xt7xwd3pwc2b_53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29.dao.xml unknown 0.3 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 46m29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Fayette County Library Project records African Americans -- Kentucky Bookmobiles. Libraries and community -- Kentucky -- Fayette County. Libraries -- Kentucky -- Fayette County Libraries -- Kentucky. Library extension. Public libraries -- Kentucky Newspaper clipping A Library on Wheels Brings the Riches of Literature to Rural Fayette text Newspaper clipping A Library on Wheels Brings the Riches of Literature to Rural Fayette 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29/Item_1/Page_22/Multipage213.pdf 1939 March 12 1939 1939 March 12 section false xt7xwd3pwc2b_53 xt7xwd3pwc2b  






”“rigntr’i' nar'cuy "’expett'éd"To“‘rent‘1t‘"

instantly, anyway. Did Torn tell you
what I have to get for it?”

“Oh, yes, he did, Edward,” said
Dorothy, “and we can pay that, can’t
we, Jack? We didn’t mean to pay
quite so much, but it is such a dear
little house we just simply have to
have it, don’t we, Jack?”

“It looks like the place we want,”
Jack Smith agreed, smiling fondly
on Dorothy. “Ill drop in and talk it
over with you, Ed—the lease and so

They hadto go then, Dorothy said,
because they had an engagement at
the Inn, and with many backward
looks at the cottage they got into
Jack Smith’s little runabout and
drove away.

Edward, as he went through the
cottage with Tom Belden,.felt an in-
explicable glow to which he was
not accustomed. It was not that he
was so satisfied with the cottage,
nor that he had so quickly rented it,
but—although he did not know it—
the brief contact with Dorothy Dale
had warmed him.

He had never known her well and
he had never bothered much with
girls but he was suddenly aware
that Dorothy was a lovely person,
and he felt that slight jealousy that
almost every young man feels when
someone very nice is pre-empted by
some other fellow.


That evening as Edward was going

>4:- naxtra c'x'Av w“ -— ”‘9'...va 7-.‘11 wave-go...»- .m.---. _

awful things. So I just told him I
could never, never marry him, and
he got so angry. I got out of his car
right here. And—oo—hoo!"

There were people coming up the
street, people bent on looking at the
cottages already erected in Tom
Belden’s Brightwood Acres, and it
was not seemly to have Dorothy
boo-hooing on the, doorsill. Edward
unlocked the door‘and opened it.

“Come inside,” he said. “People
will see you.”

Just how it happened Edward
never exactly knew. They went in-
side and he turned to close the door
and when he turned back Dorothy’s
head was against his shoulder and
she was sobbing there, leaning on
him. It was easier to retain his bal-
ance by putting one arm around her.
Her sobs lessened. She was lovely
even when she cried, and presently
her sobs died away and she rested
there in his arms a minute, and then
looked up at him with a pitiful
sweet smile.

“You’re so good, Ed-ward," she
said. “I don’t know why you are so
good to me.”

That was the first time she use
that caressing “Ed-ward,” clinging
to the last syllable of it, and it
thrilled Edward. ,

“I couldn’t help~no one could
help being good to you, Dorothy,”
he said earnestly. “You’re so pretty



at 8:15

441 West Second
Prices $3. 56, $2. 36,

to you.



Friday Evening, March 3]

Tickets NOW on sale at
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Matinees Wednesday and Satu1day 2: 30 — Best Seats $1. 25

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.1" \, Ix. \.’~‘~

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“Yes, but wait, Ed- ward " pleaded
Dorothy. “I can’t get out unless
somebody gives bail I have to have
a thousand dollars bail.”

“Good heavens, honey!” gasped
Edward. “But I haven’t got a thou-
sand. dollars.”

“I know, Ed-ward,” said Dorothy
even more meekly, “but you don’t

in money. Mr. Gifting says any real
estate will do, so if you just bring
the deed for our dear little house
you can get me right out, Ed-ward.
You will, won’t you, Edward? Be-
cause you don’t want the girl you
are going to marry to be in jail, do
you, Edward?”

"‘I certainly do not,” said Edward
grimly, “but what are you in jail

“Why, it’s scandal—mo, libel. That’s
it, Ed-ward—libel. I wrote a letter
and I guess it made Jack Smith just
awfully mad, so he’s suing me for
libel, Ed-ward. For $10,000, Ed-

“Good heavens!” exclaimed Ed-
ward again, and he hung up.

He got his deed out of the safe
and hurried downtown to the jail.
EDorot‘ny was not actually in jail; she

'was in the courtroom, sitting in a

chair near the corridor that led to
the jail, with an officer in another
chair and Lawyer Giffing in an-
other, ‘

When Edward appeared Lawyer
Giffing led him to the bail-clerk
and in a minute Dorothy was free
until her case should come Up. Law-
yer Giffing seemed to think that
nothing tremendously serious would
come of the matter.

“I’ll have to go into it,” he said,
“but you need not worry; this little
girl will never go to prison.”

“And, Ed-ward,” said Dorothy as
if all her troubles were now over,
“he’s only going to charge us 3200.
Isn’t that lovely?”

“Oh, yes; certainly—certainly,”
said Edward but without much en-

It was not until the next afternoon
that he heard from Dorothy again.
She called him at the office and her
voice had a triumphant ring.

“Edward,” she said, “I’ve just had
a conference with Mr. Giffing, and
he says he is sure I won’t have to
go to prison. And he says $10,000
fine and damages is just ridiculous,
Ed-ward. He says they always ask
for more than they expect to get.
Isn’t that grand, Ed-ward?”

“Oh, yes—yes, indeed,” said Ed-

“He says it can’t possibly be more
than $4,000,” Dorothy went on. “And
we can manage that, Ed-ward, be-
cause Mr. Giffing says the Savings
Bank will be glad to lend us 70 per
cent of the cost of our dear little
house, and 70 per cent of $0,000 is

“Oh!” said Edward,

“And that comes out perfectly
right,” said Dorothy happily, “be-
cause that will be the $4,000 I’ll have
to” pay, and the $200 to pay Mr. Gif-
fing. And you'll come up to see me
this evening, won’t you, Ed-ward
dear?” ’

“Er—no,” said Edward hoarsely.
“Not this evening. I——I don’t feel
very well. I feel sort of sick, Dor-
othy. Not this evening.”

The next morning, somewhat pale
and shaky, Edward went to the Sav-


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have to have a thousand dollars, not ’


“it’s the dear I
live in it.

ings Bank and Billy Stross,
cashier, was glad to lend him on
dear little house. He gave Edw.
a long application sheet to fill (
and that afternoon Edward 1
reading the sheet and filling in
blank places after the questions
it, now and then pausing to look r
of the window, his face long 2
his whole attitude one of reluctan
The phone on his desk rang.

“That pest!” Edward muttered l
fore he had time to think what
was saying.

“Ed-ward?” queried
voice. “Is that Ed-ward?”

“Yes, this is Edward,” he :
swered. “What is it, Dorothy?”

“Why, I’ve got the grandest ne
for you, Edward,” she said. “I me
I hope you won’t be awfully ang
Because you won’t have to mortge
your dear little house,
And yOu can get your deed bai
because I don’t have to be on b

“Good!” said Edward.

“Why, Mr. Gifting thought I oug
to write a letter of retraction to Ja
Smith, so I did, Ed-ward. Becai
there wasn’t a word of truth in wt
I wrote Margaret Miller.”

“Margaret Miller?”

“Yes; Jack Smith began to
with her when I—when we had 0
quarrel, and I didn’t think it W
right for her to get engaged to hi
and marry him, perhaps, unless s

Doroth .

“Good! Wt



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Ed-wa .


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 PAGE 23 ' ‘ SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1939


A Libra ry I On 3 3 r I tte


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Changing Times 'I The Rural‘St'oré—IQGone-g The Whittier And The Ckracer ”rarre

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H‘, .‘

If you go into the rural sections of Fayette county these
days,.you may come upon a trailer and an eager group of
youngsters and oldsters and a man or woman with an arm;
ful of books taken from the back of the car.

The trailer will be the vehicle of the Fayette county
circulating library, the man or woman the circulators, and
the crowd the-readers. . . ‘ _ 3

This traveling library for rural folk, established last
August, was the first of its kind in the United States. -Its
results have been amazing. In its-six months, it has distri-
buted 21,217 books and magazinesto country readers. The
periodic arrival of the trailer, or of one of the. cars which is -
used in lieu of a sufficient number of trailers, is eagerly
awaited at 10 centers or stations."

, The books come, in large part, from the Lexington pub-
lic library, which, after 144 years, thus extends its service
to rural residents. The books are loaded from the library
building, in the basement of: which branch headquarters is
located. ,

Other sources of books are the library of the Fayette
county board ofeducation and interested individuals and
eastern libraries. (Already, more than 1,100 books and
thousands of magazines have been donated to the branch.)

The county circulating library is supported by four
civic organizations, the public library, the Fayette Com-
munity Council, the county board of education and the
Works Progress Administration. _

A $14,000 project, it has given employment to 22 men
and women, who are pretty well convinced that they have
the most fascinating job in the world—that of bringing to

W ”I _ others the riches of literature. p ,

' ' . First of its kind, the library also established the first
Darkened W0 Negro library center in the county, the first service to
blind Negroes and shut-ins to whom books are read aloud,
and the first story-telling for groups of Negro children. In-
cidentally, the “baby” station in the library’s rounds is the
Kentucky Houses of Reform at Greendale, where both boys
and girls benefit as a result of it. ,

“Read—aloud” hours are conducted each Thursday at
the Durbin’s tabernacle branch on the Richmond pike. Boys’
reading clubs have been organized, andgchildren’s radio
story hours are conducted twice weekly. This month’s pro-
gram includes original stories based on authentic incidents
in the lives of famous Kentucky pioneers. ’ ,

“People have walked two er three miles from their
homes to the centers to get books or to listen to stories.
Even bus drivers on routes to centers have become patrons,”
Mrs. Hammond Dugan, supervising librarian of the county
project, said in describing the enthusiasm with which she
and herassociates have been received. “Many county people
have been so out of touch with public library books since
they left school they did not realize the thousands of good
books which have been written. in more recent years.”

A supervisory body of women, known as the “friends of
the Fayette library,” acts in an advisory capacity for the
project. Mrs. Preston Johnston is chairman of the group.

Other co-operating agencies include the county agent’s
office, Fayette county Homemakers, county P. T. A. units

and 4-H clubs. . ‘ ”Alice,” Or ’MOWin" All Grist For Their Mill

By Frederick Jackson

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The Photographer






