m will be h" 'e lt ithenews-
SL’TVICPIS new marketing (ldtdl‘dv‘, After reteu 11H: sflntt' Ml tlit' lliittt All tit that inttirnmtiiin has to l‘t’ H l ,, L ( l" k l V
» , . _ , ‘ , papers.
MaxTrax,don t panic mation sneets. she tll\t|‘\t‘lt‘tl a lit‘\\ t‘\.l\[l\ right or the intormation iii the .. A . .
. _ . _ _ ‘ Kentuckv was one of the few
lhe requests are being sent out to problem Somepapeisaieseiidintztlicir media kits u ill be \\ iong, levv is said 7 , t - '
i . ., , , , , i \ H ' _ states not offering a volume earned
newspapers -5 at a time, in alphabeti- information sheets oat k \\ ith eitla i She added that \las l iax l‘lt‘dks .A _ _ K i ..
. . . _ _ . discountratestructuretoitstlients,
cal order, said Reba Lewrs, KPSadv er~ inmmplete or \s. iong information. Ht‘\\ spapers t lrt iilation doiv n b\ /ip .
i g , . _ i ,. _, i . Continued on Page 16
‘ tising assistant u ho is in charge of ( irciilation figures need tobees— iode to let advertisers target spet lllc
l Maxl‘rax act,” leivis said ”It's \erv important area‘
l So far, 15 newspapers have re for the information to be \ ori‘ett l's'l‘S \\ ill tiirnisti one personalixed
turned their information sheets, lievvis For example, one newspaper sent media kit tone“ spapers freeot \ barge \
said. its information sheet back \vithoiit Aftermat,rapt-rc“illp,n-§?‘s;tvr,htt1t ‘ ‘
"We're really starting to go for breakdownsofcirciilationbvzipcode, tional klt\ ‘ 7 ,
___._.__________.___.___..._.__—____________.___ I > i '
h ' d ' h ' ' ' I i i ‘
Now you can reac KPA any tlme, ay or mg t. , c
.‘ . \
~"~'=--s";--.tvx= 'w-t (m,,mmm‘ re. ' ‘ \
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call US at Wfiu-‘si'wi T’- l/'_ 3‘:{(Zfl'l';::l;<\'i",g‘.}"0fz'-"‘"'4': fr. {‘i‘l?:‘:;i“f‘.,’l{i"¢‘~/. l‘fiitljg '—.'.';. villi _ WIT-ll" ' ‘
-:g‘,f'c'¢c.;\,(’.¢\f,7a”, “(33.1,“ —'—-- T332 iw~v."gu">"3fq-;2M ’.'.Lfiv"<"A‘:1-v-T‘ r-:§Y~,t:=w”-\s ”7 -. .-- .l‘fi‘“. . « T Y
~ .“u'y/ pl; ,(:.\"\“ ,1 - ' a)“ a; "- "my ,_,_.> '; .---- ‘ "' 11.13. 'v‘l‘t .> 2‘ ».‘\_«'. —-’;_ I 2‘ H,“ j
(800) 264-5721 -- ~ —_--. a -- , ‘ —...... - ,_ M WNW
- . -. ' , ' ..-. ""xi,’,‘x,\'-'v;.‘,~i‘-L ,2“ ‘ :._.' ... , - 3“ . 2:-
and leave a - :.-.: --._-.‘ .» ,, . ~ :.-.-. z; 5:: (D ”M
m :-.-- . 212-} =- :‘r: 2': 2% -j-'.-.-‘=' ‘ . ,
essage on our _: ._,._.. .-.- -... _.-; 3.: :.-. 5 ....._ .5: 3; m”;
‘l. 01 ‘ E ‘1 '1: _',I t... 'O :3 _';_',-'- :5: :3 :_:- _".'.: 3: :1; Mom: cunt!" ampules. Inc
' '72 ._._, 3.}? . -.. 32‘ :'_-T- 7;;— .. f3} 45.: :24. 5:"'."_" £1; 7-5. 5-}; 7.5+ 800-223- 7000
MAIL o -_ "-'- .,."-; :51” '1: "5‘ 4t;- "'-_-'- --- -1. .1..." "'" E
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Page 4, The Kentucky Press, January 1995 [—-——————-—
A trip on or bulletin board NNA calls
By Mike Banks fering computer hackers the chance to loprcs ranged from Seinfeld to why on b0 n ks
Union County Advocate sample the online seryrce for ill free people watch b’arney .
—_—_—— hours. :\s l was logging oft, a hacker
I‘ye quietly become a cruiser on After choosing my user identrfrt a named ( hr'rskoasked, ls there rntellr-r to p u bl lSh
that wide strip of computer technol- tion and logging on my password, I gent life on here'.’ i ,.
ogy known simplyasthelnternethigh- wasopened up toa whole new world lt was a logical question as it ape Says banks ShOUld 1
way. One area offered the latest up to peared there w ere a good number of . . 1
Lately I had my first chance to go the minute news around the world. ill'fsl'tliht’ users on the Internet. pUbllSh commuflfl’y :
"online" with the rest of America and, There were news items on everything l‘iarlier this summer, Advocate re— 1‘
let me tell you, it's all pretty amazing. from President Clinton's latest news porter Linda Robinson did a story on developmefll
Hereat The Advocate we recently conference to charges against a Robby Iapp, a local college student GCllVllleS 05 we”
purchased a modem, which would al— Franklin, Ky race track owner. In ad— who is study ing to be a computer pro—
low me to connect my Apple Macin- dition to the hard news items, there grammer. lapp was looking forothers
tosh Classic computer with the bulle- were the latest sports, entertainment, who were interested in starting a local lht’ National NPWW‘JPVI' r‘AW‘
tin board system at the Kentucky Press business, political and state news re— bulletin board, ciatron announced that ( origress
Association's office in Frankfort. ports. lhe local bulletin board would he should not only require tederalh
The CommonNet bulletin board But perhaps the most fascinating a good economical idea,as I had to use chartered brink-*1“Tt’xlllrlrlyplll‘ll‘h
system whichthe KPAoffersproyides item of all was Talk America, which a bulletin board number out of 1‘ quarterly statement ”l- financial
member newspapers with a wealth of allows the user to communicate with Owensboro to log on to America WWllllUn, but db” rt’tilllrt‘ Pul‘llk‘d-
information and news sources. It's all people from all over the country sim- Unlrne And while you're online, the “U” “l. d statement “l7 ”W” li‘tdl klt"
very new, but becoming increasingly ply by typing in their commentson the charge is the same as talking long disv “’l"Pmt’lllilfthlllP‘ Ullklt‘rtl‘t'( Hm
popular. computer keyboard. tantetoUwensboro.5orfyou'reonlirw munrty RUIHVWUW‘M r‘Hl l‘s “3V
Now, instead of haying towaiton After clicking on to the Talk for 3H minutes. it's the same as a le~ \NA ( hairman \lltllm‘l l‘arta
anews releasecomingthroughthemail America section, I found myself in a minute longalrstance call. wild the association's tall came lor
or having to read through countless "room" with 23other people. lhe user publnatiiinofbanks'commrrnrtx do
press releases,lcan scan througha list identification names ranged from lt‘t hnology scares some and he \‘t’lUPmenl actiyities as a result of
of news items and choose those that l Halfprintertot'lurtirrl toSoSoo. lhose often had trouble understanding the ”7“ 4““ "llll‘l‘" rt“ ““1 ‘ ampargn 1”
feel are appropriate for our county. online ranged from a llyearold from dirterenre between a byte and a mega? “"1“” l‘l'l‘ll“ ”'l‘m'll'W‘” ll‘“ “ml“
It saves both time and money. New York to a lawyer from Washing bf. te. But I lound the online ser'yic e “”er Ml N‘Wlllll‘n‘» '
lalso logged on to anther seryrce ton, DC, to a college student from eas\ to understand and operate. lht' =\1W’Flt‘;_
i I ,5 ' t ) v y . '
, I a“ .. W phy and graphic s in additrr'in lost \t ral mass ( ommunrly nc\\'sp,ipt‘rs at ross
5 . , f communrtatrons t.u ully, tie workshop in- ”w nation haye begun J iampargn
) . , .v, .. cluded Mike l mbry‘ot the Associated l ress, (“=qu the St‘l" j; “'l‘Nl M the
l Malcolm ,‘wl'llhdm ”l the lexrngton H‘Ir'll‘l' federal requirement for publri. alion
. Leader, bar k Nit holasol lhe Richmond Reg» ”f banks' tall ”Tm“ M lrnaru ral
. v09. ‘ rsterand Angie l lattonol lheblate lournalol condition lhe repeal was IHt Irided
. ‘ ’ lranklort in the lx‘reglel ommrrnrh l)e\ elop
, . _ ment and Regulatory Improyement :
fly. .V . lUt‘l l ell, editorial «.llliitifllsi for the |,e\ N ' of lot” without hearings l‘arta , l
’ . ‘ rngtonilerald |eader,de|r\ered lhekeynole NW1, ”1“ llllth ( “mum; has an l l
5.. address \\llll h leatured a number ol his po opporlrrnrh llllt"\ll‘lt‘l‘lll‘llt aware 3 r‘
. ‘ ,3 ’1’ l;tr(a|l t arto‘ons arrd hi: i ornnrentan on then up“ of bank stabrlrh at ”W Mm“, , l
. . H” “l‘m‘m'm‘ lmlait trrnertheighlr-nsauarenessotl‘ariks l i
,1 " =, ,‘ » Several student papers also had rndr km rolerir theirromrrrrrnitres l ,
. r . A; \‘idualiritrrrrresol theirpaper‘sbylheprotes \euspapers l‘l"\ asrmrlar low ‘3
i.‘ : ?i . sronals and l lsl ldt ull\ on the program WI” l'arta Mud, and rtllilililllllh i
.’ g: lheannrrahompetrtronandworksho‘prs ireuspapersrnpartri ular'takeanac l
5 1' . ‘ EEierrhnated by the student \ hapter of Hl I at “\ P l"”l m local (IN eloprrient \M.
‘ ‘ . ' ” ha\e ionsrilted a number of total
.. ‘ bankers, who tell us the\ tail to re
: Joel Pett, oditoriolcertooni-t for The Lexington Herald-Leader, demon- lltnhprhim “fr ”Ni:((‘m'wmml to: “Di" H'IH' rlue  : lhomas liarr knov.sjusth dnd reporting \\\ ‘1
paperwhich WAS owned bV her former \’ltluill salary. miistiifthtl newspaper \(lt’sl‘jfl isdonp against ll'le( olirlt'r-ltiurnilp \f‘\
competitor, Homer Marcum. . on the computers, he said. he on er liullitt County better I \\
KPA members may remember .. Most teachers didn't like it much, So how do two newspapers stir» than dmom' else. Barr, publisher» of ,
Marc um from "l’ripergate," the war Siscosaid.Butthepaperbelieyedprint— rice in a county that has little retail lhe l’ioneer \eu s, said with a smile.
between the two Pam,“ in Inez to 9V ing the salaries was rele\ ant because business? lhat s the sec ret, lt you re looking
tablish which was the legal ne\\'>Pdher the “High?“ \\'eredem.inding heltypay Y‘ ‘1 i"“"“ ll!" “V“ ‘ and M“ l“ V m
in the county. raises. So the paper \x'eathererl the t. .ra\ son said thereis rot El‘ tort‘oth \lit’j‘l‘:<'rils\ ille. \ou ll lia\ e to pick up
Marconi decided one day to start blows and \xent on. . papers because \lartiii t iiillli‘. does at l ‘icii min t lil'lil it in the l’ioneer
hH 0“.” newspaper, H“; Martin lrom the history oi neu spapers iii iiot ha\e a limit radio wr' tvlw'. isii ‘il \i'K'v
Countian. ltcompeted with theMartin this colortul county, controH-i'sy u'ill station. \ 'n top ot that. ill! t‘tiilh‘lll‘. liltt it \c-ii 'wailt news about “what
County Mercury, owned by a jjjmj at- aluay s be a part of journalism in \lan sees 9s,“ million ill tihll nl«‘l1t'\‘.. 5i.) 1W” iltl w‘lH‘M ll of count: tit“ em»
torney. ' tintounty. million ii‘. sei\ice industries and fl: mtHthasilonewruhenthatnee. road
i (itnedayatewyeai'sback,Marcum millioniiistateai‘idtetli.*i‘aiaitlthinks m i‘struition i\ill i‘t‘llltlsllt‘tl,}i‘tl‘l\lll
E bought the Martin County Mercury, Martin COUMY Sun I“ )0“ really want t“ “Mir my mm H m ”N ”Hm.” \UW‘ . - .
i and then sold both newspapers to'a mum}? \ou ad\ ertise in both Papers, lhe mtiim )does not ha\ e a iot ot / ~'
newspaper group. The group com- Mark (Irayson is a teacher at a hpm'd‘ (..(tlltll1ut‘d on I age 16
hined the two papers, hoping that school fordeyeliipmentally slow chil- . _———___——— _
would eliminatecompetition in Mar» dren in Martin (ounty--but he has The People Behlnd the Papers.“ l
tin County. never lost his bug for newspapers.
Wrong. He has worked at several newspa— _
pers, including the Martin County . ‘
The very day the group came out Mercury, the newspaperthatcompetecl 4 . 23’" " " «@s .
with the first issue of its paper, an fiercelyforyearswith HomerMarcum's a I ‘ l {”3 n {if‘i‘ . 2
alternative paper hit the stands also. Martin Couritian. ’ .. 4., w ‘s ‘
50 goes journalism in Martin He was editor there. He remem- ’. :I .~ " . 30%;; ," j ., ‘ '
County.Indeed,lnezmustbethesmall- bers; working with Lisa Stayton,owner ' . .' ~,= "“ ‘» 3i» “it ”t t’
i town journalism feud capital of the of the Mountain Citizen and his cur- ‘ .' 5;, % « y, m‘ j 3
1 state. rent competitor. IV ' __.’_ fl ’” ; ‘~ .‘ Wm 3
j The Mountain Citizen never takes He said he wasn'tlookingtostarta T. ‘ . I "-- , -' "f i. j
i sides on issues, and never publicly at- competing paper, but there just hap- , a " .» 1 . fl
tacks the other paper in town, The pened tobea tabloid paperinthetown ' " ‘ ' ‘ '“i ' - '7. f i
’ Martin County Sun, Stayton said. for sale--so he bought it. . . K. L . e, j
"Weabsolutelyalways stand inthe "This isa freecountryand the way " ’ ’7?" 77*“
3 middle," she said. I look at it, anybody has a right to put a. i . i
‘ Why? Because in a town as small out a newspaper," (Irayson said. "I i ' " . f ‘ ‘ . f
i as lnez,it's awfuleasy forpeople torun haven‘t tried to be the official paper. ‘ .. A’-.-‘:- w
7’ to the competition. l'\ e just tried to sell papers and uplift , .. ‘ '. .. '
i On the bright side, if it can be con~ the community." 3% aka
,’ sidered such, Martin County has very " ' ‘ n”
3‘ little retail business. Most people jour- l le added he thinks weekly papers Above, the staff of the Inez Mountain Citizen got together during in Christ-
ney toamall in WestVirginia,a stone's are not really ”newspapers" because "183 PBNV 0" December 23- ~
throw away, to shopfitayton said. they can't report on breaking news
quick enough to meet their deadlines. ‘
Politics run rampant in the small lhus,weeklies have tobe different ‘ -»
town, said Michael Sisco, the fromdailies, he said Histacticistouse .. 7 . O . _ ‘ {a
newspaper's editor. Witha staff of 12 more features, including spotlights on g} j , y . r.“ > - F " ‘ ‘
people, mostofwhich drt‘tllll‘tllht‘, the local people such as teachers. Q ' ‘ " f \ ' . _
j paper doesn't sweat about covering Now he concentrates on movmg ~ .. ‘ '
4 . ' f. 1'"
l , i x f ' - . ' ‘
j l MARTIN COUNTY BULLlTT COUNTY « 5,; , V -. 3 ‘~
; j o .
l 4 > . .
i l Population .................12,400 Population .----------------50.100 , “4 ‘
l ‘t ,f "4. ~ «
i No. Households ..........4,300 No. Households ........16,800 .. k 33%}; i
s ‘L, ’ L r; 3 L ‘
Retail Sales.......$65,253,000 Retail Sales.....$127,479,000 3,} ' Q l... ‘ '._.: 1‘2
1.7;” _ ft ‘- ' . ' :5} "fake? .'< s ,
EBI per EBI per 1“,. * g; * .. 53 j
. Household ...............$24,703 Household ...............$36,607 ‘54 . ‘ . India
i Pictured above is the staff ot the Shepherdsville Pioneer News.
j l
2 l i ‘ ‘ . >33. 3
i _ k *‘t \ ; ‘

‘ . l
'1 :
Paqe 6, The Kentucky P