xt7xsj19pq8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pq8k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1985 1985 1985-03-25 2020 true xt7xsj19pq8k section xt7xsj19pq8k —____________———————-——— .___________—___—_______
"‘1' “is *2! -.<\!‘="'fi~; Film 7: . .2 I! " ' ’ ' - . '—
2I». Saint‘s” a i'?‘.:' ”‘1 i , 3;. I» .
w . : O V \
Coach Joe B. Hall w: I , . Wildcats lose . _
- . - ‘3 y, to Redmen 1n . -
declares retirement - ~ , W R -
» , est egzon -. j. -.
l ‘ . ’
' F7 - is ‘ " ‘ . .. . B\ .\\I)\'I)l \is'i‘oitr .' z ' . C
after 13th season i w , '7‘" - - . : r -- .
f / ‘ i “m. «M, , j .. DENVER 'l he Wildcats dream i ‘ 4 I.
' By ANDY DUMS’I‘ORF —— , ./ ’ of adianciiig tithHl the road to hex '. . -' ‘ '
Sports Editor “When [accepted [his v z __ ’ k _ ' I, ington came to an abrupt halt here 3 N ' '
. . Fridii} night as the st John s Red» ’ ' ‘ - a 2'
.1 DENVER —~ St. John's knocked pOSINON 13 years 080, I I men toppledl K akin . i '
. Kentucky out Of the 47th running of ' ' Kcnliick} put its tit-st foot forward . ' .
’ i the NCAA basketball champiomhip knew I” my mlnd I . in the first halt hoping to stop the - ‘ ' ..
’ Friday night. but Joe B. Hall stole would not coach liedmen trmn .uiinncini. to the -‘ .
theshow—forthelasttime, - Nt';\:\ \test “(‘L’lttlliti Final yesterr ‘ ' -

The 56.year.o|d Cynthiana. Ky.. beyond my Middle :3 day against \orth t'aroliriavState. ' ‘
native. who started his college 505, ” , but a strong st John s surge late in . ' . ,
coaching career at Regis College Joe 8. Hall the first halt and early in the second ' ,' ‘ ‘ .
here in 1959, announced his retire- — hali‘prm‘t-dtatalloi'tliet'ats . » ‘
merit before about 250 members of St John's iidtaiiced to the Final ' ' ~
the media and Wildcat fans after the may be an unpleasant memory. Hall Four h} tit‘lt'iillllL’ \nrth ("ainlina . . ' .
teams' 86-70loss. left his mark on UK basketball while state yesterday till—tin . ',

Rumors had been circulating on his way to eluding the shadow of * Friday's game was not without
throughout the day — and over the Rupp. In 13 seasons. he has won . ‘ contrmersy with a little met' 11 ‘ ' '
past few years — that Hall would re- eight Southeastern Conference titles. . minutes left in the opening period ‘ f _
tire. and after dodging inquiries all gone to the Final Four three times - and the t'ats holding an iii-1.: lead, . '
season long. Hall ended his illus- finishing first (1978). second (1975i ‘ ‘ ' I‘K's second team Alla-\nierican '~ '
trious career during his post-game and third (19841. and won the Na» ' ‘ Kenny Walker flashed to the free- ' .
radioshow. tional Invitational Tournament in _ . throw line to receiie a pass from . -

“The satisfaction that I have expe~ 1976for good measure. . ‘ teammate Roger Harden 5t .lnhn's - - ‘
rienced makes it a little easier to His teams have averaged 23 wins “M ‘ I All:\lllt‘l‘l(‘tlll guard (‘hris Mullin ' i '
say that this is my last game as a season Along the way. however. ~ . slapped at the ball poking the Ho- , ' ‘
head basketball coach at the Univer- there has been the constant pressure t berta. (ia . native in the left ey e be- A ' v, '
sity of Kentucky." Hallsaid. of coaching a team that‘s always i- . j ' ‘ fore he had a chance to pass the ball ,

Hall. who has been at UK for the considered the team tobeat. c... «s - “ off -
last 20 years as assistant to the late And that pressure is considerable “-5 \ No foul was called. as Walker. ' ~ ~
Adolph RuPP and as head coach —- more than one can imagine. said ’i“ . . A- .. who at the [llllt' had tour of the Cats ~ »
since 1972. said he was disappointed St. John‘s coach Lou Carnesecca "mm"? is \ 1?. points. tell to the floor under the '
with the finish of last year's Final Saturday. after handing Hall his . . . . . . basket \th hlr Limb Mapped - '.
I-‘our team and deCided to stay on 100th and final loss at the UK helm Coach Joe B. Hall shouts at a referee during the Liv-Georgia game earlier lhlS year. Hall announced hh around me face Walker fined the .
for one more season. the night before_ retirement as head coach ofthe Vt ildcais Saturday morning after the St. John‘s game. game and (min i return until a “me

“I could see the papers when I But Hall said the pressure has 'M’r eight minutes left when the » .
bailed out - that I left the program been well worth it. “Absolutely. and have, I intend to have this time in Hall covered up the end result just WEEKS 50 a screening committee can “WW9“ “4“1 “it lht‘ It‘d" ‘0 three. ‘ .
in bad shape ~ and didn't want to there is so much personal satisfac- the years ahead." as often. The welfare of the team beappointed. 3349- «“1“ appear?” 1” “0 “liming
have that next year." Hall said Sat- tion from being in the life of a colle- The (‘ats finished with an 18-13 re- was his justification for stretching ”1 don‘t think “'9'” have any trou- "Wk *
urday morning before a group of giate atmosphere that it is an ideal cord this year and left Hall just the truth.hesaid. ble getting candidates." Singletary KCIHUC'K.‘ much JUt’ l’» Him- who
Kentucky sports writers. place to raise your children.“ he short of 300 victories at Kentucky ”1 wish I could have been more mm '\\e .lont lluit‘ an) “WU-1‘ l” “”“mmml h" "““mmem “lie" the '

So before the 1984-85 season said. with 297. coupled with 100 1055es. open with the members of the media reward or enemies to punish " game. mud that Walker's absence in .
started. Hall informed UK President “Iwouldn'ttradeitforanything.“ For the record. Hall finished his regarding this matter. but I did not Senior center Bret Bearup Mild 1h“ “N him “4N” ll" ”Hiding '

. Otis A. Singletary and Athletic Di- The decision to retire in his mid— coaching career with a 373454 re- want anything to distract the team Singletary visited the team in the factor nut put a tialiipel on Ken- ,
rector Cliff Hagan that this would be 50s wasn‘t one that just popped up cord.a70.5winning percentage. as it was working its way through lOCker F00!" Friday Night and 54“” [Wk-‘5”“’”“"”“”“” ”WWW ' ,
his final season. over the last few years. “Thirteen "This season has been a very re- some very tough times." A 1-4 start. “he WOUId give Kentucky the be“ "1 “"“l‘l” ' ‘4‘? mi“ Ken”) 5 ("’m' '

Hagan was surprised by Hall‘s an- years ago.“ Hall said. “I said I'd warding one in that the players have the slowest of any Kentucky team coach in the country. He said he ”it: out kiln-d us but it called for a '
nouncement. however. “Although we quit at 55. Icheatedabit. exceeded what was expected of ever.was Hall‘s main concern. wouldn‘t settle for anything but the change.” he will "ll “dh 3 NWT .
discussed it from time to time. I am "When I accepted this position 13 them." he said. "It has been excit- For now. however. finding a coach best ” game but \it' plaietl them about as
truly shocked." he said. "The ru- years ago. I knew in my mind I ing to watch this team develop and to fill his shoes is the Kentucky pro— How does Singletary propose to \‘t’llmut‘coultl - ‘
mors have been persistent over the would not coach beyond my middle it did turn out to be a satisfying year gram‘s main concern. and Hagan find the best? ”“L‘l‘le Shthllmfl it} junior Roger
last few years and even more pro- 505 I really haven‘t had the time to me." said that job won‘t be easy Sin- "We‘ll need a large body of water Harden five for fl\t‘ ill the first half. . .
nouncedthelast few weeks.“ during the past 13 years to spend Throughout the season. the retire- gletary will call a meeting of the L'K to see if he can walk acrms it." he and senior Tm) McKinley tour for _ i ‘

Although last year‘s Final Four with my family that I wanted to men! question p0pped up often. and Athletics Board within the next two 581d. m “H m A". NM ; ' .

. . o ’ . f
e l‘leS S ea S tom ht ‘ POW-SCI professors ' - -
.“"‘§* 1 .
a" o -'

h t ° 1 t th- , .... ‘ disagree over MX , . .

I' are: ' . ‘
()ll ear llllp an e lCS ., «w ‘b . . h' , . ._ . ,1 ,
Staffreports planted the Jarvik-7 mechanical dation lecture fund which was estab- 2‘ as argalnlng c 1p - 3' - I

heart in two other men — William J . lished in 1949 and is sponsored by . i . ‘. ~ ' ' ' .

Artificial heart implant surgeon Schroeder and Murray P. Haydon ~ the Blazer family of Ashland. Ky. . ’ o m- xnxcvs, MAIIl’RlN Clear weapons to America‘s arsenal. ' ‘ -
William C. DeVries will speak on at bouisville‘s Humana Heart Insti- The fund supports the Paul G, StaffWriter he said Each missile carries 10 to ' ‘ . '
“Artificial Heart Implants: The tutelnternational. Blazer lecture series. which accord- H warheads "This would dramati- . ' ‘
Ethical Considerations." tonight at DeVrios graduated cum laude ing to Dye. brings in speakers “who ~ The House faces important votes cally increase our offense "

3. from the University of Utah in 1966. had things of contemporary impor- l . this week on whether to approve _ ’ ' ‘ -

Nancy Dye. associate dean of the receiving a bachelor‘s degree in mo— tance to say" of interest to the Uni- . money for production of the contro The Sm-iets mum react poorly to j .-
College 0‘ ANS 5‘ Sciences said lecular and genetic blOIOSY- In 1970. versity and Lexington communities. \\ ‘ . : versial MX missile. and CK experts the MX at the bargaining table-Ya- ‘ .‘
DeVries' lecture. Wthh will be held he received the Wintrobe Award The t"ti-“CS 0f the speeches are not ‘ \ differ on how effective a "bargain- narelia said It depends on whether ' I
in the Seay Auditorium of the Agri- from Utah's department of medicine technical and are understandable to ing chip“ the weapon would be in the Sowets will think the .\1.\' is a ' ’ -
cultural Science Center at the cor- for "most outstanding graduating alarge numberofpeople. Dr. WILLIAMC DEVRIES the Geneva arms talks first-strike weapon and that the ' .
nor of Limestone and Cooper Drive. medical student.“ . . Former speakers in the series in- ' President Reagan has lobbied t‘nited suites is threatening their ‘ - '
willde with the implications artifi- Prior to coming to houisvdle‘s Hu- clude President Gerald Ford. Henry DeVries' lecture a series of panel heavily for the measure. which has land‘based missiles or whether they . .' '
cial heart implants have on the qual- maria .HOSPIW- DEVI'ICS was assis- Cabot Lodge. economist John K. discussions and workshops on the already passed the Senate. hoping it will become concerned enough by . . ~
ityofapatient‘slife. taint. director of the‘ Veteran's Ad- Galbraith. historians Roderick Nash ethical implications surrounding the will do likewise in the House. the t‘ S deployment of the 31X and

A native of Brooklyn. NY. 013- ministration Hospital Surgical and Richard C. Wade and Ralph new biomedical technology. In a press conference last week. seek negotiations to lower the num- ‘
\'ries came into the national lime- Intenswe Care Unit and co—director Bunche. 1950 winner of the Nobel In addition to the March 25 lec- Reagan called for passage of the berof the missiles -
light in 1982 when he performed the of Surgical Intensive Care Unit at PeacePrize. ture. DeVries will be the featured measure and a rekindling of the . .
first artificial heart implant on den- the University of Utah School of The Blazer Lecture Committee. Speaker at Law Day. April 8. spon- “tradition of bipartisan unity on na- Davis ,5 not optimistic about the '
tist Barney Clark at the University Medicine. both in Salt LakeCity. the faculty/student organization that sored by the UK Student Bar Asso- tional defense that brought the SOvi~ Geneva mu“ either The underlying . '
of l'tah. . DeVries is being brought to cam- chooses the speakers in the series. is ciation and the Student Government ets back to Geneva." differenceS between the Americans . '

Since that time. Devrios has im- pus through the Stuart Blazer Foun- planning in the weeks following Association. But a UK political science profes- and the 50.419!“ must be examined In '

50" ‘10“th whether ”‘9 MX WW” order to stop the arms race. he said
makeauseful bargainingtool. So far none of the talks in the past
r0 ups 0 serve ‘\ Ernest Yafiérel'a; associate pro have eased the race. they‘ve just set -
‘ v, fessor. of political science. said that limitshe added
/ historically. US. negotiators have _
‘\ not made significant use of a partic~ _u__
a taste Of Europe \ if ular bargaining-chip weapon during
arms talks. INSIDE
- ‘ However. Vincent Davis. director
Muszc, decor to add flavor to annual ., a UK-s patter..." Sch... 0. Dip... 7 _ . , __
. . ‘ - a!“ ‘ macy. offers a different point of “”h- M “f “w 3“;
International Cosmopolitan Pastry Cafe l : g : 4'“. as. w~ giggling mg; 33;; ."",""’ ”"" ”"
'3 .” ).‘\ . . ' ~.
By KIM onsmouo — will have an international flavor. j I” q! ‘ ‘ Vestggatg thle beginning of the arms control ."MhVZMMW‘h'iP
Reporter A portion of the music is being pro- . . ' \wv;é’c ‘3 "5' , . . ‘ ' ' .
grammed by Metro Voloshin. a . / v Thehbmted Stateshha;bu11t.ifneap- St. N ”w . ,,
If your mouth has been watering music graduate student. whowill be i \ - _'_ / r ' 0m With it: thflst his“?! with: ”an: _ «if
for fresh Eur-wean pastries. Aprils- performing 17th- and tstheentury l ‘ " them as ““13”"? tc 95 m h by M“ W 1.;
12 is your lucky week. The 12th an- music. Voloshin will use such imtru- . 0 Pas“ he 33' - . £80m 0'5 were PN‘ . m h fl _ i w
- - «- pared to sacrifice the weapom be .~ 3 . hm... r

nun] International Cosmopolitan merit: as the baroque flute. cornetto. \ / a the had othe f M .3, m u s;

Putty Cafe in 245 Student Center recorder and the viola da gamba. i “use y m r use or unit , » er»

anutistyyounweettooui. Voioshinnndouierminicinm willbe . . mom“ n hem um if C r. » ..

M m “k“ cherry ”my "fininmw'ufl'm' l kills tie mt iheelslnited States won't

ban. mach bars and echtrs are a Carolyn Mann. assistant foreign \ 9 h. .‘ to the Sov'ets t WEATHER

few of the pastries tint will be student adviser. said theCoomopoii- ' WV; ““Yfmmg‘ 8“ mks'm'.‘

saved. me delicacies. which will tan Club is a group of American and lip "M M's/mem I den or arms . vis . .. :

out about 81 each, are made by the international students who live 80- --—e ——————_————.——"—————-—-—— “lYnnnrella I l' :tod that the MX jj— 4%. «1wgfl‘m' 3‘

“mm 3“” “‘C‘m‘mui “I!“ M “m“ “k” m ”d” “of summons. between individual stu- increasing lipport and is establish- would prose-n problems for the bor- I“ s.- . ‘ ‘ ’3’ -

mum in Em "Sm. “36‘4““ m y duh and 8 ml [.m'ly‘ m m i a m t , h m m - . ’3: _ ‘. - . k a“; 5 _

Wenowlllbesold MM.- "8 8 .reputaion. One centre- uning process. . . mis *“g y .~

' "wtmthemtrycniewiiibe shtotoppmginatienstonceioin- sileismideudbymnytoben ~ ' , W“
1“” ”mi We“ "P 1" ‘"m““' "w “my sphtbetwemthemoruntnum diiise in the r m Eur ”fint-ntrike“ been or its -.~~ -- f -- ‘»
bloclottn unit noun-s will decor-ate Prov-am ore-mm monthly events ‘ "m a “’3 W m ,mnmmnmw‘m “'° tags "

tho ‘cnb. lute—unwind Mum.n Manitou- For-Myonntheevuumhld Sammy... mmmfigm‘m” nW mm» .

 2-KEWVKMM Muhlfil‘, 1“
Information on this calendar at events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities
_ . ., . ._ ; - . . Office. 293/294 Student Center, Unlvsrslu 9! Ken- _
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
on-campus sponsor, wlth editorial privilege allowed
tor the sake at clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar term must be tilled
out and returned to tho Student Activities Ottlco.
. Deadline: Forms will be med no leler then the Monday proceeding the publicuion dale.
. - ' . . - ~ . ‘ - . ' ‘ - 0 Movies: Richard Pryor-Live in Concert:
e Movies: Richard p or-Live m Concert; 0 Exhibitions. Exhibit by John Oehm/Prints, ° MOV'GS- Richard Pryor L'V9 '" COMO": . . .
$1.75 w/UKID- Worsham Trlreatre‘ 7:30 p.m. Drawings, & Paintings: Rasdall Gallery 5‘ ~75 W/UK'D: W°rth0m "190'": 790 Pm. ”fir/3"}? w°fih°':.lz‘:g"c°l‘ 232$? 10%
' ' . - - . : m t : :
0 Meetings: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Con- ° SP°"5‘ 5"er deadline for "‘"0- Tennis (D). Mathevovrs 31:995.”: m u
’ tormists': A Bible Study; 412 Rose St.; 7:00 l35$eaton Center: ‘00 p.m.; Ca|l7~3928 . ' ' .' . . _
, . 5 arts: Ent deadlin for Co-Rec Mixed 0 Meetings. UK Fencmg Club Meeting-Equtp
‘ p.m.;Call253-0329 D blp T. ' ‘ry e . . . ment provided: Alumni Gym: 7:30 p.m.; Call
0 Recitals: Guest Recital: Earl Thomas, Clar- °U es °""'s' '35 5“"0” Center. 4-00 p.m.,
inet (Eastern Ky. Faculty); Memorial Hall; 8:00 Call7-3928 277-9308 h .
pm: Call 74900 0 Movies: Richard Pryor-Live in Concert; Ct: SizzrsllsiEoUulfits's‘Clo‘lI:~3gggmomenl! Seaton
' Concerts: UK Percussion Ensemble: David $1.75w/UKID; Worsham Theatre;7:30p.m. , ’ '
‘ Davenport, Director: Center tor the Arts; 8:00 ° Meetings: Emergence Fem'WS' Womens
' ‘ p.m.; Call7-4900 Press Meeting; 111 Student Center: 5:30 p.m.;
, Call 254-2946 ,
0 Workshops: Workshop on Research Ac-
, counting conducted by Rita Carter; Rm. 15 Me-
, ‘ ‘ morialHall;10a.m.-l2p.m.:Call7-1851
- 0 Sports: Deadline for Squash Tourney Sign-
ups: 135 Seaton Ctr.; 4:00 p.m.; Call 7-3928
0 Movies: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: ' Movies: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: . M°Vi°5: Star Trek Ill: The Search ‘0' 590d“ ' ° Other: 'Romans: A Letter '0 Non-Conform-
$1.75 w/UKID; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m. Si .75 w/UKID; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. ”:75 W/UK'P: Worsham Th°°"°?.7530 p.m. ISlSi A Bible 5‘11in 4‘2 R059 Sl-i 710° 9""?
. Concerts: A Presentation of Music 8. 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Alabama (H); Shi- Concerts. Center Sundays SerieszAJazz Call253-0329 .
. ' .. I . |d° . /Pop Concert; Center for the Arts; 3:00 p.m.; 0 Workshops: Job Search Strategies
. Movement in the Ortt Tradition: Center for the V9 Y He . 1.00 p.m. h Bld . “.00
Arts;7:30 p.m.;CalI7-4929 0 Sports: UK Lacrosse vs. Miami at home; CNN-4929 _ . . Workshop; Free; 103A Mat ews g., .
0 Workshops: Hidden Job Market Workshop; C°9°d Soccer Field .. 9"“"5‘ Chamber MUSIC Socrety; Pa'd Ad‘ a.m. .
Free- 103A Mathews “(19: 2:00 p.m. . Sports: UK Rugby vs. Queen City at home; mission; Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7- 0 Concerts: UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble:
' I Rugby Pitch: 1:00 p.m. 4929 Skip Gray, Director; Center for the Arts: 8:00
I Sports: UK Baseball vs. Alabama (H): Shiv- p.m.; Call7-4900
ley Field: 1:30 p.m. 0 Movies: Star Trek ill: The Search for Spock:
0 Concerts: UK Chorale and Jazz Ensembte I 51.75 w/UKID; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.
Concert; Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Call 7-
0 Sports: UK Lacrosse vs. Louisville at home;
Caged Soccer Field: Call 7-3928
9 - Arts 8. Concerts } l d hl ' E t
_ , ‘ Movnes 1E lntramura on At etic ven s
l 3, 254, 28: Richard prycnuve in Concert; ”.75 w UKlD: Worsham Theatre; 3/25: UK Percussion Ensemble: David Davenport, Director: Center lor the Arts; 3/26: Entry damning for Ingro‘ Tennis (D). 135 Seaton gamer; 4:00 p.m., Call 7.
» 7:30pm. 82mp.m.:Coll7-49N 3928
3"29-4 l: Star Trek III: The Search lor Spock; $1.75 w UKID: Worsham Theatre; 3/29: A P'”'"'°'l°" 0' MUS“ ‘ Movement in the Ortt T'0dl'l°"? Center '°' 3/26: Entry deadline tor Co-Rec Mixed Doubles Tennis; 135 Seaton Center.
‘ 7:30 pm the Arts: 7:3) p.m.; Call 7-4929 4:00 p.m.; Call 7-3928
3/31: Center Sundays Series: A Jazz/Pop Concert: Center for the Arts; 3:00 3/26: Deadline for Squash Tourney Sign-ups; 135 Seaton Center; 4:00 pm;
, _ p.m.; Call 7-4929 Call 7-3928
' ' . 3/31: Chamber Music Society; Paid Admission: Center for the Arts; 81!) p.m.; 3/23: UK Squash Tournament: 5.0.0“ Center Squash Courts
. Call 74929 3/30: UK Baseball vs. Alabama: Shivley Field; 1:00 pm.
’ ' 3/31: UK Chorale and Jazz Ensemble 1 Concert: Center tor the Arts: 8:00 p.m.; 3/30: UK Lacrosse vs. Miami at Home; Caged Soccer Field
- ‘1 Coll7-4929 3/30: UK Rugby vs. Queen City at Home; Rugby Pitch, 1:00 pm.
‘ ’ 3/26—4/12: Exhibit by John Oohm/Prints, Drawings & Paintings; Rasdall Gal- 3/3]; UK Baseball vs.A|abarna: 9.;th Field; 1:30pm.
l.” 3/31: UK Lacrosse vs. Louisville at Home; Caged Soccer Field
. _‘ ‘ 3/25: Guest Recital: Earl Thomas, Clarinet (Eastern Ky. Faculty); Memorial ,
5 . Hall; 82m p.m.: Call 7.4900
. _ . 4/1: UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble: Skip Gray. Director; Center tor the Arts;
'_ 8:“) p.m.; Call 7-49w
‘ V ‘ h d
‘ > ' swan a . Looking A ea
- Meetings and Lectures " ven s
. . . . . 4/2: Entry deadlinelorlntramuralGolHD): 135 Seaton Center: 4:“) p.m.
‘ r 4 3/25 8. 4/1: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Contormrsts’: A Bible Study; 412 Rose 3/26: Workshop on Research Accounting (OndUC’Od bY “"0 Carter: "“~ '5 M" ‘/2: UK Women's Softball vs. Ky State at Home: Woodland Park Field; 4:00
' . - ' Si.;7:oop.m.;Cauzsa-oo29 morial Hall; 10a.m.-12p.m.;Call7-1851 w,“
' I . 3/26: Emergence Feminist Women's Press Meeting; 111 Student Center: 5:30 3/28: Alumni JobClub: Free: 103A Mathews Bldg: 5130 P~"‘- 4/3: Elllen Shade, Soprano; Free to Students: CFA Concert Hall; 8le) p.m.; Call
7‘ p.m.; Call 254-2946 3/29: Hidden Job Market Worshop: Free: 103A Mthews Bldg; 2:“) P-"‘~ 7.1373
328: UK Fencing Club Meeting-Equipment provided. Alumni Gym; 7:30 p.m.; 4”: JOB Search 5"0'09l“ Workshop; "9.; 'mA Mathews Bldg; llzmam. 4/3: UK Trombone Choir: Dale Warren, Director, Center tor the Arts; 8:00
' . (gun-1.9303 p.m.;Call7-4900

313E” P “es en a a e 9-
. e m e e . . ,
three teams In By ANDY DUMSTORF And as Mullin, who poured in 25 points against the canned both ends of a oneandone free throw situation , ‘ '
Sports Editor Wolfpack. rose to the occasion. so did St John‘s. to put St. John‘s on top again by fIiheve
' ° All that remained wa‘ for final in nute.‘ (l‘ the ‘
F1113] Four fleld DENVER — ‘niey‘ve tried everything to stop him — “'e 59450 “Cm captured the NCAA We“ ”S‘W' gametobeplayed b I x ’ , - I
but to no avail title for the Redmen and advanced them to the semifi- F h 2” I“ ll met the .
’ . _ nalstobe la edthis eekend in bexin ton or is ‘45 scoring average . U m “in “i‘ i '
Georgetown, St. JOhn S . Everybfoneéobox hind chasermozdmgl “Hm; Thief]? p y w g West Regional's Most Valuable Player Jaining him on I
‘ imagina e. me Be even ookT y ing 0 d ' Ahead by only one point at "‘9 half. 30'29- 5‘ JOhnb' the all-tournament team were teammate Walter Herr) ' '
t0 meetforfoul‘th ”me purpose 6.400%"; firm; from Br yn. NY" only to stormed out at the start of the second period and broke North Carolina State's (‘harles and Webb. and Kenliick} .
havethesttuation c ‘r e. . open a sixepoint lead, 39-33. when Mullin canned a jump- forward Kenny Walker _ ’
AP reports And yesterday the story was no different er from the snowy caps of Vail. ~ . ~
North Carolina State tried with four different players St John‘s will take on the Georgetown Hoyas a . ,, , l .

BIRMINGHAM. Ala. —~ Harold IPrfisley, Dwayne to stop St. John's Chris Mullin from preventing the ob- From there on out it was all St. John‘s N (‘ State team they have faced three times this season already . - . .
MIcClaIin 313d Harold Jensen put Villanova 1" control vious. was able to cut the lead back to one. 43-42. with Just [me Saturday at Rupp Arena ‘ , I . . . j
“.01 5“ pomts ”Ch early m the second half and .the State's Jim Valvona even put 5-7 Anthony “Spud" over 11 minutes left when Lorenzo Charles sank two , , I
Wildcats knocked off seventh-ranlted North Carolina “’be 0“ the All-American only to have Mullin take the free throws. St John's. Ill-3. will be appearing in the Finill l-‘our ' . ' ‘ ‘ '.
MyosteIrdaytoadvancetotlieEinaler. . . diminutive guard to the basket on two straight occa- for the first time since 1952. when the) housed in Kansas '- . . , i

In Winning the SWMS‘ Regional championship. sions. thelastoneending inathree point play. Mullin was able to answer like he had against Ken- in the NCAA championship game (ouch Lou (hi nesec» ‘- _
Vl'13"°V3~ 2340‘ became the second of three {318 ‘Chris Mullin is a joy to watch." said Valvano before tucky on Friday night with a 30-point performance —~ on ca has never been to the Final Four despite ii :TwHti I' ' ~ f
5815‘ Conference teams to reach the national semifi- the game. “He’ssounselfish.” the other end with a rebound lay in. hawever. and then career coaching record . ' ' .'
na 5. .

North Carolina cut the lead to one on two baskets I *‘m'—'—— _._.__.,.-._... ~~~ ~ 77~ —~ ~——- ». »- , _ . . ' . '
by Brad Daugherty. but Jensen hit three baskets in l . . ‘ . ' I~
the 15-18 foot range and Pressley added two buckets, ‘ » f . »
including a slam dunk off a steal that provided a 43- ‘ f -' :
33leadwit118213toplay. f , .

seven points the rest of the way. 210 Journalism ‘ I . . ,

AS a result of this weekend‘s regional finals. Satur- Building. University If ou're a musician WhO‘S SCFTOUS Th 7 ' ‘ ) ‘ ) ' , . , _ I t I.

. day's semifinal round of the Final Four in Rupp of Kentuck b0 Y rf . h . e Armyhas bands performing . Itsa genuine. right no“. imme . . .
Area" will pit Georgetown against St. John‘s and “L . y. Iut pe orming. you s ould take a in Japan. Hawaii. Europe and all diate opportunity. 1 '. I .I _
lanova against Memphis State. 35:2“?633 12(5):]. 323(26- nou: lookbat (36 éfrmy. across America. Compare it to your civilian offers. l . ' '7 . '

DALLAS ’ Guard Andre Turner scored four points is puhlished class d3); f40 rfrfy an s 0 er you IanI average h And Army hands offer you the Then IiIvnte: AIrrm ng‘t—(IWI'LIDIUCS. P.O.: . . _- .. . .
in the final 33 moms and All-American Keith Lee d . th de , . pe ormances a mont . n every— c ance to play With good mUSiCians Just Box (113. Clifton. TV] uOl‘). . I . . I f .
had 23 points Saturday to give No. 5 Memphis State a “""3 e “a "“C hing from concerts to parades. to qualify. you have to be able to sight- - . . , , '
63h? , NChAA . [Midwfifit f 383002;“ toakslkhtba" difinagtfiizgh‘iiner I Army bands also offer you a read music you've never seen before and M WD- . . ‘,

c mpions lp we cry over our -ra a oma i . ,, .r ~ . BE AII -
and the Tigers” first appearance in the Final Four session. ,I Fhance to travel demonstrate several other musical skills. m CAN BE- “ I ._
since 1973 , , 3 y ,- - . . - ‘ ,
bee hit a basket and canned four free throws in the l l ,1 ii" / ' on; . .~ ‘
final 90 seconds and Turner, the hero of Thursday i l. v k is. 1/ , d ' .' . '.
night‘s victory over Boston College. made a layup l I g “'3 I I,‘ _,_; ’ , ~ . ‘ ' . .
against the Sooner press then hit two free throws H ‘ ‘I , " 1 j '. Mi '~' “9' I , ‘ . ‘
with 235econds to go, _. I cu. “I % - . / . - I f/ ‘ ‘. 4- :. 4' . . I

Oklahoma. the nation‘s highest scoring team which .' +l " ‘ l 0 . “ ~ ”a, -~ :- . ‘~ 2' ’“ ,2‘m in, G G , .
was held to its lowest point total of the season. had 4 -. [I . . . . ‘ , / . k W ' o ‘
one last chance after Turner missed a free throw I noun A “$9“. a / , 1‘ ' L .’ ’ Ont ’ ‘ , .
with eight seconds to play. Anthony Bowie‘s 24-footer unwfi’fl‘lii‘L-a t},- . / , h ‘ ’, _ My“ I I, .' ‘ t I '
at the buzzer hit the back of the rim and bounced Medical Plaza-Suite 16 .. i1 . / ' ,"i‘ _ , g \ fl m u. . I .
aVNay. 2134 Nicholuvlllo “O“ J/ ’ i ‘ ," I '3 sa- ‘i l; . “ V \I ‘ ‘ .\"‘ . f ' ’19” E '

, . exlngton. Kentucky 4050: f » L/ 64 - -: p. /L 3 ¢ ,_ ‘ .. ' “\ / '/ , l I .

PROVIDENCE. RI. —— Sophomore Reggie Wil- MM" , / ’ .114? p ‘ - , \. .mns.‘ - ‘ . y I. _ .
liams hit four clutch-free throws as top-ranked tun-Classes rib .\ / I, 19/7}; ; If 9/ W. I ‘ ,A .. g, -, '- _ ~ I
Georgetown. with All-American Pat Ewing on the '0' JUMI "h, "' ’ :23” f .7 ‘ Ii ' \ if! ¢ \ ii ' " . v’l, , ' , .
bench much of the second half. hung on for a 60-54 EXOMIW'" } t ‘ 1’ ’ / / 7; . . 9 .I , i I. \\ 1'~ j . ‘ ', § ‘ .
victory over No, 6 Georgia Tech on Saturday and NW” . " .-,//’ / / , ‘\. t ‘ , [- ‘ 11 ' '

. . . . . 0 SPEEDREADING ”“1“ V . . . .
earned its third triptotheFinal Four infour years. Vidwdmm ‘ . '. / . i .4. . ,

The Hoyas‘ 16th straight victory gave them the cum“ WM" I .I ' 7 ~ ,1" , ‘ ' i ,, . / . ‘- “A , . »
East Regional championship and kept them on track "I, cmvmi”. :s-3 v ' or / \ , - K .-,. « l .
to become the first team to repeat as national cham- foryoul . ‘ z r , ,«J, u .
pions since UCLA in 1972 and 1973. Call Now! \ Q ' t r ‘

\ L 3. 1 .
RCCdlng RC'. i-v—uiv—TT—T—T—‘T—WT—WT——#TTT WW 4 . . 7 A T 7. FT N T T 7 T T . W 7 I i . .
Save ’ ‘I Comgrghgnglgn ' - .
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l An education in your chosen major. Ms. and other protessh Vmls . . , I ;
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Deadline Extension l that trainsyou to become an officer. a eader school year they re in cricct 3 '. _ - . '
and a manager. So it you think all scholarships lLl\I . , . . ' p -.
You take ROTC alonU with \‘Our ‘rovide you with l ‘ illcve lcvrcc look int i l " - ' 4 ~'
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application deadline to degree and a second lieutenants commis— for quite (III education ; ‘ ' , . _. ‘ ;
Fr'dayl Apr" 5' 19.5 sion. For more information. contact your Profes— l '. ' . III
for the Fall I985 incoming Best of all. you can put both of your ‘0'” 0‘ Wm“? f'gff'zz'ghhrslgage‘l’; 'h:h:e': ; I.
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undergraduate class. educations to \\ ork right a“ at. In today 5 year «holamhip board. will immi“ applicant. l .v - -
Coll 233-5100 for further modem behitech Armr- We “redeem?“- the a... week in AP'“- < ,- « .- -
in‘ormafion and OSSiSTOnce communications experts. computer Specml— ‘ , .
o I I I I .
TONIGHT ..._ ml .. . -.
The College of Arts and Scuence j“ he ‘. s as §§e ._._.. .g" ' ; ‘ .
The 1985 Blazer Lecture " ‘ ,2; s: n "5 t .-
' we it ,5» r r ~-~ .
Amricmstpfi'lii'i: on ' “r
O \. \ I
m: ETHICAL consiosnnous ’ r
. ¢ 7
Monday. March 25 8 pan. ¢
Sooy Agricultural Auditorium .
(col-nor of Limooiono and Coopor Drlvo) .
Froo and Opon to tho Public .
A h

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NowsEditov Editorial Editor v?“ as. “ssaos' 1‘ ‘ * 3 '
«.-:-: ,. .mgfissi.thrashing; ;:::::;:::;-3:s:;:::;::~.5 “\rstnhrw‘e "a": ' ‘J
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3&3“? §<° esteem. .. .— —- ..’
“as .- “is-it's six. '-'- .
ose o a S era § / c... .
. News, " , . ...’! '
gives state a chance S ‘
\M. _ ,'
a i 4 fl // v I. c I '
‘ . , ._. ' K . - /i" o
- _ “I . e . ‘I . / [’1
to keep perspective P. \ ”\
z ‘ :.\\\\ "1 ”:2",- \ ' J‘,\ ”'9“?
. ‘ It‘s the end ofan era. “ “A“; \“ ' ' ’ ' ‘~ Ni '.\ /
. Depending on your point of view, Friday was either a . -
. great day or a dark day for Wildcat basketball. A thlethS at the expense 0f education
. . When head coach Joe B. Hall announced his retirement
early Saturday morning, sports writers and sports watch- . . .
. ers all over the country got the news. After all, as noted I I r t d N
’ above, it‘s the end of an era. nlve Sl y nee S an 0 er 1m 0y ec ure
' And perhaps it‘s the beginning of a new one.
President Otis A. Singletary is reported to have prom- The full liaise that howled endear- ——-———————————
ised the team that he would find “the best in the eountr " mania! Mon-rd Nimoy on March 13 '
to take over the program 3’ in the Center for the Arm could have a James A. I want something on the record and I hope
» Amid all the basketball furor and fever, it would do well mfiififiéfihfiw ggidbgfifif; j; STOLL the PeOP