xt7xsj19m89z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19m89z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1942 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 12, 1942 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 12, 1942 1942 1942 2012 true xt7xsj19m89z section xt7xsj19m89z n   · 
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uru· r       ‘’’’’   VI.I;, ..  1942 GYadUat€$ And  
mtire t   ''‘:   ·. ....;.::       ” :`·       H 5
with .   ._4»;-   · ‘I`‘‘     OHOYQYY D€gI'€€S r
· -. ·;»;ee¤;:;:;:;¤;¤;:;:;:;¤;e;zga;sizisiagzizgsgzgzgsgsgz;s;a;2;z;2;2;¤¢;2;@t,s¤=¤=2=i=_,_:;s;. }·’;;i:a:¢; ·V._ .:2=@=a=ti>=·= ·‘·‘·‘ ¤ ‘·‘·=     ·· ·=Zz5;iz¤ ?‘:¤."   =Zei.€»i=sii=§§252e25a3z€;i25a%2?2i25zi2i2§2;.geE2;:gsEé;itisa}:a§%¥§z€;€;3·'·isis%2%2‘=air ‘
dud   * 1 W · r         ·.‘‘   `- .   The sevehtrhith eemrrieiieemeiit exercises ‘
r the     J . `T `4‘-»   4·—.  . »   ei ure uiureruir Wui he here et ret ¤’eieei<»
ty or   ji    ‘‘’’i   4...4   Fuday mgmt Med 2** er Sm Field eud .
nm   ·;;»;.;.4;;   idij   ==’=Z·’’’’ *   I   .4..4I;I     Se‘?e‘“”` euiee W- Berher dd Pdduudh dui 1
‘   ‘’=O e iY     ·`     deurer the edhrhdeheerheht eddress- Five
mdeu T     >           huhdred dhd si>‘     i`eueh’e degrees Eightyuuue ei the edhdi-
¤     ·»ss 1 ’.·I Y #·4’ %   e·I· N   dates edmpieted their work last January but
I dee »       ..e.:i   me mid-year mdnation h b -
-   ‘v»I· ;w.. ;,   :;:    4·*=‘d i   . g es eee d‘S°°“`
dere    ·;sI  ’aQei2iei2i2i2i2i2i2i2ie§2i@%é=  ¢ *  Q·Y2i2§2i:§=E=&2i2i2§t¥ei2P%§%%=i%§%%%%§&§é uuued- The Right Red H P· Alm0¤ Abbfitt
etieris      ‘`;§   edu deurer the Bseeeieiireete Address et
nated .   r.—*.’     ;; s`;ie‘   3 P·.M· Thureder ederreed Mer dee ih Me-
ivern- -r   r:e»r $2%  =e· if ee:‘   :‘- i1Ti··i `_e:‘‘,;dV‘:   =.»,i     I.‘r. iii; s_;.e i e-;r‘e W ihdhei Heir _
-   ·‘·r     re’‘ ‘    ·~sO .2;-xii Seventeen disthishished meh siid wemeii.
· The     ,“‘. ;   ,,.-   ,     - Keiituekiehsi either by birth er by adoption.
there-    ·‘‘· L  is;      VQ-Y Wiii reeeire hehererr degrees- In mekiiie
effort    ‘’i‘`=   ·Ve.   A   · the ehheuheerheht President Derieven said
¤eees—   r     ‘.‘t~   ‘==·:‘ .» e ‘·,. i ‘‘dd uddi the hhiversity er Keetiiekr is reces-
values 1. _     ...e    Iyd   ·`’°.   fi     iuzihe the eevehtrdfth ehhiversery ef the
e."   ·‘    ee  `,t‘~~ 1 j=:&t University in confer-ring iwnerery degrees
me     .,——   =- }   du the fdududue gmuh di meh rrd Wdhieh¤
hip in    e.:.r     The Rishi Rev- H· _P- Almuu Ahhett Epis-
i even    =  °°*°eu blshep er Lexmgteui Albeu W Beek-
e total   .       Ieyr S““°1` .e“?“°l` mm Kemuekdi Mrs ·
me e  .  ¤;» . ,e-_-   Merry Bi·eeigg]._egg be ig. L.
is I , , ., s. Mark F.
9 serve            {Willie Snow) Ethridge, Louisville, and Dr.
 , · {John G. Metcalf, University of Virginia.
ecomdsf  1   A h ° I d t d L V d The University does not present honorary
€1’t't€hdE    ut   H uc 8 @8* er degrees in absentia and all the recipients
if   With the inauguration of Dr, Herman Lee "What I See lurom   Wind0w" was the E;;€0§1g‘§£$dHt£§11`lgggelggon ef bemg pres'
y€im; D0n0\‘an as president of the University of subject of the impressive address made   * ·
_ r`  entucky On Wgdiiggdgiyy ]\/[gy 6_ plans P1`€S1Ci•31lt DOll0V&ll Oll Elle OCC3SlOll of his
’°.°m;§é_ whie1i were started ieee nan came to a iiiaeueuratieii in Meiii0riaiH=ii1- Wediiesday At Home
Wm Q;  .'iic onclusion. Representatives from 260 edu- dftemouu May 6· .
l2' ii ational institutions were received and en- After accepting the seal of the University FO? TAIUITIHI
gOv€mi§g `€l‘tai1ied by the University and the Faculty. from Governor Johnson the newly installed _ i _ _
'omwriii  though many changes had to he made at executive said in his address: "We at the P1`€d1d€u“_§`I€1man Lee DOHOWD dud Mrs
’e°“‘?€°i  the last hour. because of inclement weather, University have mapped out a program for Deiieiaii “’u· be et h0¤'i€ ts f3CUu7Y. S€1!l¤1‘S
F °1`m` he schedule of events went through as serving the nation in this hour of peril. It sud guests Ou uid Geriibiis at an At Home
forces xpecwdl is 3 pi.Ogi.£im Of action and miiiiaiii, ii-i Chai-- Thursday afternoon after I Baccalaureate .
Six col-   " GO\'€1‘1lOl‘ Keen Johnson appointed a com- acter. Bllil the UlliV€1`Sit§’ is €S$9lltiZ`1ii§’ 311 u?`i€1`mS€S· lwuxweu Plug?} Wu] be Open to V
Oifereq  ii! itt€9 of fifteen ]]·i(-)ii]bgi·S‘ gvith fhg fgynqgy (-)CiLlCZltiO1`lE`ii iHStiirUtiOD. WB \VhO t€8Cil and frlgnds and 31_UmUl·9S It has IU nlany YBKTS
jon {ma rching D1`€Sid€llt, Dean Thomas Poe Cooper, adlllllllSi3€l‘ COHGQGS and 'lliliV€l`SitlGS have Bild the 0CC3§101l WIN C0DUUL1i? to be 01"1€·0f
   S ciigiii-i~iiaii` and requested that they Woyk thi} illCSC2`i})3bi€ l'€S})0l`lS1b1ili—}’ .0f ·S€C1lig HN? JUZUU SOClHi f€8tUl`€S of i~h€ g‘1`&dU8t]{lll
i__ w ut demiis im. the iiisiaiiaiioii Since Lhjg that they do not become casualties in this season. ii A { i
 *‘ ‘·i HS the nrst inaugural ceremony to be held WM`- _ TDC, host sud hostess will be asslsffi m " -
1SU`dW°  twenty-five ye;n·S_ Since the Selection Oy ··It. is our determination? President Dono- receiving by Dr. E. C. Elliott, Mrs Elhiutt. {
r°W1c.dg€ i'€SitiGnt Emeritus Fra.nk L_ MCVgy, the van continued, "to chart a safe course for Dean W. S. Taylor and ii/n·S_ 'i‘;1y1or_   . ·— Ir
sewicdd   nmmiiiee dreamed Of R wry gain Occasion the- University of Kentucky durrnig these McClain. and will be assisted in enter   i
he Uhh   nd iiimi came thc New Your with ali Of evi] days We shall remain essentially an by other membeisvof til€iEh9CUi‘l7\*' · _, .
uh ee  ts threats and Sei-wwe and it was deemed educational institutron. stewards of mans tee or the Ainmni Aeseeianenq . i
_ A (commued Ou Page FOUN (coiiiiiiued Oii page Fouls precede the animal Alunn .

 »=·  y _   2 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS »
 ;     9
  V- Z! ` , ·     {  *2   :·  ‘_ E5-  ’f‘¥.¥.'~» Q
  `         Corps   .       =  
g  ___......--————- Establlshed At U. of Ky.   - .»..  jg: ‘._. l,Z?‘?§%i?i2i§;i»   ’  it
 `if ?· -S i Oiiiclal Organ of the Alumni Association ot the _ _ _ _ _   · l    *1.`Zg_§’;—; - i Z
  _»_.   University of Kentucky published quarterly on the A Unit f0I tfalmng of futufe 0iTiC€1‘S ID     -‘ ;;_j;__.i. ;_ I
    oemvus of the U¤iv¤¥Sitv» et L¤>¤¤¤¤¤¤· S¤bS¤¤”i1¤*·i9¤ the Army Signal Corps was authorized Mon-   _ ·.·_`   _ _ .   - D i
 :55.  in  {ile Il:;oI¢ll;!;lg;r§nclué)2s eu1i.i[$§i-`liiililslie t'iii°§iu?§.lu2l dey. May 11, and the University of Kentucky ‘   i»’_:   -    ..·’  
*=-Y?     became one of the three Universities in the " %E’?c··éii   »‘ii?¥$i?`¥’ ·—·`· ` -- ‘ l
  Egiered as Second Class Matter at glue Post Ollie; nation to have Such a unit attached to its   , l
 ~.jY"" `YV  i . ·. . . . `=’ _:¥"`°·‘?.Y?" ¥2*l`iE.$¢EE€1i:`;E`E` -`¤C-v·"‘l¥ :¤; . Lv A ‘ I
    §;,,c;;g§%!»;9_Ky May 22 mg un H tm lm ° R. O. T. C. Foundation of the company was   =*e=¤é·’·   ;j~,`_=;i.5;:·.;Q’*».` -· -.;_..    
   >`   authorized by President Donovan acting on V "*`..$€>3.. -.-—  Ezriiiiii=·??·$i`·?`¤£?¥’*is · ` ill? I V i
   LQ  G. 1. M ci · ,............._.--.. arm       F ‘
 Zjé  e f; ‘ Mai-gcileritz 1?;i.augh11n .._...e .... Managing Editgl'- behalf Of the Board °f TmSI°€€S‘ Cot B‘     __   -`·' l = i
 12; Helen King ................. Associate Editor BYEWS1', C0mm¤¤da¤t of R. O. T. C. 1‘€g1· `”=i21:*$é;;ge;;§;;i;,—§z;;a°=§e;;.§e¤—1;iisgjgi§;§z:ijgi;i."’@j2*·1»- _;,’-.·:g¥¤¥.‘—;;§§~_e J 1
    Mrs. Ethel Rix _._____,....._~. Business Manager ment was immediately placed in command   Lie; I
      _ neeeuente Meteuehim _.....--_ vieeaneeiceet Organized as a supplement to the present _   2.   ~
  _·‘·; V  G- TM M¤L¤i¤ --——»—-—~—~——-T-— S¤¤¤=t¤*Y 1000-man infantry the Signal Corps Com-   i
   Lis “°‘°“ Km r·r·r‘r"‘r*r* “°‘““ T’°“S“’°‘ pany will have a personnel or two regular . ;i  ·¤‘‘‘i.  
  .i  gil EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE signal corps officers, one signal corps en- . Q-    
   ,·   William w. Blanton Louis cox listed man 40 um 1. d Sem d éd _..—·     if  
  -   Bernie smveiy r. H. Cutler Y J 0 an _ Or a Van':   .»·i _;·  ‘‘l¤— = .    
   ·;··; 1.. K. Frankel James Park course cadets and 160 basic students en-  , ·-·‘ (H      ‘~ °  
    E3;i.§t°’;3§i‘E.ie $T°é?'eS§§$§3‘e umd mm the ¤*=Shm=*¤ md 5°¤h°m¤"     `‘.-` F *`.. ei
.  ’  jj  H. D. Pulmore Mrs. Edward Shinnlck c19·$$€$·     ..   DL Mcny
   gr;  ;lrs.G'I‘.DR.iU¤§:r;o§d Other schools selected as sites for similar   { Q ;  ·‘    1 `   _
 tl  ; 1;;: Geer-E: ir, wigele ¢0mD&¤i€S are the University of West Vir- .·==i*?%’-`=*¥*?<éa-=€=‘     `   °f the Um`
    Deen wmxem s. Taylor ginia and Ohio State Universities. The D P t ?i °d“°*’·*i°¤¤\
7*} ‘ -··. . . , . 'i
  _   Ohio State unit has been in operation sev- re 6 er   several inst
    VOI-’· XH MAY- 1942 NO· 4 eral years and heretofore has been the only   the Comma
  .  v'  one Of     in the nation. DL Alfred Mz Peter Of the C1?SS of       -t
 gl .   In communications between President one of the reiémoning classes this year., wm   ON y on
 QQ  ’  . DY. HBYHIZH LBC Donovan, D0¤0va¤ and the War Department three t1;°t§;SUp¥€S1 ?€"t 0; gw €*¤;¤¤1$s¤¤1lati<;;:   years past
   je ·  ’ reasons were given for selection of the Uni- 0 _ mversl y ° ev u°_ y' et em   the cnactmi
   _; K€HtuCky S New Leader versity of. Kentucky: u?t§n   $?t€r· ;¤gjw¤¤%1¤l;h: Qocéstsp   great value
 3  ak . · · 1. Proximit to tn Ann si 1 in t t ° 1S 1 ¤S¤°“S a *5* 1* ° et BEM
    ,i IIISDIPCS C0·Op€I°3tlOII Avon Y fz y gmt Epo aj remained on the University staff, and was   0f educatio
      eeeeeaee the responsibility of the nes- 2· '¤=—ti¤i¤s facilities of Phe U¤iv¤rSity‘S ¤¤· 2{§‘§“{i§§§ °,§;i‘“§,} §§§‘§;‘§f§§,°{8§,‘§€w’?§§°i§?i ‘* S°““‘·
    li cency c· me University or Kentucky Dr g‘“"€““g and phYs‘°S d€pmm°““s· g - · ` l ~ ”“
  4  ·~   _ · · » - - · teen graduates of the University as members l
     s H<=rm==¤ Lee ¤¤¤<>v=»¤e a K¤¤t¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ 3 “?§ i°°" ’°°°“‘ °f “‘° U“""’”"y R" °‘ enough Dr Peter retired from active ¤ Alumni
 »;»:‘>   kt · ‘t t K t k 1 , ‘ - · · ‘ .  
  . : 1 Umversl-y O en uc· Y awmnus was m Colonel Brewer said, when interviewed, duty $€V€I`a1 Y€ai'$ ago ht? T€t¤i`¤$ to ht ‘ F A
  , ducted mto that office Wednesday after- _ _ . . . . , Ol' I]
  » , offxc in the Kentuck Ex eriment Statior ·
  .   : yi noon May 6 in M€mm.ia1Hau While a group that he planned to recruit basic course 6 d _ Y P _ 2
    i l numbering 1200 persons eeeeee congratula- studem fm the eiecmeel ¤¤e¤¤¤¤¤e me every day 3**. ‘S a*’°““ ts a°‘“‘* as 8*** °“*» Thursd
  e j.g ·_,i mms with hearty applausa In a ceremony physics departments and if the company was Could be ¤¤t¤1 the closing h0uI`$·  
      replete with dignity and Smcerity Governor not iilled men would be accepted from other   » Alumlli fr
 fl   _  Keen Johnson, assisted by Judge Richard d"p*‘“m"“tS ;"*;";T€ Spfjggal *;"‘;“i“g sr in   `;;?€€“
  QQ `  Stoll and President Emeritus Frank L. Mc- s°n}€_ msgs ° msi 8 p ° Ogmp y Or Y   Y. C
    .  Vey presented President Donovan with the tF3g“¤§hD1g;>0§S, €`3d10t§UG3l·r ¤¤¤v¢rety stu- . _ d. gfdent new
 T i Place or to the Presidents office and in dents Wm b? °Om““SS*°“€d as Second h*{u‘   ;a;V§?b’ :5;; Oglomc aligziyiizhq; gthe inyoceti
; , · either place the caller is weieeme. imagine ‘»¤¤¤¤tS m ¤¤f==¤ttr and placed <>¤ active P 6 6 8 P gy ‘, tzaev. Bishop
T " I 3 busy man whose dutlés (]I`OWd €V€X'y hO\,1I` duty   month'     X?/Iizgcllzmf   be gu]-lg
   ` saying to a visitor at the end of a talk, _ ’ ‘ _ ‘ _ _   Speciai gl
 · I "thank you for coming in and come anytime of the universal gloom the ultimate success Wm nlanpowgr _b°md_’ _h€ Wm F10 PEISOUQ, @$9l/enteen I
g »   you have opportunity to do so," and you of his undertaking is virtually assured. Work m placmg physmsts m wml JObS'_t0;. ;j§h¢· baccalai
 F   will realize how President Donovan has im- Dr. Donovan the man, the educator, the was called last Wgelf by Hemy A' Bm U, §}‘€1`€l1est sp
  i     pressed his associates since he took up his leader, the confrere and the friend estab- head Of the physlclsts departmem Of ”   The Com;
    ye,  present work, for impress his associates he lished his position in the State or Kentucky b°*“`d· .€ ¤o1udes; Di
  .`.  has and that most favorably. A man with before he came to Lexington and the con- Dr. Webb has applied for a two r¤0¤‘l‘ 3 ISS Marg-u
 r° `'`-`       _a, broad ViSi01'l, an 3»pp1‘€Ci9.tiOI1 of the Dast Hdence that he has inspired here is not leave of absence from the University. h0“r§;Shi¤1lick, it
y    ` ,;T.;m5a.nd an understanding, as far as it is possible, surprising. ‘ 'lqhe alumni Association joins ever, it was indicated that the leave 1ilH>'i‘Q»¢§b{€1€11 King,
y _   _y =;g£§*the future has taken up the reins of many others in ielicitations and pledges its extended, His vacancy will be nlled at ll-, ;J.€€S& Van j
 1/ [     on the Campus and in spite unqualined support. next meeting or the Board oi rrusees. y;,§"`°V€1‘ Cree
  .1; yi “ »»·.  it'; ·»·.·. lgiwe. . Q
—a , ,,   .·  ~* i  

+* V . . . _
__   Law Scholarship Prize Society Names 2
. Q ‘
.  gi   ___4K.   Is Awarded Boone D1'- Gallaway {
1 i     For having the highest scholastic rank- Dr. W. F. Gallaway, associate professor or
:1 ~   -»·¤:j Wy-: mg in lggal bibliography at the University English, was recognized as the outstanding
§     of Kentucky law school, Wheeler Bunny faculty member of the year at the annual
;       Boone, 19, of 667 Elsmere park, has been banquet of the Patterson Literary society g
V g   ¢ awarded the annual scholarship prize given last Week- _ _
  §   by me Lawyers C0-Operative publishing Known for hxs literary work and campus
{ §   ‘ /_,/ Company of Rochester, N_ y_ Boone, mst, activities, Dr. Gallaway will be honored by
  S _, _§§ m .$, /,  year law student, will receive a law dic- having his name engraved On Z Plaque -
‘_ I     tj;-mary which hangs in the_peri0dical room of the
·f*     Prof. Ewing C. Baskette directs the biblio- Umon bmldmg
··   *a$=x=;=-;= ·
  _  . in   graphs, course at the University. Recent names to the plaque mclnde those
i   Bobby Boone brother of Wheeler placed Of Dr. J, Huntley Dupm of the hlstory de-
ii "' , ’ _ _ ’ partment, added in 1939, and of Prof. M. E.
,`;` Féggndbrgghgge Zaglepggingétltlzn 1¤S¤_y¤¤¤ Potter, recent head of the physical educa-
qi r e siona musicians, t· d 3 t t dd d · 194L N
  playing both the harp and vibraharp. They wig; gsgrgivggcliri i1940€   no nam; gag?
  are active in the University band, and peatBd_
; Bunny IS irst, harpist for the University Bob Ammgns Lexingtgn has been an-
il v i
  L'tt1 S ‘ ‘ - Y · _ ·-
  Dr. McHenry Rhoads, professor emeritus c};€S§ras·YmDh0¤Y and Phllharmomc or gsggged as the neva president of the orgam
g of the University, continues his interest in
  educational affairs and in the progress of the
  several institutions of higher learning in
_Q th C 0n· lth. D.Rhd ` a-
1880 * °_ °"““ "°“ _ ' _ _° “ “ ‘“‘ T' c0MM12Nc12M1aNT CALENDAR
L Wa; Q thority on pedagogical training and has m
ziatioiz   years past given careful consideration to I 9 4 2
grad`  the enactment of laws which have been of — 
yggg;   great value tu the building of thc program ·
·{ 7 ` T '
d wa.   of education advancement throughout the “EDNESDAY’ MA` 20
Eocia.   S0uth_ 6:30 P,M.— Military Field Day and R.O.T.C. Graduation Exercises,
h Ely V -..M M_. Stoll Field.
mbers Y . .
». r ; Alumni To Assemble Y Y
acmr » THURSDAY, MA\ 28
SEM?   For Annual Dlnner 9:00 A.M.— Registration of .~\lumni. Student Union Building.
> Y {
my one); Thursday, May   10:00 AM. and
  11:00 .i\.\I.— (lznnpns Tours. with Campus xullllllli Club us Host.
r Alumni from twenty re-union classes. men _
gand women in the service uniforms which ]2?0O ‘— Rcumon L“"€h€0“$·
 they have donned Since and before Deccm" 2:30 l’.M.— Baccalanrc;ne Proccssion forms on Plaza between Physics
2;; 7’1 W1;1 regurél to tglebggglelggs liggtiglge and Mining Buildings and on drive leading 10 Admin-
._ ua aumn anque. ; , ._ H . . . U
gtca at Maxwell Place and the graduation of mhmon Bwmm°`
b F Lfriends. relatives and sons and daughters. il;00 IKM.- Ilacc;1l;n1rcme Sermon, Memorial Hall: The R1. Reverend
` 8 OZ {In spite Of the @im€$ 3 WYE? Dumber is H. P. Almon .~\hb0rt. Bishop, Diocese of Lexington.
*1 A ; expected to ·eturn for May 28 and 29.
ri-opeaf 3 The annu;1 banquet Wm be hem this year 4;()0 IKM.- President and Mrs. Donovan at home to Alumni, Faculty,
Th€l?- ,at, the Lafayette Hotel at 5;3() Thursday Seniors. and Guests of the Graduating Class, Maxwell
)¤· Tl =Y·¤ight and the program as arranged by the Place.
  UO:   . . ` . . . -
yfgffli `i`5)i1l;lC;t;7§ §;1(g?(;1;tg§?S%gat;i gsiclggggdigl- 6r30 P.M.—.·\lumni llanqucm, Ballroom, Lafayem; HOICL
E24, with James Park. ’15. acting as toast- - ’
imaster. Dr. E. Cronley Elliott, ’02, will pre- FR'D*“· MAY 29
.s1d€ and introduce distinguished gu€StS‘ 10:00 A.M.— Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Presiden1‘s Office.
l` {Governor Johnson. ’22. will respond to a M _ _
YOY iftoast for the Commonwealth as will Presi— I0:00A.M.—10ur ol lhe lllucgrnss, conducted by the Lexington
Sicg de §d€Ht Donovan. ’14, for the University and ,·\lnmni Club.
` fthe invocation will be olfered by the Right . .
· l ¤¤·` . . . _;; .. .— · L ·l —G s 1 F d , Al , l
mchf; V;;Rev. Blshop Abb0tt_ Pgmqguc vocal numbers l° $0 PV §'¢¤l¤¤irlver Creech and senator Earle Clements.   ’ ‘

 _ ·».;—i*"` ’ "   i`  
 ,_   u i Course Graduates ‘ Sixth President Hundreds Hear
    _ T   Sec Service In _ (Continued from Page One) lCoutinuei from Page One>   A
 sr     ' ' ' ' ‘ p1`°pBI` to change at least the iaasaiiade Of achievements translatin tl e nind { ti -———-——
  = ;;f;_  Clnclnnatl D1St1`1¢t ` some of the features but to carry on with imc the candles of he iTu1.C;_·» 1 S O men   XYOLUME
    ` ’  The third course for Ordnance Inspector gfgxgusxldtggsglggsgty as became the msn` The speaker cited two objectives he '—_“"
` ,   ··'· ‘ Trainees will begin at the University of Dr Dumovan Wh0‘Su ested that his mu thought Universities should strive to attain
   ia  Kentucky, June 1, and will last twelve weeks, duction be a usr Smnii anair Within the Namely. $00iai €1iEi¤e€1`S and 8 EGUBYRUOH
3   it was announced by Professor D_ v_ Terran commas of his gwcutive Offices was Over- ot youths educated for governmental ser- ,
      f U . _. D t _ _ · _ vice. "The major assignments of a sociali
¤    { 0 19 €¤g1¤€€¤¤% €P- ruled 1H this and agreed to the Committee uugmesw. Du Donovan explained num to s
      All appointments are to be made by civil pliajns thatd lu; shpuldhmage an inaugural estabieh a society where justice sham pm-  
     _- $€1`V1C€- Rate ef PW $1440 2* Year While the a less aa _a le S Cul make 9* choice vail. to provide honest work for all men, to}:
  _ V  applicamii is ill school, and $162Q ai Yea? i1DQ¤ of sP€&lf€‘iS fm the Several programs under find ways and means to distribute goods and  
 E-e g.  completion of the course. Service will be in €0¤$1d€laU0¤· _ _ _ service to people, to eliminate dire povertv_j·
  _   the Cincinnati Ordnance District. After the i`€Si$¤`aUfm Of fieiegates m the to reduce crime, to care for the unfortunate 
r; Q ~   Requirements for applicants are one year Géégb (§?;,tO§r;1§ Uguim liuudmg ug? glgits to solve our race problem, to cultivate the 
pi I " of study in an engineering college or two W 1 I 3 Q a uf": EDU m _‘€ ue intellectual and spiritual development of 011:;*;-f
.i,   years eouege ineiudmg courses in mamma- Sigasa R.°°m· f ghe p‘°gmm °°‘?S“"*d Of iaeapiei ie maiiitaiii the great fresriem aria?
 _"_ 5 ._  tics through triguuumstry and Either physics Lrélgesoigeiulrg (1:/Ienze giiiggfjs ¤;;3iCg;€¤;F;· abgzile alll to bring about universal peace ant 
I -  " or chemistry. The applicant must not be .d. E. _ f _ tu ` ` go wil -`  
    ·  in l-A classification in the selective service. irglgicg 1;3)€§;t€n%8l§€g;?mPJ;?ic   Then turning to the State and its Hu 
 .   °  Applicants are advised as f0U0W$¥ tion in,Kentucky, an ex officio member of Ejsgcls F3,U}zV150t1? agmversary the P1"'°`“‘·i*i
 j`     1, Write to Philip Jentleson, U. S. Civil the Board of Trustees of the University. Thurs iiluuuch gmx? th;S;1;i;1X€gag{€nFuck}’ {T
  _ ~  Service, 154 Market St., Lexington, Ky. The inaugural ceremony was held in Me- eration uusus to discuvsu Somstzgimiems  
    2. Give details COUCBTTUUS €dU09·ti0¤, BX- marai Ham the guest $P€8·k€Y D1`- E- think Kentucky is a sleeping giant staket ‘
  . _ ·  perience, age. sex. and draft status- 3 lg{°Ha¤dykP¤`€S1;i€¤¤ af _WaShmei<>¤ State to earth by tiny tm-esds. Kentucky need; l
>   _ 3, Those wishing to apply for admission O ?gE’ ma mg he 8jdd1€SS· Deen COUPE! only to be aroused from her slumber; ther
 ul 2  Should do S0 at (mcs presideds for the afternoon and introduced Sno wm Shake hel-Sem 1-ub hel- eyes, use am .
“ " E  4 It further information is desired write Jlfldge Fzlchairg Sign, lifpliesenting the Board recover her might mid go forward to he; '? `
  u " I  ‘ _ _ _ O 1`uS CBS; I`. 1`3[1 . MCVBY 1`BpI`€S€Dt· dgS[i1]y" i
` i Q  D. V. Terrell, College of Engineermv, Um- · . - _ _ ‘ ,
 i ·   versity or Kentucky, Lexington. c   f?;$;;sg;$;d€?g; as°t;t§°;§rnI2;¤g§?; Regarding the future of the Universit; if
’_;·_ "   . _ - . y’ Dr. Donovan said; "I see athered here ;. Q —
; _ _  . First Ordnance Inspector Trainee Course who presented the Seal of Office. . g — l
 Y LQ   ends May 30. The second ends July 11. The subject of President Donovan’s ad- Commumty of Scholars and Students ibm
    L E - -_é,...--- _. dress was, "What I See From My Window". upon the errands of the mi¤d’, a facult; j
 ‘   K    The address was broadcast over WLAP. Oi   Siaiiasiea living in an atmospmn Q  
 _ up  __ Q T Head Twelve hundred persons including delegates, O m €_ ec aa Yeedomr free to teach aili   `
  y r Carpenter 0 · faculty, guests and Students crowded M€_ to publish the truths their researches revei Q  
 9 Q   Defense Cguncll morial Hall. to them. The University I see will have: 2 ;_
’ _ E I From 5 to 6:30 after the inauguration social vision and it will be consecrated ti   l
_`  · Q i D1'. C- C. C¤1`D€¤@€1`· €€0¤0m1€$ D1`0f€$501‘» President Donovan and Mrs Duuuvuu 1.s_ the building of a better world in which l _` ·
 L —  3 has begn Chosen to Succeed Dr?     Wgbb Ceived hundreds of friends at Maxwell live-" Education must S0 011; Gfhefwir ` i
_»`  "   as éctmg Qhamima gi) the _mVt€rc;1 yum; Place. National and State officials, educators Chaos and me kmg mghty { ¥
 -   feme c0u¤c;1.tD1,' kes `giiugégntiu Eason- from other institutions in the State and in Prolonged applause greeted the pronounce- i
2     Of ab§€P9° as Vice OS WE board in near by states. faculty, trustees, students ment of these stirring words and a risiiz, _
 is ki,   gelwdggifn Of the War 'mzmpo r and imany friends passed down the line and vote of approval was given to Governci ‘ `
 e   6 · _ · ` t _H Sréeted the ¤€W OHICMI and MTS- Donovan. Johnson when at the conclusion of the ir.- V
y " i The cO‘·mC‘i· midel DK Qmpen BY W1 com At 7:30 P. M. the Blue Grass Room of the augural ceremony he said: "Ladies and ger  
ls  s   tinue to furnishlinformation to draft boargls Student Union Buuumg was again 8 bru_ usmeny delegates and representatives (   ·
  = ‘i Collczrxn?1digfdxiintwzicifuiigtsuogjgdigi ’ Ham sseae f0i' about 500 fi`i€¤dS who with- universities and colleges, learned societie U umnl
°   Fmga I ' ered for the inau l d` , S td t · · · · · —;
 I   Siders essential to national defense, will be the S Eukelus tabufgiaaddgggirto ff EG a_ educatiuimal Olgamzamms and foundamh For An}
~ . z _ _ . p 9 OV and citizens of Kentucky. I present to yt
, . recommended by the council to be allowed sms}. members Of the Board of Trustees H n L D _d E fu U Duspit
’ ` ~ ·. ‘ i er1 an e ono , · ; e o
 . i i to complete then courses. Mrs. Donovan and a group of distinguished versity of Iiuutuclg/ya? plesl en 0 18 U conditions Ct]
 .   '   guests was President Donovan’s mother who ' · _ .
,,    E A · . was a guest at Maxwell Place for the C€1`€- Because Of the mm earlier in the day Ut ;ECCI;;,1v€lS1t`
 ¤   Lamp And Cross monies scene of the inauguration was changed frcr went and
' - .-   Y re-u
5 `A7 B d President Howard L. Bevis of Ohio State $130111 Fmld tg. me lg/[§ng1O;a1 Hi? taud M]; factory, the
· i BUYS HY OH S University was the principal speaker for the 8 aaa aa lmce _€ le Ha O carat, return uf hw
-   _ after dinner- program and President Dono- and lemamed Standing for more than `; Althou 1 i
‘   For the second time, Lamp ami Cross. Van presided A lovely program Of music hour in the foyer and the door ways, limi oben u gl]
A i senior men's honorary $001%% 1185 1¤V€S@€d was furnished by me Gul-s Glus Club, Miss dreds of others heard the addresses ori tiauo nl T
V ’   US SU1`DiUS funds in War bonds- U Mildred Lewis Conducting, and President the radio in their homes, or in the U. F £u_gst;€;h;n2
u _ Possessor of a liberty bond purchased in Donovan expyessed his eppyeoieiion {oi- the studios and by radio in the Union Blliidiiiz Hutel Wedne
A , i9i8- thi? f1`¤¥€1'iliFY has 9·dd€fi Y0 its Original co-operation of all present and others who Editorial approval appeared in the Cont bguus Of ms
; ·;iu u i“V€Sim€¤F Pnm *35* Week   had ";’°“m“} had assisted in carrying out the prasram of ier Journal, in the Lexington Herald nr It was a gala
    giisd Suigtijiigiit gui? ;;>r$150e purc ase 0 the day. Lexington Leader and members of the As<<   on ful. m,
  — i t e (msc   V ' MTS- F- L- Adams (Mabel Pomtt) of T¤·m· ciated Press and United Press were lJ1`€$°i`F?>[Afte1· · ' t
  ·      The bonds were taken out in the name of pg, Fiopida; Professor John T_ Feig of Ohio ' during the sums days D jséuchcoliglil
  V;.         the Lamp and Cross society, University lof Mechanics institute of. Cincinnatia Dr, E, MY urifk sfu is H `gau for the
‘     , Kentucky, T. R. Bryant, treasurer who with Cronley Elliott of Lexington, president of _ _ _ _ A tfis Right E
 _    is i;-;§;Pean W. E. Freeman. guided the society in the Alumni Association or the University iiiauguration and Lena Madesin Phiiiilie fjishop Of th
 ‘     ,4"* "i` f  investment in government se- and G. Lee McClain, secretary of the Alumni New York and Kentucky was uiiHbi€ W “ Susaksr Th`
 is _  Q  , ° '‘i:   *¢>`‘»     Association represented the Alumni at the tend as an alumni delegate. Lgii ‘ E
 re, ·‘   ` V   -