xt7xwd3pww4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pww4s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-07-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  2, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  2, 1943 1943 1943-07-02 2013 true xt7xwd3pww4s section xt7xwd3pww4s Dcoi uupy




No Football

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.



FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1943


Lieut. Wides Reports Life
As Prisoner Of Japanese

Are Acquired

Business As Usual
Fate For July 5
An classes will be held as
osnxl on Monday, July 5, ac-

cording t aa announcement
received today from the office
of the registrar.
This announcement is in contradiction to the rumor that
because the 4th of July comes
on Sunday, classes would be
dismissed the following day.

Woac Representative
To Speak Tonight
A representative of the Women's
Army Auxiliary Corps will speak to
girls interested in the corps at 7
o'clock tonight in Room 204 of the
Union building, Dean of Women
Sarah B. Holmes announced today.
The representative, an officer In
the corps, will relate Interesting
events concerned with Army life
and will answer all questions about
the auxiliary corps.



Dr. J. Huntley Dupre

Dupre To Talk




Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, professor of
history, will give the second in a
series of talks to the
at 6:15 pjn., Tuesday, July 6, on
the balcony of the Union building.
Dr. Dupre will speak on "America's
Part in the Post War World."
This is the second in a series of
talks being given by Dr. Dupre. The
Movie Scheduled
first, entitled "Why the League of
Nations Failed," was given last
Monday Night Tuesday evening. The third and
Another in the series of Monday last talk on "The Problems We Pace
movies will be presented Monday, in the Post War World" will be preJuly 5, in the Union building. The sented on July 13.
title will be announced later.
In this series of talks. Dr. Dupre
Two showings of the feature are is discussing the problems with
scheduled. The first will begin at which the nation and we as indi5:45 p.m. for all soldiers and the viduals will be faced at the end of
second at 8 p.m. Admission will be the present world crisis.
All cadet students and civilian
Radio Vacancies Exist
students are invited to attend the
There are vacancies for two en- meetings.
gineers and two announcers on the
University radio studio staff, Mrs. Dancing Class Resumed
Lolo Robinson, manager, has anBallroom dancing for men on the
nounced. Applicants are asked to
contact the radio studios at any University campus will be resumed
at 8 o'clock tonight in the Women's
Anyone interested in trying out gym. Miss Margaret Warren, head
for musical specialties, either in- of the physical education departstrumental or vocal, or dramatics, ment, announced today.
are also requested to see Mrs. RobThe classes are free and will last
for two hours.

UK Is O.K.





Seniors Robert Amnions, Frances Jeannette Graves, Frances Rowland, Frances Louise Jinkins, and
Joan Taylor.
Juniors Lucille Eldridge Brown,
Helen Louise Harrison, Martha
Townsend Koppius, Algernon Smith
Dickson, Mary Ann Macke, Marcus
D. Phelps, and Gloria Jean Reld.
By Shirley Meister
Sophomores Virginia Stuart Bas-kePhyllis Renna Freed, and
What are your plans for the
Charlsey J. Shearer.
fourth of July, if it doesn't rain?
Freshmen Harold Eugene Pace,
Jane Oldham, A&S, sophomore:
and Betty Jean Tevis.
The lake, ah!
Helen Rose, A&S, sophomore:
I'm going to Joyland.
CpL Jim Coles, Fort Phoenix: If
I can get a pass I'd like to go home.
Anne Howard Lyttle, A&S, Junior:
I'm going on a picnic.
women are the most beautiful we
Sgt. Jack Soley, Patterson hall:
have ever seen." One soldier la- I'm going to Maysville.
Nancy McClasky, A&S, senior:
mented that he had been to college
in the north, and not at the Uni- I'm going home to eat a fried
versity while he was a civilian. "We chicken dinner.
Pfc. Murray Finston, Patterson
don't have as much time for enjoyment," he continued, "but we hall: I'm going to Richmond.
realize that we are here to learn."
Pvt. Shelly Schuchet, Bradley
Many admitted that now that hall: I'm going to sit down and
they are in the Army they no try to figure out Kentucky women
longer cut classes and sleep in
God bless 'em.
class. But they say they hate to
Pvt. Howard Gentry, Kinkead
get up so early in the morning to hall: I'm thinking of Cumberland
One soldier Falls, but I'm not sure.
make their classes.
said, "you don't know how much
Jean Morris, Commerce, graduyou miss civilian life and home un- ate: To get away from Boyd hall.
til you are in the Army." They
Jean Riddle, Agriculture, freshfurlough man: Rain or shine, I hope to have
agreed that the seven-da- y
every three months was fine "if a good time.
you lived close enough to get home
Pvt. Richard Faulkner, Bradley
hall: I'm going to play chess.
in that length of time."

Education Means More In Army - Soldiers
By Doris Singleton

That there is positively no comparison between civilian college life
and Army specialized training was
the opinion expressed by soldiers
stationed on the campus in a poll
taken by The Kernel this week.
In the Army the men more fully
realize the meaning of education,
and they begin to look toward the
future more than they did while in
civilian life. They attend classes to
learn, not for enjoyment. The majority agreed, however, that the
courses are too accelerated and that
they do not always find enough

Monday in the Union
building. Feature begins at 5:45
and 8:00 pm.
YM-YTuesday, 6:15 pm, in
the Y lounge. Discussion by Dr. J.
Huntley Dupre .
Dancing Class Wednesday, 6:00
to 7:15 p.m, Bluegrass room of the
Union building.
All Campus Sing Thursday, 6:30
to 7:00 p.m. Amphitheater of Memorial hall.
Picnic Saturday, 3:30 pjn., sponsored by the Date Bureau.
social life.
Mediterranean Background Miss
"This is the best life in the
Grace S nod grass, Tuesday, July 6, Army" one soldier answered when
questioned. He explained that he
in the Browsing room of the
would rather be at college learning

Football at the University today became past history, as Athletic Director Bernie Shively announced that the sport would
season because of "an anticipated
be dropped for the 1943-4drop in male student enrollment this fall."
"We feel that it will be impossible to get enough
to field a team," Shively said after
the decision to abandon the sport
was reached at a meeting of the
University's athletic advisory coun
cil Tuesday afternoon.
Kentucky became the first South
eastern Conference school to announce the discontinuance of footRoberts Placed On
ball since last Saturday's meeting
Emeritus Status
of the SEC executive committee in
policies on wartime
E. J. Kinney, professor of farm Atlanta, when
crops and agronomist in charge of problems were adopted. However,
four other conference schools, Flortobacco and cereal investigations at
Vanderbilt, Mississippi, and
the Experiment station, has been ida,
Mississippi State, had dropped the
appointed by the executive com sport previously.
mittee of the board of trustees as
Shively stated that basketball
head of the agronomy department.
Mr. Kinney succeeds Prof. George would remain on the University's
Roberts, who was placed on an athletic program. Since fewer playemeritus status at the June meet- ers are needed to make up a basketball squad, he believed enough
ing of the board.
talent would be available for the
Professor Kinney has been a
players to continue their hardwood
member of the Experiment station
under Coach Adolph Rtipp.
staff and the College of Agriculture activities discontinuance of football
faculty since 1908. He has served
necessary to notify all
as associate agronomist and profes- makes it
opponents with whom games had
sor of farm crops in addition to be
been scheduled
ing superintendent of the Expert
these games would be canceled. A
ment station farm since 1917.
game with Vanderbilt October 2
Professor Roberts has been on the had already been given up.
Experiment station staff continu
With only one man, Wilber Schu,
ously since 1906. He served as dean
remaining from last year's squad,
and director of the College of Agri- and two freshmen, who never beculture in 1916-1and has been fore have participated in athletics,
assistant dean since 1919.
the gridiron prospects were not very
From 1913 to 1917, Professor Rob- bright, Shively stated.
erts was treasurer of the American
Society of Agronomy. He is an active member of Sigma XI, Phi Beta College of Education
Kappa, Alpha Zeta, the American To Show Movies
Association for the Advancement of
Current educational or classroom
Science, the Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, the Ken- teaching motion pictures showing
tucky Academy of Science, and the the war and its effects will be shown
in the College of Education audiResearch Club at the University.
torium daily July 5 through July 9
from 10 to 1:30 ajn.
Seventeen Make 3.
Dean L. J. Horlacher will lead
the forum, "Food, Weapon of ConIn A&S College
quest," on Tuesday, July 6 with A.
The College of Arts and Sciences J. Brown, Miss Laura Deephouse,
University has released the Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, and Dr. Rodat the
following list of names of students man Sullivan as a discussion group.
who had a 3. standing for the spring
quarter of 1942-4-

As New Head

Final Tracts

Japanese paper cut
sharply by the censor and bearing
postmarks of Japan and Geneva,
Switzerland, a message from Lieut
Norman A. Wides was received this
Field House Land
week by his father, Morris Wides,
Deals Are Closed
of Lexington. A graduate of the
University in 1939, Lieut. Wides enContracts have been closed for
tered the armed forces in June 1941 the purchase of the last two tracts
and was stationed near Manila of land needed as the site for the
when he was captured by the Jap- University field house, according to
an announcement from ComptrolThe letter, the first received by ler Frank D. Peterson.
the family of Lieutenant Wides
One lot was owned by the Amster
since his capture, was typewritten heirs and the other by Matt and
and mailed on January 23 from the Marianna DeBoor. Other parcels
Zentsuji War Prison Camp at Nip- of land were purchased during repon where he is a prisoner. The cent months. Peterson said the enletter arrived through the Inter- tire site included about 70 houses
national Red Cross.
which are to be torn down to make
Lieutenant Wides stated that he room for the new structure after
was well and in good spirits but the war.
The comptroller said a survey
was hungry for news from home,
and for good home cooking. He would be made to determine whe
asked especially If any radical ther a shortage existed in Lexingchanges had taken place in Lex- ton in the type of houses on the
ington and If he would recognize it property. If not, the structures
will soon be razed.
when he saw it again.
The field house, to be built after
According to Lieutenant Wides,
a daily newspaper is seen by the the war, was authorized by the
men In the camp and they are able general assembly which approprito keep up with world news. He re- ated $400,000 for the project. It will
quested that his whereabouts be house dressing rooms, lockers, and
other facilities for athletic teams at
made known to his friends.
the University and would be the
largest in the south.

Council Decision

Kinney Named

By Alice Watkins

In y43

engineering than how to shoulder
a gun. But they all agreed that
they didnt like to march to class.
Some deplored the lack of fraternities, clubs, honoraries, and par-

ticularly athletics.
The opinions vary,

Some service men said that they
would rather be in the infantry, or
working in defense plants. They
did not like schooling in the Army,

nor the strict regulations under
which they are required to live.
They felt that two hours a day was
not enough time to have for themselves, and that there was not
enough time for the social life to
which they had been accustomed.
"But here we have more respect
for our officers," one said.
They agreed that "the Kentucky

� best uopy Available

Kernel Feature Page

The Kentucky Kernel


Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky.t aa second clan matter
under the Act of March , 187.

One Quarter



One Tear


fld Milium

Carolyn Hill, Doris Singleton, Shirley
Meister, Mary Jane Gallaher,
Ray Whitham, Charlie Patrick,
Bill Spraggins




Ceua Bederman
Scotty McCulloch. .News Editor
Betty Bohannon . . Business Mgr.

Kentucky Intercollegiate Press
Lexington Foard of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association






By Fleishman and Tevis
A soldier in Company A who

prefers to go unnamed


National AdvertisingSeiVice, Inc.
CU'M tmilisktn ketmntatirt
New VOBK. N.

20 Maowon

aocrca - Los atMLCS






"Here We Are Again,
Refrain Of These Soldiers






ft ft

"When found out that they
were taking applications for
askedl for it because I knew I
would be sent back to U.K."
Fears "thought that it would
be swell to be back, but after
graduation everyone had left."
"However," he added, "it was
like heaven to see all those
beautiful faces again."
"I didn't ask anybody, they
just sent me back," was the
report of Bill Kruse, Newport,
engineering freshman. "However, I was happy about the
whole thing." Kruse left with
the reserves in March, and received his basic training at Ft.
Belvoir. "I didn't know that
was coming back until about
two days before left and then
I just couldn't believe it. There
is just no one left around here,
no big card games," he commented. Kruse and Hill have
been together ever since induction.
"It's certainly a lot different from Belvoir," stated Ray
Hill, Corbin. "I didn't ask to
be sent back either, but now
that I'm here it isn't bad at all.
Things just seem about the
same to me." The one thing
that Ray liked about the Phoenix hotel is "a lot different
from camp, why we don't even
have to do K. P."
These boys are being given
intensive engineering training
for twelve weeks on the University campus.



Frats Dead For Duration
Is Viewpoint Of Dean Jones
By Mary Jane Gallaher

ed incoming freshmen are also
gone with the war. The rarity
cf actives and the scarcity of
freshmen have brought about
this decision. As Dean Jones
pointed out, "practically all of
our freshmen go to,the Army
after a quarter or two of
school, and therefore are not
interested in pledging."
The possibility of pledging
the soldiers who are students
at the University was also
broached, but the soldiers
themselves, when asked,
quickly concluded that they
had neither the time nor the
money required for fraternal
activities, according to the
Before leaving school none
of the actives of the frater-hernities had indicated plans for
The violent rushing cam- - peacetime operation, Dean
pcigns which usually bewilder- - Jones stated.

The death knell of campus
fraternities was sounded this
week when Dean of Men T. T.
Jones announced that they
would be completely inactive
for the duration of the war.
Since the majority of the
active members of the Univer- sity chapters are now in the
nation's armed forces, and un- able to continue their fraternal
activities, the Greek letter
houses have all been forced to
close their doors. President H.
L. Donovan said that the Uhi- versify would take over the ma- jority of the houses next fall,
if necessary, to house the
women students whose dormi- tory space is now serving as
barracks for soldiers studying


get it???)


Where four former University students used to casually
survey the campus as something incidental to their college life, they are now becoming personally acquainted with
every inch of their old alma
Bob Warren, Jack Walker,
Ray Hill, and Carroll Fears,
all of whom were enrolled at
the University during the last
school year, are back on the
attending classes
again, but this time as khaki-cla- d
Warren and Walker, Louisville, left the University in December and were sent to Fort
Leonard Wood for their basic
training. They have been together ever since leaving the
campus. "Where are all the
women?" asked Warren, when
quizzed on how he thought
the campus had changed. "I
expected to find some of my
deferred friends, but as yet I
haven't had a bit of luck," he
Walker signed up for drafting at Leonard Wood hoping
that he would be sent back
here for training, "but was
disappointed when I got back.
Why, there is nothing here,"
he moaned.
Fears, who left the campus
in April, was sent to Ft.
Va., for basic training.


the mouse's hole with bated

mnd columns ere to be considered the opinions of the writers
themselves, mnd do not necessarily meet the opinion of The Kernel.

All tianed mrticles

By Carolyn Hill


author of this klever komment:
"Did you hear about the cat
who waited at the outside of



"I guess we're in



for some wet weather.'

Khaki and Dull Brass

Last Saturday yours truly
started talking to some
WAACs in sheep's (civilian)
clothing. My, they sure do
talk a good fight.
Many a good soldier on the
campus misses that sweet little thing, Betty Brannon. We
hope she had a pleasant time
in Paris.
One fellow was "bragging"
about his enlistment into the
service. Said he: "They (the
Army authorities) asked me
wanted to go. So
So what!!"
told them.
Every time a railroad train
crosses South Limestone and
Sol Kamenetsky passes by, he
laments that it always makes
him want to hop on. You
don't want to go home by any
Who was that nice little
MSgt. Williams
courted a Saturday night ago?
Does she insist on formal introductions?
That was a mighty fine
bond rally by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. If a mere
ham can bring in
$600 in War Bonds at an auction, how much do you think
my torn G. I. socks would
The $64 question: Why is
it that some of the soldiers on
the campus don't attend the
dances and open house meetings, yet they seem to know all
the girls?
Answer: Since 1942 girls
have taken matters into their
own hands.
A certain soldier is interested in the sociological aspects
of juvenile delinquency. That's
why he doesn't go out with
girls over 16 years of age.
Style Flash Seen on Main
street: Pinkish officer's shirt,
gabardine khaki pants, white
webbed belt, black tie, white
socks, and orange - colored
shoes. Of course, all the
clothes were custom tailored.



Last week in one of our
classes, we heard that Lexington has the second highest
murder rate in the nation for
a city of its size. We lifted
our eyes from our textbooks
and gasped in dismay. Calmly
we pulled out our Buck Rogers
Disintegrator Ray Gun and
blasted it at the entire class.
Now, we are proud to say, Lexington leads the country.

ft ft ft
How is your intelligent quotient (I. Q.)? In other words,
are you really a moron or do
you just act that way? Here

Who was that private that
tried in vain to get Mary Fran- is your chance to find out. Just
cis' last name? He tried for
one hour while she tried to play answer the
tennis. Finally
well, you
1. True or false. This is
know who gave up.
1943. (counts 9 points)
2. Fill in proper word. This
is a tricky one. Three cheers
for the red, white and
By Robert Kibler
(Hint: In The
Of EveMiss Betty L Smith, former ning or St. Louis
) It's a
University student and mem- color and it isn't green, (counts
ber of Alpha Xi Delta, was re- 2 points)
cently commissioned a Third
3. Who wrote Brahms' LulOfficer in the Women's Army laby? (counts 8 points)
Auxiliary Corps at the First
4. Who was Napoleon and
Waac Training center, Fort
Des Moines, Iowa. Third Of- what did he do? Answer yes
ficer Smith is the daughter of or no.
5. Give in detail Einstein's
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith of
Lexington. Her rank of Third theory of relativity.
6. Why is Gene Autry?
Officer is the equivalent of
second lieutenant in the Army. Answer this and you go to the
head of your class.
Aviation Cadet Wliliam W.
7. Do you read The Kernel?
Ison, Blackey, former student
8. What is the third word
at the University, has reported on page 406 of "Death in the
to the Enid Army Air Field, Dime Store" or "Kresge
Enid, Okla. Cadet Ison was a
(counts 3 points).
sergeant and aerial gunner in
9. Are you a man? If so,
the Army Air Forces when he what are you planning to do
received his appointment to
cadet training. He recently this Saturday night?
10. If you think this quiz is
completed his primary flight
training at Arledge Field, foolish or shall we say, revolting, score yourself 54 points,
Stamford, Texas.
tear up this paper and forget
Promotion of Captain Rich- the whole thing.
Total points possible: 235.
ard J. F ram me to the rank of
Passing grade: 25714.
major was recently announced
by Brigadier General John H.
ft ft ft
Gardner. Major Framme is
We would like to tell just
Technical Executive, Produc- how well the date bureau
tion Engineering Division, Air- suits the men in uniform on
craft Radio Laboratory, at the campus. From various
Wright Field. Framme is a opinions voiced by the student
native of Carrol Iton, Ky., and body, it is a howling success.
received his degree in me- Says Sgt. Timothy Glutz: It
chanical engineering at the ain't rite nacheral that a state
University in 1929.
known fer its beautiful horses
could also have sech beautiful
Copt. Charles C. Shipley, wimmen."
Pfc. Westbrook
Valley Station, is stationed at Pffht: "My mater would be
the San Angelo, Texas, Army no end proud of me if she
air field, where he is a bom- could see the ease with which
bardier instructor. Capt. Ship- I ask a Kentucky woman for
ley is a former University
a date. All I do is sign my
name and . . . look!"

US's UKs



Friday, July 2, 1943

Booklet To Tell
Of UK Activities


More Centers
For Listening
at Now On Tap

A One Act Play,
Or "Foo On Him"
When: Saturday night.
Where: Union dance.
Who: A Kinkead hall soldier
and a University coed arrive to
participate in the festivities.
All goes smoothly until our
khaki-cla- d
villain spies a red
head in the offing. He intnv
duces his date to a soldier buddy with a request to take over
the honor of escorting his date
home, and
What: walks out with the
red head.
P. S. His G. L raincoat is in
waiting at the coed's house. We
expect it to remain there


women's residence halls, and social

and recreational opportunities
the University is being compiled in
a booklet to be released soon by the
publicity bureau.
The purpose of the booklet Is to
assure prospective women students
of available and desirable living
quarters, even though some of the
dormitories have been taken over
by the Army.
The University has made arrangements to convert the fraternity
houses into women's residence halls
if there is a demand. To date, only
two houses, those of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, and Sigma Nu, have been
taken over.
Save Your Shoe Coupon!

Expert Repairing


Near Phoenix Hotel

listening centers, making a total of
78 throughout the state, will be
Installed in Leslie, Letcher, and
Knott counties this summer by the
University radio studios, according
to Elmer G. Sulzer, director.
The listening centers, located in
general stores, post offices, or in
community centers, are for the purpose of providing agricultural and
educational news, and entertainment, Sulzer explained. The centers are so located that no one will
have to travel more than three
miles to reach them.
The war has affected the centers
in that gasoline rationing has prevented many from reaching them,
Sulzer said. However, many persons
can no longer use their own radios,
because they are unable to obtain
the necessary batteries, thus the
need for the centers is more urgent.

E.H uws Jones
To Speak Here



Phone 648


139 E.

Short Street

Try Our



Only 40c



By Bill Spragglns
Despite the war, which in the past
has greatly affected language
study, enrollment in the language
departments has not fallen from
that of the 1942 Summer quarter
in proportion to enrollment, a survey of the German and Romance
languages departments made this
week shows.
A spokesman for the German department made the following statement concerning enrollment In that
department: "We assume that if
there is a sustained demand and
interest in science, German will
continue to have a reasonable en

E. Huws .Tones Tnnrinn TfticrlnnH
who is an authority on adult education in England, will speak on


Of The Week




Drive In Service

Company C of the 1548th Service
Unit stationed at the University
will give a dance Saturday night,



at Patterson hall, it has

been announced by members of the
Admittance will be by invitation
only and will be limited to members
of Company C, representatives of
the company stated. This situation
is due to the limited space available.
The dance is being given in appreciation of the courtesy and consideration shown by the University
students, they said. Patterson hall
formerly served as a dormitory lor
freshman girls.
The dance has the sanction of
Col. B. E. Brewer and the company
commander, Capt. Gene Myers.
Eyes Examined

Glaaaes Fitted

Frances Jinkins

This week's "Colonel of the Week" goes to Frances
Jinkins, Arts and Sciences senior from Nashville,

Frances is secretary of the Student Loan Fund
Committee, a member of the Student Government
Association, and was named in "Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities."
She is also a member of Alpha Delta Pi, social
sorority, a member of the defense stamp committee
and house committee of the Student Union, and Is
past president of Cwens, sophomore women's honorary.
For these achievements, we invite you in to enjoy
any two of our delicious meals.

Betty Bohannon, Chairman
Mae Irick, Independent
Jimmy Saunders, Sigma. Alpha Epsilon
"Dynamite" Martin, Alpha Gamma Delta


De Boor




11:45-1:3- 0
5:15-7:3- 0

Sunday Dinner

11:45-2:4- 5

Lexington, Ky.

124 N. Lime

Opposite Stadium





Prescriptions Filled


termed "rather uncertain," and it
was stated that there was no way of
judging about the outlook in the
department in the future.


Company C To Give
Dance At Part Hall


rollment as it has in the past."

professor in the Romance language
department expressed the belief
that languages have "hit the bottom" and that they are beginning
to come back on their own.
In both departments, officials
stated that it had not been necessary to cut out or combine any
more classes than usual for the
quarter. However, the
prospects for the Fall quarter were

Taxicabs! Phone 8200

of wartime living.
The public is invited to attend,
Dean W. S. Taylor stressed.

Corner Lime and Main


Department Survey Reveals

English Educator

"Britain and the War" in the auditorium of the Education building,
Tuesday, July 6, at 11:15 ajn.
Jones, who is being sent to the
University by the British Consulate,
Cincinnati, has been employed since
the outbreak of the war as a resident tutor for Oxford university,
Lincoln, England. He has been doing adult education work with men
in the services and civil defense
workers. Jones is also a member
of a committee set up in Lincoln to
provide hospitality for the American forces there.
Other than his work in adult
education, Jones has done research
in nutrition, unemployment relief,
coordination of social services, cost
of living, juvenile employment, and
Juvenile delinquency. He has taken
special interest in the refugee problem, in child guidance, and in the
development of the Citizen's Advice Bureau Service, information
centers for Britons on every phase

Fords and Plymouth

Language Enrollment At Par

Taught At Oxford


Page Three

Cedar Village Restaurant

� Best Copy Available

Page Four

Vondenbosch Given
Extension Of Leave
For Federal Work
An extended leave was granted
to Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
the department of political science,
to January 1, 1944, to continue his
work with the Department of State,
the Board of Trustees announced
this week.
Dr. Vandenbosch was first granted a leave of absence in September
1941 to enter the government service. He returned to the University
for the fall quarter of 1942 and
then joined the state department.
Dr. Charles Smith, associate professor of political science, has been
appointed acting head of the department for the summer school.

Round And Round He Goes
To Teach Of Latin eros
Grace Snodgrass
To Present Talk

Miss Grace Snodgrass, experiment
station librarian, will speak on
"Mediterranean Background," Tuesday, July 6, in the library's browsing room, in the third of the "In
vitation to Reading'' series. The
series is under sponsorship of the
University library staff.
Miss Snodgrass, who is making a
study of the history of the Mediterranean for the Homemakers of
Kentucky, will speak on the differWiley Blount Rutledge, new as- ent countries and their peoples sursistant justice of the United States rounding the Mediterranean. She
supreme court. Is a University of explains that this will not be a
travel talk, but one on books perWisconsin graduate.
taining to the Mediterranean.
On Monday, July 12, Dr. Francoise
MannscripU, Book Beviews
Dony, fellow of the Belgian-AmericFoundation, professor of BrusNEATLY TYPED
sels university and lecturer al the
Franco-Belgiuniversity at New
By Experienced Typist
York, will speak on "Books and
6280-- T
10c page
Their Meaning for Freedom." '


Friday, July 2,

Date Bureau To Hold
Picnic Saturday

Recreation Program
Has Full Enrollment

A picnic will be held Saturday at
The recreational program for the Johnson's mill for ASTP students
and their dates, under the sponsorship of the University Date Bureau.
Thirty men are to be chosen to
attend the affair according to merit by their commanding officers.
They will choose their own dates
or have dates arranged for them by
the Date Bureau. These couples
will meet In the Union at 3:30 pjn.
to be transported to the rnxa in
Army trucks provided by the military department of the University.

summer term is continuing with
full class enrollment, according to
By Scotty McCulloch
Miss Margaret Warren, instructor
Kernel News Editor
in physical education.
Activities offered include archery,
The little red schoolhouse days
meeting from 1:30 to 2:30 on Tuesare coming back wifh a bang, as day and Thursday; tennis, 1:30 to
any Latin student will tell you. 2:30 on Monday, Wednesday, and
Reminiscent of those days when a Friday; bowling, 1:30 to 2:30 on
complete student body met in the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday;
same classroom, five classes, each and volley ball for men meeting
taking different Latin writers are from 12 to 1:30 on Monday, Wed
being taught in the same class- nesday, and Friday.
room during the same 75 minute
period by Dean of Men T. T. Jones.
In one corner of the room three
heads gather over Cicero's Orations
while the remaining three corners
and the middle of the room are
absorbed in Livy, Caesar, Horace
and the elements of Greek litera-



With less than five students in
each class and in some only one,
this system is quite workable and
is much easier than it sounds. The
instructor merely makes the rounds
of all corners and hears the trans
lations of each class.
Dean Jones, head of the ancient
language department, stated that
due to the lack of students taking
language courses, the department
had undergone some changes. "This
is an engineering age," the dean
stated, "students are not as inter
ested in classical subjects."










BSU Will Hold
Party Tonight
Cool As A Ski Ride
. . . and as refreshing as any sport
is the atmosphere at the Cottage.

A party will be given for all Bap
tist students by the Baptist Student Union at 7:30 tonight in the
card room of the Union building.