xt7xsj19m866 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19m866/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-04-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1923 1923 1923-04-27 2012 true xt7xsj19m866 section xt7xsj19m866 mi


The Kentucky Kernel








MANUEL Take Negative of National Debt


cellation Topic





Hughes, Freshman, Hurler, Al
lows Only Two Safe Hits
in Game.




Game Called in Seventh Inning
So Visitors Could Make



The University of Kentucky fresh
men baseball, team under the leader
ship of Captain Adams, defeated the
Louisville Manual representatives last
Friday afternoon on Stoll Field by the
overwhelming score of 15 'to 0.
After a short snappy fielding prac
ticc by both teams, Leake first batter
to face Hughes, seemed to take quite
a liking to "Turkeys" offering and af
ter a terrible swing he was perched on
third base, the ball going to deep
right almost hitting the fence. This
was short lived for on the next play
he was thrown out at the plate by
Glenn. This hit with another 'by
Ropke, in the second inning, were the
only safeties annexed by the Fall City
lads. Each of the Kittens hit the ball
squarely for a grand total of 12 hits
and 15 runs.
Hurler Waller, failed to fool any of
the Kittens and before he could get
'three men out they had batted around
and collected five hits and made six
runs. Grewemeyer, who replaced Wal
ler, received better treatment but his
offerings were hit with little trouble.
The hitting sitar of the day was
He made
Johnny "Rabbit" Evans.
three hits out of the same number of
trips to the plate, one being a two
bagger He was forced to retire at
the end of the third inning on account
of his ankle which he broke during
football season.
The real strength of the Kittens can
hardly be determined as they have met
with little opposition so far. They de
feated the Georgetown Cubs 17 to 4,
in the first game of the season. Coach
Cooper has rounded his charges into
(Continued on page 5.)



Annual Event of High

Association, Here May
4 and 5

The annual Interscholastic
and Field meet will be held on Stoll
Field Friday and Saturday, May 4 and
5 with a large number of schools represented. All High Schools of the
State that are members of the Kentucky High School Association have
been invited to send teams to the
meet and a much larger number than
has ever participated in the event, is
expected to be on hand for Friday
morning. A large number have already serit in their entries.
Gold, silver and bronze medals will
be awarded to the men coming first,
second and third respectively, in each
event. A silver loving cup will lie
awarded to the high point man of the
meet, while a beautiful silver trophy,
which must be won three itimes to be
held permanently, will go to the winning team.
The University will furnish local entertainment and lodging for the visiting athletes.





Royal Welcome is Given By Old
Kentucky Men in
Early Sunday morning a band of
weary young mining engineers returned from an inspection trip of the
Leaving Lexington Sunday evening,
April 15, ithey arrived in Knoxvivlle,
Tennessee, early the next morning,
spending Monday at the zinc mines
at Mascot, Tennessee, and Tuesday
inspecting the quarries and mills in
and around Knoxville. Tuesday at
luncheon they were the guests of the
Ro'tary Club of Knoxville. The tours
around Knoxville were made possible
by the splendid assistance and courtesy of the Knoxville Chamber of
Wednesday morning they left for
Coppcrhill, Tennessee, over a little
railway winding thru the mountains.
Arriving there at noon, they had
luncheon and spent the afternoon go
ing thru the sulphuric acid plant and
smelter of the Tennessee Copper Com
pany and Thursday morn:ng visiting
the copper mines. From Copperhill
they embarked for Birmingham, stopping over for six hours in Atlan.a.
While in Atlanta they made a thoro
inspection of the famous Peach Tree
Lane. The results are not open for
publication but unofficially it can be
said that most of the boys are not
pearly so firm in their belief that the
Blue Grass ranks first as the home of
beautiful women. Professor Crouse,
n charge of the party, persona'ly s
perintended this investigation.
From Atlanta the journey was re- (Continued


MARK SET Will Report September


at Infantry


School of Arms

The debating team of the University
of Kentucky, taking the negative
stand, won a two to one decision here
Monday night over the debating team
of the Eastern Kentucky State Nor
mal school, of Richmond, in the sub
jeet, "Resolved, That the United
States should adopt the policy of can
ccllation of allied war debts under
agreement 'that all allied nations can
cel war debts in like proportion."
The ffirmative team, that of the
Kentucky State
school consisted of H. C. Ogles, Mere
dith Carpenter and Raymond Vincent.
The university team was composed of
G. W. Mcuth, J. W. Gillon and J. Y,
Judges were Judge J. M. Stevenson,
of Winchester; Thomas B. McGre
gor, of Frankfort, assis-tanattorney
general, and Marshall E. Vaughn,
scretary of Berea College.

No. 28

on page five.)


The following men have announced themselves as candidates for the office of president
of the Men's Student Council:
S. B, Neal, Gardner
Dan Morse, Marshall Barnes,
Bob Porter and Ray Stasser.
Editor's note The foregoing
announcement was turned in for
publication in last week's Kernel
but thru some error failed to

Success of Project Depends Upon
Loyalty of Alumni and


Captains and Workers Responsi
ble for Success of

If $34,497.50 was pledged on the
University of Kentucky campus with0
in less than one week when only
of the $200,000.00 needed was expected, then it is not safe to say what
the University of Kentucky Alumni
and friends are going to add to the
Ken$175,000.00 expected of them.
tucky will have a stadium, a basketball auditorium, a Patterson monument, and many more Kentucky students will be helped by the University
of Kentucky student loan fund if the
alumni respond as loyally as did the
campus folk.
The campaign to ra'se $25,000.00 was
started on the campus Wednesday
night and was officially ended Friday
night with a return of $34,253. Since
then subscriptions
$244.50 have been turned in from the
Experiment Station and Model High
School. According to H. P. Fling,
principal of Model High School, the
which-Mrs- .
Burt L. Sims, is president,
intend to subscribe to the fund. It
is to be taken up by the members at
a meeting of the society this week ar
it is hoped that with this and other
pledges that will come in from time
to time, the $40,000 mark will be reached on the campus.
There were 1.308 subscriptions taken on the campus during the three day
driye which was one of the best
campaign experts state, that has
sver been made by any University
launching a similar drive for funds.
The best record during the cam
paign was made by the Engineering
Division which average $26.46 per subscription taken. Not far behind the
Engineers was the Arts and Science
Division, averaging $22.78 per pledge.
The largest number of subscriptions
were taken by the Women's Division
which turned in more than






(Continued from Page 3)



Kentucky Lyres, Name Propos
ed For New Organization
"The Kentucky Lyres" is the name
proposed for the new musical organization which has been organized on
the campus under the direction of Prof
Lampert of the Department of Music.
It is the desire of this organization
to do for music what the Strollers
have done for dramatics at the University.
Officers for the coming year were
elected at the meeting held Monda
afternoon. Robert Clem was selected
Max Heaveriu stage man
ager; Elbert
Edna Gordon secretary, and Doug. C.
Vest treasurer. Work for the opera
for next year will start at once.

Major Albert Sidney Johnstone
Tucker, now a member of the military
staff of the University of Kentucky,
has been relieved from duty here by
the direction of the President and or
dered to report to Camp Bcnning,
Georgia, for duty in the Field Officers
Class at the Infantry School of Arms
During the war he was with the 16th
infantry of the famous first division in
France. He was decorated iby the
French for gallantry in action and
given the Crorx tic Guerre with bronze
At the University of Kentucky Ma
jor Tucker served as Professor of Mil
itary Tactics in 1919-2and is now
serving as Assistant Professor of Military Science.
Major Tucker will complete 'the collegiate year at the Univefsity, and will
report at Camp Benning September
It is with regret that Kentucky
loses such a capable officer.








Entire Yearling Outfit Hits Two




Margaret Lavin Made Managing
Editor; William Tate, Business Manager


Associate Editors, Reporters to
Be Named During Next
At a meeting of the Kernel staff
held Thursday in the journalism rooms
following elections were made for
next year: Raymond L Kirk,
Margaret Lavin, managing
editor; William Tate, business mana
ger; Richard Jones, advertising manager; Cliff Thompson,
The meeting was called to order by
Irene McNamara, retiring editor, who
made a brief talk to the staff and expressed her appreciation to the mem
so wonder
bers who have
fully during her office as editor. Nom
inations were opened and Raymond
L. Kirk, Paintcville, junior in the department of Journalism was unanimously elected editor. Kirk formerly
held the position ;'. managing editor,
is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity, Phi Mu A'.iba. honorary musical
fraternity, Alpha Delta Sigma, hon
orary journalism fraternity, and Keys,
hono'Sry sophomore fraternity.
Margaret Lav;n, Paris, junior in the
department of journalism, has been
a repoiter for the Kernel for the past
three vears and wai appointed to the
position as associate editor this year.
She is a member o' Theta Sigma Phi,
honorary journalism fraternity, memCircle, sponsor and was
ber of
elected one of the six most popular
in the University.
Wil'tam Tate. Stanford, sophomore
in ths college of arts and sciences, has
served as advertising manager during
the past year. He is member of Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary journalism
fraternity. Phi Delta Theta and Key
and Thirteen, honorary fraternities,
and president of the sophomore class.
Richard Jones. Lexington, fresh
man in the department of journalism,

editor-in-chie- f;

Displaying a marked ability to swat
the "ole apple" to the far corners of
the lot, the University of Kentucky
Kittens defeated the Union College
in a slow and listless
contest on Stoll Field.
Hughes was the shining light of the
entire fray, holding the visitors to six
safeties and fanning eleven, besides
getting five hits out of as many trips
to the plate, one a healthy
to the
right field fence that netted the
product three bases.
The fielding of both teams was far
from perfect, Kentucky getting credit
for seven boots, while the Orange and
Black were marked up for three.
Vossmeyer and Evans followed close
behind Hughes in the race for swat
honors, the former driving out a home
run and two singles in six attempts,
and Evans a triple and a single in
five tries. Each of the ten men that
faced the two Union hurlers hit safe(Continued on page 4.)
ly at least once.
Sore by innings:
Union College. 5 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
10 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 x 17
Pickett, Mayhew and
Barker; Hughes and Saner.
Professors J. B. Miner, Edward Fellows and Assistants Are NamWiest. L. J. Sindell. C. C. Anderson.
ed for Next Scholastic
A. N. May and J. C. T. Noe have reYear.
turned from Louisville, where they attended the annual meeting of the Ken
The graduate school committee of
tucky Educational Association.
the University of Kentucky last week
announced the following appointments
for ithe scholastic year beginning next
Fellow in psychology, Mr. E. J.
Asher, of London, Ky., now a member
in the university.
The Senior invitations are on
Fellow in chemistry, Mr. J. P.
display at the Book Store. All
Holtzclarr, of Lexington, a graduate
Seniors are requested to go and
of Tranlsylvania, with one year of
see them.
No orders will be
work in chemistry at the
taken after May 15, as it is necuniversity.
essary to have all orders in to
Assistants, giving
to the
the publisher by that time. The
university while pursuing their studprices are: 18 cents for paper,
ies: Mr. W. A. Anderson, Jr., of
and 35 cents for leather. First
Wickiliffe, Ky in botany; Mr. Roscoc
semester graduates may obtain
A. Cross, of
in history; Mr,
invitations by writing the comW. H. Hickerson, of Owensboro, and
mittee. All orders will be taken
Mrs. Nancy Williams, of Lexington,
by Mary Lyons, William Finn
or Clyde Watts.
(Continued on Page 4)
17-- 8

Su-K- y






� Page Two






yards, with others on the Delaware,
Captain Don P. Branson is now on
exceeded the Tyne of England as a duty at Camp Gillard, Canal Zone,
shipbuilding centre.
Panama, C. A. Mrs. Branson was
The Engineers' Club of Philadelphia Alice Lyle Crawley, also of '07.
incidentally the largest Engineers'
Editor Atonal Secretary
Club in the country, originated the
idea of centering all engineering and
The class secretary is D. V. Terrell,
scientific activities in the city within
Head of the Department of Civil Enciiinati papers. The women of Ken
its portals. This idea has been wide
College of Engineering,
tucky, she says, now arc most dis
ly copied, and has come to be known
University of Kentucky.
tinguislictl for their brains; the auto
as the "Philadelphia Plan." Among
April 28. (Fourth
Carroll G. Taylor served in Ithe AvDetroit,
mobile has supplanted the horse, and
affiliated organizations is the Ameri
Saturday Regular) dinner, Dix- iation Section of the U. S. Army durgood whisky is in disrepute.
can Society of Heating and Ventilat
ing the World War. After his disicland Inn.
"After dinner speeches were also
ing Engineers,
whose Philadelphia
charge he was connected with Henry
Frankfort, April 30.
made by Ellsworth Regenstcin ex- -'
Chapter has more members than any
Monday Regular) evening meet- L. Dohcrty & Company, New York
A. C. Collins
T. C. Kelly '97,
(the present
other Chapter, and, at
Gty, until November, 1921. He is now
and Paul S. Ward, '98.
time, the offices of president and sec
Somerset, May 4. (First Fri-"Election of officers resulted as fol
rctary are each filled by a Kentucky a member of the firm, C G. Taylor &
day Regular) evening meeting
Cd., stocks and bonds, suite 1321-2lows: President, R. E. Hundley '16,
New York, May 8. (Second
27 William Street, New York City.
3450 Rttthcr Avenue;
In this atmosphere and with this
Tuesday Regular) stag luncheon
He was recenltly elected
A. B. Phister, '11, 20 Tower Place, Ft
stimulation, are we guihy of undue
at the Harvard Club.
Thomas, Ky.; secretary, Adele Sladc
modesty in believing that eventually of the New York Alumni Club. He
Philadelphia, Mayl2. (Second
served as secretary of that organiza21, 71 Oak
Ludlow, Ky.
the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter is goSaturday Regular) evening meet- 3628
treasurer, H. V. Greife
ing to rival the best Club outside the tion the past year.
ing at koine of member.
Evans-tolAvenue, Oindinnati. To'borders of our home state? Right
Buffalo, May 12. (Second Sat- '13
ward the close of the business session
now, we'll back our officers, and esurday Regular) luncheon at El- a motion was proposed by H. L. Beck
"The Kentucky Kernel, with its page
pecially our never tiring secretary,
Candidate for 1933 Wildcats
licott Club.
cr '22, and passed by the club, in re
of alumni notes, greatly refreshes my
Roy S. Clarke, against the field.
Son of A. Thornton Lewis, '06.
Lexington, May 12. (Second
gard to the necessity of having all
The Philadelphia Alumni Club plan memories of college days and I al
The photograph is of Dan Lewis,
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
ways read it with great pleasure and
alumni clubs work together on the
years old, candidate for the 1933 Wild is to meet once a month at the home interest You have
12:30, Lafayette Hotel.
same lines and at the same time.
asked recently for
of one of our members, and once a
Chicago, May 21. (Third Mon- "At the conclusion of the dinner and cats. This picture, to my mind, repre year to have a banquet and dance. By personal notes for this page so I am
seuts the spirit of the Philadelphi
day Regular) luncheon at Mar- business session, members and guests
meeting in the various homes, the giving you the story of James R. Bus-seshall Field's Grill.
enjoyed several hours dancing." A. S Alumni Club. That spirit consists of sweethearts, wives and .children -- of
who received his LL.B. in 1913.
an earnest desire to be of service to
Kentucldans have an opportunity to Soon after graduating he took up the
practice of law in Paducah, Ky., and
Efforts to locate the 14,000 former the Alma Mater, and the necessary
The program for June 12, 1923 students who did not receive degrees foresight is being used to accomplish become acquainted, the ties of friend- after one year of successful practice
this purpose. Those who arc also do ship are strengthened, and allegiance there, married a girl from
should have a stronger appeal to from the University of Kentucky will
Forest City,
to our Alma Mater is increased.
alumni than any celebration on the be
between this time and ing their bit in this way, and will have
We are with you
per Arkansas. He moved to ForesJt City,
campus since the Golden Jubilee in the June
The Alumni Sec candidates for future teams are Geo ccnt in the fight for a better and big and soon became a member of the law
C. Lewis, H. Berkley Hedges, R. R,
October 1910.
rctary has asked the
ger University. We want its influence firm, Mann, Bussey and Mann. He
On this day it is planned to inaugu- all members of the Association in ob Taliaferro and C. M. Ro&wcll
came to St. Petersburg in 1920 and
Another aim of our Club, and one to be felt in all walks of life, and we formed a partnership wih Judge Freerate formally the ''Greater Kentucky" taining the addresses of these "Ken
want every boy and girl in old Ken
movement. Among the features pro- -' ...,(,:,- man P. Lane, Lane and Bussey, with
One thousand of them are that is close to our hearts, is the estab
posed are dedication of the statue of h;3ted corrcctiy now and 96 per ccnt lishment of a Philadelphia Loan Fund tucky to have the opportunity to se offices in the Central National Bank
We already have a start on this, and cure a higher education, and so be a building. Mr. Bussey
Dr. James K. Patterson, laying the of the graduates.
has also acwe hope as time goes on and pros more useful citizen to his state, his quired
cornerstone of the Memorial Building
considerable property in the
country and the world at large.
perity smiles on our individual efforts
and the usual class reunions and Alum
Sunshine city and is a most valuable
it will be possible to so swell this fund
ni Association meeting. The classes
citizen. He has a wife and ithree kidwhose numerals end in 3 or 8 will Alumni Teachers Show Desire to Help that it will be of sufficient size to main
dies and his beautiful residence overAlma Mater Grow
tain at least one student in each of the
celebrate their anniversaries this year,
looks Tampa Bay. He, however, freThe annual K. E. A. dinner held at four classes. These things we can do
also the class of 1920.
quently speaks of his love for Old
the Watterson hotel Friday evening even though we are so far removed
The new basketball building and
Kentucky and his Alma Mater."
club house probably will be formally under auspices of the Louisville Alum from Kentucky that our political in
Edgar H. Dunn, American Bank &
dedicated November 29 when the ni Club was the best attended and fluence is not of great magnitude
Trust Company Bid., St. Petersburg,
most enthusiastic meeting since the
"I see in the Kernel, the name of
We want the Philadelphia Club to
Wildcats and the Tennessee Volun
grow, and we hope that more of our D. Murrell '05, as missing. He is run
teers meet on Stoll Field for Ken custom was inaugurated.
McVey, R. T. Whitting- - graduates who fare from their own ning a rice ranch at DeWitt, Ark. He
tucky's Home Coming game.
hill, Miss Emma J. Woerner, J. P. firesides to seek fame and fortune will is married and has a son about twelve
"I have severed tny connection with
"Little Whit" Whittinghill, Dean F, understand that not only a most cor years old. I sold oiit my business here
the Illinois State Highway DepartPaul Anderson and Congressman J. G dial welcome from the members of our Tuesday and will take a
ment and have accepted the position
Buffalo Alumni Club Adds New Fea Cantrill were among the speakers. Re- Club awaits them, but also that big and exploring trip through the north
of conports from the teachers visiting Uni opportunities in a business way an with Mrs. Bateman before going into of general superintendent
ture to Activities.
Mrs. struction for the L. S. Kuhn ConThe Buffalo Alumni Club has added versity Headquarters during the K. E. pleasant home conditions can be found anything else.
Bateman is a sister of N. Minton struction Company, of Bloomington,
to its activities in organizing an ap- A. indicate that a great missionary here.
Please' change my address to
Philadelphia is like no other city in Creger '16, Celia Creger '18, and Helen
pointment committee to place U. K. work is being carried on by them.
graduates with business houses of Excursions to the campus and lectures the United States. Starting as the Crcgor, class of '23, who died in her care of above company, Onedia, 111.,
or P. O. box 61, Oneida, 111." Levi
Buffalo. All applications
received by alumni and faculty of the Univer "Cradle of Liberty," it has never lost junior year, r ranees Lregor to, and O.
sity are features planned by the alum its deep sense of patriotism, which has of Ben (Baldy) Cregor at Cenitre so
will go through the Executive CounMany of them reported grown and expanded to an intense you know she-icil, L. U. Milward chairman, and if
a good scout." Roy
accepted will go to the Appointment that 100 percent of their graduating love of home. There are proportion A Bateman,
L. P. Jones, who has been farming
Committee for action. This committee classes will become Wildcat support- ately more homes owned in this city Ky.
at Mayfield, Ky., is now principal of
is composed of O. K. Dyer, chairman, ers next September.
than any other in the world. As the
the high school and teaching
Luke Milward and Dr. R. C. Daniels.
"Workshop of the World," it offers
Many additional calls for addresses
Agriculture at Cunningham,
Edgar T. Brown, who spent the last
Dr. Phil Blumenthal is an
splendid opportunity to a young
by members of the Student Speakers man with energy, ambition and
year in California, is now at home in Carlisle County, Kentucky.
"There is no doubt but thalt a teach"It will not be possible for the com Bureau before business men's and civic Kentucky training. There have been Harit, Michigan, R. R. No. 1.
er has some influence on the students
mittee to handle many applications for clubs out over the State are being many original ideas born here, and
and of course we all urge studens
given to the world, so that, in a cerit is a labor of .love, involving much received at the Alumni Office.
An alumnus of another institution tain way, Philadelphia is a city of
correspondence and personal effort for
Wm. S. Page is acting class secre with ability to continue their educathe local members," says Dr. Blumen has said that this is contributing as pioneering, ihese original accom tary, Danville, Washington. For many tion. I am always interested in the
thai. This committee also expects to much as any other factor to the better plishments might be mentioned:
ears he has been connected with the University but I feel so far away and
things seemed so changed. I read
A real woman's magazine The La U. S. Customs Department there.
with the proposed Place- understanding of the University in the
ment Bureau of the University. The
dies' Home Journal.
Isaac P. Shelby has for several years with interest of any improvements
following results have already been
engineering and I love to see "Old State" grow and
A weekly magazine for the business conducted a consulting
Stationery Sales
The Buffalo Forge
man The Saturday Evening Post
nd contracting office in Litftle Rock, develop." Carleton Brewer, teaching
"Find enclosed check .for $4.91, comCompany offered positions to three
Both of these publications having Ark. His eldest son, William Taggart in high school, Danville, Ky. Address
mission on $24.55, total amount of circulations running into the millions, Shelby, is a junior in the Engineering 143 St. Mildred's Court.
engineers of the graduating class
two have accepted; the Bethlehem sales for February and March." Tele
nd larger than any other magazines College, University of Kentucky. The
Steel Company has placed one engi graph Printing Company, Harrisburg. in their field.
second son, Edward, is eight years old
neer, who has already started wofk, Penna.
nd is expected to be at U. K. in anoth
The first International Exposition
Morgan M. Atchison is practicing
C. W.
Excelso Specialty
was held here The Centennial in 1876. er ten years. Mrs. Shelby was Miss law in Denver Colo. Address 1650
Works, has placed an engineer in his
is city sales
Joe M. Robinson
John Wanamaker established here Augusta Taggarit, of Mississippi. Ad- - Washington street.
office, to start after graduating in man with the Kentucky Printshop Co., the first great department store.
ress 1400 Broadway, Little Rock, Ark.
(Continued on Page 6)
June; L. A. Harding has offered two
So. First Street, Louisville,
me iaea ot 'inuiaing nomes in
engineers positions with the Ch'cago August 1, 1922, he married Susan G blocks, instead of individual houses,
branch of his company, Harding and urenenman, ot uouisvtue.
John Lee Stoner, who has been in
ihev re originated here, and made tenements
Crea, consulting and Construction En side at 1439 Tyler Park Drive
the oil business in Mexico for several
gineers, subject to approval of the
"Things are looking GOOD for old
The first large railroad locomotive years, is now with the East Coast 0:1
ONE YEAR $2.00.
Chicago office. The National Aniline U. K. with the splendid campaign plant "Baldwin's" was built here, Company, S. A.. Tampico. Tamps..
Herbert Graham,
Company will probably take one chesn- - that is being carried on through the and has today the largest output of Mexico, mailing address p. o. box 125.
is of the '23 class.
itate. The organization is coming any similar plant in the world.
fine and the spirit is good. Let hep,
The longest suspension bridge in the
See-- ! world is now under construction
L. A. Loudermilk,
Among the "lost" and now found.
retary Warren County Alumni Clubj Philadelphia to Camden, New Jersey,
J. P. Whittinghill, "Littfe Whit,"
Cincinnati Alumni Gather at Gibson add ress 1376 High Street, Bowling: and will be completed in 1925.
who is practicing law at Glen Dean.
Green, Ky.
For Annual Affair
The suburbs of Philadelphia are Breckinridge County, Kentucky. There
FOR 1923
Tom Gower
"You will be interested to hear of
is with the Ann
judged the most .beautiful in the re rumors of his candidacy for the
our successful dinner-danc- e
at the strong Cork & Insulation Company,, world, those of Paris ranking second. Legislature.
Students who wish to submit poems
Gibson House, Wednesday, April 11. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, address 977'
Philadelphia has in Fairmount Park,
for possible inclusion in this year's
All of the fifty persons present were Fortieth street.
Mrs. Gower was not only the most beautiful, but the
disappointed in not getting to hear Myra Belle Chilton
Her sister, largest park inside the city limits of
Louis E. HiHenmeyer is class secre- - College Anthology (THE POETS OF
President McVey and exceedingly sor- Edna May Chilton
is now Mrs. anv city in the world.
ry. He is a member of the firm of THE FUTURE, Volume VII) are
Roy Ashcraft, and is living in Louis
ry that he was detained in Lexington.
League Island, the U. S. Navy Yard,
illenmeyer & Sons, nurserymen. His requested to send their contributions
' ,(Miss Simrall
is the largest in the country, and dur
(formerly dean of ville, Ky.
many friends will regret to hear of the not later than May 15th to
women), gave an interesting talk on .John Dunn
brother of "Scrub ing the war, Hog Island had more recertt death of his father, one of the DR. HENRY T. SCHNITTKIND.
Kentucky Women, which has been by" Dunn '16, is with the Florida East ship tonnage capacity than any ship best known citizens of Fayette county. The Stratford Company, Publishers,
copied and commented on by the Cin- - Coast Railway, Fort Pierce, Fla
Boylston St., Bestou. Mais.
building plant in the U. S.
These- Hsi address is R. F. D.. Lexington, Ky.

Alumni Notes

cx-'0- 5,








Betwixt Us






state-at-larg- e.



ex-2- 1,


ex-1- 5.

ex-1- 5,






Friday, April 27 Second perform
ancc of "Lady Windermere's Fan," in
evening at Woodland Auditorium.
Saturday, April 28 Kappa Sigma
fraternity dance in ball room of Phoenix Hotel.
Alpha Xi Delta lanfMt
The thirtieth anniversary of the
founding of Alpha Xi Delta fraternity
was celebrated by the members of the
University chapter Saturday night in
the .ball room of the Lafayette hotel.
The tables bore baskets of Columbia roses tied with pink tulle, and the
place cards were programs embossed
with the fraternity shield.
Zula Ferguson presided as
and her introductory talk was
"On, On, Alpha Xi Delta." The other
toasts were: Frances Static!, "The
Kick Off" (They're Off); Mary Kath-crin- c
Jasper, "The Forward
(Forward March); Elizabeth Morris,
"Our Thirty-Yar- d
Line" (By Leaps
and Bounds'); Norma Rachel, "The
Touch Down" (Arc We Downhearted? Goodness Not) Betty Brown "The
Something Done); Lula Blakcy, "The
Touch Back" (Secure in the Thoughts
of the Past). Lucy Smith sang "The
Evening Song."
Covers were laid for the following
members of the active chapter: Dorothy Blatz, Betty Brown, Laura Hubbard, Lois Peart, Kathryn Pennington, Irma Bain, Mary Elizabeth Craf-toKathleen Edwards, Elizabeth El
lis, Frances Harris, Mary Elizabeth
Luxon, Lucy Smith, Frances Stahcl,
Zula Ferguson, Elizabeth Holmes,
Georgia Lee Murphy, Elizabeth Mor
ris, Norma Rachel, Elizabeth
liams, Rowena Noe, Shelby Northcutt,
Mary Katherine
Jasper, Henrietta
Green, Zelma Hall, Louise Atkins,
Sarah Morris, Mary Louise Morris,
and Sarah Collopy, a pledge.


For real Fountain Pen Satisfaction

"The Ink That Mmde
The Fountain Pen Potsibte"


Tennis Club Officers
At a meeting of the University of
Kentucky Tennis club held recently
the following officers were elected:
President, Charles Spillman; vice president, Eugenia O'Hara; secretary-treasureDewey Welsh.

At a meeting of the Philosophian
Literary Society of the University of

Kentucky held at Patterson Hall the
following mcmibcrs for the forthcoming year were elected: Elizabeth
Wheeler, president; Marion Parsons,
vice president; Rowena Coatcs,
Louise Carson, literary
critic; Lucille Bush, scrgcant-at-armThe society voted that the next