xt7xsj19pk8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pk8c/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1971 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books Facts About UK University of Kentucky, 1971 text Facts About UK University of Kentucky, 1971 1971 1971 2019 true xt7xsj19pk8c section xt7xsj19pk8c shoes-1 qassdg iooqog qSiH biomus); _ ‘s;usw;uiodde ‘uJEJDOJd 1230; sq; ,io spssu leis 'Lu‘d oozg—-Lu~e 0018 Aepin—Aepuow
weJfimd Apn;g ;uspusdspu| [EulfilJO Jo; paplAOJd se JsuueLu swes sq; ui -sds sq; o; paJesB uoipsiioa aAi;3s]ss e q;iM “9H MJSHE‘I 003 'ASolodOquv *0 wnssnw
LUEJDOJd sseD uogsus;x3 sums; szidxsun Jo; spew sJe ssiauesm ill} paddinbs Aieiqii e seq afisiios Miunuiuioa 'uyd (“#001 JeriDO-Jaqwaides
LUEJDOJd ssus;sQ “AD uoisus;x3 o; s;usui;uioddv "sawed ieouiiod Buipesi qaeg "Aneuueqd pue suisipsw ’sauewsqmw w-d 80:}:wa 00101 finfinvaunr
LUBJDOJd sseD BuiusAg 0M; 5,349va sq; ussM;sq siqgssod se Anenbs ’sousisg AJEqu-i 'Me‘l ’Afioiosg ’SuiJssu _w,d oo:v-oo:i eunfludv Aepuns-Aepssni
Suifiv uo ”ounog se ’Squwsuu ammo xs Buipnpu! ‘pJeog sq; —i6u3 ’uouesnpg ieiasdg ’uoueonpg ’saisAqd l JaqwaAON 5. 1 [WV we” uado
uouBana Buinui;u03 uodn uoi;e;ussstsJ apiAip 0; 52 OS s;usLu pue Ausiquqg ’ssousios leaifioloig ’s;.iV wnssnw 95‘0” alPPeS
Samusu; pue saoust;u03 —;uiodde s>|euu o; museum 5; JOUJsAog aqi suiq ’smpsuqzuv 's;n;|n3g15v :ssfisnoo '(
, ue s;usw;1eds BuiMouo; sq; ui suogpsiioa swnssn “SlaAgu
Mamuax'“33:25:"”3:53;:Sno2i‘lllsgxifism ‘suoisss;01d P9u199| sq; ;o sAi;e;usssi :azqeiasds spnigui A;is;sAiun sq; ;o ssuiiiae; W n
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uoisus;x3 KHSJBAgun sq 0" Xls PUB biomqa); >10 “SHAW” 9L“ ;o ‘SJUSU—‘mOP 899 sfialioj) A;iunu.iLuo:) ;ss;siuog
iuwnle sq 0‘ 33““ s;ss.is;ui iemunspfie ;o SUOHPN Pawn pue IEJQPQ} 'S'n q;oq JO} OZV " sfiailoj) Auunuouoj) funqsuo;sst
6961 9|]!Auosipew agiijlgudsjjigm 9:921; Paefeiiapaae: 21932:: Mousodap leuoifieJ e si Aieiqi-i Sui); 5,)ln lull 959l|03 Miunwwog qeonped
8961 Sill/\SKEW P l . l‘IH LlJ. Ll P l . ' ' ”9}” ieDRHOd ueoiiswv O99 953||03 MWnUJU-JOD allMS/‘EW
949 SJanSw Zl 339‘“ J0 99ml "ill“znb ~~
8961 . PJEZPH pue ps;uiodde BJE SJOSSSDDI‘IS [i;un pue SJEBA *0 sin;:>id psiie;sp e apg/‘Old LPHM ’ssnoqg 018 sfisiiog A;iunu.iu.io:) siiiAuosipew
8961 qeanped Jno;;o;s1e SJQqUJSLU pawiodde l0 stsi Manor pue ’uo;Jow '9 u0;anq_L ’AspiJeg 98g a;n;!;sui [eoiuqosi uoifiuixs-I
896i (siiiAsino-i) uOSJs;;sr ‘ 'M uaqiv se ssmfii; siiqnd qons ;o SJGdEd [gg’z 853||OD AHUI’TLUUJOD uos;s;;sr
S961 s;n;i;sui leaiuqasl uo;6uixs-| 'Apoq ;u9Pn;S )ll'l sq; pue ’sm;e;s;i| osoeqo; 'SJOLHnE UJSPOUJ 81V " sfisilog A;iuncuuuo:) siiiAsupidoH
S961 ;ss;au.iog sq; ;o JGqLUBuJ 5Ui;oA-uou suo PU? ’Mln snOJsLunu ;o S>1JOM sq; ’Aio;sgq AaiieA oiqo V89 sfisiiog Auunwwog uos4spusH
g96l siiiAsupidoH 09; Bwqoes; s ND 40 Sququui 6w;oA-uou pue bismus); uo sleiJaww ;o sfiue; pe01q e OlZ sBsiiog A;iuni,uu.i03 pJEZEH
1796i 5mqsuo;ssid 0M; V'JOLlJaAOf—D 91“ Aq pawiodde ANDniuax ;0 an? suoi;:>s||o:> sq; 6uowv 'sisq;o Aueui pue Z61 afisnog Miunuiuuog xou>i ;Jo:|
V961 uMo;q;sqe2”3 suszi;i:> ;us;sdwos Zl pue- ’oioiHo Xe ’ssusu sieiJss aquusps Joieui ;soui ;o sum s;s|du.ioa 099, sfisiiog A;iunuiw03 uMo;q;sqezi13
0961 (pueiisqwng) ;sesq;nog 'Els PUP JoqE‘i 'eJnllmllfiv *0 Jsuoissiwuiog fiuipnpui ’spisi; Aueu; ui—;diJssnuew pue 910 l s5s|103 Auunwwog pueiqsv
0961 uostpusH sq; ’uoi;3nJ;sui annd i0 4u9pua;uuedns sq; ps;ui;d q;oq—siei1s;eui 931F105 ;o uoipsiioa s a s v
6961 xou>i Hod ’pJeog 9L“ ;0 ueuuieq3 S! qu ’JOUJaAOE) sAisua;xs ue :sswnloA uoiiiiw Z'l JaAo }0 60l'Ol""""""""”"”" ssfiaiiog Miunuuwoj)
[Sol PUEILISV 9L“ ;0 s;sisuo:> 59mm”. ;0 pJeog S)|n ssiJEqui leiosds PU? AJEan Bum 'I ieJefiJEW 061'“ SndLUED uo;6uixs‘|
psqsiiqe;ss 59490 ‘ ’ sq; sapnpui ws;sAs AJequi MiSJsAiun sqi 0L6l "ed
ssSsuog Miununuog 59349111 )0 P1009 ssiimqn WBWIIW“!
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UK Presidents ‘ UKRF m
Brief History James K Patterson, l878'l9l0 The University of Kentucky Research .
Henry 5- Barker, l9l0-l9l7 Foundation is a private, non-profit corpora-
The school was started as part of Ken- Frank L- MCVGYI 19174940 tion through which funds may be received,
tucky University under a cooperative plan Herman L- Donovan, ”Ml-1956 invested and expended in the interests of
authorized by the legislature, in 1878, when Frank 6- Dleeyl l956-l963 certain legitimate activities of the University
the people of Kentucky decided to establish John W- Oswald, 19634968 of Kentucky. Within the framework of the .
a state institution of higher learning, the Albert [3- Kirwan, l968'l969 University, the Foundation operates as an
Agricultural and Mechanical College was OHS A- Singlelaryl l969—present administrative arm of the University in so-
separated from Kentucky University and re— liciting and administering contracts, grants 8 b0 Ut
established on land given by Lexington and Administrative Executive Officers and gifts originating from. extramural ‘
Fayette County. To prowde a separate cam- sources. These funds are used in support of
pus for the new institution, the city of Lex- Dr, Otis A. Singletary, president research, training and other related activities.
ington had donated its 50—acre fairground Dr. Alvin L. Morris, vice president for Ad. UKRF received 44] awards during the
and park which, during the Civil War, had ministration fiscal year l970, its twenty-fifth year of ser—
been utilized as a bivouac area for Union Dr. Lewis Cochran, vice president for Aca- vice. These awards totaled more than $l4 .
troops. Lexington and Fayette County con- demic Affairs million.
tributed $60,000 for the construction of Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., vice president for While research work during the Founda- .
buildings, and President James K. Patterson, Business Affairs _ tion's early years was primarily in the phys—
whose service to the institution began in Dr. Glenwood L, Creech, vice president for ical sciences, it now extends into education,
l869, loaned his personal savings to supple- University Relations the humanities and the social services as '
ment the building fund. Thirty years later Dr. A. D, Albright,.vice president for lnsti— well. The Foundation presently administers
the legislature changed the name of the tutional Planning funds for proiects distributed among almost fiNWERfiWY if}? KENTUCKY
inS’fliUiiOn *0 State UanérSiiYi Lexington, Dr. Robert G. Zumwinkle, vice president for all the departments and divisions of the
Kentucky, and gave it additional financial Student Affairs University.
support. In 1916 the name was changed to Dr. Peter P. Bosomworth, vice president for
the University of Kentucky. the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center PR—SP ‘62 MarCh ‘97]
Dr. M. Stanley Wall, vice president for the Note: Data is current as of February 1, 1971.
Community College System Subject to change thereafter.

 'JQuEBJaLH efiueqa o; paiqng was/(g aoanog Aiiunwwog
'lzél ’l Memqed }0 59 tuaJJnD 5! 9490 IBtON an]; Jo; 4uepiseJd aaiA [HEM Aalueis .W 'JG
1161 LPJEW Z9l dS—zid 194L193 leaipew faiPUEl‘D '8 lfeqlv 3H1 'bpmuax io AHSJeAiun au;
JO} tUSP!SSJd 93M qquLUOSOQ d 194%] JG 0; pafiueuo seM aweu at.” 9161 U] 'uoddns
'AiisJeAiun SHEHV iUBPmS lepueui; leuoiiippe 4! aAeB pue ’Aqomuax
SI.“ 50 SUO!Sl/\!p PUB siuawuedap 3L“ ”e .10} iuapisaid 991A 'eMulenz 9 uaqoa ‘JG ’u046uixa-I 'All'SJS/‘lun 34248 04 uouniiisui
AX§Q$P§3§§ ’fig $$§§§EA§NQ 1\sowie fiuowe painqiusip spalOJd Jo; Spun} Buiuueid IEUOHm 914; 40 aweu eui pafiueuo emieisifiai aq;
sJaisiuiLupe AHUSSSJd uoitepuan aql 'HeM ~HSU| JO} iuapisaid 9311\"41-1511q1v ‘0 'V 'JG Jami SJea/t Mill—U. 'pun} Buipiinq au; .iuaLu
_ se sang/mas [epos 3144 pue sauiuewnu at“ suoiielaa AHSJBAlun -a|ddns o; souiAes ieuosmd Sll—I paueoi '6981
’uoiieanpe 0W! spuaixa Mou l! ’saauaps lea! Jo; iuepgsaid eaiA ’LPBSJD ‘1 pooMueig ‘10 u; uefieq uoimmsui at.” or asi/uas asouM
” stud Shit U! AHJELUHd seM SJeaA Apea S,U0!i ' SJieHV ssauisng ’uosueued '>| sewer iuapisaid pue 'sfiuiplinq
‘ -epuno:i au; Buian )IJOM uDJeeseJ allLlM Jo; iuapisaid aaiA "Jr 'AfiJOj '3 aaueJMe‘] p uoiionusuoa as.” Jo; 000’099; Painqui
‘uoimui SHEHV Diwap -uoa Munog sue/ted pue uoifiuixaj ‘sdooJi
' Vl$ ueut eJoLu paleiot spJeMe asaui 'aaiA 'EDV JO} JuepiseJd 93M ’uEJuDOQ SiMaj 'JG uoiun JO} eeJe DEnOAlq e se paziiiin uaaq
-195 to melt ugg-Awam st! '0161 went less” uouensiuiw peq ’JeM “"13 sq; Buimp ’UplqM >ped pue
au; Buimp SPJEME 1W paAiaan dd>lfl -pv Jo} Juapisaid aoiA ’siuow '1 ”WV ‘JG punmfiiie; awe—0g St! peieuop peu uoioui
b 'sauiAipe P9,}EISJ .19qu pue fiuiuieu leJeBSSJ JueplsaJd ’Meielfiuis ‘V SHO '10 -x91 i0 A413 914:, ’uoiinmsui Mau 9H4 .10} snd
i0 iJoddns ui pasn aJe spun; asaui ‘saamos -UJF.’D SJE‘JEdSS e apiAOJd oi 'Aiunog anaAed
, leJnLueJixa UJOJ} Buiieuifiiio smfi pue SIGDHJO ”Hm”! aAl‘lD‘uslull‘uPV pue uoifiuixa‘i Aq uaAiB puel uo pausiiqeise
an Oq e stump ’speuuoo Buiiaisiuiwpe pue Bums” -9J pue AiiSJeAiun Momua); uJOJ; paJBJEdeS
-os ui MiSJaAiun at“ 4° LUJE aAiiensiuique Juesald_6961 ’AJeieifiuis 'V SHO seM afiauog leoiueuoew pue leiminaiifiv
we 52 saieiado uoiiepunozi at.” 'AHSJaAiun 6961'8961 IUEMJm (1“qu 9H4 'fiuiwee] Jeufiiu ;o uoiinmsui eieis e
‘ an“ ;o flJOMBLUEJ} aui UllillM vbpmuax J0 896l‘6961 'PleMSO 'N\ UHOr usilqeisa oi papiaap biomuax ;o aidoad 9L”
AiiSJaAiun au; to sang/type aiewuifia] uieuao 9961'9961 “EWING 9 )IUQH uauM [8181 ui ‘aimelsifiai aw, Aq PaziJOLHnE
4° sisaieiui BL“ ui pepuedxa pue paiseAui 9g6l-Wél ’uerqu '1 ueuuaH ueld SAHEJSdOOD e Japun AHSJSAgun bpm
’peAieaeJ aq Aew spun; LpiuM uonoiui uoii 07611161 ’AQADW 7 HUGH -ua)| JO ued se patieis seM ioouas aui
-eJodJo:> mmd-uou ’eieAin e si uoiiepunozi 1161' l l '19 ,9 ~ AJua
' ‘ LPJEQSSH Momuax 3io MiSJeAiun aLLL Olél-Bzgiéuoswjieg NS sexual-fl A1045!H {Bldg
m :Dl)ln ' swapisaid )m
3' s N
J.“ :5}
Enrollment Libraries Board of Trustees Community Colleges
Fall 1970 The University library system includes the , . Dates established
Lexington Campus 17,790 Margaret 1. King Library and special libraries UKS Board 9f Trustees conSists 0f the Ashland 1957
Community Colleges .r.....,................10,109 of over 1.2 million volumes: an extensive Governora who '5 Chairman 0f the Board, Fort Knox 1959
* * * * collection of source materials—both printed the Superintendent Of, PUbl'c instruction, the Henderson 1960
Ashland Community College 1,073 and manuscript—in many fields, including Commissmnerof Agriculture, Labor andSta- Southeast (Cumberland) 1960
Elizabethtown Community College 630 complete runs of most major scientific serials “St'csl ex Off'c'o' ,and 12 competent C'l'zens Elizabethtown 1964
Fort Knox Community College 792 and many others. Among the collections are Of Kentucky appomted by the Governor, two Prestonsburg 1964
Hazard Community College 210 a broad range of materials on Kentucky and non—voting members of UK 5 teaching ifac' Hopkinsville 1965
Henderson Community College 584 Ohio Valley history, the works of numerous ”lty’ and one non-voting member 0f the Somerset 1965
Hopkinsville Community College .. 478 modern authors, tobacco literature, and the UK student body. Lexington Technical institute 1965
Jefferson Community College 2,531 papers of such public figures as Alben W. , Jefferson (Louisville) 1968
Lexington Technical lnstitute 583 Barkley, Thruston B. Morton, and Jouett Termstf appomted members are f0; f0”; Paducah 1968
Madisonville Community College .. 310 Shouse, which provide a detailed picture of yearlsfan .Il'lhm'l suicelsqsors alr; appOirtthe an Hazard 1968
Maysville Community College 360 American political life. . , guaol’yfed re: 0 t'l'alje of men; 9:32er Maysville 1968
Paducah Community College 1,132 UK’s King Library is a regional depository nflfmblers aizcdeZieanated [tiebe regresepntlatiie Madisonville 1969
Prestonsburg Community College " 420 for bOlh US federal and United Nations of agricultural inferests, three to be alumni
Snglhjgt Ezflnfii‘lré ((521122: :33 documents. . . of the University of Kentucky and six to be UnlverSIl‘y EXlenS'on
In addition to the King Library, the library other distinguished citizens of the state rep- . i .
facilities of the University include specialized resentative of the learned rofessions. UniverSIty EXlénS'gn reaches Kentucky
. . . . . p dents through its eight dIViSIOns:
UniverSIty Museums collections in the followmg departments and re5i
colleges: Agriculture, Architecture, Fine The Governor is directed to make appoint— Conferences and institutes
Saddle Horse Museum Arts, Biological Sciences, Chemistry and merits so as to divide representation upon Continuing Education
Open from Apr” 1 l? N°Vember 1 Physics, Education, Special Education, Engi- the Board, including ex officio members, as Council on Aging
TueSday'sunday Apr'l'hfne 1:00‘4500 p'm' neering, Geology, Law, Library Science, equally as possible between the state’s two Evening Class Program
giggzgzgfgclgsgf13:53:83 5': Mathematics, Medicine and Pharmacy. Each leading political parties. Appointments to Extension Civil Defense Program
' ' ' ' community college has a library equipped fill vacancies are made for unexpired terms Extension Class Program
Museum Of Afl’hPOPOIOQY: 200 Lafferty Hall with a selective collection geared to the spe- in the same manner as provided for original Independent Study Program
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:OO p.m. cial needs of the local program. appointments. ' Kentucky High School Speech League

 Degrees Offered Admissions Housing Costs Colleges

Per Year Dates established

The University of Kentucky at Lexington Kentucky residents are admitted as be— Men's and Women’s Residence Halls $l,030* Agriculture 1865
offers the following degrees: ginning freshmen if they are graduates of an Men‘s and Women‘s Residence Halls 916“ Arts and Sciences 1865

‘ ' Men’s and Women's Residence Halls 976*” . .
Bachelor of Architecture accredited high school and have not attended . ' Y Engineering 1865
Bachelor of Arts another school Since leavmg high school. Cogperlstown Single Studefnt Housmg $P2r24te'raIIr Law 1908
‘ ' ' ’ ' in e rad t de t ef icienc . .

Bachelor of Arts with specialties in educa- They mlJSl’ flle the application for admiSSIOH, Single 9 d Stud ”, ff' , Cy l 039* Busmess and Economics 1920

. . . . and their American College Test results. 9 9'5 5 u e” e 'C'e” V ' Education 1923

tion, journalism and 50031 work It is the University of Kentucky's ur- Single grad student efficiency 925t*
Bachelor of Business Administration 0 to d 't th "d t l' P t Single grad student efficiency 985“” Graduate SChOOl 1924
Bachelor of Music p se a ml. .058 non-reSI en app ican. 5 Single grad student one—bedroom apt. 614”" Pharmacy 1947
Bachelor of Science whose record indicates a reasonable probabil- Single grad student one-bedroom apt. 1,129“ Medicine 1954
Bachelor of Science with specialties in ”Y 0‘ academic. success at the. UniverSIty. In Single grad student one—bedroom apt. 110l5M Nursing 1958

‘ determ'h'hg this, the Uh'Ve’S'h’ eVO'dS mak' Single grad student one-bedroom apt. 1.075'" Dentistr l9

l6 fields ing admission decisions on a single a d ' A h' y 60
Master of Arts _ n m“ Married Student Housing Per Month rc itecture 1965
Master of Arts in Education fleXible standard, such as a cut-off score 0“ Efficiency apt. $ 85“” Allied Health Professions 1966
Master of Fine Arts a college aptitude 195'“ Other aspects 0“ the One-bedroom apt- 100”” Home Economics 1967

. . . . t ’ ‘ ' _ _ . H“ . .

Master of Busmess Administration 5 l'l'den; shrecfiord are considered W'lh the re TWO hedroom apt ”0 Library SCience 1968
Master of Music 5” l5 0 l e meme" C0 lege TeSl- Professmnal Students Per Year Social Professions l969
Master Of Science All students attending the University are Single occupancy $1,028****
Master of Science with specialties in enrolled in one of the various colleges, each Single occupanCy l,5l8*

19 fields under the supervision of an academic dean. Single OCCUPaHCY l,412::* Physical Plant
Master of Social Work Each college is made up of several academic 5mg": occul’ehcy 1'468H“

. . . . departments and offers different major fields DOUbeOCCUDanCy 5‘4, The University is a small city in itself.
SpeCIalist in Education of stud which the student ma elect to ,0, Double occupancy 1,004 It h ‘t ff' b k d'
Doctor of Business Administration | y y ' Double occupancy 898“ as ‘5 own 905? 9 'Fel 00 store, ra. '0
Doctor of Education OW- Double occupancy 954*” station, newspaper, printing plant, cafeterias, _
DOCtOF 01‘ Dehtal MEdlClne Men’s and Women’s Residence Halls Summer Term theatre, police force ,and hosPllal' The Unl-
Doctor Of Medicine Faculty and Staff For double room occupancy $ 125MM VTrS'ly (ifommunblty, 'nClUdlnS students, fac-
Doctor Of Musical Arts in Music Teaching For single room occupancy 155”” Elly, 5:: ”leomoggs and ll'lell’ famllles/ ”Hm'
Doctor of Pharmacy Faculty: 1,495 Lexington Campus * Includes three meals daily except Sunday eve— ers a out I -

DOCTOI‘ 0f PhllOSODl‘lY 369 Communit Colle es "th meel'
' y g *" Includes breakfast and the evening meal Land Acres
Juris Doctor S ff, 6 23]
ta ‘ ’ dailY- (Sunday ”°°" meal replaces Sunday eVenlhg Central Campus 350
UK's community colleges offer two de— ,_ meal.) C
i. i - ampus Farm 325
rees for two- ear r0 rams; - - * Includes lunch and dinner. . .
g A YA p g Registration Fees ****|nc|udes adequate basic furnishings and Experiment Station Farm,
ssociate in rts utilities. Does not include board or telephone. including Coldstream 1,150
Associate in Science SChOOl Year 1970-71 S ,
pindletop Farm 1,066
. . . “"4"“ “mien“ Reside“ N°""e5“°"' Student Financial Aid South Farm 202
In addition, community colleges may All Colleges—except Poultr Far 89
award a certificate for the successful com— Medicine and Dentistry The undergraduate financial aid program , y m
pletion of certain prescribed programs of Semester Fee $165.00 $515.00 of the University is administered by the Of— Maine Chance Farm 722
60-64 semester hours of university-parallel Summer Term Fee 96.00 275.00 fice of Student Financial Aid. This program Sub-experiment Stations at
course work known as the Certificate 'h COI‘ Colleges of Medicine and includes Scholarships, Educational Opportu- Princeton and Quicksand 1,260
lege Studies. Denlle'y nity Grants, Student Loans, College Work- Forest Reserve at Quicksand ............14,800
Besides the two-year degrees that often Annual Fee 710'00 157500 study and Part-time Employment. Eden Shale Farm
lead to technical careers, the community col- Part-time Student: Resident Non-resident The Office of Student Financial Aid dis- (Owen County) _ 939
leges provide two years of study in most tributes financial aid application forms to all

, , , All Under raduate Colleges— . -

major fields offered at UK s Lexmgton cam- excegt Law Kentucky l'llQl'l SChOOlS- Out—of—state SlU' Farm in Woodford County 137
pus. Semester Credit Hour Fee $14.00 $46.00 dents may secure applications by writing di- Farm In Mercer COUnlY 401
Summer Term Credit rectly to the Office of Student Financial Aid. Community Colleges 703
Hour Fee 17.00 46.00 __
. College of Law r Pro ram Grand Total Acreage ....................;...22,144
Academlc calendar Semester Fee 16.50 52.00 HOI‘IO S 9

. . Summer Term Fee 20-00 55-00 The Honors Program at the University of There are 100 major buildings on the 350—acre

UK's academic year normally begins in Graduate School Kentucky is a program for superior and main campus at Lexington.
late August or early September With the fall Semester Credit Hour Fee 19-00 5800 gifted scholars. The program at the under- Total fixed assets of the University including
semester, which ends before Christmas holi- Summer Term Credit graduate level is open to two categories of land, buildings and equipment, amount to approxi—
days. Classes begin for the splrlnfiA semef‘ter Hour F89 2000 5500 students: entering freshmen, and transfer ‘mately‘ $160,530,000.f Clarnpus bgildlcnogn froiecis,
in mid-Januar and end in ear a , w en - . _ In Various 5 ages 0 panning 5 WC Ion,
y . y y . Additional Fees and Deposits , Students Who have "or. ”Weed the" l“ are estimated to cost about $l6,000,000, and it
commencement exerCIses are held. nior year Of StUdy' Applicahon mUSl be made is expected that planning for an additional
A four-week intersession runs from mid— Additional fees and/or deposits 'may be to the Honors Selection Committee. Further $17,000,000 in construcfion will be started during
May to mid-June, and the regular summer assessed for certain courses or‘activmes. All information may be obtained by writing the the 1970-7] fiscaj year, These figures include
session lasts eight weeks, from mid-June to fees and housing costs are subject to change Director of Honors Program, University of presentand near-future construction at the com-

mid-August. without notice. Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. munity colleges.