xt7xsj19pj8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19pj8t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1892-03-29 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 2, No. 7, March 29, 1892 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 2, No. 7, March 29, 1892 1892 1892-03-29 2015 true xt7xsj19pj8t section xt7xsj19pj8t f__ J x J ~._ -
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VOL. 2 - LEXINGTON. KY MARCH 29. 1892. l‘tO- 7 l
I I” »— w. ._,,,,,¢f,,fi , ,7: :, ;;_g;;‘.:ié.§-, .3? . [ADDRESS OF 0. C,”CALHUUN, BEFOREIwell as poets and priests not
1! ,‘ngfif 1:; $9,", ,3?" "r 2233? ’i 3;. -. I THE FATTERi’ON SOCIETY- only sanctioned but promulga-
i‘ii'fic'if'; 1-34,? u ’23 “it“. ‘0‘ r: 'r‘i'jg.,§§’}5 “if 3Q": Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gen— the bitterest jealousics, the most
' V N i ' tlemen.— ‘ atrocious intrigues, and fiercest
I wish to say that the few amours which were attributed to
n and 13 W. Main Street, thoughts which will be imper- their deities; and in fact, seemed
fectly presented to you to—night, to occupy the most of their tune
by myself, are not the result of anddivine attention. VVefind this
‘ The best place to buy your mature and deliberate thinking, degrading influence common to
‘ buthave been gathered at spare all pagan nations. It seems to
moments from the daily routine be the natural result of their dis-
underwear’ NeCkweal‘, ofa busy life. Philosophers of eased and perverted imagina-
all schools agree that the effect tions, showing a disposition
. determines the power and influ- for worship, and an aspir-
COLLKBS, CUFFS AND HATS. ence of the cause, which is dem-iation for something higher;
' onstrated by gravitation. Phi-Qat the same time attributing to
losophers are unable to tell usithe objects of their adoration, i
What Gravitation is, yet they not only supreme intelligence
Fall Line 0’ Stationery ’ BOO/(S, etc" em affirm that not a single atom in and prowess,but also adding their
the great universe of matter is own evil passions and propensi—
J D P U RCELL exempt from its power. So it is ties greatly magnified. Thus,
I u n with Christianity, we are able to we find in ancient Egypt a mul-
@ judge of its great influence by titude of gods having human
' its wonderful effects. In order passions and material motion.
All " work - Guaranteed. to determine what the practical In the religion of the old king—
_‘ benefits of Christianity are, we dom of Babylon, the deity Bel-
"7 VICTOR BOGAERT imust compare the present con- tis occupied a prominent place,
I .352»: . Watchmm ’ dition of the world with what it and receiyed the most degrad- w".
"1}, j'\ 5 ‘ was before its influence had been ing wors iip imaginable. The . ‘
' ”(Rf X“ 99%“ And Manufm Jm‘ felt; and contrast the civilization religion of the Phoenicians seem-
Trill % , final}? 3;, turigogfitifimm mg: which has _been developed and ed better adapted to foster than
'flpjfi ,if/fi’a; mg of Watches 3 WMefials. made poSSible by it, With the to C‘LIC‘CF impurity and cruelty;
, ','L'u¥t'3é‘.‘~t’,tti§\ it“; flyflgs..-_3£gg§sz; Badges, Bangles and Glass 8 of any c1v1hzation of other ages. In the seiv1ce paid then goddess As-
,fljt‘V-‘ié‘é‘rffii mugs: des‘gn made ‘0 O'der- doing this,we will consider prin- tarte being even more degrading
‘7?! £1.31“: g®flg ’5 Ea“ 9“” sm' Cipally what is known as the than that to the Babylonian Bel-
“l" i' ‘ " ~-‘4‘l‘"i"“ LEXINGTON,K Y. civilization of Greece and Rome, tiS. While the direful wrath of l
W andI wish to say in the outset, Molock was often appeased by '
“In the Spring thatit is very far from my 111- conmgmnglarge numbers ofgirls
_..——————-— .tention to endeavor to dim the and boys of the best Phoenician
, ‘ ’lustre of Grecian greatness, or to circles to the hungry flames,
A YOllIlg Man S Fancy {detract anything from the just Even in Persia, the land of the
W praise which is due Roman Parsees, boys were often buried
. . grandeur. M ob'ect is sim- alive as an offering to the divii— -
nghtly Turns t0 Thoughts Of LU VG.” iply to draw tiie impartial com- ities, and despotisfin was made
m parisou between their society almost absolute by divine sanc-
But all the THOUGHTS in the world will not avail any- and morals as effected by their tiou. With this, we will leave-
. thing if the “young man” don’t makea presentable appear- religion and philosophy, and the land Of the Orient having
ance. All Nature in the Spring puts on a new garb, and I Ehose'ofothei nations which have found that its pagan religions
the “young man” cuts the most conspicuous part in Nature 1 Ieen‘infiuenc'ed by Christianity. were unable F0 secure a govern-
..50 the young girls think, anyway. If, therefore, you' t is .not difficult to discover ment of laws, but on the other
come in the category of a YOUNG MAN with SPRING I wherein the religion of Greece hand cherished a government
. FANCIES call and see us, and we’ll show you the hand- I audRome was greatly at fault, where the 01111111)otentw111 0f the
somest line of SPRING SUITS, NECKVVEAR, HOSI- for It. needs not to be proven, one .master was supreme;
ERY, SHIRTS, &c, that you can find in the country, and that If a system Of religion IS .to resulting 111. the most Clilnglilg
we will save you money too. You can get as nobby a suit as be lasting and truly beneficral tyranny, abject scrvrlity 411d “1'
you want for $13-50, and many at much less. to mankind, its foundation must conceivable_nnsery. To Greece
In our TAILORING DEPARTMENT we have out- be laidnpoulthe ideaofthesupe- the eucliautingland of romance,
done oursclyes, and if we don’t save you from $10 to $15 “913.”, and a )iéillte Pm?” Of 115 poetry {”31 PhllofélfllY» WCSIMHY
011 every suit made to order, from what other Tailors charge l Olli‘matms' . ts authmsmust, at turn. 10 111e, (11.0%? has ever
you, you can have ours for nothing. llcast, be beings whose exalted been the most facmating oflands;
{characters rise in divmc superi- Its gallant hermsm, its profound
OPQIE PR EOE C LOTH I NG H OUSE lority to the frailty, passions and philosophy, and sublime poetry
M KAU FMAN & CO :depravity common to human 111- have ever filled my soul with
U ,, lturc; at the same time, they must the profoundcst admiration. I
- .. - possess the attributes of wisdom, can never think of Marathon
‘ 541:5. Mgfll'tSt” . It 7 Lexangton’ KY’ ipower, virtue. and all that is of Leonidas, of Epamandus, of
- mice ‘ ,ml 5 a specra 3' . - - - - - - Jnoble and good. In both Greece’Socrates, Without feelinganobler
_ Dress Suits for Rent. and Rome, the public legends as enthusiasm, and believing that
\ .

 2 The State Gollege Cinder. '
the Greeks were almost excusa-1able folly, ferocious tempers, :ori A .
ble for claiming that they were I abandoned iiiorals. Here was} E K I (U N K E R
the progeny of gods. Yetthey, a power which was al)solute,l " ‘
like the 1:2ng )tians, introduced and under its sway, temples and?
into their religious services, the images of this worship were; BARBER
worst animal )assions. They crave to be gfound , in Rome, 8 )ain,“ . _
honored placles to the statutzeis of Gaul, Greece, Egypt and Plale's-i COI". Short and Mlll Stlee'ts-
the Iciwest creatures, whose lives tine. Cities coveted the name . . . . a . * -
were spent'in abject degradation “Servants of the Caesar God"? WAIUSU'C Hair-cuttinga bpecialty'
within the very temples them— yetthey must have felt indefyingI—I~ —_”__ .
selves, so we learn from Strabo many ofthe emperors that theyi S I i i D E |\T ’ i ‘ S
that the wealth of the Corinthi- were giving divine prerogatives; ,
ans was produced largely to demons. Iii Sparta, children‘ MGO Tow» ‘
through these degrading and might be whi ped in the temple . _ '
corrupt practices. To this they 1 of Diana until their life’s blood i Watk‘i E1 3 an d swan Ger ;
added thehorrors ofhuman sacri- appeased the anger of their tor-l ‘ ,
fice which was practiced in mentors¢on the steps of the verytrafl BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF FO0TW£AR
Athens down at least to the altaritself,andifGrecian parents . '
time of Themistocles. To the*did not choose to support or _ They keep the bESt $300; $400 and $5.00 Lines of Substan
, enthusiastic admirer of Greece care for their children, they,‘tlal Shoes made, and guarantee every'pair. G566 them a calla
and Grecian splendor, these might, and did expose them to 16 East Main Street, LEXINGTON KY '
things are simply heart-sicken- be torn by wild beasts and birds 1 _———_TF__mw—_II?—I—_——
, ing, and one turns away with of prey, or to die of hunger and, ' . I
the same leelings expressed by the chilling blast. In Ronie,l second Nah I . k
Mr. Grote in his memorable la- the father had absolute control ' , ' 0-5" a . ital) 1 if;
ment over the lack of power over the fortunes, happiness and M ' ' '
for self development in the Athe- lives of his children. He could LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY.
, nian democracy, when he says, sell themforslaves, or bind them ~ . . ., ~ ,. . ‘ ,
, “Since these ignoble means are in chains. IA general Banking Business Transacted. Collections Prompt”
. the deeds for which Athens eni— This cruelty to children was , At , d d t: -
, ployed and recompensed her light, compared with that perpe— __ .. _. _. . . ”ten e . 0' . x» ; .
.izmost eminent citizens, the his— trated by the Greeks and Ro- “EM—— ‘8 .; \.
torian accustomed ,to the Gre- mans upon their slaves. When JOH N H UTL H {SON,
cian world as described by He- we consider the number of slaves ,_,
_ roditus, Thucidides, and Zeno- in Greece and Rome, and the r ' ‘- DEAL'ER INT??—
l,phon, feels that the life has de- treatment they received at the 7;__= i . ‘ .. . _ . . . ..
parted from liissubject, and with hands of their masters, it is sim- ' i y g
: sadness and humiliation brings ply appalling. It was estimated STAPLE AN fl FAN BY BHflBEH | E5
This narrative to a close.” Bad that in 309 B. (3., there were liv-
and cruel as were some of the ingin Attica,astatemuchsnialler . And Country Produce .
, ' religious customs of Greece, than Rhode Island, 124,000 free— ’ ‘ ' '
those of Rome were even worse. men and 00,000 slaves. And " ' , ' '
IT he Romans being naturally in- pliilosopheiis like Aristotle GoodsPrampt/ygDe/werefiqt (1’70, saiISfUCtmn Guaranteed
,clined to cultivate their animal thought slavery an important . . ._ ,CORNER MAIN AND MILL STREETS,
nature and lacking those lofty art of natural law. The Ro- .
' and speculative attributes of the iiian master had absolute author- _Telephone NO“ 4’ LEXINGTON: KY-
. ' .. Grecian mind which have giv- ity over the action and life of his m '
.. en them such pre-eminent dis- slaves. They were chained‘as C’W'F°U5“EE' C-D-CUNP‘INGHAM-h
,‘tinction, gave to theworld scenes )orters to the door )osts, and I I “1
connected with their religious £11111: up at night in under-ground 0' W. F0 SHEE & GOO! .
,services which would put to barracks, or delivered into the WHOLESALEANDRETAILDEALERS1N
shame the most bitter and scoif- hands of the torturer, who prac- P I m . ’ , g , . ,
'lfilgglnefidd of1 modern times. In need upon them his diabolical am“, “a, Blililles, Mill“: and Alli“: material: Of a,“ Kind:
‘ , per raps, inOie than craft, prepared With seientific
[ anywhere. else,tliere was afgreater atrocity, to force their confession HOUSE PAINTERS' PAPER HANGERS’ ETC-
' tendency to make the God like to crimes which too often they A full line of the Celebrated Town and Country Ready-mixed
. the worshiper,only with enlarged had not committed. Paints always on hand. Only first—claSS work done at reasonabk
Icapacities. The licentious Bac— Oh, to what depths of despair prices. ‘
. canalia occupied a prominent must these poor creatures have 21 W t 33:; +
_ place in their religious worship, been driven. It will be necessa- H___g , 777,77?“ or: $7,119“ ,, ,,,,,,_u_,___
'and the rites connected With ry to cite but few instances in “f"“"""""””fi‘#"" "7W“ " ""ifi’i‘w‘g7
'this service were so degrading order to see how brutally and $g/i i AB I E l S %
they came to be celebrated cruelly warfare was conducted by '
‘,witli such unnatural excesses as the Greeks and Romans. In the , We can show Best Values Greatest Variety
'1' to threaten the destruction of war between Sparta and Athens,‘ and Largest Stock Come and see
,‘morality and societyitself. And'405 B. C., Lysander, having ta-_ ’ ° '
we hear the complaint of Senaca ken an Athenian city, slaughten‘ FineStationei'y. Society Programs_
- .ylhaiimui‘n uttered the most aboni- ed in cold blood 3,000 of its 501— ~ First-class Printing and. Binding
iialile pi aycis iii the ears of the (hers. . . l . . , '
gods So that what a man ought A little later, Alexander, haw]
. f‘n’ot to hear, they did not blush ing captured Tyre, hung 200 of' TRANSYLVARIA PRINTI‘NG CO”
,to speak’ to the deities.” its inhabitants on the walls and I ‘ 10 East Mm" Street, LEXImyrox, Ky,
.. ”lint, the: most dangerous infin— I sold 30,000 into slavery, becauscl WW ..__e._ W
fence ‘WhiC‘h has ever cursed the they had dared to make an effort .
' "tail: prospects of any people, sap- to defend their liberties, their E' KUEHNE’) B‘ FOTSCH’
ping their vital energy, crushing country, and their homes. The Phoenix Hotel. Under Fayette Nat. Bank.
, ”1011‘ ;‘11€1,t;\}1'€ll VIQ‘OT 311d blasting most astonishing and to my mind, BAH—BEES
[their hepcs ofhberty and happi-I one of the worst features con-l , , "
striorntlet 0f the (lelfiwsonlnected W11 Page warfare mull KEUHNE and FOTSCH.
.,0f;lt_l‘,1,011$9},1.1€1'1,1tanniqors during the relations exrsting betweenl _ , . 4 . ‘.
”their ,1'Ll‘131‘Cfi, , iiotwitlistaiuliiig,‘Pagan nations was their treat-i Specml attention to btudeiit‘ ‘
‘ th'by (inhibited tlie‘inost intoler- ment of CilllJaSSZlClO‘l'S; for not ill-l pEmIL-s. G—‘l-OI‘Q'. KY-

 r . . ,

The State (Ziollege @ade‘t 3*
frequently did the ambassador or Christianity, they are made an- [P h B d a ll '
herald who vi ited . a foreign gels of peace, mercy and purity,1 PBS ‘ Pea an R0 S
100mg, take 1118 ,3le m has 0-WI1 by the sanctity of their lives tol ——-GO TO— '
iancs as was ie case curin . ' . _
the Spartan supremacy. g purify and ennoble man. Gen— ~ MCMILLAN & OSBOREN’S ,

It would seem that pojicy 0r erally, in both Greece and Rome ,
commercial interest would have women were regarded With the flaw agggm Bakegy’ .
been sufficient to make the life utmost dlStrHSt %0 that, what a CORNER VINE AND UPPER s’rrncic'i‘s. .
and property ofthe embassador man did at. the request, or even Forth b tB (1 R11 d 0 kn ' thn .- , F-nl Pr- 1- 11’ ll
inviolate. But neither commer- by the adVlbe Of a woman, was ready ever; eSaniiight’509clcsiclin a S m 1' "113' "'“‘ l ”1““ “I“ ‘0 5
cial interest nor policy nor feel- legally \COhSldered of'no Ebb“-
' ings of humanity could stay the “711611 Greece was Elvlhg t0 the —' ....____

cruel hand of Pagan revenge. At world, a literature which was to 1 _ ..
Rome the public .. thirst for 1111- serve asa model for future ages, ‘ l : . J . .
man carnage was so great it when her arts had reached their ' - - - , 9
seemed impossible to satiate it. hlghESt PcrferOh, she 1hdEhbly Dealers in all Kinds 03
Large numbers of captives taken blotted her fah‘. ESChtChEOh by
in war were set apart for deadly denying. education to woman, Fresh Meat Bacon I'm-d and §a , e
contests with each other and and Aristotle, the greatest 0f ’ , *‘ mg
with wild beasts, to make a lioli— Hellenic philosophers, 15 report- 14 WEST SHORT mm
day for the most enlightened ed 35 havmg regarded 1thtem as ’
citizens of the mistress of the occupying a POSlthh 353 ween - N . Y
Pagan world. During the up that of slaves and freeman. In MEX-I— GTMW_ _"
nmpli of Aiirelian, 800 pairs of Rome, before the final Phil“: WWW-“m .. -. .. ' i 1 I ‘
gladiators fought 10,000 men, Victories, a Wife’s conduct might ,1.“ .1 -, '
and during the games of Trajan, be condemned by the d€C1510h ., i 33‘
sometimes female captives were or mere caprice _Of her hquth» 5‘15} 2;“:
forced to fight, while the gardens for VthCh she hhght be chastised , ~
were often illuminated by the 9t hlS, pleasure, her husband be“ i
condemned being burned in 111% given a (11151thd th'lsdlCtlQh 1 ,____ ,_a_... g , _, p fl _. _ ., 1..-. __ .. ,. -__
shirts of pitch. Julius Caesar over her life. After the Punic gffigiffiéff g3.
forced as many as 3001mmS of wars Roma.“ women were 311‘”? firQanWrEc.
arranged a spectacular carnage before, bf-‘lhg 'tOO bad to adlhlt cg?’~iig’ilfi:L i‘sgtiifmff

‘ one time. But, this is enough, I greatest excess, 1t T1013 being an Eng’c‘du‘l‘wwigfi‘x
can already see that this Christ- uncommon thlhg for a woman F0 jllhr‘iké‘fi“xtlfijx4rn‘l§ 3,;1§“flh“
inn. cnciclncc nckcnc cc the dc— have ml legal husbands “I “fit
scription of these few instances the course Of a Slhgle year.l :nfigfiffiifiwfin-v3£l’£a:’,l;.,‘c,li«;;,_,mcflf_-fiéfihgw
connected With Pagan warfare. I ’1 heseiew facts taken from the Hilblfflrfar,rcfll‘fiifint'.:'”rif3;
might continue on this line and Yolummous evidence 0“ thls sub- illpi‘nh'";n“’ic”.,~”3,vrf‘ic-r‘ ’nyj‘d,‘ _
siro'w how very few cirarrm- iccn I ccnfidcnc cncnncnc l“~-,.
blc tct Greece and Rome to non Jndcnncntnr and l“, “y
had before the influence of Chris- I know they have been enough 11111,4‘."L_,/~"/m3’“
iianity had been felt there. The weary your Pahehcet lili'li‘fifflg ,zr "7511'.- ,,:,f~-i-“.»"l ‘

‘ insane were often scoffed at and When the spirit of humanity “if€:~_g.{«'(i‘d:;g~i_—:_:J:‘wagé’céiggimc
treated with the utmost severity. seemed crushed by the Victor’s in" i H H i ' 7 7 ”7" '
They were confined in cages spoils, and slavery’s profits; when "
and put on exhition, or chained pity seemed drowned in human 0 F' K E NTU C KY 1 ~
in dungeons to starve and die. carnage, when morality seemed ' ' ‘
Unfortunates in mind or body lost in open corruption; and in- . r . . . '
were looked upon not as objects decency reigned almost supreme Agricultural and Mechanical, Screntxfxc En—‘
of pity but rather as objects of in the imperial mistress of the gineering‘, Classical, Normal School '
scorn. world, the man, Christ jesus, and CommerCial Courses. ‘

, The system of education was “if,”in the language ofjosephus,

correspondingly bad. In both “it be lawful to call him a man,” ‘ $5 . ‘ .

Greece and Rome, so far as the started an influence which was TWENTY PROFEQS®R§ _ ‘

masses were concerned, that ed— destined to revolutionize the ,

ucatioii of the mind which gives world. Considering his teach— AND INSTRUGTORS.

to the state, to society, and the ings, from a secular stand-point, 1 i

world a true manhood was 211- we find embraced in one short , _ __ ,

most wholly neglected.) There sentence, “Thou shalt love thy County Appomtees admitted to Free Tuition. Board in Dormi-

could be found there no such in- neighbor as thyself,” a greater tory $2.00; in private families $3.00 and $4.00 per

stitntions astlie oldA.&M.,whose and more beneficent law than is week Fall Term begins on second Wednes-

dpors were thrown open in queen- to be found in the entire system .

ly inunificence, inviting young of Grecian and Roman Juris- day 111 September. For Catalogues and

man and maiden, rich and poor, prudence. In all that this man other information, apply up

to Vie with each other in the pur- said or did, he was the living .

suit of knowledge. personification of this law, and JAMES K PATTERSON Ph D P Q“ 1
There is alarge number ofhu- he died, enforcing its spirit. But, I I I, [ELI all ’

man bein 3 who above all others here was enacted a scene in the ‘

owemuchgto theinfluenceofChris- drama Of the world’s history be- LEXINGTON’ KY.

tlanlty, for it has elevated tllelll fore Wlllcll all Others Slllk lllto WV

from a contemptible and almost insignificance. ‘ I I 3

servile position to the first and When life 'departed from the ED ERNDON, . \

most honored place in society. body of nature’s God, hanging, '

Whereas, under Pagan religions, transfixed between earth and B A REE

women were thought to have heaven, the earth quaked in hor- l i

been created for the convenience ror, the'grave gave back its dead, \ 9

of man, through the influence of Continuation Page Eight Near Corner Market and Short.

 1L The gtate Gallege (.63th
Grand Opening _..t..r.z.. English Kitchen, l2 Vi. . short.
Regular meals 25 cents. Meals to order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring Chickens a specialty. On exhibition
'daily 200 Fans, in perpetual motion, and 5,000 gallons of water flowing over a Petrified Nymph. Four latest improved Automatic
Phonographs on exhibition and an Art Gallery. Seating capacity of Hall, I 50. GUS .LUIGART, Proprietor.
THE illli BlLlElE lllll. lm Great «Hmmbton F“? S 0011:81gnment
3 press nut '16 peop.e lllC out 3- v' _
___M__.._.._-.......t.....~,~._._.._a.__- . - 0" 0 mo 11) .
1—7: l l . ll 3 ti (fr: lthat men don’t attend this school. 0f Clbdrs' g
’ “S, -i ,‘\ IHlllll ’ 1lll'lll‘,f 'lk‘ ._,rlr \541- _ ‘ . '
[2111:- \Ilttll' only, “1.5“!“ inn-rust oi term-y i111 order to learn to plant COI'll 01‘. arge trust Of Cl. ATEST NOVEL-
l’vlw'llm'nllnf ”W “Ill-‘- Cull-i; ~ lhoe potatoes, the better it will[ TIES
“Amman“... .. be for all concerned It has 11—: gars' '
TELL-UH. - _ f 3
One rm 73.: ways been my humble opinion; WW .
Six )‘iOIliilS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50L that a boy can spend his tin-16 .
Till-(51‘,)i()ll[ilS................................:illc 3 . _ _‘ 9" a a N g ETT N G I N DEAN
Singletnln 10c much better leagmg grain'ma-i, a i g
' ______________TT___‘__‘________ than practicmg athletics, still 1er ' 3
EDI” 01"“ [19:19" I", ’ the muscle must be developed,l N0 101 East Main Street.
i'GEEMAXEY- hd'tur' 3 let us have some facilities fori
PROF. V. 1.; Mum-r, AlumnusEditor. . . , . l Wfl'_"'== ‘
_ , . tliislme of education. 1
1). 1’. SMITH, 'l‘n-asurer A: Business Mug. -.__ l 3 W l G h 0 1 3
3. “.1” \ “mm“.HEMM’. . MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT l B Sal F01” as n y .
(.orrcspomh-nl. Ladies Department. . l >
' Miss innxic liITN’J', - ”'— l , d:j.r;_—_f:\___
{Tori-esponill-nt Normal Department. } The State College is proudlMenS __,__,_.____» E I HEAD
(Bum/A- M. Cox, of possessing the finest nie-l and ;,.i-;_; f: 0 TO
Correspondent Patterson Society. clianical Laboratory in the. South- 2 H
V - . .. I 7 ) ‘ ‘V’
3 J“; L- “J“. 12>, 3‘ _ West. It affords ample opportu—l B0} S Li I FOOT'
to“???twill/t]:”1:?Tahiti" nity for WOOd work, fomldl‘ying, I PRICES in plain figures on every article. Reliable Qualities—
.. s.‘ . C1,?UH", .- 3- , - 3. - i ‘ . m
Corl't’spon'lout from l'iiullilLOD College forgmg‘ lllfiChamc‘al engineering: Truthiul Representations—Correct ireatment at
l' .. , 3 etc. i‘hese depaitiiients are snf—;
'\4.)l>l-.1:T A. Bunion, . 3 _ . _ , ,
(lenurnl Corrospoinlent. fluently large to meet. the. gIOW- o
-____ ing demands for training in that )
gllli‘LESS all communications to J. G, direction and are 8.111 l-' B ui -l ‘
nutty, anacongot.19.. ed with {he best of 1,13,36,13ng RELIABLE. CASH BARGAIN STORE,
BMW, in me Lexington, (KN PUSWWM .1.- chinery. As one enters the front-E Ig & 2r Main, Between Mill and Broadway. ‘
*(‘C‘m‘l-“lfles “m‘m- ' door of the Mechanical Hall he ______.___________._______________
‘ :—— finds himself confronted with; ' .
EDITORIAL, some of the finest; and smoothesc (I; .3, it: 3;; . “by ~ 3‘ "3:, ”a 133'} 3‘
_7»_,~3'3 running machinery he ever layed W H‘ r” 53"" t W 2131 :22 . 3 eff tit”? a if;
‘ ' . , ' gigs???" :21. t iii-‘2'"? 35.13? “115;?- w
IT seems to be a prevalent hls eyes upon. Nota3ar,aLnocL, fl -3;::‘ :35" i: sfifi it a}; 35:; i9; '9 3a: 3.3;: a
' ‘ 1 d 1 nor even nOise can be heard, YEt 3‘3 " 9 aid-.6 53.11 it? ”.573. w» 3': 1:: ' [Ii-’5’ "-3:-w". .._.
opinion among tie stu ents tiat that magnificent piece. of ma- 5 _ ~ .. . . . .. 3. _ 5’3-
1t the present legislature at cliiiiery moves steadily on and .3 vi- RY E
. Frankfort cannot afford to appro- furnishes tons of power for the m ‘51- {.7 ’ w
priate $10,000 toward building various compartments of that an ' g
. . , . - -.s
us a gymnasium, they would large building. _To his right is LI-I BLANK B'GKS AN. PRENTiNfl a.
. b t . . f f me library room, which Wlll be fur- :. . , ‘4
6t er reSign m avor 0 so ' iiished with periodicals and oth- - a 3 3—3. '
bOdY Who can. 011 the contrary, er literature relating to mechan- ..l I a .'
the aforementioned Legislators ical engineering, etc., etc. Prof. .—l 3:
appear to have in mind that an- Anderson’s oflice and the stair- I: "048 E MAIN ST LEXINGTON KY. :3;
ciei-it saw about a fool and his way are .3150 011 the fight _011 '9_____' ' ’ ,_~_._._.._fi’
. - the left is a room for recrtation, ________._—‘ .__.—__~__.__——————————1
money, and they continue to and drawincr
. , b.
Wm ”‘5 a namesa- nemmremfiz
making httle or no progress “1 ent recitation rooms and a room ‘
the way of passing the much-to- for the exhibition of work done . . . .
. . . l eeth ca ed ith 001d and teeth Without ain.
be—desrred bill. Meantime, the by the students. 15 0 d t pp W b P
Stanford Interior journal, that We are glad to see Kentucky WWW
opposes everything from the cre- falling into the line of the mod- -
ation of Adam to the Columbian ern tendency 0f education, and Old decayed and broken-down teeth restored to usefulness
E 't' su ests that we furnishing 511011 opportunities for and beauty by our Peerless Crowning System, or Teeth Without
xp051 1011’ 2g _ ‘ her youths to become useful, and Plates.
have a lovely opportunity, to 013' practical men and women. Prof. Teeth Filled and Extracted without pain by the use of Vital-
tflm €X€TC15e by working on the Anderson deserves C_T€_d1t for h_15 ized Air, made fresh every day, and perfectly harmless; anyone can
College Farm. Such timely 63(11‘335‘511655 and dlhgence 111 take it, young or old. We never wedge the teeth before filling. ‘
advice is perfectly charming bmldfig 1%) thilsliiew department ' Fine Gold Fillings, $1 and upwards.
in its way, but it must be a rea 1 y, m 0 c one ”1 name. Fine SllVeT Fllhflgsi 75 cents.
f ltlie b0 5 don’t take to »+— White Enamel Fillings, $1.
con esiec t 311 F 1'f . Mr. B. King has lately severed Vitalized Air Administered, 50 cents.
the SC 161316 a a ' arm 1 e 1.5 his connection with the college. Teeth Extracted, each, 25 cents. ‘
very poetic to talk about, but it Mr. King was a faithful student Beautiful Set of Teeth on Red Rubber or CellulOid, 356.
has always been claimed that with us for nearly three years, All Work \Varranted. Office open evenings. We are per-
when you educate a fellow you and we are sorry to give him up. aiitly located.
5130i1 a good plow boy, and it is Mr. John Patrick left college ‘W
unreasonable to expect to find for home, Friday 25th inst.) N’E YORK DENTngS!
exceptions to this rule here at the Where he will spend a short time. OVER LE§§3§AF (1)1121“;st Lexington, Ky

 The gtate Gollege Gade‘: 5
mmmLWan _m___—
LOCALS. position as book-keeper for thei m,a1:11.552:maxv-mzisiaiihfivr‘pm;==.i-:it;i'.z.~;§-¢rzii:
— . Central Bank Barboursville, 'rx/iw"i VF ' '1" 'i #Wfiwi . .
P r 91 1. 1r 1 1 1 11 - ’ Q «m M We
r0. * 1ac \e 0'“ 121s 366111 ,kiiox County, the first of May. fiqugzhfi/figfikifih
for several days. fIf he does accept the position, wharf?” *} "1&4
Boys, be sure to read Mr. i “)Tme Cixujic'r” congratulates the 1/? ~. $753,,
Stecker’s ad. on local page or this 1 Larboursvrile haul; 0“ securing » Jedmfifjfigzfi y}, _> 5‘ 3 4‘ "JEN?
issue. Call on him; he will givelsudl a deservmg and effluent {‘fiWéfil @"gfilfig‘ ”$45,: 2 '
you good bargains. ,book-l;eeper. . '5}}11’gfga @432:ng 513;},‘137; ‘
. - - ‘ x '3 M if" '1'24:4.'iu- E. '1 "' :74)"th ‘I 1’y'iah3'fi-r.",.§'u.'\' '
Miss \Vilhe Wallis, of Canton,’ ADDRESS 01 _""_"_' D. J. SNELL -: fies}??? ‘mitffjg ,':,*2*:'."T"i'i"';j,
KY'? Whe “’35 a student 0f the Before the Patterson Society, March 26. &%T35‘1§5,,W:5r"iifi
State Co.lege during the sess1on — 5 . 5 '41: h’fw%“”%f}w‘%§"‘l"w§1".
of ’89—90, was married to My. . By common consent all histo- fl‘ghigé‘ifh—emggmefl’l‘
Sam. Lackey, of the same town, I rians date modern history from ,fiiéfi%\%r'gfisggfi5g
a few weeks ago. Jnearthebeginningof the fifteenth Lexington. Ky.
_ century. Though ushered in by mm

The followmg gentlemen com- several events, the most impor- GO TO

pose the GymnasiumCommittee: taut was the discovering of this ' . “‘ ‘ “"
Capt. A M- COX; Chairman; Western Continent, whose quad-
Lleut.‘ S. L. POttlnger) Seeretalyitricentenial we are about to cel- . o 0
Captain Brent, VV- A- McVein, ebrate. Passing over the famil- ’
A- C. 3011113)}, U- A- Garred, D- iar history of this wonderful pe- 3 and 10 West Short Street-i
P~ Shllthi .l- L'Wheat, M13 Flan— riod, let us turn at once to the ' .-
nery. _ sequel of its struggles, the Uni— 5.5; f
) . The committee have been do- , ted States as it is to—day. 1 shall or Fiji 3 u S 7,; g S ers c
1 111g some good works The ne- not dwell upon mere facts and ’ 5 ' g
, CESSItICS for a gymnasmm at the 3 figures, but take up the morall __________¢____ ______~
State Conegei and the benefits to 3 side of the question, which is . ' .
be derived therefrom have been the highest ground upon which ‘
submltted '50 the legISIatureJ and 1 human institutions can be dis- aml on ema e 0 a e
the bill for an appropriation to } cussed. 7
bhlld 1t 15 110W pending. i All are acquainted with the LEXINGTON, Ky. '

“THE clingy” is glad to notei'EEVE‘l/ledlnglff thls S'fi'ptOf Stats;- _5 \ HE LARGEST FEMALE BOARDING SCHOOL IN
that Mr. Jo. .ng has lately ac- 1 fiaowl , k" 1,21 mas 615 g) (9 the State. Accommodatm' first-class. Heated by steam
cepteda posrtion as stenographer a1 ' 1) ee ' and lighted by as Hot and cold water Bath rooms and
and type-writer for Mr. Grooms,. What. workman wrought thy a tO‘ ll S d f g 1' 7 TL, . '
editor of the fim’nxtrzal Amerimz. I ribs Of steel, 5 l ca ery. em or Cata ogue. J 13' SLINN‘M‘, Lexmgton. KY-
Mr. King was a, student of theIWho made each mast and sail M”———“M_— .
State College for. two and a half , W1 and 1.011.“: l 1 We advise our friends to use
years, during which tune gradu- | mt anvi srang, W lat 1am- Fl
ted in the Commercial Dcpari— I 1 the? beat, 1 .1 t 1 t cream Extract ouro
772ml, taking a medal in that de— 11 W13 a orge 31“ W13 a 1ea > . . ld -

. - .l in Kentuck . Made b the
. partinent the first year. He Is a, W621 slilaped ”the anchors 0f as lit is the best Flour so 5 y y ,
deserving young man, well wor- 1y lope. t B 11 IV! 11S C y
‘thy of the confidence of business ! Men do better than they know. BXIDg on 0 er 1 0m -
men, and his many friends areiEVehtei seemingly 0f passmg LISTER WITHERSPOQN.
glad that he is taking his place moment and losal-mteresti often JOS. LeCOMPTE, PreSJdent, Secretary and Managan
in the commercial world. We exertanuntold111fl11611CEtllr011gl1 #5!
hate to give you up, Jo. but here’s :fntunis (if time. Repfublics “1 . .
'wishin for our success. 1e P35 y reason 0 various 1 P l b
g y _ causes have been more or less exzn on C9 am In ampan
V hMTS A- BC llBleldtidSthdeUtIOf failures, and this western democ-
' t e tate 0 ege) uring tle racy has not advanced without 1Q S h 1‘ treet
,greifi‘: part (fo '§9—1'{90—'%: ghgw the keenest study and criticism. {L Ea t S O t S '
0° ‘ eeper or ac 5011 0 g- Monarchists have watched with _ 1 , , , ,
,esi lumber company. . He grad— ,jealous eye, and dismally pre-j Gdb aria 011 Gloues, Lamp Chunnc; :3, Gas, 011 and
, uated 111 the COlllmermal Depart- i diCth failure. statesmen and Elect1£o Chandeliers, I’urnps, “find Mills.
ment duririg 1115} stay here, ant} , Political economists have turned »
‘ possesses he c laracteristics 0 'this way with the idea that here Q A i
l . . . I\l l'T'
graduates from that department . 111 insolation and under new con- i “ " * ‘ ARY PLU M BI N G
—accuradcy, tligroughlfif