xt7xsj19pp7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pp7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1975 1975 1975-01-28 2020 true xt7xsj19pp7f section xt7xsj19pp7f Ily MINDY I“Iili.1illli\lllllll.Hlllt'l’illllt‘lll‘.\illllll\ \oui'ci-s i c\ l‘.llt'(l

Le Duc Tho criticizes Ford
for urging more military aid

.\'\l(.()\. South Vietnam .\l’
Vietnamese ci-asctiri- agreement \yith lli-ni'y \ Kissinger tyyo
ycaiSapo.charged thc l”oi‘dadlnnnstrution Monday \lith “giving .i
ncyi path to the “or." by urging .llllllllltlllll military illll tor lllt'
Saigon pox crnmi-nt

l.t‘ ltuc ’l‘ho \yho \lilllt'd the

in military action. (‘ommunist .ind uoyct‘nnii‘nt troops (Lulu-d
aloni,t thc (kinilioditin border 33 lllllt'\ mist ot anon The Saigon
command \il|(l ll \ortli \lt'lllilllll'\t‘ and \l\ iloil-rnnii-nt troops
\H't'l‘ killi-d. and t\\o UT lioinbi'rs \H'l't‘ shot iloyi n

Spinikini: on \orth \ll‘lllillllt‘st‘ tclcxision to mark thc second
tinniyi-rsary ot llll' .iccoril. 'l‘ho stud lllt' Lord ,idnnnlstr.‘ition “its
illlt‘lll[)lll);_{ to Illilllllllillt' lllt‘ \ii'tnanii'sc people through military
.ll(l to South Vietnam and by "st-titling illl‘t‘l'illl ('.ll'l'l(‘l‘\ and our
ships to the Ninth Vii-titanicso territorial nail-rs and putting l S
troop.» *xlillllttlt‘ll in llhlllit\\il on itll'l‘l "

Jimmy Carter visits Carroll

l-‘lt \\I\'l-‘()lt'l' .»\f’ l-‘oi‘mor (it'lH‘L’lil (ioy .limniy (‘artl-r
\ isiti-d (iov Julian (‘girroll today its part ot a national tour tor his
Democratic candidacy tor prcsidont

(‘an'oIL a ll(‘\‘\ povcrnor. and (‘artor talked privately for about if)
minutcs and ('artcr thcn ansyvi-rcd ncvysmi-n's questions for about
ll\'f‘ minutes iii-lore heading lor Louisville and Henderson

State Scn William Sullivan [1) llcndcrsont has (lying ('arti-r to
the Kentucky areas.

('artcr said he did not directly solicit the support of (‘arrolL llc
said (‘ai‘roll is pcrhaps the outstanding governor nationally in
relation to background and experience




The Kentucky Kernel ill Journalism Buildin ' ‘

. . ~ g, University at Kentuck ,
Lexington,-Kentucky, ‘05“. is mailed five times weekly during the school yeayr
except during holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, 40511.

Published by the Kernel Press, Inc. tounded in 1971. Begun as the Cadet in In"
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ms.

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