xt7xwd3px290 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3px290/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1905 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- State College of Kentucky Bulletin, Series Two, Number Two, April 1905 text State College of Kentucky Bulletin, Series Two, Number Two, April 1905 1905 1905 2013 true xt7xwd3px290 section xt7xwd3px290 ¤ S E R I E S T W O  
- N U M B E R T WO I
APRIL, I 905
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Entered at the Poét OfFtc¢ at Lexington, Kentucky, as second cIass matter, under Ad of Con- ‘
qress, july I6, IB94 · e vg
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Interior View of Green House, where Nature Stud * u
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I I OF  
iétmtumkp étutz
$ummer énbuul fur Zllizazbzrs
june 7th to ]uIy 20th, l905
, JAS. K. PATTLRSDN, ph. D., LL. D.,
I President.
  MILFORD wuma, M. s.,
· Director.
I g

 ‘ Q
` Q
A » Spec1al Features Q
not Q
1. A Faculty composed of instructors of long experi-  
ence and of recognized ability. Q
. Z. Thorough and searching reviews of all subjects  
Q on which teachers are examined for certiilcate of Q
any kind or grade. I
8. A comprehensive course in pedagogy, including `
special lectures by some of the most prominent edu- Q
cators in Kentucky. Q
4. Nature study in its most interesting phase. Prac- Q
tice in the propagation and culture of plants in the Q
~ _ 5. A course in Free-hand Drawing, under an expert Q
Q artist, will be given without extra cost. Q
Q 6. Best buildings and equipments in the State. Q
7. Special examination for State Certificate to be held
at close of term for the accommodation of students `
in the Summer School. Q
8. Attendance at Summer School accepted by County Q
Superlntendents in lieu of attendance at County Q
 Q 9. Rooms in College dormitories tree of rent. Good
_ table board from $2.00 to $3.00 per week. `
10. A single fee of six dollars pays for entire course oi Q
instruction. »
11. Rates on all railroads in Kentucky one and one- Q
_ third fare tor the round trip. Tickets sold on cer-
tificate plan.
.· · Q
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Object §
j   Kentucky State Summer School for teachers was
  established by the Trustees of the State College at V
~     their annual meeting in December, 1902.
  i S The sole object of this school is to oifer to
T teachers in the public schools of the state an opportunity to pre-
pare themselves for more effective work in the calling in which
thBy BIG GI°1g3.g€d.
Although the Summer School for Teachers has existed during
i only two summers, yet it points with pleasure to quite a large
number of teachers who by their faithful, earnest work here have
merited and secured substantial promotions.
Some have been promoted from the primary and grammar
grades to the high school, others have come from the ungraded
rural schools to the graded schools of cities, and still others have
been promoted from second or third class rural schools to first
class ones. Also some who had never taught before coming here
were prepared in the Summer School to pass successfully their -
first examination for certificate and have started on successful
i careers as teachers.
i That which students in former years have accomplished [
  should likewise be accomplished by scores of others in the Sum- 1
t mer School of 1905. I
Every teacher who desires to equip himself better and to eam Q
a better salary is cordially invited to attend this School. ;
l r ll
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 i Courses of Study.
l ln
2 l. For County Certificate. tl
  Searching reviews of all the common school branches
  will be made, and extensive drills will be given in order to
l make sure that all who take this course shall be prepared to
t pass successfully any county examination. Classes in
E Arithmetic, Grammar, Composition, U. S. History, Civil
  Government, Geography, Physiology, and Theory and Prac-
  ` tice of Teaching will meet and recite every day during the
{ term. A class in miscellaneous work comprising drills in
diacritics, principles of reading and of writing will be organ-
  ized and will meet as often as may be necessary to accom-
 ` plish the desired results. The term will close just in time
it for those who study here to go home and take the county
 g examination on July 21st and 22nd.
 { ll. For State Certificate.
t Classes in Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, English and
. American Literature, and Psychology will be organized on
 if the Hrst day of the term and pushed with the utmost vigor
i until the close. Teachers who hold first class County Certifi-
I cates and have some knowledge of Algebra and Literature 1
| can prepare for State Certificate in one term of the Summer ,}
  School. Arrangements have been made with the State ·*
{ Board of Examiners to hold a special examination for State I
  Certincate at the close of the Summer School. The date of
Q this special examination will be Hxed at a time such that it
i will not interfere with the regular county examination in
qt July. Any person can take both if he desires to do so.
  A 4

 lll. For State Diploma.
Review classes in Plane Geometry, Elementary Physics,
and Latin, will be organized to accommodate those who
desire to prepare for examination for State Diploma.
Teachers who hold State Certificates and in addition have
r some knowledge of Latin and Geometry are advised to enter
ly this course.
  lV. Course in Free-hand Drawing.
The importance of this subject to teachers is becoming
more and more recognized every year. All iirst-class graded
schools now require Drawing to be taught in every grade.
Rural schools are beginning to follow the example. For this
reason we have added Free-hand Drawing to the curriculum
this year. Miss Elizabeth Lee McCann, an accomplished
artist, has been engaged to instruct this class. ,
Miss McCann`s preparation was received partly in Lex-
ington, where she had the best advantages oiiered by this
city, and partly in Brooklyn, N. Y., where she studied for
some time in Pratt Institute. Her work is highly praised by
all who know her.
V. Course in Nature Study.
The green-house and the scientific laboratories of the
College offer a most excellent opportunity for Nature Study. ( ,
The particular line of work decided upon for this sum-
mer is that which pertains to the propagation and culture of i
a large number of plants.  
lg Mr. L. D. Moore, a practical horticulturist, will give in-  
·’» structions in this subject and many interesting and important l
l lessons will be given. The work will be done in the College I
green-house and will be exceedingly practical.  
5 i

Zig I
It Adm1SS1OH.
 Q __
  i Teachers and persons preparing to teach will be admitted to
LE‘ the Summer School without examination. Advice in regard to
li the selection of studies will be given to all who desire it. A per-
  son may enter one course and review one or more subjects in
  another without extra cost. The greatest possible freedom in the
l" selection of studies will be allowed and the schedule of recitations
  will be so arranged that conflicts will be practically impossible.
il .
  OI \O II
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{ Sp€ClE:ll l..€Ctl1I'€S.
H ———
[ Arrangements have been made for a number of special lec-
ii tures by some of the most prominent educators in Kentucky.
@5 These lectures will be on subjects of vital importance to teachers
  and will be free to those who attend the Summer School. y
  President Patterson will deliver a series of lectures on the
  more important problems of Political Economy, such as the rela-
  tion of labor and capital, the law of rent, banking and currency. ·
  Prof. M. A. Cassidy, Superintendent of the Public Schools of
  the city of Lexington and aumember of the State Board of Ex- ` I
  aminers, will deliver a course of lectures on some of the most im- A
  portant phases of Pedagogy.
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i Busmess Statement.
V Fees.
A single fee of six dollars will be collected from each
A person at the time of registration. This pays for the full
course and no other fee whatever will be charged. No
rebates will be made on account of absence.
Lodging and Board.
Ladies who attend the Summer School will be furnished
with elegant rooms in Patterson Hall (the College home for
ladies), free of charge. This building is one of the best of its
kind in the South. It is surrounded by a beautiful lawn and
is supplied with electric lights, bath-rooms, and, in fact, every
modern convenience, and all is offered free by the State Col-
lege to students in the Summer School. Excellent table
board will be served in the dining—room of Patterson Hall at
$3.00 per week.
Gentlemen who attend the Summer School will be pro-
vided with comfortable rooms free in one of the dormitories ‘
for men on the College campus. They can secure good table E
board within easy reach of the dormitory at rates varying
‘ from $2.00 to $3.00 per week. ·,
From the above statement it is easily seen that the total
cost of attending the Summer School need not exceed the
following: -
Fee. ....   ........ . ................ 6 00
Room Rent Free ........................ O 00
I Board for six weeks at $2.00 to $3.00 ...... 12 00 to $18 00
Total .............................. $18 00 to $24 oo
This does not include cost of laundry or books. _ 1
. <
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3 acl

  . ` • 1
A Traveling Expenses
- Arrangements have been made with all railroads in
2 Kentucky to sell tickets to persons attending the Summer
I t School at one and one-third fare for the round trip. Tickets
  will be sold on the certificate plan. Mention this to the
A ticket agent when you buy your ticket and he will give you
V all the explanation necessary. “
  Saves institute Expenses t
i Nearly all County Superintendents have agreed to excuse
from the County Institute those teachers who attend the
  Summer School and secure a certificate of such attendance
_ from the Director.
If other information is desired address
119 Washington Avenue, Lexington, Ky.
     (Mi x) I
; t/m\a
t a sz 21 is
{ - than 1 list?
i .

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T T T A T » .   AT A A , l VT ··AA  2 A ; .5 
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY _.   A ..     AA ~ _:‘A  
. HE Agricultural and Mechanical (State) College of Kentucky-A       `A`¥:’?
‘ I offers the following courses of study, viz; Agricultural, ”` A .   __ .LA
chemical, biological, mathematical, physical, normalyschool, . . A  YA   V A·
classical, mechanical engineeringymining engineering, ·. civil en-     `A q
_ gineerlng, each of which extends over four years and leads to a de—A Y T I   . _ ,_Y_ gi
. gree. Post-graduate studies are also provided, leading to·_a mas-#7 » _ "T  
‘ ter’s degree. Each course of study is organized under a,separate'   · I ·   _'‘. A  
`A faculty. The general faculty number nearly Hfty professors and A. _T_' .;;  
A instructors. ,, T _ T A A V __ —._A T »»-..a ·~   QT;f__;;
County appointees receive tuition, room rent in dormitories,   ,, ir.,  VA 
fuel and light, and if they remain Aten months, traveling expenses; _ · j ,_    
The laboratories and museums a1·e large, well equipped; com- _i_ ·     ;g_
prehensive and modern. - _ Q   A A y — A   $,;.}.5
The Legislature appropriated $60,000 for a college home for    -·   A'  
young women and $30,000 for a drill hall andgymnasium for"men,···   z; V · ·¢i;_A.·    
Military tactics and science are fully provided for as required 'by     A Vg,  
Congress. A T A T: ' `   A ( K .   if
Graduates from the several courses of study readily tindex-T   . "F
cellent positions and liberal remuneration, The demand is.-largely. A ,l    
in excess of the ability of the college to supply. The matriculation · AT _*A;.‘§¤
for the current year to date is 650. _   . ‘ T A  ,_A   
Specialists with the necessary number of assistants have charge . _     T jj
of each department of natural science. Summer schools are pro- .   A; Y_»·
vided for pedagogy, engineering and instruction in science and arts.- »   f fy ..  if
The State College of Kentucky, though bearing hitherto the"·AA.. __   . ·  
title of ‘college," is the only_institution in the Commonwealth doing p . T #   »  
in any proper sense university work. ' ` ·“ ‘ T _ ` _ .   ¥j‘·’
The completion of the college home for young women provides · A . .   f ,.`A  
facilities for good board and lodging, It is equipped with all mod-; VA   l   A] .  
ern conveniences, including bath rooms and._a room for physical ‘ ,· .. Q FAA  
culture. It is heated by steam and lighted by— electricity . »   , - -· —   V AQ   fg
T - An opportunity is thus afforded to them of a thorough educa;   ` _ `   T, §i
tion in classics, modern languages, literature, science,Amathematics,, T “ _ _ ,.,   :‘  
logic, metaphysics, historylanu political economyf No other insti—.AA~ ZA A   T' »    
tution in the state esters advantages for the education of women at   _ __  
all comparable to those offered by the State C011e“ge.0f'Kentucky;   _T     Ei?
For catalogues, method of obtaining appointments, informa- Y) »·      
tion regarding courses of study, and terms of admission,'apply to       AQ,  
JAMES K. PATTERSON, Ph. `D., LL.T¤D. `, ¥’.A» A .A  
or to D. C. FRAZEE, Business Agent, Lexington, Ky. T T A» ·   ` T  
A Fall Term Begins September 14th, 'I905. " . A A_ , T `   J AA LAS?
.;.· . A C A i A °   l' T *   A .' AA;`   Q?
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