xt7xwd3pww2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pww2m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-07-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  6, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  6, 1945 1945 1945-07-06 2013 true xt7xwd3pww2m section xt7xwd3pww2m vanauic

The Kentucky Kernel




Leo Chamberlain

Heads Foundation


The newly formed Kentucky Research Foundation had its initial
meeting Friday. The organization
plans were perfected, officers were
gift of $15,500 from
elected and
Kentucky Distillers Corporation
was received for scholarships and
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, University dean and registrar, was appointed president of the foundation. Dr.
"W. S. Webb, vice president, and
Prof. E. N. Fergus, secretary and
temporary treasurer. Members of
the executive committee will be Dr.
Chamberlain, President H. L Donovan, G rover Creech, Louisville,
member of the board of trustees;
Prof. Frank Murray and Professor
The board of directors is composed of Dr. Chamberlain, Dr. Donovan, Frank' D. Peterson, University
comptroller; R. P. Hobson, Louisville
board member; J. C. Everett, Mays-vill- e,
also alumnus-boar- d
Mr. Creech, Professor Fergus, Dr.
C. C. Ross, Dr. Murray and Dr.
A temporary committee will be
appointed by Dr. Chambrlain to receive scholarships and fellowships
and Dr. Chamberlain and Dr. Murray were named process agents for








Dr. H. L. Donovan, University
president, stated that the state
$5,000 salary limitation was the

position at a university study center
which the Army has established at
Shrivenham, England. Dr. Ross Is
the second professor to accept such
a position and will leave this month
to join Dr. C. O. Latimer who
recently accepted a similar position.
Dr. Ross has been a member of
the University staff since 1926 and
holds an A3, degree from the University of Tennessee, and a M A. and
Ph. D. degree from Columbia Uni-

Rev. Othar O. Smith

Interfaith Vespers
To Begin Sunday
' The Rev. Othar O. Smith, Baptist
student secretary, will open the
to be held each Sunday at 6:15 pm
on the lawn behind Patterson ball,
with a message on "The Unknown




sity professors who have accepted
positions elsewhere. Some of them
are on leave and others have resigned.
Dr. Donovan informed the University trustees' executive committee
in session in his office that the present limitation made it difficult to
keep highly trained men.
The resignations of James W.
May, associate professor of heating
a id ventilating engineering,
William H. Pittman, professor of
law, were accepted at this meeting.
May has been on leave to the
American Air Filter company for
the past two years and has left to
accept a permanent position with
that company. Professor Pittman,
on leave for th past three years, re-- (
Continued on Page Four)

Graduate To Direct
Music At Institute

services have been
The open-a- ir
planned to promote a better understanding among students of various
and to introduce
them to the student leaders of other

Receives Two Gifts



major reason for the departure to
"I other states of at least five Univer-



Staff Salary Tuesday To Be UK Day
Is Inadeqate, For Students And Staff
Donovan Says
Special Features

Miss Mary Elizabeth Rentz, Lexington, has accepted a position as
director of vocal music at Mary
Institute, a country day school for
girls affiliated
with Washington
University, St. Louis, Mo. She has
Various churches of the city have been director of vocal music in the
dismissed their youth groups in Lexington junior high schools for
order to cooperate with the campus the last three years. She will begin
leaders to the fullest extent.
her new duties in September.
Ross Accepts Position
Miss Rentz graduated from the
George Kendall, a graduate stuIn Army Study Center
dent In psychology, will preside at University, where she was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta social
the opening service.
Dr. C. C. Ross, head of the desorority, Cwens, the women's glee
partment of educational psychology
club and Phi Beta Kappa.
at the University, has accepted a Experiment

the foundation.
The gift of the Kentucky Distillers association win be used as
follows: 30 freshman scholarships
of $250 each; two agricultural fellowships of $2,000 and $4,000 to be
used for equipping the animal
nutrition laboratory.


6, 1945

Maxedon Receives
Silver Star Medal

Hal Hackett

Walton Appointed
As Acting Head
Prof. Sylvan Brooks Walton, of
the Colege of Engineering, has been
named acting head of the mechanical engineering department of that
college, replacing the late Prof.
Perry West, who died in April.
Professor Walton, who has been a
member of the department for the
past seven years, is a graduate of
the California Institute of Tech
nology, and was formerly employed
by the Firestone Tire and Rubber
He holds the M.A. degree from

Have Been Planned,
Hackett Announces

A friendly atmosphere and a
chance to meet fellow students
will be the keynote of UK day to
be held July 10, stated Mrs. Dorothy Evans, social director of the
Union. This day has been desig- nated as UK Day at Joyland by
park officials.
Several special events have been
arranged by Hal. Hackett, promotion manager of Joyland. In the
afternoon there will be a Softball
game between the students and the
faculty. The prize will be a ride on
the roller coaster to tne winning
team. In the evening there will be
two dance contests. One will be a
jitterbug contest and the other a
waltz. The prizes for this event
will be season passes to the dance
casino for the winning couples. Im
mediately following the dance con
tests will be a "Contagious Smile"
contest. Sometime during the day
a special event will be held. The
event will be a complete surprise to
the public.
A booth will be set up in the
Union today, Monday and Tuesday
and all students wishing to attend
have been asked to obtain Identification cards there.
Park officials have announced
that all rides and the swimming
pool will operate at half price to
persons holding identification cards
and the dance casino will be thrown
open for the evening with no admission charge. The Joyland orchestra will play.


Dr. Alexander Capurso
Will Conclude Series

Dr. Alexander A. Capurso of the
the California Institute, and has University music department will
The University Agricultural Exspecialized in thermodynamics and be the speaker at the last talk of
periment station was the recipient
First Lieut. James R. Maxedon, a fluid mechanics.
the sixth series of the( Invitation to
of two gifts totaling $6,800, it was graduate of the University, has been
Reading programs.
announced by the executive com- awarded the Silver Star Medal for
The subject under discussion will
mittee of the board of trustees.
"gallantry in action in France, Bel- Youth Week Ends
be Tchaikowsky, Mastered Master" '
A gift of $6,500 from the Chilean gium, Luxembourg, and Germany"
and the program will be held at 2:45
The Baptist Youth week, held at p.m. Tuesday, July 10 in the BrowsNitrate Educational Bureau, Inc., from Oct. 7, 1944, to April 18, 1945,
was for the purpose of conducting with the Sixth Armored Division. Immanuel Baptist church, will end ing room of the library.
experiments concerning the effects Lieutenant Maxedon is with the with the service as 7:20 tonight.
of iodine in plant content The Mid- Combat Engineers and holds the
The revival, led By Dr. Leo Eddie-ma- n,
dle West Soil Improvement com- Bronze Star and Purple Heart, in
former missionary to Pales
mittee gave the station $300 for re- addition to the Silver Star. He is tine and pastor of the Parkland
Donovan To Speak
search and study on the plant food the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Maxe- - Baptist church in Louisville, began
Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of needs of Kentucky soil and crops. I don of Lexington.
the University, will make the princi
pal address at the annual Boyle
county Beef Cattle Field day to be
held Saturday.
Among the other speakers of the
By Shirley Heister
day will be Dr. W. P. Garrigus, head
Question: Are yon in favor of
of the Animal Industry department
compulsory military training after
of the University, an outstanding
will be J. E. Willis, manager of
the war? Why?
authority on beef cattle.
j American Broadcasting,
WLAP, and Truman Morris, news
Blaine Guthrie, Com, freshman:
No, I
want to throw the
Two round table discussions will younger dont
To Discuss Problems
generation away that way.
be broadcast during the Institute,
Jane Blake, A AS, senior: Yes, as
one at 3:15 p.m. Monday from long
The University
radio station,
as it is a part of the school
studio A, station WLAP; and at 3:00 curriculum.
WBKY; the American Broadcasting
p.m. Tuesday Lexington's
company, and Lexington station
Pvt. Morton Or bach, AST: Yes,
Meeting of the Air, from studio A,
WLAP unite in presenting a Lisit would better American youth by
University station WBKY, broadcast improving
teners' Radio Institute, to be held
their education.
over station WLAP.
Is be- July 9 and 10 on the University
Noonday prayer meeting
Esther Price, Ag., senior: No, beThe Monday program, opening at cause it gives too much power to
ing held at 12:30 daily in Room 204 campus and at station WLAP in
10:00 aJn., in studio A, University
downtown Lexington.
of the Union.
Paul B. Mowrey II. B. Summers
the government
Radio Studio, top floor of McVey
program of talks, disA two-da- y
Will be
Baptist student vespers
Pvt. Roy Parkins, AST: Yes, be10 a.m.. This Thing
hall, includes:
held at 6:30 Wednesday on the cussions and explanations has been
cause it will show a fellow what
Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of Called Radio, by Robert B. White; bis country is trying to keep out of.
Union balcony followed by prayer planned by the presiding chairman,
meeting at Porter Memorial Baptist Elmer G. Sulzer, director of public the University; H. E. Wetzel, head 11 am. The Listener Looks at
Joe Comer Ross, A&S, freshman:
of the University Department of Radio, by Lolo Robinson; 12:15 pjn Yes, because It will give the boys
relations at the University.
church and bowling.
Visiting ABC officials will include Social Work; L. C. Brewer, director Dutch lunch in private dining room, the training they need to face the
YMCA-YWCwill meet at 6:15
Robert B. White, director of public of the University's
agricultural University Commons.
Tuesday on the Union balcony .
problems they'll find In later life.
The Monday afternoon session, to
will en- service, central division; Grace M. broadcasts, Mrs. Lolo Robinson, proDr. and Mrs. Donovan
Ann Read, A4S, Junior: Yes, it
tertain with a tea in honor of the Johnsen, director of women's and gram supervisor of station WBKY, be held In studio A, station WLAP will give the boys the discipline and
2 p.m., Broadcasting for Children, the independence they
students, faculty and staff of the children's programs; H. B. Summers, and Chloe Glfford, assistant in Unineed.
and the manager, public service division, and versity extension, will participate by Grace M. Johnsen; 3:15 pjn.,
College of Agriculture
Dick Beal, A AS, sophomore: No,
roundtable broadcast over WLAP
from the University staff.
School from 5 to 7 pjn. Paul B. Mowrey, director of
I think that all military training
WLAP personnel on the program
(Continued on Page Four)
Thursday at Maxwell place.
should be given in the high school.


Listeners9 Institute To Be Presented

Monday And Tuesday By Radio Group






Page Two






Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Dice Lowe
Busing Manager
pccy WA7TINS
Lexington Board of Commerce
ShirlT Meister. Adele Dcnman. Jimmy
Woods, Billie Fischer, Bill Spragens,
Helen DolT- - Beverly Brown. Floye Mul- BOBSORlPnOK rates
$ 50 On Quarter I1J0 On Tear linaux. Tommy Gilh.

""SSlS airSTT.








By Blllle

that everybody is aware
of the fact that we have an "enchanted cottage" here at UK. Well,
It really isnt a cottage; it's a room
We hope

the Carnegie Music Room In the
Union building. It's a fine place
for studying, hearing your favorite
compositions, or Just relaxing.
We went tnere the other day to
enjoy a few moments of peace, but
little did we know that it would
lead to bedlam. While listening to
some symphonic strains, we decided
that music Is here to stay, so the
natural thing to do would be to go

to the opera in Cincinnati.
Grabbing a friend and a bottle of
cologne for Junior's gas tank, we
AO (tenetf article
anm eohtmiM are to o eaaiMered Me eylatont
the wrfterf
tfceaueive, a ma 4o aot aeceuarUe recast the opmio
set out for Cincy. That Is, we had
rk rental.
to wait until the little man with
the big monkey wrench came to
fix Junior's starter, and then we
set out for Cincy. By that time it
was seven pjn. and the opera
started at a quarter after eight.
The trip was completely uneventful until we took a wrong turn and
.Br A dele Demnan.
almost dashed over a cliff Into the
1. Football:
No discussion of the engaged last Saturday.
Ohio river. Obviously, It's a bad
team nor the game could be menCoUe Hook, Was 'wearing 'Bob policy to drive In Kentucky with
tioned without naming Mildred Kretschmera pin just to polish It your eye on Ohio. And when crossFord, and Jaaetle Oakley
Heh! Hehl Are Dutch Campbell ing rivers make sure there's a
directors of the team's and Betty 'Barnes married?
social life.
4. New People: Xcn Shoes and
We wended our weary way into
The player who seems to make Betty Jo Harris have a good old
the best impression on the women time. Elisabeth Xee Wright and Cincy proper and then admitted to
is Bob Btoriri. Especially on the Dick Handler can really drive a each other that we didn't know
where the Zoo was. Not realizing
that a lot of people didnt know
on between the AST
The battle is
5. Entertainment directory: For
the opera was being given at
and the football men. It depends the best in good times try Jewell that Zoo, we saw nothing wrong In
on which kind of uniform has the roof dances, or a Sigma Chi sponsor- the
stopping the car in the middle of
most appeal as to who will please ed
Fountain Square (we had to stop
the girls.
6. New Prats: We hear that the
there because we passed a red light
2. Survey: The following; poll was SAEs plan to get started somecars were coming from all
taken from a group of expert fe- time within the next two years. The and the
directions) and asking two soldiers
male grill sitters:
Pi KA's are back on the campus
get to the Zoo. Evidently,
Most attractire AST, Louis to keep the old frat going. In the how to
we were trying to
Dinardo; most popular football old days they really had some good they thought for we received a
player. Rusty Granitz; best civilian, times, and these boys want to keep very them
peculiar reply. We ps
Stan Hecker; the ret who gets up the tradition.
three more red lights and then
7. Odds and the End: Margaret
around, Jack May; most attractive
stopped (while the light was green,
new boy, Tom Parry.
HoUyfield has a nice set up with
course) to ask directions from
goes where, AST's to Jewell Bats Bo wen and Leonard Manley. of
someone else. We asked a man,
hall, players to Patt halL
Tis rumored that the Sigma Chi's "Will you please tell us where the
3. News casts and marriages: may have a new house by fall. At
He gave us the once-ov- er
Johnny Jenkins is knocking him Last! T. Bell will be home. The and is?" stated. "No, wont." ! !
self out as usual; the object of his teachers in the dorms really fight
As no one would direct us, we
time is Nancy Taylor. for peace and quiet, but can they
attack this
had to follow our noses which
"Sassy" Saskra and Eli Becker were win?
wasn't very difficult, for you could
smell the Zoo from quite a dis
Hillel Has Picnic
tance. Somehow, we managed to
The Hillel youth group gave a get there and into our seats in time
picnic at Joyland Park Sunday, for the third act. Everything was
By Shirley Meister
after which they had a round table fine until we realized that they
the University and discussion on the four major Zion- weren't singing in English and that
Kentucky are having more effect ist groups. The discussion was led we didnt know Italian. So we deon the AST's than we imagined. It by Ruth Perlmutter and Pvt. Alex cided to watch the woman next to
seems that Pvta, Jay Tenser and Schwartz.
us and react in a like manner.
Joe Teserario are getting up early
every morning in order to listen to
Renfro Valley. In fact Pvt. Harry
Morgan has been sending in reII
quests asking them please not to
play his numbers until 6:30 because
he doesn't get up until then.
A dele Denman went to the library to take out two books on the
French and Italian press system.
She rushed out of the library with
them, gleefully thinking she would
get all her information for her assignment from them. The information was in the books allrlght, but
it was written in Italian and
We want to extend congratulations to Pvt. EU (Beck) Becker and
best wishes to "Sassy" Saslao it's
a pretty ring. Also "Happy Birthday" to Pvt. Irving Spar. Wow!
Pvt. Milton Honigman has made
quite a few discoveries about Kentucky; for instance, there are more
Kentuckians in Kentucky than anyII
thing else, the girls wear shoes, and

EO Madwom



Ww Ymh.


6, 1945

chocolate syrup Into vanilla shakes,
sliced nail polish into sandwiches
and had a tres gai time for almost
four hours. We gave extraordinary
service to the customers, too. We
When she sighed, we sighed. When chased one man for two blocks beshe sniffled with compassion, we cause
he had left his keys on the
did, too. And when she cried, so counter,
and we retrieved somedid we. But after awhile we noticed body's
child from under a parked
that she cried when everyone else car outside, on tne wnoie, we
was roaring with ' laughter. The
must have done pretty well, for
truth of the matter was that she three UK men downed fifteen black
had a very bad cold.
cherry ice cream cones, a Boy Scout
The return trip the following had three cokes, and only one per
afternoon was very Interesting. We son refused to drink a malted we
watched the motorists play games had brewed.
on VS. 25. The object of which
When we had insulted the last
seemed to be: how many cars can
you pass In a "no passing" zone. We customer, broken the last dish, and
tried to enter Into the fun, but we licked out the last ice cream concouldn't manage to overtake the tainer, we found that we had Just
car In front of us. Our friend tried enough time to run Into town for
to read the sticker on its windshield a stimulant. But when we reached
to see what college the driver went the desired destination an awful
to. When he forced the car before thing happened. While pushing past
him to stop, we discovered that people to get to a table, someone
mistook our friend for a waitress.
the sticker said "Sheriff."
And that was the last straw 1
When we hit Lexington, we went
Of course, there's a moral to this
to the bowling alley for a bite to
at We were mighty tired, but on tale. It Is: By all means, go to the
seeing that they were short df help, Carnegie Music Room. BUT when
we decided to give them a hand.
arouses hidden impulses,
(Pitching in behind the counter, we the music
dishes, squirted YIELD NOTI
washed and broke

The Salt Shaker

The Kentucky Kernel
Entered at tbc Port office

Friday, July




Of The Week








grass is green
blue on top.





Shaeffer fountain pen on campus
last week. If found please return to
Kernel business on ice.


rims. Reward.





Near You

LOST Brown billfold, on campus.
R. L. E. Reward. Peg

Dixie Dealer



a little







This week's Colonel of the Week is Bettye
Hunt, arts and sciences senior from Dallas,


Bettye was
of Alpha Delta Pi social
sorority and former rush chairman, the present editor
of The Kernel and past news editor.
In 1944 she received the ADPi junior award; is a
member of Theta Sigma Phi, and was chairman of
the victory center.
For these achievements the Cedar Village invites
Bettye to enjoy any two of its delicious meals.

PEGGT WATKINS, Chairman, Alpha Gamma Delta
JUNE BAKER, Independent


Lunch 11:45 to 1:30
Dinner 4:15-7:3- 0
Sunday Dinner 1 1 :45 - 2:00


� Dtj&i

Page Three


Friday, July 6, 1945


Miss Doris Rose Chrisman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Chris-ma- n,
and Robert Thomas Mount joy,
con of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Mountjoy,
all of Danville, were married Friday

afternoon at the First Christian
church in Danville, with the Rev.
Thomas R. Shrout officiating at
the double ring ceremony.
The bride graduated from the
University in 1944. The groom has
recently returned to the United
8tates after serving two years in
North Africa and Italy as a staff
sergeant in the Army Air Corps.
The couple will make their home
in Dayton, Ohio.

oopy Available


at Columbia University.
Capt. Shanklln graduated from
the University in 1942, where he
was a member of Kappa Alpha
social fraternity. He received his
from Turner field,
Albany, Ga., in February, 1944. He
has served in the European theater
of operations for the past 15 months,
and will return to the army of occupation in the near future.


The Rev. Richard Maloney

port of Transylvania are two of the
and the University of Oklahoma.
Robert G. Lunde of the history contributors to the series.
- department and Dr. F. G. Daven

The bride attended the Univerity, and received her degree from
Eastern State Teachers' College, at
Richmond. Before her marriage she
taught at the Forest Avenue school,
Mr. McNamara received his B.M.E.
in Engineering from the University.


Donovans Entertain


Miss Katherine Elizabeth Poor,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walker
Brown Poor, Danville, became the
bride of Capt. William Henry Gentry, United States Army, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James T. Gentry, Harrods-burat 8 o'clock Wednesday night
in the Centenary Methodist church
in Danville. Dr. Adolphus Gilliam
officiated, assisted by the Rev. W.
H. Poor, Winchester, cousin of the
The bride attended the University and was graduated from Centre
Captain Gentry also attended the
University. He has served overseas


Agriculture College
And Graduate School

Miss Georgia nna Young, daughter
of James O. Young, Providence, will
become the bride of Wayne Houston for 43 months.
Ridley, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 8.
Ridley, Dawson Springs.
The wedding will be solemnised
' Miss Annabel Gantlev. daughter
bride-elecSunday In the garden of the
of Mrs. John H. Oantley, Louis Clark Edits Books
Miss Young is a graduate of the ville and formerly of Washington, On Southern Travel
University and attended Christian Ky, and the late Mr. Oantley. be
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, head of the
college in Columbia, Ma She is a came the bride of Joseph Emmet
History, is editing
member of Delta Delta Delta soror- McNamara, son of the late Mr. and Department of
series of books on southern travel,
Ridley is aa alumnus of Mrs. Lawrence McNamara, George
ity. Mr.
Jointly by
Western State Teachers College in town, at 8 o'clock Saturday morn' which will be published
ing in Bt Bridge's church in LouU- - the University of Kentucky Press
Bowling Green.


President and Mrs. H. L. Dono
van will entertain students, faculty,
and staff members of the agricul
tural college and the graduate
school from 5 to 7 pjn. Thursday,
July 12, at tea at Maxwell place.
In the receiving line will be President and Mrs. Donovan, Dean and
Mrs. W. D. Funkhouser, Dean and
Mrs. Thomas P. Cooper, Mrs. Sarah
B. Holmes, Dean and Mrs. Leo M.
Chamberlain. Dean and Mrs. T. T.
Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.
Students from the College of Agriculture and the Graduate school
will assist in serving.


urday afternoon at the First Congregational church in Reno. Nevada.
Prior to her enlistment in the
WAC, the bride attended Centre
college in Danville and the University of Kentucky.
The couple will be at home in
Reno, where both are stationed at
the Reno Army Air Base.
Miss Mary Katherine McClana-ha- n,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Luther C. McClanahan, Dallas,
Texas, became the bride of Lieut.
William Donald Clark, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Willard D. Clark. Avalon,
Va, June 23 in the Associate Re-

form Presbyterian church in Louisville. The Rev. W. T. McElroy officiated at the ceremony.
The bride attended the Univer
sity and has been living in Louisville for 18 months.
Lieutenant Clark recently returned from three years' service in the

The engagement of Miss Ruth
Ann Earnest, Lexington, to Sgt
John Emory Miller, United States)
Army, was announced Sunday by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark L.
Earnest, Lexington. Sgt. Miller is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Miller,
Baltimore, Md.
Miss Earnest graduated from the
University where she was a member
of Alpha Delta Pi sorority.
is now employed by the University
of Maryland Medical School and is
residing in Baltimore.
Sergeant Miller is serving with
the Engineering Corps of the United
States Army in Germany.


Miss Harriett Hunt McWhorter
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc
Whorter. became the bride of Capt.
Shelby Shanklin Jr, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Shelby Shanklln Sr.. all of
Fort Myers, Fla., at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the McWhorter
residence in Seminole park. The
Rev. Thomas C. Smart, pastor of
the Presbyterian church officiated.
The bride graduated from Florida
State College for Women in 1944,
where she was a member of Phi Mu
social sorority. For the past year
she has been doing graduate work


Dc Boor
Opposite Stadium


U. of K. Day at Joyland
Come and Bring Your





Swim- -




More the Merrier

Friends-T- he






Drive In Service


CpL Madge Irvine, WAC, daughter of Mrs. George A. Irvine, and
Sgt. John C. Frank. AAF, Richmond
Hill. New York, were married Sat-














Get a party together and bring a picnic supper. Plan
to spend the whole evening.
Plenty of U. K. DAY Identification Tickets Available
For You and Your Friends at the Information Desk




Page Four

Staff Salary Inadequate


By Dick Law

The only major change In the
former football schedule is the
game with Alabama's Crimson Tide.
The game was to be played on Stoll
field but Coach Bernie Shively announced that the game will be
played at du Pont Manual stadium
in Louisville.
Three games, including the first
borne contest of the campaign
with the University of Cincinnati



will be played

night Other night tilts include the
season's opener with Ole Miss at
Memphis, Term, September 21 and
the return game with Cincinnati
t the Queen City October 27.
Four games are to be played in

Cheers For Johnstone
Baffles Japanese

(Continued from Page One)

Lowe-Dow- n
Baseball, track, golf, fencing, and
rifle matches will be added to the
present football, basketball, and
tennis schedule as activities when
the school resumes its full sports
program for the first time since
the war began. The best outlook
lies with the track team as track
talent seems to be plentiful. Tony
Dallas, Paducah, was high point
man at the high school track meet
that was held at Stoll field recently.
Hal Phillips, Louisville, was the
champion of Kentucky. These two fellows plus the
track talent of Bill Chambers and
Dutch Campbell will give the other
teams something to worry about.

Lexington, one game at Louisville,
one game at Cincinnati, and four
It finally happened.
other contests on foreign soil.
In the district Senior golf tourSoutheastern Conference engagements are carded with Mississippi, nament June 23 a player missed a
Georgia, Vanderbilt, Alabama, and
"Well, 111 be
." snorted his
Tennessee. The complete schedule
caddy. Then he announced in a
Memphia (night) loud voice:
Sept. 31 IClattaalppI
Sept. 3 Cincinnati
Lexington (night)
"I absolutely refuse to caddy for
any guy who plays golf like that."
Michigan Bute
Thereupon, he threw down the
Lexington player's golf bag and stalked off
Oct. IS Georgia
Oct. 30 Vanderbilt
NuhTille the green. The astonished golfer
Oct. 37 Cincinnati
Cincinnati (night) had to carry his clubs from there
on. The caddy master sent the
Not. 3 Alabama
Mot. 10 West Virginia
Morgan town. caddy borne.

it it


Friday, July 6, 1945

signed to go to the University of
One year leaves have been granted
to Prof. Marshall D. Ketchum of
the College of Commerce to teach
at the University of Chicago; to Dr.
E. Z. Palmer of the College of Commerce to take a research position at
the University of Wisconsin. Dr. C.
O. Latimer, professor of mathematics, will teach in the United
States Army Instruction Center at
Shrivenham, England, for a period
of from seven to twelve months.
Dr. Donovan said that salaries
which double and treble those the
University is allowed to pay are
paid to first-ra- te
educators in other

Professor Asher
Accepts Position

Fraternity Entertains
With Swimming Party

A rousing "Rah, Rah, Rah, Johnstone" from an isolated Marine
unit baffled the Japs somewhere in
the Pacific recently.
Marine First Lieut. William P.
Johnstone, Lexington, volunteered
to return to the rear for badly
needed ammunition, food and water
for the unit Returning from this
mission, he was greeted by a college cheer from his men. Across
the way, the Japanese stopped
shooting, apparently expecting a
Banzai attack, Marine style. The
Marines held on to drive the Japs
from the island.
The officer entered the service
in July, 1942, shortly after graduating from the University, where
he was a member of Alpha Gamma

Omeea chaDter at the University,
and Kappa chapter at Transylvania
college of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity entertained Saturday afternoon with a picnic and swimming
party at Boonesboro beach.
Those present were Polly Beatty,
Geneva Hall, Katheryn Hobgood,
Nita Jacobson, Joy Leathers, Jo Ann


E. J. Asher, associate professor of
psychology at the University, has accepted the position of associate
professor of psychology and head of
the psychology laboratory at Purdue
University. He and his family will
leave this week for Lafayette, Ind.,
where they will make their home.
Professor Asher has been associated with th eUniversity's psychology
department since the fall of 1928
and has been in charge of classification tests for University freshmen
and the state high school testing



Maloney, Dorothy Monson, Carolyn
Morse, Ann Scott Margaret Skinner, Elizabeth Allen Thomas, and
Virginia Thompson.

Bernard Able, Bob Carter, Murphy Combs, Arthur Digby, Bob
Duncan, Denny Haeger, Don Hall,
Homer Hall, Dave Newman, Tom
Phelps,. Earl Searcy, Howard Stephenson, Wilbur Tincher, Jr, Carl
Weber, Jr, John Williams, and Ellis



The Store With The All Glass Door

Lexington, Ky.

East Main Street
Phone 853

Not. 37 Marquette
Not. 34 Tennesaee


A full sports program will be resumed at the University with the
opening of the fall quarter, Coach
Shively announced.


Listeners' Radio
(Continued from Page One)
The Listener Looks at Radio. Participants: H. E. Wetzel, J. E. Willis,
L. C. Brewer, Grace Johnsen, and
one person to be selected from the
audience; 3:45 pm. Your Organization and the Radio Station, by Mr.
4:45 p.m. Tour of Station WLAP.
The Tuesday sessions, both of
which will be held in studio A,
station WBKT.
10 ajn.. Radio and Education, by
Chloe Gilford and J. B. S