xt7xsj19pk41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pk41/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 2000 2001 2002 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky Series: The Graduate School Bulletin, 2000-2002 text University of Kentucky Series: The Graduate School Bulletin, 2000-2002 2000 2000 2001 2002 2020 true xt7xsj19pk41 section xt7xsj19pk41 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY SERIES


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We aspire to enhance the University of Kentucky's stature as one of the nation's great universities:


an institution recognized nationally and internationally for excellence in teaching, research, and public
service, and a sustaining resource for the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic development of the


The University of Kentucky is a comprehensive, public, land grant university dedicated to preparing

students for an increasingly diverse and technological world, and to improving the lives of people in

the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world through teaching, research, and service.

' Our instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, professional, and lifelong education
informed by scholarship and research, and guided by a spirit of integrity and mutual respect.

° Our research, scholarship, and creative activities promote human and economic development through the expansion of
knowledge and its applications in the sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, business, and the professions.

' We have a unique responsibility for outreach and public service to support the citizens of the Commonwealth. We

collaborate with our educational, professional, business, healthcare, and agricultural partners here and abroad to
disseminate, share and apply knowledge.


The values of the University guide our decisions and behavior. We value:

--UK Strategic Plan
adopted by the Board of Trustees

May 1998



«UK Strategic Plan
adopted by the Board of Trustees
May 1998




academic excellence and freedom; 0 mutual respect and collaboration;
personal integrity; 0 cultural diversity and human dignity;
0 the creation, synthesis, application, 0 personal and institutional accountability;
and teaching of knowledge; 0 service to local, state, national, and
0 lifelong learning; international communities; and
0 the success of our students; 0 the continuous improvement of our
0 the personal and professional programs and administrative processes.
development of our faculty and stafi?
——UK Strategic Plan
adopted by the Board of Trustees
May 1998
Graphics by Mary Kelly
Volume 93 Issue 4

The University of Kentucky Series (USPS 384-610) is published 5 times a year (June, July, September and 2 in December) by the
University of Kentucky, 500 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0001. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511.
Postmaster: Send address changes to University of Kentucky Series, Graduate School, Attn: Mailing Center, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY 40506-0001.







2000. - 2002
The Graduate School

University OfKéntucky Bulletin




Calendar ....................................................................................... 3
The Graduate School ................................................................... 7
Graduate Admission ................................................................... 10
General Regulations ................................................................... 16
Advanced Degrees ...................................................................... 20
Academic Resources ................................................................... 29
General Information .................................................................. 35
Degree Requirements ................................................................ 38
Directors of Graduate Studies .................................................... 43
Graduate Degree Programs ....................................................... 46
Other Graduate Courses .......................................................... 124
Graduate Certificates ................................................................ 126
Residency Policy ....................................................................... 128
Index ......................................................................................... 132
Campus Map ............................................................................. 136




The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing educational
opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status,
and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital
status, beliefs, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical or mental

Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which
prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
is coordinated by Mr. Terry Allen, Affirmative Action Office, 8 Administration
Building, (859) 257-8927.

Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to people with
disabilities are also coordinated by the Affirmative Action Office, as required
by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990.

Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to
UK’s Affirmative Action Office, orto the Director of the Office for Civil Rights,
US. Department of Education, Washington, DC.

The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989.
Questions may be directed to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs orthe
Office of the Director of Human Resources Services.

Questions about admission to the University should be directed to the
appropriate admissions office.










Students should check the Schedule of Classes each semester for any calendar Changes which may have been approved alter publication of this
Bulletin. The approved Calendar for the academic year 2001-2002 will be published in the Schedule of Classes.

2000 Fall Semester


January lS—Monday—Deadline forsubmission ofall
application materials to the College of Medicine
for the 2000 Fall Semester

February l—Tuesday—Deadline for international ap-
plications to be submitted to the Graduate School
for the 2000 Fall Semester

April 15—Saturday—Deadline for applying with col-
lege deans for reinstatement after a second aca-
demic suspension for the 2000 Fall Semester

May l—Monday—Deadline for undergraduate inter-
national applicants to submit 2000 Fall Semester



June l5—Thursday—Earliest date to submit applica-
tion for regular and Early Decision Program ad-
mission to the College of Medicine for the 2001
Fall Semester

July 21—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in the Graduate School for the 2000
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visiting studentstatus will
be accepted after the deadline.

August l—Tuesday—Deadline for application forEarly
Decision Program admission to the College of
Medicine for the 2001 Fall Semester

August 9—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to the
Graduate School for readmission, post«baccalaure—
ate status, and visiting student status for the 2000
Fall Semester in order to register before the be-
ginning ofclasses and avoid a late fee

October lE—Sunday—Deadline for submission ofap-
plication and all required documents to the
Office of Admissions for undergraduate appli-
cants planning to attend NovemberAdvising Con-
ference (including registration for spring classes)

October31—Tuesday—Deadline for international ap-
plications to be submitted to the Graduate School
for 2001 Summer School

November l—Wednesday—Deadline for completed
AMCAS application for admission to the College
of Medicine for the 2001 Fall Semester

December l—Friday—Deadline for submission of ap-
plication and receipt ofall materials for admission,
readmission or transfer to the College of Law for
the 2001 Spring Semester

December 4—Monday—Deadline for applying for ad-
mission to a program in the Graduate School for
the 2001 Spring Semester. Applications for read-
mission, post~baccalaureate status, and visiting stu—
dent status will be accepted after the deadline.

December 13—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to
the Graduate School for readmission, post-bacca-
laureate status, and visiting student status for the
2001 Spring Semester in order to register before
the beginning ofclasses and avoid a late fee


August 15-21—Tuesday through Monday—Fall regis-
tration for new undergraduate and new program
graduate students who entered the University in
either the 2000 First Summer Session or Second
Summer Session

August lS-Zl—Tuesday through Monday—Registra»
tion for new program graduate students

August 17-19—Thursday through Saturday—Registra-
tion for Evening/Weekend students

August l7-21—Thursday through Monday—Fall regis~
tration for new post-baccalaureate students admit-
ted for the First Summer Session, Second Summer
Session or Fall Semester

August 18—Friday—Registration for new international
students who have been cleared for admission but
did not advance register

August 21—Monday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
priority register

August 23—August EEO—Wednesday through Tuesday—
Late registration for returning students who did
not priority register and new applicants cleared
late for admission. A late fee is assessed students
who register late.

September 13—Wednesday—Last day to change grad-
ing option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter
grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to

October 31-November 17*—Friday through F riday—
Priority Registration for the 2001 Spring Semes-

November l7—Friday—2001 Spring Semester Advis—
ing Conference for new and readmitted under—
graduate students


July 29—August 19*———Saturday through Saturday—
Add/ Drop for registered students

August21-22—MondayandTuesday—First dayof open-
ing—of—term add/drop for registered students

August 22—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the Uni-
versity Registrar for a full refund of fees

August 30—Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized
class for the 2000 Fall Semester

August 30—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

September 13—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript

October 20——Friday~—Last day to withdraw from a

October 20—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic

November 30—January 16*—Thursday through Satur—
day—Add/Drop for registered students for the
2001 Spring Semester


August 25—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the Uni-
versity Registrar for a full refund of fees

September l—Tuesday—Last day to officially with-
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

September 9—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees
in order to avoid cancellation ofregistration and/
or meal card

September 18—Friday—Last day for reinstatement
of students cancelled for nonpayment of regis—
tration fees and/or housing and dining fees.
Requires payment of fees and may require pay-
ment of $50 reinstatement fee.

October 23—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund, Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date otilyl'()|“‘ttt‘gciit non-academic


September 21—Thursday—Last day for filingan appli—
cation l'or a December degree in college dean's

November 2—Tliursday—Last day for doctoral candi-
dates fora December degree to submit a Notifica—
tion ol'lntcnttoschedule a final examination in the
Graduate School

November lG—Thursday—Last day for candidates fora
December degree to schedule a final examination
in the Graduate School

December graduate degree to sit for a final exami-

December lS—Friday—lnst day for candidates for a
December degree to sttbtnit a tltcsis/dissertalitin
to the Graduate School


Last dayforcandidates fora

End of Semester and Academic Holidays

August 2—Wednesday—Lastday for registered students
in the Employee Educational Program to submit
EEP form to their personnel office to confirm 2000
Fall Semester registration and tuition dcfi‘arztl

August 19«2l—Saturdaythrough Monday Fall Orien-
tation for all new undergraduate students

August 21-25—Monday through Friday—Approved
time period for students to change academic


majors (please check with college for admission

August 23—Wednesday

August 30—Tuesdav—Iiast (lay forstudcnts in the Em»
ployee Educational Program who registered in
Augttst 0r September to submit EEP form to their
personnel office for tttition del'rayal for the 2000
Fall Semester

September 4—Monday—Labor Day—Academic l'loli-

September 2I—Thtu‘sday—Deadline for submission
ol‘application and all required (loctnncnts to the
Office of the Registrar for change of residency
status for 2000 Fall Semester

OctoberG—Friday—Fall Break Academic I'loliday

October lG—Monday—Midtcrm (#2000 Fall Semester

October l7-30—Tuesday through i\Ionday—Approved
time period for students to change academic ina-


Class work begins


jors (please checkwith college for admission dead-
November 23-25—'l‘ltursday through Saturday—
Thanksgiving Holidays—Academic llolidays
December 6—Wedncsday—Last day for registered stu-
dents in the Employee Educational Program to
subtnit EEl’ tOrm to their personnel office to
confirm 2001 Spring Semester registration and
tuition defrayal

December 8——Friday———End ol‘class work

December 1 LIE—Monday through Friday—Final Ex-

December l5—Friday—End 01'2000 Fall Semester

December 18—Monday—Final deadline for submis-
sion of grades to the Registrar's Office by 4 pm.



 2001 Spring Semester



June 15, 2000—Thursday—Deadline forinternational
applications to be submitted to the Graduate School
for the 2001 Spring Semester

September 1, 2000—Friday—Deadline for under-
graduate international applicants to submit 2001
Spring Semester application

September 15, 2000—Friday—Deadline for applying
with college deans for reinstatement after a second
academic suspension for the 2001 Spring Semester

October 15, 2000—Sunday—Deadline forsubmission
of application and all required documents to the
Office of Admissions for undergraduate applicants
planning to attend November Advising Confer~
ence (including registration for spring classes)

December 4, 2000—Monday—Deadline for applying
for admission to a program in the Graduate School
for the 2001 Spring Semester. Applications for
readmission, post-baccalaureate status, and visiting
student status will be accepted after the deadline.

December 13, 2000——Wednesday—Deadline for ap-
plying to the Graduate School for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, and visiting student sta-
tus for the 2001 Spring Semester in order to regis-
ter before the beginning ofclasses and avoid $40
late fee

February l—Thursday—Deadline for international ap
plications to be submitted to the Graduate School
for the 2001 Fall Semester

February 1—Thursday—Deadline forsubmission of all
application materials to the College of Medicine
for the 2001 Fall Semester

March l—Thursday—Last day for submission of appli-
cation for admission to the College ofLaw for the
2001 Fall Semester

April l—Sunday—Preferred deadline for submitting
application for admission to the College of Den-
tistry for the 2001 Fall Semester

April 6—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in the Graduate School for the 2001
Summer Sessions. Applications for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status,andvisitingstudentstatus
will be accepted after the deadline.

April 25—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to the
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalaure—
ate status, and visiting student status for the 2001
First Summer Session in order to register May 7
and avoid a late fee


January 2-8—Tuesday through Monthly—Registration for
new program graduate students

January 5-8—Friday through Monday—Registration for
new post-baccalaureatestudents

January 5-6—Friday and Saturday—Registration for
Evening/Weekend and new graduate students

JanuaryS—Mondathegistration for newstudentswho
have been cleared for admission but did not prior-
ity register

January 10-17—Wednesday through Wednesday—Late
registration for returning students who did not
priority register and new applicants cleared late
for admission. A late fee is assessed students who
register late.

January 31—Wednesday—Last day to change grading
option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to
pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)

March 26-April 13*—Monday through F riday—Prior—
ity registration for the 2001 Fall Semester and
both 2001 Summer Sessions

April 24—May 7*—Tuesday through Monday—First
Summer Session registration and add/drop con—
tinue for students enrolled in the 2001 Spring




April 24—June G*—Tuesday through Wednesday—
Second SummerSession registration and add / drop
continue for students enrolled in the 2001 Spring


November 30-January 16*—Thursday through Satur-
day—Add/Drop for registered students for the
2001 Spring Semester

January 8—9—Monday and Tuesday—First day of open-
ing-of-term add/drop for registered studen ts

January 9—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the Uni»
versity Registrar for a full refund of fees

January l7—Wednesday—Last day to enter an orga-
nized class for the 2001 Spring Semester

January l7—Wednesday—Last day to officially with-
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

January 20—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript

March 6—Friday—Last day to withdraw from a course

March 6—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the Uni-
versity or reduce course load and receive any re-
fund. Students can withdraw or reduce course load
after this date only for “urgent non-academic rea-

April 24—June l6*—Tuesday through Saturday—Add/
Drop for priority registered students for the 2001
Fall Semester


January 9—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the Uni~
versity Registrar for a full refund of fees

January l7—Wednesday—Last day to officially with-
draw from the University or reduce course load
and receive an 80 percent refund

January IO——Wednesday—Lastday for payment of reg-
istration fees and/or housing and dining fees in
order to avoid cancellation ofregistration and/or
meal card

February 2—Friday—Lastday for reinstatement of stu-
dents cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment of a rein—
statement fee.

March 9—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the Uni-
versity or reduce course load and receive any re-
fund. Students can withdraw or reduce course load
after this date only for “urgent non-academic rea—


February 8—Thursday—Last day for filing an applica-
tion for a May degree in college dean's office

March22—Thursday—Last day for doctoral candidates
for a May degree to submit a Notification ofIntent
to schedule a final examination in the Graduate

April 5—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a May
degree to schedule afinal examination in the Gradu-
ate School

April 19—Thursday—Lastday for candidates for a May
graduate degree to sit for a final examination

April 27—Friday—Last day for doctoral candidates for
a May degree who wish to receive a diploma at
Commencementto submitdissertation to the Gradu-
ate School

May 4—Friday—Last day for candidates for a May de-
gree to submit a thesis/dissertation to the Gradu-
ate School

May 6—Sunday—Commencement Day

of Semester and Academic Holidays

December 6, 2000—Wednesday—Last day for regis-
tered students in the Employee Educational Pro-
gram to submit EEP form to their personnel office
to confirm 2001 Spring Semester registration and
tuition defrayal

January 8—1 2—Monday through Friday—Approved time
period for students to change academic majors
(please check with college for admission dead-

January lO—Wednesday—Class work begins

January l5—Monday—Martin Luther King Birthday—
Acadetnic Holiday

January l7—Wednesday—Last day forstudents in the
Employee Educational Program who registered
inJanuaty to submit EEP form to their personnel
office for tuition dcfrayal for the 2001 Spring Se-

February 8—Thursday—Deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the
Office of the Registrar for Change of residency
status for 2001 Spring Semester

March 5—Monday—Midterm of 2001 Spring Semes-

March 6-26—Tuesday through Monday—Approved time
period for students to change academic majors
(please check with college for admission dead-

March 12-17—Monday through Saturday—Spring
Vacation—Academic Holidays

April 27—Friday—End of class work

April 30-May 4—Monday through Friday—Final Ex-

May 4—Friday—End of 2001 Spring Semester

May 7—Monday—Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar’s Office by 4 pm.

May 7-August18—College of Pharmacy 15-Week Sum-
mer Term

2001 First Summer Session


October 31, 2000—Tuesday—Deadline for interna-
tional applications to be submitted to the Graduate
School for 2001 Summer School

April 9—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion to a program in the Graduate School for the
2001 Summer Sessions. Applications for readmis-
sion, post-baccalaureate status, and visiting stu-
dent status will be accepted after the deadline.

April 25—Wednesday——-Deadline for applying to the
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalaure-
ate status, and visiting student status for the 2001
First Summer Session in order to register May 10
and avoid a late fee

May 23—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to the
Graduate School for readmission, post—baccalau-
reate status, and visitingstudentstatus for the 2001
Second Summer Session in order to register be-
fore the beginning ofclasses and avoid a late fee


April 24-—-May 7*—Tuesday through Monday—First
SummerSession registration and add/drop continue
for students enrolled in the 2001 Spring Semester

May 7—Monday—Registration for new students

May 8-1 1 —Tuesday through Friday—Late registration
for returning students not already registered and
new applicants cleared late for admission. A late
fee is assessed students who register late.

May l4—Monday—Last day to change grading option
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/
fail; credit to audit or audit to credit) in college
dean's office


 1d End

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31 office
1011 and

'ed time
1 dead-


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ed time
1 dead-


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sion of

‘k Sum-


for the
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‘ to the
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VIay 10

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May 16—June 3*—Wednesday through Wednesday—-
Eight-Week registration and add/drop for stu-
dents who entered the University in the 2001 First
Summer Session


a course or cancel registration with the University
Registrar for a full refund of fees

May ll—Friday—Last day to enter an organized class
for the 2001 First Summer Session

May ll—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May l4—Monday—Last day to drop a course without it
appearingon the student’s transcript

May 22—Tuesday—-Lastday to withdraw from a course

May 22—Tuesday—Last day to withdraw from the Uni-
versity or reduce course load and receive any re-
fund. Students can withdraw or reduce course load
after this date only for “urgent non—academic rea-


May 8—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially drop
a course or cancel registration with the University
Registrar for a full refund offees

May l2—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 21—Monday—Last day to pay registration fees
and/or housing and dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration and/or meal card

May 23—Tuesday—Last day to withdraw from the Uni-
versity or reduce course load and receive any re-
fund. Students can withdraw or reduce course load
after this date only for “urgent non-academic rea-

May 3l—Thursday—Last day for reinstatement ofstu-
dents cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing anddiningfees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment ofa rein-
statement fee.

of Semester and Academic Holidays

May 7—Monday—Beginning ofCollege of Pharmacy
Iii-Week Summer Term

May S—Tuesday—Class work begins

May 1 l—Friday—Last day forstudenls in the Employee
Educational Program to submit EEP form to their
personnel office for tuition defrayal for the 2001
First Summer Session

May 2l—Tuesday—Midterm of 2001 First Summer

May lS—Monday—Memorial Day—Academic Holiday

June 5—Tuesday—Final Examinations

June 5—Tuesday—End of the 2001 First Summer Ses-

June 8—Friday—Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar‘s Office by 12 noon

2001 Second Summer Session



October 31, 2000—Tuesday—Deadline for interna«
tional applications to be submitted to the Graduate
School for 2001 Summer School

February l—Thursday—Deadline for undergraduate
international applicants to submit 2001 Second
Summer Session application

April 6—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in the Graduate School for the 2001
Summer Sessions. Applications for readmission,
post-baccalaureate status, andvisiting student status
will be accepted after the deadline.

May 23—Wednesday—Deadline for applying to the
Graduate School for readmission, post-baccalaure-

ate status, and visiting student status for the 2001
Second Summer Session in order to register be-
fore the beginning ofclasses and avoid a late fee

June 15—Friday—Deadline for international applica-
tions to be submitted to the Graduate School for
the 2001 Spring Semester

July 20—Friday—Deadline for applying foradmission
to a program in the Graduate School for the 2001
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post-
baccalaureate status, and visitingstudent status will
be accepted after the deadline


April 24—June 6*—Tuesday through Wednesday—
Second Summer Session registration and add / drop
continue for students enrolled in the 2001 Spring

May Iii—June 6*—Wed nesday through Wed nesday—
Second registration and add/ drop for studentswho
entered the University in the 2001 First Summer

June 5—Tuesday—Registration for Evening/ Weekend
and new graduate students

June 6—Wednesday—Registration for new students

June 7-11—Thursday through Monday—Late registra»
tion for returning students not already registered
and new applicants cleared late for admission. A
$40 late fee is assessed students who register late.

June lS—Monday—Last day to change gradingoption
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/
fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)


June 7—Thursday——Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June 1 l—Monday—Iastday to enter an organized class
for the 2001 Second Summer Session

June 1 l—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

June 18—Monday—Last day to drop a course without it
appearing on the student's transcript

July ll—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from a

July ll—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic


June 7—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

June I l—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

June 20—Wednesday—Last day to pay registration fees
and/0r housing and dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation ofregistration and/or meal card

June 29—Monday—Last day for reinstatement of stu-
dents cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires
payment of fees and may require payment of a
reinstatement fee

July ll—-Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any
refund. Students can withdraw or reduce course
load after this date only for “urgent non-academic


June 22—Friday—Lastday for filing an application for
an August degree in college dean’s office

June 27—Wednesday—Lastdayfordoctoml candidates
for an August degree to submit a Notification of
Intent to schedule a final examination in the Gradu-
ate School

July ll—Wednusday—Last (lay for candidates for an
August degree to schedule a final examination in
the Graduate School

July 25—Wednesday—Last (lay for candidates for an
August graduate degree to sit for a final


August 2—Thursday—Last day for candidates for an
August degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to
the Graduate School

End of Semester and Academic Holidays

June 7—Th ursday—Class work begins

June ll—Monday—Last day for students in the Em-
ployee Educational Program to submit EEP form
to their personnel office for tuition defrayal for
the 2001 Second Summer Session

July 2—Monday—lndependence Day—Academic Holi-

July 7—Thursday—Midterm of2001 Second Summer

August 1—Wednesday—Last day for registered stu-
dents in the Employee Educational Program to
submit EEP form to their personnel office to
confirm 2001 Fall Semester registration and tu-
ition defrayal

August 2—Thursday—End of the 2001 Second Sum-
mer Session

August 2—Thursday—Final examinations

August G—Monday—Final deadline forsubmission of
grades to the Registrar’s Office by 12 noon

August 18—Saturday—End of College of Pharmacy 15-
Week Summer Term

*These dates are subject to change.




Charles T. Wetl1ington,Jr., Ph.D.
President of the University

Fitzgerald B. Bramwell, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

Michael T. Nietzel, Ph.D.
Dean of the Graduate School

Douglass S. Kalika, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School

James E. O’Reilly, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of the Graduate School

Deneese L.J0nes, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of the Graduate School

H-e-rl—hé A








The University of Kentucky began offering graduate work
in 1870 and awarded its first graduate degrees in 1876. The
Graduate School became a distinct unit in the University
organization in 1912.

The mission of the Graduate School is to promote ad-
vanced study, graduate instruction, and research by the
faculty and students of all colleges and departments. The
total graduate resources of the University are merged under
it for the purpose of promoting the acquisition of knowledge
in an atmosphere of free and lively inquiry.

Graduate work is off