xt7xsj19n02z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19n02z/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1969 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 2, Autumn 1969 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 2, Autumn 1969 1969 1969 2014 true xt7xsj19n02z section xt7xsj19n02z Jfmntizr 3Hurziug $zrhiuz
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This color cover, iirst used on the l
. i
Autumn 1948 Issue of the Quarterly ‘
Bulletin, is our Christmas card to our
many friends around the world and
brings you best wishes for a joyous ,
Holiday Season.
Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. "
Lexington, Ky.  
Subscription Price $1.00 a Year
Edit0r’s Office: ¥Vend0ver, Kentucky ?
·‘*jL‘  K “ K _‘;*" — g I
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507    
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775
Copyright, 1969, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  

 E A
I i
Q 2
  . coNTENTs
? l
W A Day To Remember Bea Kornmann 20
`° A Memorable Summer Sue M clntosh Lloyd 14
A "Ange1s We Have Heard on High . . ." A Photograph Inside Back Cover
Bidding Prayer 2
  Beyond the Mountains (I11us.) 37
  Family Nurse Practitioner
2 Project: Progress Report Gertrude Isaacs
Q W. B. R. Beasley, M.D. 5
  l Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 3
  Field Notes 42
  In Memoriam 24
{ · Inter-Office Communication A Memorandum 18
` l Mary Breckinridge Hospital and
{ Development Fund: Progress
, Report (Statistical) J. L. P. 26
`   Old Courier News 22
g Z Old Staff News 29
l e
it E A Zip With Flair! Eileen H. Morgan 13
§ V Certain That Her Husband . . . Modern Maturity 21
$5 Please, Ezekiel, Not That Name
g` i For Our Little One The Colonial Crier 19
k Q Reader’s Motoring Tales—144 The Countryman 23
QQ The Impatient Father . . . Modern Maturity 46
Q I The Jury Foreman Announced . . . Modern Maturity 41
[ 'White Elephant 28
Y w

LeT us pray Tor peace and goodwiII over aII  
The earTh; Tor uniTy and broTherhood aT home  
and abroad; and because This wouId rejoice  
His hearT oT Iove. ‘IeT us remember beTore God I
The cold, The hungry, and The oppressed; The I
sick and Those ThaT mourn, The IoneIy and The {
unIoved, The aged and The IiTTIe children; aII  
Those who know noT The Lord Jesus or who Iove I ,
Him noT; and Those who rejoice wiTh us buT
on anoTher shore and in a greaTer IiTe. The I
AImighTy God bIess us wiTh His grace. ChrisT Q
give us The joys 0T everIasTing IiTe. And unTo  
The TeIIowship oT The ciTizens above, may The   I
King oT AngeIs bring us all. Amen.   I
T a
_ 1

·   For ahnost a half century, a service known as The Festival
1 ? of Nine Lessons and Carols has been sung in Kings College Chapel,
g Cambridge, on Christmas Eve. The form of service was devised
{ by the Very Reverend E. M. Milner-White, then Dean of Kings,
  who used as his model a service drawn from ancient sources by
  Archbishop Benson at Truro Cathedral in Cornwall. At Cam-
; bridge the service symbolizes the bond between Kings College and
p its sister College, Eton, the goodwill between University and City,
  and the peace within the whole Church, as well as the joy and
  worship of all at Christmas. The nine Lessons are traditionally
_ read by a Chorister, a Choral Scholar, the Organist, a Fellow, the
i l Vice-Provost, a Nonconformist Minister, the Mayor’s Chaplain, a
` representative of Eton and the Provost of Kings.
y _ The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols had been an im-
Yi portant part of the celebration of Christmas by the Frontier
, Nursing Service staff for many years when we asked friends in
  ‘ the Hyden area to share this beautiful service with us. Now it
E is a tradition for the service to be planned by the Leslie County
  A Ministerial Association and held alternately in the two larger
i I Hyden Churches each year during the Christmas Season.
i The Bidding Prayer on the opposite page was read by Sir
I John Sheppard, then Provost of Kings, at The Festival of Nine
    Lessons and Carols which was recorded in 1954, and it is often
‘ used to begin the Midnight Service on Christmas Eve in St.
5 Christopher’s Chapel at Hyden Hospital.

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nb by
  W. B. R. BEASLEY, M.D.,M.P.H.
This is a report of the Family Nurse Practitioner Training
l Project to inform the readers of the progress made during the
} first quarter of the development phase. The report covers the
j four major areas of development on which the Project Directors
have concentrated their efforts during this period. The Frontier
, Nursing Service is still waiting to hear that the application for
E the one-year development grant for this project has been funded.
! 1. Federal, State and Local Contacts
* Dialogue has been established with various local, state and
} federal agencies and organizations to explore the concept of
{ training program development for the Family Nurse Practitioner
  and to stimulate interest in such a proposal as a means for
' improving health services in this country. Responses have been
, most favorable and the FNS has been strongly encouraged in
each instance to proceed with its venture. There is little question
that the current turmoil and unrest over the inadequacies of
T health services provided is having a major impact on the attitudes
of health leadership in this country, and has resulted in much
greater concern and readiness for exploration of more feasible
i approaches to the resolution of the nation’s health problems.
Many see this as a culmination of years of concern finally reach-
T ing fruition.
4 Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Chief Nurse Officer and Assistant
Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service, has
2; been most helpful to us in exploring appropriate action to be
_`· taken toward program development in relation to family nursing.
 ` Miss Jessie Scott and her staff of the Division of Nursing in the
 A- Bureau of Health Manpower, HEW, has assured us of their will-
 · ingness to explore with us appropriate directions of such training
· program development and funding possibilities. The administra-
{ tion personnel of the American Nurses Association—Dr. Hilde-

6 Faoiwimn NURSING smavxom
garde Peplau, Executive Director, Miss Margaret F. Carroll, ,
Associate, and Miss Sonja Loir, Program Coordinator, Maternal-  
Child Nursing Division—were most encouraging in the discussion  ,
of the proposed plans, particularly the legal aspects relating to  
the extended role of the nurse in meeting national health needs, ll
and they assured us of their continuing interest and support .
through consultation. The President of the Kentucky Nurses  
Association and the administrative staff of the Kentucky Medical 1
Association 'have both been contacted and have assured us of 4
their interest and willingness to work with us as we seek con- <
sultation and organizational support in reference to the legal "
aspects of the Family Nurse Practitioner within the State. Legal `
consultation has been successfully sought in regard to a similar H
expansion of the nurse’s role in both New Mexico and Colorado,
and Mr. Eric W. Springer of the Pittsburgh School of Public ·
Health very graciously gave us some advice at the Oktoberfest V
conducted by the Appalachian Regional Hospitals in Lexington,
Kentucky. H
Miss Ruth Spurrier, Director of Public Health Nursing from
the Kentucky State Department of Health, brought Miss L. ·
Dorothy Carroll of the Regional HEW Office in Charlottesville, ,
Virginia, to visit the FNS in October to discuss our proposed
training program. Following a visit to the FNS by Miss Cynthia j
Rector, Regional Mental Health Nursing Consultant, we visited Q
the Office of the Commissioner of Mental Health to present to E
Drs. Bland and Howard our interest in providing mental health
services and training as an integral part of the total health serv-
ices in the rural areas. The visit was most stimulating as various ·
approaches to the problem were explored, particularly the possi- ;
bilities. this provided for strengthening collaborative efforts with 2
local and state mental health activities. Dr. Hammond from the ,
Commissioner’s oflice has since visited the FNS to discuss further ’
the areas in which we could collaborate effectively. {
Other meaningful contacts with a variety of health profes-  l·
sionals throughout the country have helped us to expand and  g
refine our ideas, and have been a source of stimulation to the
FNS. Contact with local health and service agencies, community »
leaders and interested citizens have been equally encouraging.  _
The community, through the local FNS committees, has shown  =

interest in and support of the new program. The Leslie County
 P Coordinating Committee for Health with three sub-committees-
 ’ Manpower and Training, Agency Coordination, and Environmental
  Health—has been formed and has been recognized by the Ken-
  tucky River Council for Comprehensive Health Planning. All
‘ local health, education and welfare agencies as well as the con-
· sumer are represented. In addition, the Perry County Medical
  Society has passed a resolution supporting this program; Harlan
P, Appalachian Regional Hospital and the Homeplace Clinic are con-
tinuing to extend their facilities and services to us; and the Red
f Bird Hospital has more recently offered its services.
j 2. University Contacts
T Three universities have been visited to discuss their accept-
. ance of the notion of Family Health Nursing Practice and their
interest in establishing a Masters program in this area. Faculty
‘ members from both the Schools of Nursing and of Medicine, as
· well as other related Schools and Departments, were seen at each
university. Many questions were raised regarding the feasibility
of developing such a program and the impact it might have on
` the health field. All expressed a sincere interest and a genuine
’ concern in exploring training program development in this area.
- Members of the Vanderbilt University Nursing Faculty are
{ planning to visit the FNS in December to explore further the
  development of a graduate program of study in Family Nursing
in which the Frontier Nursing Service would provide field train-
ing. Dr. Luther Christman, Dean of the School of Nursing, has
_ done extensive studies in Nursing Manpower Utilization, and the
, School is currently involved in several such studies. Excellent
Q resources are available within the University and the neighboring
• vicinity, including the Medical School, the Meharry Neighborhood
[ Health Center, and the John F. Kennedy Center for Research on
pi Education and Human Development, all of whom expressed keen
r, interest in participating in such training. Dr. Nicholas Hobbs,
 _ Provost of the University, was most supportive of such a venture.
 i Faculty from each of the departments visited volunteered their
, services for seminars and consultation. Dr. Robert Quinn from
A the Department of Community Health has since led a seminar
 Q for the FNS staff on streptococcal infections and Dr. Nancy

Swickert, from the Kennedy Center, is planning to conduct a  .
series of workshops for the staff on the "Denver Developmental I
Screening Tests" in December and March. ·
The University of North Carolina School of Nursing and ll
School of Public Health also expressed keen interest in this type i
of training, but because of the distance involved and the need for  
development of health services in North Carolina, they did not . ¢
consider alignment with the FNS for graduate study to be feasible  
at this time. They did, however, request that the FNS, because F
of its unique system and excellent history in rural health services, ·
keep the door open for special graduate students interested in
field experience in rural areas. The University of North Carolina
School of Public Health and the Carolina Population Center have p`
since sent nine graduate .students to the FNS for two days’ obser-
vation. Both medical and nursing faculty volunteered to provide ,
consultation to FNS staff.
The University of Kentucky has been actively involved in
exploration of FNS’s potential for providing field training for
health personnel. Both the Department of Community Medicine
and the School of Allied Health are particularly interested, and
encouragement has been received from the Schools of Nursing
and Medicine. Plans are to organize a committee, with represen-
tatives from each interested department at the University, to
study the appropriate action to be taken. The FNS is particularly
interested in exploring with the University of Kentucky program
development in family nursing for the diploma, associate degree
and baccalaureate nurse who, for various reasons, do not wish ;
to pursue academic study, but desire a planned learning experi-
ence in family nursing in a rural area. Such training program
development would be based on extensive manpower utilization
studies which are being planned. ,
A two-day conference to explore new systems for the delivery `
of health services, in which nurses and physician’s assistants F
would assume appropriate and increasing responsibilities, was g
conducted in Lexington in October by the Appalachian Regional `
Hospitals. Presentation of the FNS proposal was favorably  _
Betty Ann Bradbury, FNS staff member, has taught during
the fall semester public health nursing in the baccalaureate nurs-  .

 _ ing program at Berea College, and it is hoped this will lead to
Q further collaboration between the FNS and Berea. Dr. Willis D.
K Weatherford, Jr., President of Berea College and a member of the
il Board of Governors of the FNS, 'has assured us of their interest
_ in such an alignment for enriching the rural experience of the
{ students and the development of continuing education for staff
  nurses interested in rural health services.
  3. Staff and Existing Program Development
V An important aspect of the new program revolves around
staff and existing training program development. Weekly staff
meetings, involving district, clinic and hospital nurses, were
` initiated early in September and a Steering Committee was ap-
pointed to help with planning. This group has been active in
. involving staff in the planning and implementation of a seven-
week orientation program for new staff members which looks
very promising. The four new nurses who have been introduced
to this orientation program have found it most meaningful. This
program will be evaluated on the basis of subjective reports as
well as on its success in strengthening retention and recruitment
of staff. In addition, the Steering Committee has also been in-
volved in reevaluation of staff policy for discussion with the
administration, and in planning an in-service educational program
` for staff to strengthen their competencies in preparation for more
extensive iield training.
` As mentioned earlier, several faculty members from neigh-
— boring universities have been invited for special lectures, in areas
of interest and need, for the weekly staff meetings. In addition
to those mentioned, special ENT and pediatric clinics have been
conducted on the districts by medical staff from Cincinnati. Dr.
i ` Ian Shine, a geneticist from The University of Kentucky, provided
a lecture and case conference for the staff on genetic problems.
_ peculiar to this area. Dr. David Steinman, a field professor and
g internist from UK’s Department of Community Medicine, has
i volunteered one to two days a week and plans are to involve him
 ` in an intensive district staff development program. Dr. Ramon
Neufeld, who recently joined the Medical Staff, is actively in-
. volved with the general nursing staff to develop in-service train-
 , ing in connection with the orientation program. Elizabeth Kind-

 10 Fnommn Nuasme smavxcm
zerski, a former nurse-midwife with a Masters degree, has joined ‘
the staff to take over the hospital nurse-midwifery position. Molly
Lee, a nurse—midwife with a Midwife Teachers Diploma, who has
been an instructor in the midwifery program, has been appointed i
Dean of the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery. Further
recruitment of qualified medical and nursing personnel is still l
urgently needed to strengthen further program development for {
field training.  
Faculty and student meetings have also been held to evaluate ` `
the current midwifery program, as. a basis for the development
of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program. Both students and
faculty have offered constructive criticisms which are being given A
thoughtful consideration. As a result, modifications have been
made in the three-month internship program and plans for _
strengthening the program for the next class in the School of
Midwifery are under way. Major modifications will not be made
without more intensive study of program philosophy and goals
based on manpower utilization studies. ,
4. Assessment of Hyden Hospital and Health Center
as a field training center V
Assessment of the Hyden Hospital and Health Center as a
field training center has progressed favorably in the past three
months. Continuous assis.tance has been provided by the Appa-
lachian Regional Commission and the Kentucky Program Devel-
opment Office. The statistics compiled in The Southeastern Ken-
tucky Regional Health Demonstration Project Health Develop- -
ment Plan for 1969-70 have been most helpful in the assessment s.
of health needs and resources within the area. It confirms the _
need for a hospital in Hyden and identifies some of the areas in i
which the FNS has been unusually successful in meeting health
needs within the area, namely, in reducing infant and maternal J
mortality rates and in maintaining the elderly citizens in the home. (
Only 8% of the patient days in Hyden Hospital are for patients of 2
65 or over, compared with 29% to 60% in the surrounding hospi- A
tals. Also, the average length of stay is 4.1 days compared with `A
3.4 to 9.5 days in surrounding hospitals, Hyden Hospital having ·
the second lowest average length of stay for hospitals in this area. 4
These factors require further investigations to determine their r
significance in relation to the provision of outpost and home  .

' health services. Also, it is notable that Leslie County continues
to be identified as the county with the most severe poverty prob-
lems and, as such, continues to offer fertile ground for study of
l effective means for establishing health services in rural and dis-
. advantaged areas. This Development Plan has also successfully
illustrated some of the notable lacks in local and state statistical
l data needed for sound program planning.
  Health data gathered through the FNS McBee System has
been analysed and indicates that midwifery services require a
less significant portion of the district nurse’s time and effort.
, From October 1968 through September 1969, only 7% of the
visits at the outposts involved midwifery. This included 16 home
deliveries as well as family plarming visits, and it indicates a
° marked decrease in district midwifery since 1935-36 when 46.3%
of the visits were for midwifery. The data also indicates the high
percentage of visits made for care of infectious diseases in the
0-16 age group and chronic diseases in the 45-65, and 65 and over
A age groups. Health promotion in the infant, preschool and school
age group also remains high (see table on page 4). These statis-
A tics further confirm the need to broaden the scope of the midwif-
ery program to include family health training. The great decrease
in midwifery at the outposts has resulted from a decrease in the
birth rate and an increase in hospital deliveries which has greatly
increased the amount of time that the nurses at the outposts have
for delivering health services in other areas. A cursory review of
. the FNS statistical data over the past twenty years indicates
._ many trends which need further refinement and careful evalua-
tion. Reliable methods for evaluating quality in health services
* in the other areas are therefore indicated.
Health data sheets have been developed and are currently
I being tested to identify tasks performed (health promotion and
( maintenance activities, and therapeutic procedures) in relation
to the various disease entities. The data sheets are also designed
  to provide information regarding (1) comprehensive and con-
`A tinuity of care - patient flow within the FNS and between agen-
— cies, (2) the amount of individual versus family, group and com-
4 munity services provided, (3) the type of care provided by the
( various health personnel within the FNS, (4) the amount of time
. involved in attending patients and the time spent in filling out

 iz Fnonrmn Nunsmc snnvicn
the many forms required by insurance companies, Medicare, _
Medicaid, etc.
In addition to this, a system has been established for billing
and extensive cost analysis. Cost analysis will focus on costs ·%
according to diagnostic and service categories, the tasks per-  
formed by the various members of the health team, supplies, and i
costs covered by the various sources of revenue. Health data and  
cost analysis gathered will be most useful in the investigations if
and studies needed to provide sound basis for planning changes in
the extension of services, manpower utilization, collection of -
health fees, salary distribution, and for planning educational
programs for the members of the health team, etc. All of these
factors are considered essential for sound program development.
The above data processing has become possible through '
the use of a 395 National Cash Register Accounting Machine
($14,700) and a 35 National Cash Register Posting Machine
($3,500) recently given to the FNS by a donor. In addition, a .
two-wired adding machine and tape recorder (punch paper type, I
$6,500), for which funds are being sought, will be purchased by A
the FNS. The operating costs for the first year will be approxi-
mately $14,070 ($2,500 for the master iile, $720 for individual
transactions and $8,000-$10,000 for report charges). There- i
after, annual operating costs are estimated at $10,000 - $12,000.  
Funding for operating costs is also being sought.  
A preliminary comparative study of hospital and district J
nursing, focusing on time spent and tasks performed in the pro- ·
vision of patient care, is currently being completed by Robert {
Benjamin, a fourth-year student in the Community Medicine pro-
gram at the University of Kentucky Medical School. In addition, i
a third-year pre—doctoral student in Anthropology at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, Maria Borsay (who has a Masters degree in ll
medical·surgical nursing) is planning this coming year a study
concerned with the extension of health services into surrounding » ,
under-developed areas. Miss Borsay is studying under the direc-  
tion of Dr. Marion Pearsall, an Anthropologist from the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, who has conducted extensive studies in the j
Appalachian region. Two medical students from Boston Univer- _1
sity spent six weeks with the FNS this fall studying neurological  ,
problems of the newborn. The data gathered and consultations  .

_ provided by University faculty are most valuable in terms of pro-
gram development.
In addition, the two faculty members from the North Caro-
., lina University School of Public Health and the Carolina Popula-
pl tion Study Center, Dr. Lessel H. David and Mr. Edward Trainer,
i i who visited the FNS with their students, expressed keen interest
A in the possibility of several projects that might be developed and
  be of mutual interest to both the Population Center and the FNS
` in regard to training and program development.
Need for further consultation and assistance in program
l evaluation is being explored with the University of Kentucky fac-
ulty. Plans are under way to seek further consultation and pos-
sible funding from the National Center for Health Services,
, Research and Development, which has been approached. We
have been assured of the need for further investigation of man-
power utilization as a base for program expansion and training
program development such as we are proposing, as well as for
j national health service development.
_ One of my Wendover, Kentucky 41775 postal patrons re-
1 cently received mail addressed to her at Wentover, Kentucky
J 389521. Not only was the post office spelled incorrectly but also
· the sender added {lair with an extra digit to another ofl‘ice’s
{ ZIP Code, no doubt carried away by the picturesque name of
i Down through the sixteen years in which I have worked for
the Frontier Nursing Service, several missives that contained
i, extravagant errors both in the name and address of the addressee
have reached Wendover safely. One I particularly recall was
» , addressed to "Angels of Mercy, Somewhere in Kentucky." The
  post office department sent it to Wendover and, yes, it was in-
tended for the FNS! It seems that postal employees still do go
j beyond the call of duty.
Q ——Eileen H. Morgan
 , Postmaster
 . Wendover, Kentucky 4177 5

Editor’s N ote: Mrs. Robert A. Lloyd, old courier Sue McIntosh, has given us ly
permission to print excerpts from letters she wrote home while she was a
with the FNS as a junior courier in the summer of 1953. . . A
Tuesday August 3:  
Wendover, where we live and the office work goes on, is a _
mile and a half from a highway that rivals the Alcan in the char-
acter of its surface and the road [from the highway] is across `
a creek bed part of the way. Wendover is on the side of a wooded V
hill—a group of ramshackly but sturdy buildings and so closed
in by other hills. that you can see the birds on the mountain across
the river. The whole place is run with a kind of enjoyable ineffici-
ency—there’s a separate barn for every animal group and the -
chickens, which are Mrs. Breckinridge’s own babies, live in what l
everyone calls the Waldorf-Astoria——screened houses with
porches. The whole place is really beautiful and very unique. All l
the people here just love animals and the four dogs, iive cats and
five horses on the place are treated about the way Mrs. Breckin-
ridge is. .
Sunday, August 8:
Joan is the other courier working here right now. Our regu-
lar duties are to water the horses three times a day, take them
back and forth from pasture and groom them, nurse their cuts
and bruises and be on hand to run errands all the time, (errands .
around here often mean hundred mile truck driving jaunts, carry- L
ing a nurse’s equipment if her sick call, delivery or public health q
work can’t be reached by jeep, which it hardly ever can, running
messages by jeep between the Hyden Hospital and Wendover), ,
paint places that need to be painted, and serve tea every after-
noon. We’re never bored and none of it seems like work except .
the shopping. "
The other day Leonard, one of the men, and I took a load of .
hay over really tough roads, curvey and full of holes, to one of
the centers. Driving around here is a matter of getting there
eventually and not at any special time so long as you get there `
safely. There’s a 35 M.P.H. limit for FNS vehicles which really *

shouldn’t have to be mentioned because I haven’t gone any place
so far where it’s possible to go over thirty without flying off a
cliff. It’s a point of great pride to drive safely around here.
I I had trouble staying awake that afternoon because the
ly night before Anna May, the Wendover district nurse, woke me
A * up about 12 :30 and I drove her out to a delivery case and stayed
{ to help her. Well, it turned out to be a false call but Anna May
_ stayed until she was sure the baby wasn’t coming. By 5:30 we
` were all hungry so I walked up with one of the neighbors and
milked her cow while she cooked us the most delicious meal of
‘ fried chicken, homemade applesauce and biscuits I’ve ever eaten.
, I was asked to come back any time I was hungry to eat a meal
with her and her family!
Last night I went to a box supper up Camp Creek. We all
made up boxes with supper for two and decorated them and they
Y were auctioned off. It was very gay and the people were swell
to us. Joan won the beauty contest!
Tuesday, August 18:
Last Monday I took Joan out to one of the centers and helped
her saddle up to ride one of the horses to another center and
A drove back home alone, had a blowout and couldn’t fix it because
my wrench didn’t work, and would have felt mighty silly except
that Hobert, one of the men, came along and couldn’t do it either
and the garage man had to cut one nut off. Grabbed some lunch
and took two visitors, a nurse from India and a midwife from
_ Thailand, over to still another center——Flat Creek——twenty miles
y away. Gee, what a beautiful sight these mountains are and by
f jeep is a good way to see them though a little hard on the back
1 end. It is most beautiful in the evening when you are cool enough
I to appreciate it. The ride to Flat Creek is a really nice one, except
for the roads, and it was great fun talking to Miss Chipmonk and
, Miss Bulrush. (Their names were so unpronounceable that we
·· called them what the names most sounded like I)
. Katie and I drove the truck to the farthest center, Brutus,
45 miles away, the next day and I stayed there ’til Saturday night
to paint the living room and `hall. After Tuesday all I did was
` paint, but five minutes af