xt7xsj19pm9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pm9h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1936 Vol.8 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, October 1936 Vol.8 No.5 1936 1936 2019 true xt7xsj19pm9h section xt7xsj19pm9h ' 7 ,,., , " ‘ ' ‘ - gr“ '
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 Page TWO THE KENTUCKY PRESS October, 1936 O
. . KPA Mid-Winter Meeting
Court OF Appeals Interprets Publication Law To Be Held At Louisville |
i . January 21, 22, and 23
.1 L TO MEMBERS KENTUCKY the Court of Appeals sat with tions to budget funds and the total __ .
PRESS ASSOCIATION: Judge Rees and concurred in his expenditures to date therefrom The annual mid—winter meeting
Attorney Clifford E. Smith, of ruling, it leaves no room for any This would enable the public to of the Kentucky press association F0
, Frankfort, was asked by a commit— doubts as to whether or not Sec— ascertain whether or not the bud— will be held January 217 22, and 23’ th
tee of the Kentucky Press Associa— tions 1846 and 3747a—1, Kentucky get allowance was being exceeded, 1937, in the Brown Hotel, Louis— eh],
I. » tion to give his opinion upon the Statutes, are still in full force and but would not afford information ville, it was decided at a meeting mah.
" legality of the State Publicity Law effect and have not been repealed from which the legality of any par— of the executive committee held in if?“
7 and his opinion was printed and or modified by the 1934 County ticular claim could be determined. Louisville october 23. .r
' mailed to members of the associa— Budget Law. The statements required by sec— President J. L. Crawford, of Cor— my;
' tion on September 12th. I suggest that you have Judge tions 1846 and 3747a—1 of the Ken— bin, named Vance Armentrout, as '
A letter from Mr. Smith, dated Rees’ opinion printed and sent to tucky Statutes are wholly different Courier—Journal, Victor R. Port- er’ ,
October 6th, states that the Court all of the members of your Associa— from the quarterly statements 1‘3- man, Kentucky Press, J. P. Goz- 1311:1515“
Oi Appeals has passed upon the tion to be filed with or attached quired by the Budget Act. and serve cler. Campbellsvllle NewseJournal, ork
question and excerpts from Mr. to the opinion which I gave you in an entirely different purpose. They and Secretary J. C. Alcock, Dan- :1 le
‘ . Smith’s letter and the opinion of my letter of August 14th. The two , furniSh information from which ville, to arrange the program. The fig
. the Court of Appeals is printed opinions should remove any doubts members of the public can determine delegates to the meeting will regis- efe
. below for the benefit of members as to whether or not Sections 1846 the legality 01' illegality of pai‘iicu— ter on the evening 0f January 21 w l
: of the K. P. A.: and 3747a—1 are still in full force lar items. They are not in con— and will be asked to pay a regis— CO]
. Attorney Smith’s Letter and effect, and there should be no flict with the Budget Act, and were tration fee of $1.00. mt
_ Frankfort, Ky_, Oct, 6, 1936. , . , further trouble with county, dis— not repealed by it either expressly The KPA advertising committee, tht
. The Court of Appeals has passed trict or municipal ofiicials comp]y_ or by implication. Joe T. Lovett, Murray Ledger and w,
' upon the question and clearly held ing with the provisions of those .All members of the Court sat Times, chairman, met with the “Si
that the 1934 County Budget Act sections as their duty so to do is - With me on the hearing of this mo— executive committee on Friday at set
. did not repeal either Section 1846 clearly established. tion, and all concur in the View ternoon, October 23, and also met 1,,
or Section 37473-1, Kentucky Sta— Yours very truly, that the motion to dissolve the the following morning, those pres— E;
tutes. The Paducah newspapers in CIFFORD E. SMITH. injunction should be overruled. ent being Mr. Lovett, Robt. L. Kin— Du
its own name and as a resident and _ It is so ordered this October 3, caid, Middlesboro Daily News, Wes— Em.
taxpayer of McCracken County, RULING BY COURT OF APPEALS 1936. ‘ley Carter, Elizabethtow‘n Enter: gal
Kentucky, filed suit in the Mc— McCracken Circuit Court Wm. H. RES prise, and J. T. Wilson, Cynthiana res
Cracken Circuit Court against Paducah newspapers in its own Judge Of the Court Of Appeals Log Cabin. The advertising com- cat
Brady M. Stewart, County Judge name and as a resident and tax— 0f Kentucky. mittee considered plans to employ 'Ifh
_‘ of McCracken County, and R. E. L. payer of McCracken County, ___—___ an advertismg representative '50 ordei
. Moshell, Adam Tempe], Jr., and L. Kentucky, Plaintiff procure advertising for the country' page
G. Sears, Commissioners of Mc— VS. Edward B. Smith, about so, who daily and weekly newspapers from More
._ Cracken County, Kentucky, consti— Brady M. Stewart, County Judge for more than 30 years had been state manufacturers 01‘ from other mear
tuting the Fiscal Court of Mc— of McCracken County, and R. E. editor of the Richmond Panta— concerns seeking trade in Ke‘hiUCkY- study
Cracken County, and Christine L. Moshell, Adam Tempel, Jr, raphg, weekly Republican newspa— The committee expects to hOl-Cl an- ment
' Alliston, Treasurer of McCracken and L- (3- Sears, Commissioners per, died October 28 at his home other meeting .soon and complete ment
. County, to compel by mandatory of McCracken County, Kentucky, on Collins street. plans 0f organization, mg}:
, injunction the publication of the constituting the Fiscal Court of A native of New York, Mr. Smith readt
financial condition of McCracken McCracken County, Kentucky. moved in childhood to Ohio and as and
County for the fiscal year 1935-35 and Christine Alliston, Treasurer a youth went on to Rockcastle 0- J- JENNINGS BUYS ognit
as required by Section 1846 of the of McCracken County, county, Ky. He founded the Mt. MURRAY NEWSPAPER t
Kentucky statutes The McCracken Kentucky, Defendants Vernon Signal, published at. Mt. .— we
, Circuit Court granted the manda— —— Vernon, and also a newspaper at 0 J- Jennings DurChaSBd the tha
tory injunction and the defendents ORDER OVERRULING MOTION Livingston. Rockcastle county, West KenfiWkian, 8» weekly neWSDa- ma
entered a motion in the Court of T0 DISSOLVE INJUNCTION which. is now defunct. He pur— per, DUthh'Sd at Murray, at 3119' qua
Appeals to dissolve the injunction This case is before me on .. mo_ chased the Pantagraph in 1901 and tlon for $3.500 on Septembenlt Ad.
on the grounds that Sections 1846 tion to dissolve an in" a” . had been its editor since that time. The paper was owned and edited tivt
Junction . . , . - .
and 3747—1, Kentucky Statutes, granted by the MnCrack,.n Circuit Followmsr his graduation from by E- L- MCFarland: Who dled' Sty.
were repealed by Chapter 24 of the Court directin‘ t V V - '- Berea College, Mr. Smith studied three WEEKS before. Bei
g he members 01 the . . - .
Acts of the General Assembly of Fiscal Court and the Treasurer of law in Richmond and for one year Mr. «1611111th W35 OWIlel and_ ronag
1934, known as the Count Bud et . was a railway mail clerk before he EdltOT 0f the Murray Ledger until front
. . Y g McCracken to make prepare and ' ~ ‘ -
Act. Judge William H. Ree h nd— - - ’- ’ - entered the newspaper field. “me years ago When he bold 1‘ mg .
§ a furnish to the plaintifl’ for publi— . . . . . ’
ed down an order overruling the cation an itemized statement show— His only near surVivor is his Wife, to JOE T- LOVE“?- He was COH‘ fused
motion of the defendents to dis— ing the financial condition of M Mrs. Hattie Doty Smith. nected Wlth that paper thirty—tW0_ positi
. . . . A. c— -
solve said Injunction, and all of the Cracker, County for the fiscal year —— Years- MFS- Jenhmgs Operated the that
Judges of the Court of Appeals sat 1935—36, as required by section 1846 Albert W. Crumbaugh, assistant paper the last year he owned {L t? di
With Judge Rees on the hearing of of the Kentucky Statutes. editor of the Hickman Courier for She and. their two sons and the“ tiona
that motion and concurred in his Defendants seek to have the the last two years, has accepted a WW9? W111 be connected W131 the pages
I‘llll‘hg. mandatory injunction set aside on position as advertising representa— publication. Kirby. Jennmgs'. a critic
I enclose herewith a. copy of the the ground that sections 1846 and five and news writer for the Har— graduate 9f UniverSity Of Michigan pyrar
opinion handed down by Judge 3747a—1 were repealed by Chapter lan Daily Enterprise, Harlan, Ky. and domg graduate work there, his adopt
Rees and concurred in by all of the 24 of the Acts of 1934’ known as Crumbaugh is a graduate of East— been on_the staff 0f.the. DEW in .1“
other Judges of the Court of Ap— the Budget Act. Section 3 of the em Kentucky State Teachers 001— Times nine years. H15 Wife 15 2 plain
peals as hereinabove stated. It act provides that at the end of each lege, at Richmond. Mr. Crumbaugh Journalism student from the sam more
seems. to me that this is just as an three months’ period a statement is also receiving congratulations on 50.11001“ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jen— .An
efiective ruling of the Court of Ap— showing actual receipts to date his marriage, on September 26, to nings, Memphis, W111 be the other tismg
peals as could be procured in any frorn the Various budget sources Miss Harriette Tyler, Denver, Colo. members 0f the staff. . 0f I
other test suit and precludes the and a statement showing the total The ceremony took place at Fulton, .After November. Mr. Jennmii More
n'3?eSSity 0f filing any 0th‘3r test appropriations to budget funds the KY- Wm move the equipment mm hm inten
811113.. This opinion 811513211113 the total expenditures to date there— —-—’——— bmldmg’ recently vacated by the reade
opinion which I gave to the As— from, and the balance in the fund Announcement was received here Ledger and T1mes. the _]
50013151011 in my 18ttel‘ ‘60 you of shall be posted by the County that the Three States, a weekly ————- Yerhf
‘ August'14th, 1935, although it does Judge in a conspicuous place in the newspaper, publiShEd at Middles— Wesley E. Carter, editor, and 0.. Imp?!
not go intodetail as fully as I did courthouse, near the front door, boro, has started publication of a J. Richardson, advertising mana— £3?“
‘ in my opinion. for at least ten consecutive days. d311Y- AS 0111' information: stated ger, celebrated the removal of the s ms
The case above referred to having It was the purpose of the act to thatthe daily was to. be continued Elizabethtown Enterprise to their. peel.
been presented to the Court of A134 provide for a uniform system for “until after the electlon,” we can— neW, sumptuous, and modern build- Th
Deals on a motion of the defendants the administration of the fiscal af— “Qt state if the new change Will be ing With an ”0106111101156.” The new I
to dissolve the mandatory injunc_ fairs of counties, and to prevent the permanent 01' mt- change also marked the beginning cares;
tlon granted by the McCracken Cir— expenditure of sums in excess of ————— of Volume 11 for that growing. ers
‘ cuit Court, under the rules of the the funds set apart in the budget. Ben Franklin, printer, said that newspaper WhiCh is numbered. a ha]
Court of Appeals it was referred to Section 8 of the act merely pro— the disputing, contradicting, and among the best country weeklies- most
. one of the Judges and the opinion vides for the publication in the confuting people are generally un— in the state. We join with the De“ letter
handed down is not one that will manner there provided at the end fortunate in their affairs. They 1318 0f Hardin County in WiShing ing c
be published in the official reports, of each three months of a state— get victory sometimes, but they them prosperity and many more large
However, since all of the Judges of ; ment showing the total appropria— never get good—will. years of service plus.

; 1936 936 ., I
"fl October, 1 lHE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I:
. ,- (to—vrm i
fislvnifie B .ld. A Prize in o W kl N I EDITORIAL INFLUENCE I
, and 23 u' Ing W nlng ee y ewspa Per It has always been, and still is, I.
' ' By orrm R. TAYLOR ily” groups, of harmonious styles. print and regular tympan paper the behfi of The Ohio-Newspaper 1‘ 1 -
1‘ meetmg Archbold (Ohio) Buckeye For better appearing newspapers, will aid in materially improving that the. hlghESt- functlon oi the II I , ‘
:ssomation For years, we literally “slapped” choice of type faces leans more to press work. New rollers, free from presls ls l-ts~ help 1-D the making Of ‘ l '
,‘2’ and .23' the paper together, to get it in the light, instead 0f heavy black—face lint, and the use of a good grade of pubic 013mm? It-IS apparent, how— ‘ 3
.el, “W15" mails on time. Then by a study of letters. Bold, black type, seldom ink should improve the appearance ever, that‘fm varlous reasons many :
a ”and such trade journals as the Inland used, becomes more effective when of any newspaper. Iiewspape} have been diverted from
38 held m Printer and the American Printer, necessary in advertising composi— News print of various hat seiVice, to the mutual .105? Of ‘ t’
. . , ‘ _ ‘ . . grades the newspapers and the public they a,
. in whlch leading typographeis. such tion- AdVertlsementS look better can be obtained but the sli ht dd Th ~ . ‘
d’ of Cm" as J. L. Frazier of the Inland Print— in a simple border style, carefully difference in 'cést of h_gh 5: Iriess. he reasons ale no‘tihard I
rmentrout, er in special departments dis- displayed and with plenty of white rade rint th at] lg _ 9 nd‘ T By vaiy rim.“ lacn'of I I
R' Port- cussed and criticized newspapers, space. The 53160131011 Of a type- if new}; pagzefor éitgzlgfl-l 8i; 1th: gig: dgugfagf :lfiitglgklmgb’ftl'entues’ I; I
isagouigi front pages, and layouts, press face. best adapted to a certain ad— publisher is really interested in Imisconception of thlelaedaitdrliai/l 0A3 I F I
ock, Dan-Y work, symmetry of makeup}, type fgrtfgsfifigt’ produces most pleas— typflg'raphical appearance. Sup— Ithese are merely excuses. I I
ram. The styles, c01rect tan incolrec ‘se — g -_ ‘ . posmg‘ we buy a better grade of Colonel Frank Knox, publisher of I
~ .. . ting of advertisements, new Ideas These Ideas gladually lesolve print paper costing a cent a the Chica 0 New h ' t . ~2 I
dwarf? were absorbed. into better typographical WO'I‘k' pound more, than the regular ed the cognvictimsf tfiztjuifeviiplwesis‘e I
, a ,nationalized:its: mechanics,tragic tangerine“ “i. o “a: rip” 0i, ‘
, . , c . ., per su scri er e 1 oria gui ance as now, an tia !
zomniittee much 1‘00m_ for improvement neatly 56‘? 'heads, “1.3155 that 319 per year. A new head letter will the newspapers which do not meet I
, , I there was in our publication. baCREd “13, (”Its calefully made mean an expenditure of a small that need are not 'oin‘ to fall b ’
edge: and We started on the front page, type-high; particular spacing 0f sum of money and will last for the wayside Theg nevgvs a Aer 3f, I
with the using an all—cap head letter, all composition. Then rightful— a number of years Careful 1936 must be better thanp tabsS 0f I
Friday af— set the subheads by hand and 1y follows the arrangement of folding and mailing also add to 1935 and the onl wa to e I: II
’ also met gradually worked up a style of advertisements as mentioned I the appearance of the newspa— them better is to make ythem If r: II
“059 pr.” symmetrieal make — up. We previously, followed by the equal scriber responsive to the needs of the "oil I II
It' L.K1n- pushed all advertising from the distribution 0f news, since we careful workmanship munity in which they are, Vub: I I}
EIWSIEXIE: front page“, permanently, re— wish to better serve readers— It is not necessary to have a. lished. No newspapervis too slinall I III'
Cynthiana. gardless of Iconsequences, arid . otur realf custtfimerst—bfy anaklilng large force.0f workmen to have a to play? a significant part in the 1 II
sing com- gained to improve our publi— theirafiyangl em 0 In W a better looking and typographlcally :‘fil‘albsdln Wéllch its readers are in— v; II
to .eml’lol The natural result was that in Illustrations, preferably local, and 11:13:21.3? CILZVSI’MIE‘tgreSedern eta; s: Zir‘ie’s ai: gdihegwtongobsgapel that I I”;
ltative to. order to make a good looking frontlif not obtainable because Of 0051?, work and conscientiously imbued In his annual report .Presldent III III
19 country page, we had to improve our copy. ! syndicate illustrations, add much to with the idea of good work can ac—' Nicholar Murray Blitler yof Colum— III
,pers from More stories were needed. ThisIthe beauty and attractiveness 0f oomphsh much Rsults wiil be ac— bia University said a, heartening I iii
rom other meant better reporting, editing, . both front and inside pages. An comphshed if a. “do it now" slogan word on this very point He wrote' I i
Ke‘niuCkl- study of our field and improve— ideal weekly newspaper Would haVe is adopted Just a little thought in “Newsraapers have .played a- I I 7"
i hold in; ment in news coverage. The pay- several such local illustrations, ev— the setting of an advertisement; a part in the making of public II III
comp e v ment for this effort was in a grow— ery issue, to? dress Ilp the front page little more care in spacing lines; Opinion which is quite unequal— I“ ‘ I
ing pride in achievement, in greater and make It more interesting. just a few moments added time in ed by any'other agency or in— ,12‘ I I
_ gefiidegstIgtegtes‘zé :Iillgven stubscgibers, Press Wltln'k and Ptzhp? tt using the type—high gauge on every ztrutmentgllty. What every con— I : I
. ' 7 a iona rec— We rea ize, owever, a a en— cut and illustration, or backing up 110 or 0 a newspaper has to 5 I‘ I
NSPAPER ognltion. . tion to the aforementioned details a mat; trimming a cut; routing out bear in mind is that 1She l‘C— i I
.. With our front page improved, of appearance would be fruitless, if a high spot; a little more care in peated daily blows of his in— I '1 l
lased the we became aware of the fact the presswork should be faulty. writing, spacing and setting a head, fluence may easily prove I I. I
y newspa- that other pages were poorly The presses most of us have in our just a little forethought in the stronger and‘more determining I'v- I;
I at auc- made up. News was'not ade— shops will respond to care. Liberal‘spotting of an advertisement and in the building of mind and t j I, I
ember 15. qltllate’ _1101‘ Properly dlStl'lbllted- use of oil to lubricate all workingvdozens of other small details will character than those of home. III:
1:3... oo oo 'ooovooo mmH
‘ men 0 1m - a er. . 1 , _ II ‘14,,“
who dled' :gvles. f 1 _ t t Iular made—up tympan with the use p pA good newspaper is success- gy educational responsibility to I IIILIII
‘ mg success 11 in re aiming pa - I of hard acking, several sheets of fin if it has one editor, whose ear.” IS, ’I ‘II
2:161 “III. ronage after refusing to grant i—p____n.-_ decisions are followed—right or And that responsibility 1193» “Qt I I‘lI
oer un. front page DOSItlons for advertis- I ' wron The old ada e of too only in What the 6d1t01‘ may 5213’ 01' ’7‘ "I "
‘6 501d 1‘ me we took the next step and re— " EDITOR’S NOTE g. - - g . - ma not ‘ h' ‘ ~‘ — I" twill
, . , many cooks spelling the bloth 15 y say In 15 ed1t011al 001 a “I ‘
Wes COT“ fused to give any advertiser special __. applicable in newspaper typo— umn, but also in his display of the If I ,1
Egg—II: fgsmon: The deSirable result was The Archbuld (Ohio( Buck— graphy. If it is a good policy to news: the new treatment 0f events l5 I
“ . . ”.3113 change save us a chance eye, edited, published and pro- have one editor, then it should and the SElectlon and arrangement :1 - I I
“me? ‘I- t? dIVlde advertising more propor- duced in its entirety by mem— be desirable to have one make 0f matter on the printed page— I I I.
awlith 115]“e tignately on each side of the eight oers of the W'. 0. Taylor up man. Assign to him the duty The Ohm Newspaper. ii I; J
lnings a Eriges. By a study, as before, 0f family, was the Wlnl’lehOf. the of improving the appearance of E .4 I m I
Michigan r;cs’-dsquh as Frazier, the plan of Buckeye Press assomation’s I your newspaper. Tell the rest MARLEN E. PEW DIES ‘3 L‘I‘ .
there has Ego Itiiid ingt advertisements was contest. for . weekly newspa— of the force they must cooperate I M '1 _ . :g . ,,
ie Detroit in iline , w1d h the surprising results pers this spring. John H. Ca- with him. Let him make a study Ed'tal' en E' Pew, former editor 0f =, i ‘
wife is a plaintproge appearance, few com— say of the Univers1ty of Ok_. . of typography and then try out 1 01 and 'Publisher and one of 3i II I
, S rom advertisers, and a lahoma school of journalism his ideas, and the results will be the mQSt Widely—known newspaper :‘I I,“ :
the samo more readable publication. ‘ dv th rs In his . ‘ ' men, (11801 October 15 in New YOI'k- ' II” ‘
arles Jen— An , , _ Ju ged e pape . suiprismg. , ,r ,I .I
. .. equal distribution of adver— written report to the Ohio D -1 rs and ma azines The em”? newspaper world i l‘ I
the other timing on various a es m d t d r- . aly newspape . g mournes his assmg a ho d'd I: “I I
of p g a e S u y Casey Sald- sell more readily if they are well . p . ~’ S V. 1 it ‘6 i. ,
. news development necessary. u 'd - 'th llt n 1 . t d .f 1] d _ d fl_ much in promoting the highest 24‘ 5:" 'v
Jennings More features were added with the 09113.1 mtg .e sma OW. Iprln e ’ cale u y ma e Up an . standards of ethics and principles I II I
t into his intention of trying to distribute and hmltEd field 11? Whmh thls lustrated. Weekly newspapeis' 11ke_ in the profession that he loved so 3i III I
ed b the reader ' - . . - . weekly newspaper is produced, Wise Will meet the same public re- . , . . , ,I II ,
y intelest on all pages. Again _ . . . . . . . well and fought mi in his many 1, ,i l
the results were pleasing for a d- 1t would be hard to find its ception and apprec1atlon, tho it may years of active work I II I ;
__ vertjsersy readily appreciating the equal in mechanical appear— only be local, if a careful study is 9— [I {1' I
C improvement in make—up and ap— ance, news content or editorl- made 0f newspaper typography. Due to the failure of the power , I I
)r, and v pearance for ot b t _ ‘ a1 excellence anywhere. Ty— As publishers, we are great be— equi meni Edit . G E M I; :I I I
ng manll‘ corner pbsitioi a oul special 01‘ pography speaking, this news— lievers in the necessity of adver— andpstaffhwer 01 '1] d t Cnilfnney I: 'II ,. I
val 01 the Special re uest 5’ page ocatlons 01 paper is far above the aver- tising. We work years trying to the issue of gcprgpe 18 (9?? out I III, i
5 t0 tbe'r- Selegtion: f T age, Its strongest feature is convince business men of the value hand a novel ceo e1. 8112531; by i I I
lern bulld' The improvedo ype Faces I its editorial excellence, which of advertising, yet we are sadly ind back to th xperierclice,1 ”I; en: ii II ,I
186.". The newspaper can happiaiancg {if any goes for all reading columns lacking in using our own medicine. that most of use git; Otd day: I , II
beginning careful selection efat ame d 31') the of the newspaper, including Better looking newspapers, typo— go throu h wi‘h :VOU- no crue 0 !I I ‘ II
t griijwnelgv ers. For the firsot pig: 2:39 1.03141: page one news stories, edito— graphically pleasing advertising and g L gain. I .I I I
num er‘ ' 2. ca ’ rial columns, personal items, careful workmanship are the news— , , I ' ‘ I
y weekllefi- mostpdgsrigagfe‘fgncasg head letteg exchange news notes and se— paperman’s best advertisement and eqfiilggedsm‘ffil; “Sade; 1: finon p e I , I - '
h the per; letter—count per lin: ggbggagveggig— lected comment from other will pay big dividends. Paragon with Boldphgs beelii) If: I
Emilio/12% Ing composition it is better to haveI newspapers- ————- stalled by the Rowan County News, I I
_ arge fonts of type, bought in “mm- —w__ HELP THEM PREPARE COPY Morehead, Ky. I I I i
i f

 . Y
. Page Four FHE KENTUCKY PRESS October, 1936 001
‘ . imum of investment and person— ORIGIN OF “NEWS”
1 nel and there can be no possible , . . SHOU
I l g advantage accrue to those who H Ingenious. Is the theory that
-‘ . ' patronize them which can balance news derives from? an Old news~
is; ‘ the real danger to healthy business paper practice 0f printing the com- ‘
x V 1 {Kgg in any community.———Pacif1c Printer pass pOInts Thel
,. and Publisher. N hand}?
' W E Somel‘
i. . h.————— SPREADING SCANDAL S - from
., Oificxal Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association — to advertise their universality. Ac- into a1
: ___—T..____—___ How easily thoughts and tongues tually. of course, the word derived 11655 C
' VICTOR R. PORTMANN. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor turn to 8055113, 8038113 that is very from the FI‘EDCh ”hO‘uV'elles” and equall}
' ———m often of a Character that does great is now construed as Singular. It blowst
. _ * harm to those of whom it is spoken. used to be a plural. Queen Victor- or the
P ~ « .
““th On [13:61:53“cgflézmhilmnfinhhtnOf .lommhsm’ Here is a striking warning against ia, for example, wrote: “The news pavem‘i
, y no y, CXIHOtOll this sin. from Austria are very sad. . . XL b60011?
W—_ A story is told of a woman who Time Magazine. , 1'
. . PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS freely used her tongue to the Stan— > Wind
323113 3”?“ '—‘*"‘"‘““'“"“". Presm‘?“ ~ Times-Tribune, Corbin dal of others aiid made confession News items about' newspaper tor (
i i.cluestimed";:::'.:‘:i*":'"sel’r‘étaRieéi‘éi‘s‘firg;1§fffffiff“iitils'e‘i’iZ‘Erp‘fiéliliiiS to h”? me“ Of What She had £10116- chalet—“S. or editorial and business .“m'
. 4 ’ He gave her a ripe thistle—top and Office shifts or other personal men— ”3’-
j J La Mar Bradley E t r thEIS‘UThéE cairn“ he told her to go out in various tion are welcomed by the Press. "1011‘
. , ne ise, 1‘ i , ’ ; - , _ u a i . . ' ' mm
. ald, Eddyville; Dolph Cregl, HerangNeihngodgéhtir/liziiéz Séhgiaiirxenltfgiiti’clgfii— diiections, and scattel the seeds Commulilcatlons on matwl‘b' 0f 2: ta
. ier-Journal. Louisville; Keith Hood. News-Democrat. Carrollton; Joseph Costello, one by one’ Wondering at the pen~ Journalistic lntereSt are SOllClted. u
. nglgclréithgyfighifinz; JtamesRT. liloréismlndsepetndefit, Ashland; Thomas R, Um- ance, she obeyed, and when the You can help to make this publi— The
., ' . e ng_0n; usse yo 6, en ine -Eclio, London; Joe Richard- task was completed she retu-nnr‘ cation generally inter-estin' Shiel
son, Times, G1 ; V t R. P t ‘ - ~ ’ 1 “‘1 “ g’
, L. Elkin, Lancalsstigijorigrzlty. or mann, Kentucky Press, Lexmgton, Robeit to her connsson To her amaze_ * :;= :1: :2: =:: cove]
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE meg: he bade 1:3 go dbackl]; and Buy a it.“ cflas: he]??? C3 the :32:
Thomas R. Underwood, H rald, L ‘ t , Ch ' ; L ga 1‘ up again 6 see S S 6 had mem “Ls 1p 0 e an sea
Messenger, Owensboro; Wareren Fishif‘inlt/Igil‘tcury, girlish; 6223:3302. EVOpliilahfi‘h: scatterEd‘ And When She ObjeCted for yourself. out (
Commonwealth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, Williamsburg; that this would be impossible, he :3 :1: .;= a; e: “the,
ADVERTISING COMMITTEE replied that it would be even more And—when we are talking about .. dl‘iVi
Joe T. Lovett, Ledger-Times, Murray, Chairman; Robert L. Kincaid, Daily difiicult to call had; again and (165— the freedom Of the press lat us re- advel
News, Middlesboro; Wesley E. Carter, Enterprise, Elizabethtown; Thomas T. troy all the EOSSip and scandal She member that the freedom was given D0 1
Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; Leigh Harris, Gleaner and Journal, Henderson. had circulated about others. Any to us to use, not abuse. curse i
I NEWSPAPER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE thoughtless, careless child can scat— . man, 5
gictor R. Por'tmann, University of 'Kentucky, Chairman; Albert Schumacher, ter a handful of thistle seed before After all, if the DUbliC is 50 1.9- Whose
. itizen, Berea, Denny Spragens, Marion Falcon, Lebanon. the wind, but the strongest and tain an interest in What public of— who pi
wisest cannot gather them again. ficiais do with public money, the upon 1
———————“‘-——————— A confirmed gossip, either man newspapers must keep the readers you n
’ — or woman, is the most danggyous reminded of. the importance of le— words.
- paper was given in a talk recently Cheat}??? ”tint. rf‘h-e pgssibiéities gal publicatlon‘s' lyqiglfi
. sax. by Morris D. Townsend, res1dent 0 3V1 1“ suc DEOPE are 01111 less. .
- MEMBER 55;" 3’9. f th Ad .a t' . ‘p They start runs on banks. The Your newspaper 18 Just as good at you.
1,] 4. o e vcr ismg Club of Denver, Y . . . - i 1 1
W Colorado murder reputations. They poison as you “(1111111 ltbls't 37th nozhtel danche
’ Mr. Townsend stated that some all cups 0f life. They constitute your rea ers a. on 1—some log escrip
K 1 TUCKY PRES iOf the larger chains had declared life’s supreme pest and nuisance. eveiy_week, be It a news story. an togethe
. against the free distribution media. They scatter fir-ebrands and death. editorial, or an advertisement DO Ch
ASSOCIATION This is not especially because they $131er :1: Ethel children of their you believe in adveitising. 3:31:
a — . _
oncuuzcu “Nu” I “a iloti‘vth: 51:33:13 :13: (hitoiggfig tlh‘e; zinger e 5V1 ' Speakers Mega Place the Kentucky Press on your town
V —————' i want and need a, good strong newS—| 2;: :1: :1: :1: :3: EXChange liSt' We want your paper there
i paper in every community in which We heard of a merchant the every week. Please, and thank you, revea
YOU AND YOUR JOB l . . . , . Some Kentucky editors, and a, hand
,they are doing busmess and in other day who complained that he mighty few ygt withhold their ment
If you can’t get enthusiasticlwhmh they have an mVeStmenti couldnt see that the locatnews‘ membership from the KPA. Come. print
about work 113,5 time to get alarm—' Simply because they want these paper was bringing any busmess to on in brothers you’ll find the home
d S '. . _ communities to prosper and grow tOWIl. Upon investigation it was ’. l ’ z‘ -
e . omething is Wiong. . . . . _, membeis me fine fellows, enthused pomt
' in order that their investments discovered that he was not adver— 'th th - .s t k f . - t
3 Compete with yourself; set your may grow in value and their store tising in that paper. That mer— th - eir gloat'wor 0d SEN/Ice ~11? and«
teeth and dive into the Job of activities expand. They realize that . chant is not unlike the editor who en‘jgér gogf‘flmfiih $28,115,231. it A f8
breaking your Own record. |the patronizing of the free medium doen’t see what good it will do him Goody f th Fgourth Estate - Ken: commu
No man keeps up enthuSIasm all— i weakens the newspaper and re— to join his state press association. tuckyo Dr: “Sec" J JCurliénAlnock ing ma
toniatically. . istricts its influence for community Maybe he, too, needs to put some~ a line ‘ p ' ‘ ” paper,
wihhltiiusmsnti must be DQUI‘lShEd,development and betterment. thing into the association If he ' “I
L ew ac ons,.new aspirational “One of the worst and most dan— would} really learn What can be ~ v r _ advei
new efforts, new Vlslon- lgerous developments,” said Mr. gotten ou