xt7xpn8xdk60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdk60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 2007 2007 2007-02-21 2020 true xt7xpn8xdk60 section xt7xpn8xdk60 Same story, different ending for Cats

\N’\V\V.I\'Yl\'li RNII .( ‘( )M


triBRttsRi 31.1iiti“

Page 7





CPE: U-K's diversity is better, still needs work

By Juliann Vachon

we: tr ittél‘kyktttt‘ittl rain

I'K has titade modeiate progress to 1111mm e
diiersm on eampus. hut the lll]l\t‘[‘sll} still taxes
man) challenges in aeliiesing inereased di\ei'sit}
among the entire I K eotitmunit}. aeeording to a
i'eeent state repoit

I'Ite ('oitittiittee on Itqual ()pportuiiities ot
kentuek} ‘s ('ouiieil on l’ostseeondar) IZKIUkJIlllll
presented the 3‘» page report at a meeting _\estei‘r
da) morning based on an ()etohei' \isit to [Is

'Ilie report outlined I'K‘s ettoits to attraet and
retain minorit} students while also ei'eating an at
itiosphere ot iespett and eoitiiiiunit) among all ad

Bars, study
agree: business
good despite
smoke ban

By Katie Saltz

x9331} lite,“ "‘t“

I ilse titan} Ioeal husiness opetators. Ie'l'l‘) l‘I\II-
et'. a managei at legsnagh‘s Irish Pub and (iriII. \\ as
nei'\ous that Iiexington‘s smoking hair \\ould hun’
his husiness

Most businesses. ho\\e\ei. didn‘t see the results
the) e\peeted

"Business isn't as had as e\et‘\one e\peeted it to
he :\etuaII\. it's gone taii'|\ \sell.” said Ierr} I‘l\lt\‘l’.
a iitanagei' at I \iiat'lts "I’iai‘s around here Iia\ e had
Il‘r ICdI'll Itou Itt .ttltlisl

I)oiiaId Multan-aim. diieetoi ol the seltool ot
management in I ls's (iatton (‘ollege ot Business
and I‘.Ltlllttlllls\. to authored the stud} that e\aluat-
ed emplosinent rates iii I,e\ington ‘oars and restart
rants Iietore and alter the smoking hair l'he stud}
l‘oiitid iio sienitieant t haiiges in husiiiess

"The idea \\as that It sales were domi then L‘IIIA
ployment uould deeiease. hut ll sales one up then
CII‘iPIUMItent \soiiId Mullmeaiu said
"Our stud} Ioiiiid no iiegatne itttpaet in hai's, restatt
rants and hotels in Iesiiigton siin e the siiiolsit‘ig

Some hats. iilse I\io l-s'eis Iasei'it Iia\e touiid
“ass to aeeoiiimodate smokers and the oi'diiiaiiee.
said 'I‘\\o Key s ettipIojtee Rsan \Ii_( iItltIII

”Btisitiess died do\\ii at tit-.t. hut got hetter
\\hen \\e opened the hat on the patio " MJiutim
said "that _t;\ttlltl‘iltklitlt‘tl tIie sitiolsers and helped
otir hiisiiiess "

I'he \IIIt‘lsItlL' I‘JIt has also tiiipi'med the atiiios
phet'e ot man} tL'st.tttt.ittI\ said Matthew Salter. a
itianaget at IoII_\ Ilo

“ I'he smolsmg I‘an made the atmospheie muth
meet and Illllkll eleanei.“ \alsei said “were more
lamtl) and student ttiende. no“ "

Salter also said that the sniolsiiig hart iauses
taster tahle turn o\ er I‘Clel‘s‘ eiistottiers don't sta_\
as long smoking

Niels Spi'ouse. general titanagei Iot‘ I‘he Hattie,
said that it giten the thone. I'he Ilaiiie would still
aIItm smoking inside

“Restaurants \lltlIIItl remain smoke tiee. hut
hai's should ha\e a ditteient oidiiianeef Sprouse
said ”\\e \\et‘e initiaII} against II. hut e\et‘\hods‘s
iiist gotten used to !I ”

Spi‘ouse said that sales at the Itame are tip. and
CHIN“ mg the ordinatro.‘ has not been a pi‘ohlem

”\Ian) artists iltIllilII\ demand no sitiolsing in
'\\e're piett’s .lliir


theii eoiitiaets.”
hi\alent ahoiit it "

Mark I’_\Ies an assistant protessoi at tIit-('irllege
oI ('hai‘Ieston. \sas the lead author in the stud} and
said the stud\ piohahl) \soii't thange an} opinions
about the siiioisiiig oidiiiaitee

“ I'his \ton‘t \Ull\lllkk' people. hut I’ is a :eattir
itiatioii to those \\ho agiee '.\ith the hati. ’ I’sles said
“People are stated o! the trusts ot the hat) Ihis
might help allex iate those totieei'ns "

\pi'otise said

Tcws stories
influence UK
poet’s work

By Jill Lester
‘AfiiU’llltyke'Vi’i 3’?

.v\ poets inspiration \ an tome trom man} \III
terent pIil|_C\

Nikk} I-iitne\. l l\ English protessor and .ut
ing dit'ettor ot the -\ti'itan .-\meriean Studies and
Researeh Program. spoke last night about him
iournalisitt has IIIIIlICIlk ed hei uorls as a poet

I‘ttllk‘\ Is the .illlIiHl Ht three books til poetry
and a hook ot short stories \t last night's presen
tation. siwnsored It) the Vational War Is Journalists
\ssmtalion. I'inne\ read poetn based on ne\\s
stories that “H“ lied her as a “met

”In eath hook. there is an e\ent, something

Poetry " rite!

First issue trso. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

ministratoi's. Iaeult}. stat't' and students,

“I‘he stud) undetseores the importanee we
plate on di\eisit) and the progress that \se'se
madefi' said l'ls’ spokesman Ja} Blanton. "It also
sho“ s that \\ e ha\ e some imprm ements to itiake.”

Ihe eommittee’s iepott stated that there \\ as a
"general feeling that the lexel ot' pertormanee h)
[K ts on an up“ aid traieetor)" in diseisit) et'l'oits.
hut strengthening eertatn areas \\ iII _\ield greater
di\ersit_\ on eampus.

Highlights of I'K's pert'onnanee IIlL‘IlltIL‘,

I Ne“ initiati\es and programs impletttented
to attraet minorit} students to [K that haw "had
the elleet ol' inereasing the Ie\e| ot' exeitement and
support .ieross the eampus.”

I An inerease in student morale "as the titti-
\Cr\ll_\ announeed a iesiirgetiee ot enrollment ot
Atriumn-\ltlt.'rte.itl students tn tall 21W» "

I The de\eloptiient oi retention iiiitiatnes tn
eluding ehanges in admission standards arid the
promotion of ttiianeial aetess tor students

I .\ eoitipliiiientai‘} e\aIuatioii ttom IoeaI
leaders tor I'K's et‘t‘orts to heeome more engaged
\\ith the hlaels eommiiiiit} \\IlIIC eiiihi‘ating “
painful past as a tool to mm e tomard "

Some reeiimiitendatioiis the tommiitee made

I Inerease the paee to diiet'sit) its e\etuti\ese
Iaeult} and stall. ineluding ttioie i\triean .»\iiieti
eans in President Todd‘s eahinet


. I)t‘\t'Ittp titlitHaIHe \II.tIC_‘.‘1t‘\ Io .ttetease
hlatk representation at the highest 1e\eis o! po‘n \
deielopiiietit positions

I I'tottioie tiiiaiieial aness toi students

I Retine and huild on the stitiess oi iiit teased
admission and eiitolliiient in Jim

(lite thallenge the IIIII\\‘I\|I‘» taxes is 'tipt.»\
mg graduation rates .iiiiong iiimoiities

\Itliiiugh steadils iiiiptmtiig 'Iie I‘IJsh .t:
.tIIttti ldIC it\t'l \I\ \t'.tl\ Ittl it'll-1 .‘tltltt \\it\
peieent tompaied
tot uhites

\laliialweii Kotiuddttt. I Is diteetot for student


1‘! s

to a tits I‘t‘lsk‘ll eiadattoii tan

‘ , - Diversity




at '.‘._



“slit-d it hit \\.
”\t‘s. If.
I tiihis
\Iiitpln \It‘U'ittIMI
ell.ili;’i"lit'1\i\ I e t_iti:_"~i.

1‘. It‘iitlt't‘lili‘ l\\

_rtiI.l'ItII‘, It. "I
II :


By Lauren Copeland

\\he;i Izin I ':it~:\

v ' . . M ,t,,» I.
,lls ll\tl.skt. rtl t.\\.'


l\ I’ii,I
_: Ittsiii ti "

t‘lv \lv‘, 1,"

‘iltllli'\ I‘It‘.;‘t I‘

and see ‘lm

Kain p

I‘is‘ \ iiti


.‘I Is" I“


, t

:« ‘IIII

I til't‘, In inst

\\ttii1Itpiestt It I will.


86 to decide new committee structures

By Blair Thomas

M‘o'tias duke" it,

Ihe Student (ioieinitient Senate
peeted to ehoose one ot t\\o LUIIIIIHIICC re

|\ C\

strutturing plans tonight in an etlort to Hunt

legislation output
Ihe Senate .iIreail} passed i
at amenditieiit I'eh

mittee ssstem The amendment eliminate

ioint eommittees. “hieh \ontained memher‘s

lroni hoth the exetutne hraneh and the Sen
atee and “their had no regular meeting times

I'he Senate is non Ittttlsllltl at too ditter

eiit plans to implement ne\\ eommittees
one that \\ ill IIlIIUtIllxt‘ sewn neu tommittee
that \sould eonsisi ot only ~\enate member
and a \(tllllte‘l plan pushing tor teuer tom
('ollege Senator Jos

ot Engineering

”dot is introduting his aet that \\ould add

sesen neu eotnmittees to the alread) L‘\]\Illl
(‘ommittee on ('ommitteesi the onls one stii
\i\ing lrotti the old strutture

and I‘inanee (‘ommittee. the I‘olits. (ioxer

7 to streamline its eom-

l‘he se\ en two
groups \soiild he the Student lite (‘omiiiitteei
the n\e.|\IClIlIL Affairs (.UIIIIIIIIICCI the Budget

Il.iliet‘\ and I thits ( \"‘,I'Ii t
(rowinmental Rtiations ( «tI‘ tt..l'i
(iiatltiate and I’Itlts'sslttltill \fiidqtit
”Izaeh ot these uriittntttees .\iI| \soik :ti
tooperation \sith the tahrnets ind \sil naxe
(liloi siiil "\Mtli tit.»
resent at I :w


\t'l'} spa‘tllle litetlu'm
plan. resolutions that senators;
to the toitimittee that address the
\sith in the resolution Ihis us
gne a more s'tetrah/ed .i"l‘ltt.it It. to t"\.illla'


d .i\i IItt'K \
mg our legislation~

Senate President Ilrr‘nt Hurt hett siippor's

()doi‘s plan I‘Ceatlu‘ ot 'ht postizte than; s

he thinks it “ill hrine
e "t lur \i‘IlllllllIi‘t‘\ hasen t ““t't'l‘ (he lies? ii
s the past." Burihett said '\\tth Iosh s E‘iJIl
people ser\ing on ~ ortittiittees \\t\IIIiI
he out there. IIIIIIIsIIiL‘ up and diattiiie ICL'|\I.1
tion and hringin: tn more ideas to ("fish \en
are meeting It 'aiII .ilIo\\
\\ hat needs to he addressed on iampus'

\en Iesse l’airish said he plans to intro
dine a tominittee sttiittiite that is «Iitttrettt
Irom tldoi's. \shii h he sass ui’I l‘i"'t’l set»
the Senate

I’ariish agreed that thanges to the \enate



Its .t \ Ittst‘l Ittt'h t‘t


l;.it‘: til L'iti :.

I'litni. " i' t
\t?. ilti'

’t'i't‘t‘s iItit'

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‘I‘i‘tlIL'I‘. to do on: x

it? the ittllt‘l ‘sti tit Ills It

tTIttIttI \ 4' 'It'iilyt ~.

Hit' rttost wins“.

...t. v“.
t'i t‘rtii i.

Ilit‘ flout 'Il T13

Illt\'\ it‘lliilli'fet\

tti'arti ts .‘t teat '

t“IllI't “VS
iII\t‘III_ \IltI .'


I“ e'

A all? it st‘r‘

to who“ .I pit tiiade desieii

Nswsroom: 257 1°? 5, Advertising: 257-2872


 your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kemel ‘ 0'

PAGE 21 Weiliii‘sitni li’lirrrtiry {l [OW
suvem 3”“ EV s D"
Go to www kykernel com for the solution Mimi

=—= " ' ' ' WORST FEAR


Justin Timberlake bonds


with her ex Kevin Federline, ‘_
and Isaac Cohen sells her


- llHl'lIl

9 [7'8" bedroom secrets llliifn

By Kevin O'Leary tctlt-x llt‘ii/ luixltinii “wk hk'l llhllll " \.r‘.~ .r \I‘L'JIN wtiiu‘ tmw

VIlhl ultcl midnight ()l] I'g‘h \itllx. \CJIL l" lllUllIllx. .rriil |.i_\ “\m\ tlii~\ lurili \t‘t' \lic I\i\lll til \lllllll
ilt'ii * lllttllllh "She told my tiriitml ” tiviitiiitit'x iliv llhlxlk'l i‘k'xtll




riitm lll. \\liilt' hL'T itt-t‘ix ut-rt
III I \ tiHK‘lhlil‘xL' (Al‘llllllh lit)“ lllllx‘h «l hlkNNllll‘l H i\ [U All l‘x llkk' ”PCT: l‘tllh \UIHC IIUII] h” ”I
1 4 pitpimu ‘mil L.iimg “I‘ it” vik- kiitm [hill \tiiir't' jJHIIlfJ [U litrw llic \tlliml «it hx‘t'll lllt'lx‘. tltiiic l'
v HHNL ,mimm \ U ml ”minim” \illllk'l‘t‘ih ili.it \iill lmc _\nii lni Hill in 1%
Illglll‘ {fining} six-.1“ a.“ \t'lllx‘tl k'\\'l ”( liaw/ lg‘llx l'\ lltittit‘li tilla' \l‘k'.ll\ \IiUlkk' “1‘"
min _l lxiitilh .rt lit-i tilt-d ““1 ”Hi- lhc li\ Summit \Llll‘l‘. ”\ilk‘ ttlll‘ll hire lk'\\ ll “U“
5 1 \\ (‘ hut \Piil Ioiiiiim- I)“ the Hlk'1‘lk'\lilll\ \dlllilki‘llk'\ lni lxmrrr ltlll\\ in llhllll HI iiiit .‘slit' “”“f‘!
.‘HILIL-l loci [€11 itlll_ Ir'.tli|ll\ llml lllt‘ Itll‘. l‘x‘tlt‘lllllt' villd llllllk‘l ill\l \\.tl.l\ lii l‘.‘ lltlltii} ltL‘lll l
3 men imv mire milk-Him] m l.rl\t- l.itt-l\ \L‘L‘Hl tn prclci' Cdk'h iiimf tllltlllll'l (liallt‘llg‘c lti_\\ lx' T‘s-‘11
I c

km,” imifliuk. “4‘ [Jimmy W” militi "i\'\'l \iituiix lit .1 \\\'ll\' twit- fit-i tlit' \lt‘.llll\ \itlcti Inn A
‘ ' (H) 1

ii \l‘lll\l -:ti\il\ tilirlit} tn .2 l‘i‘l'illt lt'lt'Jm'Lli'liIt‘l‘llhll‘. ll.




v‘pll/ l'tllll lll the hard iiii cu lk‘lllt‘l‘il ' "l "‘i- \ ”LI
.k llic (ii‘iiiirii\\" Sin-mt u “Hlxl (tixc \xx'lltlllt‘ lnt .rii} '\\ll.il tnwxXiuiiinl limit-x ‘ n

\i Him-ii Hm. r.li\c nimup‘iiiim. \‘»i-!li.ll‘,. lllk’ .‘\.itrnii\\itlc rl‘nlll \li‘llrlxl ft'tll'lllli‘,‘ \llllt'lll lliii; m icl

‘IF PATI‘, 9 ‘ A _ lJNl,FR NF“, hchmd ”k. 1)“ litintlr “NW” .ii’u't' iiilt'liiiinn \\=l\ iii\ilcil In \LJllk'll It‘llttl‘xvtll‘ I; In \\lLtl V _
J ' J J ll'llll\l\ iii \‘rl‘ll‘ll k‘tiiii ‘Hlti [llll"‘\'litll’\L“\ l'cltitmr') ll Rolling itiirltl ht'fil l»: tltxtiiliml .r\ iltt' fir”;
‘ ‘ " t \ ’WNFR ‘ulp “,in SJ“ J tullim \iuimm-L \itii‘m (ii:imiii_\ inii‘t} .rtl :\ hill llll‘lk' |ll.llllI\‘ ~t‘titir3l In lll\ "('i\ ‘1.
Mllhl‘, ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ J "Shy mix vii-.ill} ti mu“ In} Ii“. \imi \Lilnii lliill_\\\imtl. ()Hk’ «it Me .i Rrwr ' \IKll‘l‘ llllll‘k‘lltikk‘ gmu
mm. ‘ik. It‘ll “ Iritlt'ctl. llk‘ Um. tlic liixt iiii tlit- ictl (.ll'IX‘l. l k'tlk‘l .r-gt» Ulll _\t'l .lllttlllx‘l inviiut- hm “hm
V, . H H M m t H F H mm. (mumm ““1”“ [Jim \Um |iiic ”N. iiiili.rll_\ \ihhll we lll\ Ms} .l_‘_‘.filll\l .r \\i\lll.ili “ilt‘ li.i~ H1m
Cancer lJuneZZJuly 22) t . l it. ' .mrl i iimimi itrxiit lit l ”N 011 MIN,“ m Ml k“ \' iii“ ,_-\ hm» 31>. criicigirigg ll‘ttlll lhk' \lrtmwl iinii'

8 I V“ "H: " li‘ i' i' M lii iii i ll“ ‘lll “ii i. \i .. ,.
(\ ”cape ‘ ' ll ‘ ‘/ ' “ ‘ \ H ' [I M“ M ‘l ‘l' i, It rep Imd no t-tmiim-iii . \eritic l‘t'hllltl liiiii .lll‘xllll lurnmat Lou-r iimti
. g , . i . . “l i '1 ’ “ mi ri Y‘ ‘ li' ‘il .l‘ ”ill" ' w - ~ ' I L
. t . . , t - , m :4 “ “ll“ ~‘t i ll‘ -“ ‘ MNMMW. 31“”) in. im unlkml iigiii up .iiitl tlic} l‘iltll‘. llintioli lic urilx gluulxt'tl ti toi'tli
. in 1: t-i it in: . 7 mm “0N mm” in” \ikk MK lingual." “A.“ .rii «iiilimkcr ‘ ll tux \\k'L'L\ \\iili \ixzux own “
' v ' Sagittarlus (NOV. 22 DEC. 21) N lllL' .1 start «lull ()r in“. “U,“ \\ti\ \IC.” the} lllu‘ Cdcll titltt‘r " (W'lrcii.

Ti mink-ll llt on llic L'\* the)

"“r i ‘ ‘ Jig-i lll'tk'd ltllllli‘l ll.iriit~ it: .llliiiixi lirtiltci’ltiktw lititltliiiig up In .It tiriii \3ici \\H.'l\ll1L' ill\ \\.l) inrrxi:

"‘iv 7““ "i“v“ in“; \L‘lii\. Imiiii lillihiiLiLy lt'tlt‘ilirit' \xth [ll\l [‘ttll i\\ii til iiiia lllli‘h'lltlkt‘\(iltlllll‘rl) lmxli tl‘]:C
“Mil-i: A "t i i MW 5; \L‘I\ l‘m‘l“ whmiimg tlit' litiritliii; llli‘} Kllt!t11”‘i\'\u ‘lxmt \\ t_ lltirs people that ltc .\riit'
V W lliml iii \llttllll (ltllilL‘ih \.p-~ Minn, liiix‘mtl tw irit‘t'tirit: \lltl

‘ ‘ it‘i‘ii


it. ,

t . ,ir , i

.. . 1" i“~~‘~ lll\ lllk,‘ll\]\i'll" \\.:'1 lll\ 1

‘\:ii in! ‘z'ii‘iii “ix lmt'Lup \i‘HMi-i [Vi-Hm; m: ,; lt within 4 Hanging Hlll in this lxmiii \tl\‘~ ,t wriitg liltik'K'Ll.
lititlnt'iu'i \llllc lll l)il]l‘llllt \ttx twlivzz isv‘» llh; Ilicx \c t:lrt-.itl\

Capricorn lDec 22Jan19l mc him-i. iit-i rm
, . ‘ “it i ii i iii ‘ v (“iii-n “hi. HM ‘1.“ \ ii“ 31 \illllll tliiiirig llk' l‘lj.1 thllllC tlllLl iii iiit-l Iri ltix xxltit lilti\ lllIL'lHC“
Vl!90(Aug.23 SEW 22} V i” ;, 'r , i 1' 'i L3 ‘. : 7 i rintrritiitgs .l ~[‘lit llilll‘. \i .x:r\ lWi‘i‘ “l itllli'l‘ !\‘\l\ 'K lul (\iltcii l\'\\ili‘k\ lli\ Ell“ NIL‘CI‘

\iilil‘,\}ii,\;_,,1,3;:.;i ”lg-1‘,- i? liiiii “Clk' l.rll.iii_~_‘ liii tit tt‘.\‘l .it Humps \ liiitm' m ti
iU [1,,”th \Ht,~ Hg ll}; “my; its» .‘il iiiiiitiit‘x.” mm .iii ow llltllJllliill \\\ \_ ~~\;