xt7xsj19pv76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pv76/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1955-10-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 10, 1955 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 10, 1955 1955 1955-10-10 2020 true xt7xsj19pv76 section xt7xsj19pv76 n-» .__._.i..‘ - 4

Minutes of the University Faculty, October 10, 1955

The UniVersity Faculty held its regular meeting at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
(mtober 10. 1955. in the Assembly Room 0f Lafferty Hall, President Donovan

presiding. Members absent were Stal y F. Adams, Beinkley Barnett, W. P.
CarriEUS, W. A. Heinz, A. D. Kirwan, A. B. McEwen, Helen Reed‘, w, A, Seay,
E.«L Stahr*, Jr., w. G. SurVPnt*, and Lawrence Thompson’.

The minutes of August 3, 1955, were read and approved with the following

Amend Mech Engr l _ Mechanical Engineering Problems ——0 credit I, II, to

Mech Engr 1 — Mechanical Engineering Problems—~l credit, I, II

Professor Matthews, Chairman of the Elections Committee, presented the
report of that Committee for the 1955-56 academic year, which was approved by
the Faculty:

College of Arts and Sciences:

L ‘1 ”veggie-r34 _,.P_3l_i.l°_§9.9333:._3r51..£115_ ( 5 cacanc '1 e 5)
John Kuiper

A. E. Bigge

w. 8. Ward

Hill Shine

Arthur L. Cooke


figciglwitggygs (2 vacancies)
Jasper Shannon
W. A. Sutton, Jr

Biological Sciences (Q vacancies)
Ralph Weaver

C. E. Henrickson

J. W. Archdeacon


Physical Sciences (2 vacancies)
L. W. Cochran
W. K. Plucknett




College of

Agriculture and Home Economics

Agr culture ( 4 vacancies)








w. G.


H. Townsend

Home Economics — (1 vacancy)
Iris Clark

*Absence explained




. . Ef‘inm-







 Minutes of the University Faculty, October 10, 1955 1173

College of Engineering (3 Vacancies)
F. J° Cheek. Jr»
W. M. Carter
Brinkley Barnett

College of Law (1 VaCancy)

F. W. Whiteside, Jr.

College of Education (2 Vacancies)


A. D, Albright
Helen Reed

College of Commerce (1 VaCancy)
W. E. Beals

College of Pharmacy (1 VeCn 0y)
C. T. Lesshafft

W. Le Matthews, Jre
Chairmana Elections Committee



The Chairman of the Faculty congratulated those members who had been
elected for the next three years and welcomed them to the Faculty. Attenm
tion was called to the leave of absence of Ernest M. Spokes and the Chaira
man was asked to appoint another member of the Engineering Faculty to serve
in Professor Spokes” place during his absencee

Dean Martin, Chairman of the Committee on Student Organizations, read
a request from that Committee for reactiVetion of Sigma Delta Chi which was
approved by the Faculty. Dean Martin was requested by the Chairman to
notify that organization of the action of the Faculty.

The Faculty Committee on Student Organizations met on Monday,
October 3 to conSider a request from nineteen students and three faculty
members cf the School of Journalism for permission to reactivate a
chapter of Sigma Delta.Chi, the professional Journalism fraternity.
on the campus of the University. This fraternity was active at the
University for a period of approximately twenty years preceding World
War II and beCeme inactive beCause of financial problems during the waro



The committee has considered this request and has examined the
pHIPOSes and constitution of this organizations Because of the high
Purposes of this group, the fact that its constitution in no wise cone
tradicts any of the University's policies and rules, and because of
the fraternity's previous years of service to the University and its
students, the Committee on Student Organizations recommends that the
faculty approve this request for reactivation of Sigma Delta Chi.










1174 Minutes of the University Faculty, October 10, 1955

Chloe Gifford
Jane Haselden
R, D. Jacobs
JoyCe Lease

W. E. McCubbin
E. C. Speck

G. T. Webster

L. L. Martin, Chairman

Dean White presented a recommendation from the College of Arts and
Sciences that 38 Air Science students be permitted to be flown to Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base on the Afternoon of November 1 and be returned
November 2. This recommendation Was approved by the Faculty.

The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences recommends that
the following described group of students be authorized to be absent
from the campus, November 1 and 2;

Thirtyseight Air Science students to be flown to Wright=Patter-
son on the afternoon of November 1 and be returned November 2,

Dean Slone presented a recommendation from the College of Pharmacy
for a course change which was approved by the FaCulty.

Pharmacy 111a and b. Dispensing_Pharmacz
The application of principles and techniques of compounding of pre-
scriptionso These courses to be changed from lecture two hours.
laboratory six hours, credity four hours, to lecture three hours,
laboratory four hours, credity five hourso


Dean Spivey presented a recommendation from the Graduate Connoil for
approval of two thesis courses which was concurred in by the Facultya

Agricultural Economics 500nl,2,3. Thesis. (0)
Horticulture 500~l,2,3o Thesiso (O)

The Secretary of the Faculty was asked to read the resolutions on
the death of James Richard Johnsono The Faculty anproved the resolution
as read.

James Richard Johnson. Professor Emeritus of Applied Mechanica
University of Kentucky. passed away on September 14, 1955.

Professor Johnson was born at Louisa, Kentucky and was the
first candidate to receive a degree in Mechanical Engineering from
the University of Kentucky, having graduated in 1893. He served
his alma mater as instructor in mechaniCal engineering and mathe
ematics from 1900 to 1905. After following his profession else—
where. he returned to the University in 1919 as professor of applied
mechanics. In 1928 he was made head of the department. He was
placed on the change-of-work status in 1938. having reached the
age of seventy.


 Minutes of the University Faculty. October 10, 1955 1175

Although "Colonel Dick”, as he was affectionally known to those
who worked with him in the College of Engineering, has passed, his
a spirit will continue to live in the hearts and minds of those who
knew him, and his memory will always be cherished.





As a gentlemen of "the old school" and a teacher of unusual as
bility, he left an indelible imprint upon the history of the University
of Kentucky.

He was a man of strong mentality, definite convictions, courage





nd of heart, and a wonderful sense of humor,


ed His influence in the classroom on the hundreds of students
with whom he came in contact, will live in their hearts and be a source
of pride and pleasure down through the years.


sent Therefore, because of our high regard and respect for our friend
and colleague, be it resolved by this faculty a

ter- First: That we extend to his family our expression of sincere
sympathy and our feeling of loss in his passing.

3? Second; That a cepy of this resolution be sent to the family of
James Richard Johnson; also that a copy become a part of the minutes of
this meeting of the University Faculty.

Pea l C. S, Crouse

; Robert D. Hawkins
J, S. Horine, Chairman :
Committee on Resolutions
for >
1 The Facul ty adjournedo 7 /7" g I“ f,
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