xt7xwd3pwc2b_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29.dao.xml unknown 0.3 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 46m29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Fayette County Library Project records African Americans -- Kentucky Bookmobiles. Libraries and community -- Kentucky -- Fayette County. Libraries -- Kentucky -- Fayette County Libraries -- Kentucky. Library extension. Public libraries -- Kentucky Recommendations for the Future Operation of a Library in Fayette County text Recommendations for the Future Operation of a Library in Fayette County 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29/Box_1/Folder_10/Multipage92.pdf circa 1939 1939 circa 1939 section false xt7xwd3pwc2b_10 xt7xwd3pwc2b Eflfl” T OH J? A


With a. circulation as large as that of the first yoardt now seoms
Very necessary that a more complete registratlcn of borrowers
be enforced.

The library has growa to Such on extent fihct the librarian should
cc enabled to make a dictionary catalog of the collectiongand
fio continue the bibliografihiccl work as to the resources of
'ho childrcu‘c room at the Lexington Public Library. This
latter enterprise was; of opecicl help to the claccrocm teachers
in foe elementary schools.

If the Works Progress Administration Wishes to cootlnue the pro-»
jeot.thc aponsora wcmlfi do well to obtain from them acme
cxprosoion of opinion as the fiho permanency of tho-project.
It is hard on the coonsoro.hard on the libra“ian,&nd very
hard on tho pfiblio if a project such as a library is not
a coctinuous service. The librarian,who culistc the interest _
and tho supyort of the communitygfinds fihat sudden disconinuanoe
of the project disappoints and octagocizoc the publio,and
therefore hinders cooperation in the future.

The librarian should be supplied with mileage allowance, or given
additional calary to cover such costs. ~

It 1c in the interests of the sponsors and the community thafi a
trained librarian be cmyloyedgfiota Enclace She can fio better
"long—distance” planning fo? library sorvice development and
becauoo,in a TPA project, the certified workers are so

unqualified for library'work.

Baring the orojcct'c fixictcaco there was lack of nocoosamy provision
made for such itomc as tolcghono,offico equipment.book centers.
cufiolios and.typowritero.

If the orcject is renewed come provision be mado whereby tho librarian
is not held financially responsible for lost WPA books. A
competent librarian is naturally very strict about such ro-
cordcgbut her untrained poroonnol.a1ways changing.and the
fact that the patrona are not used to public library service,
would cake it almost humanly impossible not to lose some books.
While oho govcrnment-owned books did not circulate on this
project, it would be well to plan for such.a situation.

suggestions are made in no spirit of criticism,but only in the
interest of a more realistic and workable project set up.The‘
library project broke new ground in public aervice,and it3*

findings Ought to be studied carefully.

1 3‘ ~.
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F?E mot available

Baring fihe summer monfihs;w¥en fihe achool lib? r588
fie ei+hnr ~h§1flren or? afluit a in fifie county, there i8 an especially
aouten L,;af 3‘00; fur counLj readers. Although ca inty ;Jeogle

3,re Pswociallj‘busy flaring the summer we ntha,and alfihaugh even the
the chilaren vigrk in he “Halus in many irs* noes.we have féund that

beoka are wanted "ad
9 grind of fihe yam

needed a+ that time as much as a any other