xt7xpn8xdp29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdp29/data/mets.xml Church of the Brethren 1872 scores (documents for music) BV392.C16 C64 1872 English James Quinter Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection John Lair Music Collection Church of the Brethren -- Hymns Hymns, English A Collection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: Suited to the Various Kinds of Christian Worship: and Especially Designed for and Adapted to The Fraternity of the Brethren, 1872 text 558 pages, 13 cm. Call Number: BV392.C16 C64 1872 Donor: John Lair Music Collection A Collection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: Suited to the Various Kinds of Christian Worship: and Especially Designed for and Adapted to The Fraternity of the Brethren, 1872 1872 1872 2022 true xt7xpn8xdp29 section xt7xpn8xdp29 - <.A«w..~afl|« .. ‘ ’

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SUITED T0 'l'lll} ‘



The Fraternity 0f the Brethren.



“Let the word of Christ (lwv-II In you richly in an
“iarImn; [wu'hlng mnl :uhnunix’lxiu: um! unnlhcr In
HIIIHS, uxul Mums, umI splriluu] songs, singing with
rum.- in your hearts to the Lurd."—CUL. 111, 16.






Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 11b7,


In the Clerk‘s Office of the District Court of the Unitnd
States, for the Southern District of Ohio.





Singing the praises of God may justly be regarded a:
In important part of the worship we oll'er to him, andi
was enjoined by divine authority upon both Jews and
Christians. The relation that the Hymn Bonk standa
in to singing in the Church, is such, that gives it a place
next in importance to the Bible, among Christians.
And as the Ilymn Book is an important auxiliary in
promoting Christian worship and edification, the pro-
priety of having one scriptural in its character, conve—
nient in its arrangement, and varied and full in the
hymns it contains, will be apparent to all. It has been
the object of the compiler to make such a. book. How
far he has succeeded, those who make themselves ac—
quainted with it, can best judge.

There has existed an impression among us for years,
that our Hymn Book should be revised and improved;
and this impression has grown with the growth of the
Brotherhood. To meet the want of the Church in this
respect, the Annual Meeting held in Tennessee. in 1861,
appointed a committee to compile a new llymn Book.
That committee consisted of the following brethren
James Quinter, of Ohio; Samuel Garver, 01 Illinois
John Metzger, of Indiana; John Kline, of Virginia
and John II. Umstad, of Pennsylvania. But the vii-m
hers of the committee living so far from each other.
found it very inconvenient to co-operate together to ac-
complish the worlt committed to them, and confided it
to the undersigned. We felt the responsibility great
when we commenced the work, but had we anticipated
that responsibility as we afterward felt it, and the dim-




culties attending the undertaking, we would have do<
clincd it, could it have been done in arcordanee with a
seme of duty. It has given us a considerable amount
of perplexing labor. But the thought that in our hum «
ble labors we were serving the Church, and through it
tbs glorious Head of the Church, our Heavenly Master,
mingled some pleasure with our anxiety. The eompiler
regrets that remoteness of residence did not permit thl
other members of the committee to render more assist-
ance in the important work, thinking that could their
A:,-:pnrience and judgments have been brought to bear
upon it, greater satisfaction might have, been given to the
Brotherhood. But he assures his brethren that he has
sparet. no labor, or pains, or expense that his circum-
stances made available, to compile a Ilymn Book that in
his humble Judgment would best meet the wants of the
Church. In collecting materials for the work, his li-
brary of works on Ilymnology grew to nearly one hun-
dred volumes. The most of these afforded some hymns.
'I‘he books,however, hitherto in use amongr the brethren,
have formed the basis of the new book, and a large pro-
portion of the hymns in those books has been retained.
The compiler is aware that upon the idea as to the num-
Ewr of hymns a llymn Book should contain, a. difl'erenca
nt’ opinion obtains Some, in looking at a llymn Book as
being designed especially for public worship, and finding
.iiat the number of hymns used on oeca~ions of that
22ind is somewhat limited, think a large number of
mine is objectionable. But when it is remembered
that the Bible and Ilymn Book constitute the library of
some Christians; that the latter \- the only book of se-
ered poetry they Inssess; that it is not only used as )1
book to sing from, but is also read and studied with
pleasure and profit, the propriety ofliaving some hymns
beside those that are popular in the congregation, will
be acknowledged. Some Christians who sing but little,
Ind indeed some, who sing none at all, enjoy themselvnfl


 l’K EFAC E . V
very much in reading their llymn Book, and regaId it
as an excellent companion in retirement. llymns are
lyrical discourses generally addressed to the feelings;
and though usually used to L‘xrnizss feelings, they may
also l'izont'eh‘ them, and this may he done by reading
tin-m as well as by singing,r them, though not in the samn
dr'gl'ct). 'l'hc llymn Book now ott‘ered to the Bl‘ulh’lilnud
is in size, a medium between the two prevailing ex

llad the compiler consulted his own taste alone, ther
lave been hymns admitted which would have been omit-
wd, and some omitted which would have been inserted.
:1» has tried to keep before his mind the consideration,
that he was compiling a llymn Book for the llzse of the
Brotherhood and not for a few individuals only.

The dottrinal uharactvrot' the hymns has not ln-en diu—
rvtcardi-d, and it ishoped that nothing will he found in the
heel; that will materially conlliet with the teachings of
the gospel.

lu the arrangement of the hymns, these of the same
general (‘llill‘flCtCl‘ are brought together. This is more
natural and more CollYl‘lllt'llE than tlu- :tl'l‘:\llg4'lll('llt that
is founded upon the letters of the alphabet with which
they eomnu-nee. And a proper acquaintanve with the
arrangement adopted, and the help of tht- Alphabetical
lndex of Subjects, any one wishingr to St‘lwtt a hymn
adapted to any occasion, can readily do so. The Scrip-
tural Index will also he t'ouud useful in selecting hymns.

lt is rut-mumvmlml that in naming hymns to he sung,
the nuluhei'of the hymn, and not the page, he given.
As two or more hymns may uomnu-nc‘» on the same page,
if the page is given, the number also must, at times,
he given, and when both the number and page are given,
they may heeome confounded in the mind. To give the
number of the hymn is suiliuient.

"he uompiler thankfully acknowledges the sugges-
tions, counsel, and suleetitns with whieh he has been fu-



vored by the brethrvn, and though as h? is wdl aware
his work is not perfect, he hopvs it will give gr-nvral sat
isf‘uction to the Brotherhood. As the result of much
anxious and prayerful labor, it now goes to the Churolws
with his prayer to God that he may bless if, and mnkn
it minister to the promotion of the spirit of Christian
devotion in all the leparcmnnts of worship, and thereby

run a. holy influence upon the Churches, and through

hum upon the world, and thus contribute in some de-

ree to advance the (muse and kingdom of Chrst.


Covmcrou, Miami Co., O.—-March 28, 1867.


 “ii—«4752:» .



God manifested in hi»; Tl‘rll’l.‘8. 0-1”-
Rum. 1: 20.
S there :1 God? You rising sun
in :mswt-i' mvot l'vpiios.
Writ“; it in thime upon the earth.
l’mciuims it round the skies.
2 Is them a Gmi ? Hark! from on high
Iiis lhumiw shukvs the poles;
I hmu' his voice in (Ivory wind,
In (swry wave that, mils.
3 is there :l (rind? With Sm‘rod four
I upward turn my eye-s:
" Tin-1‘0 is.‘_‘ (Eu-h giitl‘ring‘ hump of light—
"Thm‘c 1<. my soul ruphi-s.
4 If Hush (convictions to my mind
, His \\'()1‘i\\‘ :timui impart.
0. lot, the \\'i<(iom of his word
lilscl'ihu them on my heart.
2 The greatness of (Iml. L» AI-
J’sulm HS: 3.
\‘VIIAT is our God. 01' what his name.
Ih- dwells mnwul‘il in rmiiunt, Hume.
Whom ”wither eyes “01' thoughts (-2111 reach
2 Thu, spuviuus wnrhls ()t'hmv‘niy light.
(Tmhpur‘tl with him. how short tiwy 1311i!
They are too (lurk. and he too bright—-
huthintr are the ' and God is nil.
O 7




3 He spoke the 11' 0111110119 11010. and lo.
C1'011tion rose at his 10111111111111;

\V11i1l11 i111ls 111111 5011s their limits 1111011.
Round in the hollow 01 his 11111111.

4’1‘1101'01051sthe0'11tl1ther'eiollthesphems -
There N 1111110 1011115, 111111 1'11111511111'plop'

B111. his 01111 sel1— 5111110101110 hours
The 11013111101‘ his own glories 11p.

3 Got/’8 condescension to human nfl'rlirx. L. M
M1111. 10: 30,
P to tho 1 01'.11 11'110 1'ei11'11so111111111,
A1111 1 i1111' s the 1111110115 1'10111 afar;
L111; 111' 11111 1.511110 puns .5111.
A1111 tell 11011' 1111' 90 his bountics 111.0

110 111111 can shake the 1101111s110 11111110,
O1'11'i1h his word, 01'11'ith his1'o11—

His goodness. how 1111111211111.r 5:111:11!
A1111 1111111 11 condescending G011!

1111 01 011' 111115 1111 111011111 things
\11111111111111111; 0111 111111111111111i1's:

On 111111111111 souls the King1 111' 11111118
Boston's111517101111s11s111111 his 011115.

0111' s01'1011' s 111111 0111' te111s “'11 110111
11110 the bosom 010111 (3011;

H1: 1111111's us in the 1110111'111'111 110111',
A1111 helps to be111' 11111. 1111111) 101111

' 0 (1011111 0111' 1111111111111 1101'21115 1101151,

1 t1' il>11t11 111111: 11 to thy 11111111

To the. thi1'111111111111110111's0n1 s11onl111'i-111
A111; teach the golden 1111111s thy praise.

The infinity of God. 0- M ‘ , '
1 Kings 8: :27. '
BEAT G011! how infinite art thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole 111131: of 011111121110: bow,
A1111 pay their praise to thee.


 HIS BEING AND A'l"l‘l{1,BU'l‘l‘lS.

2 Thy lhrone eternal ages stood,
Ere seas or stars were made;
Thou art the ever—living: God,
Were all the nations dead.
3 Eternity, with all its years.
Stands present in thy view ';
To thee, there ‘s nothinghr old appears;
Great God! there's nothing new.

i Our lives thro‘ various scenes are dra“ \'
And vexed with trifling cares.
While thine eternal thought moves 01.
Thine undisturbed ali‘airs.

Gad Over all. C. N}.
Hour 10: 12.
[IE Lord our God is Lord of all;
His station who can find?
[hear him in the waterfall;
l h 3111' him in the wind.

‘2 If in the gloom of night I shroud.
llis l'aee lean not fly;
I see him in the evening cloud,
And in the morning ~y.

3 lie lives. he reigns in ev’ry land,
From Winter's polar snows.
To where. across the burning sand,
The blasting meteor glows.

4 He smiles. we, live; he frowns. we (lie;
We hang:r upon his word;
lie rears his mighty arm on high.
We fall before his sword.

u lie bids his g‘ales the fields defc rm;
Then. when his thnnders cease.
He paints his rainbow on the storm.

And lulls the winds to peace.



Holiness of God. 0-1“-
Isaiah 6: 3.
OTAY and rev‘rend is the name
Of our eternal King;
"Thrice holy Lord." the angels cry;
“Thrice holy," let us sing.
2 The deepest rev’renee of the mind,
Pay. 0 my soul. to God;
Lift. with thy hands, a holy heart
To his sublime abode.
3 “'ith sacred awe pronounce his name.
Whom words nor thoughts can reach;
A contrite heart shall please him more
Than noblest forms of speech.
4 Thou, holy God. preserve my soul
From all pollution free;
The pure in heart are thy delight,
And they thy face shall see.

God unchangeablc. L 1‘1
Malachi 3: 6.
HALL o‘er the shadow of a change
Eclipse the origin of light?
Or an the hopes which truth has rais’d,
Lie buried in eternal night?
2 Sooner may nature’s laws reverse,
{evolving seasons cease their round;
Nor spring: appear in bloomingr pride,
Nor autumn he with plenty erown'd:
Yon shining: orbs forget their course,
The, sun his (lestin‘d path fin-sake;
And nature lose her rapid force,
Before our God a change can make.
«l Earth may with all her works dilit'ts his :iwt'ul h:m 11i<1111111121< 511111.11”,
(11 1"1111) 11'.'11'1'1hy 1'11111111111.<.<111'11111.
11:1. 1.111'11.111y11'1111h10ss110114115 111 show
\11111:11,\\1'111111':111.<111111111111111“ '
\111'111- \\ 1.<1111111. 11111111111'~'.<.111>\\ 1' 1111'1111'.
().111:11'11111' $11111» 1111,111':1111111'1:11':1ce
1111 “1111‘s 111' 11:111111: :11111 111' 11"1. 11'1"
1’ rcss 1111 11.1 111101111111111) thy \1111




1:) GU11 dwalla with [he 111121111111. L )1-
18111111157: 15.
T111139 saitht111'11irr11:111111111'1y 0111:.
"I .~11,11111111111yh111_\ 111111110:
My 11:11111' 15111111—4 11\\1'11011 1111111'
1111'1'11 111111) 11“ 11 (111:1'11'11y.
"13111.I111'.~'1'111111t1) Worlds below;
()11 1':11'1h l have 1:111:111511111 1110;
15:111 :11111111101' my 111-1'1ght.
"'1'111'11111111111: s11111111y \1'111'11s revive,
My only portion :nul delight.

I W) (Io/[Vs (laminae/x ztnilw ("m/I. U. )1
Matt. 3:
‘l \V lill' ‘ is the mem‘ry of thy gmee,
D My (lotl. my heuy'nly King!
Let. :tge to age thy righteousness
,ln soumls ot'glory sing.
2 Gotl reigns on high but not eontines
His goolluess to the skies:
Thro‘ the \\ hole enrth his: gootluess shinerk
Aml ey‘ry \\‘:lllt supplies.
1’. With longing eyes thy ereutures wait
(ht thee t'or tlztily footl:
Thy lih'rul h:nul provides them meat.
Antl tills their mouths \‘ith gootl.
4 How ltind :tre thy eompnssion‘ Lortl
llow slow thine :Illf"('l‘ moves!
But soon he sentls his purtl‘ning word,
To cheer the soul he loyes.
F Creatures with all their endless race,
Thy pow'r :uul praise pl'tu‘lzlinl;
iut \\ e who taste thy rieher grace,
Delight to bless thy name.




19 God's glwrlnew mu] Iol‘r'. 0.1“.
Nahum, l : 7.
lvl humble snulx‘. flpprorlt‘h your God

\Vith songs ot‘sueretl praise;
l-‘or he is gootl. immensely gootl,
.\ntl lillltl 1ch all his ways,
(2) 17



2 All nature owns his guardian care;
In him we live and move:
But nobler benefits declare
The wonders of his love.

3 He gave his Son. his only Son,
To ransom rebel worms;
”1‘ is here he makes his goodness known
In its diviucr forms.

To this dear refuge. Lord; we come;
On this our hope. relies;

A safe defense. a peaceful home,
\thn storms oftrouble rise.

5 Thine eye beholds with kind regard
The souls who trust in thee;
Their humble, hope, thou \vilt reward
With bliss divinely free.

6 Grant God. to thine, almighty love

What honors shall we, raise
Not all the raptnr‘d song‘s above
Can render equal praise.

20 God our guide. 85, 7S 8(- 4.

Psalm 25: 9.

UlT)E me, O thou great Jehovah !
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak. hut thou art mighty;
Hold me, with thy powerful hand:
Bread of' heaven!
Feed me till 1 want no more.



20111111, 1111111. 11111, on 81211 101111111111
“111111111111101111111111}r\\111111~111m .
11.1111111111111\ 11111111\ 1111111
1.111111111111111111'111111'11111 111111111111. '
5111111111 1111 11\ 1"111
10111111151111111y st1‘1111g't11 111111 5111111111.

31 “'11111111111111111111\111'111111131111111111,
111111m 1111\11111<,111'111~‘:1|1\11111:
,1)11111111111111,11111 1111111111ll<1111s11'11111011.
11111111 11111, ~111'11, 1111 (11111111115 >11111:
511111;; 111' 111':1'1<11.<,
1 “'111CV01'g1V0 111111110.

'21 The 1111111111 0111' $118,711,111. 8131
1‘s 1111 31').
V 1111‘: 11111111 my 81111111111111
5111111111111511111111.11111l 1111111115.
\1'111111111111Wzl11t b11511111?

\1'111111111111:1V‘111y1111\1111111 grows

\‘(1111111111x111g1\'111111'< 111111111 111159.,
A1111 1'1111 ~x1111\‘11111)11 1111w~.



11’11‘111' I §_1'11 11411'115'.
11111111111 my5111111'111r1111111.

A1111 111111111 5‘ 11111 111111<1m11111g11t\\‘1‘1}',
11111'111~11111<111111\'111111111 7


“11111111111111111'11~111<, 11111

T1111 l111111111\\1111\11111111111111<111111< 511111151-
)11h111111111111ls \\1111 11111 111111111.


.1 111<1f_1‘111111'1111111y111114.
T111111 (1114 my 1'21111111<111'111111;
A111! 1111' 11x111ts my 11111111.







6 The bounties of thy love
Shall crown my future (lays;
Nor from thy house will I remove,
Nor cease to speak thy praise.

God all mul in all.
Psalm 73: 25
Y God. my life, my love,
To thee, to thee I call;
1 can not live if thou remove.
For thou art all in all.
2 Thy shining grace can cheer
This dungeon where I dwell;
’T is Paradise when thou art here,
If thou depart ’t is hell.
3 The smilings of thy face.
IIow amiable they are!
’T is‘heaven to rest in thine embrace,
And no where else but there.
4 Not all the harps above,
Can make a heav’nly place,
If God his residence remove,
0r but conceal his face.
5 Nor earth nor all the sky
Can one delight ali'ord.
No. not one drop of real joy,
\Vithout thy presence, Lord.
6 Thou art the sea of love
Where all my pleasures roll,
The circle where. my passions move,
And center of my soul.

23 Goal our dwelling place. 0- DI
Psalm 90: 1.
UR God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come;
()nr shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home:




.2 (”gap-yr: .—. ,v







Unrler the shadow of thy throne.
’l‘hy saints lune (ln‘elt secure;

Suilieient is thine zirm alone,
And our defense is sure.


Before the, hills in order stood,
Olgeurth reeeiv‘il her frame,
From everlasting thou art God,
To endless years the sumo.

Thy word commands our flesh to dust,
leturn. ye sons 01' men I“
All nations, rose from earth at first
Anti turn to earth ziguin.


The husy tribes of flesh and blood.
With ull their lives and cures.

A re (‘zll'l'iHi downward h_\' the flood.
Ami lost in i'oll‘wing years.

2 'l' Undourpor/inn. U. M
Psalm 119: 57.
\‘f110 M have. \\'e.lior(1. in heuv’n. but thee,
Ainl whom on enrih beside?
Where el.~e l’or sueeer can we ilee7
()r in whose strength eonliile?
2 Thou art our portion here below,
Our promis‘il bliss :Lhm e;
Ne‘er muy our souls uu object know
50 precious as th_\' lore.
8 When heart and flesh. O Lord. shall fail.
Thou wilt our spirits cheer.
Support us through life‘s thorny Yule.
And calm eueh anxious fear.
4 Yes. thou shalt be our guide, through lit'e.
Ainl help :lllti slreug'th supply;
fins-ruin us in ileuth‘s i'euri'ul strife,
Aml welcome us on high.



25 ‘ God our Father. 0. M

' Matt. (i: 9.
B. ‘Y God! my Father! cheering name!
0. may I call thee mine!
Give me with humble hope to claim
A portion so divine.’

3 This only can my fears control,
And bid my sorrows fly;
“’hat real harm Can reach my soul
Beneath my Father‘s eye?

{5 Whatc‘cr thy providence denies,
I calmly would resign;
For thou art just. and good. and Wise-
0 bend my will to thine!

4 VVhate‘er thy sov’reign will ordains,
0 give me strength to bear;
Still let me know a Father reigns,
Still trust a Father's care.

26 The primeval slate of man. 0.3-1

Genesis 1: 27.
EHOVAH‘S image brightly shone
1 In Eden's lovely pair.
And oft. before his gracious throne,
They bow’d in praise and pray’r.

2 With rectitude. as with a rohe,
Their spotless souls were dressed;
With peace ahonnding, an d with joy,
They were divinely bless‘d.

3 No self—reproach. no slavish dread
Disturb‘d their peace within;
No frowning storm their path o’ersprvnd.
While undeliled with sin.


 IN CRIII .\'1‘I().\'.

4 T1111; $01115 1'II11(I\\"I1 11y f<:1v1n;1f grave—-
\VhUSU311131111\‘(‘.1)1‘(‘11 {IIIIgiv‘n—
30110111 1;111I.;<111111Is (11' .1II.~'11<' 12100.
A1111 fool 1111 in\\':11'11 111I:1\"n.
L7 T110 unspeakable glory of 01111. (1-1131-
IIIIV. 1: 17.
S‘INCE I1‘II1' thy {1111131001 hIIIIII, holow
1. H11II111:1(1i.1111(rII111.s':1115 <11III\\11,
CHI :11 111111. 1111011tt11\ 1511111110!
S111 III 1111: 1111 111- I1'1I 1111I.<1I I11I111.< (11 light—
ThmIv 1.111: 11111 11002111 111119. 11I)\\'1)1I1}.I'11£!
‘2 Ifnighlfs111111I13111'11111101‘1.111,IM<_\'—-
WiLh 1111115111111st:11'4111\\1'o11g111',
11111101 11110 :11'<1\:11 II1111I1111
\\ 1111 ""‘11L11'1111j" (11:11111)1111< 101111111111}—
131210111 111\ 111111111I‘ s 1111111 \. 111.
\\111t<]11II1111I11' 1111110, shrine11111.~ Creator‘s pow'r (li