xt7xsj19pk5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pk5m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1991 text GLSO News, June 1991 1991 1991-06 2019 true xt7xsj19pk5m section xt7xsj19pk5m iinENwEs 1991 @L5@
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from the Pride Week Committee
Pride Week is finally here! The Pride Week Worship Service at the Unitarian Universalist
Committee has planned two jam packed Church, 3564 Clays Mill Road. It you haven't
weekends full of activities tor lesbian, gay men attended church in awhile, you may enjoy
and their supporters. It's amazing what slightly attending a gay-positive church with an active
more than a handful (yes, the committee was lesbian and gay community.
literally that small!) of committed individuals can After church, head up to King's Island for
do in such a short time. imagine what we "Gay Day". Remember to wear red, but don't
could do with ten people? with twenty?!“ stay late. You need to be back in Lexington by
Pride Week begins on Friday, June 7, with 8 pm for the Pride Week Barn Dance at
Arts Night, at 8 pm. at ArtsPlace, 16! N. Mill. ArtsPlace, sponsored by the Tri—State Gay Rodeo
Debbie Currie has planned another great event Association. We can guarantee you a different
which has been a highli ht oi preVIous years. look and setting in ArtsPlace from Friday's Arts
Come out and hear pergrmances by some of Night! Admission is $3, which includes beer
Lexington's top lesbian and gay musicians, and and soft drinks.
view the artwork on displa . Wine, soft drinks, Rest for five da 5, then come out and party
and snacks will be availablila. at Lexington's localybars For Bar Night. Hourly
Saturda , June 8, has two events scheduled. drinks specials, for those peo le with Pride
The Pride Week Picnic will begin at Noon at the Week buttons, will be from: 8 - 10 pm at
Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 Clays Mill Crossin s, 10 - ii pm at The Metro, 11 -
Road. Interweave and GLSO will provide the Midnigfit at Joe's Cate & Bar, and Midnight to
drinks it you provide the food. Bring blankets, i am at The Bar. Break out at your rut and
chairs, volleyball set, or whatever, to make this visit all of Lexington's bars in one evening!
picnic the best one yet. Pride Week concludes with Movie Night on
On Saturda evenin is Pride Week's main Sunday, 7 pm, at Crossings, 117 North
event -- COMEYDY NIGTIT with Marga Gomez Limestone. The movies shown will be Longtime
and Bob Hammitt. There are two shows, 7230 Companion and Lianna. Soft drinks and
and 9:30 pm at Central Library Auditorium, popcorn will be available, but no alcohol for
140 East Main. Linda Laporte has worked hard this event.
to bring Marga Gomez, 0 top notch West That's it. Mark your calendars or just plan
Coast comedian, to this very speCIal Pride Week on attending everything! The Pride Week
Show. Tickets are $6 in advance at S ecial Committee: Debbie Currie, Linda Laporte, Mary
Media, or by calling Linda, 266-9748, or (Craig Wartield, Mark Cross, Rex Van Astine, John
Clere, 266-8887, or $7 at the door. Dont Cutright, and Craig Clere, thank ou, in
miss this show!!! advance, for your su rt of Pride Week. More
‘Sunday morning, June 9, at 10:45 am, information is availaglzotor all events by calling
Interweave will present the annual Pride Week Linda, 266-9748 or Craig, 266-8887.

[ ] Please send me information on GLSO. CI ! SSIFIED ADS
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member ol
GLSO, includin home deiive oi the ———'—-—
GLSO NEWS ang discounts at GLSO W/M, 38, seeks others for campin and other
functions. Membership of $i0/yr. outdoor lun. I'm T80 lbs., 6'2" tafi with black
individual, $l5/yr. couple, is enclosed. hair. Write Steve, PO Box 909, Winchester,
KY, 40392-0909.
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but
please send me the GLSO NEWS each Roommate wanted to share large, private
month. i enclose the $5 annual lee. larmhouse located outside at Nicholasville. Must
be honest and mature. Female, non-smoker
prelerred, couple considered. l have two very
Name: small, spoiled dogs. Rent $250/month, plus
utilities. Call 885-9937.
—§——— “—
City, St, Zip:
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 11471 from Linda Laporte
Lexington, KY 40575
On Saturday, June 8, at 7:30 pm and 9:30
pm the Pride Week Committee will present
Comedy Night at the Lexin ton Public Library
Auditorium, 140 East Main Street. The shows
GLSO News is published monthly by the will begin with Kentucky's own Bob Hammitt.
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. The featured entertainer will be Marga Gomez
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), from San Francisco. Tickets are $6 in advance
P.O. Box 114;], Lexington, KY 405g5. and $7 at the door. Advance tickets are on
sale at Sqecial Media or by calling Linda at
Craig Clere, Managing Editor (606) 266-9748 or Crai at (606) 266-8887.
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour Marga Gomez has Tiumored thousands at
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist San Francisco mega-events, Carnival, the
Lesbian-Gay Pride Parade, and Comedy Day in
Additional Contributors: Craig, John, Linda, the Park, as well as comedy clubs and
GLSO, Laura, Stonewall Union, NGLTF, The universities all over the country. This summer
Advocate; Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: Marga will be lectured on Rosie O'Donell's
Craig; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Craig; Folding & Stand-Up Spotlight on VH-i. She has also
Stuffing: Steve, Mark, Jim, John, Jan. appeared on the Arts & Entertainment network's
Good Time Cale, and on ublic television’s
Comedy Tonight with Whoo i Goldber .
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those at the Mar 0 was voted San FEanCiSCO "Entertainer
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO at the gear" at the Cabaret Gold Awards in
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions i988 and at the Cable Car Awards in i989
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the lull name and i990. She has been the opening act for
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not l(..cl lan , Thelma Houston, Etta James, L05
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter LObOS ang man others.
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as Join the Pricie Week Committee and the rest
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or at the lesbian and ay community in welcoming
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does Marga and Bob to Eexington!
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's
customer preference. -—‘——
2 Jun GLSO

from GLSO News from Athena Productions
The lesbian and gay community in the On Friday, June 14 at 8 pm the Reel World
Bluegrass area has responded to the "call for String Band will perform a benefit concert for a
help' from GLSO in te May issue of GLSO friend (who out of respect will remain
News. The organization has received over a anonymous) at Memorial Hall on the University
dozen calls from individuals volunteering to work of Kentucky campus. Reel World has performed
the Phoneline, write for the newsletter, work on together for 14 years doing their own brand of
"folding and stuffing", become a director of the traditional and contemporary "feminist hillbilly"
organization, and, yes, even edit GLSO News. music. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at
More volunteers Will, of course, be accepted. the door. Children 12 and under are admitted
Call Craig, 266-8887, to volunteer. A new free. Donations are encouraged and are tax
editor for GLSO News will be announced in deductible. Advance tickets at Sqecial Media or
the July issue. Stay tuned for details about by calling Phyllis at (606) 272-1182.
61.50 News and a complete list of GLSO's The core of Reel World presently consists of
new Board of Directors. Bev Futrell, mandolin, guitar and harmonica;
Sue Massek, banjo and guitar' and Karen
Jones, fiddle. They will be |oined on Friday by
JUNE 29 DATE OF MARCH FOR JUSTICE some surprise friends, who have previously
from GLSO News staff contributed to their four albums. Their latest
album, Ap lachian Wind, shows off the writing
The 5th Annual March for Justice will be of Bev andxgue. Bev's "Mama Used to Dance'
held June 29 beginning with a pre-march rally reflects the story of many women we all know
in Central Park, Fourth and Magnolia, in who never got the opportunity to express the
Louisville, at 10:30 am with live music, music within them; Sue's "Appalachian Wind"
balloons, food and drink, letter writing tables speaks of the winds of change that must nag
and informative literature. The March itself will the powers that be. Karen's fiddle meanwhile
begin at 12 noon and will wind its wa to the weaves a hauntin melody around the stories.
Courthouse at Fifth and Jefferson. The Rally will This evening 0? entertainment is presented b
be at the Courthouse from 1 - 2:30 pm. The Athena Productions and sponsored by U.IZ
featured speakers will be Melinda Pavas, Women's Studies.
Director of Multi-Cultural Affairs for the Shanti
Project, and Harry Britt, President of the San ..
Francisco Board of Supervisors. Join the dozens IOWEST FARES 81 YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
of Bluegrass area residents who attend . AIRLINETICKETS . CRUISES
Kentucky's only lesbian and gay march. .
If you were in zi codes 40509 and hi her "
ou may not have preceived your May GESO PEGASUS
News. We "lost" part of the subscriber list T R A v E L INC.
and had to "recreate' the list as best we could. 2040 Idle Hour Center'Richmond Road
If we "lost" you call Crai , 266-8887, or dROYP Lexin n K nt I( 40502
us a line at PO Box 111471, Lexington, , gto, e ucy
40575. Sorry for the inconvenience. 1-800-223-4337'606-253-4337
TR; .77, ,

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. m
4 Jun GLSO

’ rom J.E.
smerelda 5 Pa r10
'. l' Amon the many short term responses
~‘i-f;\ reported 1y victims are: extreme reaction to
‘ . being startled; extreme fears out of proportion to
.v the environment; inability to slee without
11 feeling rotected; and, flashbacks. Plashbacks
occur when the victim actually relives the rape
"You Who, is anybody out there?" This has event to such an extent that he may loose track
been my experience over the last 10 months of of the reality of his surroundings. He may
writing artices for Esmerelda's Parlour. i am actually believe, in extreme cases, that the
never quite sure if anR/one is reading them. attack is in progress in the present. Such events
When i took on Esmere da's Parlour last August are accompanied by feelings of panic and of
it was with the intention of it being a being victimized over and over again. Male
collaborative effort. Well, that has yet to victims sometimes report a decreased sense of
happen! Not only has no one contributed an being a man. Long-term symptoms have been
artic e, but less than a handful of you have ever reported occurring two to three months post-rape
even iven me feedback on what I have as well as being reactivated years later after
contriguted. I wonder if i am that apparent recovery.
unapproachable or are you all that complacent? What reactions can victims' expect from
Those of you that have given me feedback have telling si nificant others? There are an
been positive and very important to me and I estimated T38 000 incidents of sexual assault in
give you thanks. I received one response from the U.S. yearly. Some of the victims ma be
an angry and, i felt, somewhat abusive black solitary people, but the great maiority have
womyn over my racism articles. l have yet to some significant others - lovers, partners friends,
know how you white womyn out there felt? family. Allowing three significant others per
Havin my thoughts and feelin s printed victim, there are then at least 400,000
publicly gr others to read has mad-Z: me feel si nificant other affected by a ra every year.
vulnerable and exposed. I have not felt a lot 0% these significant others, a sizablee percentage
of support from our Gay/Lesbian community (between 12 and 25%) will have had a rape
and disappointed in the complacency I have event in their own lives. Contact with another
observed. victim can reactivate their own long-term
After reading the Ma newsletter my symptoms or recovery processes. The reactions
disap ointment dee ened as fread the calls for of these "secondary victims" can range from
hel fiom the GLSCSD Board. it seems to me that acceptance, dramatic personal support and
a fgw do all the work until they burn out, are understanding to shock, denial, guilt, anger,
willing to do no more and possibly leave and depression. Significant others react out of
harboring resentments. their own personal resources and from their own
I'You who, is anybody out there?" Where personal experiences. Gay males have reported
did the coffeehouses go? And as for Athena all of these responses with the most negative
Productions, I'm not sure she’s getting the often coming from others who have had a rape
audiences needed to stay afloat. event in their own st and wanted the victim
Lots of changes are happening for me; an to "get over it" andpciust quit talking about it. "
intra-agency job change, personal time off, and If you are ever the recipient of someone else's
two festivas this summer, and graduate school rape sto , the most valuable service that you
in the fall. So now seems a good time for me can perrform for that erson is to be a
to submit my last article to Esmerelda's Parlour. sympathetic listener. LRCCEJ is only one of many
The deadline for articles is the 10th of the resources in the community, but crisis
month rior to the month of publication. intervention is free there. Longer term therapy
Esmerelda's Parlour is officially up for grabs! is available on a slidin scale, and they are
In sisterhood, well prepared to deaF with the gay male
Laura Drew community.
Jun GLSO 5

An administrative law iudge reversed a An uncooked tqu salad is what zapped
decision of the CaIiIornia Employment most of the 3,I75 women who got
Development Department which had denied shigeIIosis-induced gastroenteritis during and
unemployment compensation benefits to a man after the I988 Michigan's Womyn's Music
discharged from the AIR Force alter he stated he Festival, according to researchers writing in the
was go . The man was discharged after a American Journal of Epidemiology. lthough
barracks inspection revealed copies of the bacteria had been present at the festival it
ay-identilied magazines under his mattress. was the salad, served on the Iinal day, that
Both the Air Force and the EDD have the right mass-distributed the illness, researchers said.
to appeal the decision, but have not yet Ii ed Thecy blamed the outbreak on a lack of soap
on appeal. on running water For handwashing.
San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos is pictured The New York Court oI Appeals has denied
on the front-page of a recent issue of the a lesbian non-biological parent the right to seek
Sentinel planting on open-mouth kiss on Tom visitation with the child she raised for many
Ammiano, the a activist who was elected to years with her former rtner. The state's
the school boarg lbst tall. The kiss came at a igihest court ruled that Alison D. is not a Iparent
Iitzy party A%n0$ threw to garner support for wit in‘ the meaning oI the law because 'she is
Eis re-election id. not the biological mother of the child nor is she
a legal parent by virtue of an adoption." The
HARTFORD, CT Court rejected the ar ument that "parent"
should be delined accorging to who lunctions as
Conneticut has become the fourth US. state a parent, not just by biology. Two years ago,
to pass a statewide gay ri hts bill and the the same Court issued an unprecedented ruling
second this year. Former genator and now that the term 'Iamily' should include a gay
Governor Lowell Weicher supported the bill and couple tor purposes of the sate rent control
quickly signed the measure into law. laws. ,
Dignity, an or anization of lesbian and gay
Cathoics, has chafilenged on both scriptural and
pastoral grounds the new translation at I REEL WORLD STRING BAND
Corinthians 6,9 and I Timothy I,IO as they IN CONCERT
currently a pear in the new edition of the New
American Elble (NAB). The NAB translated I JUNE I4, 8 PM
Cor. 6,9 as "Do ou not know that the unjust
will not inherit the Kingdom at God? Do not be MEMORIAL HALL
deceived; neither Iornicators, nor idolaters nor UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor practicin
homosexuals . . . will inherit the Kingdom 0% TICKETS: $8 - SQECIAL MEDIA
God." The term ”practicing homosexuals" is $IO AT THE DOOR
also used in a similar series OI eviIdoers in I
6 Jun GLSO

——_——— GLSO GayIIne 231-0335
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. GLSO Board call Craig, 266-8887
The restaurant, Cate Montparnasse, open from GLSO News callCrai , 266-8887
6 - 11 pm, Saturday 6 pm - 3 am. Also GLSOS kers Bureau..caT| Bill,.... 266—9175
features Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage GLSO Pmeline..callTony,.............. 266-9175
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. GLSO Coming Out Group
Atterhours Saturday night from 1:30 - 3:30 am. callAan, 253-2414
GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
Crossings, 117 North Limestone, 233-7266. call Teri, 268—4789
Lexington’s mens’ bar. Cowboy night 1st TSGRA (Tri State Gay Rodeo Association)
Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates callTer orMark,................ 233-7266
The RacL, a leather shop, open Friday and NAMES ProiectrI(entucI(y
Saturday, 10 pm to 1 am. call Katie 223-3855
Lesbian Potluck
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows callEsmerelda, 873-0254
every weekend. Atterhours Friday and EsmereIda’s Parlour
Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am. call Laura, 276-2685
Front Runners (Gay/lesbian running club)
Joe's Cate & Bar at tleur de lys, 120 South callDan, 254-6850
U per Street, 259-9973. 4 pm - 1 am, GLUE (UKSU portGroup)
Mlzmday - Friday, 6 pm - 1, Saturday. callgteve, 231-8485
Gay/ Lesbian AA
G .7. EoIIszl/eA.......................... 277-9522
" ay Les ian - non
Ran ‘ 3-1 g. call Robert 293-0516
A (,2 \ Imperial Court of the Bluegrass
“t s ,. ' 7;,» Empire.. callTerry, 266-8715
© K1» Dignity/Lexington
:1 callDon, 299-4458
Inte ri
’* M ”gufycall Kay, 277-4364
' Interweave call Craig, 266-8887
JUNE 8 - LEXINGTON CENTRAL LIBRARY (Unitarian Universalist gays, lesbians and friends.)
7:30 AND 9:30 pm SHOWS AVOI. 254-AVOL
(AIDS support and education)
——————- ACT-Lexmgton 281-5151
(AIDS education and referral)
call Edwin, 233—0444
(800) 767-4297 Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Department
AlDSTesting 288-AIDS
—_————— (For anonymous counseling and testing)
Madison County Health Department
(For anonymous counseling and testin )
(800) 347-4283 Louisville Crisis Hotline (SOZ) 454-6699
*— “—
, Jun GLSO 7

Contact names and numbers Ior all events listed FRI 7 Arts Night 8 pm, ArtsPIace,
can be found in the Directory on the previous 161 N. Mill
pa e. The Camp Care Center is located at
20% Mechanic Street, Lexington. SAT 8 Pride Week Picnic, Noon,
Unitarian Universalist Church,
JUNE $561231: Alli“ Refild;
om is t wit Margo
1 9:30 pm, Central Library
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Auditorium, 140 East Main
9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 SUN 9 Pride Week Worship Service,
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ERAS} org, éJnitarian Urhivsrsadlist
urc, 54 asMi ea;
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Lesbian Potluck, 2 )pm;
30 Aids Volunteers 01 Lexington,
5:30 pm, Com Care Center;
WEEKLY EVENTS Working Class Ritchen - Poetry &
Pertormance Art, 6 pm, a la
SUNDAY Gay/ Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comp Lucie's, 159 North Limestone;
Care Center; Pride Week Barn Dance,
GayIine, 231—0335, 8 - 11 pm 8 pm, ArtsPIace, 161 N. Mill
' TUESDAY Gay/ Lesbian AI-Anon, 7 pm TUE 11 AVOL’s Bereavement
Support Group, 7:30 pm
WEDNESDAY Gay/ Lesbian AA,
8 pm, St. Joseph Hospital, CCI WED 12 NAMES Proiect General Meeting,
Meetin Room; Gayline, 7 pm, Rosenthal Center, Transy
231-03318 -11 pm
THU 13 NAMES Pro'ect Panel Making
THURSDAY HI\'+, ARC, AIDS Support Workshop, 7 pm, Quilters Square,
(BE-rails]; Gayline, 231-0335, Regency Road
- m
p FRI 14 Reel World String Band Concert,
FRIDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comp 8 pm, Memorial Hall, U.K.
Care Center;
Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm SAT 15 Bar Night
SATURDAY Front Runners, 9 am, UK Water SUN 16 Movie Night, 7 pm,
Tower at Alumni Drive Crossings, 117 N. Limestone,
Longtime Companion and Lianna
TUE 25 AVOL's Bereavement Support
Pride Week events are in bold type. Group, 7:30 pm
SUN 2 Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association, SAT 29 5th Annual March for Justice,
4 pm Noon, Central Park, Louisville
8 Jun GLSO


FRI JUNE 7 Arts Night, 8 pm, ArtsPlace,
161 North Mill Street,
sponsored by the Pride Week Committee.

SAT JUNE 8 Pride Week Picnic, Noon - 4 pm,

‘ Unitarian Universalist Church,
3564 Clays Mill Road,
sponsored by interweave 8. GLSO.
Bring your own picnic items.
Drin s will be available.
Comedy Ni%ht - an evening of comedy
with Marga omez and Bob Hammitt,
7:30Epm and 9:30 pm, Central Library Auditorium,
140 ost Main Street, sponsored by the
Pride Week Committee. Tickets available
in advance for $6 at Saecial Media, or
by calling Linda 266-9 48, or Craig,
266-88 7. Tickets are $7 at the door.

SUN JUNE 9 Pride Week Worship Service, 10:45 am,
Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 Clays
Mill Road, sponsored by Interweave.
Gay & Lesbian Day at King’s Island.
Pride Week Barn Dance, 8 pm - Midnight,
Arts Place, 161 North Mill Street,
sponsored by Tri-State Gay Rodeo
Association. $3 admission includes beer and
soh‘ drinks.

SAT JUNE 15 Bar Night, hourly drink specials at
Crossings: 9 - 10 pm, The Metro: 10 - 11pm,
Joe’s Caie & Bar: 11 - Midnight, and
The Bar: Midnight - 1 am.
Come out and support our local bars.

SUN JUNE 16 Movie Night, 7 pm, Crossin s, 117 N Limestone.
Featured Movies: Longtime €0mpanion and
Lianna, drinks and snacks available,
an ”alcohol-iree" event.

For further information or to volunteer to work during Pride Week,
please contact Craig, 266-8887, or Linda, 2 6-9748.