xt7xsj19m73w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19m73w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1919-11-sep16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-11-sep16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-11-sep16. 1919 1919-11-sep16. 2011 true xt7xsj19m73w section xt7xsj19m73w 


Index of Minutes of Meeting of Board of Trustees
                September 16, 191?.

1. Adoption of Minutes.

2. Nomination of Alumni Members to Board of Trustees.

3. Quarterly Report of President.

      1. Campus Improvement.

           a. Repairs and Construction.
           b. Psinting.
           c. Road Work.
           d. Miscellaneous Repairs.

      II. The Financial Situation.

           General Fund.
           Experiment Station Fund.
           Extension Funds.

      III.  Housing of Students.

                Legislation Needed.

      IV.    Legislative Program.

4. Farm Boyg' Encampment.

5. State Board of Health.

6.  Legislative Committee.

7. Report of Olmstead Brothers.

8. Purchase of Sherffius Lot,

9. Maxwell Hall.


     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees, University of Kentucky, September 16, 1919.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in the President's office at the 'niver-
sity atl1l:OO o'clock, a. m., Tuesday, September 16, 1919. On
roll call the following members were present: V. 0. Gilbert, Mat
S. Cohen, 3. M. Elliston, Senator H. M. Froman, P. P. Johnston, Jr.,
J. I. Lyle, Frank McKee, and W. H. Grady. President Frank L. MoVey,
and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present.
The Governor and the Vice-chairman of the Board being absent, Senator
S. M. Froman was selected to act as chairman.

     (1) The minutes of the previous meeting of the Board of Trus-
tees and also the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee
for September 10, 1919, were read and approved as read.

     (2) It was reported to the Board that owing to a misunderstand-
ing regarding the date of expiration of the term of office of one of
the Alumni members of the Board of Trustees, no preparation had been
made for the nomination of an Alumni member. On motion the Secretary
of the Board was instructed to have prepared ballots for nomination
of an Alumni member who shall take his office January 1, 1920; to
send nomination ballots to members of the Alumni to be returned to a
meeting of the Executive Committee on October 22, 1919, and to fol-
low this with the election ballot to be returned to the regular quarter-
ly meeting of the Board in December, the election to be held in accord-
ance with the rules adopted by the Board of Trustees at its meeting
on April 1, 1919, with the exception of the change of dates.

     (3) The President was then called upon to make his quarterly
report. He then presented the following report:



The Board of Trustees,

      University of Zentuoky.


      In presenting to you my quarterly report, I shall
 deal with matters of immediate interest at the University
 and confine the report to the following heads: (1) A
 review of what has been done on the oampus; (2) Our finan-
 cial situation; (3) The housing problem; and (4) A legis-
 lative program.

                 IE Campus Improvements

      (a) Under the first heading I may summarize what has
 been done in the way of repairs and construction.   The
 Old Dormitory whioh was marked for razing by tbe Survey
 Committee is undergoing repairs and will soon be in order
 for recitation rooms. It is not ready for occupancy, as
 had been hoped, due to delays in securing material, but it
 is expected that it will be completed by October 15 and the
 cost of repairs will be in the neighborhood of $19,000.
 This building will be occupied by the Department of Botany,
 offices and recitation rooms for the Department of Eoonomics
 and Sociology, the Department of Art and Design, the Depart-
 ment of Music and the band and orchestra, and it will have
 a well equipped Little Theater for use by the student body.

     (b) Painting.  For several years many of our buildings
have suffered from want of paint.   We have made fair pro-
gress in this work and have painted the exteriors of the
Main Building, the Old Chemistry Building, the Old Dormitory,
the Library, Patterson Hall, the Gymnasium, and the Agricul-
tural Building.  We hope to have the others painted soon.
This painting has much improved the appearance of the cam-
pus besides saving from decay the exterior woodwork of these
buildings.  One point should be noted in this work namely
that the work was done by the University and in every in-
stance we have had a saving of $25 to $200 over the amount
estimated in the budget.

     (o) Road Work.  The roads which were damaged and out
up during the operation of the Students' Army Training Corps
are being repaired.   A new road has been constructed on
the front of the campus at a cost of $2,600.   Other minor
repairs on the roads will cost about $500.



     (d) Miscellaneous repairs.   The heating system in the
Physics Building has bean overhauled.   On examination it
was found that the radiators and pipes in the hceating sys-
tem there on installation had olay left in them, and it
had melted and run down into the pipes almost closing them
and leaving the openings inadequate.   This has been remedie'd
and the system put in order.   New plumbing has buen put in
the Gymnasium and the WUomen' s Gymnasium. Some decoration
has been undertaken in s few of the buildings.

     In carrying on this work we have been confronted with
difficulties in getting material and securing labor.

              II. The Financial Sitvation

     The finances of the University are derived from four
funds.  The General Fund is the fuLd lahich provides for
the general conduct of the Universit+y.  The E:perinent
Station Fund provides for the conduct of the Experiment
Station, the farm and the various formr demonstration plots
located over the State.   The Exten.4ion Fund carries on
the work of the county agents, the home demonstration agents,
the boys and girls flub organizatoies.   The Trust Funds
are funds given to the Unive-sity s;uch as the Peabody Fund
of $40,000, the Bennett Bequest, the Crum Bequest, and land
grants received from the Federal Government.   The status
of the General. Fur.d for 1918-1919 is as follows:


Federal Appropriation............
State Appropriation..............
State Mill Tax...................
General Education Board..........
Vocational Education.............
Interest on Endovnaent Bond.
Student Fees.....................
Patterson gall...................
Cash in Cashier's hand..........

*0 a,  ......
   1, 7'19.01



Administrative Expense...........
Maintenanoe of eroperty..........
Educational Service ............
Patterson Hall...................
Student Activities...............
NeW Construction................

56,69 1.




     The University has maade a settlement with the Governnent
for the operation of the Students' Army training Corps.    The
expenditures for the operation of the Student a' Army Training
Corps amounted to $2`/5,343.69 and +his amount vwas collected
from the Government.  It is noteworthy that with all the vari-
ous details of expenditures and dealings with the war Depart-
ment for this work that we have been- able ;o make final scttr e-
ment without any great loss to the University.    The War De-ort-
ment refused to allow the damage on reads that we aesked because
they claimed that we i*ere asking rore dainage than was allowei
to other instituLions, bt tile diLSercreoe -was made up on other
items and as a rerul+, wre have been acle to bresk even.  It is
possible that in actilal loss or gain that there may be a vari-
ation of $1;000 either way, but in the expenditure of so large
amount in the Nays wrichl we were corpelled to spend it, it is
remarkable that we incurred no loss.

     E EA              Furkd.. The status of the Experiment
Station FuTI'l for -thl past two years is set forth in the fol-
lowing statement thiXen from the retport of the Business Agent:


Hatch Fund.........................
Farm Sales..........................
Fertiliser Pees.....................
Food and Drug Work..................
Feed Fees..........................
Adams Fund..........................
Hog Cholera Serum...................
State Appropriation.................
Miscellaneous ............-
Public Service...
Creamery License.

25, 273 .51
55 3 69 3-7
  6, '7 '95I
  0 ........


..... ;........ ;
l5 .(00,00

50, 000.00
  2,958. 4


Hatch and A'dams Fund................
General Administrative worlk.........
Food and Drug Work-.............
Feed Control ..........  *,
Fertilizer Control..................
Farm Sales................
Hog Cholera Work ..........
Public Service......................
Creamery License....................


50, OO0. 00


  1, 80 .93
  6', 224.36
324,x'?22 .28



     Extension Funds.   The income and expenditures of
the Extension Funds for the past two years are set forth
in the following table taken from the report of the Busi-
ness Agent:


Federal Smith-Lever.............
State Smith-Lever...............
State Appropriation (Vot used
   as offset)...................
County Appropriation ............
Other Funds.....................
U. S. D. A. Farm Demonstration..
Bureau of Animal Industry.......
Bureau of Markets...............



$66.6661 69
   0 .6

 ... ......


Salaries ........................
Printing, postage, labor, etc...

23 *499.28
20;, 4a8  

33, 276.86
  7. 51 .'82

     Summary.   In the following table is given a summary
of receipts and expenditures from ail funds, with the ex-
ception of Trust Funds for the years 1917-1.919:

                                  Income   Expenditures
General Fund ................... $6671?,266.89 $704,052.45
Military Fund..4..        .... 275,343e69 275,343.69
Experiment Station Fund.         552,815.25  49.-590,89
Extension Fund ................  425,466.60  425,566.6o
     Total .................... 1,920,892.43 1,896,453.63

     Income exceeds expenditures              24,438.80

                              1,920,892,43 1,920.S92.43

     Salaries.   I wish to invite the attention of the
Board to the question of salaries -- not for immediate
action, but in order that the Board may be put in touch
with the situation.   We have recently lost by resigua-
tion a number of good men who have been attracted to more
lucrative employment in commercial fields.     I have in



mind Professor Mark Havenhill, Dr. R. L. Pontius and a num-
ber of other men in the College of Agriculture; Professors
L. K. Frankel, J. 3. Curtis, and George L. Jackson in the
College of Engineering.   Professor Barr of the Mining De-
partment has asked for leave of absence beginning January 1,
1919, for the purpose of acting as General Manager of the
Cannel City Coal Company, Cannel City, Kentucky.    It is
evident that we ought to be able to hold these men and add
able men from time to time to the various departments of the
University, but it is very difficult for us to do so when
we are forced to hold the salary scale so low.    The same
difficulty, however, confronts other institutions.    We
must find some means of raising salaries or be content with
the additions of men of mediocre type.   We have not been
altogether derelict in the matter of salaries.    There has
been a raise in salaries during the last two years.    Two
years ago there was a general raise in salaries of 21 per
cent, last year, the average raise was 7 per cent, and this
year the average raise was about 5 per cent.    This makes
a general average raise during the period of about 33 per
cent.   The United States Department of Agriculture states
that the cost of living during that time has increased
about 70 per cent.   Moreover, the cost of living in Lex-
ington is among the highest in the cities of the United

               III. Housing of Students

     In speaking on this question,I would like to state
that between the housing of students and the development
of a university along scientific and other lines, I con-
dider the latter the more important.    I do not wish to
be misunderstood in this statement.    What I mean to say
is, that with a given and limited amount of money it vwuld
be better to spend it for the development of the institu-
tion rather than for building dormitories.    The housing
problem is one that ought to be taken care of by the house-
holders in the city where the institution is located.
At Purdue University, for example, there are no dormitories,
but there has been built up in the city of Lafayette a suf-
ficient number of rooming and boarding houses of the right
sort to take care of the situation in a satisfactory way.
The situation Weith us, however, is difficult.   Rooms have
gone up and so has board.   Dean Meloher has been very
effective in securing rooms at fairly reasonable prices,
but it has been a constant battle to prevent profiteering.



We have tried to keep the cost of rcoms per Stuaent down
to between $7 and $12 per month.   A number of persons,
however, have offered to rent rooms suitable for twro per-
sons for $30 to $40 a month, -- a sum. -wray out of proportion
to the oo-ic rxendered.    It is clear that with us, as
with other institutioun, uorlng ex-ences of students are
mounting higher and higher.   Cornell has increased her
tuition to $400 a year and Columbia to $300.  lt is un-
fortunate that the increased cost of an education is fast
1locoming a mernan-e to democracy.

     Legislation Needod.   We are therefore having thrust
upon us a number of problems and among them the problem of
providing housing facilities for students and provision for
feeding them.   The State should provide in the near future
a oommons building capable of feeding 2,000 students, wnd
we nust also provide dormitories for men and women.   For
cur women studezts, Patterson and IMaxwcell Halls are no longer
sufficient and the University has rented a third house and
filled it, still girls are applying to us for rooms which
we are not in a position to furnish.   Parents do not want
to send their girls to the University unless they can be
under supervision and we cannot supervise them Unless we
have them in our own dormitories.   The one dormitory which
we own is entirely inadequate and we must look for facilities
and funds for the erection of another in the near future.

            IV. Legislative' Program

     The funds which were provided at the last session of
the legislature are sufficient to keep the Uni-.tersity run-
ning fairly well as a going concern,but they will not take
care of the building, repair, equipment, and housing program.
Already much of our equipment in Engineering and Agriculture
is obsolete.   We need to replace it with new wquipment but
cannot do so with our present funds.   If we are to teach
engineering and agriculture ve should have up-to-date equip-
ment in every way.

     Mr. Lyle: Mr. President, I wish to mention one point
in this connection -- the only point of which I have definite
knowledge, and that is that the equipment in the Engineering
College is obsolete.   They are using machines there that
have been out-of-date for twenty years.    If a man has to
learn to be an engineer with old machinery and as soon as
he leaves the institution learn all over again on other ma-
chinery, it is certainly a handicap to his education and I
for one am in favor of the right sort of equipment.



           President H.lcVey (continuing):  These problems are
      being pressed upon us so rapidly, that we are coming at
      once to a point where a legislative program extending
      over a period of years is necessary to provide for our
      growth in 8 fway ooxnmcnsurato with the ideas of the people
      of the State of Kentucky.   If the legislature could pro-
      vide for a suitable fund to take care of our building aced
      equipment program for the next ten years, we could build
      the University up to a point of greater service.   In ad-
      dition, we need more money for a number of lines of work.
      We have just started tihe Department of University Extension
      with a budget of $4,500.  VWe need $15,000 annually for
      this work.   In Agriculture, we should do more work in dairy-
      ing and in Animal Hlusbandry.  The budget grants $4,3;000
      for teaching work in Agriculture and we need one-half more.
      The same is true in Engineering where our equipment is
      twenty-five years old and ought to be replaced at once.
      For our library we need more books.   All told we have fewer
      than 40,000 volumes.   The University of Indiana has 300,000
      volumes.   We need a larger reading room in our library.
      We ought to be able to accommodate 300 students instead of
      50.   Our work in chemistry should all be in one building.
      Our work in farm mechanics is carried on in a number of
      little sheds.   'be should have a well equipped building
      for that work. We also need a new home economics building
      as well as dormitories for men and women which I have pre-
    . viously mentioned. We also need money for the purchase
    of land.   We have purchased a few small lots and tracts
    around the Institution but we need a larger farm. Dean.
    Cooper says that the present farm is too small.    We have
    only 240 acres besides what we rent and we ought to have
    480 acres. Land values are increasing rapidly and we ought
    to buy in the near future.

          These are some of our needs and it is evident to me
     that we ought to work out a legislative program and ask the
     legislature to make suitable provisions for our growth.

     (4) Larm BoRys Encampment.   Mr. Cohen reviewed the action of the
Board of Trustees and the State Board of Agriculture on the matter of
the Farm Boys' Encampment appropriation and %sked that the University
oontinue its appropriation of $1,000 annually.    On motion the matter
was referred to the committee (mentioned later) appointed to consider
legislative matters.

     (5) State Board of Health.   Dr. McCormiok, Dr. Furnish, and Dr.
Boyd of the State Board of Health appeared before the Board to ask
(1) That the University turn over to the State Board of Health certain
records belonging to the Food and Drug Department the work of which



has been condicted by the State Board of Health; and (2) To present
for consideration in a tentative wqy the matter of establishing a
chair of social hygiene at the University from funds provided by
Congress through the Inter-departmental Social Hygiene Bureau;
(3) Dr. McCormick also asked that the laboratory of the State Board
be made a branch laboratory of the University for the purpose of
examining certain specimens sent to them.

     Regarding the third point, Doctor llcCormaock was asked to put
the matter in writing and give the University authorities an oppor-
tunity to examine the law.  President McVey also stated that the
University will be very glad indeed to cooperate with the Board of
Health in every fay.  He also informed Doctor Furnish that he would
be very glad to discuss with him the details of the proposition to
extablish a chair of social hygiene.  A motion was made, seconded,
and adopted authorizing the President to investigate the matter of
the turning over the records of the Food and Drug Department and
to make a report to the Board at a later meeting.

     (6) Legislativre Committee.  A committoc was appointed consist-
ing of President McVey, Mr. Cohen, Senator Froman, Wr. Stoll, Mr.
Grady, and Mr. Lyle to discuss and prepare the legislative program
which shall be presented to the next session of the legislature.

     ()  Rort of Olmsted Brothers.    President MoVey presented to
the Board the semi-final report of Olmsted 3rothers, the landscape
architects, on plans for the University campus.   After discussion
of the report a committee consisting of President McVcy and Mr. Lyle
was appointed to confer with Mr. Olmsted and Mr. Coolidge (the ad-
visory architect) regarding the location of thu Memorial Building.

     (8) Purchase of Sherfius Lot.  President MoVoy reported to the
Board that the title to the Sherfius lot at the corner of ihose Stree'
and Washington Avenue which had been authorized for purchase had been
examined by an attorney; that the records showed that Mr. Shertius
was not able to give a general warranty deed to but 30 feet of the
46 foot width, but that he held the remainder by nosersion for;
over 18 years; that hU. Sherfius would give a general wafranty deed
for 30 feet, a quit clalm deed "or the remainder, and g~ve bond to
protect the University in case a controversy arises over the purchaser
The Board authorized the Pre4sident to accept the proposition.

     (9) Maxwell Hall.  President McVey reported to the Board that
Mr. McGregor, the owner of Maxwell Hall, has stated to the Univer-
sity that he expects to bring suit against it for failure to pay
certain rents which the University has withheld on the property for
the purpose of making repairs to the heating system an} which action
had been authorized by the Exeoutive Committee in the winter 1919.
On motion the matter was referred to the President with power to aot.

     There being no further business the Board adjourned.

                                        Wellington Patrick,

Secretary of the Board.