xt7xsj19m71q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xsj19m71q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1934-08-jul17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-08-jul17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-08-jul17-ec. 1934 1934-08-jul17-ec. 2011 true xt7xsj19m71q section xt7xsj19m71q 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, July 17, 1934.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in President McVeyts office at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, July 17, 1934, at 10:30 a. m.    The members
of the Committee present were Judge R. C. Stoll, chairman; James
Park and Miller Holland.   President Frank L. HMVey and Secretary
D. H. Peak were also present.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The Minutes of the rweeting of the Executive Committee of June
30, 1934, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent stated that on account of the new laws rel-
ative to control of state finance and the consequent necessity of
closing up old accounts, he would be delayed in submitting finan-
cial report for the month of June.   It was ordered that, if the
report is completed before publication of the minutes, it be in-
serted in the minutes of this meeting.    The financial report for
June is as follows:

                                              EXHIBIT ''d

              Stateement of Income and Expenditures
                      Month of June 1934



To Date

General Fund Inco-me
  Federal Appropriation   42,750.00
  Vocational Ed, Board    20,416.16
  Bureaun of Mfin. & Top.
    Survey - Misc. Rec.   1,333.07
  Bureau of Min. & Top.
    Survey - St. Appro.   30,000.00
  Special Agr, Appro.     25,088.06
  State Tax              540,592.21
  Int. on Endowment Bonds 8,644.50
  Int. on Liberty Loan
       Bonds               1,700.00

            4E, 750. 00
2,421.73   22,837.89


44, 276.50


30, 000.00
584, 868, 71

  1, 700.00



Student Fees              187,010.90
Student Fees - Suq. Sch.   37,487.37
Student Fees - Un.H.Sgh.   11,529.75
Student Fees - El.Tr,.Sch.  8,159.50
Student Fees - Un. Ext.    20,123.38
Miscellaneous Reccipts      7,415.30
Rentals                     2,902.40
Men's Dormitories          13,284.91
             Total          931,437.51

  Instruction               671,401.79
  Admin., Expense and Maint. 232, 286.01
  Additions and Betterments 10,676.59
             Total         914,36-4.39

 Excess of Expenditures over
    Incomiie                 17,073.12

Patterson Hall Incomne
tAiscellaneous Receipts
Room Rent - Summer Sch.

  .Additions and Betterments

  314, 09
2, 936, 65
42" 383. 92

33, 747. 75
___ 695. 00
34. 442 75

   334. 70

  8, 379.19
  14.809. 86

67,517.97   998,955. 48

67, 700, 40  739, 102. 19
18, 678. 07  250,964,08
   343. 99   11, 020. 5S
86,722.46  L,001P0

(19,204.49)   (2,131.37
            ~~~~) -  13L,3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1, 422.68
   57. 30
1, 993. 25
_3. 7 3. 2 3

 4,929 990

42 ,861, 71  38,609.46
4,861, 7-1   39, 304.46

Excess df Income over Ex.-


Generpl Fund Inoome         973,821,43
General Fund Expend,        948,807,14
Excec s of General Fund
   Income over Expend.       25,014.29
   Accounts Payable - lioui-
      dated                 (28,478.03)
 Excess of Receipts over
    Expenditures for General
    Ledger accounts           9, 234.84
 Excess of Expenditures over
   Receipts for the fiscal
   yeax to date - General
   Fund                      5,771.10
 Excess of Expenditures over
   Receipts for the fiscal
   yenr to date - Gen. Fund
 Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 - Genesl .Fund
 Cash in Bank June 30, 19 34 - C-eneral Fund

_ t1,38B.48)

  70,991. 20

  (20,592. 97)

  (6,139, 13)


1.044, 812,65



  A 3,095. 71

(26,732.10)  (20,961.00)

(20,961. 00)



Experimrent Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.
  Hilk and Butter - Cash


   Receipts               9, 324.90
Bee' Cattle Sales             45.39
Dairy Cattle Sales            464. 74.
Sheep Sales                   329.64
Swine Sales                  573975
Poultry Sales               1,599.56
Farm Produce Sales          1,250.66
Horticultural Sales        1,542.72
Seed Test                    649.73
Seed Inspection           16,564.56
Rentals                     5,581.66
Miscellaneous                483.16
Fertilizer - Fees         23,502.00
Public Service - St. Ap.   18,137.49
Public Service - Misc. Rec.   111.05
Feeding Stuffs - Fees     30, 044.81
Adams - Fed. Appro.        15,000.00
Serum - Sales                869.46
Serum - Virus Sales            54.85
Serum - Live Stock Sales     200.00
Serum - Supply Sales           931.98
Serum - Misc. Receipts          5.05
State A-pro.               45,449.11
Crea.mery - License Fees    6,574.50
Creamery - Testers' Lic.    2,427.85
Creamery - Glassware Tested   437.41
Robinson - State Appro.    10,701.82
Robinson - Misc. Receipts   1,449.62
W. Ky - State Appro.       13,817.73
W. Ky. - Misc. Rec.         2,066.24
Purnell - Fed. Appro.      60,000.00
Nursery Inspection - Fees   1,300.00
Blood Test                    634, 50
            Total         286,285.94

1, 630. 73

   27. 00
   148. 22
   566. 24
   286. 92
   466. 08
   264. 34
7, 671.75
3,682. 72


    10. 00
    10. 70
    6. 00
  886. 50
  557. 00
  420. 72
  485. 58

  53. 88


10,955. 63
    491. 74
    794. 16
 1, 561. 67
   725. 73
17,030. 64
   773. 17
31, 173. 75
15,000. 00
   984, 43
15, 000,00
1,870. 34
60,000. 00
    688. 38
317,311. 75

  Expense                   263,071,30
  Add. and Betterments        3,4S8,41
               Total        266,539,71
  Excess of Income over Ex-
    penditures               19,746.23
 Excess of Expenditures over
    Receipts for General Ledger
    accounts                (34 1 60.321

44,991. 44
5,612. 33
50, 603.77


9,080. 74
317,143. 48


(3.036. 55)




Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts                 (14,414.09)
Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal
year to date - Experiment
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
Experiment Station
Cash in Benk June 30, 1934 -
  Experiment Station


(2,868. 28)


16, 455.13


Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Lever       148,308.77
Federal Add. Co-op.        31,000.00
Federal Supplementary      53,091.04
  Federal Capper-Ketcham     36,800,97
  State Smith-Lever         118,285.29
  County and Other            1,948.07
            Total           389,434.14

  Expense                   339,790.72

  Excess of Expenditures over
    Incc oe                  49,643.42

  1932-1933 Federal Smith-Lever
  balance transferred to Cur-
    rent Year's Income       (5,163.15)

Excess of Expenditures over


Excess of Expenditures over Re-
  ceipts for the fiscal year
  to date - Extension Div.
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
  Extension Division
Cash in Bank June 30, 1934 -
  Extension Division

Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fund
student Notes Paid
           Total Receipts

Student Notes

3,001. 75



120, 000.00

   119.16   389,553.30

54,248.56   394O039.28

(54,129.40)   (4,485.98)

              (5 163.15)

(54,129,40)   (9,649.13)




     122.99    1,135.72
     368.55    2,357.57
     491.54    3,493.29

51. 50
89. 50

471. 00
664.50 0-,



Excess of Receipts over Ex-

2,426 75

402.04   2,828. 79

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
Trust Fund
Cash in Bank June 30, 1934 - Trust Fund


  9941. 93
3,823. 72

General Fund Income
Experiment Sta. Inc.
Extension Div. Inc.
Trust Fund Income

  973,821. 43
  286, 285.94
  389, 434.14
    1,012, 73

General Fund Expend.   948,807.14
Experiment Sta. Expend. 266,539.71
Extension Div. Expend. 339,790,72
Trust Fund Expend.          433.00
        Total         1,555,570.57

70,991. 20
31, 025. 81
   119. 16

1, 044-,812. 63
  317, 311.75
    1, 135 72

102,259.16 1,752,813.40

91,584.17 1,040,391.31
50,603.77  317,143.48
54,248.56  394,039.28
     38.00       471.00
196,474.50 1,752,045.07

Excess of Income over Ex-

Accounts Payable liqui-
dated                  (

94 ,983. 67


28, 478.03)


(28, 478.03)

1932-1933 Federal Smith-Lever
balance transferred to Current
Yearts Income           (5,163.15)

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for General
Ledger accounts        (24,925.48)

Student Loan Fund - ITotes 1,847.02


24, 984.64




Excess of Expenditures over Re-
  ceints for the fiscal year to
  date   Combined Fund   38.264.03


*~~~~~~~~ 30. 649 *2 *

Excess of Expenditures over Re-
  ceipts for the fiscal year to
  date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
  1933 - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand June 30,
1934 - Combined Fund

45, 185, 20

14, 535,58

( 30,649, 62 )



     3. Group Insurance Report.

     The second annual report on Group Insurance was received and
ordered inserted in the Minutes.   Copy of report follows:

    Second Annual Report oQ Group Insurance by the Insurance

                        June 1, 1934

                        G ROUP- ISURAU1TOE

                  Dean Edward Wiest, Chairman
                  President Frank L. 1cVey
                  Dean Alvin E. Evans
                  Mr. D. Howard Peak
                  Mr. L. H. McCain
                  Mr. Lloyd B. Averett
    Mrs, Francis Hankes in the Business Office has charge of
    group records and accounts.

    Lloyd B. Averett renders service to the group. Applications
    for new insurance and beneficiary changes should be reported
    to him,

    To the Employees of the University:

    The second fiscal year of our group insurance system ended
    on June 1. Mortality, during the past year, greatly exceeded
    the normal expectation.   The weighted-average age also in-
    creased substantially due to a sluggish turnover.   Bhut the
    system is nevertheless on a sound basis in that it has proved
    itself,  almost at its inception, capable of withstanding the
    severest shocks.

                        TIE PREMIUM RATE
         Although the weighted average age increased materially
    during the past yea the premium rate of eighty-four cents per
    month per $1,000 is continued for the year 1934-35.   As ex-
    plained below, in view of the ma-.ny deaths last year, the div-
    idend received this year is too small to make possible any ap-
    preciable  reduction in Premnium payments.   It is, therefore,
    necessary to deduct $2.52 per $1 ,000 from salary due for June
    to those employed for ten months while the customary deduction
    of eighty-four cents per $11,000 will continue for those em-
    ployed on the twelve-months basis.    The sum of t 2,52 includes



payments of eighty-four cents per month for June, July and
August.   Obviously, beginning with the September salary
payments, the charge to those employed for ten months will
continue as formerly a.t eighty-four cents per .$1,000 per

     Because of administrative difficulties it has been
deemed best to charge the two classes of employees the same
rate during the academic year and to equalize the contribu-
tions of those in the College Division wid others on a ten-
month-pay basis by making the proper charges against the
last salary payment of the school year.

                   EXPERIENCE RECORD

     Four de6.th claims in the amount of $8,000 were met
during the past year.   All. of these were paid within forty-
eight hours following the insured's demise.

     The number of lives insured has increased steadily.
On June 1, 1932, the number in the group was 554, a year
later the number was 577, and at the close of the last fis-
cal year the number was 591.

     Cancellations since installation of the system have
amounted to ninety-three, or fifty-five for the first and
thirty-eight for the second year.   These may be attributed
almost wholly to employment termination.

     Total insurance coverage is now $1,060,000 which repre-
sents an increase of $121,000 for the past two-year period,
and k053,500 since June 1, 1933.

     While actual mortality was greater than expected mor-
tality during the past year there should be no cause for
concern.   No deaths occurred during our first year and
this offsets amply our recent claims.   When mortality his-
tory at this University is taken into account there is no
reason to believe that our future experience will be ether
than that originally predicted.

                  THE GROUP DIVIDEND

     The total aggregate Premium paid by the University to
our insurer during the past fiscal year amounted to 11,293.53.
From this amount is deducted a sum sufficient to meet- the re-
serve requirements, administrative expenses, and mortality
claims.   The remainder is the dividend, which this year
amounts to $482.19.   This amount has been deemed too small
to credit to the certificate holderst premium accounts.   If
returned to the members of the group it would pay only a
fractional part of the Premium per $1,000 for one month.
Further, the administrative effort which would be involved
in the distribution of this dividend would. be too great to
justify the return of such a negligible sum to 591 persons.



Therefore, it is the judgment of the committee that this
dividend should be entirely credited to the group's gen-
eral contingency fund.


     The Dividend-Ecualization Fund set up last year will
be henceforth designated as the General-Contingency Fund.

     A realization of the need of a fund to stabilize the
average gross premium rate in the event of a sharp increase
in the weighted arithmetic mean has become apparent. The
committee therefore proposes to increase gradually the size
of a fund which in time will be used for the purpose of
equalizing the dividends paid and of maintaining the average
gross rate during periods of emergency.   Inasmuch as this
fund is to serve a double purpose it is best that it be
styled as indicated above.

     The amount carried over from last year, after payment
of some incidental administrative expenses incurred by the
committee, was t546.22.*   When this sum is added to the

*Zxpenses amounted to S26,32; Cash Dividend Refunds equalled
t10. 68.

dividend for this year, appropriated to this account, there
will be a total of $1008.41 in the General Contingency Fuiw
after payment of group administrative expenses for this fis-
cal year.

     It is impossible to state that there will' be set aside
in this fund any arbitrary per cent    Of the total dividend
received from the insurer during any particular year. The
size of the dividend will largely determine our action in
this respect.

     Accumulations in the General Contingency Fund should
approximate m2,000 before we cease to appropriate portions
of the dividend for the purposes set forth.   Obviously,
if circumstances arise in the meantime which will require
an equalization of the premium rate or of an established
dividend scale the fund will be charged with the appropriate
necessary amount,

     The greater portion of the cash in this fund will be
invested in conservative securities and the income therefrom
will in turn be accumulated.   Moneys entrusted with us last
year were not invested due to the necessity of maintaining
this amount in a highly liouid condition.   For the same rea-
son, a part will not be invested during the next fiscal.,.
period.   For further explanation see SALARIES below.

1. Estimated.                     _




     An itemized list of credits to the General-Contingency
Fund of expenses incurred by the group-administrative com-
mittee, and of cash-return dividends account of employment
termiination follows:

Credits to General Contingency Fund:
     193W .....................                        '.583.25
     1934 .........           .     ........     ..    482.19
                                                    ;i, 0 65. 44


     To Kernel for publishing 1933 annual report..
                                             l7. 00
     To clerical hire and other assistance... 8.95
     To record book...........                  :40
              To total expenses.              26.35

     Cash Dividend Refunds ................... .10.68
        Total of expenses and cash dividend
        refunds ......,.................... 37.03

        Total amount in General Contingency Fund.    '1028.41*

*It is estimated that the expense which will be incurred
in publishing the 1934 annual report will be $20.00. This
will leave a balance of $1008.41.

                    OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES

     The Board of Trustees adopted a rule making it compul-
sory on che part of new appointees to take group insurance
as a condition of employment.     The rule includes all era-
ployees who are reappointed from time to time.

     All persons employed at least for a year are expected
to take insurance.   Those employed for a shorter period
are not allowed to join the group in view of the possible
disturbance this procedure could make to the rate and be-
cause of the clerical cost involved.     Neither are fellows
and scholars allowed to come into the group, but if depart-
mental assistants become reasonably permanent they are ex-
pected to join.



     Compulsory membership in the insurance group is justi-
fiable because of the benefits that accrue to the individual
through cooperative effort.   Also it is placing an unnecessa-
ry burden on the shoulders of any one faculty man to ask him
to struggle with staff members and see to it that they join.


     Subject to the ruling of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University and the interpretation
thereof, no one may withdraw from the group system while in
his present position.

     In case of employment termination at the end of the
academic year an employee may make application within thirty
days after expiration of service for a return of his pro rata
portion of any dividend which may be allotted to the certif-
icate holders.   But in no case shall this be construed to
mean that the aforesaid employee shall be entitled to a return
of any portion of the local General Contingency Fund.

     Salary checks may be drawn at Frankfort, instead of
at the Business Office, in the future.    In that event the
University will be unable to deduct the amount of the in-
sured's monthly premiums before paymentfor services.     If
this be so, certificate holders will be required to remit
the amounts due for premiums, either personally or by mail,
to Mr. D). H. Peak, the Business Agent.   Failure on the
part of anyone to make his premium payment promptly may,
under these circumstances, cause delay in the issuance of
subsequent salary checks until the delinquent account is

     As there will be excusable delay in forwarding premium
payments in some instances, a portion of the General Con-
tingency Fund will be employed. to act as a Revolving Fund
from which moneys will be advanced to meet deficiencies in
the monthly premium due to the insurer.    This met hod is
devised because the University has no funds which could be
used for such a purpose.


     In life insurance the unit is $1,000. As indicated above
the rate per $1,000 per month is eighty-four cents.    Premiums
for ar.mounts of insurance in excess of or less than $1,000 are
either multiples or fractions of eighty-four cents. Thus
the rates for the various amounts of protection allowed by
the insurer are:



     Insurance                        Monthly Rate

     $ 500                              $0.42
     1,000                              0.84
     2,000                              1.68
     2,500                               2.10
     3,000                               2.52

     A special arrangement may be made with Mrs. Francis Hankes
(Business Office) by those desiring to pay premiuns annually,
se.mi-annually, or quarterly instead of monthly.   This is
permitted for the convenience of the insured only, inasmuch
as no saving will accrue from -.m'aking less than twelve monthly
install ment s.


           The Amount of Insurance Allowed

     The amount of insurance oermitted is partially dependent
upon the size of the insured's salary.   The schedule follows:

        Salary                                Insurance
Under $800                   -                    500
Over $800, less than  2,000 --------------      1, 000
;.2, 000 but less than t4, 000--------------    2,000
04,000 and over                                 2,500

     The maximum is $3, 000.  Call Mr. Lloyd B. Averett at Un-
iversity 142 or write him (c/o College of Conmmlerce) to de-
termine whether you are entitled to this amount.    io employee
at tir.me of admission to the group is entitled to an amount in
excess of $1,000 if he is aged 60 or over.   l.,o one aged 70
or over may be ad-mitted into this group.

                    Medical Examination

     Medical examinations are not generally required of new
:eMbers,   The group may, however, within its discretion, re-
quire satisfactory evidence of insurability.

                 Application for Membership

     Notice of intention to become a. ..ember of the group
should be given to any one of the following; Mr. D. H. Peak,
1Mr. L. He. McCain, Mrs. Francis Hankes, Mr. Lloyd B. Averett.
The following data, in addition, should be submitted:    (a)
Your full name, such as John C. Doe or J. Caleb Doe, but never
J. C. Doe; (b7 the full nare of your beneficiary, such as Mary
Jones Doe but never taxs. John C. Doe; (c) the relationshi
of your beneficiary; (d) yoir A!E and date of birth;n(e)
the amount of insurance to wvhich you are entitled.



     Effective Date of Insurance after Receipt of
     Notice of Intention to Become a Group Member

     Upon receipt of notice of intention, on your part, to
become a member of the group by any of those named above
and in the paragraph just preceding, and provided that you
have submitted the information required and have observed
correctly the rules indicated herein, your insurance pro-
tection will take effect immediately.

                 Certificate of Insurance

     After an employee is admitted into the group he is
furnished an individual certificate of insurance, which
refers to and identifies the policy issued by the under-
writing company, by the terms of which the rights of the
insured are defined.


     Each insured employee has the right at any time to
change his beneficiary.    In lieu of a lump-sum payment in
event of death the insured may provide that the principal
of his policy will be paid to his beneficiary in monthly

          Total and Permanent Diability Benefits

     If a certificate holder becomes totally and permanent-
ly disabled, either physically or mentally, from any cause
whatever, while he is less than sixty years of age, and
after such disability has continued for a period of six
months, further premiums will be waived, and the amount of
insurance in effect at the time disability began will be
paid in sixty equal monthly installments during the contin-
uance of such disability.


     The benefits of this plan cease upon termination of em-
ployment except for those who are retired..

                 Conversion Privilege

     When the service of an employee terminates, the in-
surer, upon application of such employee within thirty-one
days after such termination, will issue without evidence
of insurability, any one of the policies customarily is-
sued except Term Insurance, for the same amount as covered
under the group certificate at the then current rates, at
the attained age, and according to the occupation of the



     4. Norwood Fund Report.
     At the request of President McVey, Dean W. E. Freeman :nade
a report on the Charles Joseph Norwood Fund.   The report, dated
July 2, 1934, embraces the establishment, the history and the
status oi the fund at the time of the report.   The report was re-
ceived and ordered filed.   See appendix.

     5. Johnston Solar Laboratory Report.

     President McVey stated he had appointed a committee, viz.,
Acting Dean Freeman, L. S. OtBannon and Albert J. Olney, to de-
termine the status of the Johnston Solar Laboratory, and to recom-
mend a plan for its future use and control.

     Dean Freeman submitted a report in part, stating that Professor
O'Bannon had been named  chairman of the committee.   The report
reviewed the condition of the equipment and went into some detail
relative to its use and control.   The report was received and or-
dered filed and the committee was continued.   See appendix.

     6. Egalite-Wilson Bill Against Solar Laboratory.

     President McVey presented a letter from the Egalite-Wilson
Fruit Company of Lexington, Kentucky, dated July 14, 1934, in which
settlement of a claim of 8439.04 for balance claimed to be due on
purchases made by Dean F. Paul Antderson for Johnston Solar Labora-
tory expense.  Reference is made to the minutes of Executive Com-
mittee of May 8, 1934, which directed that this and other claims
be filed away.   The Business Agent is now directed to get together
all datamrailable in regard to the claim and to make report to
next meeting of Executive Committee.

     7. Appointment of Members of the Council on Higher Education.

     President McVey stated that it was necessary to appoint three
members of the Board of Trustees as members of the Council on High-
er Educatioh, as provided in the New Educational Code.   Thereupon
on motion duly seconded the following members of the Board of Trus-
tees were named as members of the Council on Higher Education; viz,,
R. C. Stoll, R. G. Gordon and Miller Holland.   By reason of their
respective positions, Frank L. McVey, as President of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky, and W. S. Taylor, as Dean of the College of Educa-
tion,arm ex-officio members of the Council.

     8. Widening Rose Street.

     President McVey made the following report on the project to
widen Rose Street.   Letter of Dean Cooper is as follows:



                             July 21, 134

President Frank L. McVey
University of Kentucky

Dear President McVey:

.r. Paul Morton, City Manager, and Mr. White Guyn, Engin-
eer, discussed with me the general question of the use of
Experiment Station land in the widening of Rose Street.
'-e have reached the following agreement, which is satis-
factory to Mr. Morton and satisfactory to me as director
of the Experiment Station.   I therefore recommend its

1.     The Experiment Station will run a line, which will
represent a continuation of the outside curb line as it
is at present on the east side of Rose Street at the corn-
er of Washington Avenue and Rose Street.   This line is to
be extended until it reaches the present farm fence, at
wvhich point the inside curb line will be represented by
the present fence line, continuing to the junction with
Limestone Street.   This line will be staked off by our
engineer and will represent the outside curb line of the.
east boundary to the farm fence, the fav m fence being the
inside curb line thereafter.

2.     With the base thus made of the east line, we agree
to establish therefrom the west line -- sidewalk and
street - of 50 feet, or as much less from the curb line
on the east as is decided upon.   This applies to our prop-
erty on the west side of Rose Street,

3.     Also, we have agreed that the Experiment Station
shall furnish the cement and, if necessary, the gravel or
sand, for sidewalks on the wuest side of the Station prop-
erty, the city to put them in free of all other costs, in
place of the present walks.

4.     The city will build a retaining wall along the
east line wherever it is necessary to protect the embank-

Also, I Wish to recommend that at the proper time, the
Utilities Company be granted an easement on the inside of
our fence for such lines as they now have on the east side,
the location to be such as is satisfactory to the Experi-
ment Station.   I t is -not contemplated that the Utilities
Company shall be given thre privilege for the lines now lo-
cated on the west side of Rose Street.

I trust that you will request that so far as possible an
effort be made to save our trees.   Several of them will
have to be cut in front of Professor Olney's residence,
and there are two or three that project in front of the



     dairy building.   I wish that special care would be used
     in kreeping everything that we can.  On the west side,
     there are trees in front both the Insko and. the Wilford
     residences.   I should like to have the sidewalk open,
     if necessary, so that they may be saved, rather than main-
     tain a continuous walk.   These trees add so much to the
     appearance and beauty of the place, it would be very unde-
     sirable to eliminate them.

                             Very truly yours

                       (Signed)   Thomas Cooper
                                  Dean and Director

     9. Death of E. 0. Robinson.

     President MoVey reported the death by automobile accident
June 25, 1934, of Mr. E. 0. Robinson, a member of the Board of
Trustees from Fort Thomas, Kentucky.   A number of the staff, in-
cluding President MicVey, Dean CooTer, Thompson Bryant and Rodger
Jones, attended the funeral.

    10. Approval of Budget for 1934-1935,

    President MoVey submitted his final report of the Budget for
1934-1935.   It was accepted on basis of income as shown by State
Appropriations subject to control of the State Finance Board, Fed-
eral Appropriations and on other estimated income from fees, sales,
board, room rent and miscellaneous sources.    The approvs.l was
made subject to changes theat may be made by the Board of Trustees
as necessity of such changeqbay arise.    The original copy of the
Budget was signed by R. C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

     11. Extension Work -- University of Louisville.

     President McVey referred to a proposed agreement with the
University of Loutville in regard to Extension work in the City of
Loutville.   After some discussion it was decided to defer fuxther
consideration of the question to a later meeting of the Executive