xt7xwd3pww36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pww36/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-04-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1950 1950 1950-04-14 2013 true xt7xwd3pww36 section xt7xwd3pww36 The

Who Is



Honors, Awards
Recipients Named
Over 200 women students were
honored last week at the "Stars in
the Night" convocation, annual ceremony sponsored by the Women's Administrative Council in recognition
of superior scholastic attainment
and outstanding records of leadership and service.
The new officers of the Home Economics Club are Jewell Deane Ellis.
Dorothy Seath. Iris Grider, Leta
Cooper. Perry Milby, Laura Young,
Inda Craig, and Virginia Murray.
Best Room Cup Given
by the House
A cup, awarded
Presidents' Council for the best room
In the residence halls, was presented
to Jewell Deane Ellis, Shirley Ellis
and Jot Atherton, all residents of
Jewell Hall. Ruth Lenox and Dorothy Harrod, members of Kappa
Josephine Daugherty,
Delta, received a cup for the best
New YWCA President
room in the sorority houses.
Patricia Patterson was presented
The League of Women Voters
citizenship award was presented to the Theta Simga Phi award to the
Charlotte Garr. New officers of the freshman women with the highest
League of Women Voters are Joan scholastic standing in journalism.
Kavanaugh, Martha Durham, Betty
New pledges of Phi Beta, honorary
Pace, Mary Young, Louise McDowell, music, speech and art society, are
Betsy Dodge, Jo Thomas, Pat Eads,
Mary Pardue, and Frances Vance.
Phyllis Kloecker was nominated as Catherine Fitch, Barbara Preston,
outstanding council member and Frances Henslee, Helen Houden,
Marilyn McDonald as the outstand- Shirley Hewitt, Betty Holstine, Baring
member by the bara Hughes, Joan Morris, Caroline
Riel, Anna Rios, Lucille Spencer,
Women's Athletic Association.
New pledges of Tau Sigma, mod- Sylvia Tempest, and Ruth White.
The new officers of Phi Beta are
ern dance society, are Emily Barron,
Ruth Adams,
Elizabeth Deen, Eleanor Gash, Priscilla Hancher,
Charlotte Watson, Jean Hardwick, Marilyn Kilgus. Thelma Mattox,
Siler, Sally Hancher, and
Frances Maxedone. Lee Moody, Annette
Nancy Brown. Carol Carter, Virginia Margaret Larkin.
Davis Received Scholarship
Caudill, Ruth Cavender, Betty
Joyce Davis received the Phi Beta
Compton, Carolyn Critchlow, Annette Peterson, Sally Ramsey, I!cana music scholarship and Elizabeth
Rigau, Zelma Sharff, and Dorothy Mowat was named the outstanding
member of Phi Beta. The Phi Beta
service award was presented to Mar
Outstanding Pledges Named
tha Shindelbower and the profes
Outstanding sorority pledges are sional award was presented to Mary
Nina Liston, Alpha Delta Pi; Betty Carver.
Wheeler, Alpha Gamma Delta;
New members of Alpha Lambda
Marilyn Steele, Alpha Xi Delta; Delta, freshman honorary society.
Elizabeth Freiborghouse, Chi Ome- are Carol Caton, Molly McCoulf
ga; Jo Johnson, Delta Delta Delta: Charlotte Van Deren, Martha Raby,
Anellen Bowne, Delta Zeta; Lou Ann Bohon, Catherine Fitch, MilToombs, Keppa Delta; Charlotte dred Hart, Martha Milburn, Ruth
Van Deren. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Stilz, Virginia Hanly, Betty Kelley,
Suzanne Neuman, Tau Alpha Pi; Patricia Patterson, Joan Thompson,
Louise Martin, Zeta Tau Alpha.
and Mama Perry.
The League of Women Voters was
The Alpha Lambda Delta book
named the campus organization con- award was presented to Jerry Hin-sotributing most to the University by
Alpha Delta Pi.
-New members of Cweris, sopho
Mama Perry received the out- more leadership society, are Kristina
standing freshman woman award Bergenstrahle, Betty Buckley, Ann
from Alpha Gamma Delta.
Hall, Jeanne Hubbard, Molly Mc
Chi Omega's award for the high- Coulf, Marlene Farmer, Marilyn
est standing in economics was pre- Steele, Phyllis Ewen, Mary Gover,
sented to Mary Osborne.
Charlotte Van Deren, Carol Carter,
Mary Chase received the Kappa Catherine Fitch, Wanda Meier, MarAlpha Theta scholarship pin.
tha Milburn. Ruth Stilz, Elizabeth
Kathleen Bealmear received the Ross, Frances Vance, Marilyn Mcoutstanding senior woman award Donald, Pat Moore, Zoe Parker,
from Kappa Delta.
Patricia Patterson, Lucille Spencer,
Short Story Award Presented
Mama Perry, Joan Thompson, and
New members of Chi Delta Phi Elsie Isaacs.
literary society are Pat Byrd. Ellen
Mortar Board Elects 16
Drake, Joan Davanaugh. Rose Haley,
New members of Mortar Board,
Marilyn Jody, Elaine Schaffer, and senior leadership society, are Janet
Martha Tarpley. The Chi Delta Phi Anderson, Virginia Cunningham,
short-stor- y
award was presented to Sue Dossett, Juanita Fergus, Margery Mitchell. Dorothy Seath, RoseBobbie Griffith.
Mortar Board scholarship awards mary Haley, Priscilla Hancher, Rosewere presented to Virginia Hanly. mary Hilling, Rachel Johnson, MarMildred Hart, and Betty Kelley, ail garet Larkin, Elizabeth Reynolds.
of whom have 3.0 standings.
Mary Ridley, Annette Siler, MarSeventeen sophomore women with garet Wilson, and Marietta Georgia-documulative 2.6 standings were recognized by Mortar Board. They are
Women students having 3.0 standMary Bishop. Martha Havely, Thel-m- a ings the previous semester are Janet
Mattox, Ruth Trefz, Ann Nevitt, Anderson,
Shirley Farmer, Margaret Johnson, Mayse, Geraldine Northcutt, Mary
Mary Lewis. Joyce Davis, Dorothy Boyd, Mary Cubranic,
Harrod, Ann Horning. Carolyn Park, Dooley, Margaret Gibson, Ann
Eienor Sturm, Patricia Lancaster, White, Elizabeth Bryant, Mildred
Josephine Jones, Aino Kolk, and Hart, Sara Dugan, Henrietta Cohn,
Mary Pardue.
Edna Edwards, Virginia Hanly, Dorothy Harrod, Betty Kelly, Bettye
Phi V Members Listed
New members of Phi Upsilon Mastin, Martha Pennebaker, Ann
Omicron, home economics society, Parrine, Martha Pollard, Margery
are Doris Annis. Mei Seuh Tsai Loh, Cutler, Josephine Jones, Mary Mos-bEdna Witten, Elizabeth Ford, and
Suzanne Barnes, Jane Tucker,
Eloise Lorch. Elizabeth Ford and Bertha Combs, Elsie Hurt, Eda
Doris Annis were presented the Phi Kummer,
Mildred Forman,
Upsilon Omicron Cornell award.
Marietta Georgiadou.


































36 Kentucky

For Cabinet Jobs

Second place winners were Alpha
Xi Delta sorority and Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity. The Alpha Xi's were winners in the women's division last
year. Cups were presented to the
by Miss
winners and runners-u- p
Mildred Lewis, director of the
Club and Mr. Aimo
Women's Glee
Kiviniemi, director of the Men's
Glee Club.
The KD's were led by Phyllis Warren. Their selections were "In the
Still of the Night" and "The White
Rose of Kappa Delta." The arrangements for "In the Still of the Night"
and "With a Song in My Heart,"
Alpha Xi's
sung bv the second-plac- e
were done by Byron Romanowits,
Junior in architectural engineering.
Mary Evelyn Rose directed the
Alpha Xi chorus.
Delta Tau Delta, led by John
Tully, sang three songs: "On the
Safe Side," "Delta Shelter." and
"And the Glory of the Lord." Pi
Kappa Alpha, second-plac- e
group, was directed by Howard
Judges for the final contest were
Mr. John Griffey, music supervisor
in the Corbin public schools: Dr.
Martin ten Hoor. dean of th College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Alabama, and Mrs. Ira
Peniston, head of the music department at Asbury College.

Xavier, second; Ronald Wotton, Lastory with
fayette, third. Interview
UK editors: Nancy Lee, Danville,
first; Billy McDonald, Frankfort,
second; Evelyn Jean Toy, Mt. Sterling, third. Interview story with UK
sorority members: Catherine Wilson,
Lafayette, first; Lucia Collins, Zarth,
second; Lochie Faye Hart, Murray,


18 Candidates Vie

Kappa Delta sorority and Delta
Tau Delta fraternity won in the
finals of the fourteenth annual All
Campus Sing Friday. March 31.
The Delts have now won 12 of the
choral contests. This is the first
win for the KD's.

Ronnie Rhody,



300 delegates from

high schools attended

the press meeting.

Graduates Must Sign Soon
For Language Examinations
The graduate student reading
knowledge examinations in French
and Spanish will be given Saturday, April 29, in room 301, Miller
Those wishing to take the exam
must sign up in room 301, .Miller
Hall before Wednesday, April 26,
giving language and main field of

Veterans Asked To Report
r- -


ABOVE IS A PORTRAIT of the Fisher family which will appear in the Barter Theater production of
"The Show-OffIn front are Ma and Pa Fisher, played by Mary Hayden and Gordon Sommers. Standing are Amy, played by Miss Pat Larson; Joe, playei by Robert Blackburn, and Clara, played by Catherine Martin.

tournament, under the
sponsorship of the Student Union
A chess

Chess Club, will be held at I p.m.
tomorrow in the SUB card room. If
a second session is necessary, it will
be held on Sunday.
Players may enter either of two
divisions. Entry fee for the upper
bracket will be $1, and 50c for the
lower division. Pries will be awarded
the winner, and possibly the runner-u- p
in each division.
Ail chess enthusiasts in central
Kentucky are eligible to compete in
the tournament, which the sponsors
plan to make an annual event.
There is no deadline for entering
the tournament, except that entries
will not be taken after the tournament begins. For further details,
contact Tournament Director Leslie
Smith, 123 Westwood Drive, phone
or the club president, Fred
Payne, room 215, Bradley Hall.

German Exam Scheduled
The reading examination of the
Department of German will be
given at 2 p.m. on April 24, in

Sponsors Barter Theater Production;
Proceeds To Benefit World Student Fund
sional theatrical company and is the
nation's first state-aide- d
The group received its name from
its former custom of taking farm
produce in exchange for tickets to
the performances.
This year's winter tour has taken
the Barter Players through 20 states.
The theater's summer home is in
Abingdon, Va.
is a family com"The Show-Ofedy in which the father, an egotist
of the top order, is the central chara
acter. Bickering parents-in-labrother-in-lawho is an inventor,
and other family figures complete
the cast, which includes six former
Broadway actors. The costumes of
the roaring twenties, in which the

SGA Body Settles

Board Of Trustees Approves
University Budget For '50-5- 1

Tie Vote In Election

A tie between two Constitutionalist candidates, Kenneth Midkiff and
Robert Nethkin, graduate school
candidates, was settled at the last
meeting of SGA when the assembly
elected Nethkin.
Another tie. between
Margaret Wilson
ahel Constitutionalist Ann Kirtley,
commerce upperclass women candiThe University Concert Band, un- dates, is to be reviewed by the judider direction of Frank J. Prandl, cial committee.
What had previously been thought
will give a program at 4 p.m. Sunday
in Memorial Hall. Appearing as to have been a tie between Constitusoloists will be Warren Lutz, newly tionalist John Brabant and
Don Rogers, resulted with
appointed instructor in woodwinds
and director of the football band, Brabant winning by a majority of
and Gene Stewart, senior music two votes in a recount.
L. G. Smith, Law student, was ap
The program will open with "If pointed chairman of the judicial
committee by SGA President Jerry
Thou Be Near" by J. S. Bach. It
by "Capitol
will be followed contemporary Jones.
by the
composer, Harold Kidder.
This piece Is divided into four parts:
"Pillars," "Potomac," "Pennsylvania
Avenue at Noon," and "Prayer at
Peggy Elmore, arts and sciences
senior, has been named UK repreStewart Is Soloist
Gene Stewart, trumpet soloist, will sentative to Mademoiselle Magazine's
present the third part of the pro- seventh annual College Forum held
gram, "Hungarian Melodies," by tomorrow in New York City.
She is one of 55 students from
Vincent Bach.
An English folk song suite by colleges and universities throughout
Ralph Vaughn Williams is the the country who were chosen to parband's fourth selection. This suite ticipate in the conference. The deconsists of three pieces: "I'm Seven- legates were selected on the basis
teen Come Sunday," "My Bonnie of recommendations
from college
Boy," and "Folk Songs from Somer- faculties, student organiations, perset."
sonal interviews, academic standing
Following the folk song suite. and campus activities.
Lutz, clarinet soloist, will
Miss Elmore is a member of the
present "Scherzo Brilliante" by YWCA, League of Women Voters,
Jean-Jeaand the International Relations
Lutz Will Conduct
Mr. Lutz will conduct the band's
sixth number, Mozart's "Ave Verum
Corpus" for which he also did the Staff To Answer Quest "msi

Band Plans
Solo Show

UK Coed Attending
Mademoiselle Forum


play is set, add a final comic touch.
Leads Named
Two veteran Barter players. Cad-de- ll
Burroughs and Mary Hayden,
have the leading roles in "The
Show-OffLexingtonians have seen
them both in "Arms and the Man,"
last year's WSSF Barter play.
will also feature
"The Show-OfRobert Blackburn and Miss Pat Larson, who were chosen by Tallulah
Bankhead as the two top actors in
Barter's annual tryouts for young
actors. Miss Bankhead chose the
players as part of her prize for winning the 1949 Barter Theater Award
to the outstanding American actor
on Broadway.

By Janet Anderson
a classic comedy
by George Kelly, will be presented
by the Barter Players at Henry Clay
Auditorium at 8 p.m. April 22. The
performance is sponsored by the
YMCA and YWCA for the benefit of
the World Student Service Fund,
which aids students in war torn
Tickets for the production are on
sale at the Bookstore, Graves, Cox
and Company, and Shackleton's. Reservations may also be made at the
YWCA office, extension 2150.
Company Is Oldest
Barter Theater, founded and directed by Robert Porterfield.
America's oldest and largest profes
Show-Off- ,"

Room 302, Miller Hall.

Usher:; and special guests will be
members of Pershing Rifles.
The next musicale will be presented April 23 by the University Symphony Orchestra, under th? direcE. Slcin.
tion of

17-2- 9.


On Pharmacy Requirements
Staff members of the College of
Pharmacy and a representative of
the State Board of Pharmacy will
be in room 111 of McVey Hall at
4 p.m. Thursday, for the purpose
of answering




students relative to
their entrance requirements at
Louisville and their State Board
experience requirements, Dean M.
M. White of the College of Arts
nn.l Sciences has announced.



All veterans who are short of
eligibility time and do not wish
to be paid for the 15 days automatic leave from June
should notify the Veterans Administration between April
No notice will be accepted after
April 29.


Chess Club Tourney
To Be Held In SUB

The concert will close with "American Folk Rhapsody" by Grunda-ma-





by Joseph Prindl.


Elections Monday
For Union Board


Lexington Lafayette and Danville
high school representatives of the
Kentucky High School Press Association were awarded four of the
five first prizes at the annual convention held here recently. Franklin
high school received the remaining
top award.
Cash prizes were furnished by the
for the
Lexington Herald-Leadwinners in each division. Contest
winners are, news feature: Margaret Hicks. Danville, first; Barbara
Kain. Lafayette, second;
Haynes, Garth, third. Descriptive
feature: Lois Holland, Lafayette,
first; Claire Ann Graves, Garth,
second; Carl Carrico, St. Xavier,


DOT HARROD accepts the trojihv awarded to Kappa Delta
winners of tlir Kocin Judging Contest, from Harliara Kirwan.


Campus Sing

The traditional stirring march
makes its appearance on the program in the American Flag March"







Two Schools
Win Honors
At UK Clinic





Annual Stars In The Night Program
Honors Outstanding Women Coeds r,M'&



Cold-IIig- h




Partly Cloudy,



The annual election of the Student Union Board will be held from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday in the SUB.
Voting will take place in the SUB
Ail UK students are automatically
members of the Student Union and
are eligible to vote in the election.
Each student may vote for nine of
the 18 candidates. The nine who
poll the most votes will serve as
board members for the next year.
The candidate receiving the largest
number of votes becomes president
of the group, while each of the next
eight becomes a chairman of a Student Union committee.
The 18 candidates, of whom the
students will elect nine, are Ellen
Allen, Betty Ball. Betty Bryant,
George Creedle, Fred Dorr, Martha
Durham. Caroline Freeman, Jim n,
Kitty King.
Mary Lewis. Frank Maturo, Bob
McCowan, Mary McKinley. Bacon
Moore. Dot Seath. Mary Shinnies,
Virginia Stevens, and Bob Wilson.
Betty Ball and Bob McCowan
were board members during the past

UK Student

Wins Award
Robert McDonell. University graduate student in political science, has
been named recipient of a 1950-5- 1
fellowship in the Southern Regional
Training Program, a project sponsored jointly by UK and two other
Southern universities for training
outstanding college students in the
field of public administration.
McDonell was one of ten winners
from all sections of the country and
will study next year at the Universities of Kentucky, Alabama, and

Scholarship Awards
In Optometry Open

Four scholarships will be awarded
to outstanding students for three
years of professional study at.tr"e
Chicago College of Optometry, the
Board of Trustees has announced.
The University will submit four
candidates who will be requiied to
Mary Carolyn Carver, pianist, will take a competitive
give her senior recital at 8 p.m. Wed- Only those students who have alHall.
nesday in Memorial
ready completed the
Miss Carver recently won the Phi curriculum, or who will do so belore
Mu Alpha plaque as the outstanding June. 1950. will be permitted to take
the examination.
music senior for 1949-5The awards will be distributed
Part one of the four part program geographically so
that the students
is composed of "Prelude. Fuge and
The ranking highest in WestEast. South,
Variation," by Franck-Baue- r.
will be the
second part of the program is Midddle West, and
recipients. The examinations will be
"Sonata. Opus 90" by Beethoven.
given by
The third section is "Ten Baga- Technology.the Illinois Institute of
telles. Opus 5" by Tcherepnin. The
final part is "Mazurka. Opus 30. No.
4" by Chopin and "Ballade, Opus 23"
also by Chopin.
Ushers at the program will be
members of Phi Beta fraternity.
Three University women and Dr.
Jane Haselden. dean of women, attended the national meeting of Chi
Delta Phi. honorary literary society,
which was held at Bethel Women's
College last week-enthe
Joan Cavanaugh
"The Story of Eleanora Duchesa conference as official attended delechapter
Cosimo," will be the next production gate.
student. were
of the Airlane Theater series to be Marilyn The other Sally Hancher.
Jody and
broadcast at 8:30 p.m. Monday over
Dean Haselden was elected as a
stations WKLX and WBKY.
representative on the National Cun-c- il
The campus radio group's producfor the next four years.
week tells the story of the
tion this
woman in the life of Benvenuto
Law Students Aked
Sellina. immortal Italian sculptor.
Members of the cast are Louise
To Make Application
Till. Gene Arkle. Martin Gel. and
All students now enrolled at the
Bert Harber. Producer and director University who expect to enter the
is Dudley Saunders.
Law School in September. 1950,
are requested to make application
for entrance on Monday. All applications should be filed in room
16 of the Administration
Dr. Lee Sprowles, registrar, has
"Street in the Morning," a painting by Prof. Raymond Barrihart of
the Department of Art has been
sold to Joseph E. Seagram and Sons,
Inc.. of Louisville, for addition to
that organization's permanent collection of paintings by Kentucky

Honor Music Student
To Give Her Recital


UK Members Attend
Chi Delta Phi Meet

Radio Acting Group
Plans Italian Story

A total budget of $7,359,071 has
been approved by the UK Board of caused by the decrease in veteran
Trustees for the Division of Col- enrollment, President H. L. Donovan
leges, the Agricultural
Extension issued the following statement:
Service, and the Agricultural Ex"For the past four years we have
periment Station.
had an
of 3000 to 4500
Included in the budget are state veterans. enrollment of these students
For each
appropriations, federal funds, stu- the Veterans Administration, under
dent fees, receipts from auxiliary the G.I. Bill of Rights, has paid the
and self liquidating University approximately $210 more
building projects for the fiscal year in tuition and fees than a
beginning July 1. The budget for
pays for his education.
the Division of Colleges was $343,085 These federal funds have helped
less than the amount allotted for pay a considerable part of the costs
the current fiscal year. The de- of
at the University durcrease was made necessary by the inginstruction
this period."
drop in veteran enrollment which
President Donovan also said that
lowered grants by the Veterans Adin the future the decrease in veteran
enrollment will be more severe
The new budget is based on an while the enrollment of
anticipated enrollment of 6500 for will increase. Although the Gen1950-5eral Assembly in January approThe largest economy will be made priated $200,000 more for the Diin the amount of money approvision of Colleges, it will not be
priated for teaching materials, lab- enough to offset the loss.
oratory equipment, books for the
Point Stressed
library, maintenance of buildings
and grounds, and the elimination
"There is one other point that
of almost all capital outlay items. needs to ba called to your attention,"
None of the salaries will be cut and he told the trustees. "The Veterans
very few are to be changed.
Administration has decided that the
Morrill-Nelso- n
and the Bankhead-Jone- s
Issues Statement
federal funds should be acIn relation to the loss in
credited to the V.A. for the education of G.I.'s. An audit was made
by the General Accounting Office
and we were told that they had overpaid the University during this
years) period
Jasper Rison, circulation manager by $:.';5.529.31. The Veterans Ad
will be the ministration proceeded to withhold
of the Courier-Journa- l,
the University
next speaker in a scries of lectures fun her payments to was liquidated."
bv noted Kentucky journalists spon until the above sum
He said that the step was taken
sored by members of the Editorial
Writing class and the Henry wat-ters- over the protest of the land-gracolleges. Action taken by the Land-GraPress Club.
College Association caused
Mr. Rison will speak at 9 a.m.
Tuesday in the journalism auditor- the House of Representatives
ium. He will discuss various phases pass a' bill directing the Veterans
to restore
of newspaper circulation.
Ed Templin. promotion manager lunds and to cease withholding them
will in the future. The measure is now
of the Lexington Herald-Leade- r,
speak at 1 p.m. Thursday in the before the Senate.
In concluding his statement. Dr.
Mr. Templin's topic will be "Shine Donovan termed this the most difIt up ,and Glorify It."
ficult budget the University has had
All student", aie invited, to hear to prepare since ho became pic-idethe lectures.
nine years aso.

non-veter- an


Journalism Students
To Sponsor Speakers





Painting By Teacher
Added To Collection

The painting, done in pyroxylin
lacquer, is a simplification of a residential street in Mexico City showing the planes of buildings in sunlight and shadow. It was painted
last year in Mexico City while Prof.
Barnhart was on sabbatical leave
from the University.
Other members of the UK art
staff represented in the Seagram
collection are Clifford Amyx and
Virgil Espenlaub.

Bacteriology Society
To Hear Dr. Weaver
Dr. R. H. Weaver, professor of
bacteriology, will be the guest speaker at the Bacteriology Society meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in room 124,
Funkhouser Building.
He will speak on his recent work
of examining water in the Central
Kentucky wells, showing extent of


A preliminary report of this work
was given by Dr. Weaver at the
branch meeting
of the Society of American Bacter-Wlovihold recently at the Uni-v- c


Band Plays
At Ashland

The University band participated
in the ceremonies dedicating the
home of Henry Clay. "Ashland." as
a national shrine on Wednesday afternoon. This was the second in a
series of appearances which the
band will make this spring.
The University
band's formal
spring concert will be given in Memorial Hall at 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. On April 29. the Band will be
the guests of the Dr. Thomas Walker Centennial executive committee,
performing in both a parade and a
concert at Barbourville during the
At the Vocal Festival sponsored bv
the Extension Department May 10
to 13. the Band will accompany the
Chorus on Saturdav af
ternoon. "The Best Band in Dixie"
sill also lead the annual May Day
On May 6. the band will play by
invitation at the Kentucky Derby.
The band Hill also participate in
two ROTC review and inspection
events in May. and for Pershing
Rifles' parade duruig the month.
The final appearance of the band
fir this scluml year will be at
on June 2.
All-Sta- te


� Vase 2



majority instead of the few.
As an aside, I personally would
appreciate it if the
were presented each and every week
even if some of the other material
had to be shortened or removed.

Socialized Medicine
Editor, The Kernel:



"Quit, Bob!"


Southern Neighbor

Little-Know- n

We recently received a letter

irom a

iciiow-stuui'i- it


Bolivia. Accompanying the letter was a rather long article
alxwt his country.

letter impressed us with
its sincerity, and the article proved of sufficient interest, we believe, to he printed in the Kernel.
We plan to divide it into a three-paseTies and present it in
slightly edited form on this page.
The letter and first installment
oflhe article follow:
Editor, The Kernel:
Herein I include a colabora-tio- n
to our university paper. I
have long desired to publish an
article that could arouse the interest of the students. Now I be11



come to its realization.
I hope it will be possible to
place this article in a rather preferring section of the paper due
to its importance, to me as well
as to other students wishing to

work abroad.
To clarify certain doubts I
wish to express that all written
expressions of invitation and advice are personal.
I thank this favor anticipately.
Very truly vours,
Manuel Mercado P.
'"Bolivia is pioneering territory
to the technical man who would
help In awakening her to the tech-

nological developments
must come if she is to have a place
of importance among nations."
Wayne E. White
Bolivia, my country, in spite of the
fact that she ranks fourth among
the South American countries in
area, is less known to the average
North American than are many of
our neighbors.
Her estimated area of more than
430.000 square miles with a population of nearly 5,000,000 souls, most
of it concentrated on altitudes over
8000 feet above sea level, gives us
an idea of the desolation and emptiness of the remainder.
Within this tremendous expansion
Bolivia enjoys the temperature and
vegetation of glacial and torrid
zones. The perpetually
mountains find their basins on
the green pastures of our plains. The
jungles with their myteries hide
their treasures jealously to strangers.
The high altitudes, the coolness


of the nights in the mountains, offer
a test In vitality to the tourist seeking the unusuaL It will attract him
to visit La Paz, the largest city in
Bolivia, where he may see the modern and fine large buildings and also
observe the Indian huts just as they
were 400 years ago. He will see automobiles and trucks on the asphalt,
concrete, or cobblestone streets, but
he may also see the llamas and
burros of the Indians. He may find
modern stores selling goods known
all over the world, but he will also
notice the yet costumary clothes of
the primitives.
A detailed study of the Bolivian
industry shows that Bolivia's foreign money comes almost in its totality from the exportation of minerals. From her mines the cassi-tericoncentrate was obtained to
be refined and converted into important products required by the
Allied Powers during World War n.
No doubt it was a deciding factor on
the belligerant challenge of our
democracies to the totalitarian pow
In the manufacturing Industry of
Bolivia, the woolen and cotton mills
of several cities are Important units,
though in small scale, enough to
supply the needs of the country for
Wheat flour Is made' at several
mills at different places, but sometimes deficient in production, Bolivia imports this vital and primary
Many other examples could be
cited which would give us an idea
of the present industrialization of
Bolivia. Poor in its entirety, wishing to be led to be worked and to
be productive.
One of the serious difficulties in
any kind of industrial development
in Bolivia, and in fact for life in
general, is the lack of fuel. Bolivia
has no coaL She does have petroleum and one refinery, but these are
at such a distance from the places
where the fuels are needed, that
most of the oils go into Argentina
than to the Bolivian centers of
Bolivia's most important necessi
ties will have to be developed with
the help of American methods of
production. The use of machinery
on a large scale is essential.
There exist immense possibilities
of road construction and this is the
most urgent demand of today.

It's amazing that some women can
away with and keep their
amateur standing.

She: Have you heard those awful
things people are saying about me?
He: Sure, honey. Why do you think
I am here?


to the Editor
Kernel Cartoons
Editor, The Kernel:
Up until I started reading the
present series of the Kernel, I was
under the impression that cartoons
were made to provide entertainment
for tlje reader.
Either my sense of humor has de
serted me or the "cartoons?" which
have been printed in the Kernel are
not serving the purpose to which I
thought they were dedicated.
seems to me as though the subject
matter being used is strictly for the
amusement of the Journalism de

partment and the Kernel staff.
If this is the case I think there
should be a change made in the
policy. The paper is a school paper
and as such should not provide
laughs for just a few. In the last
three issues two of the drawings
were, strictly departmental suff.
The actual drawings are of a high
caliber and I imagine that the car
toonists who do this fine work
could, if allowed to use their own
material, turn out some work which
would prove entertaining for the



The Kentucky Kernel
All tinned articles and column are to be
considered the opinions of the writer Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
themselves, and do not necessarily reflect
Lexington Board of Commerce
the opinion of The Kernel.
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association

Entered at the Post Office at Lexington,
Nw Yen. M. V.
In recent months there has been Kentucky, as second class matter under 420 Madison Avt
controversy as to the the Act of March 3, 1879.
a nation-wid- e
tci . Bono, . LM iwm
relative merits of socialized mediSUBSCRIPTION
RATES tl.00 per Minuter
cine. However, so far as I know the
students of UK have not shown any
interest whatsoever in this problem. George Reynolds
Editor Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
This is a serious problem and such
Managing Editor
apathy, if entertained by a large Bob Cox
enough segment of this country's Nell Blair
News Editor Bob Fain, Katheryn Whitmer and
population, could very easily result Tom Dlskin
News Desk
.Sports Editor
Janet Anderson
If Harold Fleenor .Business Manager
in this abominable legislation.
Ben Williams.