xt7xwd3px75d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3px75d/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1899 journals kaes_bulletins_081 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.81. text Bulletin n.81. 1899 1899 2014 true xt7xwd3px75d section xt7xwd3px75d ' L  
    EL L
M}H\lZUU\1Hl\L EXPEH\\\I\ENi STAUUN       od
BULLETIN NO. 81. l I  
‘ I. A Method of Avoiding Lettuce Rot. 4   V I;
2. Potato Scab Experiments.      
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    Agricultural Experiment Station.
I I HART BOS\VELL, Cliairrnan, Lexington, Ky.
J. T. GATHRIGHT, Louisville, Ky. _
· ` THOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky. I
? J. K. PATTERSON, President of tl1e College. _
M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
. M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
A. M. PETER,  
_ Chemists.
P H. 12. cuizris, I _
,l H. GARMAN, Entornologist and Botanist.
II C. XV. MATHEWS, Horticulturist.
. J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist.
V. E. MUNCY, \Veatl1er Observer.
EIHVARD RHORER, Secretary to Director.
_ Address of tl1e Station—LEXl'NGTON, KY.
The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed free to any citizen of
Kentucky who sends his nanie and address to the Station for that
_ i purpose. I
Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in their
I p0st—oHice address, or of any failure to receive tl1e Bulletins. ) ·
Anmmss :
Kimrncxv A<;urcU1.ruRAr. Expisnrmxsnr Sruuon, V ',
·_ LExrNo1·oN, Ky.

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`BULLETlN N 0. Bt. 1 i
1. A Nlernoo or Avoinino Lettuce Rot.   ’
nv H. GARMAN, Enronotoorsr AND no·rAN1s*r. ,
4 This disease is troublesome in Kentucky on lettuce i
grown under glass during winter and early spring. It ap-
pears to be due to several organisms, including what is  
known as lettuce mold (Br2z‘2y//5 sp.), but the result, so far T
as the grower is concerned, is /0/imc mf, and tl1e thing he .
Wants most to know is how it may be checked or avoided. ` T
From its manner of growth lettuce is not conveniently _»
treated by spraying, and the same peculiarity of the plant  
renders it undesirable to spray the leaves with poisonous   i *
preparations, since, because of its quick growth, it must come   i`
to the table a short time after treatment, and the poison is    
thus likely to be retained.   ·
The conditions under which the rot is most prevalent , l
have suggested a remedy that, so far, in the Yivarium of 1ny   . Q
Division, works well, seems in fact to be all that could be  
desired. i {
Moisture on the leaves, or in contact with them, appears i i
to be a necessary condition for the growth of the rot. \Vhen Q
a hot-house is kept very damp and the plants are watered , I
frequently by sprinkling, the rot often starts in the axils of  
the leaves and works outward, because the moisture retained ¤ K
` I ' ` in the axils gives tl1e organisms causing the disease opportu11— i -
, ity to get into the plant at these places. Likewise when the i
. leaves rest on the ground, they begin to rot at their tips and Q
V ` the disease then works inward, leaf after leaf rotting away, as l
they come in contact with the ground. i
V Is it practicable to avoid these conditions?

 V     · i   I 4 Bu//efzh N0. 81. A
pg  _.   1   It is practicable, and the remedy is a very simple one.
if . { f Q { r Never water the plants from above. To avoid this lay several
T I     series of tile in each bench, the number of series depending
‘. "   i of course on the width of the bench; close the joints with ,
  .4 {   cement around the Linder two—thirds of their circumference;
j_  3 Et the end tile closely to the wooden frame at one end of the
  I ~ bench, and bore a hole through the frame so as to open into
Y I   the tile. One can then keep the earth moist by introducing
`I   hose connected with a hydrant, or by using the spout of a
T ‘ watering-can, the rose having been removed. In other words,
· ` the plants are watered by the sub—irrigation method.
_ But water may drip from the glass overhead. If the
` ° joints between panes are not good, some water is likely to
j I ’ come through during showers, then run down the side, where
I it will splash the plants even if it does not drip directly on
I them. Much of this trouble can be obviated by shifting the
glass over beds from time to time, so as to close the joints;
— and I would suggest in addition a series of panes set upright
against the outer frame of the bed, where they will shield the
plants from the splashing, and will at the same time not inter~
fere with the light, as would boards.
  To avoid the rot which creeps up from the tips of leaves
resting on the soil, I have adopted a mulch of fine excelsior,
as shown in the half—tone Hgure, and it answers the purpose
perfectly. The fine chips produced at planing mills do not
‘ answer so well, since they soon become compacted 3.11Ci then
soak up and retain moisture from the soil.
The central idea of the method is: Aiiqé Mc C.QéO5€lZ’ sur-
faces ef Mc jjbmls dry.
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P0z‘¢z!0 Saab Experz`mem‘s. 5   i
2. Por/no Scans: Exeeanmeurs MADE IN 1898. l i
Z l i 1’
The following experiments with reference to treating   n n.
seed potatoes to prevent scabbing, continue those reported in . .5
former bulletins. An acre of ground was divided into xoth-
5 acre plots of eight rows each, half of each plot being planted 1
l with untreated seed and constituting a check on the adjacent
li rows planted with treated seed. The potatoes used for seed V
were Early Ohio, and were planted April 2I, 1898. They   ‘
were very badly scabbed. The treatment adopted was as -
follows : · p
P!0z‘1.—Seed for four rows soaked one hour iu a solution V Ti`
1 consisting of 4 ounces of corrosive sublimate dis- it-
solved in go gallons of water. 1 i  
Check on the above : Seed for four rows not treated. 1 . *
Plat 2.—Duplicate of Plot 1. 1 I
Check on above.    
Pla! 3.-Seed for four rows soaked one-half hour in a solu-  
tion consisting of 6 ounces of corrosive sublimate in    
go gallons of water. l
Check on above. {
Plat 4.-—Duplicate of Plot 5. i p
Check on above. g
Plot 5.—Seed for four rows soaked for one-half hour in a — Y  
mixture consisting of one pint of formol in I5 gal- p  
‘l lons of water.   T
V Check on above. . T
I X P/01* 6.-Duplicate of Plot 5. · .
` Check on above.
I .
I \ 1  `   .] , V,. 2 I V LN I A l .
V ~&...J·.•-Y QL ,(7 44

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    AEI 5 , {
· · _ s   1 6 Bullalivz Na. 81.
  _ X Plat 7.-Seed for four rows soaked one hour in a mixture
5 consisting of one-half pint of formol in I5 gallons
I   of water.
y ‘ Check on above.
S P/al 8.—Duplicate of Plot 7.
Check on above.
i Pla! 9.—Seed for four rows soaked two hours in one-half pint
4 of formol mixed with I5 gallons of water.
` Check on above. l
Pla! 1a.——Duplicate of Plot 9.
Check on above.
Objects of Experiments.
, It had been previously demonstrated (See our Bulletin
,l 72, February. 1898.) that corrosive snblimate, in solutions
` l ranging from 4% ounces in go gallons of water to 8 ounces in
50 gallons of water, was an effective remedy for the disease.
The corrosive sublimate is very poisonous and somewhat
costly, making it desirable. if possible, to find something else
for the purpose, to which these objections do not apply.
Formol, or formalin, has of late been very extensively
` used as a preservative and germicide, for which purposes it
has proved so useful that it was inevitable that it should soon
be tested as a fungicide in field experiments made at the
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Tests of this sort were
made last year with favorable results at the Indiana Station,
` I and it was decided last spring to use formol, at the Kentucky
` Station, side by side with corrosive sublimate with a view to a
comparison of their effects as remedies for scab.
A further object kept in view was to get a solution that
will disinfect seed potatoes quickly, and with the least pos-
, sible injury. , 0
E }·b;·ma/r/v/guic, Farmal, FarmaZz`¢z, Forma/asa.·— These names lll
are applied by dealers to solutions of a gas obtained by the \
° i oxidation of wood alcohol. Formol and formalin are the
names most commonly employed in this country for 4,0 per \

 .   , ,
. i i
Pafaio Saab .Ex_;5erz`me¢zls. 7   I
cent. solutions in water. This 40 per cent. preparation is the    
one used in our experiments. In this condition it is sold for l  
about 5o cents per pound at retail. Solutions of this strength ,   A
when brought near the face are very irritating to the mem- "  
branes of the eyes and nostrils, but one becomes somewhat i
accustomed to the fumes in time, and no permanent injury is E { »
done by them. As diluted for use on potato seed it is per- A  
fectly harmless and the hands may be freely immersed in it.   V  
The great advantage formol has over corrosive sublimate i I
is in its being a much less dangerous material to have about. 1 ·_
A considerable quantity of the diluted formol can be taken I °
into the mouth and swallowed without ill effect. Indeed some
of the preservatives now sold to dairymen for use in milk ·
· consist largely or entirely of formol. If formol is as effective i
l as corrosive sublimate in checking scab, there should, there-
’ fore, be no hesitation in employing it in place of the more   i
 g , poisonous substance. The experiments following will show p `
 _ to what extent this is true.
 _ Corrosive .S`ubZi¢2zaz‘6, Bierhlvrirls q' /I/ezzrmj/, /I/erczzrir C/z/0-  
  ride.—Violent poisons like this are always to be avoided on , .4
l the farm in favor of less poisonous ones, because of the dan- i I  
` ger to stock and to man himself, due to careless or ignorant i ‘ _`
help. Small quantities of those generally employed and rec- y ,
ommended will do no harm, but in using them one must be {  
constantly on his guard against mistakes and neglect. A i A
solution of corrosive sublimate standing in a barrel may be I Z I
the means of poisoning stock which get access to it. \Vhen i ‘ i·
treating potatoes such solutions should be kept under lock 1
and key, if possible, in a room of a shed or barn where cattle i
can not reach them. \Vhen seed potatoes have been soaked i I
and are spread out to dry preparatory to cutting, they should Q
be kept where they can not be eaten by either poultry, hogs l  
·¤ or cows. A single treated cut potato dropped on the ground i  
i in carrying the seed to the field may result in mischief. If   i
\ there are no conveniences at hand for preserving the fluid   '
safe from stock, after the potatoes have been treated the  
remainder of the solution should be disposed of at once by  

 $·   [ ‘ ~ »
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§  1 _ — l L .
f 1  ` l ,
· ‘{   8 Bu!/etzbz N0. 81.
;i '   ~ digging a l1ole in some out of the way place, pouring the
  solution into it and covering with earth.
f l If, however, the solution can be stored in a tight vessel, a
Q barrel with wooden hoops is preferable for the purpose, it will
l · keep its properties for some time and can be used repeatedly.
The solution is very destructive to metals and in course of
time is liable to destroy iron barrel hoops.
V i It should be remembered though that corrosive sublimate
‘ forms an inert compound when it attacks the proteid matter of
l germs or fungi, and hence solutions cannot be expected to
retain their properties indetinitely.
Field Notes.
V june 23, the plants were observed to be in excellent con-
dition, with no evident difference between treated and untreated
, plots.
  july 6, the blossoms were noted as all gone and the growth J
it of plants in treated and untreated plots was still alike. None I
grew as large as they should, possibly because of too frequent
rains. .
. july 19, the plants were noted as turning brown, as if
ripening, and on August 2 most of them showed little appear- ‘
ance of being alive.
` The potatoes were harvested October 1. The yield and
percentage of scab are shown in the table.
The results from the use of corrosive sublimate were in
` l every case all that could be expected. The lots from treated
· seed were invariably smoother and finer than those from the
untreated potatoes. The scab present in these lots was not
such as would affect their market value in any degree. The
average from the two plots planted with seed treated with
corrosive sublimate solution containing 4 ounces of the sub- .v 
l limate, was I2}§ per cent. scabbed and 1% per cent. badly `
I scabbed. The untreated rows of these same plots give an . i
' ` average of 76 pcr cent. scabbed 2`tl1(l of 3,0% per cent. badly

 [4 1 1
I1 `
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{ .
Pofafa Saab Expe·rz'mem‘s, 9 T
\ `
Per cent. Per cent Yield _ l ¥ .
Plot' Treatment of Seed' scabbed. badl 7 scabbed. in pounds. ` -
5 1
1 hr. 4 ozs. sublimate, ¤ ; ` _ ‘
1 250 gals. water. 20 O 208% l ; l J
None. 83 34 238% I   J
1 hr., 4 ozs. sublimate, - .    
2 30 gals. water. D Nona 221% 1 __
None. 69 27 313% 1 5
% hr., 6 ozs. sublimate, . . `
3 2 30 gals. water. 29 2 229%
None. S9 57 273%
% hr., 6 ozsisnblimate,  
4 2 30 gals. water. 45 None' 31]%  
¤ None. 94 41 292%
V hr., 1 pg. formol, . ` j"
5 2 15 gals. water. 1 09 12 241% Q;
  None. 1 91 49 314% 3
5 l
Y % hr., 1 pt. formol, »   ‘
6 2 I5 gals. water. 55 H 2*9% *‘
-—·—·-—-——————· ··—: ··*—·—·—‘ ·_"*_"" S 1
None. 91 53 271 ¤  
.,t.  ___.. ____.____. ___.,;..,. . .—.__—— ——-—.—-—-—;- Q 1
1 11r;, % pt. formol, 46 U 272   ·
7 15 gals. water. l H
None. 96 54 285%-{ 1 ‘
1 hr., % pg. formol, . 4 A
8 15 gals, water. OO 21 249}' 1  
None. 89 39 265% g
2 hrs., ji pt. formol, 96 24 269% '  
9 15 gals. water _ `  
‘ I None. 83 27 306 1 Y
. ___ __________€__;__  _.__,_.  —-..;.—· »-——-——-i 1 g
L 2 hrs., % pt. formol, 84 OB 233  
  10 _15 gals. xfter. _' *-1-id —_ _-____·—l_  
None. 84 I 30 262% l

 »    it I    
I  ‘ · I i
  { V s L
I - A 2
  · ,   , 10 Bu!/ez‘z'7z N0. 81.
it    The stronger solution (6 ounces in go gallons of water)
yi   of corrosive sublimate used in plots 3 and 4 give no better
  average result, in fact the percentage of scabbed potatoes is
g   somewhat higer (37 per cent), though the badly scabbed ones
V constitute a sligtly smaller percentage (r per cent.), The
time required in treating the seed of these plots was however
. only half as long, and this is a distinct gain where many pota-
toes are to be treated.
, The treatment with formol did not come up to expecta-
tions in checking scab. The best result obtained was from
i plot 7, where 46 per cent. of the treated potatoes was scabbed,
as against 96 per cent. of scabbed potatoes in the untreated
. half of this plot. The results as to badly scabbed potatoes
_ are better (see table) but are not nearly so good as in the
plots treated with corrosive sublimate, where indeed there
’ were practically no badly scabbed potatoes.
  A gla11ce at the table will show that there is an increase
in the number of scabbed potatoes from treated seed, passing
from plot 7 to plot ro. In fact in plots 9 and ro there is no
apparent benefit from treatment. This result puzzled me for
some time, for at first thought one would expect that % pint
of formol for two hours would destroy more of the scab fun-
_ gus tha11 the same quantity for one hour, as used in plots 7
and S. The table shows that the reverse of this was true,
and I now think that the potatoes used for plots 7 and 8 may
have exhausted the formol in the water to such an extent
that it did not so completely disinfect the seed for plots 9 and
_ · Io. A repetition of the experiments another season will
_ show how completely this hypothesis is justified.
In our own experiments corrosive sublimate has shown
itself 1nuch the most effective preventive of scabbing that has
é been tried. \Vith from 4 to 4% ounces in go gallons of water {
, it is possible to prevent the disease almost entirely, the spots i
_ that occur being few and usually very small and superhcial in » 1
i character.
In the interest of a fair conclusion I must finally point
. . ww

 I; Ki ia
ll ’ l
Pafafo Saab Expcrimmis. 11   p
out that in ever case but one lot 4 the untreated rows   i
y P i I
ielded a few more ounds of otatoes than the treated, but I i
Y P P i p
when the worthless scabbed potatoes are thrown out, and the 5  
inferior uality of the remainder is considered, the advanta e - I
Cl S _ , p
is still in favor of the treated potatoes. ` E i
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FIG. 3.-The Pomona Spray Pump, suitable for spraying potatoes. Man- I (
nfactured by the Goulds Company. 1 ` V
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