xt7xwd3pwc2b_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29.dao.xml unknown 0.3 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 46m29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Fayette County Library Project records African Americans -- Kentucky Bookmobiles. Libraries and community -- Kentucky -- Fayette County. Libraries -- Kentucky -- Fayette County Libraries -- Kentucky. Library extension. Public libraries -- Kentucky Final inventory results for Fayette County text Final inventory results for Fayette County 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29/Box_1/Folder_7/Multipage60.pdf circa 1939 1939 circa 1939 section false xt7xwd3pwc2b_7 xt7xwd3pwc2b EIHAL INV?TTGiY RESULTS

_ The suidon closing down of the library projectgnnd the lack
of adequate secretarial help during the last two weoka,made it
almost imposeiblo to collect outstanding books and make accurate
records. The following statistics,however.were compileas

31 books were lost or deotroyed because of fliseases in
borrowers' homes.

53 books belonging to the Fayette Library proper were un-
accounted for.

41 books Belonging to the Lexington 3ublic Library were lost.

Although the librarian regrets that those books were lost or
unaccounted for at the time of the library's closing,she does not
feel that the number is at all excessive in View of the Very large
oircnlation.the fact that it was the first time that many of our
patrons had usefi a public library, that registration was not at
firot considered feasible.nnd that the WPA personnel was in such a
continual state of flux and change that it wan almost imposnible to
keep proper records.

Books accessioned and classified finfl firepnred for circnhation:

Books given to the library,but not as yet prepared for
circulation: 559. v

An attempt to record our borrowera.by F HILY only.was made
in the syring.and at the time of closing.750 FAEILIES

had.been registered. This was not b an means th
total regiotratiou. y y e



.hen the project closed eugust 1.1939, the circulation firgures.
cold unc unimaginctive- showed that 44985 books and magazines had
been read during the time in which the library functioned. This
did not include circulation figures for the Girls' Division of
the Kentucky houses of Reform,where books had circulated for at
least four months.

The number,44985 does not give any real estimate of the
number of times each book was read by other members of the borrowa
ers' femilies. or how many times the books were cussed from farm-
house to fiarmhouse.¥e do know that a book which was checked once
for circulation records was often read by mnay people. The pack-
horse libraries were allowed to estimate this extra usage.but as
we were nominally a branch of the Lexington 3ublic Library,und as
the American Library Association does not alias such estimates to
show on circulation records,we did not make the estimate. I am sure
that the Egg; use of the books.therefore,sas many times greater
than the total circulation figure.

Bfi the 44985 books and magazines read in the eleven months.


15722, or 34$ of the whole circulation represents
magazines read by both adults and juveniles.

Adults read 9148 magazines;children read 6574.
Thus. $93 of the adult circulation was magazines

and only 253 of the juVenile circulation was mag-

mom BIBS. )



 23.8QG, ,or 503 of the whole circulation represents
fiction read by both adultc and juveniles.

FICTION : Adults read 853% books of ficticn,juvcnilee read
, 14,337.

Thus. 46? of the adult circulation was fiction,
and 543 of the juvenile circulation was fiction.

HISTOPY 79 fldult books of hict0?y were circulat353356 books of
juvenile hiatory¢ Enny cf tha fiction beaks for
children were actually historical fictionghoweVCr.

Notea The normal circulation figures for an American public library
usually show approximately 503 fiction.I believe that the
reading of fiction is very desirable and I do not want to
detract from the inferences inVOlved in the statement.3ut
I must point out that in the Juvenile classification many
books which were,ct first,counted as fiction,renlly were
probably better clnacified as non-fiction. The classificaticn
of books belonging to the Board of Education diflfcred from
that of books belonging tc the Fayette Library groper and tc
the Lexington Public Library in many instances.

Host nopular of all classes of books were those clansed
as Teatern cdventure.nnimals,neroplancs.

EnGAEIflES: Afififififiifiétélfi 28,000 magazines were given to the
library.§any of them came as the rcpgonse to an item in
"Jay Jay"'s column in the Lexington leader. Even today, four
months after that item anneared,l am still being offcred
additional magazines by persons who want tc hulg he'libraryb

Circulation figures did not include the 4751 which
the library gave the Easternstate flosyita1,the 988
magazines which we gave the Kentucky Houses of Reform.
and the 284 which we gave the County Infirmiryz’

We gave to the Rockeastle County Library 285 books
and a thousand religious magazines which were not of
the kind which could be used in this library;