xt7xsj19pm8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pm8x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 2004 Vol.75 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 2004 Vol.75 No.6 2004 2004 2019 true xt7xsj19pm8x section xt7xsj19pm8x I , j’ l 7 ‘ leg“; I I Volume 75, Number6 U. s, Postage ;
, V flgfl 5;, W . I , 1 ~—-—- Kentucky Press Association PAID _:
I '3 vii") mfg/23‘; J. 53/6 4/" Lu , Y " // \ 5' 101 Consumer Lane Glasgow, KY 42141 f
Jig-[$.13 @3339 {/6}; 6%,: fl '55:? ' Frankfort, KY 40601 Permit No. 939 XL
I . r E m»
I UNBOUé‘R‘j-S ”g _ V 1 I MARGARET I KING LIBRARY ‘ I; it: 2‘.
COLLECT“) " i’ LEXINGTON KY 40506 '11
June 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service :V
W 1
Co t re ers o tempt r l'n “” " " ' 5
Nearly two years after the Martin local water board in Martin County, they had not violated the restraining News &.V§ Notes _ I '
- circuit court found three employees who had received criticism from the order because they did not publish ff. V'._ y; _' ,
0f the Mountain Citizen newspaper newspaper, claimed the rights to the under the name Mountain Citizen, Fourth annual boot ' . _ ‘
_ in contempt-for violating a tempo- name after the newspaper failed to lnc. as the restraining order prohib- Camp draws near V, V ,v ,. . VV
rary restraining order, the Kentucky file an annual report renew1ng 1ts 1ted, but VMountain Citizen. The . If p _ , ‘ ",-
Court of Appeals overturned the right to the name. newspaper continued to publish Y"? are “099“”? segdiig
charges on May 21. Sparks indicated in his written each week after the restraining anemp 9y” toiom 8m 00
. . . ,, . Camp this year, It is-tirne to start :
In 2002, owner Lisa Stayton, opinion on the case that the defen— order was Issued under the name In akin lans , . «
Publisher Roger Smith and Editor dants had sufficient knowledge of Mountain Citizen, but ran a dis— . ' g'p . ," ., f . .. '
t . . . . . , This year scampruns-from ,
, Gary Ball were each fined $500 for the surrounding Circumstances to claimer which stated they were not 11113731230 Classes run from‘) i
_: ‘ continuing to use the name lead the Court to conclude that the ”owned by, affiliated With, endorsed Yam; {041331 eachweekdayAlI ' ,
Mountain Citizen on the Inez news- defendants knew, or with due dili— by or in any way connected to the [session are'heidinthelfinsor "
paper’s masthead after Judge gence or by reasonable interpreta— following corporations: Mountain *LibraryOnthe campus'of
I”! Daniel Sparks .ordered them to tion should have discovered, that Citizen, Inc., Martin County-Tug Georgetown College
'1 snag» a ;‘ , -”cease and desist” from using the the restraining order intended to Valley Mountain Citizen, Inc., Rgglsflaflflnfor the camp‘s - I
name. prohibit the use of the name Martin Countain, Inc., Martin openuntfiluneZSbut {hose ”gig; V
I The restraining order was issued Mountain Citizen.” termgbylurtell Will $63559 I,
._ 1 after John R. Triplett, chairman of a It was the newspaper’s claim that See CONTEMPT on Page 4 discount from flieV$645tuitijori A V
———————————————-———————————- Continental breakfast and lunch is '
T . meluded'eachvday.
f arr OWCI' we Wl OBS re uce empersopfingtostaym
Georgetown during the Boot ' -
. . - Camp will be responsible for
news rint consum tlon finfifififiwnnnnn ,
jV‘ affordable nearby hotels. ,
. . " . , ‘ All Boot Camp information, .
r. If preliminary 3;“? plants used sumption has been as high as 92,539 including registration forms can ,_
V reports are cor- On Second “2%? K about 79,000 in 1999 to the apparent low of about be found at the KPA website at
rect, the idea that Thou ht W tons . of 79,000 tons in 2003. . www.kypress.com.
V narrower web- -——g—— fie newsprint 1n Personally, I was skeptical that Ifyou have any questions con-
' width would WJ 2003, the lowest the narrow web width would actual— earning Boot Camp-call David
reduce newsprint 1134 David T. Thompson total since the ly produce less newsprint consump- Greer at 1-8002645721 or send g
V' consumption is A Executive Director .2“ report was first tion. I looked at it that narrow pages him an e—mail at
5 7 true. .. compiled in would result in more pages, offset— dgreer@kypress.com. '
I KPA is in the 1993. ting any effort to reduce consump- V
i process of finalizing the 2003 calen- And recycled newsprint use tion. Training for reporters
5 *- dar year . newsprint / recycled declined as well, to about 52,000 Iwas wrong. * * * COV ering ' C 011118 . , ,
. newsprint report required by KRS tons total. The 66 percent total 15 also . Th D . dW R ld ,
224 and plans to turn in the report the lowest since at least 1993. The new state administration is . , .Ve l 1d ,' eyno S - ‘ i
5‘ b . . National Center for Courts and :
V y July 1. But the good news is that the looking for any way to reduce , . , , , , ,
l . . Media is planning its first course : ,
_ - Although five plants have yet to aggregate total of recycled expenses and it may have found a f . : .» . , . . ,_ .
y . . . . . . or ]oumalists covering courts at
1V report, (the five Will total about newsprint fiber reached 59 percent, savmgs approaching some $100,000 an all-ex ' me; aid training ses- . '
1' 2,500 tons. of newsprint), newsprint up from 51 percent in 2003, and as in the way news releases are dissem- sion AugirgJO apt the center, 10%th
_V consumption for CY 2003 Will be well, eaSily the highest aggregate mated. ed at the Nationalludiciai College . :
. down about 5,000 tons. This report percent in the past 11 years. Reportedly, there were 24,000 , ' ’ ' IV . , '
{"1 will show Kentuck news a er In those 11 ears, news rint con- ’ See NEWS on'Pa e 8 . I
y p p y p See NEWSPRINT on Page 11 . _ . 8,. .V
I?" ' 9 JUN 14 '04 ' j

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, June 2004
K t k 1 ° th
en uc y peep e, papers in e news
Gleaner Wins international and Boston Globe — in the 184 newspapers representing 34 pursuing his career in writing.
printing honor International Newspaper Color countries. While living in West Virginia he
The Gleaner, the Henderson daily Quality Club. The newspapers who entered the began working as a stringer covering
newspaper, has won recognition in a The 50 winning newspapers will competition were called upon to high school sports for the Charleston
worldwide color printing c 0 m p eti- be honored at the NEXPO newspaper print a series of speCially prepared Daily Mail.
ti on, joining nine other U.S. news p a— trade exhibition in Washington, DC, test images, an editorial image as After moving to South Carolina,
P ers _ including the New York Times June 19-22. The 50 were chosen from well as a digital ad. They also had to Greene made the career change to
submit sample copies from their journalism and took a job as a sports
' , . daily production run. In a three- writer at Daniel Island News, a com-
. wThe KentuCky Pres S V’ stepped process, the same copies munity newspaper. There he covered
: : j j V V, , " V. ’ ' . i were subjected to a colorimetric eval- high school sports focusing on game
The Kentucky Press (Permit it 939) is pub~ Districtlo 9 Edmund Shelby, Beatt’yville * V uafion as well as critical examination coverage and features
V,liSliedeonttily*by,tlie Kentucky Press , Enterprise ‘ . _ . . ‘ ,- by an international jury. In addition, Greene actively sought out poten-
,ASSOdQfiOfi/Kehfildcy Press Servide,.Inc. ’ _ V Z V. . , . 13V. . f » ' ' the quality of the daily production tial job openings in Kentucky.
Thndflasspostageispaidat Glasgnw, 'VDlSlllCt ll" Glennvfiréii Manche'VSler- '1 ' was appraised.
KY421413ubsmptionpncels$8 perV Enterprise” ., if VV . 1 V‘ Among winning entries from Pineville Sun adds to staff
{YenPesm‘aetenfieiddnnaeeiaddress . . s ' 13's: .- . ' abroad were news a ers from ' ' V
temexmmdei’ress 1.01 Game , . District 12 teem Cannani‘iiasei’ ’ Ireland Turkey Ggrrliany The neithplififtillilsasffgifiim
m WW” “algalml WWW Netherlands. United Kingdom. monthsp y
. . Handmade! T Ausmha- the new general manager of the
tiers a U-S- newspapers also included the Pineville Sun. The 44-year-old Bell
mmwym‘ammafim "5:35'*.’§;VV.V‘V;V;:5:"-3135251;; 5; W14~Teiesa8mnm8emaciuzm Milwaukee loumal Benn-1191' The L05 native began his duties April 28.
Messenger; I333‘1‘311'3(fillr‘sy‘oc’mrK‘£"‘"’~"“-k}'K‘im‘l-‘l‘ Th G1 th, all tU 8 ar as e 1 O? a ong W1 . m .a
:. 31:12.5; 3313:, :iWfiheSawyereSmtmelEcho 1:22;: e eaT‘erWas ,6 5m es ‘ ‘ Ianssen for dESIgn and office aSSIS-
Wdenlfileddkwdl‘hnmbenyPatnCiarkmtonNEWSHerald newsPaPer 1“ “Fulfill“ 0f the 10 tance. .
$OWCOWRWWWTaylerflayeexenl‘Iele'Newl-lm that were recongEd' V . e . '
VP‘Chath DC Witham hired as CKN] ad ‘
.. Ice leader: » - e. (film . ‘ ’ 2.2.1 mam; 'hairman. ' .- . “95:73 2,; ' ' ' _ .
Fracfldmpavonbe Newsfiditonammsmn 103m Greene loms Sentinel Echo representative
f semeeewspmeMgne staff as sports wnter Stacy Witham has been hired as a
TmasumrwGiennGmgMand-iester };=§}Vj-if if}. R.G. Greene joined. The Sentinel- new advertising consultant for the
Enterprise 1:23’.V:.‘fi;'_3 Ff, AdverbsfiigDIVision-CherylMagers, Echo’s staff as a sports writer on Central Kentucky News-Journal,
i CentraiKentuckyNewsIoumai April 12. He is a 35-year-old native increasing the outside sales staff to ,
PannendentsnamnTmn i ; of Pennsylvania. four. '
Wuchesierfiun f fierclflahonDIrQSion-Enssfehnson, Greene began writing early work— Witham previously worked at
31WCtI-Aheekouse,Murrangdger AssociatesDinIDn-ChffFeltham/ iegVe newspapers, but began a career See PEOPLE on Page 12
manna Kenmciwnuhees ' 1“ “mane“ technology before
ct2~ledbflhngham9awson .V; GmeralComsels wjonFIeischaker,K1m . World War 11-
Springs ngi‘ess 1 GmeDmmnore 8tShthL0‘J15Vflle V Deaths He spent several years working
D 5 W ck VVK ~ tuck P A t1 Staff _— in sports and news at the Louisville
3:311:30m m V.: 2: , - . . 023m T211283; giggxfivebire ctor ., V. EX Courier-Journal, Times, the former afternoon Sister
’ ' ‘. ; . » 1, » ' ' 3 . , ' , : . : ; Bonni‘eHOWard 'Cbntrollef , . . g . T. (1 paper of The Courler—Iournal. At
Districtlle Charlie Portmazm, Franklin . Teresa Reuse 6am of sales , » VIV imes newsman 1es times Hartley was a reporterr POHfi‘
Favorite ‘ , , . ., . ' , , J David Greer, likiember Services Diréctor . Frank Hartley, who joined the cal writer and assistant sports editor.
. , ' ' ' V ' V ' '. Dana Lear, News Bureau Director , Louisville Times in 1938 as a sports-
DistrictS - Rem Filkins, Kentucky ' V David Spencer, New Media Director writer and retired in 1981 as Former Leslie County
Standard Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant , ombudsman of the Times and The .
' 1: Stephanie Conrad, Research/ Marketing Courier-Journal, died Sunday, May 2 reporter dles
US$66 ~Ai'thur 3' Post, Louisville Coordinator . . , . ' . at Baptist Hospital East. He was 88. William Henry ”Bill" Kilburn, a
Courier-Journal Sue Cammack, Admimstrative Assrstant V As regional editor of The former reporter for the Leslie
District 7 - Kelley Warnick, Gallatin fiifihfiiflflflfiifiifi? courier‘l9mm1.’ Hartléy diffidéd county News’ .died ThurSday' April
County News Mark Sheridan, INAN Account Executive the Paper 5 Pumzer Prize'wmmng 15 at hls home 1“ WOOton‘ He was
V , Tami Hensley, Tearsheet Clerk , converge of the disastrous fire at the 39- . .
District 8 - Ken Metz, Bath County NeWs . ‘ , , Beverly Hills Supper Club in Born in Hazard, he was a life-
Outlook , ' Staff members, Officers and Directors ' Southgate in 1977. long resident of Leslie County and a
' ’ , ,, may be reachedby Ve—mail using the indi— Hartley’s career in journalism graduate of Eastern Kentucky
.District9 Jerry Pennington, Big Sandy ‘ 'vidual's first initial, full last _ ’ V ' . was halted briefly shortly after it University, earning a bachelor’s
News _ name@kypress.t:om. , , , V ' ‘ V began by Army service during degree in corrections and science.

 The Kentucky Press, June 2004 — Page 3 '
I ’ O t. O
mprove your paper s p051 ion in Voters trust .
the community, 30111 a c1v1c club newspaper ads '
‘ . r _ . Registered voters believe news—
I was asked it important that all and know what 5 shaking. And. it papers are the most viable medi-
recently to speak Oh, By 3%” our newspapers seems they cant wait to talk With um for political advertisements in .
to a Rotary Club Th W a,» be perceived that their friends over lunch at a meeting the US, according to a new ,
, where I was once a e ay : way in our com— about what they know or have heard. Newspaper Association of 5
member. The topic igu: munities. Secondly, I found if those commu- America—sponsored poll. /
of my talk was left By David Greer , But I ve not nity VIPs got to know me as an indi- The bipartisan telephone poll
to me so I seized KPA Member Services , , only spoken to Vidual so that I was a real person to of 1,200 registered voters nation-
the opportunity to Director y; civic groups, I’ve them and not just some anonymous wide shows that more than half _ V,
talk about open V " ' belonged to sever- editor or publisher who never left the 57 percent _ of voters say they
government and Kentucky’s Open al as well. I am a former member of newspaper building, chances are they experience some level of indeci- l
. Meetings Law knowing that several several Rotary, Kiwanis and Sertoma were more supportive of the paper — sion in the final week or days ;,
public officials would be in the audi- clubs in cities where I worked. bigger community boosters, if you before an election. Of those who
ence. I know some journalists hesitate to will. say they experience indecision,
The chance to tease some of my join civic groups. And I know why Also, I found time and time again three out of four are regular news- 1
former club members was also just too. I was often hit on to be the pub- that if we made a mistake in a story or paper readers. ;
too much to pass up. licity chairman for the club or this misspelled someone’s name or left an When asked to rank each medi-
, ”I haven’t been to a meeting in six project or that. More than once I was address out of an ad for their business, um using a 10-point believability 1
years and many of you are still sitting asked to serve as the club bulletin edi- for example, that community mover scale, voters put newspapers atop ‘
in the same seats as the last time I was tor or program chairman. While serv- and shaker was apt to be far less criti— the choices with 32 percent. ,
here, ” I told them — knowing that ing as one club’s program chairman, I cal of the paper because the paper had Brochures and mailings placed .
some of them have sat in the same scheduled a program every week for a human face. That alone, in my opin— second with a 27 percent positive
i seats every week for more than 30 three years! If a fellow club member ion, is reason enough for anewspaper response, followed by network
. h ,g . years. ”I find something comforting wanted to complain about something person to belong to at least one major television with 26 percent. Cable '
e; . about ,such ”continuity.” They either in the paper, they knew where and civic group in their city. TV was close behind at 25 percent
thought that was funny or'they were when to find me. I’ve even had fellow It’s just human nature. It’s easier to and radio garnered 22 percent.
just being polite but they laughed club members use their friendship be upset with someone you don’t Other findings in the poll: ' '
anyway. Laughter is good when with me hoping to influence our cov- know than it is with someone who 0Of voters who cast ballots in 7
you’re a speaker — at least if you said erage of stories. It never worked. know and like —— or at least respect. the 2001 and 2002 elections, one ,
. something that’s funny. Despite the negatives, it seemed I After my recent talk to the club, a out of two say they red a newspa-
As I’m sure many of you have too, always found more positive reasons number of members congratulated per every day and 70 percent say
I have spoken to several civic groups to belong to such organizations. and thanked me for coming and mak- they read a newspaper several
over the years. Usually, the topic is First, if I didn’t come away from a ing the presentation on open govern— times a week.

' , journalism or something closely relat— Rotary Club meeting with at least one ment. But as I walked back to my car, 'Nearly half of the voters sur- j
ed. When I’ve spoken, I not only terrific story idea, then I wasn’t really I realized that none of those who had ' veyed _ 49 percent _ said they go ,
enjoyed the experience but also listening. Such clubs nearly always made kind comments had been public to their newspaper specifically to '
thought it helped reinforce the notion have the VIPs and movers and shak- officials. look for ads. I
that the local newspaper — where I ers of every community as members. Well, their responses will probably . Among adults who voted in ,
worked — was the local expert on local These people really have their fingers come in three days, I thought to the 2002 mid-term elections, 24 '
news and community events. It's on the pulses of their communities myself. percent said newspaper ads were

0 o o the mostihelpful in deciding how i
J ournalism teachers can apply for recognition to vote in state and local ooio-ooo
second to television ads — 32 per—
High school journalism teachers in attend a professional-level seminar per editors, schools of journalism, cent.
cities, suburbs and rural communities offered at the Poynter Institute for state press associations or by them- Brochures and mailers ranked
are invited to apply for the Dow Jones Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Fla. selves. The program selects a high third among the voters with 13
Newspaper Fund’s 2004 National The Fund provides travel expenses school journalism teacher or newspa- percent. Radio placed next at six
High School Journalism Teacher of the and a per diem to the teacher’s district per adviser who excels in teaching percent and the Internet scored
Year. to cover the cost of substitutes. students to write journalistically, in four percent. Phone calls, bill- /
The winning teacher will speak to The winning teacher will receive a guiding them to produce quality pub- boards and yard signs each tallied
the fall convention of the Journalism laptop computer with relevant pub- lications and in working cooperative- one percent.
Education Association/ National lishing and academic software. In 1y with professional media, journal- The poll was conducted by the .
Scholastic Press Association in addition, a student at the high school ism schools and press associations. Cromer Group, a Democratic
Atlanta, (3a., on Nov. 20. The Teacher of the Teacher of the Year will receive Application forms are available polling firm in Washington, DC, '
of the Year is a keynote luncheon a $1,000 college scholarship to pursue from the Newspaper Fund by calling and Moore Information, a
speaker at the Columbia Scholastic journalism studies. The nomination 609-452—2820, or sending an e-mail Republican firm based in ,
Press Association convention in New postmark deadline is July 1. message with name, mailing address Portland. 5
York City each March. Additionally, Teachers may be nominated by and phone number to
the winning teacher can apply to their principals, professional newspa- newsfund@wsj.dowjones.com. ,

 : Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, June 2004
9 Ad t' ers are ‘ t'ck'ng it’ to ne pers‘ I
Looking for a new revenue . . That means the argument that ”I sticky notes can be recycled by any
‘: stream? How about sticky notes? Advertlsmg 7 W‘ can’t do it because I don’t have a mill that takes mixed paper recy-
5 Yeah, those same note pads you use Plus , machine” is invalid, huh? cling. The 3M Post It ® Notes have a
to attach to a memo and tell a staff — ‘ A few of the newspapers polled small amount of adhesive on them
person to "See Me" or "Take Care of 3‘ just really didn’t like the idea of but they are not like mailing labels
I This," have found their way to news- B T l . § advertising on the front page. Now coated with permanent adhesive. .
: paper advertising. y {“5“ Rev ett x that is a valid argument. It’s still your Post It ® Notes are 99% paper and 1%
, KPS Director of Sales ' a. . . .
; Some newspapers in Kentucky : newspaper and you have to dec1de if low tack adheswe. So you can be con-
: and Indiana have decided to include you want to place advertising on the cerned about your environment and ‘
‘ notes on their front pages as adver— process. Well you are not alone. front page. The idea of a sticky note, still explore new revenue streams. '
. tisements. Recently two of our adver- One of Kentucky's largest news- however, is not permanent. Of the questionnaires that were ,
‘ tigers at Kentucky Press asked us for papers, the Lexington Herald-Leader If your readers do not like front— returned about a third are accepting
‘ a list of newspapers who would par- decided to explore the possibility of page advertising, then they can the sticky notes and the jury is still -
1 ticipate in a program like that. using the front-page notes by manu- remove it. Also if the note is covering out on the rest.
i Because of that question, many of ally inserting the notes on its front a story or photo, it can be moved Between Kentucky and Indiana
1 you received a questionnaire last page. Advertisers like the front-page over but when they touch the note to about 60 questionnaires were
I month asking if you would accept notes SO much that the newspaper is move it, the subscriber will likely returned that just flat said ”no.” And '
‘ notes for front—pageadvertising. considering purchasing a machine read the note and make the advertis- that’s your prerogative. Just remem-
1 Some of the newspapers that would complete the process for er happy. It’s a win—win situation. ber that we don’t ask anything of our
_ expressed concern that they could them. But for now, the sticky notes in Right? newspapers that our clients are not
not do that because they did not have Lexington are placed on the front One of the best things about the asking of us.
a machine available to do the page by a person. new advertising concept is that the Happy sticking!
' FOIA ' ’t ' t f ' l' t CONTEMPT '
i J J . Continued from page 1 '
f By DANA LEAR Until just a few weeks before my cerned about. Sometimes as journal— County Mercury, Inc., or The .‘
g News Bureau . trip, I had no idea that such a coali- ists I think we walk around with Citizen, all of which were 7
. Director 3? s“ . tion existed. It really is a wonderful blinders on thinking that open obtained by Triplett. , ‘
5 i: ' WM ”a; organization the helps serve as a records, and obtaining information The newspaper’s attorney, '
Last month I 2% WT; watchdog across the country to only matters to us. One particular David Fleenor, a Lexington
, had the opportuni- - insure that federal, state and local group of people who’have a .huge trademark attorney, said the
: ty to attend the ageiiCiefi‘, know and are complying interest in freedomlof informationis name was the property of the -
§ National Freedom ‘ . Wit t e Freedom of Information genealogist. Pane ists encourage newspaper under federal com—
, of Information Coalition’s annual Act. contacting local groups to get them
_» . , _ , mon trademark law, even
. conferencemNewark, NJ. It amazed The first sessron I attended on involved. thou h it was never officiall
me to see the different groups of peo- Friday was “Nut and Bolts” where When creating a coalition, there . g ,, . y
. . . . . . . . . registered because you build
ple who were interested in tlus Vital the topic of organizmg a state coali- are three different ways to focus. The t d k , h _ 1 b ,
-‘ freedom that I had thought so many tion was discussed. Only 11 states group’s focus can be entirely on first 1“? em: r Hg ”ts s1mp y y
: Americans took for granted. are without a state coalition with amendment rights, open records or a usmg t e name. _
1 Yes, of course there were journal— Kentucky being one of them. KPA combination of the two. Sparks later dISSOIYed the
ists there, but many were just ”aver- has been discussing the organizing Not knowing much about the restraining order against the
I age citizens” who worked with non- process. ' coalition before attending the confer- paper after Triplett Withdrew
§ profit groups they formed because I, as I’m sure many of you, ence, Iwalked away with an entirely hls request for an order perma— ‘
they themselves had been denied assumed that most of the coalitions new understanding of freedom of nently barring the paper from
access to information that they were organized and headed by the information. I realized that members 115ng the name, but he said he ‘
shouldn’t have. state press associations or a similar of the general public don’t just rely felt compelled to fine the jour-'
: I was pleased to see that these organization. I was really surprised on us, the journalists, to access pub— nalists for contempt of his prior
people actually understood that to learn that in most cases that was- lic records. They too are concerned ruling.
_ FOIA wasn’t something created for n’t true. The state press associations with open records, freedom of infor- ”To condone the actions of ' V " _
\ journalists but it is a freedom for normally have someone on the mation and government accountabil— the defendants would be tanta-
: everyone. It is, after all, the public’s board, but some of the groups were ity. mount to promoting and fog-
right to know! formed by private, concerned citi- I find it comforting to know that tering the disrespect and dis— .
It always has amazed me that, zens and college and university fac- people do still care enough to want trust of the judicial system,”
. when referring to a certain record, ulty. It really is a very diverse group. to know information that is guaran- Sparks said in his June 27, 2002
T off1c1als say, ”the reporters have that The panelists encouraged havmg teed as one of our freedoms. It was ruling. - .
‘ right to see it. Truth of the matter is non-media people involved in the comforting to hear that averagec1t- A three-judge panel in late
we aren t seeing for us, we are seeing organizing phase was well as serv1ng izens believe that we have a right M .
. . , . . . . . ay of this year overturned
With the public 5 eyes. I was happy as board members. This is important and reason to want certain informa- , .
. . . . . . , . . Sparks contempt order, saying »
_ to see that people in this group actu- because it gives an idea of what peo- tion and that we aren t just being . , ,
. . . ,, . . ,, the restraining order it was
» ally understood that. ple outSide of the industry are con— nosy journalists.

 3 ' The Kentucky Press, June 2004 - Page 5
Court rules U of L Foundation is a public agency
' By JON ; Court of Appeals that the University The Courier-Journal that the U of L were instead used to pay expenses
. FLEISCHAKER of Louisville Foundation is a public Foundation is a public agency under such as employees' meals, gifts,
3 KPA General a agency. at least two different definitions in flowers, car washes, late credit card
* Counsel 3 A. The decision means that the U of the Open Records Act. The court fees and parties, including a holiday
‘ Dinsmore 8: L Foundation, the university's also held that the privacy exception bash on a rented yacht. With the
1 Shohl ,2 fundraising arm and the part of the did not apply where donations were Kentucky Supreme Court's decision,
. I'm sure that all §§ .' University which controls the contributed by corporations and pri- you should now have access to the
- of you are used to '3‘ f H .. ' University’s endowment, is subject vate foundations and where donors records necessary to report on such ‘
1 reading Kim's col— to the public disclosure require- identities had been previously pub- cases.
. umn every month and enjoying her ments of Kentucky's Open Records licized. ' However, the fight is not over.
‘ ' pearls of wisdom. However, as most Act. Following a 1992 Kentucky The U of L Foundation appealed We anticipate certain legislators will
a of you know, Kim Greene has retired Supreme Court decision that a simi- this decision, and in an opinion try to legislate around this decision.
_ from the practice of law. Kim's con- lar foundation for Kentucky State dated Nov. 21, 2003, the Court of This could happen again in the
3 tribution and dedication to the University is a public agency, this Appeals agreed that the U of L budget bill (watch closely if the
' media cannot be measured, and we decision indicates a trend among Foundation was a public agency, in Governor calls a special session) or
' will all feel her absence. For 24 Kentucky's courts applying the part because it acts as one and the next year in a specific bill or a late
years, she has worked tirelessly for Open Records Act to foundations same with U of L. However, the amendment. As we did this year, we
open access to court records and associated with public universities Court of Appeals instructed the will call on you to help us fight it. In
courtrooms and has relentlessly bat- even if the foundations purport to Jefferson Circuit Court to take a advance, we thank you for your tire—
tled state agencies for access to their be independently incorporated and case-by-case look at the privacy less efforts to ensure access.
records. In addition, she had a per- operated. For such foundations, interests of each donor corporation The issues related to identifying
sonal connection with most of you-- documents relating to fundraising and private foundation. The donors are still to be decided by the
' either through talkingto her on the solicitations, donations, and spend- Kentucky Supreme Court denied the courts. As for individual donors to
hotline or meeting her at various ing are public records which, unless U of L Foundation's request to the U of L Foundation, the Jefferson _
' KPA functions where she spoke. We specifically exempted by one of the review this decision, instead letting Circuit Court ruled that records of
will continue to provide you with Open Records Act's exceptions, it stand. more than 47,000 donors must be
j: the high level of dedication and must be disclosed to the public. The This is a great victory in a case disclosed while records of 62 donors
3:. service you have come to expect» court decisions overrule a body of which has been extremely hard who requested anonymity may be '
5 ' from your KPA attorneys. conflicting Attorney General open fought. But, what does it mean for withheld under the privacy exemp-
. In one of Kim's recent articles records decisions on the issue. you? Most of the public universities tion. This ruling has been appealed
f concerning the 2004 General The U ofLFoundation case began in Kentucky have foundations by both the U of L Foundation and
3 Assembly session, she told you in 2001, when The Courier-Journal which are active invarious functions The Courier-Journal and is now
‘ about the ongoing battle in the legis- made an open records request for of these universities. Now, these before the Court of Appeals.
' ' lature to pass legislation which donor identities and amounts con- foundations should be required to Since the Kentucky Supreme
would overturn court rulings that tributed to U of L's McConnell provide you with their records. Court's order was only one-line, it
A the University of Louisville Center for Political Leadership. The Knowing how their funds are used, will not be of great use to you. If
Foundation is a public agency or U of L Foundation rejected the you can now, assess whether the you would like to read about this
‘ make confidential the names of request claiming that it was a pri- public servants are indeed serving further, please look at the Court of
' donors to public university founda— vate corporation not subject to the the public and pursuing the public Appeal's decision, University of
tions and the amount of their dona- Open Records Act and that, even if it good. This will prevent secre