xt7xpn8xdp6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdp6n/data/mets.xml Doane, W. Howard (William Howard), 1832-1915 1899 scores (documents for music) M2198 .D630 1899 English W.H. Doane Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Gospel music Hymns, English Sunday school music Notes of Gladness, a Collection of Gospel Songs and Duets ... for Sunday Schools, the Home Circle, Young People's Meetings and Special Occasions, 1899 text 1 close score (unpaged), 20 cm. Call Number: M2198 .D630 1899 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C Notes of Gladness, a Collection of Gospel Songs and Duets ... for Sunday Schools, the Home Circle, Young People's Meetings and Special Occasions, 1899 1899 1899 2023 true xt7xpn8xdp6n section xt7xpn8xdp6n 1.11%, (lililll..1.:


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Prepare Ye the Way.

“Prepare yr the way oft/1e Lord.“-—ISA. 40: 3.





FANNY 1011051312 l J W H. DOAM
a J l

,. Lj 1 1, ~ “L4 .1 g 3: Fg—i—j—w’H—
:4—;_ t: —-; A—::9———w—f—ta——d——o———a—|:o———¢—o—-—y—o}g-——

1 The Lord Is coming, oui Redeemer, King,Whose voice the world shall heal;
2. ’l he Lord 1s coming, our Redeemer, King, To set Iiis peo— ple flee;
1)’. The Lord is mining, our Redeemer, King, O‘er heav’n and earth to reiwn;

fi'- F i
ggififi —§_ :1 l~‘ii_t__g: fi—h—L—fififl‘jfl








1 ' l‘
J j a A ~—+ Ffi-—i_‘ 4—t5—1—43—3—.—t—1

g: 1,- t;::‘:;: ———:‘—~9+5~F-d~—-—t-‘—f— g—g:§—:;1_g~—1

The Lord is com-ing, let the sound go forth, Be—hold! the time is new.
In Him the prom—ise of the a - ges past, A light that all may see.
[US arm shall tri-umpb o’er oppression’s pow’r,And break the captive’s chain.

q; paw-*4 firm—'91:: Z-i—Et' I H .
— I 3 1 s E—EL+..:—t—1e:1




















H ¥ A 1‘ “‘k
' =“ ‘ i 3‘ : r SL3 .1 3‘
@fi~a—t'——i—--—-¢——v~* [La . __ a = L. .. .

' 0' C a o '

Pro-pare ye the way 01 the Lord. Pre—pare ye the

()1' [1M Lmd.

#- Ru #—





















_ 4' 4- o-
9 FE :EEjv—g—s—r ——r~—E 5:: 4—: in :—-—r:—,—.:
2— “-2 a L 3' 5 1; ‘2 :fi—w—tg '-'—-—
u‘ v 1 i'r 51“—
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'1 ‘ . f .' - 2‘ .
ELL; :: 53;. {-3-lfi '.~ 2—3 Eff-“:1, I
.1 3 L0 . I; g L: = . = = = = 1 l ‘3
way of the Lord ; Make straight in the des — ert, make 2 }
0f the Lord. 31 ’ l} ._
:— 4. - :— 3. A'— ' L 7L 1—— , , , 4- , :— a“
11 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 l‘,
T F E s r - '- 5 ii 1
9 3 9 = = ‘7 I
i I} [— 11 'j /
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straioht in the des—ert, A hi h-wa for our God our God.
a g y ,

fl our God,



L' ,0.


Copyright, 1893. by W1 H, Deane.







Q ' v:*‘:¢*—d#*“ __

‘2 Ege—c—g EE— vf:§::. fiffl

* 2 A 08th of Gla d - ness (0 'lhe Ill raise.

\{ FOR

f“ The Home Circle,

2: :2 Young People’s Meetings,

5 “ Y I ‘

2::2 and Specxal Occasxons.
‘ 2 BY




Copyright, 1899, by \V. H. Doane.





THESE Leaves of Melody are launched upon the SEA 014‘ SONG with
the earnest prayer that they may indeed be found Notes of Gladness
to many in the Sunday—School, the Young People‘s Meetings. and the

Home Circle.

No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly, P5. 84:11

O worship the Lordin the beauty of holiness, . , . a . . 105.96.?
The Lord is my strength and song, . , . . . . . . . . P5.118:14

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts
With Praise, . P5.100:4

Sing unto the Lord with the harp: with the harp and the
voice of a psahn, . P5. 98:5

0 magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together, [’5. 34:3

For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, . . , P5: 95.7
Great is the Lord, and greatly to he praised, . . , , . . . P5. 48:1
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, . . . . 175.9537
All the world shall worship and sing unto thee, . . . . . 1’5. 66:4
Day unto day uttereth speech, . . . . . . . . . . . Ps. 19:2
Night unto night sheweth knowledge, . . . . u . . . PS. 19:2
Exalt ye the Lord our (,i’Od‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . P5. 99:5
Sing unto the Lord, 0 ye saints of his, . . . . . . . . 1’5. 30:4

80 we, thy people, and sheep of thy pasture, will give thee
thanks forever, P5. 79:13


Copyright 18%, by W. H. Doane.




)4 1. Notes of Gladness.

“ Thou hast put gladness in my heart.”—Ps. 4: 7.
pmv r‘ n Mngq W. H. DOANE.

i . 1g of praise ;
. liding hand;
;e and clear,





fl / 9452:.»

\ .
. _ %_ n
\ -a—~—o— ——
ls, whose love to
we, whose love to
4!- fl- 4- 1

'lL—v— —4——

k :5 ._M~_-—:3_—

3 :CF—
; 13:: f:
; -—’— —
l I will raise.
l prom-ised land.
‘ doubt and fear.
‘ :C__L__ '9 '



ling mel-o-dy.

Copyright, 1899, by W. Donne.





“.7" —~___,.._ . ,11

1 l



)4 1. Notes of Gladness.

“ Thou hast put gladness in my heart.”—Ps. 4: 7.
REV. C. H. Moss. W. H. DOANE.


J l
1 1 g 5 . .1
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I ‘ ,~.
5i 4~a—~—a—a————l—t




]. For God’ s love and dai — ly bless-ing, I will lift a song of praise;
2. Tho’ dark shadows fall up- on me, Still l’ll trust His guiding hand;
3. Held by faith, serene, tiri-unlphant, Filled with hope, intense and clear,



















o '
I T + + p a 7‘} + n I t ‘t it : 1L- : lg . J
- 4‘ 1 , ;_ 1 1 1 ¢
“1 i i 1 1 7 :_: 1* 1 1 r f . i 1 LL \a j
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1 a I 1 f v F r 1/
_n I J] J‘ J1 J s 5 J l 1
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E— #:J— — ! _a—.»—z '—~ g—d—c———¢'— “—1—; j
‘_. d g _ *1 . a d ,
I} v v v (I .

And my Sav—iour’s nameeon—fess-ing, Notes of glad-ness I will raise.
Tho’ life be a des - ert jour-ney, Soon I’ll reach the prom-ised land.
In 1111 -d_v - in” love res splendent, I shall vanquish doubt and fear.










1* ' -* 1* ' 1* .+ 1* -* 1* 1* .+ 1* , 15* '
’“ h o '— - l I I '. Q 1 I ' I
Q? r—h—t: —H':;::E 1' r I 3 ‘ 1 i .' 1 L L'r 1
L4_- 3 4p 1 l__'7 F I J 1. 11 1 1 La - j
l 1 1 1 1 I f ‘ I J V '. l 1 I
I I l l l l’ I


Notes 01‘ glad - ness I’ll raise to Thee, Blessed Je - sus,whoselove to

Notes of gladness now I‘ll raise to Thee, to Thee. Bless-ed Jesus, Thee, whose love to




me Fills my heart-song, joy-ful heart—song, With unending mel-o-dy.



me, to me 4





Copyright. 3899, by W. Donne.





2. Consecration Hymn.

“Consecrate yourselves to-day to the LORD.”—Exou. 3‘2: 29.
‘W 1
.' 1

$3; k‘t‘—:—-f—:—s—a—H§— —t_— 34—54;:1

1. I will go whele Thou W antest me to go, bless- ed Lord, Though that
2. I will do what Thou wantest me to do, bless—ed Lord, Though the
3. I will say what Thou wantest me to say, bless-ed Lord, Though the
4. I will be what Thou wantest me to be, bless-ed Lord, That my
























































*- «9 o— o—__+ -o- o- 1’— o— , _ _ o— L
q; 4—5 n— o—E———p———v—g—v~—':Et———1— ——-——5 5—10
/ 94 L1 1 1r ‘7‘ P L1 a 1/ L?:F:ii— t:D—17—'
F v —
l n J. a h J. K. 1 A a 1 J. _ 1‘ 1‘ 1
— —— —-a— r. 1 . e. s . 4. ..
,£§_.!_ 1—4, 3 . 0T_L31‘_;~__ ___§__1_: ' 1 a_a___ ___o' 1
131 a '0 a a a a [—51 - 3 —j g—i d at T‘“l
way thro’ the des- ert should lead ,For I know, yes, I know, Thou artthe
task I should (head to per— form; For to me is the prom- ise filled with
world should but scofl and 1e-Vi1e; What care I for the frowns it dark— —ly
life may show oth-ers the way; And my will I would lose but to re-
, 1\ _ , _ 9- 79' o— «o- -1— g- -o- p- «v— #- o-
q; p—tln—i—b—5—HJr b—LS fv—Efli—P v—F—tzS—l
I 1 a u 1 D U 10 - i *4 IL ' v u ,1 p F_:1
V 7 l V 7 Li" 7 7 If V 1
m Rit. - - - -' -
I —i ‘K‘ J‘ |—J' as A ‘k‘ h b I I
— .— a a—— —1~ — L4. 1 1 .L
1 5—14—44 1 L31 6 a 1. be. 5'5 .1‘ #3 l
. o a 10 a a a 'a .' : 1a - 1
l 1/ - v 7 ll
Rock whence doth flow 1* resh wa - ter to sat - is - fy my need.
corn - fort di - vine, My strength by Thy grace shall be up- borne.
1 cast - eth on me, If on - ly from Thee I win a smile?
1 gain it in Thine, For Thou art my Rock, my strength, my stay.
i o - 9 a .' g I" '1" a 4 p ,2 .
1 % P 1' 1 i 1 tr 1r F 1 “1' ”' 1 '15-‘—
1 #F—P—H——iv——Iv—EE 1', :1: P. P. fi#P.—tp~1
- u 1 1 1“ v 7 7 a v
n _ . \ r. - a L
T1 .N. 1“ ' ,’ 1 . “ ,1 ‘ j d 1; 1 i a 1 . —]
Eb—d—£*Ea—d“—‘*—r—1 j Jfi Lg . _1 a_
\31 a v L a a Q 1 - g a
I w1ll go where Thou wantest me to go (me to go), For Thy
I w111 do what Thou wantest me to do (me to do), For Thy
I will say what Thou wantest me to say (me to say), For Thy
I will be what Thou wantest me to be (me to be), For Thy
4" a" "' '" 1" a" - o - 1" 2* 1* ‘1' I" '2'
1g. 2 1 '. '. .. z 1. 5 LI F f 1 F 1— 1
1 v1 1' 1 1' r r ' .' ' L' 1 1 1 1 '._
1/ p 1 a 1 ,1 2 2 9 2 9 Hi ' 4 4 p #31
if 11' v 'F v' ‘1'



word shall for — ev-er be my guide (be my guide), Earthly strife or

+ ++ -1—



Copyright, 1898, by W. H. Dome.



Consecration Hymn. Concluded.

Bit. - - - - -
i 1". {‘1 4” N
g a J——!‘— ‘
C ‘__d_—‘— CF;——§




s 1 hi]








fiA—o-o-J m
1g. 1 1 1: =1 1' 1' r 1' . 1e——1——€—~r—g::q.—:: a"
1-11' r’ z 91' F1! r '——'——u .—————1—
11111—1_1~—_1 1_+_j——1+1+~—¢—1—+—.—47——i«~fl
V VT i F V V I V V 1/

3. Pass It On.

“ To do good, and to communicate, forgot not.”—HEB. 13: 16.































M s—Mg—jx— 1 a; 11411., ~. .1“ F.“ o 1: 1 l
- 1‘ = =' “ J. a 1771— ' S—t—e—Ql—Q—a—‘Afij
‘—§—: —a—v—¢‘—_}-—a—-a— a“ a a a i a p
n - ¢|
1. Did you heartho loving word? Pass it on; Like the Singing of a bird?
2. ’Twas the sunshine of :1 smile, Pass it. on ; Stay-i115; but :1 little while“
3. Have you found the heav’nly light? Pass it 011 ; Souls are grop-ing in the night—-
4. Be not selfish in thy greed #152188 it on; Look up-on thy brother’s need~—
"- ‘ l
9: -§4:P: Efllf—P ————l——1——l—-1— —jo-—t—p—a—o—! fikz—o—ofl——d—fl
—2—7— 7A2#——ii_l'#t—l“ "—'—'_'"'_'— P—'—P—'—PT
——-———L—~—y—J—B—4§~T’9— —1l——/~/—l——'/—4/—-L?—¥—?—/—'N——J
i / Pass it 011;
grit 1 ‘ 5 4K 1 IA J‘ h u‘ ‘l
l 1. ~ 1‘. 7 , e” =i a—dw—a—s— ' "— "—
Q—JLgl/I: -1111:==£3‘ ifil
. 1 f v v 1111' ' u
.j a a a . Tr
Pass it. 011; Let its 11111 - Sic live and grow, Let it
Pass it 011; A — pril beam, the lit - tle thing, Still it
Day—light gone; Hold thy lighted 1211111) 011 high, Be :1
Pass it . on; Live for self, you live in vain; Live for
'1 1111, .**§§ a:
.1 *4_'_l:fl_fl_flfifl.fi : :L::::‘:;; " _:‘%
_ 2.1. 1 f 1 4‘ 1 1 1 1 1 “##1##._ i- _l_::;__'/V
9 g: U L F J J [— I 1 . “"’/””j"’:’j ____ >
V 7
Pass it 011
l n g h K " A 4 14: 431
—‘:d: — u # ##W“ _;*:;L~ _-——fi\— ; —+——_
1 . 1 . H__~._.-1-_..fl.1;<. 11.12.11
.1 a —‘a— v ' _;_ a a r— 7‘

cheer an -oth—er’s \voe ; You have reaped what others sowr- Pass it 011.
wakes the flow’rs of spring, Makes the silent hiwls to singfil’ass it 011.
star in some 0110’s Sky ; He may live who else would die—Pass it 011.
Christ, you live a—gain ; Live for Him,witl1 Him you reign—~Pass it. 011.



Copyright, 1899, by M. R. Low.




4. Fear Not.

“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."~—HEB. 13: 5



h\ h k L H
W 3‘ =' R [—1 4' N l 5 a fi‘xj
”3—" —— :— —— ' 6—4——
—4——1,——1§~JE1—~5L—¢——o——5——0: —d—l— :ta—oq—ik—i
’0 r


1. F ear—est Thou at times thy F ather Hath for- -got? Hath for-got? Tho’ the
2. Therefore what-so-e’er be-tid-eth, Night or day, Night or day, Know His
3. To His own the Sav- iour giv—eth Dai - 1y strength, Dai - 1y strength; To each

















l. .'. . fl. .9. 4L' 3. .fl.
_ . ___ . , p. _
§z§3~5i —5—F.5+E 5:5. t L 5-: i ' . L l? P' 1—11
’I4 "1 U ' V L F U '1 l' P. l U 4') l
' :1 l l V r l J V L V ' l
v I I V7

4% 3 . _ 5. t as all 5 .l. 5—1-3
E? f. .i J‘ 5' L €—q’—.—q‘:t—4——q'T—R +—-‘—:—3‘—

\‘u v - 'I a ' l - LF- 6‘ A —’ 2‘——l t

1/ ' ' ° " a O 0 a (0 I

clouds around thee gath — er, Doubt Him not, Doubt Him not; Al-Ways
love, for He pro — vid - eth Good a1 — way, Good a1 - way; Crown of
troub - led soul that liv— eth, Peace at length, Peace at length; \Veakest














1'- I- 1': 3'— «1' -[o- -'-'-o- a i‘ 'R
$311; It . H 5'54

Ei—L—Wiat—Efis—‘fistP :2—1

comes the brightest beam \Vhen the shadows daik- est seem; Bet- ter




sor - rows glad - ly take; Grate—ful, wear it for His sake, Sweet-1y
lambs have larg - est share Of the ten— der Shepherd’s care; Ask Him











u . -4'-' 9- , 4'- .2. o— p-
9:; p - o r: 9 La §_;_ {'r ff ; ILr r j
. _ 4, H : 1'1 .- . .. .- E- A
513:5. 9 tE '1 , tF h: 1W 5: J

I V 7 V I” H ' ’ V V




bend -ing to His will, Ly - ing still, Ly - ing still.

He been for years I Than thy fears, Than thy fears.



not, then,“when” or “how,” On - 1y bow, On - ly bow.


copyright, 1899, by M. R. Lowry.








% 5. Witness for the Master.

“For thou shalt be his witness. ”

—1\ CTS 22: 15.




Hi 29 1 ' J: % 4'; i th—“j—J‘ "— \t— 1
)~ ~::1’—_M;_flil ‘-—‘F__‘_ __ . 0’._ 1— 1 1— 1—1 v Q ”7
:i‘ :i 43:: g___g___‘_:;fi‘_§_;_d—rl ‘ _tg_:: 9- : _-:-__ :_g _t;-___%_

. (to and wit—110w for the Mast01,ll

e211 the message and 0 — hey;


2. To the hungry, starving millions, \Vorn by s01 r0“, g1ief and 0:110,

2’). G0 and wit-noss for the, Master, Preach the gospel of His love;
A '


I" ." P-L#r

















__ ,Ji ,9, ‘ ,, .
9i:29—* _C”“EEW tr 1‘ hr : v = ‘1 I: t 5 111-4,--.
;—9 fi-r ”14—67! ”tr” r ’ 1—-r- r4 ! i—H—V—ti—i—Lj
l y l 1 F 1/ fl 1 7/ F l 1
1 J h J J 1 . 1
V ' A ' é , ”a 5—7 "div '———11 ~l—A—l—
Err—:1: 15— ——47.._.:1'1:::LJ_1#; ' = 1 l7. .. i a t‘, - s. 71
fizzy.- 9-7-9-7—v-9agr 9“ 1’ ‘ L“? 1; 1 v;-

Go and plant the 10\— al st111nl111\' - er - more. 0 the rapt-ure then, 0 the rapt-are then,
.~ 1 1 I + +3 - a .t
':D—‘_ a‘“‘ “F - F‘ ‘— ‘— P—’."1‘rl".'_‘.'_j
fibfii‘—b—“ 0 :R— .. /:Ft'"l‘—fiux. 1/11— I Etc]
f . 11 l/Vl‘ifiVfVL/“l'i' /_l
1/ z 1— 1 L4 - I I 1 J
I 1..
h BitoJ- - - 4’“ 4\ - § J 4N
R r\ 4.1—- 3 ‘;,C/_,_ 1
5-59 —0'—-0— — '——!‘—-= 40:1 0— .1_;_-_ - ’il
E“! Q’— ‘ mF g' L; 51.. 0 —; j: id J

\Vhen I reach my F’ather s dwelling bright and fair! 0 the rapt- ure,
0 the rapt— 11re then











Rit. - - - - K A +

-F- f- 1,- 19- ‘ - I" f" L! N '- O- 4—

$15; ' 1 1 : :T'biT 11-11.... 1333!:
1;. EFL—Fr 11—: L 1- - 11—21
v1) 1/ v 1 U .. J E Li: .' 'r J


the rapt - ure, \Vhen the King shall re - ceive me there!
0 the rapt-ure then,


Copyright, 1898, by W. H. Donne.





9. Pardon Receive.

“He will abundantly pardon."—ISA. 55: 7.




1i; ' i3 xi
‘jj:+N— —::N— aq—rq— S N_ —431——~—l—
égr :_,_ :::j::: §:_z—1:O__‘—g_3l: ._ :g:

. Send forth the glad tid-ings 0’ er land and 0’ er sea; 11 or 1111 - t0 the
2. ()ur s1ns “red like crimSon 7’ in col - or may seem, Yet Ohmst has the
3. Then come, Sin-ner, come - not a ino- inent (1e - lay, - Your (lan-ger 1n-







o-_ _-o-A + 4- 4- 4- _ o- o-
- 93— :t:¢:+-._ —_34—q«—=—-—e—¢—14—e—e—~
1!: ~L .— .~ 4.4—9; 4 ,
1 J .1 1‘ u x r z i/ / a.1”

__ k_,,p,_',3\ N F—qh J







:!__;‘— —“,: 1—‘, 9— 75+”.V—i—fi’ ‘_’§"1:L"’S ‘l
:gj—dMAo—Je— o#a—o, —E:‘___‘ ,__§_~_'_§_]

world, now, Sal — va - tion is free! If Sin - ners, re - pen-taut, will
pow - er to cleanse and re deem; ()ur (r111lt tho’ 21S scar— let, 1S
creas— eS by staV - inc :1. - way! The Lord’s time is ‘now,” Oh, let











S'- -O- 1'-
3;: o——_—: :g12__'5_.p ' —‘ 1:: ,- o I r 1
_ii _.,__ # l w} lit—“ii 3 9“5—‘ 'fl
1 4 I l , 1 1 ' ‘ . fl . .l
J r a x 1 .1 1 V
_A A— A SS— A "\ 4S— k‘ m" S J‘
: _j_‘ 3. “—1 —’:*$ : W _:‘: :d:j:;‘:"_:,: :1
31: —§—9—9Ae:~ *. e5~ —.~—:






on - lv be - lieve On Je- -S11S ,the Christ, they will par- (lon re- (eive.
made white as snow, \Vhen un- t0 the fountain for cleansing we go.
yourS’ be the same, AC- cept His free pardon in JeS-uS’ dear name.
5- o- o- !- 1- 4!- #-


%—p ——-n M-




Par - (lon re - ('eive, .
Pardon receive, His pardon receive, For 11n—to the world, now, salvation is free!
9- o- o- #- K 4-




#2#2 ‘7—F '—



Par - don re - ceive, . .
Pardon receive, His pai don receive, There’s pardon for all, and there’ s pardon for thee.

o- o— o— o— o— -o- 1— h


Copyright, 1899, by Chas. H. Gabriel.





10. Consider the Lilies Grow.

“Consider the lilies 0 f the jield.”—MATT. 6: 28.







I 4 1 .
_ __N_-7s_fi\_ '—I J M I s u, ,, 4
§_:‘ ;-a: 2-_ I:;, - €—f—E———r+—g i—’r2—v‘:i
‘ 0“ .__;_: 3 I- ' E'.l ' a - a _J

l. Con-Sid - er the lil — ies how they grow, They neith—el‘ toil nor
2. Con-Sid - er the lil - ies tall and fair, llow light they Wine in
3. Con-Sid - er the lil - ies of the field, 0111' F21- th e1 ’s love is
















f" * :0- 1" *7. a" '0' .‘t 1" *‘ f‘
936:1”: -F- IEE- I'-':,-_.'p—t:'—:F-—F—-b~—l
II— m-j

‘6“ I 1 . l n x u T? . .. 'K‘
I I #1: 4 3‘ I II II II - .1 [j 4 1 q-j
1%: —2* rl—z : :- 1 j a I: a a j 4

spin, vou 11110“ Yet hap-py they live he-neath the S1111, For

there revealed, And long: as His (low on them (lost fall, He’ll

i summers aiI, How brightly they bloom so soon to fade, Yet















#9— REFRAIN. h ‘
7: i‘ g -If' i—i—«I‘I : 1' sir—7:1: ' ‘——I
$.. + : 1 I 5:01—14:11 : a I= . j
9 ' C ' 5 ,_._'7 i '_' V V 1U

, J
(10d re —mem— hers eV - ’1; one. 0011— Sid — er, con— Sid — er the
ne’er was king: like them ar-rayed.






















hear his (-hil—(lren when they call. ('011- SM ‘ “F “10 111 ' it‘s
.1 1 1" 1" a" 3"
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, -4 -4. x— --
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@. ._..’ _.;.4l:_oA '—:_._fl ' I A ' 14" 4' J
= ! I ' ‘ fil——!—1—I'-—a—— Zfl—Zfl-J
V l u : U I ' I l a
lil - ies, Con-Sid - er, con -sid-er the liT - lies, Con-
how they grow, the lil — ies how they mow,
r + r r- +' 1- + . e I'- .
- o o a l— I I. a 2 r T I
9I-—s Lil 5 a = bi! ii? Cl
I L: 'r g. n I I :r i? - 1



the lil - ies_how they grow, It is your Father robes them so.







"' +4.—


Copyright, 1898,11, W. H. Deane.




lnent l p .

:—9_ 4—— —fis_— aias——E-1—-+—v *7





Jesus, Gentle Shepherd, Lead Us.

“He leadeth me beside the still watersN—Ps. 23: 2.



—‘*3 Wm-
'fi‘“ ~+ #— y
:'—a.r1 a 4-


S, gentle Shepherd, 1 lad us In the path where Thou didstgo;

. Seek us where we i-dly wan-der 0n the mountains far a - way; i


. Blessed Shepherd7 keep us ever From the world’s ulluringcharms;

. In green pastures, by etillwaters, May we feed up-en Thy love;

























F P = “’2 m ‘ ;—-'—-.'—-Pm — 9-i—
1 .I L 12H Hav— L:— 4.L-p::i::p:E::—‘
FE:K#F — Whig’“ lLi: w 7' V 2’ v 7‘T§'

’2 V J J I
2-4g; e- d“ , 5;- yrs—AL»? ‘ i—
:_!i:_..:gL # 44/-—'§1—._!*! - e ]l Ti
4.1:. ~7j—:L~— :—:~ —A—— ~——— ——


jfla— 6—. y a——o—¢——d—:— 6-

Keep Thy guardian eye up - on us, While we journey here he—low.

Keep Thy watchful eye up — on US, Nor for - get us night and day.
\Ve would live for Thee more ful — 1y; Shield us with Thy mighty arms.
Ev — er grow—ing, ev - er learn-ing, Till we reach the fold a-beye.

fl- +-~F— o-








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me: p tree—u—T~1«:i——]
-»*+—%—Lwr—efl: a a a p 52


r V







lead us, Gen- tle Shepheid, 102 1d us night and day;





' i __3\..__g# 7 N g ‘_ . _'
.912 :g: QTHEZ:——;::Et._._l__g:fl"_; #f::::l;g;1-


us, lead us, Gen — tle Shepherd, lead us all the way.

/ I









. 1.
4 '6". _ _ _
[T i“ E‘ : ' P 1 ' IL- p Q—
9 ET 17 I = a 5 l i'fii—P; 6— ——
‘r I *g L7 v p g g g g 10 JJ
1 V u


Copyright, 1898, by Robert Lowry.




12. Jordan’s River.

“And they sung a new song.”—REV. 5: 9.



















Moderately. ‘ k l u _ _ L
5: ‘—;§_ A— ~, 4‘ q l =' q 9 l i“ h ;“ a l 4 l
" 4:: ‘:1!—‘__:_—._]: j:—a—-”1:l:§:§_—§—“g: :1:
‘g: a: '7' I I C U ' ' " ' U
1. There’s a song that none can learn, But the pur - i - tied and blest,
2. There’s acrown we can-not wear, Till our work on earth is done,
3. There’s a joy we can—not know, Till we cross the swelling flood,
ll 7! '
p§fl_ra4+—ka—+++—a— OLJ- oe— r++ g [
‘ ’ 2 - 2 - '. r. l - z - z '2 z '. r.
v4ri'LtzrrL4' rztfizrrL’J
I i/ V V I I l V V / I V I l
'- 5 4‘ a 4,
”—T'TF’I‘“? 7"“? L J. 2 1:L—i_q—if_i'4a:lj1
— 4—4—0 —‘—t;: 4. , .
i _' ._ Qd—i— l a '1 g
Who have laid their ar-mor down, And are gathered home to rest. .

Till the bat-tle we have fJught, And the Vic—t’ry we have won.
And have washed our garments White, In the Saviour’s precious blood.



——,.«_. —v¥y t / ”i—Hfia—xwa—H—q


%-tz:'::t':fr“r_:;_§ gig-Ha? :2:=: a":
v V











Yet beyond old Jordan’s riv- er W ith the pure in heart for- eV- er7
Yet beyond old Jordan’ s riV- er, \Vith the pure in heart for- ev— er,
Yet beyond old Jordan’s riV- er, With the pure in heart for— ev— er,






: —r=+—+~m—»—+—1—fl—4—~r4.re ._,_L_
, 9:79? :Lr P a ' t E I. I! _:li:E:L*—]
Y ; .9—4fig-tr‘ 2 u 9 L 3 e '— Lv—u:a v— o g:
u ' a V v .4 *—¢
by. .
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? Y “7 A—FY—‘t—‘f‘rl ’a—a‘” d exit—g— l ”—u
l V I/ I






We may sing that song in glo — ry By and by, by and by.
We may wear that crown triumphant By and by, by and by.
We may know the joy e - ter- nal By and by, by and by. i







4%—+—+—- -e»—r—r—e+4—4——w—»+a r—Ei$——



Copyright, 1899 by W. K. Dome.




13. Joy in the City To-day.

“And there was greatjoy in that city.”—ACTs. 8: 8.





















11 ‘H 1‘11 J1 1‘1 "11’s“ 1’ j 1
l iii—"+01— : i, 1L1". 1 d d .1- :;_ Laws— 4:
T“, he o___.c‘_,oL_1.z;—‘ 5“—5‘i::7:t . :t—t:g_ g:
l \I
1. There is joy, there is joy in the cit—y t0 - day; ltorthe
2. There is joy, there is joy in the Cit~y to — day; Forthe
3. There is joy, there is joy in the cit-y t0 - day; Forthe
to-(izty, 10-day.
1 1 1 4- o— .

1 ., [-4 . - 4-4 ,a a 1- : 5 f ,4 14-.-,
17—1 we: - 11 1 r , - tr—r—r— ::::hg-‘.' -—§-—t:-ir*r~l
—5~4——p-v—p—|:o—v—v-17-‘# IL ,1 v [71 ! P r9 ; :—1

l V a t I l ' t 7 1

1 l l J N \J a, 1
stews—jibe— s- 11— ”:_j_: ~ —1-—+—!—-—~a1—d—1-—¢—1
E;:J:3—_-—$—:g:t:g: g;:g:'r vb“. =' a‘ a'Jn- .1 a‘ 1
F- '

Christ has come With His Word of might And His heal ~ng touch, and His face of light;
Ho - 1y Ghost with His flam- -1ng breath Has en- kin- dled life in the midst of death,
Lord speaks peaceo ’erthe waves of strife, And a great calm comes to the storm- tossed life;

5 5 5 5 5 :—-1L—J







9. b P P g ‘1' ;—[:'1g— 9 i, 1' a l1 1
5 2— :i: :: ::p:: — ._l._ _t____ .__:_ E_._l__ l._ L _- Q
54' it 'r 2 2 L? f f #1 5i tE:_?__;j


a 1 1 1
—£:!_F v- .._. ': ‘#_i _7 w L 1 j
5:!— c‘ Frfii— 1 9 “JE:: :—5:a'!: *Eg:::__5# *5—hingfiti
AndHis balm is laid on the hearts that bled, And the fear the grief and the gloom have fled.
And a thousand souls that were stained with sin, Have been washed 111 blood that alone makes clean.
And the love of Christ in the hearts of men Brings‘ an E- den back to the earth a- gain.
, . , , 45- o— o— o— -o-

——5-——o—5 J 1 ,
9113:1115 1+1- —e:1:—. :1—5—1e——1.——e—p——g_e—L—p:q








I 1





v t 'r 5 1 7 F v 1
CHORUS , , , , _|
,, — — as —+‘— —— Mus— —— fl ——1—
:ZE - aid-$353+ s- fiTq—iptz *— trat— at-d*'-—’i-‘l— ”1* —
: __d-*a-7-fi:i:f.hf:‘§:§j—sr—Fti—djl’i— -'—d+ri- r—aw



There is joy,joy,joy in the cit - y to — day, There is joy, joy. joy in the cit - y to - day ;









' ' . .0- ..- 1 P1 2__
5 | ' 1' l-' 1 ‘1' 1' 4' i1, '1' ‘1' .#___._}_'_' : 1::_::|:—:Fi;lj+_'ml:':::
9111IVFLFE1 111th! 1 ,e1 e
t1 = .= t= .= .= .= =11 .= .= 1" +P-P- +#V—V+v—v--l~*r—
/ 7 r r1 P v 57 1



For the glad’ning word of the Christ is heard;'l‘here is joy in the cit- y to - —day.
I I 1- 41- b1 4- 4— 1- TL #-











. g d i ‘1 9 ' !__}__HHQ ‘ f ‘9 0 5
9:: ‘5":—i E 1 1 1 '2 1‘: ‘r ‘. — ,7 5;!" 5:5: ‘5— t: j
1 5‘ 1 r‘ 1 F 3 '2 i‘r E 'r ,1—9 ~4—1ijvj1: 1r19—-

Copyright 1899,by W. II. Donne.






~z. :fi'ié-B‘; Raga; :-_ 4

‘ :14.

,«m‘““‘~;2m—usw_ ‘ ‘ '._1



14. Sometimes it Seems so Dark.

“Teach me thy way, 0 LORD. ”—PS. 27: 11.

éiEEEI—aw— :Q—LJgéi—Lg—w—g—g—g—ta“ ai—gi— %

1. Sometimes it seems so dark, No ray il—lumes my sight;1 My

2. I do not know the way That Thou wouldsthave me take; I

3. I come in Je - sus’ name; Thou wilt not say me nay; O


















, ,e ,- ,- t 1' .- d‘ 0 , 9 1 ' 0 0
gzgtzljot: :tb:h:j:li:l:b—- h_b L “r 1 - h:b:§
v 1104:) Li— v' h 1/“ Li v: v L F L VF 1‘

V I /
n 1 PJ s
Tlrfh k h athmj TIL_1 h 1 AIL i1I
E -b—:l——.+—;"—.t'l:~;l-—ri 2 1: .1 € q‘ if ‘44
= = '1 "l = H“ V 1' 'vi ' L: ° = J
I} v v r , v . av ' . '

blind - ed vi — sion asks A bright - er, clear — er light.
pray to know Thy will, For Thy own 111er - cies’ sake.
give me light and grice, And lead me in Thy way.



















3 . ,+ .+ .+ . . . .
;_ . L ,- F , 5 '{5—7 gr]!
'1 Si? 443—??? Q i; h v'r .

' 2


_ i/‘KN N K I h 1
$5; .1._+_s‘_i'i_- 1 "n T Are: a
t d '—5‘“—=- g Lifi. dzy‘f- ‘‘‘‘














, -
The LORD is my light and my sal - vr/ - - tion;
The LORD is my light and my 5211 - va-tion;
'A 'J l— ! 3" 7" : ! 2 ' ' D '
9; WEFFFZLEI :r I: F :r is 3 2r L's-:12:
v V i: :fi—hP—f—"’—f-l'
/ J V F / /


whom shall I 151- ? whom shall I feEr? The 153D is the strength of my

44-. ’1"





. . '\—/
l1fe, . . . . my l1fe ; of Whom shall I be a - fraid? . . . .
the strength of my life ;






Copyright, 1899, by M, B. Lowry.


 15. Marching on to Conquer.

“A good soldier of Jesus Christ.”—~.2 TIM. 2: 3.

mu 1. 1. if r? 2+ 1 is
@;4:1 :r_—q::i5;'#:ta—E:—_—i %— :‘::

1. Marching on to con-quer, Soldiers of the King, Praise to our Com-
2. Hear the trumpet sounding, Forward,one and all; In the strife be-
3. Bear the standard no - bly Till the war is done, Zeal and courage















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4541 L i F1 r g ' ‘F * fir .E i
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