xt7xwd3pwh59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwh59/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1924 yearbooks ukyrbk1924 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Volume Twenty-five of The Kentuckian text Volume Twenty-five of The Kentuckian 1924 1924 2012 true xt7xwd3pwh59 section xt7xwd3pwh59      iWrfrji HE purpose of a year-book, we feel, is to 'ouch the chord of memory and bring back 1 to us, in later years, remembrance of our dead lives. Such a book is in no sense news. It is a post-mortem of youthful ecstasy and juvenile folly; a reminder of lessons learned; and, more than all, a roll book of the names and faces we knew and came to love. The present book, we hope, may serve to complement the fading memory and echo again the sounds and sighs of one poignant year. There is more than a little sentiment in the thing, for:
'The hands we clasp in friendly grasp
Shall be forgotten never; The eyes that shone, though dimmed and gone.
Shall be with us forever. Fond memory our hearts will touch with gentle finger,
And o'er each well-loved name our lips will softly linger" c	-1 i-1 TK^ i-1 i-	a
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The year book of the Class of 1924 is dedicated to the memory of
who came to us in the full strength of his manhood and gave us ideals and standards worthy of the youth of Kentucky, the state of his adoption. The book of life he closed while serving his fellow man.          PRESIDENT FRANK L. McVEY Dean Boyd
AUL PRENTICE BOYD, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of the University, is one of the most prominent figures on the campus, and holds the distinction of also being one of the most prominent educators in the South. He was born on February 26, 1877, at Cameron, West Virginia, and was graduated from Oberlin College in 1898, and received his master's degree from Cornell in 1905, returning there in 1911 for a degree in philosophy.
Dean Boyd came to the University in 1912, as a professor of mathematics, and the following year he was made head of that department. In 1917, due to the resignation of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, a vacancy was left in this department and, upon recommendation, the board of trustees appointed Professor Boyd dean "pro tern." The following year the president of the University retired, and Dean Boyd was elected to the office until the board of trustees could elect President Barker's successor.
Dean Boyd acted as president until Dr. McVey came to the University in 1919, when he resumed his work as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Dean Boyd is not only prominent in the South, but is recognized all over the country, being listed in "Who's Who in America," "American Men of Science," and "Who is Who in After-War Education in America." This attests the prominence of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky.
  Dean Anderson
HERE are few men who, in the course of their life time, erect to themselves a monument that will live after them and forever keep their memory fresh in the minds of the old and young of the community. But Dean Frederick Paul Anderson, lovably styled "Little Paul" by his many admirers, has, through years of constant work and struggle, when everything was unfavorable, builded an institution on the campus of the University of Kentucky that will forever be an edifice to that genius who created it.
Dean Anderson's specialty is engineers, men who, when he is through with them, are able to go into the world, conquer the elements, bring comfort and service to each individual. Men who do this are styled great. How much greater must the maker of these successful men be? Reason this out and find for yourself the value of their maker to the world.
  Dean Cooper
EAN THOMAS COOPER, head of the College of Agriculture at the University, was born at Pekin, 111., March 2, 1881, and in 1908 he was graduated from the University of Minnesota. In 1914 he was made director of the North Dakota Experiment Station, which position he held until he came to Kentucky, in January, 1918.
Since he was made Dean of the College of Agriculture, that college has arisen under his direction to one of the largest colleges on the campus, and the most useful and valuable aid to the farmers throughout the state of Kentucky.
Dean Cooper is a member of Acacia, Alpha Zeta, and Sigma Xi fraternities, and several organizations of national repute, among which are the American Farm Management Association and the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
    c. r. melcher Dean of Men
24  Senior Class
Sidney B. Neal
Mary Hanson Peterson Katherine Cleveland
Vice-President Secretary
Lowell Truitt
Mary Marshall McMeekin Mattie Hodges
Historian Prophet
Madison Cawein
C. M. C. Porter Forest P. Bell
Orator Crumbier
Elizabeth Ellis Elizabeth Snapp
Thomas Baird
Permanent Secretary
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Sam B. Adams, A.B....................Somerset, Ky.
Sam has had more fun than most folks in college because, although he takes life seriously, he takes classes more as a joke. Some would assert that Sam is a bashful boy, but we insist that he is a ladies* man, even if he isn't as noisy about it as some of the alleged big guns of the class.
Cornelius Anderson, A.B..................Lexington, Ky.
Varsity Football (3, 4); Athletic Council (4); Class Football (1, 2); Class Basketball Manager (2, 3); Class Baseball Manager (2); Rifle Team; "Mikado"; "Robin Hood"; Pre-Meclical Society; Alpha Chi Sigma.
Cornelius is a chemist, and we long ago gave up all hope of understanding the members of this profession. But Cornelius has not allowed structural formulas to keep him entirely out of college life. It has been one of his annual habits to sing in the chorus of the operas presented by- the glee clubs.
Valdon Cates Ashby, B.S. in Agr.............. . Slaughters, Ky.
Hoof and Horn Club; Alpha Zeta; First Lieutenant and Captain, R. O. T. C.
Someone has said that common sense is not a common thing. V. 0. did the practical thing when he chose farming as a study. If we may use the name of his town as an indication, he is specializing in pork packing, although the name may allude only to his attitude toward his books.
James D. Atkinson, LL.D., UN.:.............Stanton, Ky.
Quiet, reserved, dignified, Jimmie represents the adult section In this class. Three years and four summer sessions mark the time he has spent in getting his degree.
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Elijah Durham Armstrong, B.S. in Agr., ATE.......Parksville, Ky.
Freshman at Maryville College; Sophomore at Berea College; Agriculture Society; Hoof and Horn Club; Y. M. C. A.; Friendship Council.
"Tlie best augury of a man's success in his profession is that he thinks it the finest in the world."
Mary Lillard Adams, B.S. in H.E., IB 7..........Danville, Ky.
Philosophian Society; Y. W. C. A.; Home Economics Club; Woman's League; Vocational Guidance Committee; Y. W. C. A. Delegate to Blue Ridge, N. C.
Mary's part has not been words, but deeds, and she has made a brilliant scholastic record in the Home Economics Department.   Wonderful chance for somebody!
Gladys Clarine Booth, A.B., II A 6.............Carlisle, Ky.
"Robin Hood"; Y. W. C. A.; Woman's League; Woman's Athletic Association; English Club.
Like her sister, Gladys will be heard from come day. She's a student and they say "for knowledge she doth search."
Arthur Lemial Atchison, A.B., X 2 A ............Calhoun, Ky.
Delta Sigma Pi; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Delegate to Blue Ridge Conference; Patterson Literary Society; University Band (2, 3, 4); Assistant Business Manager "Martha."
Atchison has devoted his four years in college to the laudable work of helping Bart Peak put the Y. M. C. A. on the map. In addition to this he has taken time out to play in the band on all public occasions, and in spare moments pick up the other achievements you see listed to his credit.
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William Watts Blanton, A.B., Z A ............Richmond, Ky.
Lump and Cross; Freshman Football (1); Varsity Basketball (2); Assistant Football Manager (2) Class Basketball (3); Su-Ky Circle (1, 2, 3); "Kernel" Staff (1, 2, 3); Circulation Manager (1) Assistant Business Manager (2) ; Business Manager (3); Strollers (1, 2, 3); Business Manager (3) "Kentuckian" Staff (3).
Bill, unlike most handsome fellows, is also a hard worker. He earned his Su-Ky band like a man selling peanuts when he was a freshman. Later he helped lift the Strollers to a higher financial plane. Bill must have been pretty good, for he skipped a class somewhere along the line and graduated a year ahead of his time, without the professors ever finding it out.
Marshall Barnes, LL.B., (p K T........... . Beaver Dam, Ky.
Lamp and Cross; Mystic Thirteen; Student Council, President (4); Class President (3); Y. M. C. A. President (4); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (3); Blue Ridge Representative (3); Class Baseball (1, 2, 3); Class Basketball (1, 2, 4); Varsity Basketball (3); Henry Clay Law Society.
Marshall was the political boss of the Law College. They called him "Timmie." "Timmie" and Tammany Hall had but one thought in common:   To control.
Thomas Gardner'Bayless, A.B. in Commerce, 2 A E
Los Angeles, Cal.
Lamp and Cross; Mystic Thirteen; Strollers; Student Council (3); Delegate Mid-West Student Conference, 1923; "Kernel" Staff (3); "Meow" Staff (4); President Pan-Hellenic (4); Class Football (1), Captain (2); Varsity Squad (3, 4); Class Basketball (1), Captain (2, 3), Champs (4); Class Baseball
(2) ; Assistant Director Operas (2, 3, 4); Assistant Director Strollers (4).
Behold in this man a youth of many interests and abilities. Gardner is an athlete of note and a writer of ability. In his "Squirrel Food" column in the "Kernel" he has always given us the latest Jokes he could find in the "Literary Digest" and other humorous publications. Last summer he dramatized the song, "California, Here I Come," but in the fall he "came back, with, five new suits and a Cadillac."
John Edward Byers, B.S. in M.E., 2' A E..........Leitchfield, Ky.
Business Manager "Kentuckian" (4); Assistant Manager Football  (3); Assistant Manager Track
(3) ; F. Paul Anderson Engineering Society; A. I. E. E.; A. A. E.; A. S. M. E.; Keys; Scabbard and Blade; Lieut. R. O. T. C. (3), Captain (4); Tau Beta Kake; Masonic Club.
Eddie's suppressed desire is to be a poet, or maybe an artist. While on the campus he has been just about the busiest man In the class. He has gone out for more things and gotten less credit for It than anyone we know. Y'et he has had his fun. He got a "wonderful rush" at the Winchester Country Club's Leap Year dance.   Very good, Eddie,
L. R. Burroughs, B.S. in C.E...............Williamstown, Ky.
Burroughs is one of those ever, he is a gentleman.
"Civils," and knocks the profs for awful loops.    Despite this, how-
Arthur Frank Bentley, B.S. in C.E., A 2 0 .  .  ......Hawesville, Ky.
Class President (1); Freshman Football (1); Varsity Football Squad (2, 3); Mystic Thirteen; A. S. C. E.; President (4); Assistant Manager Baseball (3).
Arthur's life has been exceedingly dotted (sevens and elevens). The girls tell him they can't decide who is the second best looking man in the class. Arthur missed a dance in his senior year. He was in Buffalo.
John Carlton Brown, B.S., ATA..............Buffalo, Ky.
Varsity Football (1, 2); Class Baseball (1, 2); Dairy Judging Team (3); Agriculture Society; Hoof and Horn Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Friendship Council.
John comes from the good old county that produced Abraham Lincoln in 1809, and "Wild Bill" Skaggs in 1919. Both had spectacular but widely different careers, and John now has the choice of which to follow. We believe he will hit out on a course of his own that will do him credit, without worrying about the others.
Nugent M. Barnett, B.S. in M.E...............Lexington, Ky.
F. Paul Anderson Engineering Society; Class Baseball (2); A, S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; A. A. E.
"Nugget" has a disposition almost without a flaw. He has had strong traces of "Home Economic-itis" at different times.
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A. J. Broderick, B.S. in Agr..................Falmouth, Ky.
Joe was the tallest freshman in his class back in 1919. When the Colonel told them to form a line and count off according to size, Joe was number one. That is a good figure for Joe any time, for he is a number one sort of a fellow and ought to make a capital farmerif he can get the capital.
Sallie M. Brown, A.B............
"In thy face I see the map of honor, truth, and loyalty."
Warsaw, Ky.
Laura Isabel Bennett, A.B., K K T.............Richmond, Ky.
Mortar Board; I'i Si.^m;i Alpha; Woman's Administrative Council; Philosophian Society; History Club.
"Sis" is one of those girls whom the profs like to see enter a class room. She not only has wisdom, but plenty of personality, and we feel no qualms in prophesying that some day in the near future she will be written up with all the other celebrities in "Who's Who."
Forrest Pendleton Bell, LL.B................Hartford, Ky.
President Democratic Club; President Ohio County Club; President Dormitory Council; Henry Clay Law Society.
"Bolshevik" still looks for an argument, but it has been rumored that a certain young lady has consulted the sphinx and cast a spell upon him which will soon settle all questions for debate. The planso the story goesis that Forrest will then "lock-step" it back to the mountains and settle down to the practice of law.
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Thomas Baird, B.S. in Agr..................Anchorage, Ky.
Permanent Secretary Class ot '24; Agriculture Society (1. 2, 3, 4). Treasurer (3), President (4); Patterson Literary Society (2, 3), President (3); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (3); Vice-President and Advisory Board (4); National Dairy Judging Team (4); llafinesque Botany Club (2, 3, 4), Treasurer (3). Vice-President (4); Wrestling Team (3); Hoot and Horn Club Secretary (4); Alpha Zeta.
Thomas surprised us all, after four years of earnest work, by being one of the principal figures In the last and most famous meeting of the Senior Court. But then we need not have been surprised, because Senior Court was an organization to promote justice and Tom will always be found on the right side of such questions.
Bernice Bird, A.B., A Z.................Williamsburg, Ky.
Philosophian Literary Society; Stroller Eligible; Education Club; Woman's League; Y. W. C. A.; Athletic Association; Cumberland Echo.
Despite the fact that Bernice fell victim to Cupid's' wiles last fall and became Mrs. Browning, she finished her college education in a most commendable manner, and the best wishes of her classmates will follow her through life.
Bernice Booth, A.B., 77 A @ . ...............Carlisle, Ky.
Romance Language Club; W. A. A.; Woman's League; Y. W. C. A.
Bernice is sincere and true to her own beliefs, with a bright, original mind; a girl who will make things hum in this humdrum world of ours.
John Gregory Bruce, LL.B., 7 K T.............Pineville, Ky.
A.B. Transylvania, '21; Henry Clay Law Society; Masonic Club; Editor-in-Chief "Kentucky Law Journal" (3, 4); Phi Alpha Delta.
A good student, a hard worker, a regular fellow, and a natural leader of men, John will leave a wide gap to be filled when he goes from our midst. "Judge" has our permission to retain his title in the outer world any time he Is so disposed.
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David Brooks, B.S. in Agr.................. Parksville, Ky.
"Farmers are the foundation of civilization."
Florence Brewer.....................Lexington, Ky.
Some of us came to college to have a good time, others because it was "being done"; but this young lady came here for the unusual purpose of getting an education.
Isabel Bennett, A.B., K K T................Richmond, Ky.
Philosophian Literary Society; English Club; Y. W. C. a. Cabinet (4).
Isabel tried two other schools before she made a wise choice of U, of K. She has been an addition to the student body that we are glad to acknowledge.
Virgil Burns, A.B......................Eddyville, Ky.
Education Club.
Though not with us throughout the four years, Virgil this year became widely known as a friend and a fine figure of a man.
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Raymond Edward Clark, B.S. in M.E.............Hickman, Ky.
F. Paul Anderson Engineering Society: Vice-President A. A. E.; Radio Club; Fulton County Club' Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (3); A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.
It is no small accomplishment to work yourself through school and graduate in the College of Engineering, and we admire Ray's grit in doing it. He can't help making good, and we understand he has a life job all fixed up.
C. H. Cecil, B.S. in M.E..................Hazel Green, Ky.
Cecil is a wizard In almost any lineengineering, soldiering, or queening. He has been mighty popular during his four years here and his blond handsomeness will doubtless be keenly missed in certain quarters.
Katharine Cleveland, B.S. in C.E.............. Lexington, Ky.
Secretary Engineering Society (1, 2, 3, 4); Vice-President Class (3); Secretary Class (4); Mortar Board.
When a girl takes a man's course and does it better than the men, there isn't much left to write about her. She is a girl that the University of Kentucky will always be proud of, and we hope there will be more in future years like her.
Jefferson Davis Clark, Jr., B.S. in M.E.
Track. '15,  '10; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.
Lexington, Ky.
"Jert" came with the first in 1015, but he lasted a bit longer than the winter. "Jeff" made hi: letter in track in his first year.   She couldn't wait for him to graduatehe is already a benedict. 		IK		
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Robert Clem, A.B., 1 X...................Bedford, Ky.
Bob is the "Songbird of Sigma Chi." He has warbled in the quartet and over the radio for several years. Bob has also boosted the Y. M. C. A. very successfully by leading the singing at all the meetings.
Mary Elizabeth Crafton, A.B. in Educ, ASA.......Henderson, Ky.
Y. W. C A.; "Education Club; Philosophian Literary Society; Stroller Eligible; Woman's League.
M. E. was one of the "younger married set" her first two years, but her "spouse" was never a Barr to her popularity.
Virginia Corbin, B.S. in Home Ec, A A ..........Lexington, Ky.
Home Economics Club; Mistress of the Wardrobe for "Erminie"; Y. W. C. A.; Woman's Administrative Council.
A cheerful how-do-you-do, together with a ready smile, are characteristic of Virginia, and she has endeared herself to her fellow-students in such a way that she will not be soon forgotten.
Albert Benjamin Chandler, LL.B., 77 K A..........Corydon, Ky.
A.B. Transylvania College, 1921; Coach Girls' Basketball Team, '23; Class Basketball, '23 (Champs).
"Haa'vd." Introducing "Happy," who reversed his motors, took his basic law at the above-mentioned institution and polished it up with a couple of years at Kentucky. "Happy" was the class warbler.   His specialty was the midnight serenade. SENIOR
Frank Delbert Cox, B.S. in Agr...............Frankfort, Ky.
Hoof and Horn Club; Agriculture Society.
"The aim of an honest man's life is not the happiness which serves only himself, but the virtue which is useful to others."
Mrs. Amelia Leer Carruthers, A.B............. Lexington, Ky.
Y. W. C. A.; French Club; Education Club.
"She spake, and all her words were more or less Sounded in virtue  and  in gentleness."
Clayton Callahan, A.B....................Caney, Ky.
A young man who can produce an "A" any time he cares to. Like a walnut, it's hard to get under his shell, but a real man's friendship is the reward.
Harry H. Chidsey, A.B., AX...-..........East Haven, Conn.
Harry put off his college career a year or two longer than most fellows. Consequently, in his senior year he was able to sport a real mustache, which was an object of envy among his more adolescent classmates. 1 c
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James W. Cammack, Jr., LL.B., zl X
Varsity Football  (2, 3, 4).
Owen ton, Ky.
"Onward still he held his way,
'Till he came where the column of moonshine lay,
And saw beneath the surface dim." "But," quoth he, "what does it matter what I saw?
I came, I saw, i conquered.''
Gertrude Collins, A.B., A Z...............Mays Lick, Ky.
W. S. G. A.; Y. W. C. A.; Woman's League (1, 2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (3, 4); Women's Administrative Council (4); Education Club; Women's Executive Council (3, 4); Honor Roll.
Gertrude is one of that kind of girls who are so rare now-a-days. One whose conscientiousness and dependableness have always made her popular with both faculty and students.
Eleanor Ray Cammack, A.B., A E A.............Owenton, Ky.
History Club; Henry Clay Law Society; Y. W. C. A.
Quiet and observant and interesting always, Eleanor is a girl "whose natural insight can discern what others through experience learn."
H. D. Crider, A.B..................Marion, Ky.
"A wise man Can pluck a leaf, and find a lecture in *t."
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W. R. Champion, A.B....................Lexington, Ky.
"Aye, verily, the hairs of his head are numbered."
Rowena Coates, A.B., K K T.............. .  . Richmond, Ky.
Y. W. C. A.; Philosophian Literary Society, Secretary (4); History Club; English Club, Secretary (4).
Rowena is reliable, practical, and dignified, and when anything of importance was to be done Rowena always did it in her quiet way. She will make a good impression for her university wherever she goes.
Louella Cravens, B.S. in Home Ec................Livia, Ky.
"When I met you an hour ago, My heart was heavy and chill; Now from your word of praise It is glowing still."
For, verily, Louella is a comfort, both at work and at play, and we will miss her greatly.
Ernest H. Canon, A.B. in Education.............Murray, Ky.
History Club; Education Club; Y. M. C. A.
One of the first crop of graduates from the new College of Education, and a worthy instance of that department's products.
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Eula Davis, A.B...........'...........Monticello, Ky.
Georgetown College, '21, '22, '23; Honor Roll (2, 3); Y. W. C. A.; Lambda Omlcron Mu; Philo-sophian Literary Society; French Club.
"The soul occupied with great ideas best performs small duties." So it is with Eula"her goal lies on the farthest shore, and the best is yet to be."
Mary Katherine Daniel, A.B. in Educ............Augusta, Ky.
Marshall College, '20; Georgetown College, '22-'23; Philosophian Literary Society; Y. W. C. A.; French Club; Chorus of "Martha."
Mary Katherine has sung her way into the affections of the many friends she has made during her year's stay at the University of Kentucky, and if reports are true, she has long since sung her way into the heart of the owner of the life-size portrait on her dresser. We wish her much happiness in her operatic(?) career.
Favola Dundon, B.S. in Home Ec.................Paris, Ky.
"As calm and quiet as a summer Venetian night," and just about as pretty. "Vola" is just sweet, that is all there is to it, with a million other attributes which, of course, we can't enumerate.
Genevieve Dunavent, A.B. . . . .............Eminence, Ky.
W. S. G. A.; Woman's Administrative Council; Woman's Athletic Association; Romance Language Club; Woman's League; Y. M. C. A.
Genevieve, "so fair in southern sunlight bathed," we can just picture you in after years"in a love nest, cozy and warm, just a dove nest, down on the farm ..."
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Elbert De Coursey, B.S., T A A...............Hazard, Ky.
Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Su-Ky Saxophone Sextette; Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4), President (4); "Robin Hood"; "Mikado"; Cast of "Martha"; University of Kentucky Male Quartet (3, 4); Pre-Medical Society, President (I).
This is one of the far-famed, quartet which has warbled in chapel on several occasions, and also before the Lexington Rotary Club. What more can life hold for him? Nevertheless, life holds much more for "Doc" than music, and he is ready at all times to cast aside melody to secure harmony with her.
Polly Doolin, A.B., ASA................Morgantown, Ky.
For Polly of the laughing eyes and hair of auburn hue, We're going to wish a hearty wish we feel is surely due: When days are dark and lonely and the bluebird far away. We hope your Pollyanna smile will chase the blues away.
Sarah Dixon Davidson, A.B..................Fulton, Ky.
Philosophian Literary Society, Secretary (3); "Kernel" Staff (2, 3, 4), Associate Editor (4); "Weekly Bulletin" (2); University of Kentucky Press Association, Secretary (3), Chairman (4); Romance Language Club; English Club; "Kentuckian" Staff (4); Honor Roll; Theta Sigma Phi.
Dixon has been one of the mainstays of the "Kernel" for a year or so. Her editorial work has been marked by a brilliance that predicts bright things for her in the decades to come. She will be a special writer some day, or sit at a big desk.
R. R. Dinwiddie, A.B., 2 N.................Louisville, Ky.
Manager Baseball (4).
Robert Robin originally hailed from Mo'head, Miss, We notice from his present address that he lives in Louisville. We have an idea that some day he will move to Paris. Robin was known as an honest baseball manager, but in the games of chance he showed no mercy.
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Axel Robert Ernberg, A.B., 2 B E
Varsity Football Squad (4).
Berea, Ky.
Ernberg combines enough glad-hand qualities with a studious disposition to make a very successful man In business, which is what he has selected for his major study in life. Although he did not come to Kentucky until he was a junior, we believe he assimilated in two years the traits which we like to think of a Kentucky man possessing.
Eileen Bohan Fling, B.S. in Home Ec...........Lexington, Ky.
This young lady decided, perhaps through prejudice, that the best profession for a woman is practical home making. Hence, she has prepared for that. And, along the way, she has made a lot of friends.
Virginia Jesse Foreman, A.B..............Mt. Washington, Ky.
Horace Mann Literary Society; Classical Club, Treasurer (2, 3); Chairman Poster Committee; Y. W. C. A. Delegate to Blue Ridge (4); Athletic Association; English Club,
When Jennie goes, it will mean the passing of a goodly portion of the third floor back at Patterson Hall. She is always ready with a joke and a smile, even on blue Mondays. With her talents as a writer and an artist, Jennie will return as a famous alumna some day.
Edward Wright Fitch, B.S. in M.E., P A .........Lexington, Ky.
F. Paul Anderson Engineering Society; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Cadet Captain, R. O. T. C.; Men's Pan-Hellenic Council;  Rifle Team.
Ed Is one of the most casual men on the campus, and a good example of one who uses, his head instead of his limbs, for his progress in every line he essayed was noticeable. His taste in girls was of the best, as the beauty contest has twice recorded.
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Virginia Rose Duff, A.B., A Z..............Mt. Sterling, Ky.
W. S. G. A. (3, 4); Athletic Association; Woman's League; Y. W. C. A.; Pan-Hellenic Representative; Romance Language Club; Honor Roll.
Virginia is one of those who have studiously pursued their way through four years of distracting college life. However, she has devoted some of the time to activities and has made an excellent student in the Class of '24.
Josephine Ellison, A.B................Williamsburg, Ky.
Although Josephine would hide her talent under the bushel of her modesty, she is one of the satellites of the Class of '24, and we are very proud of the fact.
Elizabeth Ellis, A.B., A E A.................Sturgis, Ky.
Mortar Board; Theta Sigma Phi; Pan-Hellenic Council (3, 4); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Blue Ridge Delegate; W. S. G. A. Council (3); Women's Administrative Council (4); Giftorian, Senior Class.
Elizabeth's four years at college have been filled with tasks well done. What she accomplished was done by a moderate activity of an excellent amount of natural ability. The many tasks entrusted to her have been placed in capable hands, and the honors she received came as the slight but greatest tribute her classmates had to offer.
Katharine Crockett Elliott, A.B..............Lexington, Ky.
Philosophlan Literary Society; Tusitalia; English Club, Secretary (3); Y. W. C. A., Secretary (3), Blue Ridge Delegate (3); Women's Administrative Council; Cosmopolitan Club; President of Y. W, C. A. (3, 4); President of English Club (3, 4); Delegate to Student Volunteer Conference (3, 1).
Katharine is the local Katherine Mansfield, as well as the campus Sapho. She has done about everything one little girl could do to make a name for herself, and she has succeeded to a phenomenal degree.   To quote one of the profs, "She has a very brilliant mind."
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Elwood Farra, B.S. in E...................Lexington, Ky.
"Red" is mighty well liked by everyone, but the Civils swear by him. He has been a hard worker through all four years of his college life.
Zilpha Foster, B.S. in Home Ec...............Mayfield, Ky.
Zllpha, though quiet and rather reserved, is one whom we are always glad to meet, for she has a happy smile and a sunny disposition.
Esther Marie Fertig, B.S., 2 B Y.............Louisville, Ky.
Pre-Medical Club, Secretary (1), Vice-President (2, 3); Soccer Team (1, 2); Baseball (1, 2, 3); Y. W. C. A.; W. A. A., Secretary (2); Track, Chairman (3); W. S. G. A.; Woman's Administrative Council.
Esther is a good student, but like the rest of us she does believe in a little campustry, and she particularized to an alarming degree.   In fact, we can almost hear the wedding bells.
Holly W. Fluty, LL.B..................Winchester, Ky.
O Dignity, thy name Is Fluty! A product of Winchester and a disciple of Judge Shackleford. His greatest accomplishment is a dignity of bearing similar to that of "your honorable, the judge." 0	11 1	K	i                       i .	?
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Thomas G. Foster, A.B., 2 X...............Lexington, Ky.
For .some reason Tommy always reminded us of Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor, when we saw him out in his uniform. On most occasions, though, he appears like a Beau Brummel in civilian clothes, or rather campus togs, for few civilians would admit that the raiment a well-dressed college man wears could correctly be termed clothes.
Bernice G. Florence, A.B....................Paris, Ky.
Philnsophian Literary Society; English Club; Y. W. C. A.; Education Club.
"The great ideals and dreams of youth Are thick within  her mind; They are the seedlings of success, Which  everyone would And."
Lucy Gardner, A.B....................Winchester, Ky.
Lucy might well pose as an advertisement of the outdoor girl, for she loves everything pertaining to r.thlotics, and firmly adheres to the old adage that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Charles Victor Ginocchio, B.S. in M.E............Lexington, Ky.
Goethals Engineering Society; P. Paul Anderson Engineering Society; A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E., Vice-Chairman.
"Ginoeh" has one of the most desirable qualities we know. He can keep still in class. This is a virtue which is Its own reward, especially in Mechanical Hall.
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Edgar Albert Gans, A.B., 2 X...............Louisville, Ky.
Stroller Cast (1, 2, 3); Cadet Lieutenant-Colonel, '22; Scabbard and Blade; Mystic Thirteen; Lamp and Cress; Drum Major.
We have all seen Ed lead the band, down Stoll Field, like a German officer strutting1 through an Alsace village, but we noted that he kept his men well in hand, like a real leader. Ed started out to be an engineer, but we believe he preferred to have some girls in his classes, so he changed to Arts and Science